CBLM Testing1
CBLM Testing1
CBLM Testing1
Unit of Competency:
Module Title:
Doc. No.
If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask your teacher for assistance.
You may already have some basic knowledge and skills covered in this
module. If you can demonstrate competence to your teacher in a particular
skill, talk to him/her so you do not have to undergo the same training again.
If you have a qualification or Certificate of Competency from previous
trainings, show it to him/her. If the skills you acquired are consistent with and
relevant to this module, they become part of the evidence. You can present
these for RPL. If you are not sure about your competence skills, discuss this
with your teacher.
After completing this module, ask your teacher to assess your competence.
Result of your assessment will be recorded in your competency profile. All
the learning activities are designed for you to complete at your own pace.
In this module, you will find the activities for you to complete and relevant
information sheets for each learning outcome. Each learning outcome may
have more than one learning activity.
1 Work instructions are obtained and clarified based on job order or client
2 Responsible person is consulted for effective and proper work
3 Data sheets/application notes are obtained and interpreted
based on manufacturer’s specifications
4 Testing criteria are defined to ensure that components meet technical
and quality requirements
5 Document and communicate testing criteria to relevant personnel
6 Various testing methods are Identified based on types of electronic
7 Characteristics and appropriateness of testing methods to be used during
development and on completion is determined
8 Testing methods are considered/selected in relation to appropriate
testing strategy
9 Plan for testing components is developed at specified points during
development and on completion
10 Required test & measuring instruments and tools are prepared and
checked in accordance with established procedures
11 Records system is established to document testing results, including
problems and faults
12 Testing methods are applied to ensure that products meet creative,
production and technical requirements
13 Problems and faults detected by testing are recorded and remedial steps
taken in records system is documented
14 Problems and faults detected during testing are resolved in accordance
with agreed project or industry practice
15 Evaluate final products against the previously determined criteria
16 Testing process is documented and summarized evaluation report is
submitted to relevant personnel
17 Testing methods that were successful and those that led to difficulties are
identified based on industry standards
18 Testing process and records system are evaluated based on standard
19 Test results/findings are documented for subsequent components testing.
Proper storage of instruments is undertaken according to company
1. Requirements of tasks determined in accordance with the required
2. Appropriate hardware and software selected according to task
assigned and required outcome
3. Task planned to ensure that OH and S guidelines and procedures
4. Client-specific guidelines and procedures followed
5. Required data security guidelines applied in accordance with existing
Students/trainees must be provided with the following:
1 unit of computer
Voltage regulator / UPS
Learning manuals
Work Instruction
Supplies/ materials:
Operating system
Self-paced instruction
Group discussion
Direct observation
Practical demonstration
The testing in the field of electronics broadly covers the following categories:
a. Electronics components such as passive, active-semiconductors &
integrated circuits and hybrids.
b. Electro-mechanical components such as switches, relays and connectors.
c. Electro-magnetic components cores, solenoids, coils and transformers.
d. Wires, cables such as communication cables and PCBs.
e. Microwave components such as coaxial components, attenuators,
f. Picture tubes-color and black and white, CRTs and allied components
g. Electronics equipments such as mobile-land, sea and air borne
h. Power supply equipments and systems.
i. Audio/ Video components and products.
j. Information technology equipments.
k. Opto-electronic components and instruments such as fiber optics.
l. Telecommunication equipments and systems.
m. Electro medical equipments.
n. EMI/ EMC and ESD testing.
o. Safety Testing.
p. Environmental testing such as conditioning and durability testing.
q. Development of environmental stress screening methods (ESS).
r. Failure mode analysis techniques for components, instruments and
s. Dependability analysis techniques and testing.
While assessing testing capabilities of a laboratory in each of the above
categories, it should be understood that electronic products and application
cover a wide variety of tests based on relevant standards such as
International Standards and other national and international specifications/
These guidelines suggest only the broad range of tests in the above
mentioned categories of testing in electronics discipline for measurement of
various parameters.
Classes of Test
In the field of Electronics testing, the tests have been classified product-wise
e.g. domestic electronics appliances and accessories, computer and
accessories, electronics components & equipments etc. However, certain
specialized tests, which are performed on a wide range of equipment, have
been grouped test facility wise e.g. EMI / EMC testing, environmental testing
etc. Accreditation may be granted for tests performed in mobile laboratories,
field laboratory of locations, as well as in formal laboratory accommodation.
1. Wherever applicable, both fixed and variable types are covered under
relevant headings.
2. Wherever applicable, dimensions/ size, ranges and limits shall be
indicated (e.g. while indicating the environmental facilities, size and
temperature, humidity ranges shall be indicated).
Accommodation and Testing Environment
1. The flooring shall have antistatic covering and test personnel shall ensure
that all static protection measures are taken while testing static sensitive
devices, high resistance circuits and instruments.
2. The laboratory shall be properly sealed to minimize the effects of external
noise, where relevant.
3. Testing shall be undertaken in a shielded cage/enclosure to minimize the
interference, where applicable.
