Instructor's Guide - Prelim
Instructor's Guide - Prelim
Instructor's Guide - Prelim
By the end of the course, the students will be able to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and proficiency to/the:
PO1 - Demonstrate the ability to perform the competence, at the operational level under Table A-III/1 and some elements of Table
A-III/2 of the STCW Code.
PO2– Use appropriate techniques, skills and modern tools in the practice of the profession in order to remain globally competitive;
PO8 – communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino;
1 3.0 TFE1 In this week the topic coverages are the Introduction and STCW Standard principles
HOURS TFE2 regarding Watchkeeping. The lectures, exercises, and assessments will be based
TFE3 only on the topics mentioned. Below is the sequence of the activities:
DAY1-1.50 TFE6 The Motivation will have Time duration (TD) of 15mins.
hours TFE7 Show to the class a video presentation on the link below as an introduction
0.25 hour TFE8 to the course subject. V1.1 -
for the v=Pvxq9XumZyc
motivation, Think, pair and share
0.25 hour QUIZ form no. 1 Note: Limit the motivation only on the allotted time. The Instructor can cut, pause or
for the Assignment form no. 1 stop the video clips to process, relate, connect and emphasis important information
introductio concerning to the subject matter. For some reasons of time constraint, the
n, and A1.1 PPT motivation part can be skip to suffice the time need on the other activities.
1.0 hours
for the R147 Submission of the assignment of the students from the previous day. And it will be
lesson R12 checked and recorded.
proper R37 The Introduction will have Time duration (TD) of 15mins.
Present the lesson’s learning outcome/s.
Explain guidelines of how the students will be assessed on the particular
learning outcome/s.
Written assessment must be introduced at the end of discussion which will satisfy
the Learning Outcome.
Reminders: The topic coverages on the next session must be given to the students
for them to conduct an advance study/research and prepare themselves to the next
discussion and activities.
2 3.0 TFE1 In this week the topic coverages are the Traditional watchkeeping hour schedules,
HOURS TFE2 handing over a watch, taking over a watch, accepting watch, machineries needs to
TFE3 be monitor during engine room watch, precaution, things that the marine engineers
[WEEK 2 TFE4 must consider before handing over watch at port, and ways to master the engine
TFE5 room watchkeeping procedure. The lectures, exercises, and assessments will be
DAY1-1.50 TFE6 based only on the topics mentioned. Below is the sequence of the activities:
hours TFE7
0.25 hour TFE8 DAY 1
for the The Motivation will have Time duration (TD) of 15mins.
motivation, Crossword Puzzle Show to the class a video presentation on the link below, this is the actual
0.25 hour QUIZ form no. 2 watchkeeping routine in the engine. V2.1 -
for the Assignment form no. 2
n, and A1.2 PPT Note: Limit the motivation only on the allotted time. The Instructor can cut, pause or
1.0 hours stop the video clips to process, relate, connect and emphasis important information
for the R41 concerning to the subject matter. For some reasons of time constraint, the
lesson R46 motivation part can be skip to suffice the time need on the other activities.
proper R72
R84 Submission of the assignment of the students from the previous day. And it
R86 will be checked and recorded.
R89 The Introduction will have Time duration (TD) of 15mins.
R97 Present the lesson’s learning outcome/s.
R148 Explain guidelines of how the students will be assessed on the particular
R169 learning outcome/s.
R177 The Lesson Proper will have Time duration (TD) of 1.0hours.
R187 Classroom activity: Crossword Puzzle
R191 The crossword game transforms the boring lessons into a fun experience.
R193 Choose a list of words and their description and creates an interactive
R194 crossword. Give to the students the copy of the puzzle at the beginning of
R196 the lesson and let them answer puzzle while the discussion is on-going.
R215 This classroom activity will be done individually.
R228 Interactive discussion is about the traditional watchkeeping hour
R229 schedules, handing over a watch, taking over a watch, accepting watch,
R230 machineries needs to be monitor during engine room watch, precaution,
R13 things that the marine engineers must consider before handing over watch
R16 at port, and ways to master the engine room watchkeeping procedure. Use
DAY2-1.50 R25 power point presentation [A1.2 PPT] in this session.
1.2 hours DAY 2
for the The CONTINUATION of Lesson Proper will have Time duration (TD) of 1.2hours.
proper Reinforcement:
continuatio Formative exam about the traditional watchkeeping hour schedules,
handing over a watch, taking over a watch, accepting watch, machineries
needs to be monitor during engine room watch, precaution, the things that
the marine engineers must consider before handing over watch at port,
and ways to master the engine room watchkeeping procedure. Refer to
[Quiz 2.]
Assignment must be given to the student for additional reinforcement of the
corresponding topics
n and 0.3
hour for Written assessment must be introduced at the end of discussion which will satisfy
the quiz.] the Learning Outcome.
3 3.0 TFE1 In this week the topic coverages are the Definition, entries and important points
HOURS TFE2 in filling out Engine room log book . The lectures, exercises, and assessments
TFE3 will be based only on the topics mentioned. Below is the sequence of the
[WEEK 3 TFE4 activities:
DAY1-1.50 TFE6 DAY 1
hours TFE7 The Motivation will have Time duration (TD) of 15mins.
0.25 hour TFE8 Show to the class a video presentation on the link below, this is the actual
for the filling up engine room log book routine in the engine. V3.1 -
motivation, Brainstorming on the Board
0.25 hour QUIZ form no. 3
for the Assignment form no. 3 Note: Limit the motivation only on the allotted time. The Instructor can cut, pause or
introductio stop the video clips to process, relate, connect and emphasis important information
n, and A1.3 PPT concerning to the subject matter. For some reasons of time constraint, the
1.0 hours motivation part can be skip to suffice the time need on the other activities.
for the R137
lesson R254 Submission of the assignment of the students from the previous day. And it
proper R10 will be checked and recorded.
R24 The Introduction will have Time duration (TD) of 15mins.
Present the lesson’s learning outcome/s.
Explain guidelines of how the students will be assessed on the particular
learning outcome/s.
The Lesson Proper will have Time duration (TD) of 1.0hours.
Classroom activity: Brainstorming on the Board
Students call out concepts and terms related to a topic about to be
introduced; the instructor writes them on the board. If possible, group them
into categories as you record the responses. Works to gauge pre-existing
knowledge and focus attention on the subject.
Interactive discussion is about the definition, entries and important points
in filling out Engine room log book. Use power point presentation [A1.3
PPT] in this session.
The CONTINUATION of Lesson Proper will have Time duration (TD) of 1.2hours.
Formative exam about the definition, entries and important points in filling
out Engine room log book. Refer to [Quiz 3.]
Assignment must be given to the student for additional reinforcement of the
1.2 hours
corresponding topics.
for the
Written assessment must be introduced at the end of discussion which will satisfy
the Learning Outcome.
n and 0.3
WEEK 3 – DAY 2 0.30 hour
hour for
[Quiz 3.] to be given at the end of the discussion of LO 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 and LO
the quiz.]
Assignment no. 3 must be administered to the student to supplement the
discussion and to reinforce the retention of the topics.
Reminders: The topic coverages on the next session must be given to the students
for them to conduct an advance study/research and prepare themselves to the next
discussion and activities.
DAY2-1.50 DAY 2
hours Summative Written assessment must be introduced at the end of the preliminary