Study of Mass Transfer Coefficient in A Wetted Wall Column: ICCPGE 2016, 1, 201 - 209
Study of Mass Transfer Coefficient in A Wetted Wall Column: ICCPGE 2016, 1, 201 - 209
Study of Mass Transfer Coefficient in A Wetted Wall Column: ICCPGE 2016, 1, 201 - 209
Abdualnaser M. Almagrbi , Moammer M. Elzwail1, Walid A. Alaswad1, Saleh O. Handi2
1 Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department, Al-Mergib University, Alkhoms, Libya
2 Chemical Engineering Department, High Institute for Comperhensive Professions, Alkhoms, Libya
* Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Gas absorption is the unit operation in which one or more soluble components of gas mixture are dissolved
in a liquid. The absorption may be a purely physical phenomenon or may involve chemical reaction with
one or more constituents in the liquid solution. In order to obtain the highest rate of absorption, gas and
liquid streams flow in opposite directions in counter-current flow. The unit in this work has been designed
to help grasp the basic principles of the chemical and physical aspects involved in absorption. This study
unit is made of borosilicate transparent glass in order to show the water spread in the column and get
the visual distribution of fluids behavior which helps to fully understand the phenomenon. In the spray
wetted wall columns, an efficient contact between the phases is achieved by atomizing through fixed or
rotary nozzles. The nozzles are arranged along the periphery and the fluids are fed in a counter-current
flow. This obstruction-free operation makes this type of process suitable to treat flow rate containing
a great number of solid particles. In this work, the wetted wall column is used to determine gas/liquid
mass transfer coefficients, which is essential to design absorption towers. This study investigates the
absorption of oxygen from air into deoxygenated water (prepared by nitrogen sparging) in liquid film-
controlled absorption experiment. The liquid film mass transfer coefficient is calculated at various mass
flow rates of water and air. This work also studies the effect of water flow and air flow on oxygen
concentration in the oxygenation and de-oxygenation process.
Keywords: Absorption; wetted wall; mass transfer coefficient; oxygenation; deoxygenation.
directions, so that for an ideal system equimolecular amount of solid particles.
counter diffusion takes place, though in absorption Some of the spray columns advantages are Contin-
gas molecules are diffusing into the liquid, with neg- uous contact, Low pressure drop, Low cost, Gas
ligible transfer in the reverse direction, in general, phase controlling and Considered as one stage.
the ratio of the liquid to the gas flow rate is con- The main goal in this experimental work is to study
siderably greater in absorption than in distillation of mass transfer coefficient in wetted wall columns,
with the result that layout of the trays is different and to investigate the effects of water and air flow
in the two cases [1]. rates on the mass transfer coefficient [2].
vertical tube through which a liquid inclines; tem- are small and by saturating the inlet air with wa-
porarily a gas rises through it. The gas, when con- ter, humidification effects are eliminated. Thus it
tacting the liquid, is partially spread in it by means is possible to maintain reasonably isothermal con-
of the mass transfer. This process is usually used ditions throughout the column [5]. Experimental
to study the mass transfer between two components procedure allows a power-law relationship to be cal-
in two different phases due to the fact that there is culated and a comparison is made between this and
an interfacial film between such phases in the wet published relationships such as:
film column, dissimilar other processes. It will be
0.5 0.17 n
assumed that such superficial area corresponds to Sh = (Sc) (Ga) (Re) (3.1)
the inner surface of such tube, so that the liquid
That is, for a given gas/liquid system:
can be in the shape of a thin laminar film [5].
(Sh)L α (Re)L
3. Experimental Description
KL Z ρud
The operating principle of the unit is very simple. α
DL µ
The feeding pump (2) draws water from tank (1) to
the oxygenation column (3), where it is sprayed by a Thus, construction of a logarithmic graph:
special nozzle onto the internal wall of the cylinder KL Z
in order to obtain a wetted wall. The air pump (9) DL
vs (Re)L
pumps air in a counter-current at flow to the flow-
ing water in the column. Oxygen is continuously for various flow rates of oxygen (in the form of air)
absorbed from the flowing air by the seeping water a power law can be determined and compared to
on the wall. The water is drawn from the bottom published values.