4. All testing/ measurements which can be influenced by vibration should be
carried out in a specially allotted area where vibration is minimized. Use
of anti-vibration mounts and tables as required shall be provided in the
laboratory. All vibration generating instruments/ machines shall be
isolated as far as possible from the testing area. Proximity to lifts, plant
rooms, workshops, walkways, busy roads and other sources of noise and
vibration should be avoided.
5. Satisfactory grounding is a critical element to measurement integrity and
personnel safety in the electronics testing laboratories. Dedicated
earthling shall be provided to the electronics test laboratory as per
relevant specification. The earth pit shall be maintained and monitored
periodically as per International Standards specifications and necessary
records of earth resistance shall be maintained.
6. The power to the testing laboratory and test bench should be on a phase
independent of the other electrical circuits as far as transients for which
necessary starters/ line filters stabilizers and isolation transformers shall
be provided. The power supply shall be provided with a regulated standby
power supply of adequate capacity.
7. Temperature and humidity control is one of the most critical elements for
consideration in testing laboratory. The laboratory shall be maintained at
an ambient temperature of 25 degree centigrade with tolerances to be
decided as per the requirements and sensitivity of measurements being
made by the laboratory. The humidity shall be between 45 and 70 percent
RH ( relative humidity – the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor to
the equilibrium vapor pressure of water at the same temperature). Both
temperature and humidity shall be effectively monitored, controlled and
recorded periodically. Where necessary, air curtains shall be provided.
8. The light fittings should be chosen to ensure adequate illumination at the
work bench without glare. The illumination should be in the range 400 to
500 lux. Provisions for emergency lighting should exist in the testing area.
1 The flooring shall have antistatic covering and test personnel shall ensure
that all static protection
2 The laboratory shall be properly sealed
3 Testing shall be undertaken in a shielded cage/enclosure
4 Specially allotted area
5 Adequate illumination
Safety precautions in handling testing equipment as well as the
Identified the materials needed to test components
Used appropriate tools and equipment needed for testing electronic
Planning to perform the procedures in testing electronic components.
Reading skills required to interpret work instruction
Communication skills
Students/trainees must be provided with the following:
Toots and equipment
Personal protective equipment
Film Viewing
Individualized Learning
Direct Student Laboratory Experience
Project Method
Demonstration and Questioning
Assessment of Output Product
Three Parts:
1. Reading the Dial Settings
2. Reading an Analog Multimeter
3. Part 3 Troubleshooting
3. Find the resistance setting. This is marked by the Greek letter omega: Ω.
This is the symbol used to denote ohms, the unit used to measure
resistance. On older multimeters, this is sometimes labeled R for
resistance instead.
5. Understand other symbols. If you're not sure why there are multiple
settings for voltage, current, or resistance, read the troubleshooting
section for information on ranges. Besides these basic settings, most
multimeters have a couple additional settings. If more than one of these
marks is next to the same setting, it may do both simultaneously, or you
may need to refer to the manual or a similar series of parallel arcs
indicates the "continuity test." At this setting, the multimeter will beep if
the two probes are electrically connected.
A right-pointing arrow with a cross through it marks the "diode test,"
for testing whether one-way electrical circuits are connected.
Hz stands for Hertz, the unit for measuring the frequency of AC
–|(– symbol indicates the capacitance setting.
Image titled Read a Multimeter Step 6
6. Read the port labels. Most multimeters have three ports or holes.
Sometimes, the ports will be labeled with symbols that match the
symbols described above. If these symbols are unclear, refer to this
The black probe always goes into the port labeled COM for common
(also called the ground. (The other end of the black lead always
connects to the negative terminal.)
When measuring voltage or resistance, the red probe goes into the
port with the smallest current label (often mA for milliamps).
When measuring current, the red probe goes into the port labeled to
withstand the amount of expected current. Typically, the port for low-
current circuits has a fuse rated to 200mA while the high-current port
is rated to 10A.
2. Make a voltage scale reading based on your range. Look carefully at the
voltage scales, either DC or AC. There should be several rows of numbers
beneath the scale. Check which range you have selected on the dial (for
example, 10V), and look for a corresponding label next to one of these
rows. This is the row you should read the result from.
Image titled Read a Multimeter Step 9
3. Estimate the value between numbers. Voltage scales on an analog
multimeter work just like an ordinary ruler. The resistance scale, however,
is logarithmic, meaning that the same distance represents a different
change in value depending on where you are on the scale. The lines
between two numbers still represent even divisions. For example, if there
are three lines between "50" and 70," these represent 55, 60, and 65,
even if the gaps between them look different sizes.
Image titled Read a Multimeter Step 10
5. Find out more about the dB scale. The "dB" (decibel) scale, typically the
lowest, smallest one on an analog meter, requires some additional
training to use. It is a logarithmic scale measuring the voltage ratio (also
called gain or loss). The standard dBv scale in the US defines 0dbv as
0.775 volts measured over 600 ohms of resistance, but there are
competing dBu, dBm, and even dBV (with a capital V) scales.
