Substantive Procedures-Cash
Substantive Procedures-Cash
Substantive Procedures-Cash
Since cash does not have a predictable relationship with other financial statement accounts
because of its residual nature, therefore, the auditor’s use of analytical procedures for auditing cash
balances is limited to:
(a) Compare with prior years’ cash balances and to budgeted amount.
(b) Identify receipts of the next accounting period and investigate the long outstanding
cheques, determine whether they should be reflected in the balances at year end period.
Amount of cash flowing thru the accounts over a period over time
Cash is vital to the survival of the business as a going concern (i.e. Liquidity)
Material in a qualitative way even if not material in a quantitative way
Inherent Risk
High volume of transactions
Nature of cash – susceptible to theft
(2) Always keep in mind the POSSIBILITY of THEFT regardless of the amount of ending balance
of cash
(3) Acceptable detection risk in verifying cash balances is SET AS LOW.
B. Analytical Procedures
Since cash does not have a predictable relationship with other financial statement
accounts because of its residual nature, therefore, the auditor’s use of analytical
procedures for auditing cash balances is limited to:
(1) Compare with prior years’ cash balances and to budgeted amount.
(2) Identify receipts of the next accounting period and investigate the long outstanding
checks, determine whether they should be reflected in the balances at year end period.
(2) Trace bank transfers before and after the end of the reporting period to determine that
each transfer is properly recorded as a payment and a receipt in the same accounting
Lary Lou Ventura
D. Tests of Details of Balances
(1) Confirm bank balances (addresses mainly the existence assertion)
Importance of Bank Confirmation:
Direct confirmation gives auditor independent, 3rd party evidence
Bank letter may reveal details of security, borrowings and contingent liabilities
w/c needs to be disclosed in the FS
Info obtained assists auditor by providing external evidence in relation to
matters such as the existence, completeness and valuation of assets and
May enable auditor to perform additional tests if there are discrepancies
(4) Obtain and use the subsequent period’s statements to verify bank recon items and look
for evidence of window dressing
(5) Count cash on hand (undeposited cash receipts and change funds)