IEEE STD C62.34™-2017 Standard For Test Methods

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IEEE Standard for Test Methods and

Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V

rms or Less) Surge Protective Devices
Used on Secondary Distribution
Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line
Side of the Service Equipment)

IEEE Power and Energy Society

Sponsored by the
Surge Protective Devices Committee

IEEE IEEE Std C62.34™-2017

3 Park Avenue (Revision of
New York, NY 10016-5997 IEEE Std C62.34-1996)

Authorized licensed use limited to: CONACYT CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA. Downloaded on August 24,2018 at 22:03:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std C62.34™-2017
(Revision of
IEEE Std C62.34-1996)

IEEE Standard for Test Methods and

Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V
rms or Less) Surge Protective Devices
Used on Secondary Distribution
Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line
Side of the Service Equipment)


Surge Protective Devices Committee

of the
IEEE Power and Energy Society

Approved 28 September 2017

IEEE-SA Standards Board

Authorized licensed use limited to: CONACYT CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA. Downloaded on August 24,2018 at 22:03:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Abstract: This standard applies to surge protective devices designed for application on the low-
voltage supply mains (1000 V rms and less, frequency between 48 Hz and 62 Hz) and intended
to be connected at locations between, and including, the secondary terminals of the distribution
transformer and the line side of the service equipment. Such surge protective devices are also
known as secondary arresters. This is coordinated with IEEE Std C62.44 (the application guide),
NEC Article 285, and ANSI/UL 1449.

Keywords: IEEE C62.34™, low voltage, secondary arresters, surge protective devices, SPDs,
Type 1 SPDs

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA

Copyright © 2017 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

All rights reserved. Published 27 October 2017. Printed in the United States of America.

IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,

PDF: ISBN 978-1-5044-4325-8 STD22776

Print: ISBN 978-1-5044-4326-5 STDPD22776

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At the time this IEEE standard was completed, the 3.6.9 Low Voltage AC Power System SPDs—Line Side of
the Service Equipment Working Group had the following membership:

Raymond C. Hill, Technical Editor and Chair

Andrea Turner Haa, Vice Chair
James Moellmann, Secretary

Ken Brown Ronald Hotchkiss Tom Phipps

Bryan Cole Wilhelm Kapp Tony Surtees
Vincent Crevenat Joseph L. Koepfinger Jim Tiesi
Dan Ellis Steve Millard Matt Wakeham
Louis Farquhar Mark Wingate

The Working Group is grateful for the contributions of the following individuals:

Chrys Chrysanthou David Jackson Carey Mossop

Joe Degregoria Chuck Jensen Perry Sloop
Ted Dhooge Dirk Malencia Hans Steinhoff
Gary Goedde Francois Martzolff Frank Waterer
Bill Goldbach Steve Whisenant

The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have
voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.

Saleman Alibhay Laszlo Kadar Christopher Petrola

Robert Ashton Yuri Khersonsky Thomas Phipps
Thomas Barnes Joseph L. Koepfinger Robert Resuali
Frank Basciano Jim Kulchisky Michael Roberts
William Bloethe Chung-Yiu Lam Thomas Rozek
Gustavo Brunello William Larzelere Steven Sano
Thomas Callsen Michael Lauxman Bartien Sayogo
Suresh Channarasappa Paul Lindemulder Nikunj Shah
Weijen Chen Albert Livshitz David Singleton
Stephen Conrad Albert Martin Jerry Smith
Gary Donner Michael Maytum Gary Smullin
Louis Farquhar Omar Mazzoni Wayne Stec
Frank Gerleve James Moellmann K. Stump
David Gilmer Daleep Mohla David Tepen
Randall Groves R. Murphy Roger Verdolin
Jeffrey Helzer Edrin Murzaku John Vergis
Raymond C. Hill Michael Newman Matthew Wakeham
Gary Hoffman Hans-Wo Oertel Yingli Wen
Philip Hopkinson Lorraine Padden James Wilson
Ronald Hotchkiss Bansi Patel Mark Wingate

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When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 28 September 2017, it had the following

Jean-Phillippe Faure, Chair

Gary Hoffman, Vice Chair
John D. Kulick, Past Chair
Konstantinos Karachalios, Secretary

Chuck Adams Thomas Koshy Robby Robson

Masayuki Ariyoshi Joseph L. Koepfinger* Dorothy Stanley
Ted Burse Kevin Lu Adrian Stephens
Stephen Dukes Daleep Mohla Mehmet Ulema
Doug Edwards Damir Novosel Phil Wennblom
J. Travis Griffith Ronald C. Petersen Howard Wolfman
Michael Janezic Annette D. Reilly Yu Yuan

*Member Emeritus

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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std C62.34™-2017, IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of
Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the
Transformer Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment).

Secondary arresters have been used since 1940 to protect the secondary winding of distribution transformers,
kilowatt-hour meters, service entrance equipment, and power equipment loads downstream from breakdown
of insulation during lightning strikes and switching surges. Performance criteria for secondary arresters were
included in standards for performance of high-voltage arresters in IEEE Std C62.1™-1989 and IEEE Std
C62.11™-1993. However, IEEE Std C62.1-1989 is no longer in publication and IEEE Std C62.11-1993 has
been updated and secondary arresters dropped from its scope.

With the proliferation of electronic equipment installed inside buildings, the emphasis has shifted away from
protection of insulation of transformer windings and wiring to protection of vulnerable downstream electronic
equipment. Due to increased sensitivity of downstream equipment to surges, the requirements for secondary
arresters have necessarily become more stringent.

The standards developers have attempted, as far as reasonable and possible, to harmonize with relevant
domestic and international standards.

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1.  Scope��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10

2.  Normative references�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10

3.  Definitions������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11

4.  Service conditions������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12

4.1  Usual service conditions��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
4.2  Unusual service conditions����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13

5.  Ratings, markings, and information���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14

5.1  Identification�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14
5.2  Typical values������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14

6. Construction���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15

7.  Design tests����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15

7.1  General����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
7.2  Laboratory conditions ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 17
7.3  Surge parameters ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
7.4  Determination of voltage protection level������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 17
7.5  Maximum discharge current (Imax) (Ip)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 18
7.6  Nominal discharge current test����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
7.7  Loss of neutral test������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 20
7.8  Through-fault current withstand test (two-port SPDs only)���������������������������������������������������������������� 22
7.9  Short circuit current rating (SCCR) test���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
7.10  Low and intermediate fault current withstand tests�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30
7.11  Rated temporary overvoltage (TOV) withstand verification������������������������������������������������������������� 31
7.12  Temperature rise (two-port SPDs only)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 33

8.  Routine tests���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35

8.1  Overview�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
8.2  Voltage protection level���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
8.3  Power-frequency voltage test������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35

Annex A (informative) Loss of neutral condition������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36

Annex B (informative) Bibliography������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37

Copyright © 2017 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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IEEE Standard for Test Methods and
Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V
rms or Less) Surge Protective Devices
Used on Secondary Distribution
Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line
Side of the Service Equipment)

1. Scope
This standard applies to surge protective devices designed for application on the low-voltage supply mains
(1000 V root-mean-squared [rms] and less, frequency between 48 Hz and 62 Hz) and intended to be connected
at locations between, and including, the secondary terminals of the distribution transformer and the line side
of the service equipment. Such surge protective devices are also known in the electric utility industry as
secondary arresters. Underwriters Laboratories also lists them as Type 1 SPDs (surge protective devices). This
standard is coordinated with IEEE Std C62.44 (the application guide), NEC Article 285, and ANSI/UL 1449.

2.  Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must
be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is
explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.

IEEE Std C62.41.1™, IEEE Recommended Practice on Surge Voltages in Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits
(recognized as an American National Standard).1,2

IEEE Std C62.41.2™, IEEE Recommended Practice on Characterization of Surges in Low-Voltage (1000 V
and Less) AC Power Circuits (recognized as an American National Standard).

IEEE Std C62.45™, IEEE Guide on Surge Testing for Equipment Connected to Low-Voltage AC Power
Circuits (recognized as an American National Standard).

The IEEE standards or products referred to in Clause 2 are trademarks owned by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (http://​standards​.ieee​.org/​).