Part 3 Troubleshooting
Image titled Read a Multimeter Step 12
1. Set the range. Unless you have an auto-ranging multimeter, each of the
basic modes (voltage, resistance, and current) has several settings to
choose from. This is the range, which you should set before you attach
the leads to the circuit. Start out with your best guess for the value which
is just above the closest result. For example, if you expect to measure
around 12 volts, set the meter to 25V, not 10V, assuming those are the
two closest options.
If you have no idea what current to expect, set it to the highest range
for your first try to avoid damaging the meter.
Other modes are less likely to damage the meter, but consider the
lowest resistance setting and the 10V setting your default.
Image titled Read a Multimeter Step 13
Five Methods:
1. Measuring Resistance
2. Measuring Voltage
3. Measuring Current
4. Testing Diodes
5. Measuring Continuity
A multimeter, also called a volt-ohm meter or VOM, is a device that
measures resistance, voltage and current in electronic circuits. Some also
test diodes and continuity. Multimeters are small, lightweight and battery
operated, and they can test a wide variety of electronic components in many
situations, making them indispensable tools for anyone who needs to test
and repair electronic circuits.
1. Connect the multimeter to the circuit. Insert the black probe into the
common terminal and the red probe into the terminal marked for
measuring volts and ohms. The terminal may also be marked for
testing diodes.
Image titled Use Digital Multimeter Step 2
4. Remove the resistor you want to measure. If you leave the resistor in
the circuit you may not get an accurate reading.
6. Read the display, taking care to note the units. A reading of 10 may
indicate 10 ohms, 10 kilo-ohms or 10 mega-ohms.
1. Connect the multimeter to a circuit. Put the black probe in the common
terminal and the red probe in the terminal marked for measuring volts
and ohms.
5. Read the display, taking care to note the units. If you prefer, you can
use the touch-hold feature to keep the reading on the display after you
remove the probes. The multimeter will beep each time a new voltage
is detected.
Method 3 Measuring Current
1. Choose either the terminal marked for measuring 10 amps or the one
marked for measuring 300 milliamps (mA). If you're unsure of the
current, start in the 10 amp terminal until you're sure the current is
less than 300 milliamps.
Image titled Use Digital Multimeter Step 2
5. Turn the power on. The current will run through the circuit, up the red
probe and through the multimeter, then out the black probe and into
the circuit.
Image titled Use Digital Multimeter Step 6
1. Insert the black probe into the common terminal and the red probe
into the terminal marked for measuring ohms, volts or diode test.
Image titled Use Digital Multimeter Step 2
2. Use the selector knob to choose the test diode function. This may be
represented by a symbol representing a diode, an arrow pointing at a
vertical line.
Image titled Use Digital Multimeter Step 3
4. Test forward bias. Place the red probe on the positive side of the diode
and the black probe on the negative side. If you get a reading of less
than 1 but more than 0, the forward bias is good.
1. Put the black probe into the common terminal and the red probe into
the terminal used to measure volts and ohms.
Image titled Use Digital Multimeter Step 2
2. Set the multimeter to the same setting you use to test diodes.
4. Place the leads on either side of the section of circuit you're testing.
It's not necessary to observe polarity. A reading of less than 210 ohms
indicates good continuity.
Two Methods:
1 Remove the component from the circuit or test it before you install it.
Testing the component while still in the circuit can cause inaccurate
Caution: If you are testing a circuit or even just removing a component, be
sure that all power to the circuit is turned off before proceeding.
2 Plug the test leads into the correct test sockets. On most
multimeters, one test lead will be black and the other will be red. A
multimeter often has multiple testing sockets, according to whether it is
being used to test for resistance, voltage, or current. Usually the right
sockets to test for resistance are labeled "COM" (for common) and one
labeled with the Greek letter omega, Ω, which is the symbol for "ohm".
Plug the black lead into the socket labeled "COM" and the red lead into
the socket labeled "ohm".
3 Turn on the multimeter and select the best testing range. The
resistance of a component can range from less than one ohm to
Gigaohms (1,000,000,000 ohms). In order to get an accurate reading of
resistance you must set the multimeter to the proper range for your
component. Some digital multimeters will automatically set the range for
you, but others will need to be set manually. If you have a general idea of
the range of resistance just set it to that range. If you’re unsure, you can
determine the range through trial and error.
a. If you don’t know the range, start with the middle range setting,
usually 20 kilo-ohms (kΩ).
b. Touch one lead to the end of your component and the other lead to the
opposite end.
c. The number on the screen will either be 0.00, OL, or the actual value of
d. If the value is zero, the range is set too high and needs to be lowered.
e. If the screen reads OL (overloaded) the range is set too low and needs
to be increased to the next higher range. Test the component again
with the new range setting.
f. If the screen reads a specific number such as 58, that is the value of
the resistor. Remember to take into account the range applied. On a
digital multimeter the upper right-hand corner should remind you of
your range setting. If it has a kΩ in the corner, the actual resistance is
58 kΩ.
g. Try lowering the range one more time to see if you can get a more
accurate reading. Use the lowest range setting for the most accurate
resistance readings.
h. Again, touch the multimeter leads to the ends of the component you
are testing. Just as you did when you were setting the range, touch one
lead to one end of the component and the other lead to the opposite
end. Wait until the numbers stop going up or down and record that
number. This is the resistance of you component.
