Human Behavior and Crisis Management Reviewer

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Human Behavior and Crisis Management Reviewer

Automatic Cues or Fixed Action Responses - these are responses that

are usually found or used among animals when you instruct them to do something. For
example, in an animal show, animal trainers use a whistle to elicit a specific response from
an animal.

Antisocial Personality Disorder - is characterized by a long-standing

pattern of a disregard for other people’s rights, often crossing the
line and violating those rights. It usually begins in childhood or
as a teen and continues into their adult lives.

Anxiety - a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something

with an uncertain outcome.

Apathy - lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

Avoidant Personality Disorder - experience long-standing feelings of

inadequacy and are extremely sensitive to what others think about them.
These feelings of inadequacy leads to the person to be socially
inhibited and feel socially inept. Because of these feelings of
inadequacy and inhibition, the person with avoidant personality
disorder will seek to avoid work, school and any activities that
involve socializing or interacting with others.

Borderline Personality Disorder - (BPD) is a pervasive pattern of

instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image and emotions.

People with borderline personality disorder are also usually very

impulsive, oftentimes demonstrating self-injurious behaviors (risky
sexual behaviors, cutting, suicide attempts).

Compulsion - A sudden and irresistible force compelling a person to

do some action.

Conditions and Factors that surrounds and influences an individual 

that can cause certain behavior patterns.
1. Environment
2. Society                                                      
3. Heredity
4. Learning
Counter-Surveillance - any method either physical or technical
employed by the offender(s) to detect Law Enforcement involvement
or the use of surveillance.

Courier - the person(s) delivering the concessions(s), which, purports

to be, that being demanded by the offenders.

Criminal Behavior - is intentional behavior that violates a criminal

code; intentional in that it did not occurs accidentally or
under duress.

Criminal Psychiatry - a branch of psychiatry that deals with the

evaluations, prevention and cure of criminal behavior.

Criminal Psychology - a branch of psychology that deals with the study

of behavior and mental processes of the criminal.

Criminal Siege - is a result of a perpetration of crime that went

wrong and the criminals were trapped or cornered by law enforcers. In
many cases, hostage taking is violent and unplanned.

Criminal Sociology - a branch of sociology that studies about the

criminal and to its relation to the social structure of organization
of society as well the process on how the criminal learn the behavior,
both criminal and non-criminal.

Crisis - Any situation that is threatening or could threaten to harm

people or property, seriously interrupt operations, damage reputation
and/or negatively impact the bottom line.

Crisis Intervention - focuses on studying an individual’s life in

order to defuse the destructive effects of the unusual stress being
experienced, and then assisting the individual in crisis to go back
to his or her normal condition before the crisis.

Crisis Management - is the expert handling of a situation to reduce or

eliminate danger or destruction.

Crisis Negotiation - the use of communication techniques and strategies

to influence a person to change his/her behavior in accordance with
goals within legal, ethical and moral constraints.

      Crisis Negotiation Team - Composition

      1. Primary Negotiator - actually communicates with the subject.
      2. Secondary Negotiator - (Backup) assists the primary negotiator
         by offering advice, monitoring the negotiations, keeping
         notes, and ensuring that the Primary Negotiator sees and
         hears everything in the proper perspective.
      3. Intelligence Liaison/Recorder - interviews individuals
         associated with the suspect to compile a criminal history
         and a history of mental illness, as well as to gather other
         relevant information. He is also in charge of the recordings
         of all conversations.
      4. Negotiation Team Leader - the most senior member of the team
         act as a leader. His primary responsibility is to act as a
         buffer between command personnel and the Negotiation Team.
         He/She advises the Incident/On-Scene Commander on the best
         negotiating strategies and co-ordinates the process with the
         SWAT and the forward command resources.
      5. Board Negotiator - he/she maintains a visual display of all
         information relevant to the negotiations, i.e. deadlines,
         demands and details of persons known to be in the stronghold.

Deadlock - means no deal and no agreement—in other words, failure of

the negotiation.

Debriefing - shall be conducted after each positive police action to

evaluate and study operational lapses. Proper assessment of the
situation is an important key to a successful operation during
hostage-taking scenarios. Debriefing also assists in determining and
establishing best practice.

Delusion - is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior

evidence to the contrary.

Dependent Personality Disorder - is characterized by a long-standing

need for the person to be taken care of and a fear of being abandoned
or separated from important individuals in his or her life. This
leads the person to engage in dependent and submissive behaviors
that are designed to elicit care-giving behaviors in others. The
dependent behavior may be see as being “clingy” or “clinging on”
to others, because the person fears they can’t live their lives
without the help of others.

Depressive and Suicidal - is an individual who has no contact with

reality. He/She is characterized by the following:
a. Irritable depressed mood
b. Diminished interests
c. Weight loss and fatigue
d. Insomnia or hypersomnia
e. Psychomotor agitation or retardation
f. Feeling of worthlessness and guilt
g. Lack of concentration
h. Thoughts of death.

Deviant Behavior - a behavior that deviates from the norms and

standards of the society. It is not criminal behavior but it has
the tendency to become abnormal behavior, it will become criminals
when it violates the provision of the criminal law.

Emphaty - is the ability to understand and share the feelings of

another. It is where the negotiator tries to perceive the emotional
state or condition of the subject and feedback a response that
demonstrates his/her understanding of the subject.

Hematophobia - an abnormal and persistent fear of blood.

Histrionic Personality Disorder - is characterized by a long-standing

pattern of attention seeking behavior and extreme emotionality.
Someone with histrionic personality disorder wants to be the center
of attention in any group of people, and feel uncomfortable when they
are not. While often lively, interesting and sometimes dramatic, they
have difficulty when people aren’t focused exclusively on them.

Hostage - an individual who has been held by the perpetrators against

his/her will.

Hostage-taker(s) - an individual or group of person who hold another

person(s) against his/her/their will as bargaining chips for purposes
of demanding certain amount of money, self-protection, thwarting any
police action, or pursuing personal interest or that of the general

Hostage Taking - is a situation that set of circumstances wherein a

suspected law violator is holding a person in captive by the use of
force or threat of violence.
Hot Debrief - short debriefing conducted by negotiating team prior to
turn over to another set of negotiating team.

Human Behavior - is refers to the manner, the way in which a human

react to his environment.

Illusion - is a distortion of the senses, revealing how the brain

normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation. Though
illusions distort reality, they are generally shared by most people.

Impulsion - a strong urge to do something.

Incident/On-Scene Commander - the senior officer in command of the


Inside Agent - a person who is in any advantageous position (e.g.

employed by the victim or victim’s organization) which allows them
to gather intelligence or carry out counter surveillance on behalf
of the offenders.

Intermediary - any person authorized by the Incident/On-Scene

Commander to communicate with the hostage-takers either upon the
request of the latter or to facilitate smooth communication between
the designated negotiators and the hostage-takers. All actions of the
intermediary are supervised by the negotiators.

Kidnapper(s) - an individual or group of persons who kidnapped or held

another person against his/her will as bargaining chips for purposes of
demanding certain amount of money, self-protection, thwarting any
police action, or pursuing personal interest.

Learned - an operant behavior which involves cognitive adaptation that

enhances the human being’s ability to cope with changes in the
environment and to manipulate the environment.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder - is characterized by a long-standing

pattern of grandiosity (either in fantasy or actual behavior), an
overwhelming need for admiration, and usually a complete lack of empathy
toward others. People with this disorder often believe they are of
primary importance in everybody’s life or to anyone they meet.

Negotiation - to communicate on a matter of disagreement between two

parties, with a view to first listen to the other party’s perspective
and then attempt to arrive at a resolution agreed by consensus.

Negotiator - a trained PNP personnel or any person authorized by the

Incident/On-Scene Commander to negotiate for and in behalf of the

Neighborhood Check – the process of getting information from a person

who knew the victim particularly in the neighborhood with the purpose
of obtaining material information about the victim and probable suspect.

Obsession - an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes

on a person's mind.

Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder - (OCD) is an anxiety disorder

characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness,
apprehension, fear or worry (obsessions), repetitive behaviors aimed
at reducing the associated anxiety (compulsions), or a combination of
such obsessions and compulsions. Symptoms of the disorder include
excessive washing or cleaning, repeated checking, extreme hoarding,
preoccupation with sexual, violent or religious thoughts,
relationship-related obsessions, aversion to particular numbers and
nervous rituals such as opening and closing a door a certain number of
times before entering or leaving a room.

Paranoid - is a mental disorder characterized by paranoia and a pervasive,

long-standing suspiciousness and generalized mistrust of others.

Paranoid Personality Disorder - are generally characterized by having

a long-standing pattern of pervasive distrust and auspiciousness of
others.  A person with paranoid personality disorder will nearly
always believe that other people’s motives are suspect or even malevolent.
Individuals with this disorder assume that other people will exploit,
harm, or deceive them, even if no evidence exists to support this

Pay-off – the act of exchanging an agreed amount between the family and
the kidnappers at a designated time and place for the safe release of
the victim.

Personality Disorder - is not a mental disorder. Individuals with

personality disorders can function in the world to a high level, e.g.
look after themselves, business, finance, etc. However, they fail to
function normally in terms of their relationship with other people.
They have dramatic/aggressive clusters of behavior.

      Characteristics of a Person with Personality Disorder

      1. No conscience – lacks guilt or remorse, inability to love,
         no empathy. A Bully.
      2. Selfish, no loyalty
      3. Manipulative/charmer – likes power/controlling others
      4. Sexually experimenting
      5. Seeks immediate gratification, thrill seeker
      6. Low anxiety, blames others – never their fault
      7. Frustration tolerance low – may turn to his/her for stimulation
      8. Low self esteem, poor achievement history
      9. Poor planner – lacks follow through
      10.Probable marital and employment problems
      11.Chaotic family relationship
      12.Excessive/exorbitant and
      13.Changing demands
      14.Suicide potential high
      15.Seeks attention/audience
      16.Wants to prove can do something
      17.May like attention and not want to end incident

Phases of a Crisis
1. Pre-Incident Phase - is the period of time prior to an incident
   occurring. This Phase consists of the following:
   a. Prediction - determination of what incident is going to occur
      and when it is going to occur, is the key to minimizing the
      effects of the incident.
   b. Prevention - the best way to minimize the damage done by an
      incident is to prevent it from occurring. Not all incidents are
      preventable like natural disasters. Some preventable incidents
      may be detected too late to prevent them.
   c. Preparation - 2 Forms of preparation
         1. Preparation of the response designed to prevent the incident
         2. Preparation for the incident.
2. Incident Occurrence - is the instance in time at which the incident
   occurs or starts to occur if it has not been prevented.
3. Post-Occurrence Phase - during this phase, the incident may get
   worse. This Phase consists of the following:
   a. Recognition
   b. Response
         1. Initial Response
         2. Consolidation
         3. Stand down
   c. Recovery
   d. Investigation
4. Post-Incident Phase - incident is likely to have a finite lifetime.
   Most incidents will conclude without intervention. However, without
   intervention the effects of the incident may be worse or the
   incident may last longer. This Phase Consist of the following:
   a. Restoration - once the incident is over, normality returns over
      a period of time which can take months or years for very severe
   b. Investigation - may be performed after the incident concludes
      to provide information and evidence for any hearing, inquiries
      and criminal prosecution.
   c. Post-Incident Discussion Activities - activities include
      immediate incident debriefs and other types of incident
      discussions occurring some time after the incident concludes.
      The aim of the debriefs is to identify areas for improvement.

Phobia - is an overwhelming and unreasonable fear of an object or

situation that poses little real danger but provokes anxiety and

Proof of life - positive proof that the hostage is alive, obtained

from a reliable or verified source.

Psychotic – (Paranoid Schizophrenic) is a mental disorder which means

that individuals affected cannot function in the world adequately on
a day-to-day basis. They see the world as disorder and they are
desperately trying to make sense of it. They have odd/eccentric clusters
of behavior and fear/terror may be their underlying emotion.

      Characteristics of a Psychotic Individual

      1. Disorganized Thinking
         a. Delusions, false beliefs – often of persecution or
            grandeur despite evidence to the contrary.
         b. Thoughts spill out in no logical order, leaps from one
            idea to another.
      2. Disturbed Perception - Hallucinations, all 5 senses with no
         known cause.
      3. Inappropriate emotions/actions - Laughs at funerals, cries when
         others laugh, performs compulsive or senseless acts e.g.
         rocking, rubbing, twisting hair.
      4. Socially withdrawn, aloof, detached
      5. Disoriented/confused/paranoid
      6. Argumentative, suspicious of others, over reacts
      7. Acts peculiarly such as collecting rubbish and talking to
      8. Belief that his/here body/thoughts is controlled by
         external force.

Rapport - a close and harmonious relationship in which the people

concerned understand each other’s feelings or ideas and communicate.

Schizoid Personality Disorder - is a personality disorder characterized

by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency towards a
solitary lifestyle, secretiveness, and emotional coldness.

Schizophrenic - is an individual who has no contact with reality.

He/She is usually characterized by the following:
a. He/She is a psychotic;
b. He/She has a fundamental personality disorder;
c. He/She exhibits symptoms such as hallucinations, voices, obscene
   language, giggling, self absorbed smile and sudden breaks in flow
   of thinking.