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

3.  Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary
Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause.3

combination wave (1.2/50 µs, 8/20 µs): A wave delivered by a generator that applies a 1.2/50 µs voltage
impulse across an open circuit and an 8/20 µs impulse current into a short circuit. The voltage and current
waveforms that are delivered to the surge protective device (SPD) are determined by the generator and the
impedance of the SPD to which the surge is applied. The ratio of open-circuit voltage to peak short‑circuit
current is 2 Ohms.

design tests: Tests made on each design to establish the performance characteristics and to demonstrate
compliance with the appropriate standards of the industry. Once made, they need not be repeated unless the
design is changed so as to modify performance.

discharge current: An impulse (surge) current impressed through a surge protective device (SPD).

in-line surge protective device (SPD): A two-port surge protective device (SPD) connected in series between
the power supply and a load where the load current passes through the conductive terminals of the SPD such
that the removal of the SPD opens the circuit but has no intended impedance (IEEE Std C62.62™-2010

maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) (Uc): The maximum rms value of power-frequency
voltage that may be applied continuously between the terminals of the arrester without degradation or
deleterious effects.

maximum discharge current (Imax)(Ip): (A) The maximum surge current that the surge protective device
(SPD) withstands without damage. (B) A surge current rating with a crest value of current through an SPD
according to the manufacturer’s specification.

NOTE 1—Imax and Ip can be used interchangeably.5

NOTE 2—Imax is equal to or greater than In. See nominal discharge current rating (In) and nominal discharge current

measured limiting voltage (MLV): The maximum magnitude of voltage that is measured across the terminals
of the surge protective device during the application of a series of impulses of specified wave shape and

nominal discharge current rating (In): The discharge current with a specified amplitude impressed through a
surge protective device (SPD) fifteen times without degrading the SPD.

nominal discharge current (In): The discharge current that can be applied to a surge protective device a
specified number of times without causing damage to it.

nominal system voltage: A nominal value assigned to designate a system of a given voltage class.

one-port surge protective device (SPD): A surge protective device (SPD) connected in shunt with the circuit
to be protected.

IEEE Standards Dictionary Online subscription is available at: http://​www​.ieee​.org/​portal/​innovate/​products/​standard/​standards​
The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex B.
Notes in text, tables, and figures of a standard are given for information only and do not contain requirements needed to implement this

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

preferred values: The parameters listed for various tests are preferred in the sense that their use promotes
uniformity. However, specific applications may require values other than the listed preferred values.

routine tests: Tests made by the manufacturer on every device or on representative samples, or on parts or
materials as required to verify that the product meets the design specifications.

secondary arrester: A surge protective device that is intended to be connected to the low-voltage ac supply
mains (1000 V rms and less, frequency between 48 Hz and 62 Hz) at locations between and including the
secondary terminals of the distribution transformer and the main service entrance panel.

surge: A transient wave of voltage or current. The duration of a surge is not tightly specified, but it is usually
less than a few milliseconds.

surge protective device (SPD): A device that is intended to limit transient overvoltages and divert surge
current. It contains at least one nonlinear component. The generic term used to describe a device by its
protective function, regardless of technology used, ratings, packaging, point of application, etc.

two-port surge protective device (SPD): An SPD with two sets of terminals: input and output. A specific
series impedance is inserted between these terminals (IEEE Std C62.62-2010 [B10]).

NOTE 1—The non-linear device is connected in shunt.

NOTE 2—An in-line SPD is a special subset of two-port SPDs.

voltage protection level: A parameter that characterizes the performance of the SPD in limiting the voltage
across its terminals. This value shall be equal to or greater than the highest value measured in measured
limiting voltage tests.

4.  Service conditions

4.1  Usual service conditions
4.1.1  Physical condition

The physical condition is ambient air temperature in the general vicinity of the arrester between −40 °C and
+60 °C. Altitude for usual service conditions is less than 2000 meters.

4.1.2  System conditions

The system conditions are as follows:

a) Nominal power frequency of 48 Hz to 62 Hz

b) System voltage within the ratings of the arrester under all usual system operating conditions

4.1.3  System configuration

Table 1 shows common North American system configurations.

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

Table 1—System configurations

Nominal system voltage System configuration Number of conductors
120 Single phase 2W + G
127 Single phase 2W + G
120/240 Single phase 3W + G
208Y/120 3-phase wye 4W + G
208 3-phase delta 3W + G
220Y/127 3-phase wye 4W + G
230 Single phase 2W + G
240 Single phase 2W + G
240/120 3-phase high-leg delta 4W + G
240 3-phase delta 3W + G
240 3-phase corner grounded delta 3W + G
400Y/230 3-phase wye 4W + G
480/240 3-phase high-leg delta 4W + G
480Y/277 3-phase wye 4W + G
480 3-phase delta 3W + G
480 3-phase wye 3W + G
480 3-phase corner grounded delta 3W + G
600Y/347 3-phase wye 4W + G
600 3-phase delta 3W + G
NOTE—Non-effectively grounded systems require special attention for surge protective device (SPD) selection.
During certain system events (i.e., system fault), the phase-to-ground potential can rise as high as six to eight per unit
of system voltage (IEEE Std 142™ [B7]).

4.1.4  Surge environment

Intended for use in Category C locations per IEEE Std C62.41.1™ and IEEE Std C62.41.2™.

4.2  Unusual service conditions

4.2.1 Overview

Exposure to any of the service conditions in 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 might require special consideration in the design
and application of arresters.

4.2.2  Physical conditions

Unusual physical conditions are listed as follows:

a) Temperatures and altitudes beyond that specified in 4.1.1

b) Exposure to damaging fumes or vapors; excessive dirt; salt spray or other current-conducting deposits;
steam; or explosive atmospheres, abnormal vibrations, or shocks
c) Unusual transportation or storage

4.2.3  System conditions

Unusual system conditions are as follows:

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

a) Nominal power frequency other than 48 Hz to 62 Hz

b) System operating conditions where the rating of the device may be temporarily exceeded

5.  Ratings, markings, and information

5.1  Identification
The following information shall be provided by the manufacturer:

a) *Manufacturer’s name, trademark, or trade name

b) *Manufacturer’s model number
c) *Maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV)
d) *Nominal discharge current (per mode)
e) Maximum discharge current (per mode) with the MLV
f) *Voltage protection level
g) *Rated load current (two-port SPDs and in-line SPDs)
h) *Labeling of all status indicators (if no indicators are present, this must be stated)
i) *Position of normal use (if relevant) or mounting arrangement
j) *Terminal markings (if necessary)
k) Installation instructions
l) *Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory listings (marks)
m) If a loss of neutral withstand voltage rating is assigned by the manufacturer, the relevant test voltage
maximum shall be supplied.
n) *Short-circuit current rating (SCCR)
o) *System configuration (nominal system voltage and type)
p) *SPD Type (if listed to ANSI/UL 1449)
q) Degree of protection provided by the enclosure (i.e., IP or NEMA rating)
r) *External SPD disconnector/over-current protective device requirements (if applicable)
s) Storage and operating temperature ranges
t) *“Indoor Use,” “Outdoor Use,” or “Indoor/Outdoor Use”

Items marked with an asterisk (*) shall be permanently attached to the arrester in order to permit the complete
information to be obtained from the manufacturer.

Marking shall be indelible and easily legible. Letters shall be at least 2 mm in height.

5.2  Typical values

Typical values of nominal discharge current (In) and maximum discharge current (Imax) are as listed in Table 2.

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

Table 2—Typical values

In (kA)
Imax (kA)

6. Construction
Secondary arresters with leads shall meet the following specifications:

— Current-carrying capacity equal to or greater than copper with a diameter of 1.6 mm (AWG #14); the
metallic conductor shall be made of noncorrosive material (e.g., copper or tin-plated copper, but not
— Arresters with permanently attached wire leads or wire leads attached to screw terminals shall have
leads that are insulated to not less than 600 V (ac) or rated system voltage, whichever is greater.

Secondary arresters can be suitable for either:

— Both indoor and outdoor operation, or

— For indoor operation only

Arresters for outdoor installations shall be certified for use in that application (i.e., resistant to ultraviolet
radiation, water ingress, and corrosion).