For example, if your reading is .6 and the upper right corner says MΩ the
resistance of your component is 0.6 mega-ohms.
4 Turn off the multimeter. When you are done measuring all of your
components, turn off the multimeter and unplug the leads for storage.
1. Remove the component from the circuit or test it before you install it.
Testing the component while still in the circuit can cause inaccurate
readings from other components.
Note: If you are testing a circuit or even just removing a component, be sure
that all power to the circuit is turned off before proceeding.
2. Plug the test leads into the correct test sockets. On most
multimeters, one test lead will be black and the other will be red. A
multimeter often has multiple testing sockets, according to whether it is
being used to test for resistance, voltage, or amperage (current). Usually the
right sockets to test for resistance are labeled "COM" (for common) and one
labeled with the Greek letter omega, which is the symbol for "ohm."
Plug the black lead into the socket labeled "COM" and the red lead into the
socket labeled "ohm".
3. Turn on the multimeter and select the best testing range. The
resistance of a component can range from less than one ohm to
Gigaohms (1,000,000,000 ohms). In order to get an accurate reading
of resistance you must set the multimeter to the proper range for your
component. If you have a general idea of the range of resistance just
set it to that range. If you’re unsure, you can determine the range
through trial and error.
5. Read the resistance. Once you have touched the leads to the
component, the needle will settle somewhere in between the top and bottom
of the scale. Check to make sure you are looking at the ohm scale and record
the value where the needle is pointing to. This is the resistance of your
component. For example if you had set the range to 10 Ω and the needle
stopped at 9, the resistance of your component is 9 ohms. If the resistance
reading is outside of the resistance range (determine by the tolerance)
6. Set the voltage to a high range. When you are finished using the
multimeter, you want to make sure it is properly stored. Setting the voltage
to a high range before turning it off ensures that it won’t be damaged the
next time it is used if someone doesn’t remember to set the range first. Turn
off the multimeter and unplug the leads for storage.
Keep the multimeter at Ohms mode. The LDR must be subjected to a bright
light source (day light is enough). Connect the LDR leads to the multimeter
terminals as shown in the figure. Now the multimeter will show a low
resistance reading around 500 Ohms.
Keep the multimeter at Ohms mode. The LDR must be subjected to darkness
by covering it with an opaque paper. Connect the LDR leads to the
multimeter terminals as shown in the figure. Now the multimeter will show a
high resistance reading around 200K.
If both of the above tests are positive then we can conclude that the LDR is
Five Methods:
1. Using a Digital Multimeter With Capacitance Setting
2. Using a Digital Multimeter Without Capacitance Setting
3. Using an Analog Multimeter
4. Testing a Capacitor With a Voltmeter
5. Shorting the Capacitor Terminal
1. Disconnect the capacitor from the circuit it is part of.
2. Read the capacitance value on the outside of the capacitor. The unit for
capacitance is the farad, which is abbreviated with a capital “F.” You may
also see the Greek letter mu (µ), which looks like a lowercase “u” with a
tail in front of it. (Because the farad is a large unit, most capacitors
measure capacitance in microfarads; a microfarad is a millionth of a
5. Reconnect the capacitor several times. You should see the same results
as on the first test. If you do, the capacitor is good. If, however, the
resistance value does not change on any of the tests, the capacitor is
1. Disconnect the capacitor from its circuit. You may, if you wish,
disconnect only 1 of the 2 leads from the circuit.
3. Charge the capacitor with a known voltage less than, but close to, its
rated voltage. For a 25V capacitor, you could use a voltage of 9 volts,
while for a 600V capacitor; you should use a voltage of at least 400 volts.
Let the capacitor charge for a few seconds. Be sure to connect the
positive (red) lead from the voltage source to the positive (longer)
capacitor terminal and the negative (black) lead to the negative (shorter)
terminal. The greater the discrepancy between the capacitor’s voltage
rating and the voltage you’re charging it with, the longer it will take to
charge. Generally, the higher voltage of the power supply you have
access to, the higher the voltage ratings of the capacitors you can test
with ease.
Image titled Test a Capacitor Step 18
4. Set your voltmeter to read DC voltage (if it’s capable of reading both
AC and DC).
6. Note the initial voltage reading. This should be close to the voltage you
supplied the capacitor with. If it isn’t, the capacitor is no good. •The
capacitor will discharge its voltage into the voltmeter, causing its reading
to drop back to zero the longer you have the leads connected. This is
normal. Only if the initial reading is much lower than the expected voltage
should you be concerned.
2. Connect leads to the capacitor. Again, connect the positive (red) lead to
the positive (longer) terminal and the negative (black) lead to the
negative terminal.
3. Connect the leads to a power supply for a short time. You should leave
these connected for no longer than 1 to 4 seconds.
Image titled Test a Capacitor Step 4
4. Disconnect the leads from the power supply. This is to prevent damage
to the capacitor when you perform the task and to reduce the likelihood
of your getting an electric shock.