Stockholm Syndrome - term that refers to a situation during hostage

taking where the victim develops rapport and becomes sympathetic with
his/her captor.

Stronghold - any location or structure, fixed or mobile, where the

hostage is being held.

Suicide Intervention - the use of communication techniques and

strategies to influence a person to change behavior and reconsider
his desire to commit suicide.

Tactical Interrogation - refers to the act of questioning or eliciting

information from a suspect to produce information of tactical or
operational value.

Time - is the most important element of hostage negotiation.

Victim -  the person/company/organization to whom the unwarranted

demand or threat is directed or intended, or is expected by the
offenders to respond.

Victim Communicator - the individual communicating directly with the

people making the threat(s), demand(s) or issuing instructions.

Victimology – the process of obtaining a detailed account of the

victim’s lifestyle and personality that can assist in determining the
nature of the disappearance, the risk level of the victim, and the
type of person who could have committed the crime. It also includes
complete information regarding the victim’s physical description,
normal behavioral patterns, family dynamics and known friends and
Human Behavior and Crises Management

Crisis Management - is the process by which an organization deals with a major event
that threatens to harm the organization or the general public.

Crisis - is any event that is expected to lead to an unstable and dangerous situation
affecting an individual, group, community or society.

Risk Management - involves assessing potential threats and finding the best ways to avoid
those threats.

Crisis Management - dealing with threats after they have occurred.Crises Management is
occasionally referred as incident management.

Crisis Negotiation - is a technique for law enforcement to communicate with people who
are threatening violence including barricaded subject, hostage taker, stalkers, threats,
workplace violence or person threatening suicide.

Forensic Psychology - forensic discipline that evaluates behavioral patterns and how they
relate to crime.

Hostage Negotiation - a negotiation conducted between law enforcement agencies,

diplomatic or other governmental representatives for the release of a person held hostage
against their will by criminal, terrorist or other elements.

Crises Management Plan - crises management methods of a business or organization.

3 Elements of Crises Management

  1. threat to the organization or public
  2. element of surprise
  3. short decision time

Types of Crises
  1. Natural Disaster
  2. Technological Crises
  3. Confrontation
  4. Malevolence
  5. Organizational Misdeeds
  6. Work place violence
  7. Rumors
  8. Terrorist attacks/Man made disasters

Natural Disaster - considered acts of god - such as environmental phenomena as

earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, landslides, storms, tsunamis and droughts that
threaten life, property and the environment itself.
Technological Crises - are caused by human application of science and technology.

Confrontation Crises - occur when discontented individuals and/or groups, fight business,
government and various interest groups to win acceptance of their demands and

Common Type of Confrontation Crises

  1. Boycott
  2. Picketing
  3. Sit-ins
  4. blockade
  5. Occupation of buildings
  6. Resisting/Disobeying police
  7. Ultimatums to those in authority

Crises of malevolence - opponents or miscreants individuals use criminal means or other

extreme tactics for the purpose of expressing hostility or anger toward a company or
country with aim of destabilizing or destroying it. ex. product tampering, kidnapping,
terrorism, espionage.

Crises of Organizational Deeds - occurs when management takes actions it knows will
harm stakeholders without adequate precaution.

3 Types of Organizational Misdeeds

  1. Crises of skewed management values
  2. Crises of Deception
  3. Crises of Management Misconduct

Human Behavior - refers to the range of behaviors exhibited by humans and which are
influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority, rapport, hypnosis,
persuasion, coercion and genetics.

Factors Affecting Human Behavior

  1. Genetics
  2. Attitude
  3. Social Norms
  4. Perceive behavioral control
  5. Core faith
  6. Survival instinct

Psychiatric Disorders Associated with Criminal Behavior

1. Anxiety Disorders
2. Delirium
3. Delusional Disorder
4. Dementia
5. Impulse Control Disorder
6. Intoxication or withdrawal from medication or drugs
7. Malingering
8. Mood disorders such as major depression, anxiety disorders and
    bipolar disorders
9. Personality disorders, especially anti social personality disorder
10.Pervasive developmental disorder (autism)
11.Psychotic disorder
13.Schizo-afflective disorder
14.Schizophreniform disorder
15.Substance dependence and abuse
16.Traumatic brain injury

Mental Illness/Mental Disorder - a health conditions that changes a persons thinking,

feelings or behavior and that causes the person distress and difficulty in functioning.

Schizophrenia - a long term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the

relation between thought, emotion and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate
actions and feelings,withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and
delusion and a sense of mental fragmentation.

Autism - a mental condition present from early childhood characterized by great difficulty
in communicating and forming relationship with other people and in using language and
abstract concepts.

Hypnosis - the induction of a state of consciousness in which a person apparently losses

the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestions or directions.

Stalking - is a term used to refer to unwanted and obsessive attention by an individual or

group to another person.

Human Behavior and Crisis Management Definition of Terms

2 Basic Instinct/Impulse

1. Eros – life instinct – preservation of life

2. Thanatos – Death instinct

3 Possible Causes Of Crime And Delinquency

1. Conscience so over bearing – strong

2. Weak Conscience
3. Desire for immediate gratification of needs

3 Components Of The Human Personality

1. ID
2. Ego
3. Super Ego

Dimension Of Personality Related To Criminal Behavior –

    Eysencks Theory

1. Psychotism
2. Extroversion
3. Neurotism

46 Chromosomes – normal person.

Female – XX on 23rd chromosomes

Male - XY on 23rd chromosomes

Anal – Anus is the source of gratification.

Basic concept Of The Crisis Theory

1. Equilibrium
2. Time
3. Change

Behavior -

1. Overt – directly seen

2. Covert – motives, emotions
2. Catatonic – wax – motor disorder, will stay in one position for a long period without
moving, harmless.

Change – the result of crisis on individual.

Coprolalia – obtaining of sexual pleasure by using or hearing certain dirty words

Criminal Psychology – Human conduct against criminal laws.

Crisis – A state provoked when a process faces obstacle, hazard to important life goals that
is for a time insurmountable through the utilization of customary method of problem

Delusion – erroneos belief

1. Delusion of persecution
2. Delusion of grandeur – you feel as a powerful person

Dyspareunia – painful intercourse

Ego – incharge with reality.

Electra Complex – For female, female child develop hatred to the mother but sexual
attraction to the father.

Equilibrium – state of balance or adjustment between opposite or divergent influences.

Exhibitionism – exposure of genitals in pjublic.

Extroversion – sensation seeking, anventurous, dominant, assertive.

Faotreurism – rubbing genitals to other person.

Fetishism/Fatalism – sex objects are not human.

Frigidity – inability to have sexual arousal and enjoy coitus.

Genetic Basis Of Criminology – bad seed theory.

Genital – With other person.

Gonorrhea – infection of genitals acquired through sexual contacts.


1. Sores, ruptures, and blisters

2. It is recurrent

Treatment – no sure cure yet

Histrionic – characterized bhy over reactivity. OA

Homosexuality – sexual attraction and relationship with the person of the same sex.

ID – Based on pleasure principle. Animal instinct.

Incest – sex with close relative

Insanity – Symptoms

1. Halucination
2. Delusion

Klismaphilia – erotic activity involving the anal region

Masochism – he is the one being hurt.

Mental disorder – is insanity. Is known as severe psychosis, also called schizophrenia.

Narcisism – love of one's self

Narcisistic Personality – inflated ego, “mataas ang pagtingin sa sarili”

Necrophilia – sex with a corpse

Neurotism – low self esteem, mood swings, excessive anxiety.

Oedipus Complex – For male, male child develop hatred to the father but sexual attraction
to the mother.

Oral – Mouth is source of gratification. From birth up to 3 years.

Paranoid – characterized by extreme suspiciousness, most dangerous.

Paranoid Personality – characterized by suspiciousness but absence of delusion and

halucination. Neurotic.

Paraphilias – abnormal ways of sexual gratification.

Personality Disorder – not insane

1. Psychopath/Sociopath/Anti-social personality
2. Narcisistic Personality
3. Paranoid Personality
4. Histrionic
5. Schizoid Personality

Phallic – Source of pleasure is the sex organ. About 5 years old.

Phedophilia – having sex with children, usually below 13 years old.

Psychology – Study of behavior.

Psychopath – no sense of shame, no morality, do not learn from their experience.

Psychosexual development

1. Oral
2. Anal
3. Phallic
4. Genital

Psychotism – aggressive, egocentric, impulsive.

Sadism – a person who achieve sexual satisfaction by seeing the partner suffer.

Sado-Masochism – both sadism and masochism

Schizoid Personality – extreme social withdrawal.

Sexual Disorders -

1. Sexual Dysfunctions
2. Paraphilias
3. Gender identity Disorder

Sexual Dysfunction – sexual disorder. Arousal disorder.

1. Failure to achieve orgasm

2. Premature orgasm

Sigmund Freud – psycho analytic theory.

Super Ego – In charge with morality – conscience.

Syphilis – STD disease acquired 3-4 weeks after sexual contact with an infected person.

Symptom – Sore or chancre in the penis or scrotum for male, cervix or vaginal

walls for woman, can be diagnosed by blood test.

Treatment – antibiotics

Time – involves the period of disorganization, period of upset, and the period of adaptation.

Transvestism – cross-dressing, sexual gratification by wearing the clothes of the opposite


Types Of Psychosis
1. Disorganized or hebephrenic
2. Catatonic
3. Paranoid
4. Undifferentiated

Undeffirentiated – simple schizophrenia, do not care about their hygiene anymore,

harmless, taong grasa.

Venereal Diseases – sexually transmitted diseases

1. Gonorrhea
2. Syphilis
3. Herpes
4. Aids

Voyeurism – peeping tom

XYY – appearance of extra chromosomes, violent people. Aggressive, usually tall.

Zoophilia/Bestiality – having sex with animal.

Seminar on Contemporary Police Problem
Contemporary Police Problem may be Classified into the following:

1. Police Misconduct - is a broad category.The term refers to a wide range of

procedural,criminal and civil violations.
2. Police Corruption - is the abuse of authority for personal gain.

Misconduct - is procedural when it refers to police who violate police department rules and

Criminal - when it refers to police who violate the penal laws.

Civil - when it refers to police who violate a citizens civil right.

Common forms of Misconduct

1.  Excessive use of physical or deadly force

2. Discriminatory arrest
3. Physical or verbal harassment
4. Selective Enforcement of the law
5. False arrest and imprisonment
6. Perjured testimony about illegal searches

Common Forms of Police Corruption

1.  Bribery
2. Extortion
3. Receiving of Fencing Stolen goods
4. Selling drugs,theft of drugs and money from drug dealer
5. malicious prosecution
6. Making false report and committing perjury
7. Protecting illegal gambling
8. Theft of seized property
9. Receiving discounts on purchases
10. Selling information about police operation

What are the safeguards against police misconduct

1.  Establish Code of conduct

2. Train new recruit ethically and properly
3. Investigate and Discipline violators
4. Establish independent body ex. Pleb

 Despite legal safeguards and well intentioned reforms, Police problems have
continued to produce headlines.
 What can society do against the age-old problem of police misconduct and
corruption? ans. Monitor and Correct.

Trends in the forms of Police Corruption

  1. Drugs - became the major driver of corruption replacing
      gambling, prostitution and alcohol.
  2. Corruption is systemic in police departments.

Systemic - affecting the entire system, group, body or society as a whole.

Standard strategies for reducing Police Corruption

  1. Create permanent external oversight over the police with
      particular emphasis on monitoring police officer  behavior.
  2. Holding supervisors responsible for the integrity of their
  3. Reforming merit promotion and assignment.
  4. Changing police culture.
  5. Creating training programs in integrity for recruits and in-service
      personnel particularly first line supervisors.
  6. Creating an effective internal integrity monitoring unit.
  7. Annually evaluating the integrity of all officers.
  8. Making the Chief responsible for enforcing all disciplines.
  9. Proactively investigate misbehavior.
  10. Improving standards for recruitment and training.

Information about  Police corruption comes from several sources

  1. Appointed commission/Body of investigation
  2. Civil and Criminal investigations of police behavior
  3. Investigations undertaken by the police themselves
  4. Accounts by public media
  5. Observations by outside witnesses
  6. Surveys of police officers and the public
  7. Accounts by people involved in corrupt activity

Being  on the Pad - this phrase is associated with bribery and extortion, a category of
police corruption.

Police Brutality - actions such as using abusive language, making threats, using force or
coercion unnecessarily, prodding with night sticks and stopping and searching people to

Most Common Types of Corruption in the PNP

1. Case Fixing - subjective imposition of penalties or downright
    sabotage of the investigation process in exchange
    for  money or other things for personal gain.
2. Bribery - receipt of cash or a gift in exchange for past of future
    assistance in avoidance of prosecution.
3. Extortion - common practice of holding "street court" where
    incidents such as minor traffic tickets can be avoided
    with a cash payment  to the officer and no receipt given.
4. Protection - taking of money or other rewards from vice operators
    or from legitimate companies operating illegally
    in return for protecting them from law enforcement activity.
5. Recycling - use or sale of confiscated items and evidence, usually
    drugs or narcotics.
6. Selective Enforcement - occurs when police officer exploit their
    officer discretion e. areglo, balato.
7. Internal Pay-Offs - sale of work assignments, day offs, holidays,
    vacation period and even promotion.