All secondary arrester housings shall be either nonflammable or self-extinguishing. Refer to UL 94 [B18] and
UL 746C [B19] for appropriate verification test methods.

7.  Design tests

7.1 General
During design testing, any switches or circuit breakers in the device under test are to be set in the same position
as during normal operation of the arrester. Unless otherwise specified, fuses or circuit breakers inside the
device under test shall neither be removed nor bypassed during these tests.

Many of the tests indicated in this standard test specification are inherently hazardous. The precautions for
personnel and property described in this clause shall be observed to reduce safety risks. Existing safety codes
and the applicable safety directives and prescriptions of the organization where the tests are being performed
shall also be observed.

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

During the testing described in this standard, the voltage and energy levels can be hazardous, and appropriate
care shall be exercised. Surge testing can generate significant amounts of electromagnetic interference (EMI).
For this reason, care should be taken not to expose personnel with electrical prosthetic devices, including
implanted pacemakers, to the immediate environment of a surge test.

Consideration shall also be given to the possibility of ignition or explosion within the SPD. Where an
examination of the device indicates a likelihood of ignition, factors to be considered include the following:

a) The amount of combustible material likely to be involved initially

b) The probable rate of propagation
c) The consequences of such propagation; that is, the probability of extension beyond the SPD

Appropriate precautions shall be taken to keep these factors within manageable limits. Precautions may
include suitable extinguishing agents in sufficient quantity, physical separation from other combustibles,
or other appropriate measures. In evaluating the possibility of explosion, consideration should be given to
component failure whenever hazardous materials are available in sufficient quantity to create an explosive

All surge testing shall be conducted by technically qualified personnel who are aware of the hazards of
such testing. The voltage and current levels generally associated with surge testing are well above those
considered lethal. Some considerations are the possibility of an accidental discharge of the surge generator,
the consequences of a flashover to an unfavorable circuit, the possibility of a charge being trapped in the
SPD, or the consequence of a violent component failure. Testing personnel should never stand in the line of
sight of components on printed circuit boards or panels with the enclosure open during SPD surge testing.
On occasion, a component can unexpectedly fail in an explosive manner during surge testing. Fragments of
the ruptured case and the component might cause injury to personnel in the vicinity. If visual observation is
desired, a suitable transparent barrier shall be provided.

Surge testing of SPDs is best conducted only in an area dedicated solely to that purpose. The boundaries of
the area should be clearly defined and appropriately marked. The surge test area should be kept free of all
materials, meters, and test setups that are not associated with the surge test being conducted. Where possible,
the area should be isolated and equipped with electrical or mechanical interlocks, or both, on all entrances into
the test area and on removable barrier panels. All metal fences and barriers should be bonded to the grounding
system. Consideration should be given to the possibility of the surge flashing over to circuits or metallic parts
that were not intended to be surged.

When the SPD can be enclosed in an effective barrier, the preceding requirements for installation are easier to
satisfy. This barrier may simply be sufficient separation—including separation from the floor, which should
be presumed to contain conduit or other metal. Alternatively, the entire barrier may be made up of physical
insulation. In either case, it should be complete, except where it is penetrated for insertion of input or output
lines and measurements probes; and it must be able to provide adequate protection for a peak voltage equal
to at least twice the peak of the incident test surge. (Circuits in breakdown mode at or near the surge peak can
oscillate at high frequencies. Such oscillatory flashovers can thereby increase effective applied peaks by a
factor approaching two.) Interlocks should be provided to reduce risks associated with access between tests.

Capacitors in the test circuit or the device under test can retain a trapped charge. Suitable bleeders or short-
circuiting devices should be provided to protect the operator against any such trapped charge after passage of
the test surge.

EMI from surge testing could conceivably cause malfunction of robots and other automatic equipment. Such
equipment should be removed from the immediate vicinity of surge testing operations.

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

The importance of conducting surge tests in a prudent manner cannot be overemphasized; safeguarding
personnel has to be the prime consideration.

7.2  Laboratory conditions

In the absence of specified environmental standards, the following test conditions and test setups are

a) Ambient temperature: 20 °C, ± 5 K

b) Relative humidity: less than 85%
c) Altitude: less than 2000 m
d) Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 Hz, ± 2 Hz
e) Test wave shapes: reference IEEE Std C62.41.2™, IEEE Std 4™ [B6]
f) Test method: per IEEE Std C62.45™

7.3  Surge parameters

Tests in this standard may be performed with a combination waveform generator or with separate surge
generators for current and voltage tests. The specifications for the waveforms are:

Open-circuit voltage waveform:

— Front time: 1.2 µs ± 0.36 µs

— Tail time (time to half value): 50 µs ± 10 µs

Short-circuit current waveform from a combination wave generator:

— Front time: 8 µs (+1.0 µs, −2.5 µs)

— Tail time (time to half value): 20 µs (+8 µs, −4 µs)

Short-circuit current waveform from a current surge generator:

— Front time: 8 µs (+0.8 µs, −0.8 µs)

— Tail time (time to half value): 20 µs (+2 µs, −2 µs)

The voltage peak value shall be as stated ± 3% and the current peak value shall be as stated ± 5%, unless
otherwise stated.

The ratio of peak open-circuit voltage to peak short-circuit current for the combination wave generator is
2 Ω ± 0.25 Ω.

7.4  Determination of voltage protection level

7.4.1 Purpose

These tests measure the response of an SPD (secondary arrester) to a current surge; the result being a measured
limiting voltage (MLV) response curve (V-I characteristic) and a voltage protection level value.

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

7.4.2 Rationale

Determining the voltage protection level enables the designer to coordinate voltage protection of downstream
equipment and provide a comparison of SPDs.

7.4.3  Number of samples

The test shall be run on three new sample SPDs.

7.4.4  Test procedure

The test shall be performed without simultaneously energizing the arrester with power-frequency voltage.

No load is used for either a one-port or two-port device under test.

The surge generator shall be calibrated for an 8/20 µs current waveform into a short circuit. No further
waveform adjustment of the generator is necessary.

Apply one surge of each polarity to each mode of protection with a magnitude through the SPD of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5,
and 1.0 times the rated nominal discharge current to each line terminal. Measure voltage as follows:

a) For a one-port arrester with wire leads, conductors with a length of 150 mm (−0 mm, +10 mm) (when
straight) shall be used between the body of the arrester and the point where the voltage probes are
connected to the loop that contains the surge current.
b) For arresters that do not have permanently attached wire leads, these tests are to be conducted with
150 mm (−0 mm, +10 mm) of AWG #14 insulated wire attached to each terminal. However, if the
manufacturer specifies a wire gauge in the installation instructions, then the test shall be performed
with 150 mm (−0 mm, +10 mm) of the smallest diameter wire recommended by the manufacturer.
c) For arresters that are contained inside a panel or enclosure, measurement of the voltage protection
level shall be made at a distance of 150 mm (−0 mm, +10 mm) from the point where the conductors
enter or exit the panel or enclosure.
d) For arresters that are designed to be used in a revenue (kWh) meter socket, the voltage protection level
shall be measured at the socket.
e) If a combination waveform generator is used, the peak voltage of the combination wave generator
shall be adjusted to impress the specified current amplitude through the SPD.

7.4.5  Interpretation of results

At the conclusion of these tests, the arrester shall be intact and functional.

The highest absolute value of the voltages measured during all of the tests is the voltage protection level.

This parameter shall be printed on the manufacturer’s specification sheet as the voltage protection level.

NOTE—This VPL differs from the voltage protection rating (VPR) assigned to SPDs listed to ANSI/UL 1449 [B2].

7.5  Maximum discharge current (Imax) (Ip)

The maximum surge current rating is a manufacturer declared rating.

NOTE—At present there is no agreed upon procedure for testing/verifying a maximum surge current rating for secondary
arresters or Type 1 SPDs. This can be a nebulous rating which can confuse the end-user. Very large surge current ratings

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

are not necessarily indicative of real world levels of surge current at the various locations in which these SPDs can be
applied. Surge currents greater than 20 kA are not generally expected in a Category C location except for a direct strike
scenario (see IEEE Std C62.41.1, IEEE Std C62.41.2). Today, manufacturers’ maximum surge current ratings are more
indicative of lifetime ratings. It is not that an SPD can actually be tested at the maximum surge current rating due to
inherent wiring and SPD impedances, nor that an SPD would ever experience such a surge, but that a higher rating can
indicate a longer lifetime. This would be due to surge current divergence and sharing among surge elements within the
SPD which effectively lowers the surge duty experienced by each surge element, thereby extending the lifetime.