5. Short the capacitor terminals. Be sure to wear insulated gloves and not
to touch anything metal with your hands when you do this.
Image titled Test a Capacitor Step 6
6. Look at the spark created when you shorted the terminal. The possible
spark will give you an indication of the capacity of the capacitor.
This method will only work with capacitors that can hold enough
energy to produce a spark when shorted.
This method is not recommended because it only can be used to
determine if the capacitor can hold a charge, capable of sparking when
shorted, or not. It cannot be used to check if the capacity of the
capacitor is within the specifications.
Using this method on larger capacitors could result in serious injury or
even death!
This is only a rough test and for complete check up you need to verify the
capacitor value using a capacitance meter.
Relays are discrete devices (as opposed to integrated circuits) that are used
to allow a low power logic signal to control a much a higher power circuit.
The relay isolates the high power circuit, helping to protect the lower power
circuit by providing a small electromagnetic coil for the logic circuit to
control. You can learn how to test both coil and solid-state relays.
2. Do a basic visual inspection of the relay. Many relays have a clear plastic
shell containing the coil and contacts. Visible damage (melting,
blackening, etc) will help narrow down the issue. Most modern relays have
a LED to tell you if they are in the active state (ON). If that light is off and
you've got control voltage to the relay or coil terminals (typically A1 [line]
and A2 [common]) then you can safely assume that relay is bad.
3. Disconnect the power source. Any electrical work should be done with all
power sources disconnected, including batteries and line voltage. Be
especially mindful of capacitors in the circuit, as they can hold a charge
for a considerable length of time after removing the power source. Do not
short capacitor terminals to discharge. It is best to check your local laws
before performing any electrical work, and if you feel unsafe, leave it to
the professionals. Extra low voltage work typically will not fall under this
requirement, but it's still important to be safe.
2. Find out if the control coil is diode protected. A diode around the pole is
often used to protect the logic circuitry from damage due to noise spikes.
The diode will be shown on drawings as a triangle with a bar across one
corner of the triangle. The bar will be connected to the input, or positive
connection, of the control coil.
Image titled Test a Relay Step 3
3. Assess the contact configuration of the relay. This will also be available
from the manufacturer's data sheet, or may be printed on the case of
larger relays. Relays may have one or more poles, indicated in drawings
by a single line switch connected to a pin of the relay. Each pole may have
a normally open (NO) and or normally closed (NC) contact. The drawings
will indicate these contacts as connections with a pin on the relay. The
relay drawings will show each pole as either touching the pin, indicating a
NC contact, or not touching the pin, indicating a NO contact.
Image titled Test a Relay Step 4
5. Energize the relay. Use in independent voltage source appropriate for the
rating of the relay coil. If the relay coil is diode protected, make sure that
the independent voltage source is connected with the proper polarity.
Listen for a click when the relay is energized.
3. Identify the transformer inputs and outputs. The first electrical circuit,
which is generating the magnetic field, will be connected to the primary
of the transformer. The voltage being supplied to the primary should be
on both the transformer label and the schematic. The second circuit that
is receiving power from the magnetic field will be connected to the
secondary of the transformer. The voltage being generated by the
secondary should be on both the transformer label and the schematic.
6. Confirm proper input to the transformer. Apply power to the circuitry. Use
the DMM in AC mode to measure the transformer primary. If the
measurement is less than 80 percent of the expected voltage, the fault
could lie in either the transformer or the circuitry providing the primary
with power. In this case, the primary must be separated from the input
circuit. If the input power (not the disconnected transformer primary)
climbs to the expected value, then the primary of the transformer is bad.
If the input power does not climb to the expected value, then the
problem lies not with the transformer, but with the input circuitry.
Coils can be tested in the same way as transformers – through their
resistance. All principles remain the same as with transformers. Infinite
resistance means an open winding
Three Methods:
1. Using the Diode Check Function
2. Testing Diode Resistance
3. Miscellaneous Tests
A diode blocks current from flowing in one direction, while allowing it to pass
through when the polarity reverses. You can use any multimeter to test
whether it is functional, but a digital multimeter with a diode check function
will give best results. Most modern diodes are made from silicon, but this
reliable design can still break down when exposed to too much power.
1. Check for a diode check mode. Most digital multimeters have a diode
check mode. To enable this mode, turn the dial to the symbol for "diode:"
a black arrow pointing to a vertical line. If your multimeter does not have
this mode, test resistance instead.
2. Shut off power to the circuit. Turn off all power to the circuit. Test voltage
across the diode to confirm there is no charge. If the voltage reading is
zero, continue to the next step.
If the power is off but there is still voltage, you may need to
discharge capacitors in the circuit. This is highly dangerous and
should not be attempted by novices.
If the diode is connected to other components in parallel, you may
need to remove the diode from the circuit completely. This usually
requires desoldering, then soldering it back once you're done
3. Select the diode check function. Turn the dial back to diode check mode.
Confirm that the black (negative) lead is plugged into the port marked
COM, and the red (positive) lead is plugged into the port marked V, Ω,
and/or R. Touch the leads together and listen for a tone that indicates
continuity. If you do not hear anything, double check that your multimeter
is on and set up correctly. If you do hear a tone, the function is working.