Police Ethics and Community Relations

PNP Philosophy
  1. Service
  2. Honor
  3. Justice

PNP Core Values

  1. Makadios (God-Fearing)
  2. Makabayan (Nationalistic)
  3. Makatao (Humane)

Ethical Acts to be Observed by PNP members

  1. Morality
  2. Judicious use of authority
  3. Integrity
  4. Justice
  5. Humility
  6. Orderliness
  7. Perseverance

Definition of Terms

 Customs - established usage or social practices carried on by tradition that have

obtained the force of law.
 Traditions - bodies of belief, stories, customs and usages handed down from
generation to generation with the effect of an unwritten law.
 Courtesy - a manifestation of expression of consideration and respect for others.
 Ceremony - a formal act or set of formal acts established by customs or authority
as proper to special occasion.
 Social Decorum - a set of norms and standard practiced by the members during
social activities and other functions.

Police Community Relation - generally refers to the sum total of attitudes and behavior
between police and the communities they serve.

Public Relations - a collection of communication techniques used by individuals or

organizations to convince an audience about the merits of an idea, organization, program,
practice or policy.

Community Service - refers to the activities whereby police engage in pro-social activities
to enhance the well being of the community beyond law enforcement and other

Community Participation - involves members of the community taking an active role in

trying to genuinely help the police.
Police Traditions
1. Spiritual beliefs
2. Valor
3. Patriotism
4. Discipline
5. Gentlemanliness
6. Word of Honor
7. Duty
8. Loyalty
9. Camaraderie

Spiritual Beliefs - can refer to an ultimate or an alleged immaterial reality, an inner path
enabling a person to discover the essence of his/her being or the deepest values and
meanings by which people live.

Valor - great courage in the face of danger. Strength of mind or spirit that enables a person
to encounter danger with firmness.

Patriotism - love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it.

Discipline - the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior using
punishment to correct disobedience.

Gentlemanliness - characteristic of or having the character of a gentleman. A man whose

conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct behavior.

Word of Honor - a verbal commitment by one person to another agreeing to do or not to

do something in the future.

Duty - a task or action that someone is required to perform.

Loyalty - a strong feeling of support or allegiance. Is faithfulness or a devotion to a person,

country, group or cause.

Camaraderie - mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.
Goodwill and lighthearted rapport between or among friends.
Police Ethics Reviewer 1

1. Known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for

    public officials and employees.
        A. R.A. No. 9344
        B. R.A. No. 6713
        C. R.A. No. 9262
        D. P.D. No. 603

2. It is the transfer of title or disposal of interest in property by

    voluntarily, completely, and actually depriving or dispossessing
    oneself of his right or title to it in favor of a person or persons
    other than his spouse and relatives.
        A. Procurement
        B. Divestment
        C. Enticement
        D. Attainment

3. A Fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation

    for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.
        A. Principle
        B. Ideas
        C. Customs
        D. Morals

4. A branch of Philosophy dealing with what are good and bad with
    moral duty and obligation.
        A. Logic
        B. Epistemology
        C. Aesthetics
        D. Ethics

5. Are Rules by which we make decisions about right and wrong,

    should and shouldn't, good and bad.
        A. Morals
        B. Ethics
        C. Values
        D. Customs
6. Is a Science that treats of the law enforcement.
        A. Police Code of Ethics
        B. Military Code of Ethics
        C. Government Officials Code of Ethics
        D. Barangay Tanod's Code of Ethics
7. It means long established practices common to a particular
    community,class, or race.
        A. Practice
        B. Values
        C. Customs
        D. Ethics

8. It implies the repetition of the same action as to develop a

    natural, spontaneous or rooted tendency or inclination
    to perform it.
        A. Traditions
        B. Practices
        C. Values
        D. Habits
9. It means a regularly followed procedure or pattern in conducting
        A. Traditions
        B. Practice
        C. Values
        D. Habits

10. It means observance of social norms as required by good

        A. Etiquette
        B. Ethics
        C. Values
        D. Practice


1.   B
2.   B
3.   A
4.   D.
5.   C
6.   A
7.   C
8.   D
9.   B
10. A
Familiarize Yourself With The Following Terms:

1. Corruption – is the misuse of authority by a police officer in a

    manner designed to produce personal gain for himself or others;

an impairment of integrity, virtue or moral principle; inducement

    (as an official) by means of improper considerations (as bribery)
     to commit a violation of duty.

2. DHRDD – refers to the Directorate for Human Resource and

    Doctrine Development; the primary training and education
    directorate in the PNP.

3. Ethics - is the capacity to determine right conduct and the

    knowledge of what is right from wrong; specific moral choices to
    be made by the individual in his relationship with others; the
    moral quality of a course of action, fitness and propriety.

4. Ethics and Values Counseling Center – A facility for spiritual and

    behavioral intervention established in every Police Regional Office
    to provide adequate counseling and assistance to police officers

 5. Ethics and Values Formation Program - This program contains

     policies,principles, guidelines and sanctions, all geared towards
     the internalization of moral values and service dedication through
     the implementation of a systematic values-integration and
     intervention program.

6. Moral Recovery Program - The Moral Recovery Program is a

    movement which aims to mobilize all Filipinos for nation-building
    through the practical exercise of human values in our daily lives
    as citizens. It is empowered through Executive Order 319 signed
    by President Fidel V Ramos on April 03, 1996, which
    institutionalizes the MRP in all government departments, offices,
    agencies, and government-owned and controlled corporations

7. Morale – refers to a person’s state of mind and emotions,

    affecting the personnel/employee and the police force to perform
    assigned tasks willingly and enthusiastically with confidence,
    cheerfulness and discipline to work, which in turn affects the
     individual performance and organizational goals and objectives.

8. Morality – quality of human acts that leads man to observe

   “moral behavior”, to be obedient to a system of moral rules,
   “rules of right conduct”.
9. Police Discretion – the inherent ability and privilege of a police
   officer to test and use the limits of his power in making a choice
   among possible courses of action or inaction (i.e. to arrest or not
   to arrest).

10. PRO - Police Regional Office which constitute seventeen (17)

     Regional Offices of the PNP to include ARMM, CAR and NCRPO

11. Police Officer – a public servant who represents the disciplinary

     and discretionary power of the state to enforce laws

12. Values – are beliefs, principles and philosophies that are

     important,cherished, prized, upheld and defended:

13. Virtue – the quality of moral excellence, righteousness, probity,

     responsibility and goodness; conformity to standard morality or
     mores (as by abstention from vices, rectitude); specific type of
     moral excellence or other exemplary quality considered
     meritorious, a worthy practice or ideal
14. Customs - Established usage or social practices carried on by
      tradition that have obtained the force of law.

 15. Traditions - Bodies of beliefs, stories, customs and usages

      handed down from generation to generation with the effect of
      an unwritten law.

16. Courtesy - A manifestation or expression of consideration and

     respect for others.

 17. Ceremony - A formal act or set of formal acts established by

      customs or authority as proper to special occasion.

 18. Social Decorum - A set of norms and standards practiced by

      members during social and other functions.

 19. Salute - Salute is the usual greeting rendered by uniformed

      members upon meeting and recognizing person entitled to
     a salute.

20. Habits - Provide the basis for judgments about what is

     important for the organization to succeed in its core business.
Criminology Reviewer

Criminology reviewer for those who will be taking the licensure examination for
Criminologists and serves as a simulation test for criminology students to fully prepare them
for future criminology board examination or National Police Commission Entry or
Promotional Examination.

1.  His key ideas are concentrated on the principle of “Survival of

     the Fittest” as a behavioral science. He advocated
     the “Somatotyping Theory”.
          A.    W Sheldon
          B.    R Merton
          C.    E Sutherland
          D.    Ivan Nye                                                                                        
2.  What is means of “R” in the criminal formula?
          A.    Total Situation
          B.    Criminal Tendency
          C.    Temperament
          D.    none of these                        

3.  The term use to refer to the adverse psychological impacts of

     rape on rape victims who continue to suffer long  after the
          A.    Sexual Anxiety
          B.    Rape Trauma Syndrome
          C.    Fear
          D.    Neurotic Behavior                                                                          
4.  The term white- collar crime was coined by
          A.    E. Sutherland
          B.    R. Quinney
          C.    E. Durkheim
          D.    C. Darwin                                                                                        
5.  The field of criminology is a multi-disciplinary science. One of its
     aspect is the study of crime focused on the group of people and
     society which is known today as: 
          A.    Criminal Psychology
          B.    Criminal Sociology
          C.    Criminal Psychiatry
          D.    Criminal Etiology                           

6.  In as much as crime is a societal creation and that it exist in a

     society, its study must be considered a part of social science.
     This means that criminology is __.
          A.    Applied science    
          B.    Social Science     
          C.    Natural Science   
          D.    All of these         

7.  Criminology changes as social condition changes. This means the

     progress of criminology is concordant with the
     advancement of other sciences that has been applied to it. This
     means that criminology is _____.
          A.    Dynamic
          B.    Excellent
          C.    Progressive
          D.    None of these   

8. The theory in criminology, which maintains that a person commits

     crime or behaves criminally mainly because he or she is being

 possessed by evil spirits or something of natural force that

     controls his/her behavior is called:
          A.    Devine Will Theory
          B.    Demonological Theory
          C.    Classical Theory
          D.    All of these

9. The Italian leader of the positivist school of criminology, who was

     criticized for his methodology and his attention to the biological
     characteristics of offenders, was:
          A.    C Lombroso
          B.    C Beccaria
          C.    C Darwin
          D.    C Goring         

10. The Latin term POENA means:

          A.    Penalty
          B.    Pain
          C.    Punishment
          D.    Police        

11. Former warship used to house to house prisoners in the 18th

     and 19th C were called:
          A.    Gaols
          B.    Galleys
          C.    Hulks
          D.    Lavons   

12. Public humiliation or public exhibition also mean:

          A.    public execution
          B.    social degradation
          C.    banishment
          D.    public trial             
13. During the 16th up to the 18th century, a criminal may be sent
     away from a place carried out by prohibition to coming against a

specified territory. This is an ancient form of punishment called:

          A.    Exile
          B.    Banishment
          C.    Transportation
          D.    public trial      

14. The theory in penal science which maintains that punishment

     gives lesson to the offender and the would be criminals is called:
          A.    Deterrence
          B.    Incapacitation
          C.    Reformations
          D.    public safety 

15. One of the following represents the earliest codification of the

     Roman law, which was incorporated into the Justinian Code.
          A.    12 Tables
          B.    Burgundian Code
          C.    Hammurabic Code
          D.    Code of Draco            

16. The generic term that includes all government agencies,

     facilities, programs, procedures, personnel, and techniques
concerned with the investigation, intake, custody, confinement,
     supervision, or treatment of alleged offenders refers to:
          A.    Correction
          B.    Penology
          C.    Criminal Justice
          D.    the base pillar     

17. The science, which deals with the study, comparison and
     identification of weapons alleged to have been used in
     the commission of a crime referred to ___.
          A.    Ballista
          B.    Ballistica
          C.    Forensic
          D.    Forensic Ballistics   

18. Those that are left behind by the criminal perpetrator in the
     scene of the crime, which have significance in criminal
     investigation are called __.
          A.    Weapons
          B.    Criminal Evidence
          C.    Instrumentation
          D.    Crime fruits        
19. The study of physical evidences such as blood, bloodstains,
     fingerprints, tool marks, etc. through a laboratory work refers to
          A.    Criminalistics
          B.    Investigation
          C.    Interrogation
          D.    Police Science                 

20. One of the following is a vital investigative tool that has helped
     in the reconstruction of crime and the identity of suspects as
     well as victims because it is a factual and accurate record of
     the crime.
          A.    Police works
          B.    Photography   
          C.    Crime Scene Investigation
          D.    All of these    

21. It refers to the collection of photographs of known criminals and

     their identities that is placed together in one file. This is known
     as ___.
          A.    Police File
          B.    Mug File
          C.    Individual File
          D.    Album                                                                                              
22. The criminal activity by an enduring structure or organization
     developed and devoted primarily to the pursuit of profits through
     illegal means commonly known as ___.
          A.    Organized crime
          B.    Professional Organization
          C.    White collar crime
          D.    Blue collar crime              

23. What is the literal meaning of the term Cosa Nostra?

          A.    One thing
          B.    Omerta
          C.    Two Things
          D.    5th estate                                                                                      
24. The strict code of conduct that governs the behavior of the
     Mafia members is called ___.
          A.    Omerta
          B.    Triad
          C.    Silencer
          D.    Mafioso              
25. The group of drugs that are considered to be mind altering and
     gives the general effect of mood distortion are generally called
          A.    Sedatives
          B.    Hypnotic
          C.    Hallucinogens
          D.    Tranquillizers                                                                                   
26.Drugs like glue, gasoline, kerosene, ether, paint, thinner, etc. are
          A.    Solvents
          B.    Deliriants
          C.    Inhalants
          D.    All of these           

27. Cocaine is a stimulant drug; LSD is a

          A.    Hallucinogen
          B.    Narcotic
          C.    Solvent
          D.    Depressant                                                                                    
28. What opium preparation is combined with camphor to produce a
     household remedy for diarrhea and abdominal pain?
          A.    Tincture of opium
          B.    Raw opium    
          C.    Paregoric
          D.    Granulated opium    