7.6  Nominal discharge current test

7.6.1 Overview

The nominal discharge current (In) is the nominal rated surge current through the SPD. This parameter is
declared by the manufacturer.

7.6.2 Purpose

This parameter is used to help select an appropriate SPD for the application surge environment and to determine
a realistic voltage protection level based on the threat analysis of the facility. Because each facility is different,
the point of application of the SPD is different, and therefore, the threat level of each facility is different. SPDs
with higher nominal discharge current ratings are used in more severe surge environments.

7.6.3 Rationale

The nominal discharge current (In) test is a form of endurance test in that it verifies that an SPD will survive a
number of discharges at its declared rating, and still remain in a functioning condition and within tolerance.
Both In and Imax are ratings declared by the manufacturer. Both provide important information to the user or
specifier during the selection of an SPD for the location and electrical surge environment which it is likely to
encounter during service.

7.6.4  Number of samples

Three (3) new samples shall be tested. The test sequence shall be carried out on all three SPD samples, and
for each mode of protection if the SPD has multiple modes (L-N, L-G, N-G etc.). The samples shall be tested
with their intended internal and/or external disconnecting means; thermal cutout/device, fuse, overcurrent
protective device (OCPD).

7.6.5  Test setup

Each sample shall be placed on a soft wood surface covered with a double layer of white tissue paper. Each
sample shall then be loosely draped with a double layer of cheesecloth. The cheesecloth shall cover all
openings (including receptacles, conduit openings, and ventilation openings) in the device but shall not be
pushed into the openings.

7.6.6  Test procedure

As an initial benchmark, the SPD’s voltage protection level at In and ambient temperature shall be measured as
described in 7.4. Perform this step for each mode to be tested.

The surge generator shall be calibrated for an 8/20 µs current waveform into a short circuit. No further
waveform adjustment of the generator is necessary.

The driving voltage of the current impulse generator shall be adjusted until the impressed current flowing
through the SPD is equal to the nominal discharge current rating, In, as declared by the manufacturer.

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

The SPD shall then be subjected to 15 current surges at In (−0%, +10%) using the following pattern:

a) Impulse the SPD at In.

b) Within one (1) second following the impulse application, energize the SPD at its maximum continuous
operating voltage (MCOV) and hold at this voltage for one (1) min (± 15 s).
c) Remove MCOV and within 60 s apply the next current surge of In.
d) After five current surge applications, energize the SPD at MCOV and hold at this voltage for 30 min
(±5 min) while monitoring current through the SPD to ensure thermal stability.
e) Repeat the above sequence of five (5) each current surge applications two (2) more times for a total of
15 surges at In. The second set of five (5) current surges shall consist of the opposite polarity.

After the SPD returns to ambient temperature, the SPD is subjected to a final voltage protection level
benchmark test as initially performed.

In lieu of switching back and forth between the impulse generator and ac supply, the ac supply may remain
connected with the use of appropriate back-filters. In this case, the current surge shall be applied at the peak of
the applied ac sine wave, each of the same polarity.

7.6.7  Pass criteria

Passing criteria is as follows:

a) The SPD must not emit fire or molten material, or exhibit and signs of cracking or damage to its
b) No disconnector is allowed to operate (i.e., fuse blow, circuit breaker trip, thermal disconnector
operate) during the In test.
c) The voltage protection level recorded before and after the sequence of In impulses must remain within
± 10% of each other.

7.6.8 Markings

The manufacture’s nominal discharge current rating (In) per mode of protection shall be marked on the product
enclosure (rating label).

7.7  Loss of neutral test

7.7.1 Overview

If the manufacturer claims a loss of neutral withstand capability, then that capability shall be verified by the
following procedure.

7.7.2 Purpose

This test demonstrates the SPD’s ability to deal with a loss of neutral condition due to a corroded connector or
conductor or any other system condition which results in a high resistance neutral connection or complete loss.

7.7.3 Rationale

In the event of a loss of neutral condition, SPDs that are normally connected line-to-neutral can be subjected to
near line-to-line voltage until the system is shut off. The load condition, which can produce this voltage with
loss of neutral, limits fault current to a low level. This test is for that condition; therefore, the test voltage is

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

the maximum line-to-line voltage and the short-circuit current is limited to a low level. Refer to Annex B for
further explanation of this condition.

7.7.4  Number of samples

Three (3) new samples per short-circuit current level and mode shall be tested. Samples shall be tested with the
appropriate, supplied OCPD or disconnecting means intended for use with the SPD. Neutral-to-ground mode
shall not be subject of this test.

7.7.5  Test circuit parameters

The following are the test circuit parameters:

a) Power frequency: 48 Hz to 62 Hz
b) Open-circuit voltage: maximum system line-to-line voltage (± 3%) for the intended installation
c) Available short-circuit current levels:
1) 5 A ± 10%
2) 25 A ± 10%

7.7.6  Test set up

Each sample shall be placed on a soft wood surface covered with a double layer of white tissue paper. Each
sample shall then be loosely draped with a double layer of cheesecloth. The cheesecloth shall cover all
openings (including receptacles, conduit openings, and ventilation openings) in the device but shall not be
pushed into the openings.

7.7.7  Test procedure

Connect the SPD with the mode to be tested in a circuit with an available short-circuit current of 5 A ± 10% and
driven by a voltage level equal to the maximum system line-to-line voltage (± 3%) for the intended installation

Monitor SPD temperature (i.e., hottest SPD surge element), resistive component of current, or power
dissipation until the measured value is stable or declining (success) or continuously increasing (failure).

Maintain power frequency voltage for a minimum of 30 min. If success or failure is not clearly evident at the
end of 30 min, maintain voltage until the evidence is clear or 7 h have elapsed.

Repeat the above sequence with an available short-circuit current of 25 A ± 10%.

Repeat for all modes tested.

The operation of a thermal disconnecting device is permitted.

7.7.8 Evaluation

The design shall be considered adequate when all samples meet the following criteria:

a) Thermal recovery (success) was demonstrated or voltage was applied for 7 h without failure.
b) The SPD must not emit fire or molten material, or exhibit and signs of cracking or damage to its

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

c) Ignition of the enclosure, cheese cloth, or tissue paper is not permitted.

7.8  Through-fault current withstand test (two-port SPDs only)

7.8.1 Overview

The manufacturer shall provide a through-fault current withstand rating.

An in-line SPD is considered as a subset of two-port SPDs and is subject to this test.

7.8.2 Purpose

This test determines if a two-port SPD is capable of withstanding the magnitude of available system fault
current that could flow through the SPD terminals (input to output), not as a result of the failure of the SPD, but
when a short circuit occurs on the load side of the SPD.

7.8.3 Rationale

Failures of wiring insulation and downstream equipment occur in electrical systems from time to time. An
SPD with input and output terminals which carry load current will also be required to carry any fault current
due to a downstream failure.

7.8.4  Number of samples

The through-fault current withstand of the two-port SPD shall be tested using three (3) samples for each load
path at the available fault current level of the system on which the device is intended to be installed. This is a
manufacturer declared rating.

For single-phase or split-phase SPDs, three (3) samples shall have a bolted line-to-line fault on the load side,
and three (3) samples shall have a bolted line-to-neutral fault on the load side.

For multi-phase SPDs, three (3) samples shall each have a bolted line-to-line fault on the load side; one with
A-B phases shorted, one with B-C phases shorted, and one with C-A phases shorted. An additional three (3)
samples shall each have a bolted line-to-ground fault on the load side; one with A phase-to-ground shorted,
one with B phase-to-ground shorted, and one with C phase-to-ground shorted.

Each sample shall be previously untested, randomly selected, and complete as installed.

7.8.5  Test setup requirements

The SPD shall be installed in the manner specified by the manufacturer in the installation instruction provided
with the device. If the SPD incorporates a series connected OCPD, then it shall be provided and installed. A
series connected OCPD is a device intended to open the circuit of the SPD.