Continue to the next step. This mode produces a current in order to
measure the diode's voltage, but this current is too small to damage any
typical component.
4. Identify the positive and negative sides of the diode. The two ends of the
diode have opposite polarity. The cathode, or negative end, is usually
marked with a stripe. The anode, or positive end, is usually left unmarked.
If your diode uses a different labeling system, look up the manufacturer's
guide. Alternatively, conduct the tests and examine the results to
determine which the cathode is.
5. Test the forward bias of the diode. A forward-biased diode has a positive
charge flowing from the anode to the cathode. Touch the red (positive)
lead to the wire on the anode side, and the black (negative lead) to the
wire on the cathode side. Interpret the results: A result between about 0.5
to 0.8 volts means the diode is working. Some multimeters will also beep
to indicate continuity.
o A result of OL (overload) means the diode is opened, blocking all
current flow. This diode needs to be replaced, but check the next
test first. You may have hooked up your multimeter in the wrong
o A result of 0.4 volts or less means the diode may be shorted.
Confirm this with the next test.
6. Test the reverse bias. A reverse-biased diode has a positive charge on the
cathode side and a more negative charge at the anode. Diodes are
designed to prevent current flowing in this direction. To test whether this
is working, just switch the position of the leads. The red (positive) lead
should be next to the striped cathode, and the black (negative) lead
should be next to the anode. Read the multimeter display: A result of OL
(overload) means the diode is successfully blocking the current.
o A result of 0.5 to 0.8 volts means you've made a mistake. You are
actually testing the forward bias. (The previous test you did should
have a result of OL.)
o If the forward-biased result was 0.4 volts or less, and this test
gives the same result, the diode is shorted and needs
o If the forward-biased result was 0.4 volts or less, but this test is
successful (OL), you may be working with a germanium diode, not
a silicon one.
1. Use this method when necessary. This method of testing diodes is less
accurate than the diode check function. Follow these instructions if you
have an analog multimeter, or if using a digital multimeter without a
diode check function.
2. Set your multimeter to resistance mode. Turn the dial to resistance mode,
usually marked with the ohm symbol Ω. On some older models, this may
be labeled R. Choose a low range, such as 2KΩ or 20KΩ. Some digital
multimeters are auto-ranging, and will only have one Ω setting.
3. Plug in the leads. Plug the negative lead into the COM port. Plug the
positive lead into the port labeled Ω or R. On almost all digital
multimeters, the red lead is positive and the black lead is negative. An
analog multimeter may use the red or the black lead as the positive lead.
Check your manual to find out which setup your multimeter uses in
resistance mode.
4. Disconnect the diode. A resistance test can give faulty results if the diode
is connected to a circuit. Desolder the diode from the circuit for
independent testing.
5. Measure the forward bias. Touch the negative lead to the cathode (the
negative end of the diode, marked with a stripe). Touch the positive lead
to the anode. A working diode should have a low resistance value in this
direction (usually below 1KΩ). If the result is 0, try lowering the resistance
range on your multimeter dial. If the result is still 0, your diode may have
broken down. The remaining tests can confirm this or rule it out. The
exact quantity displayed has no useful meaning for circuit design, as it is
influenced by multiple factors. You may get a different result on a second
multimeter, but it should still be in the same low range.
6. Measure the reverse bias. Set your multimeter to a high resistance range,
200KΩ or higher. Reverse the position of the leads, so the negative lead
touches the anode. Since diodes are designed to block current in this
direction, the resistance should be very high. Most working silicon diodes
should display a resistance in the hundreds of KΩ, or an overload reading
(OL) meaning it is too high to measure. A result of 0 means the diode
needs to be replaced. No matter what the results are, the diode is broken
if you get similar results in the forward and reverse direction.
7. Compare to a working diode. For best results, test a new silicon diode or a
silicon diode you know is working correctly. If you get similar results, the
diode is most likely functional. If you still encounter issues with your
circuit, consider buying a multimeter with a diode check function for a
more accurate test. If your forward-bias result is 0 for both diodes, then
your digital multimeter most likely isn't producing enough current for an
accurate test. Try again with an analog multimeter.
Now put the multimeter selector switch in a high resistance position (say 100
K). Connect the positive lead of multimeter to cathode of the diode and
negative lead to anode of the diode. If the meter shows an infinite reading,
we can assume that the diode is healthy. This is the test for checking the
reverse blocking mode of the diode. The meter shows infinite or very high
resistance reading because a reverse biased diode has a very high
resistance (usually in the range of hundreds of K Ohms).
While carrying out this test, remember not to exceed the input excitation
voltage to a point that forces the Zener diode to dissipate more power than it
can safely handle. Typically current through the diode should not be allowed
to exceed more than 10mA
Four Methods:
1 Understanding Transistors
2 Setting Up the Multimeter
3 Testing When You Know the Base, Emitter and Collector
4 Testing When You Don't Know the Base, Emitter and Collector
1 A transistor is basically 2 diodes that share one end. The shared end is
called the base and the other 2 ends are called the emitter and collector.