29. The group of drugs that when introduced into the system of the
      body can produce mental alertness and wakefulness .
          A.    Stimulants
          B.    Uppers
          C.    Speeds
          D.    All of these                                                                                     
30. The hallucinogenic alkaloid from a small Mexican mushroom used
      by Mexican Indians to induce nausea and muscular relaxation is
          A.    Psilocybin    
          B.    STP
          C.    DMT
          D.    Ibogaine                     

31. What do you call the most powerful natural stimulant?

          A.    Erythroxylon coca
          B.    Heroin
          C.    Beta Eucaine
          D.    Cocaine Hydrochloride                                                                     
32. What is the most important constituent of opium?
          A.    Morphine
          B.    Heroin    
          C.    Codeine
          D.    Cocaine                                                                                          
33. What drug is known as the “assassins of the youth”?
          A.    Heroin
          B.    Cocaine
          C.    Marijuana
          D.    Shabu                  

34. Which of the following is a drug known in the street as “angel

          A.    Mescaline
          B.    Diethyltryptamine
          C.    Phencyclidine
          D.    Psilocybin                                                                                         
35. In acute cases withdrawal of drugs causes serious physical
     illness also called abstinence syndrome. It is also
     otherwise known as:
          A.    Psychological dependence
          B.    Physical dependence
          C.    Drug Addiction
          D.    “Cold Turkey”                                                                               
36. It is defined as a crime where a person of respectability and high
     social status in the course of his or her occupation commits the 
     criminal act.
          A.    Labor Crimes
          B.    Organized Crimes
          C.    High Collar crimes
          D.    White collar crime                  

37. The groups of crimes categorized as violent crimes (Index

      crimes) and property crimes (Non Index crimes) are   called ___.
          A.    Conventional crimes
          B.    Non-conventional Crimes
          C.    Felony
          D.    Offense                                                                                          
38. These crimes are also called moral offenses or vice. Many of
      these crimes generally refer to Public Order Crimes
      – an offense that is consensual and lacks a complaining
          A.    Victimless crimes
          B.    Consensual crimes    
          C.    Sexual crimes
          D.    A & B only                                                                                       
39. Penitentiary generally refers to
          A.    Prison
          B.    Place of Confinement
          C.    Penal Colony  
          D.    All of these                                                                                     
40. One under the custody of lawful authority by reason of criminal
     sentence is __.
          A.    Prisoner
          B.    Inmate
          C.    Detainee
          D.    All of these                                                                                     
41. The theory in which reformation is based upon, on the ground
     that the criminal is a sick person.
          A.    Positivist Theory
          B.    Classical Theory
          C.    Neo Classical School
          D.    Sociological Theory                                                                       
42. Any act committed or omitted in violation of a public law
     forbidding or commanding it.
          A.    legal act
          B.    Crime    
          C.    Poena
          D.    Punishment                                                                                     
43. A rule of conduct, just, obligatory, enacted by legitimate
     authority for the common observance and benefit.
          A.    Regulation
          B.    City Ordinance
          C.    Law
          D.    Lawful Act                                                                                      
44. The so called “forgotten person” in the criminal justice process.
          A.    Police
          B.    Criminal
          C.    Judge
          D.    Victim                                                                                              
45. The term used to refer to the putting of a person to jail or
     prison by reason of service of sentence.
          A.    Imprisonment
          B.    Confinement
          C.    Reformation
          D.    All of these                                                                                     
46. The knowledge acquired by the investigator from various
          A.    Intelligence
          B.    Information
          C.    Surveillance
          D.    all of these                                                                                     
47. It is the Latin term referring to "caught in the act" of performing
     a crime.
          A.    Nullum Crimen
          B.    Dura lex sed lex
          C.    Ignorancia lex excusat
          D.    none of these                                                                                 
48. A system of coordinated activities, group of people, authority
     and leadership and cooperation towards a goal is called
          A.    Formal Organizations
          B.    Informal Organizations
          C.    Police Administration
          D.    All of the above                                                                                       
49. An indefinite and unstructured organization that has no definite
     subdivision and comprised of unconscious group feelings,
     passions and activities of individuals is referred to as:
          A.    Formal Organizations
          B.    Informal Organizations
          C.    Police Administration
          D.    None of the above                                                                          
50. The study of the processes and conditions of the Law
     Enforcement pillar that is also called “police in action”:
          A.    Police Management
          B.    Police Organization
          C.    Organizational Structure
          D.    Police Administration                                                                          
51. The ability of police administrators in winning support for
     departmental programs from people with in the department as
     well as the citizens is called
          A.    Community relation
          B.    Police Leadership
          C.    Police planning
          D.    Community Policing                                                                      
52. The extent to which an authority is concentrated or dispersed is
          A.    Unity of Direction
          B.    Centralization
          C.    Scalar of Chain
          D.    Unity of Command                                                                          
53. The principle of organization suggesting that communication
     should ordinarily go upward and downward through establish
     channels in the hierarchy is
          A.    Chain of Command
          B.    Unity of Command
          C.    Span of Control
          D.    Delegation of Authority                                                                      
54. The principle of organization that results from the division of
     force into separate units to perform individual task is called
          A.    Specialization
          B.    Chain of Command
          C.    Organizational Structure
          D.    All of the above                                                                             
55. The staff specialist or unit in line organization that provides
      service knowledge is known as
          A. Line and Staff Organization
          B. Functional Organization
          C. Line Organization
          D. Structural Organization                       
56. A type of organizational structure in which quick decisions are
     made because of direct line authority and discipline is easily
     administered is called:
          A.    Line and Staff Organization
          B.    Functional Organization
          C.    Line Organization
          D.    Functional and Staff Organization                                                 
57. The placement of subordinate into the position for which their
     capabilities best fit them is referred to as:
          A.    Staffing
          B.    Organizing
          C.    Directing
          D.    Planning                                                                                               
58. A theory underlying the system of our criminal law, of which
     Rafael Garafalo and Enrico Ferri, including Dr.Cesare Lombroso,
     were the greatest exponents, that crime is considered as
     essentially asocial and natural phenomenon.
          A.    Juristic or classical theory        
          B.    Positivist or realistic theory
          C.    Punitive theory
          D.    Non- punitive theory                                                                      
59. One of the characteristics of criminal law, where penal laws do
     not have retroactive effect, except in cases where they
     favor the accused charged with felony and who are not
     habitual criminals.                   
          A.    Retrospective
          B.    General
          C.    Territorial
          D.    All of the foregoing                                                                        
60. Are those crimes committed against the society which produce
     direct damage or prejudice common to all its members.
          A.    Private crimes
          B.    Public crimes
          C.    Felony         
          D.    Infractions                                                                                     
61. Are those crimes committed against individuals, particularly
     against their chastity, but which do not produce danger
     or prejudice common to other members of society.
          A.    Private crimes
          B.    Public crimes
          C.    Felony
          D.    Infractions                                                                                      

62. Are those acts and omissions committed not only by means of
     deceit, but also by means of fault and are  punishable by law.
          A.Justifying circumstances
          C. Exempting circumstances
          D.Attempted felony                                                                               
63. Is committed whenever the offender commences the commission
     of a crime directly by overt acts but does not perform all
     the acts of execution which should produce the felony as a
     consequence by reason of some cause or accident other than
     his own spontaneous desistance.
          A. Frustrated felony
          B.Attempted felony
          C.Consummated felony
64. From among the following, which is correct?
          A.    RA 6975, Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002
                 which took effect on June 7, 2002
          B.    RA 9165, Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002
                 which took effect on July 4, 2002
          C.    RA 6975, Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, took effect on
                 March 2, 1972
          D.    RA 6425, Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 which took
                 effect on July 4, 2002        
65. What is the term used to describe the intoxicating effect of a   
      drug in the lingo of the drug users?
          A.    Stoned
          B.    Rush
          C.    High
          D.    Trip                                                                                                  
66. The drug heroin was a chemically synthesized of
          A.    Morphine
          B.    Opium Juice    
          C.    Codeine
          D.    Coca paste                                                    

67. What group of countries where the first important drug traffic
     route was organized from drug discovery up tomarketing?
          A.    Peru-Uruguay-Panama-Columbia
          B.    The Golden Triangle
          C.    Middle East- Europe-U.S
          D.    The Golden Crescent                                                                       
68. What part of the globe is the principal source of all forms of
          A.    South East Asia
          B.    South America
          C.    Middle East
          D.    South West Asia                                                                               
69. The Golden Triangle is for the Chinese Triad, Columbia and Peru
      is for:
          A.    La Cosa Nostra
          B.    Cammora
          C.    Medellin Cartel
          D.    YAKUZA                                                                                   
70. The drug addict who shows many “tracks” from injection of
      hypodermic needles is mostly addicted to:
          A.    liquid amphetamine
          B.    heroin
          C.    shabu
          D.    freebase cocaine                                                                            
71. The drug addict or user generally acquires the drug habit
      because of being:
          A.    powerless and less self control
          B.    emotionally unstable
          C.    socially maladjusted
          D.    all of these                                                                                      
72. In knowing the history of drug taking of a person, the best
      information is taken from:
          A.    trained psychologist
          B.    doctors or physicians
          C.    laboratory results
          D.    patient himself                                                                                
73. When the drug dependent develops changes in the normal
      functioning of the brain that can be manifested in undesirable
      conditions, he suffers from mental invalid. Mental invalid in the
      context of drug abuse means:
          A.    mental deterioration due to drug addiction
          B.    loss of will power to quit from drug use
          C.    loss of contact with reality
          D.    distortion of sensory perception                                                    
74. A drug abuser, because of his use of unsterilized paraphernalia,
      tends to develop low resistance and becomes susceptible to
      various infections such as:
          A.    stomach cancer
          B.    head aches and body pains
          C.    communicable diseases
          D.    loss of appetite                                                                              
75. Any private person who shall enter the dwelling of another
     against the will of the latter
          A.    none of these
          B.    trespassing to dwelling
          C.    light threats  
          D.    usurpation                                                                                   
76. Which of the following types of accident is most decreased by
      the installation of traffic light?
          A.    Cross traffic accidents
          B.    Misunderstanding between motorist and traffic officers
          C.    Accidents of confusion
          D.    Accidents of decision of right                                             
77. Is that which is not excluded by the law as tending to prove a
     fact in issue
          A.    material evidence
          B.    relevant evidence
          C.    direct evidence
          D.    competent evidence                                                                       
78. The use of one or more electrical appliances or devices which
      draw or consume electrical current beyond the designed
      capacity of the existing electrical system
          A.    self-closing door
          B.    jumper
          C.    overloading
          D.    oxidizing material                                                                       
79. The method of determining and finding the best way to remedy
      the specific cause or causes of the complaint or grievance
      refers to _____.
          A.    investigation procedure
          B.    cross examination
          C.    grievance procedure
          D.    criminal procedure                                                                       
80. When people are considered as source of information, the
     experienced police officer
          A.    recognizes that persons from all walks of life represent
                 potential investigative resources
          B.    develops his contracts only with law abiding citizens
          C.    restricts his efforts to members of the departments
          D.    concentrates all his efforts to acquire informants
                     only from criminal types                                                             
81. Macho means    
          A.    assertive       
          B.    angry      
          C.    heroic
          D.    stubborn                                                                                        
82. The adjudication by the court that the defendant is guilty or is
      not guilty of the offense charged and the imposition of the
      penalty provided by law on the defendant who pleads or is
      found guilty thereof
          A.    judgment
          B.    false informant
          C.    information
          D.    admission                                                                                        
83. A clandestine operation in a police parlance means:
          A.    covert intelligence
          B.    surveillance
          C.    secret activity
          D.    overt intelligence                                                                         
84. Any motor vehicle accident that result in injuries other than
     fatal to one or more persons.
          A.    non-fatal injury accident
          B.    fatal accident
          C.    traffic law enforcer
          D.    property damage accident                                                           
85. An enclosed vertical space of passage that extends from the
     floor to floor, as well as for the base to the top of the building is
          A.    sprinkle evidence
          B.    vertical shaft
          C.    flash point
          D.    standpipe system                                                                       
86. A word or group of words that express a complete thought.
          A.    adverb  
          B.    verb       
          C.    subject    
          D.    sentence                                                                                         
87. When an investigator finds a tool a the crime scene, he should
      first of all:
          A.    pick it up for closer examine taking care not to jar it.
          B.    Compare the cutting edge of the tool with the
                 impressions to determine if this was the tool used in
                 the  crime.                   
          C.    immediately collect it and always send it to the crime
                 laboratory for scientific examination
          D.    wait until the crime scene has been sketched or
                  photographed and measurements taken before he  
                  collects the evidence                                                                 
88. A wall designated to prevent the spread of fire having a fire
     resistance rating of not less than four hours with sufficient
     structural stability to remain standing even if construction on
     either side collapses under the fire conditions.
          A.    Wood rack
          B.    fire wall     
          C.    post wall     
          D.    fire trap                                                                                          
89. The presence of the symptom of alcohol intoxication with out
      smell of alcoholic breath  is a sign that the suspected person is
      under the influence of:
          A.    Amphetamine drug
          B.    Barbiturates
          C.    Hallucinogens
          D.    Narcotics                                                                                     
90. In a state of agitation and dullness of the mind as a result of
     drug, the dependent becomes careless and losses
     concentration on his job. This may cause to:
          A.    accident in the home
          B.    accident at work
          C.    dependence to family resources
          D.    Withdrawn forgetfulness                                                               
91. Drugs that are categorized as uppers or speeds can give the
     following symptoms of abuse, except:
          A.    dilation of pupils
          B.    sudden burst of laughter
          C.    increasingly inactive
          D.    wakefulness                                                                                
92. The burning of a small quantity of the suspected substance and
     determining the odor or smell having similar to burnt banana
     leaves or has a sweetish odor is a field test that can reveal
     the drug ___.
          A.    Marijuana
          B.    Opium
          C.    Coca leaves
          D.    Peyote Cactus
93. The drug that is obtained from the alkaloid of the leaves of the
     Erythorxylon coca and the other species of Erthroxlon Linne, or
     by synthesis from ecgoine and its derivatives is called:
          A.    Heroin
          B.    Sodium Carbonate    
          C.    Codeine
          D.    Cocaine                                                                                       
94. “Bennies” and “dexies” are for amphetamines; “red devils” and
     “double trouble are for ___.
          A.    Demerol
          B.    Sulfates
          C.    Barbiturates
          D.    Deliriants                                                                                       
95. What kind of drug examination is made during the initial
     investigation conducted by the first responding officers?
          A.    Field Testing
          B.    Laboratory Analysis
          C.    Color Reaction Testing
          D.    all of these                                                                                    
96. Duquenois-Levine test is for marijuana; Symone’s test is for:
          A.    Shabu
          B.    Cocaine
          C.    Opium derivatives
          D.    Amphetamine                                                                                
97. The presence of drug paraphernalia at the drug scene in the
     form of syringe and needle, tourniquet, spoon or bottle top 
     “cookies” and tinfoil packet reveals that the drug being
     administered are:
          A.    tablet drugs
          B.    capsule drugs
          C.    liquid drugs
          D.    marijuana leaves                                                                           
98. The body sign, in narcotic death investigation, of bluish
     discoloration of the face and or fingernails due to
     insufficient oxygenation of the blood caused by increase in
     carbon dioxide in the body is called:
          A.    Petechial hemorrhage
          B.    Cyanosis
          C.    Asphyxia
          D.    Hematoma
99. What is called the “visual evidence” in drug related cases?
          A.    Needle marks/tracks
          B.    Asphyxiation
          C.    Skin diseases
          D.    Internal Body Signs
100.What kind of alcohol is used in alcoholic drinks?
          A.    Methyl Alcohol
          B.    Ethyl Alcohol
          C.    Brewery
          D.    Ethylene                                                                                        
101. Intoxication when considered under the law is considered
          A.    Alternative Circumstance
          B.    Maladaptive Behavior
          C.    Delinquent act           
          D.    Anti social Behavior                                  
102. In substance abuse, what is the scientific name of the tobacco
          A.    Nicotino Tabakumo
          B.    Nicotiana Tabacum
          C.    Nikotiano Tabaku
          D.    Tabaku Nicotino
103. What is the addictive substance or chemical contained in
       tobacco cigarettes?
          A.    Tar
          B.    Carbon Monoxide
          C.    Carbon Dioxide  
          D.    Nicotine                                                                                         
104. A certain intersection, for several reasons, has more traffic
       accidents than any other part in the area. The 
       Police unit assignment to the area should.
          A.    Park near the intersection, in plain view, and wait for
          B.    Park your motorcycle at the center of intersection to
                 caution motorist
          C.    Park near the intersection, more or less hidden from
          D.    Cruise all the assigned area but give extra attention to
                 the intersection                              