The sample shall be placed on a soft wood surface covered with a double layer of white tissue paper. The
sample shall then be loosely draped with a double layer of cheesecloth. The cheesecloth shall cover all
openings (including receptacles, conduit openings, and ventilation openings) in the device but shall not be
pushed into the openings.

A source capable of providing the required available fault current at the SPD’s nominal system voltage rating
shall be utilized. Means shall be provided for establishing the desired symmetrical root-mean-squared (rms)
fault current and be capable of applying the power for four (4) cycles. This test assumes the load side fault is
downstream of the main OCPD. The setup shall be calibrated with a bolted fault applied to the point at which
the sample will be attached. The SPD shall then be attached with a bolted fault applied on the load side port.

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

7.8.6  Test procedure

The following test procedure shall be applied:

a) Phase-to-phase through-fault: after the fault calibration is complete, a new sample installed, and the
bolted fault applied to the load side, apply the rated through-fault current withstand level for a duration
of four (4) cycles (50 Hz or 60 Hz time base depending on the system).
b) Phase-to-neutral through-fault: after the fault calibration is complete, a new sample installed, and the
bolted fault applied to the load side, apply the rated through-fault current withstand level for a duration
of four (4) cycles (50 Hz or 60 Hz time base depending on the system).
c) Verify that the fault current was symmetrical and that it was not attenuated by the SPD. A tolerance
of −0% +5% of the declared root-mean-squared value is allowed. The fault current value shall be
calculated over the four (4) cycle duration. An adjustment of the initial fault current amplitude is
allowed to compensate for current path heating.

7.8.7  Evaluation of test results

The specimen shall not exhibit:

a) Emission of flame, molten metal, glowing or flaming particles through any openings (preexisting or
created as a result of the test) in the SPD.
b) Glowing or flaming of the supporting surface, tissue paper, or cheesecloth.
c) Ignition of the enclosure.
d) Creation of any openings in the enclosure that result in accessibility of live parts.
e) Loss of structural integrity to a degree that the SPD collapses or experiences such displacement of
parts that there is a risk of short-circuiting or grounding of current-carrying parts.
f) Interruption of supply to the load. Exception: If the SPD is equipped with a series OCPD, then
operation of the series OCPD is permitted.
g) For SPDs contained within a meter socket adapter: partial withdrawal or ejection from the meter
socket jaws.

If the SPD is equipped with a series OCPD which operated during the test, then permanent disconnection shall
be verified with the application of power-frequency voltage to the appropriate terminals equal to or greater
than the nominal system voltage for a minimum time period of one (1) min. The current shall be measured and
shall be equal to or less than 0.5 mA.

7.9  Short circuit current rating (SCCR) test

7.9.1 Overview

This is a fault current test representing a situation in which an active surge element within an SPD has failed
and the installation location has a high available fault current. To some, this test has been known as an end-of-
life or end-of-service test. The manufacturer shall declare this rating.

7.9.2 Background

The suitability of an SPD to be connected at a point of service, with a known available fault current, must be
established. Failure of the device must:

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

a) Not result in injury to persons that may be in the vicinity at the time of failure
b) Not present a dangerous condition to persons who might come within reach or contact of the device
after the failure
c) Not cause unacceptable damage to a nearby structure or equipment
d) Not cause damage to the structure to which the device is externally mounted or in which the device is

Below are three possible in-service scenarios which can bring about the failure of an arrester.

a) Exposure to a temporary overvoltage (TOV) in excess of the SPD’s TOV capability. Excessive
heating, caused by the increased stand-by current, results in a localized puncture of the suppression
element which then exhibits a low but non-zero resistance.
b) Exposure to a surge in excess of the SPD’s surge current withstand capability. The SPD can suffer
immediate failure in the form of a puncture, fracture, or flashover. A surge of lesser magnitude can
elevate the temperature of the suppression element(s) precipitating the onset of a thermal runaway.
c) Degradation of device characteristics causes increased standby current which culminates in a thermal

Some installation locations might have local or distributed generation. All sources of fault current must be
considered when determining the available fault current of a system at a particular location. Addressing the
issues of local generation, distributed generation, and motor back-feed is not considered as within the scope of
this standard.

Standard high current measurement methodologies, equipment, and safety procedures shall be used when
performing these tests. The potential for personnel injury and equipment damage is present with the energy
available while running these tests. Trained personnel, proper facilities, and safety equipment are required.

7.9.3 Purpose

The capability of an SPD to fail in an acceptable manner when high available fault currents exist is an essential
detail of the initial SPD design. The high current SCCR test establishes or verifies the rating of an SPD for the
maximum available fault current of a system in which that particular SPD can be installed per the National
Electrical Code® (NEC®) [B14].

7.9.4 Rationale

The SCCR of a particular SPD is required by the NEC to be equal to or exceed the maximum available
system fault current at the point of installation. This test demonstrates that the SPD and associated OCPD
is coordinated to the system for which it is to be installed and is capable of disconnecting the SPD from the
electrical system in the event of the SPD failure. Prevention of catastrophic failure of an SPD is an essential
consideration for the design of the SPD and disconnecting means.

From a user standpoint, the acceptability criteria of the SCCR testing might vary based on the physical location
of the SPD. For example, SPDs installed in locations that are outdoors and out of reach might have a different
criterion than SPDs that are installed indoors within reach during normal conditions.

7.9.5  Number of samples

The number of samples tested depends on the number of active surge elements incorporated within the
SPD design. For instance, in many SPDs the active surge element is a metal-oxide varistor (MOV). In this
case, if only MOVs were incorporated as the active surge elements, then each MOV shall be tested (failed)

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IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

individually per sample. Therefore, if an SPD contained a total of four (4) MOVs, then four (4) samples would
be required since each MOV would have to be individually failed and tested per sample. This is a minimum
number of samples to be tested. Additional samples may be tested which will statistically improve the validity
of the results.

If the SPD is equipped with neutral-to-ground mode surge protection, that mode shall not be tested for SCCR.

All SPDs shall be packaged and shipped as though they are ready for installation. That is, any over-current
protection device (OCPD) or circuitry must be included with the shipment of the unit.

7.9.6  Sample preparation

The manufacturer’s installation instructions shall be followed for installation of and connection to the samples.
The orientation of the sample shall be such as to create the most severe conditions representative of normal

Any OCPD, whether internal or external, which is intended by the manufacturer to be installed with and
utilized by the SPD shall be provided by the manufacturer as part of the SPD. This OCPD shall be installed for
this test.

Install the sample as follows after any preconditioning or pre-failing procedures have been performed.

a) The sample shall be placed on a softwood surface covered in a double layer of white tissue paper.
b) Each sample shall then be loosely draped with a double layer of cheesecloth. The cheesecloth shall
cover all openings (including receptacles, conduit openings, and ventilation openings) in the device
but shall not be pushed into the openings.
c) Monitoring and diagnostic circuits may be disconnected when any of the overvoltage options are
selected for this test.
d) An SPD provided with solid-state disconnecting means (not monitoring or diagnostic circuitry) that
operates and is relied upon for safe operation of the SPD during this test shall be tested as follows
during the test:
1) One sample with the circuit functioning as intended
2) One sample with the circuit open-circuited
3) One sample with the circuit short-circuited
e) Connect the sample to the fault current supply using suitably sized conductors.

Use of an external circuit interrupt device—which is not part of the SPD package—is acceptable if, and only
if, this external circuit interrupt device is used as a backup safety for the test equipment. Operation of this
device during the test is only acceptable if the SPD OCPD fails to interrupt the fault current, in which case the
SPD is considered to have failed this test.

For SPDs utilizing a meter socket adaptor as a housing, a standard meter socket and enclosure shall be employed
for this installation in order to simulate field conditions. Either a meter or meter shorting bars shall be installed
in the meter socket jaws. If meter shorting bars are utilized, then suitable means shall be incorporated to ensure
ejection of the meter shorting bars does not occur.