of the column by the pump P2 (4) and sent to flow Inter diffusion coefficient in dilute solutions can be
meter (5) and to the sampling vessel 1 (6) where calculated as follows:
probe 1 measures the saturation of the treated wa- 0.5
ter. Afterwards, the oxygenated water is sent to 1.17 × 10−13 (ζB M WB ) T
DAB = (3.2)
the de-oxygenation column (7), where it is sprayed V A0.6 µ
on the internal wall of the cylinder. Nitrogen is Recommended values for the association factor are:
pumped inside the column in counter- current flow 2.6 of water. Oxygen → Water
to extract the oxygen from the water. solvent B = H2 O , solute A=O2
VA =2×7.4×10−3
= 0.0148 kgmol
1.17 × 10−13 (2.6 × 18) × 298.15
DAB = 0.6
(0.0148) × 8.96 × 10−4
= 3.336 × 10−6
Reynolds Number can be estimated by following
ρL ud
ReL = (3.3)
Column surface area
Figure 3.1: Flow chart of the plant [2].
A = π (r) (3.4)
The system chosen for the experiment is the ab-
sorption of oxygen into oxygen free water. In this 2
system the solubility and enthalpy of the solution π (0.016) = 0.804 × 10−3 m2
Calculation of velocity
u = Q/A (3.5) KL Z
Sh = (3.9)
1.389 × 10−6 m 0.01 × 0.9
u= = 1.727 × 10−3 = = 2697.84
0.804 × 10−3 s 3.336 × 10−6
996.28 × 1.727 × 10−3 × 0.032
Re = Table 3.2: Data of Reynolds number
8.96 × 10−4
kg m
u s Q s Γ m.s BF KL s DL
= 61.449 −3 −6 −3 −4
1.72×10 1.4×10 1.6×10 9.4×10 0.01 2698
3.5×10−3 2.8×10−6 3.1×10−3 1.5×10−4 0.014 3777
Table 3.1: Data of Reynolds number 5.2×10−3 4.2×10−6 4.6×10−3 2.0×10−4 0.017 4856
6.90×10−3 5.6×10−6 6.2×10−3 2.4×10−4 0.02 5396
kg kg
Q A m u ρL m3
µL ReL
s s m.s
8.6×10−3 6.9×10−6 7.7×10−3 2.7×10−4 0.023 6205
−6 −3 −3
1.4×10 0.8×10 1.72×10 996.3 8.96×10−4 61
2.8×10−6 0.8×10−3 3.5×10−3 996.3 8.96×10−4 123
−6 −3 −3
4.2×10 ×10 5.2×10 996.3 8.96×10−4 184
5.6×10−6 0.8×10−3 6.90×10−3 996.3 8.96×10−4 246
Sh = 0.32Sc0.5 Ga0.17 Re0.5 (3.10)
6.9×10 −6
0.8×10 −3
8.6×10 −3
996.3 8.96×10 −4
307 Calculation of Schmidt number
Calculation of liquid flow rate ScL = (3.11)
Γ= ×ρ (3.6) 8.96 × 10−4
h = = 0.27
996.28 × 3.336 × 10−6
1.389 × 10−6 Calculation of Galileo number
Γ= × 996.28
dp3 gρ2
GaL = (3.12)
kg µ2
= 1.537 × 10−3
m.s 3 2
(0.032) × 9.81 × (996.28)
31 = 2
3ur (8.96 × 10−4 )
BF = (3.7)
ρ2 g
= 0.397 × 109
! 13
3 × 1.727 × 10−3 × 1.537−3
BF = 2
(996.28) × 9.81 0.5 0.5 0.17
Sh = 0.32 × (61.679) (0.27) 0.397 × 109
= 9.351 × 10−5
Calculation of mass transfer coefficient = 37.618
DL Γ Table 3.3: Data of Sherwood and Reynolds num-
KL = 0.422 (3.8)
ρBF 2 ber
s Sh Re Sc.Ga
3.336 × 10−6 × 1.537 × 10−3 2.50 62 37.6
KL = 0.422
996.28 × (9.351 × 10−5 )
3.54 123 53.2
4.33 185 65.1
= 0.01 5.00 247 75.1
s 5.60 308 84.0
Calculation of Sherwood number
Calculation of flooding gas velocity
0.5 4. Results and Discussion
Uf = F1 F2 (3.13) Theoretical and experimental data of mass trans-
fer coefficient at different Reynolds numbers or air
The data covered column sizes up to 50-mm (2- velocities were compared. The plotted data in Fig-
in) diameter; the correlation should be use l with ures 4.1 and 4.2 show the comparison at various
caution for larger columns. Reynolds numbers. A close fit between the pre-
0.25 dicted and the experimental data was found in Fig-
F2 = (3.14) ures 4.1 and 4.2. These findings indicate that the
L mass transfer coefficient equation developed in this
work has a sufficient degree of accuracy. Generally,
L = Qρ (3.15)
it was found that the discrepancy was lower at low
Reynolds but it increases as Reynolds number in-
L = 6.944 × 10−6 × 996.28 creases. Also the work shows that Sherwood num-
ber increases proportionally with Reynolds number.