105. Every device which is self-propelled and every vehicle which is

       propelled by electric power obtained from overhead trolley
       wires, but not operated upon rails.
          A.    Skating
          B.    Bicycle
          C.    Tricycle
          D.    Motor Vehicles
106. Hypothetical means
          A.    Temporary
          B.    Exaggerated
          C.    Provable
          D.    Assumed                                                                                    
107. A public officer or employee when NOT being authorized by
       judicial order, shall enter a dwelling against the will  
       of the owner thereof is committing:
          A.    Legal entry
          B.    Violation of domicile
          C.    Illegal entry
          D.    Abatement                                                                                   
108. Any act that would remove or naturalized a fire hazard
          A.    Allotment
          B.    Combustion
          C.    Distillation
          D.    Abatement                                                                                   
109. It is the investigator’s responsibility to insure that every
       precaution is exercised to preserve the evidence.
          A.    Tagging of evidence
          B.    Evaluation of evidence
          C.    Preservation of evidence
          D.    Releasing Evidence
110. Trial is allowed only after arrangement and the accused may
       waive his right to appear at the trial except when his presence
       is required for purposes of identification. This is the principle
       of trial in __. 
          A.    Substitution     
          B.    Absentia
          C.    Re-assignment     
          D.    Ordeal                                                                                         
111. What is the sworn written statement charging a person with an
       offense, subscribed by the offended party,any peace officer or
       other employee of the government or government institution
       in change of the enforcement or execution of the law violated?
          A.    Deposition      
          B.    Complaint
          C.    Police blotter
          D.    Information                                                                                   
112. Evidence is admissible when it is relevant to the issue and is
       not excluded by the rules on
           A.    Real evidence
           B.    Secondary evidence
          C.    Admissibility of evidence
          D.    Relevancy of evidence                                                               
113. The fundamental responsibility of the officer in charge of
       protecting the crime scene is to: 
          A.    interrogate the witnesses
          B.    engage in the search for traces left by the search for
                 traces left by the criminal
          C.    remove  of evidence which may prove importance to
                 the case
          D.    preserving the site of the crime in the same physical
                 condition as it was left by the perpetrator                                                       

114. The main reason why both traffic officers and signal lights are
       used on some intersection is that
          A.    motorist are discourage from “jumping signals”
          B.    traffic can be kept moving at a faster rate
          C.    greater safety to pedestrians and motorist is effected
          D.    an officer can stop and start as necessity demands                     
115. It is the coordinating machinery in the operation of the criminal
       justice system.
          A.    Department of Justice 
          B.    Peace and Order council
          C.    Court
          D.    Municipal Government                                                                   
116. All lines, patterns, words, colors or other gadgets EXCEPT signs
       set into the surface or applied upon or attached to the
       pavement or curbing officially place for the purpose
       of regulating traffic is called _____
          A.    warning signs 
          B.    traffic management
          C.   traffic engineering
          D.    pavement marking                                                                              
117. A person undergoing criminal investigation enjoys his three
       constitutional rights such as
          A.    the right to oppose whatever the accusation on him
          B.    the right to plea guilty and not guilty
          C.    the right to oppose whatever accusation or him based
                 on his constitutional right
          D.    the right to remain silent, the right to counsel, the right
                 to be informed of the nature of the accusation                                                  

118. “A” stabbed “B”. “A” brought “B” to a hospital for medical
       treatment. Had it not been the timely medical attendance. “B”
       would have died. This is a case of
          A.   a physical injury
          B.    an attempted felony
          C.    a consummated felony
          D.    a frustrated felony                                                                     
119. The authority of the court to take cognizance of a case in the
       first instance is known as:
          A.    original jurisdiction
          B.    appellate jurisdiction
          C.    general jurisdiction
          D.    delegated jurisdiction                                                                    
120. Amphetamine is representative of good class of stimulant
       known as
          A.    sticks   
          B.    knocks– out drops    
          C.    reefers    
          D.    pop pills                                                                                        
121. The primary purpose of bail is
          A.    to protect the accused rights
          B.    to keep the accused in jail until trial
          C.    to punish the accused for the crime
          D.    to release the accused                                                                
122. Prohibitive traffic signs and restrictive traffic signs shall have
          A.    blue background and white symbols
          B.    a red background and white symbols and black border
          C.    white background with black symbols and red border
          D.    green background with white and black symbols
123. The ____ shall be conducted as a pre-requisite to grant
       permits and/or license by local governments or other
       government agencies.   
          A.    Fire safety inspection
          B.    Fire protection assembly
          C.    Fire alerting system
          D.    Fire service                                                                                     
124. The place of trial for a criminal action is cited
          A.    territory     
          B.    action     
          C.    jurisdiction    
          D.    venue                                                                                          
125. Motor vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine shall
       be equipped with a ____ and said motor vehicle passes through
       a street of any city, municipality or thickly populated
       district or barrio.
          A.    wiper    
          B.    light     
          C.    muffler     
          D.    windshield                                                                                    

126. Investigator must be patient to obtain accurate and complete

       information especially with uncooperative subjects. 
          A.    logical mind
          B.    power  of self-control   
          C.    perseverance        
          D.    integrity                                                                                                       

127. Intervention of the offended party in the criminal action is not

       allowed in the following instances EXCEPT:
          A.    when he has not waived the civil action
          B.    when he has file the civil action ahead of the criminal
          C.    when he has expressly reserved the right to institute
                  the civil action separately
          D.    when he has waived the civil action                                                                

128.  Articles and material which are found in connection with the
       investigation and which aid in establishing the identify of the
       perpetrator or the circumstances under which the crime was
       committed or which, in general assist in the prosecution of this
          A.    physical evidence
          B.    associative evidence
          C.    corpus delicti
          D.    tracing evidence                                                                         

129. One in which all the ingredients of the offense are committed in
       one place.
          A.    local action   
          B.    local crimes    
          C.    none of these
          D.    transitory action                                                                                            

130. A traffic police officer stationed the route of a parade has been
       ordered by his superior to allow no cars to cross the route.  
       While the parade is in progress, an ambulance driver on an
       emergency run attempts to drive his ambulance across the
       route while the parade is passing. Under these circumstances
       the traffic police officer should.
          A.    ask the driver to wait until the traffic police officer
                 contact his superior and obtains decisions
          B.    stop the parade long enough to permit the ambulance
                 to cross the street
          C.    hold up the ambulance in accordance with the
                 superior’s order
          D.    direct the ambulance driver to the shortest detour
                 which will add at least then minutes to run
131. An instance that may cause fires from the heat accumulated
       from the rolling, sliding or friction in machinery or between two
       hard surfaces, at least one of which is usually a metal
       is called.
          A.    static electricity
          B.    overheating of machine
          C.    friction heat
          D.    heat from arching                                                                        

132. Method of heat transfer by direct contact    

          A.    nuclear fission    
          B.    conduction    
          C.    convection   
          D.    Radiation                                                                                                      

133. The desire to give information as an excuse to talk to the

       police in order to get more information from them than he
          A.    double crosser informants
          B.    false informants
          C.    self aggrandizing
          D.    mercenary informants                                                                                   

134. Assume that a dead body has been discovered on the street
       and being the only police officer around, you have been called
       upon by a passersby to proceed to the scene upon arriving at
       the scene, several onlookers are gathered. As a rule, it
       essential that a police office should refrain from expressing his
       opinion as to the probable cause of death because.
          A.    his opinion may influence the investigator assigned to
                 the case
          B.    no useful purpose will be served
          C.    the killer may overhead your conclusion
          D.    he do not know the cause of the death                               

135. The first action taken by a traffic unit to escape from collision
       course or otherwise avoid a hazard
          A.    state of evasive action
          B.    point of possible perception
          C.    point of no escape
          D.    final position                                                                                                  

136. An informant who gives information to the police/investigator,

       and his purpose of informing the police is to eliminate rival or
          A.    rival-elimination informant
          B.    self aggrandizing informant
          C.    mercenary informants
          D.    anonymous informant                                                                                   
137. A number representing the resistance to sliding of two surfaces
       in contract is known as:
          A.    coefficient of friction
          B.    traffic jam
          C.    attribute
          D.    contract damage                                                                      
138. The primary job of an investigator is to determine whether a
       crime has been committed in order to determine such he must
       have knowledge of the so called cardinal question of
       investigation and there are ____ cardinals of investigation.
          A.    six    
          B.    three    
          C.    vocabulary    
          D.    diction                                                                                    
139. The correct choice of word selecting the exact precise
       objective words to convey as meaning
          A.    exclamation point   
          B.    punctuation   
          C.    vocabulary
          D.    diction                                                                                                         

140. Instrument used to open and close a fire hydrant

          A.    hydrant key
          B.    kilowatts       
          C.    key board     
          D.    bunch of key                                                                                

141. For offense falling under the jurisdiction of Municipal Trial

       Courts and Municipal Circuit trial courts, prosecution is
          A.    By filling a compliant with the Regional Trial Court
          B.    By filing a complaint directly with the court
          C.    By filling a complaint with the chief of Police in the
          D.    By filling a complaint with the fiscal for preliminary

142. With respect to minor traffic violations, the traffic police

       officers should be guided foremost by the consideration that 
          A.    some traffic violation are intended
          B.    the aim is to discourage violations
          C.    same traffic violations are caused by negligence
          D.    violations must be punished                                                                          