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

7.9.7  Test methods Overview

There are several test methods shown below which may be used to establish or verify the SCCR. When the
manufacturer declares the SCCR for an SPD, the test method shall also be listed. Of the various test methods,
some might be more suitable or convenient to implement than others for a particular SPD design. In addition,
there is a possibility that one or more of these tests might not cause an SPD to fail and initiate the fault current
(perhaps because of a high MCOV) in which case another test method shall be used.

NOTE—Any test utilizing overvoltage to damage a surge protective component (SPC) in order to cause a failure of the
SPD and then to also source the fault current increases the stress on the SPD. In addition, disconnecting any monitoring
and/or diagnostic circuits from the SPD during the test could also remove any undue influence these circuits might have
during overvoltage conditions.  Maximum line voltage method

The maximum line voltage method is intended to cause the SPD to operate (conduct) with the application of ac
creating a rapid thermal runaway condition in which the SPD will reach its end-of-life or end-of-service state.
This test method was developed to simulate the levels of voltages that an SPD could be exposed to during
various electrical system anomalies, such as a loss of neutral.

Apply the appropriate voltage level selected from Table 3 with a fault current supply calibrated to the
manufacturer’s SCCR for the SPD. The closing angle shall be such that minimum asymmetry is achieved. The
duration of voltage application shall be three (3) min. Three min is used in order to give the SPD more time
to go into thermal runaway and to check for restrikes after the fault first clears. For multi-phase SPDs, only
the phase under test requires the overvoltage from Table 3. The other phases are connected to their respective
phase and nominal rated system voltage.

Repeat using a new sample for each of the other active surge elements, phases, and/or modes. The neutral-to-
ground mode, if present, is not tested.

Table 3 contains the open-circuit voltage which shall be supplied by the fault current supply.

Table 3—Test voltage selection for maximum line voltage method

System voltage Mode Nominal voltage Test voltage
Single phase up to 120 V Phase-to-neutral
Up to 120 V rms 240 V rms
(One phase, neutral, ground) Phase-to-ground
Single phase up to 240 V Phase-to-neutral
Up to 240 V rms 480 V rms
(One phase, neutral, ground) Phase-to-ground
Single phase up to 480 V Phase-to-neutral
Up to 480 V rms 1000 V rms
(One phase, neutral, ground) Phase-to-ground
Single phase up to 600 V Phase-to-neutral
Up to 600 V rms 1000 V rms
(One phase, neutral, ground) Phase-to-ground
Single phase up to 1000 V Phase-to-neutral
Up to 1000 V rms 2000 V rms
(One phase, neutral, ground) Phase-to-ground
Split phase up to 120/240 V Up to 120 V rms 240 V rms
(Two phases, neutral, ground)
Phase-to-phase Up to 240 V rms 480 V rms
Split phase up to 240/480 V Up to 240 V rms 480 V rms
(Two phases, neutral, ground)
Phase-to-phase Up to 480 V rms 1000 V rms
Table continues

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

Table 3—Test voltage selection for maximum line voltage method (continued)
System voltage Mode Nominal voltage Test voltage
Three phase wye up to 120/208 V Up to 120 V rms 240 V rms
(Three phases, neutral, ground)
Phase-to-phase Up to 208 V rms 480 V rms
Three phase wye up to 277/480 V Up to 277 V rms 480 V rms
(Three phases, neutral, ground)
Phase-to-phase Up to 480 V rms 1000 V rms
Three phase wye up to 347/600 V Up to 347 V rms 600 V rms
(Three phases, neutral, ground)
Phase-to-phase Up to 600 V rms 1000 V rms
Three phase wye up to 577/1000 V Up to 577 V rms 1000 V rms
(Three phases, neutral, ground)
Phase-to-phase Up to 1000 V rms 2000 V rms
Three phase delta up to 120 V Phase-to-ground
Up to 120 V rms 240 V rms
(Three phases, ground) Phase-to-phase
Three phase delta up to 240 V Phase-to-ground
Up to 240 V rms 480 V rms
(Three phases, ground) Phase-to-phase
Three phase delta up to 480 V Phase-to-ground
Up to 480 V rms 1000 V rms
(Three phases, ground) Phase-to-phase
Three phase delta up to 600 V Phase-to-ground
Up to 600 V rms 1000 V rms
(Three phases, ground) Phase-to-phase
Three phase delta up to 1000 V Phase-to-ground
Up to 1000 V rms 2000 V rms
(Three phases, ground) Phase-to-phase  Increased test voltage method

Connect the SPD mode or phase under test to a voltage source with less capacity than that of the fault current
supply. Repeatedly increase the applied voltage on the mode or phase under test until the active surge element
fails. This voltage level will be the applied test voltage.

Now connect a new SPD to the fault current supply calibrated to this voltage level and the manufacturer’s
SCCR for the SPD. Apply the test voltage for a duration of three (3) min. Three min is used in order to give
the SPD more time to go into thermal runaway and to check for restrikes after the fault first clears. The closing
angle shall be such that minimum asymmetry is achieved. For multi-phase SPDs, only the phase under test
requires the overvoltage application; the other phases shall be connected to their respective phase and to
nominal rated system voltage.

Repeat using a new sample for each of the other active surge elements, phases, and/or modes. The neutral-to-
ground mode, if present, is not tested.

This method may require the use of additional unused samples to determine the actual operating point of the
device, unless this level has been previously determined or disclosed by the manufacturer.

Example: An SPD intended for use on a 120 V (rms) single-phase system that has an MCOV of 300 V (rms)
would not operate (fail) using the maximum line voltage method. In this case, if the increased test voltage
method is employed, then the test voltage could be increased above 300 V (rms) to ensure operation and
eventual failure of the active SPD element.

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)  Substitute lower voltage active surge elements method

In this method, the test voltage levels shall be the nominal rated voltage and the source calibrated to the SCCR
level of the SPD. The SPD is constructed using lower voltage active surge elements/components (or lower
voltage switching components) of the same brand, series (type or family), peak surge current rating, number
of components, disc diameter, etc. This will allow the device to operate and fail at the desired nominal test
voltage level. Test samples modified per this method shall be provided by the manufacturer.

The lower voltage surge element must have an MCOV of at least 40% of the original part, but not more than
70% of the test voltage. The appropriate MCOV level must be selected such that the surge element will fail
within one minute after the test voltage is applied.

Only the active surge element under test on the mode or phase under test shall be substituted. All other surge
elements shall remain the same as originally designed.

Once the substitution has been completed, connect the sample to the fault current supply calibrated to the
nominal system voltage level from Table 3 and the appropriate SCCR level. Apply the test voltage for a
duration of three (3) min. Three min is used in order to give the SPD more time to go into thermal runaway and
to check for restrikes after the fault first clears. The closing angle shall be such that minimum asymmetry is
achieved. For multi-phase SPDs, the other phases shall be connected to nominal rated system voltage.

Repeat using a new sample for each of the other active surge elements, phases, and/or modes. The neutral-to-
ground mode, if present, is not tested.

Example: For an SPD intended for use on a 120 V (rms) single phase system that is constructed with a
switching element in series with the suppression element that causes the MCOV to exceed 240 V (rms), either
the voltage of the switching element or the suppression element, or both, would be lowered such that the SPD
would operate when exposed to the applicable test voltage.  Thermal runaway method

This method was developed for testing SPDs utilizing MOVs as the active surge elements. In general, this
method utilizes two supplies and a quick changeover means between the two. The first supply is a low power,
current limited, variable voltage supply which is used to establish a thermal runaway condition of the active
surge element under test. Once the thermal runaway condition has been established and the active surge
element fails (shorts), then within one (1) s, this supply is removed and the fault current supply is switched into
the test circuit. The fault current supply is calibrated to the SCCR of the SPD and the nominal system voltage
for all phases/modes.

Once the sample is installed in the test fixture, raise the voltage on the phase/mode under test using the low
power, current limited, variable ac voltage supply until thermal runaway has been established. This power
supply should be current limited from 1 A to 2 A. It may be necessary to disconnect any monitoring or ancillary
circuits in order to pre-fail the MOV. After initializing a thermal runaway condition, then within one (1) s,
changeover to the fault current supply energizing all phases/modes. The fault current supply shall be left on for
a duration of three (3) min. Three min is used in order to give the SPD more time to go into thermal runaway
and to check for restrikes after the fault first clears.