The collector accepts an input current from the circuit, but it can't send
the current through the transistor until allowed to by the base. The
emitter sends a current out into the circuit, but only if the base allows the
collector to pass the current through the transistor to the emitter. The
base acts like a gate. When a small current is applied to the base, the
gate opens and a large current can flow from the collector to the emitter.
2 Transistors may operate by junctions or field effects, but both come in two
basic types. An NPN transistor uses a positive semiconductor material (P-
type) for the base and negative semiconductor material (N-type) for the
collector and emitter. On a circuit diagram, an NPN transistor shows an
emitter with the arrow pointing out ("Never Points iN" aids remembering).
A PNP transistor uses an N-type material for the base and P-type material
for the emitter and collector. The PNP transistor show an emitter with the
arrow pointing in ("Points In Permanently" is the memorizer).
1. Insert the probes into the multimeter. The black probe goes into the
common terminal and the red probe goes into the terminal marked for
testing diodes.
Image titled Test a Transistor Step 2
1 Determine which leads are the base, emitter and collector. The leads are
round or flat wires extending from the bottom of the transistor. They may
be labeled on some transistors or you may be able to determine which
lead is the base by studying the circuit diagram.
3 Touch the red probe to the emitter. Read the display on the multimeter
and note whether the resistance is high or low.
Image titled Test a Transistor Step 4
4 Move the red probe to the collector. The display should give the same
reading as when you touched the probe to the emitter.
5 Remove the black probe and clamp the red probe to the base.
6 Touch the black probe to the emitter and collector. Compare the reading
on the multimeter's display to the readings you got previously. •If the
previous readings were both high and the current readings are both low,
the transistor is good.
If the previous readings were both low and the current readings are
both high, the transistor is good.
If both readings you receive with the red probe are not the same, both
readings with the black probe are not the same, or the readings don't
change when switching probes, the transistor is bad.
Method 4 Testing When You Don't Know the Base, Emitter and
3. Remove the black probe and clamp the red probe to 1 of the leads.
Touch the black probe to each of the other 2 leads.
If the display shows high resistance when each of the leads are
touched, you have found the base (and you have a good
PNP transistor).
If the display shows 2 different readings for the other 2 leads, clamp
the red probe to another lead and repeat the test.
After clamping the red probe to each of the 3 leads, if you don't get
the same high resistance reading when touching the other 2 leads with
the black probe, you have a bad PNP transistor
Introduction to Conductivity probe
Printed board, battery and the speaker are placed in a small box. Miniature
speaker is fixed to the upper pane of the box using two wood screws. It is
connected to the circuit board using two threaded isolated wires. Same wires
are used for all other connections as well. Battery holder for 9V batteries
would simplify the process of changing the battery. Probes are cheap
components and come in various shapes and sizes with various purposes in
mind. Red probe is connected to point a and black probe is connected to
point b. Give your new instrument the initial self-test by connecting the
probe tips together. If sound is heard from the speaker, everything is fine and
ready for work.
FET testing is done in similar fashion as testing the bipolar transistors, which
is shown on below
One principle that is applicable when testing the photo resistors, photo
transistors and diodes is NL-NM (or, No Light – No Music). Probe A is
connected to the collector of the transistor, or diode’s anode or one side of
the photo resistor, and the other one is connected to transistor’s emitter or
diode’s cathode or the other resistor’s side and some kind of sound should
be heard from the speaker. If this continues when the component is
shadowed using your palm, everything is in functional order. We displayed
graphically the method of testing photo sensitive components.
Many other components may be tested using this instrument. Base rule is: if
component is intended to conduct electricity, sound will be heard. This is the
case with resistors, coils, transformers, fuses, closed switches. If component
doesn’t conduct electricity, like capacitors, or open switches, or two copper
wires on the circuit board which shouldn’t be connected, then music would
have not been heard.
Testing a UJT
Set your digital multimeter in resistance mode. Connect the positive lead of
multimeter to the B1 terminal and negative lead to the B2 terminal. The
multimeter will show a high resistance (around 4 to 10K). Now connect the
positive lead to B2 terminal and negative lead to B1 terminal. Again the
multimeter will show a high resistance (around 4 to 10K). Also both the
readings will be almost same.
2. Reverse biasing the emitter junction.
Set the digital multimeter in resistance mode. Connect negative lead of the
multimeter to the emitter and positive lead to the B1. The multimeter will
show a high resistance (around 100KΩ). Now connect the negative lead once
again to the emitter and positive lead to B2. Again the meter will show a high
resistance. In both cases the reading will be almost same. This test is almost
like reverse biasing a diode.
3. Forward biasing the emitter junction.
Set the digital multimeter in resistance mode. Connect the positive lead to
the emitter and negative lead to B1. The multimeter will show a low
resistance (around few 100 ohms). Now connect the positive lead once again
to the emitter and negative lead to the B2 terminal. Again the multimeter
will show a low resistance reading (around few 100 ohms). In both cases the
reading will be almost same. This test is almost like forward biasing a diode.