143. Bilious means

          A.    wealthy   
          B.    puffed out   
          C.    bad tempered   
          D.    irritable                                                                                         
144. “A” wanted to kill “C”. The former pointed his gun to the latter.
       As “A” pressed the trigger, the gun jammed and “C” manage to
       escape. This is an example of:
          A.    frustrated felony
          B.    attempted felony
          C.    consummated and frustrated
          D.    consummated felony                                                                     
145. The act that provides the National Police Commission to
       conduct Police examination is;
          A.    RA 2260
          B.    RA 6040
          C.    RA 4864
          D.    RA 6141                                                                                       
146. The maximum tenure of office of the Chief of PNP or the
       Director General of the PNP is;
          A.    4 years
          B.    6 years
          C.    5 years
          D.    8 years                                                                                          
147. In the Attrition System of the PNP, the maximum tenure of  the
       PNP Regional Director is ;
          A.    4 years
          B.    6 years
          C.    5 years
          D.    9 years                                                                                        
148. What should be conducted in order to determine whether a
       case falls under the jurisdiction of the regional Trial Court?
          A.    Inquest proceeding   
          B.    Preliminary conference
          C.    Preliminary investigation
          D.    Search and Seizure                                                                          
149. What is the Latin term for criminal intent?
          A.    Mens Rea
          B.    Magna Culpa 
          C.    Inflagrante Delicto
          D.    Mala Vise                                                                                       
150. In simple sense, it is an act of deciding in advance on what is
       to be done and how it is to be accomplished; it is in essence,
       preparations for action.
          A.    Operations
          B.    management
          C.    planning
          D.    administration                                                                           
151. Standard operating procedures that is intended to be used in
       all situations of all kinds, and shall be outlines as a guide to
       officers and men in the field.
          A.    headquarters procedures
          B.    special operating procedures
          C.    field procedures
          D.    characteristics of plans                                                               
152. Standard operating procedures, that is includes the procedures
       and the duties of dispatcher, jailer, matron and other personnel
       concerned which may be reflected in the duty manual.
          A.    headquarters procedures
          B.    special operating procedures
          C.    field procedures
          D.    operational plans                                                                          
153. A type of plans, that considers plans for the operations of
       special divisions like, patrol, traffic, vice, and juvenile
       delinquency control.
          A.    Policies or procedures
          B.    Tactical plans
          C.    Operational plans
          D.    extra-office plans                                                                        
154. A type of plan that includes those procedures for coping with
       specific situations at known locations, such plans for dealing 
       with an attack against building with alarm systems and an
       attack against. Headquarters of the PNP.
          A.    tactical plans
          B.    management plans
          C.    extra-office plans 
          D.    operational plans                                                                           
155. A plan that includes the mapping out in advance all operations
       involved in the organization, management of personnel and
       material and in the procurement and disbursement of
       money, etc.
          A.    management of plans
          B.    operational plans
          C.    extra-office plans
          D.    characteristics of plans                                                                
156. A step in planning, that calls for identification of the problem,
       understanding both records and its possible solution; a
       situation must exit for which something must and can be done.
          A.    collecting all pertinent facts
          B.    analyzing the facts
          C.    clarifying the problems
          D.    developing alternative plans                                                        
157. A step in planning, that states that no attempt shall be made
       to develop a plan until all facts relating to it have been
          A.    collecting all pertinent facts
          B.    developing alternative plans
          C.    analyzing the facts
          D.     selecting the most appropriate alternative
158. Of the following steps in planning, one which after all the data
       have been gathered, a careful study and evaluation shall be  
       made; this provides the basis from which a plan or plans are
          A.    developing alternative plans
          B.    selecting the most appropriate alternative
          C.    developing the facts
          D.    selling the plan                                                                         
159. One step in planning, that is necessary in order to know
       whether a correct alternative was chosen, whether or
       not the plan is correct, which phase was poorly implemented,
       and whether additional planning may be necessary.
          A.    evaluating the effectiveness of the plan
          B.    arranging for the execution of the plan
          C.    selecting the most appropriate alternative
          D.    selling the plan                                                                            
160. What activity requires the duty of a superior officer of any unit
       of the Philippine National Police and its units subordinates to
       establish rapport or good relationship with other law
       enforcement agencies of the government?
          A.    Police Executive Training
          B.    Business – like Activity
          C.    Coordination and Cooperation
          D.    Socialization                                                                                 
161. The division that shall accomplish the primary responsibility of
       safeguarding the community through protection of persons and
       property, the suppression of criminal activities, the
       apprehension of criminals, the enforcement
       of laws and ordinances and regulations of conduct, and
       performing necessary services and inspections is
          A.    Traffic Division
          B.    Theft and Robbery Division
          C.    Patrol Force
          D.    Juvenile Delinquency Control Division                                        
162. The traffic accident investigator is chiefly concerned with
       accidents that involves one or both of the elements namely
          A.    motor vehicles and traffic way
          B.    motor vehicle and victim
          C.    victim and traffic way
          D.    victim and traffic unit
163. One of the following statements that best indicates the main
       purpose of traffic law enforcement is
          A.    reduce traffic by punishing violators of traffic rules
          B.    keep traffic moving at a steady rate to avoid
          C.    control the speed limited in densely populated areas
          D.    prevent traffic accidents and expedite the flow of
164. It is customary for the police to keep records of lost or stolen
       automobile license plates. The best reason for this practice is
          A.    permit the promote issuance of new plate
          B.    prevent cards from being stolen
          C.    keep record of all outstanding license plate in use
          D.    detain any person found using or attempting to use any
                 of these plates.                                    
165. The general principle of traffic accident investigation is to
          A.    consider road conditions as limiting conditions rather
                 than as causes KVB
          B.    consider violation as primary causes and any other
                 factors as secondary causes
          C.    regard any unfavorable factor existing immediately prior
                 to the accident as a cause
          D.    look for the “key event” that cause the accident                        
166. The basic principle behind selective enforcement in traffic
       control is
          A.    selection of geographical areas for strict enforcement
          B.    concentration of enforcement activities at peak traffic
          C.    a shifting emphasis on different types of violations
          D.    a warning rather than a citation will act as preventive
                 measure for future
violation                                                                                             167. In the
examination of the scene of accident, which of the
       following evidence will show how the accident happened?
          A.    hole on the road pavement
          B.    the driver under the influence of liquor
          C.    point of impact
          D.    vehicle has break failure                                                                       
168. The optional retirement for officers and new officers of the
       police service is
          A.    15 years
          B.    25 years
          C.    30 years
          D.    20 years                                                                                         
169. The nature of complaint against any PNP member is called
          A.    Individual Complaint
          B.    Public Complaint
          C.    Citizen’s Complaint
          D.    Administrative Complaint                                                              
170. The consequence of an act, which temporarily deprives an
       officer from the privilege of performing his duty, is
          referred to as:
          A.    Dismissal
          B.    Retirement
          C.    Resignation
          D.    Suspension                                                                                   
171. The staff service of the NAPOLCOM who renders legal opinion
       arising from the administration of the PNP is referred to as
          A.    Personnel Administration Service   
          B.    Planning and Research Service
          C.    Legal Affairs Service
          D.    People’s Law Enforcement Board                                                 
172. The method of separation from the police service after
       completing the required age for length of service is called
          A.    Retirement
          B.    Dismissal
          C.    Demotion
          D.    AWOL                                                                                           
173. The term of office of the four regular and full-time
       Commissioners of the NAPOLCOM is
          A.    6 years
          B.    5 years
          C.    4 years
          D.    9 years                                                                                         
174. The NAPOLCOM shall be composed of the offices of
       Chairperson, Commissioners and one –
          A.    Ex-officio Chairman
          B.    Secretary
          C.    Ex-officio Commissioner
          D.    Ex-officio Chairperson
175. The agency of the government responsible for the
       administration of police entrance and promotional examination
       is the
          A.    Civil Service Commission
          B.    NAPOLCOM
          C.    PNPA
          D.    CHED                                                                                                            

176. Complaints against personnel of the Internal Affairs Office shall

       be brought to the
          A.    NAPOLCOM
          B.    Internal Affairs Service
          C.    PLEB
          D.    Inspector’s Office                                                                                           

177. The PNP shall be organized to ensure accountability and

       uprightness in the police exercise of discretion as well
       as to achieve
          A.    Reformation and rehabilitation
          B.    Efficiency and effectiveness
          C.    Organization and Administration
          D.    None of the above                                                                      

178. The ex-officio chairman of the NAPOLCOM is the

          A.    Chief of the PNP
          B.    Secretary of DILG
          C.    Commissioner from the civilian sector
          D.    None of the above                                                                     

179. The four regulars and full time Commissioners shall appointed
       for a term of
          A.    4 years
          B.    5 years
          C.     6 years
          D.    9 years                                                                                        

180. The reorganization of the PNP is made by the NAPOLCOM who

       shall conduct management audit, and prepare a proposed
       reorganization plan to be approved by
          A.    DILG Secretary
          B.    Congress
          C.    C/PNP
          D.    President                                                                                      

181. The required age for the grant of waiver of age requirement for
       initial appointment in the PNP is
          A.    not below 25 nor over 35 years of age
          B.    not below 20 nor over 35 years of age
          C.    less than 25 but not more than 32 years of age
          D.    more than 22 but less than 32 years of age                               

182. Anybody who will enter the PNP service with out a
       baccalaureate degree shall be given a maximum period of
          A.    3 years to comply with the education qualification
          B.    4 years to comply with the education qualification
          C.    5 years to comply with the education qualification
          D.    6 years to comply with the education qualification                      

183. Under  RA 8551 any PNP personnel who has not been promoted
       for a continuous service shall be retired or separated if the said
       period of non promotion gained with in:
          A.    20 yrs
          B.    10 yrs
          C.    18 months
          D.    none of these                                                                              

184. The power to direct or oversee the day to day functions of

       police investigation of crime, crime prevention activities and
       traffic control in accordance with the rules and regulations
       promulgated by the Commission is
          A.    Employment
          B.    Planning
          C.    Operational Supervision
          D.    Deployment                                                                                                  

185. Governors and mayors, upon having been elected and having
       qualified as such, are automatically deputized as
       representatives of the 
          A.    NAPOLCOM
          B.    DND
          C.    PLEB
          D.    None of the above                                                                       

186. As a police officer, he/she should live a decent and virtuous life
       to serve as an example to others. This statement is part of
          A.    PNP Code of Covenant
          B.    Policeman’s Code
          C.    Police Officer’s Creed
          D.    All of the above                                                                          

187. The rank of a Senior Police Officer IV is equivalent to:

          A.    Master Sergeant in the Military rank
          B.    Captain in the Military rank
          C.    Lieutenant in the Military rank
          D.    None of the above                                                                                          

188. A person can escape from the scene of the accident on one of
       the following ground:
          A.    offense committed is serious
          B.    bringing the person to your custody
          C.    bring the suspect before the court to answer a charge
                 of violation
          D.    if the person is under the imminent danger   
189. In arresting the traffic violator or when it involved arrest due
       to traffic violation, the following procedures are followed
          A.    bring the suspended person before the court
          B.    detention of the arrested person may take place
          C.    arrest can be effected even without a warrant
          D.    impose the probable penalty that might be imposed                   

190. What is missing in the sentence?  “The investigator is _____.”

          A.    noun    
          B.    verb    
          C.    adverb    
          D.    adjective                                                                                                      

191. They are necessary in the sentence, since they show whether
       the sentence is clear or has a doubtful meaning.
          A.    subject    
          B.    punctuations    
          C.    verbs    
          D.    paragraphs                                                                                  

192. This statement is incorrect, except

          A.    A police report that carries lies or half truth statements
                 is still a police report.
          B.    A police report can be submitted as time allows.
          C.    Accurateness of a police report can be based partly on
                  the use of our senses.
          D.    Adverbs are modifiers.                                                                                   

193. It explains best what a police report is.

          A.    daily operational occurrences
          B.    exact narrations of facts
          C.    police records
          D.    reaffirming what took place                                                       

194. Supply the correct form of verb; “I am not as good today, as I

          A.    am    
          B.    was    
          C.    were    
          D.    did                                                                                                

195. In police technical writing, avoid repetitions of nouns by using

          A.    a verb    
          B.    a pronoun    
          C.    a common noun    
          D.    a proper noun                                                                                                
196. SPO1 Matiyaga was promoted to the next rank by his
       Commanding Officer, on the strength of his recommendation.
       He gave a blow-out to his friends. Three months passed
       and he was still receiving the same
         salary. What form of communication is missing?
          A.    Memorandum
          B.    Special order
          C.    Approval by his CO
          D.    Written confirmation                                                                     

197. A final police report can only be submitted, and the case
       considered closed and solved when suspect was arrested and
       charged, witnesses are willing to testify in court, and,
          A. police investigator was summoned to appear in court.
          B. statements taken were corroborated by witnesses
          C. evidence were gathered and preserved for the
              prosecution of the case.
          D. Judge to handle the case was already appointed.                         

198. All statements are incorrect, except

          A. the relevance of the police report depends on how it
              relays the exclusive objective
          B. verbs are modifiers
          C. keeping an open mind in reporting, makes the report fair
          D. sometimes report writers should result to one’s opinion.                                     