Repeat using a new sample for each of the other active surge elements, phases, and/or modes. The neutral-to-
ground mode, if present, is not tested.  Pre-fail method

This method was developed for testing SPDs utilizing MOVs as the active surge elements. In general, this
method pre-fails the MOV under test within the SPD using a low power, current limited, variable ac voltage
supply. After the sample has been pre-failed, the sample is installed in the fault test fixture and energized by

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

by the fault current supply. The fault current supply is calibrated to the SCCR of the SPD and the nominal
system voltage for all phases/modes. This test method is similar to one of the short circuit test methods of
IEEE Std C62.11-2012.

Only one (1) MOV per sample is pre-failed. Each individual MOV of the SPD design is tested; one each per
sample. Using a low power, current limited, variable ac voltage supply (similar to that of the thermal runaway
method), raise the voltage across the selected MOV until thermal runaway has been established. This power
supply should be current limited from 1 A to 2 A. It may be necessary to disconnect any monitoring or ancillary
circuits in order to pre-fail the MOV. After initializing a thermal runaway condition, lower the voltage and
remove the voltage supply. After the MOV has cooled for at least five (5) min, measure the resistance across
the MOV. If the resistance is greater than 100 Ω, then repeat this pre-fail process. If the resistance is 100 Ω or
less, then proceed to the fault testing.

Install the sample in the fault test fixture. Energize all phases/modes of the SPD with the fault current supply
for a duration of three (3) min. Three min is used in order to give the SPD more time to go/continue into
thermal runaway and to check for restrikes after the fault first clears. The closing angle shall be such that
minimum asymmetry is achieved.

Repeat using a new sample for each of the other active surge elements, phases, and/or modes. The neutral-to-
ground mode, if present, is not tested.  Testing of switching device(s) method

For SPDs which incorporate switching devices (i.e., solid-state thyristors, spark gaps) as the active surge
element(s), use the test method described in The replacement element shall be in full conduction mode
when the nominal rated voltage is applied during the test. Test samples modified per shall be provided
by the manufacturer.

7.9.8  Available fault current levels

Table 4 contains the preferred available fault current levels to use for the SPD SCCR. The SCCR and test
method shall be plainly marked on the outside of the SPD and in the installation instructions.

Table 4—Preferred available fault current levels (rms symmetrical current in amperes)
5000 22 000 50 000 125 000
10 000 25 000 65 000 150 000
14 000 30 000 85 000 200 000
18 000 42 000 100 000  

7.9.9  Evaluation of test results  Dielectric withstand

After each SCCR test, a dielectric withstand test shall be performed. Each normally energized terminal or
conductor of the SPD shall be tested relative to the SPD ground (and neutral, if provided) connection(s).
Each normally energized terminal or conductor of the SPD shall be tested relative to all other normally
energized terminals or conductors (i.e., phase-to-phase). It may be necessary to disconnect any monitoring or
ancillary circuits in order to perform this test. In addition, any untested active surge elements may also require
disconnecting from the circuit. Regardless of the SPD voltage rating, the test shall be performed at 2000 V (ac)
plus 2.25 times the maximum rated SPD system voltage.

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

The SPD shall withstand the above test for a period of one (1) min without arcing, initiation of any flame or
smoke, or electrical breakdown. In addition, if the power supply cannot be raised to the required voltage, then
the SPD is considered to have failed the test.  Additional requirements

The sample shall not exhibit:

a) Emission of flame, molten metal, glowing or flaming particles through any openings (preexisting or
created as a result of the test) in the SPD
b) Glowing or flaming of the supporting surface, tissue paper, or cheesecloth
c) Ignition of the enclosure
d) Creation of any openings in the enclosure that result in accessibility of live parts
e) Loss of structural integrity to a degree that the SPD collapses or experiences such displacement of
parts that there is a risk of short-circuiting or grounding of current-carrying parts
f) For two-port SPDs: interruption of supply to the load. Exception: If the SPD is equipped with a series
OCPD, then operation of the series OCPD is permitted.
g) For SPDs contained within a meter socket adapter: partial withdrawal or ejection from the meter
socket jaws

If the SPD is equipped with a series OCPD which operated during the test, then permanent disconnection shall
be verified with the application of power-frequency voltage to the appropriate terminals equal to or greater
than the nominal system voltage for a minimum time period of one (1) min. The current shall be measured and
shall be equal to or less than 0.5 mA.

7.10  Low and intermediate fault current withstand tests

7.10.1 Purpose

The low and intermediate fault current tests help to select an SPD suitable for installation on typical electrical
systems which can produce fault currents that are limited in nature. Fault currents can be limited by such factors
as long service drops, small distribution transformers, long distribution feeders, small electric substations, and
low line voltage. Examples of abnormal events which can cause lower fault currents can include electric utility
equipment malfunction and system ground faults.

7.10.2 Rationale

The design of an SPD and its associated OCPD might be optimized for disconnecting and surviving a high
current fault test. High current faults are characteristically explosive in nature, whereas low and intermediate
faults are more between slow-burn and moderately explosive. Therefore, it can be the case where an SPD and
its associated OCPD pass a high current fault test, yet, fail a low fault current, slow-burn type fault test.

These tests demonstrate that an SPD and its associated OCPD are coordinated to a wide variety of system fault
capabilities and are capable of disconnecting the SPD from the electrical system without disastrous results.

7.10.3  Number of samples

The required number of samples is the same as required by 7.9.

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

7.10.4  Sample preparation

Sample preparation is the same as required by 7.9.

7.10.5  Test methods

Test methods shall be the same selection and procedures as 7.9.

This test shall be repeated for each fault current level in Table 5.

7.10.6  Available fault current levels

The low and intermediate fault current levels include the following levels:

Table 5—Low and intermediate fault current levels (rms symmetrical current in amperes)

7.10.7  Evaluation of test results

The evaluation of test results shall be the same as those in 7.9.

7.11  Rated temporary overvoltage (TOV) withstand verification

7.11.1 General

This test applies only if the manufacturer declares a TOV value.

7.11.2 Purpose

The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that an SPD can withstand TOV conditions that can occur in power
distribution systems and remain in service without adverse effects during and after the event.

7.11.3 Rationale

Temporary overvoltage conditions can be experienced by an SPD in a significant percentage of applications.

Users need to be informed of the inherent capability of SPDs to withstand the range of predictable occurrences
of TOVs up to levels recognized as likely to occur (Kladar, Martzloff, and Nastasi [B11]).

It is also recognized that TOVs of high magnitudes and/or durations associated with ferroresonance or other
rare abnormal conditions can occur. Ungrounded electrical systems can experience significant overvoltages
for the phase-to-ground modes during arcing ground faults and series resonant conditions, which may exceed
the test stresses defined in this clause. In such cases, however, the SPD may still be suitable for use.

7.11.4  General guidelines

In this test, the TOV is strictly a power-frequency overvoltage for time periods from 0.01 s to 10 000 s.
Manufacturers’ published data shall include curves with abscissa scaled in time and ordinate in per unit of
MCOV. In addition, the manufacturer shall publish a table of TOV values listed in per unit of MCOV to three
significant digits, for times 0.02 s, 0.1 s, 1 s, 10 s, 100 s, and 1000 s. The table values shall be taken from the
curves. The published curve and table shall state the range of arrester ratings for which they apply.

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

An important consideration is that the temporary overvoltage test must be performed under possible operating
conditions during the occurrence of the TOV. For this reason, the nominal operating voltage shall be applied to
the SPD for five (5) min prior to performing the TOV test to allow the SPD to reach thermal stability.

TOVs shall be applied to various combinations of terminals (one combination of two terminals at a time), to
cover all possible combinations. If there is a neutral-to-ground mode of protection, it need not be tested for
TOV conditions. A new sample for each test may be required. However, since the “pass” criterion is that the
SPD emerge from each test without any appreciable change in characteristics, it may be reasonable to perform
the subsequent tests on the same SPD.

Because the implicit expectation of this test is to demonstrate withstand, the available fault currents from the
nominal voltage source and from the TOV source may be limited, provided that the actual nominal voltage and
applied TOV at the SPD terminals shall not drop below 97% of the specified values as a result of current drawn
by the SPD, including device components and any auxiliary circuits.