A multimeter can be used to test SCRs quite effectively. The first procedure is
to check the diode action between the gate and cathode terminals of the
SCR. This test is just like what you have done in the case of testing a silicon
diode (see testing a silicon diode).
Then connect the anode and gate terminals of the SCR to the positive lead of
multimeter and cathode to the negative lead. The multimeter will show a low
resistance indicating the switch ON of SCR. Now carefully remove the gate
terminal from the anode and again the multimeter will show a low resistance
reading indicating the latching condition. Here the multimeter battery
supplies the holding current for the SCR. If all of the above tests are positive
we can assume the SCR to be working fine.
Circuit for testing SCR.
This is another method for testing an SCR. Almost all types of SCR can be
checked using this circuit. The circuit is just a simple arrangement for
demonstrating the basic switching action of an SCR. Connect the SCR to the
circuit as shown in the diagram and switch S2 ON. The lamp must not glow.
Now press the push button switch S1 ON and you can see the lamp glowing
indicating the switch ON of SCR. The lamp will remain ON even if the push
button S1 is released (indicates the latching).If the above checks are positive
then we can conclude that the SCR is fine
A multimeter can be used to test the health of a TRIAC. First put the
multimeter selector switch in a high resistance mode (say 100K), then
connect the positive lead of multimeter to the MT1 terminal of the TRIAC and
negative lead to the MT2 terminal of TRIAC (there is no problem if you
reverse the connection).The multimeter will show a high resistance reading
(open circuit).Now put the selector switch to a low resistance mode, connect
the MT1 and gate to positive lead and MT2 to negative lead. The multimeter
will now show a low resistance reading (indicating the switch ON).If the
above tests are positive then we can assume that the TRIAC is healthy.
Anyway this test is not applicable to TRIACS that require high gate voltage
and current for triggering.
This is another approach for testing a TRIAC. Almost all type of TRIACS can
be tested using this circuit. This circuit is nothing but a simple arrangement
to demonstrate the elementary action of a TRIAC. Connect TRIAC to the
circuit as shown in circuit diagram and switch S2 ON. The lamp must not
glow. Now press the push button switch S1.The lamp must glow indicating
the switching ON of TRIAC. When you release the push button, you can see
the lamp extinguishing. If the above tests are positive you can assume that
the TRIAC is healthy
Procedures in testing electronic components
Reading skills required to interpret work instruction
Communication skills
1. Testing methods are applied to ensure that products meet creative,
production and technical requirements
2. Problems and faults detected by testing are recorded and remedial
steps taken in records system is documented
3. Problems and faults detected during testing are resolved in
accordance with agreed project or industry practice
4. Evaluate final products against the previously determined criteria
5. Testing process is documented and summarized evaluation report is
submitted to relevant personnel
Students/trainees must be provided with the following:
Passive components
Active components
Dynamic components
Hybrid components
Film Viewing
Individualized Learning
Direct Student Laboratory Experience
On-the-Job Training
Project Method
Demonstration and Questioning
Assessment of Output Product
Given the tools, equipment, and materials, the trainee has to draw the
equivalent electronic symbol, label each terminal, and put on remarks
whether it is good or defective.
Demonstration Checklist
Student name:
Teacher name:
Name of School Academia de Tecnologia in Mindanao
Module Title Testing electronic components
Unit of Test electronic components
Instructions for the facilitator:
1. Observe the trainee’s [insert description of activity being observed].
2. Describe the assessment activity and the date on which it was undertaken.
3. Place a tick in the box to show that the tainee completed each aspect of
the activity to the standard expected in the enterprise.
4. Complete the feedback sections of the form.
Date of observation
Description of assessment
Location of assessment
Yes No
• Did the assessee follow the procedure in preparing testing
tools and equipment
Did the assessee apply operational health and safety
procedures in preparing testing tools and equipment
Did the assessee apply the operational health and safety
procedures in testing electronic components
Did the assessee classify good or defective components.
Did the assessee perform safe keeping and storage of tools.
Did the assessee overall performance meet the standard?
Feedback to student:
Teacher signature: Date:
Student’s Signature : Date:
1. Testing methods that were successful and those that led to difficulties
are identified based on industry standards
2. Testing process and records system are evaluated based on standard
3. Test results/findings are documented for subsequent components
testing. Proper storage of instruments is undertaken according to
company procedures.
Testing manual
Testing procedures and data logging
Safety precautions in handling testing equipment as well as the
Students/trainees must be provided with the following:
Tools and equipment
Checklist of testing procedures
Film Viewing
Individualized Learning
Direct Student Laboratory Experience
On-the-Job Training
Project Method
Demonstration and Questioning
Assessment of Output Product
Preperation 1 2 3 4 5
1. Does the preparation of tools include safety
precaution on testing equipment?
2. Does preparation of components include safety
precaution on electronic component?
3. Does the preparation of tools and materials
include operational health and safety for the
Procedures 1 2 3 4 5
1. Do the procedures of using the tools include
safety precaution on testing equipment?
Doc. No.
Doc. No.