199. These words are _____ e.g.; brake – break, bail – bale, buy –
       by, die – dye, and dear- deer. They are similar in sound but
       different in meaning and spelling.
          A. vocabularies    
          B. antonyms    
          C. homonyms    
          D. phrases                                                                                                           

200. These statements are correct, except

          A. Police reports can serve as raw materials from which
              record systems can be adopted.
          B. Police reports likewise serve as a gauge for good police
          C. Police reports make police investigators efficient in their
          D. Police reports can be used for future reference.                           

201. “Ballista” is a gigantic bow or catapult which was used to hurl

       large objects such as stones at a particular distance to deter
       animals or enemy forces.
          A.    Catapult
          B.    Balle
          C.    Ballein
          D.    Ballista                                                                                         

202. Ballistics is the scientific study of the propulsion and motion of

       projectiles such as bullets, artillery shells, rockets and guided
          A.    Propulsion
          B.    Expulsion
          C.    Repulsion
          D.    Extraction                                                                                                     

203. The British engineer Benjamin Robins conducted many

       experiments in interior ballistics. His findings justly entitle
       him to be called the
          A.    father of modern gunnery
          B.    father of modern ballistics
          C.    father of interior ballistics
          D.    father of forensic ballistics                                                                             
204. Late in the 18th century the Anglo-American physicist Benjamin
       Thompson made the first attempt to measure the pressure
       generated by gunpowder. The account of his experiments
       was the most important contribution to
          A.    Exterior ballistics
          B.    Forensic Ballistics
          C.    Interior ballistics
          D.    None of these                                                                                                

205. An arbitrary index of the quickness that burning propellant

       changes into gas. It is the rate controlled by the chemical
       composition, the size and shape of the propellant grains, and
       the pressure at which the burning takes place.
          A.    Gas Power
          B.    Burning Rate
          C.    Propulsion Rate
          D.    Bulk Density                                                                                                 

206. It is the equal and opposite reaction of the gun against the
       forward movement of the bullet during the  explosions.
          A.    Residual Pressure
          B.    Recoil
          C.    Backfire
          D.    Misfire                                                                                                          

207. The speed per unit of time of the M16 is 3,300 ft/sec. This
       refers to:
          A.    Fire power
          B.    Velocity
          C.    Energy
          D.    All of these                                                                                   

208. The noise created at the muzzle point of the gun due to the
       sudden escape of the expanding gas coming in contact with
       the air in the surrounding atmosphere at the muzzle point.
          A.    Muzzle Blast
          B.    Muzzle Energy
          C.    Range noise
          D.    Fire power                                                                                    
209. What is the actual curved path of the bullet during its flight
       from the gun muzzle to the target?
          A.    Yaw
          B.    Accuracy
          C.    Trajectory
          D.    Velocity                                                                                                         

210. The means that the bullet may lose its speed very rapidly
       during its flight the air. This is a number that relates
       to the effect of air drag on the bullet's flight and which can be
       used to later predict a bullet's trajectory under different
       circumstances through what are called "drag tables." 
          A.    Bullet trajectory
          B.    Critical zone
          C.    Ballistics Coefficient
          D.    Down Range
211. The curve taken by the bullet while in flight is called
          A.    rifling curves
          B.    effective range
          C.    drift
          D.    maximum distance                                                                                        

212. Key-hole Shot – the tumbling of the bullet in its flight and
       hitting the target sideways as a result of not spinning
       on its axis.
          A.    Key-hole shot
          B.    Back shot
          C.    Mid range trajectory
          D.    Point Blank  
213. The power of the bullet that results in the instantaneous death
       of the victim is called
          A.    Zero power
          B.    Power ranger
          C.    Shocking power
          D.    Power range                                                                                  

214. What do you call the depth of entry of the bullet in the target?
          A.    Terminal Velocity
          B.    Terminal Penetration
          C.    Terminal Ballistics
          D.    Terminal Power                                                                             

215. Shotgun pellets made from lead especially hardened by the

       addition of a slight amount of antimony. This refers to
          A.    Shot Gun
          B.    Chilled Shot
          C.    Shot ballistics
          D.    All of these                                                                                    

216. This is caused by the flame or hot gases not by the hot
       projectiles as is commonly believed.  It is also known as         
       burning or charring.
          A.    Blackening
          B.    Tattooing
          C.    Scorching
          D.    Pink coloration                                                                            
217. It is the clogging of the blood vessel by foreign bodies such as
       air or bits of fats or septic embolus causing blocking to the 
       blood flow to the distal tissues supplied by the blood.
          A.    Embolism
          B.    Bleeding
          C.    Hemorrhage
          D.    Infection
218. Among the following, which is a long smooth bored firearm that
       is designed to prepare a single shot?
          A.    Shotgun
          B.    Musket
          C.    Carbine
          D.    Caliber                                                                                        
219. One from Hartford, Connecticut, who produced the first
       practical revolver and became famous for its .45 caliber.
          A.    Samuel Colt
          B.    Carl Walther
          C.    Oliver Winchester
          D.    John C. Garand                                                                      
220. Historians considered that the age of gunpowder began with its
       first use as a propellant for a projectile on
          A.    1313
          B.    1413
          C.    1280
          D.    1350                                                                                              
221. That part of the handgun designed in a metal tube through
       which the bullet is fired.
          A.    Grip
          B.    Frame
          C.    Barrel
          D.    Rifling
222. The main advantage of the double-action revolver over the
       single-action revolver is that
          A.    it can be fired rapidly
          B.    it can be fired single shot
          C.    there is no recoil
          D.    better fire power                                                                        
223. An automatic weapon that can fire from 400 to 1,600 rounds of
       ammunition each minute.
          A.    Armalite
          B.    Uzi
          C.    Machine gun
          D.    Glock                                                                                           
224. Technically speaking, the term ammunition refers to
          A.    a group of cartridges or to a single unit or single
          B.    a complete unfired unit consisting of a bullet, cartridge,
                 case, gunpowder and primer
          C.    a “single round”
          D.    all of these                                                                                
225. It includes rocket launchers and such mounted guns as
       howitzers, mortars, antiaircraft guns, and naval guns.
          A.    Gunnery
          B.    Artillery
          C.    Musketry
          D.    Ballistics                                                                                         
226. It is the soft guiding metal which serves as the container of
       priming mixture, paper disc and anvil.
          A.    Primer cup
          B.    Primer mixture
          C.    Paper disc
          D.    Battery cup                                                                                  
227. It is the examination and testing of firearms by a
       recognized authority according to certain rules and stamped
       with a mark to indicate that they are safe for sale and used by
       the public.
          A.    Provisional Proof
          B.    Proof Marks
          C.    Skid Marks
          D.    Slippage Marks                                                                           
228. When the bullet first starts forward without
       turning, that before the bullet can begin to turn, it moves
       forward a small distance and this makes the front of the
       groove in the bullet wider than the rear part which leave an
       impression called
          A.    Provisional Proof
          B.    Proof Marks
          C.    Skid Marks
          D.    Slippage Marks                                                                            
229. A mechanism in a revolver that connects pivot between the
       frame and cylinder.
          A.    trigger spring
          B.    trigger guard
          C.    yoke
          D.    anvil                                                                                           
230. A photograph of the crime scene is a factual reproduction and
       accurate record of the crime scene because it captures time,
       space and ___
          A.    person
          B.    event
          C.    thing
          D.    crime scene                                                                                 
231. In police photography it can be use as demonstration
       enlargements, individual photos, projection slides, motion
       pictures during
          A.    Court proceedings
          B.    Court exhibits
          C.    Educational tour
          D.    Crime prevention                                                                       
232. In photography, the light writes when it strikes minute crystals
       of light sensitive surfaces (films and photographic papers) thru
       the use of a mechanical device called
          A.    Camera
          B.    Photograph device
          C.    Film and accessories
          D.    Flashlight                                                                                       
233. ___ is a mechanical result of photography. 
          A.    Camera
          B.    Picture
          C.    Photograph
          D.    Film                                                                                               
234. The bending of light around an object gives rise to the
       phenomenon called ___. This phenomenon is responsible for the
       partial illumination of object parts not directly in the path
       of the light.
          A.    detraction
          B.    retraction
          C.    diffraction
          D.    defragmentation                                                                        
235. What is the approximate wavelength of the primary color red?
          A.    700 mu
          B.    450 mu
          C.    550 mu
          D.    590 mu                                                                                            
236. In photography, which one is not a primary color?
          A.    All of these
          B.    Cyan
          C.    Magenta
          D.    Yellow                                                                                           
237. ___Absorption refers to the taking in of light by the material.
       Following the law of conservation of energy,such light taken in
       is not lost but merely transformed into heat.
          A.    Diffraction
          B.    Somnambulism
          C.    Absorption
          D.    Convection                                                                              
238. These are TRANSPARENT OBJECTS – mediums that merely slow
       down the speed of light but allow to pass freely in other
       respects, transmit 90% or more of the incident light.
          A.    Translucent objects
          B.    Opaque objects
          C.    Transparent objects
          D.    None of these                                                                              
239.The simplest camera is a ___, which consists of a box with a
      small hole in one of its sides.
          A.    Camera obscura
          B.    Fixed focus camera
          C.    Pinhole camera
          D.    Nikkon camera                                                                                
240. What changes the size of the aperture of the lens and
       regulates the amount of light reaching the film?
          A.    diaphragm
          B.    shutter
          C.    lens
          D.    film                                                                                                
241. What part of the camera controls the opening and closing of
       the shutter, regulates the quantity of light that reaches and
       affects the sensitized material, a dial which sets the length
       of time in which the light
         is allowed to enter the camera?
          A.    Shutter speed
          B.    Focusing mechanism
          C.    Shutter release button
          D.    Shutter speed dial                                                                     
242. The lens is as important a part of a camera as the body.
       Lenses are referred to in generic terms as wide-angle,
       normal, and telephoto. The three terms refer to the focal
       length of the lens, which is customarily measured in ____
          A.    Millimeters
          B.    Inches
          C.    Centimeters
          D.    Mile per second                                                                            
243. What kind of lens causes light rays to converge, or come
       together, and is called a positive lens. A positive lens
       focuses light form a distant source into visible image that
       appears on then opposite side of the lens to the object.
          A.    Concave
          B.    Convex
          C.    Reflex
          D.    converge                                                                                    

244. ___ is the process of changing the distance between the

       centers of the lens to the focal plane. It is the technique of
       adjusting the focal length to get the sharp image of the object
       or scene to be photographed.
         A.    Infinity
          B.    Lens change
          C.    Focusing
          D.    Shutting                                                                                     
245. It is important to have the lens at the right distance from the
       film otherwise the image of an object point will be
         seen as a circle which is
          A.    clear in appearance
          B.    blurred in appearance
          C.    no photo
          D.    all of these                                                                                           
246. What part of the film consists of silver compounds which are
       light sensitive and halogens?
          A.    Top layer
          B.    Emulsion layer
          C.    Film base
          D.    Film surface                                                                               
247. It is defined as the product of illumination and time. The unit of
       it is usually in meter candle second which is equivalent to
       exposure produced by a light source of one candlepower,
       in the second at a distance
         of one meter from the surface of the sensitive material.
         A.    Photographic exposure
          B.    None of these
          C.    Photographic speed
          D.    Light                                                                                          
248. These are used to control the relative tone values in which
       colors are rendered by the photographic process,to lighten or
       darkened particular colors or to obtain color separation records
       for color photography works.
          A.    Viewing Filter
          B.    Color Filter
          C.    Filtering
          D.    None of these                                                                           
249. Because of the fact that all negative do not print best on one
      kind of paper, and in order to permit printing for special effects,
       photographic papers is made in several different grades of
       contrast and surface texture.What is the paper made by Kodak
       that offers six degrees of contrast and glossy surface?
          A.    Glossy paper
          B.    Manila paper
          C.    Velox paper
          D.    Bond paper                                                                                 
250. One that is executed in accordance with the Code of
       Commerce or any Mercantile Law, containing disposition
       of commercial rights or obligations.
          A.    Commercial document
          B.    Holographic wills
          C.    Notarial wills
          D.    Private document                                                                         
251. The  term  "insertion"  and "interlineations"  include the addition
       of writing and  other material  between  lines or paragraphs or 
       the  addition  of whole page to a document.
          A.    Insertion or interlineations
          B.    Integration
          C.    Obliteration
          D.    None of the Above
252. In questioned document examination, what is an “OFF-HAND
          A.    A conclusion that is not based on scientific examination
          B.    A mere speculation of facts contained in the document
          C.    A scientific findings as to the content of document
          D.    All of the Above
253. It is a kind of handwriting that is characterized by being
       connected in which one letter is joined to the next.
          A.    Script
          B.    Block
          C.    Vigorous
          D.     Cursive
254. A writer may deliberately try to alter his usual writing habits in
       hopes of hiding his identity. The results, regardless of their
       effectiveness are termed as ___.
          A.    Down stroke
          B.    Gestalt
          C.    Disguised writing
          D.    Graphology                                                                                
255. The place where the writer grasps the barrel of the pen and
       the angle at which he holds it is called
          A.    Pen lift
          B.    Pen hold
          C.    Print script
          D.    Pren pressure                                                                             
256. The element of the writing movement which is marked by
       regular or periodic recurrences. It may be classed as
       smooth, intermittent, or jerky in its quality.
          A.    Shading
          B.    Simplification
          C.    Slope slant
          D.    Rhythm                                                                                         
257. What do we call the series of lines or curves written in a single
       letter; one of the lines of an alphabet or series of lines or
       curves within a single letter; the path traced by the pen on
       the paper?
          A.    Pen lift
          B.    Slope
          C.    Delta
          D.    Stroke                                                                                             
258. One is not a type of handwriting "Standards"
          A.    Collected Standards
          B.    Requested standards
          C.    Post litem motan exemplars
          D.    All of these                                                                                    
259. The act/process of making the content/s of a document not
       the intended content.
          A.    falsification
          B.    counterfeiting
          C.    forgery
          D.    erasure                                                                                      
260. The study of handwriting to determine one's personality traits
       is called
          A.    handwriting analysis
          B.    graphology
          C.    dactyloscopy
          D.    fecalysis                                                                                       
261. Who studied fear and its influence on the hearth and his
       observations subsequently formed the basis for the
       technique in the development of the sphygmamomanometer
       and the scientific cradle, which he used in studying fear on the
          A.    Cesare Lombroso
          B.    Angelo Mosso
          C.    William Marston
          D.    John Larson                                                                                 
262. Who employed the first scientific instrument to detect
       deception? This instrument known as hydrosphygmograph,
       measured changes in pulse and blood pressure when suspects
       were questioned about their involvement in or knowledge of a
       specific response.
          A.    Cesare Lombroso
          B.    Angelo Mosso
          C.    William Marston
          D.    John Larson                                                                                 
263. It is a scientific diagnostic instrument used to record
       physiological changes in the blood pressure, pulse rate,   
       respiration and skin resistance of an examinee under controlled
          A.    Lie detection
          B.    Polygraph
          C.    Polygraph examination
          D.    Truth serum                                                                                    
264. Any untruthful statement; falsehood; anything that deceives or
       creates false impression.
          A.    Joke
          B.    Story
          C.    Telling
          D.    Lie                                                                                               
265. “Hindu book of health and science” which is considered as the
       earliest known reference of the methods for detecting
          A.    Hindu Yoga
          B.    Ayur-Veda
          C.    Arya abram
          D.    Midos Yagu                                                                                                    