= 6.9 × 10−3 n 0.5
Sh = 0.32 (Re) (Sc) (Ga)
In Figure 4.1, it is observed that the oxygen con-
G = Qρ (3.16)
centration is highly dependent on Reynolds num-
ber and it increases linearly as Reynolds number
G = 8.33 × 10−4 × 1.186 increases. Generally, all curve trends show Sher-
wood number is increasing linearly with Reynolds
kg number, and they can be correlated as follows:
= 9.88 × 10−4
s 0.5 0.5 0.17
0.25 Sh = 0.32 (Re) (Sc) (Ga) (4.2)
9.88 × 10
F2 = In Figure 4.2 clearly shows that, the deviation be-
= 0.615
6.918 × 10−3 tween the calculated and experimental values is in-
Calculation of Surface Tension creasing as Reynolds number increases. At low
2 3
Reynolds number the deviation is around 35%, while
σ = A (1 − Tr )(
B+CTr +DTr +ETr )
(3.17) at high Reynolds number it is about 45%, because
A = 0.18548 , B = 2.717 , C = -3.554 , D = 2.047 of the effect of air high velocities on oxygen concen-
,E=0 tration.
Tr = (3.18)
= = 0.46
2.7+(−3.5)(0.46)+(2.04)(0.46)2 +(0)(0.46)3
σ = 0.185 (1 − 0.46)
= 0.0729 Figure 4.1: Comparison between the experimen-
m tal data & published data
F1 : 1.22 when 3.2 > 1.0
As 3.2 0.0729
= 1.404
F1 =1.22
0.0729 m
Uf = 1.22 × 0.615 = 0.186
1.186 s
Figure 4.2: Relationship between Sherwood num-
ber & Reynolds number
Figure 4.6: Relation between air flow rate & oxy- Figure 4.8: Relation between air flow rate & oxy-
gen concentration rate in Probe 1 at water flow rate gen concentration rate in Probe 2 at flow rate water
(5.555×10−6 m3 /s). (2.778×10−6 m3 /s ).
The curves trends in Figures 4.7 and 4.8, show that, Figures 4.9 and 4.10 show the effect of water flow
at same constant water flow rate, the oxygen con- rate on the oxygen concentration. The oxygen con-
centration in (probe 2) are slightly increasing with centration decreases as the water flow rate increases.
the increase of air flow rates. This hardly notice- This is due to the water turbulence flow in the col-
able effect is due to the fact that the water is either umn. During the turbulence flow, the oxygen ab-
at, or is approaching its oxygen saturation state. sorption rate drops significantly because of smaller
mass transfer areas and less times of exposure as
opposed to the smooth laminar flow.
Figure 4.13: Relation between water flow rate &
oxygen concentration rate in Probe 1 at nitrogen
flow rate (250 m3 ⁄s).
Figure 4.10: Relation between water flow rate &
oxygen concentration rate in Probe 1 at air flow
rate (4.166×10−4 m3 /s).
mass transfer coefficient have a sufficient degree
of accuracy.
[1] 1. J. R. Backhurst, J. H. Harker and J. F.
Richardson; Chemical Engineering, Solutions to
Problems in Volume 2, 5th Ed, 1993.
[2] 2. http://