Bansalan Housing Construction: Date Hardware Items Price
Bansalan Housing Construction: Date Hardware Items Price
Bansalan Housing Construction: Date Hardware Items Price
1 gal 725
1gal 418
11-Jun Magic Touch Paintshop
20 pcs 340
Cement 7 1540.00
R.A Bonilla Builders and
Construction Supplies
1 810.00
3 660.00
Shingo Hardware 1 200.00
Lots for Less Warehouse Sale Asstd. Items 266.00
3-Jun Holcim 10 bags 2060.00
1-Jun Bachiller Skimcoat 10 pcs 4300.00
2 1600.00
29-May R.A Bonilla Builders and 150 1500.00
Construction Supplies
R.A Bonilla Builders and
Construction Supplies
1 70.00
27-May Ulas Petron Corporation Diesel Max 24.81 1000.00
Holcim Cement Excel
(40 kg) 25 5050.00
Angle Bar 1/8x1 2mm 6 1596.00
Boysen #310 Metal
27-May Golden TKP Hardware Corp Primer Red Oxide 1 395.00
PVC Pipe #4 S-1000 2 1100.00
2x2x12 15 1620.00
2x4x8 6 576.00
2x2x8 20 960.00
JJL Lumber and Construction #1.5 1 65.00
Supplies #3 2 120.00
#4 3 180.00
sand 1L 3210.00
tie wire 3 kls 240.00
holcim 15 bags 3225.00
JJL Lumber and Construction
21-Apr Supplies HB#14 200pcs 2000.00
sand 1 3210.00
JJL Lumber and Construction tie wire 3kls 310.00
Supplies #10mm 50L 7750.00
plywoodmarine 3 pcs 1155.00
2x2x8 15 pcs 720.00
JJL Lumber and Construction sand 1L 3210.00
10mm 50L 7750.00
shadle clamp 1 350.00
PVC 1 65.00
12-Apr Reallife Partners Co. PE adaptor 2 160.00
tape 1 20.00
3 75.00