266. The science and art of improving human breeds by so applying

       the ascertained principles of genetics and inheritance as to
       secure a desirable combination of physical characteristics and 
       mental traits in the offspring of suitably mated parents?
          A.    Genetics
          B.    Eugenics
          C.    Metabolism
          D.    Psycho Synthesis                                                                         

267. In polygraph examination, the whole chart when finished is 

          A.    result
          B.    polygram
          C.    analysis
          D.    diagnostic                                                                                     

268. The major component of the polygraph machine are, except

          A.    PNEUMOGRAPH
          C.    GALVANOGRAPH
          D.    KYMOGRAPH
          E.    PEN AND INKING SYSTEM                                                                               

269. “Did you shoot Mr X?” is an example of __ in polygraph

          A.    Control question
          B.    Relevant question
          C.    Irrelevant question
          D.    Evidence connecting question                                                      

270. Which of the following questions made in a polygraph

       examination maybe considered an irrelevant question?
          A. Have you ever been called by the name Allan?
          B. Is today Monday?
          C. Are you over 20 years of age?
          D. All of the above                                       

271. This test is applied when the response to relevant and control
       questions are similar in degree and in  consistency and in a
       way that the examiner cannot determine whether the
       subject is telling the truth or not.
          A.    Silent answer test
          B.    Peak of tension test
          C.    Guilt complex test
          D.    General question test                                                                                    

272. To facilitate evaluation and interpretation of test charts,

       markings are made with the use of signs and symbols.
       Which of the following examples of chart markings should be
       the first marking of the examiner in the chart?
          A.    X / 60 / 1.5 A
          B.    XX / 60 / 1.5 A
          C.    X  
          D.    XX
273. A principle involved in fingerprinting which states that there are
       no two fingerprints that are exactly alike unless taken from the
       same finger.
          A.    Permanency
          B.    Individuality
          C.    Infallability
          D.    Generality                                                                                                     

274. The biggest percentage of fingerprint pattern is

          A.    Arches
          B.    Loops
          C.    Whorls
          D.    Accidentals                                                                                                   

275. It symbolized by letter X in the fingerprint classification.

          A.    Ulnar Loop
          B.    Plain arch
          C.    Accidental whorl
          D.    Tented arch                                                                                                   

276. The reason why fountain pen ink, colored ink and stamp pad
       are objectionable are, except
          A.    They are too thin
          B.    They dry too quickly
          C.    The stamp pad smears easily
          D.     Satisfactory for comparison purposes
277. These are fingerprints which are imprinted by mere chance or
       without any intention to produce the print. 
          A.    Chance print
          B.    Chance impression
          C.    Visible print
          D.    Latent print                                                                          

278. If a finger appears to be amputated (cut off) just place the

       symbol or simple abbreviation as __ and the date
       of amputation on the box of the finger actually amputated.
          A.    AMP
          B.    AMPT
          C.    APT
          D.    AMPUT                                                                                                         

279. Which has been known as the circulating tissue of the body?
          A.    brain
          B.    skin
          C.    Mucus membrane
          D.    None of these                                                                               

280. The yellowish fluid of blood in which numerous blood corpuscles

       is called
          A.    Serum
          B.    Plasma
          C.    Red cells
          D.    Cloth                                                                                                             

281. What test is used to determine whether blood is a human or

       non-human origin?
          A.    Marquis test
          B.    Precipitin test
          C.    Baberios test  
          D.    Levine test                                                                                  

282. ____ is a specialized epithelial outgrowth of the skin which

       occur everywhere on the human body except on the palm of
       the hands and the sole of the feet.
          A.    nails
          B.    skin
          C.    hair
          D.    pores                                                                                                            
283. What kind of fluid is used to restore tampered serial numbers?
          A.    Etching fluid
          B.    STP fluid
          C.    Motolite fluid
          D.    Gun serial fluid                                                                  

284. As regards the relation of the site of the application of force

      and location of injury, the injury found at site of the application
       of force is called
          A.    Coup injury
          B.    Contre injury
          C.    Coup contre coup injury
          D.    Locus minoris resistancia                                                              

285. Wound characterized by products of forcible contact are called

          A.    Abrasion
          B.    Multiple wound
          C.    Mutilation
          D.    Punctured                                                                                     

286. All forms of violent death which results primarily from the
       interference with the process of respiration or to condition in
       which the supply of oxygen to the blood or tissue or both
       has been reduced below
         normal level are called
          A.    Death by asphyxia
          B.    Death by mutilation
          C.    Death by injection
          D.    Death by violence                                                                         

287. It is defined as a remedy or process by which a child born out

       of lawful wedlock and are therefore considered illegitimate are
       by fiction of law considered by subsequent valid marriage
       of the parents.
          A.    Adoption
          B.    Legitimation
          C.    Foster parenting
          D.    Naturalization                                                                               

288. The introduction of seminal fluid with spermatozoa in the

        generative of a woman by any means of springe, 
        pipette, irrigator, etc is called
          A.    penetration
          B.    insertion
          C.    insemination
          D.    fingering                                                                                        

289. The physical incapacity of either sex to allow or grant to the

       other legitimate sexual gratification.
          A.    Sterility
          B.    Impotency
          C.    Frigidity
          D.    Erectile Failure
290. In England, he was a buckle maker then a brothel operator; a
       master criminal who became London’s most effective criminal
       investigator. He was the most famous THIEF-CATCHER
       in 1720s.
          A.    Alexander Mocanochie
          B.    Jonathan Wild
          C.    Billy Cook
          D.    John Howard                                                                                

291. He was known to be the creator of the “bow street runners”, a

       group of police officers attached to the Bow Street Court, and
       not in uniform, performing criminal investigative functions.
          A.    Henry Fielding
          B.    John Fielding
          C.    John Howard
          D.    Robert Peel                                                          

292. The founder and chief organizer of the London Metropolitan

       Police – the Scotland Yard, which became famous police 
       organization in the world.
          A.    Henry Fielding
          B.    John Fielding
          C.    John Howard
          D.    Robert Peel                                                          

293. America’s most famous private investigator and founder of

       Criminal Investigation.
          A.    Alec Nayhem
          B.    Allan Pinkerton
          C.    Thomas Byrnes
          D.    None of these                                                                                
294. The first woman detective in the history of criminal
          A.    Kathleen Jacob
          B.    Candy Miles
          C.    Kate Wayne
          D.    Pines Hamilton                                                      

295. A French Police Clerk who introduced and established the first
       systematic identification system based on anthropometrical
       Signalment and became the founder of criminal identification.
          A.    Fox Talbot
          B.    Thomas Byrnes
          C.    Alphonse Bertillon
          D.    Francis Galton                                                        

296. An Englishman who published his study on classifying

       fingerprints. While other scientists were studying fingerprints in
       significance in criminal identification.
          A.    Arthur Conan Lyle
          B.    Thomas Byrnes
          C.    Alphonse Bertillon
          D.    Francis Galton                                                       

297. An Englishman who published a handbook for Examining

       Magistrates in Munich, Germany and advocated the
       use of scientific methods in criminal investigation process.
          A.    Hans Gross
          B.    Thomas Byrnes
          C.    Alphonse Bertillon
          D.    Francis Galton                                                        

298. The SC ruled the illegally obtained evidence is inadmissible in

       state criminal prosecutions in the famous case of
          A.    Miranda vs Arizona
          B.    Otit vs Jeff
          C.    Mapp vs Ohio
          D.    Milkey vs Wett                                                      

299. As a rule, do not touch, alter or remove anything at the crime

       scene until the evidence has been processed through notes,
       sketches and photographs, with proper measurements.
       This refers to
          A.    the golden rule in investigation
          B.    the number one SOP in investigation
          C.    the act of note taking
          D.    the act of crime scene preservation                          

300. The continues accountability of persons handling evidences,

       and having responsibility of taking care and preserving the
       evidences from the time it was found until brought to
       court for presentation is called
          A.   Chain of events
          B.    Key events
          C.   Chain of custody of evidence
          D.    Chain of command                                                                          

Answers: Criminology Reviewer

1.   A 61.  A 121. D 181. B 241. D
2.   D 62.  B 122. D 182. B 242. A
3.   B 63.  B 123. A 183. B 243. B
4.   A 64.  B 124. D 184. C 244. C
5.   B 65.  A 125. C 185. A 245. B
6.   D 66.  A 126. B 186. C 246. B
7.   A 67.  C 127. B 187. A 247. A
8.   B 68.  B 128. A 188. D 248. B
9.   A 69.  C 129. D 189. D 249. C
10.  B 70.  A 130. B 190. B 250. A
11.  C 71.  D 131. C 191. B 251. A
12.  B 72.  D 132. B 192. B 252. A
13.  B 73.  A 133. A 193. B 253. D
14.  A 74.  C 134. A 194. B 254. C
15.  A 75.  B 135. A 195. B 255. B
16.  A 76.  D 136. A 196. B 256. D
17.  D 77.  B 137. A 197. C 257. D
18.  B 78.  C 138. A 198. C 258. B
19.  A 79.  A 139. C 199. C 259. A
20.  B 80.  A 140. A 200. C 260. B
21.  B 81.  C 141. B 201. D 261. B
22.  A 82.  A 142. C 202. A 262. A
23.  A 83.  C 143. D 203. A 263. B
24.  A 84.  B 144. B 204. C 264. D
25.  C 85.  B 145. B 205. B 265. B
26.  D 86.  D 146. A 206. B 266. B
27.  A 87.  D 147. B 207. B 267. B
28.  C 88.  B 148. C 208. A 268. E
29.  D 89.  B 149. A 209. A 269. B
30.  A 90.  B 150. C 210. C 270. D
31.  D 91.  B 151. C 211. C 271. D
32.  A 92.  A 152. A 212. A 272. C
33.  C 93.  D 153. C 213. C 273. A
34.  C 94.  C 154. A 214. B 274. B
35.  D 95.  A 155. A 215. B 275. C
36.  D 96.  A 156. C 216. C 276. D
37.  A 97.  C 157. A 217. A 277. B
38.  D 98.  B 158. C 218. B 278. A
39.  A 99.  A 159. A 219. A 279. D
40.  D 100. B 160. C 220. A 280. B
41.  A 101. A 161. C 221. C 281. B
42.  B 102. B 162. A 222. A 282. C
43.  C 103. D 163. D 223. C 283. A
44.  D 104. D 164. D 224. D 284. A
45.  A 105. D 165. D 225. B 285. A
46.  A 106. D 166. A 226. A 286. A
47.  D 107. B 167. C 227. B 287. B
48.  A 108. D 168. D 228. C 288. C
49.  B 109. D 169. C 229. C 289. B
50.  D 110. D 170. D 230. B 290. B
51.  B 111. B 171. C 231. B 291. A
52.  B 112. D 172. A 232. A 292. D
53.  A 113. D 173. A 233. C 293. B
54.  A 114. D 174. C 234. C 294. C
55.  B 115. D 175. B 235. A 295. C
56.  C 116. D 176. D 236. A 296. D
57.  A 117. D 177. B 237. C 297. A
58.  B 118. D 178. B 238. C 298. C
59.  A 119. A 179. C 239. C 299. A
60.  B 120. D 180. B 240. A 300. C

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