7.11.5 Samples

For identical modes of protection, only one (1) mode needs to be tested per range (see 7.11.7).

7.11.6  Test setup

Figure 1 shows a test circuit where two separate sources of voltage, power system voltage at MCOV and
temporary overvoltage, VTOV, can be applied one at a time to the selected pair of the SPD terminals (mode)
according to levels declared by the manufacturer.

Figure 1—Suggested test circuit for TOV withstand test

Unless the design of the SPD would result in a relatively large current drawn from the source, with a
corresponding voltage drop below 97% of the nominal, an available current of 1 A from the TOV source
should be sufficient for the test. The value of this available current is immaterial for a TOV withstand test,
except for sufficient powering of auxiliary circuits, such as status indication or parallel shunt capacitors.

Monitoring of the voltage across the terminals and current through the SPD provides information on the SPD
response to the TOV and subsequent behavior.

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

The double-pole, double-throw switch can be implemented by a programmed solid state switch (such
commercial devices are available) for short durations, and by a simple manual switch for the long durations.
The transformer may be provided to step-up the output of the solid-state switch (typically limited by its internal
device ratings) to perform tests on the upper range of rated SPD voltages.

7.11.7  Test procedure

A measurement of the voltage protection level at the nominal surge current rating, In, before and after the TOV
application shall be made. This measurement shall be made on each mode tested. The current surge generator
shall be configured for an unpowered test. This measurement is made with the sample at ambient temperature,
20 °C (± 5 K).

TOV shall be applied to four test samples. One sample shall be tested in range a); one sample shall be tested
in range b) or c); one sample shall be tested in range d) or e); and one sample shall be tested in range f). The
ranges (in seconds) are as follows:

a) 0.01 to 0.1
b) 0.11 to 1.0
c) 1.1 to 10
d) 10.1 to 100
e) 101 to 1000
f) 1001 to 10 000

With the SPD connected as shown in Figure 1, energize the SPD sample to the rated MCOV for five (5) min
(± 5 s) before proceeding with the TOV test. After five minutes at MCOV, switch the source to the TOV source
and apply TOV for the selected level and duration. There shall be no intentional time delay between the two
voltage applications. After the selected duration time is over, return the sample to the rated MCOV and hold
for a minimum of 30 min. Varistor temperature, resistive component of current, or power dissipation shall be
monitored until thermal stability has been demonstrated (success) or a thermal runaway condition is evident
(failure). Repeat the procedure for each sample to be tested.

Once the sample has cooled to ambient temperature, 20 °C (± 5 K), measure the voltage protection level at the
nominal surge current rating, In.

7.11.8 Evaluation

The initial and final voltage protection levels shall not vary by more than ± 5% of each other. In addition, no
disconnect device shall have operated at any time during the testing. With these data a plot of voltage versus
temperature can be drawn to describe a curve of the temporary overvoltage capability of the SPD and provided
upon request.

7.12  Temperature rise (two-port SPDs only)

7.12.1 General

In-line SPDs are considered a subset of two-port SPDs.

7.12.2 Purpose

A rated load current test is performed to assess the ability of two-port and in-line SPDs to conduct rated load
current without creating a hazardous condition and to determine the actual temperature rise during operation
at rated load current.

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

7.12.3 Rationale

Two-port and in-line SPDs are limited in application by the amount of load current that can flow from the input
terminals to the output terminals of the device without creating a hazardous condition. A hazardous condition
might occur due to the overheating of the connection itself or the current-carrying components of the SPD
making up, or connected between, the input and output terminals.

7.12.4 Samples

For single-phase SPDs, one sample shall be tested. For multi-phase samples, one sample shall be tested with
all phases tested simultaneously at rated load current.

7.12.5  Test setup

The SPD shall be placed on a softwood surface covered with a double layer of white tissue paper. The
orientation of the sample shall be such as to create the most severe conditions representative of normal
installation. Each sample is to be loosely draped with a double layer of cheesecloth. The cheesecloth shall
cover all openings (for example, receptacle openings and ventilation openings). However, the cheesecloth
shall not be deliberately pushed into openings.

The temperature of the SPD shall be monitored during this test. The monitoring may be accomplished through
the use of thermocouples placed on the SPD or through more sophisticated temperature-measuring techniques
positioned to monitor locations that would likely exhibit the highest temperature rise (e.g., connection point,
location of heat-dissipative components such as inductors or resistors, etc.) and are accessible without biasing
the operation or dissipative capability of the SPD.

The SPD need not be powered at nominal system voltage. Any ac power supply capable of driving the rated
load current through the SPD terminals (input to output) can be used.

The test shall be carried out at ambient temperature.

The supply cable shall have the minimum cross-sectional area specified by the manufacturer of the SPD or
meter socket (if the SPD is contained within a meter socket adapter [MSA]).

7.12.6  Test procedure

The load current shall be set to the rated load current specified by the manufacturer. Forced cooling of the SPD
is not permitted.

The test can be terminated if after the first two (2) h of the test, three (3) consecutive temperature measurements
taken at fifteen (15) min intervals at all measured locations on the SPD have not changed more than ± 1 °C. The
test shall not be terminated until these conditions are satisfied.

The maximum temperature rise shall be recorded during this test.

Common rated load currents are 100 A, 150 A, 200 A, 320 A, 400 A, and higher.

7.12.7 Evaluation

Given the proper selection of the maximum load current rating of the SPD, this test should not overstress the
SPD or cause failure of the SPD.

During and after the heat rise test, the SPD shall remain functional with no observable effects nor shall any of
the following conditions result:

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

a) Emission of flame, molten metal, glowing or flaming particles through any openings (pre-existing or
created as a result of the test) in the SPD that result in the following:
1) Damage to the cheesecloth such as broken threads, holes, or breakdown of the structure of the
2) Glowing of the supporting surface, tissue paper, or cheesecloth
3) Flaming of the supporting surface, tissue paper, or cheesecloth
b) Ignition of the enclosure
c) Creation of any openings in the enclosure that result in accessibility of live parts
d) Loss of structural integrity to a degree that the equipment collapses or experiences such displacement
of parts that there is a risk of short-circuiting or grounding of current-carrying parts
e) Opening of any internal or external OCPD, circuit interrupt device, or internal component of the SPD

During the test, the voltage drop across the SPD (input to output) shall be less than or equal to 0.8% of the rated
system voltage for the SPD.

8.  Routine tests

8.1 Overview
The tests listed in 8.2 and 8.3 shall be applied to 100% of production output except as otherwise specified.

8.2  Voltage protection level

This test may be applied to individual elements or to complete SPDs.

The voltage protective level shall be measured under the conditions determined in the design tests to
produce the largest absolute value of the voltage protective level. The measured value shall not exceed the
manufacturer’s published maximum value.

8.3  Power-frequency voltage test

Energize each protected mode of the SPD at 110% MCOV for not less than two (2) s. Verify that current is in
the normal range declared by the manufacturer.

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

Annex A

Loss of neutral condition

Refer to Figure A.1.

The neutral connection between the distribution transformer secondary and the entrance panel can be lost due
to corrosion, faulty installation, storm damage, etc. If this occurs:

a) For this example the service transformer has a 240/120 V secondary.

b) When the load impedance of leg A is opened and the neutral has disconnected from the service
transformer, then the voltage across leg A becomes 240 V − (I × ZB). If the maximum continuous
operating voltage (MCOV) of the leg A metal-oxide varistor (MOV) is low enough to conduct, then
the voltage impressed across the leg A MOV will be less; not only due to the lower impedance state of
the leg A MOV, but because of the increased voltage drop across ZB.
c) In this case, load ZB can only draw current through the impedance of the leg A MOV.

Figure A.1—Secondary circuit with loss of neutral

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IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

Annex B

Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but do not need to be
understood or used to implement this standard. Reference to these resources is made for informational use

[B1] ANSI C84.1, American National Standard for Electric Power Systems and Equipment—Voltage Ratings
(60 Hertz).6

[B2] ANSI/UL 1449, Standard for Surge Protective Devices.7

[B3] Birrell, D. and R. B. Standler, “Failures of Surge Arresters on Low-Voltage Mains,” IEEE Transactions
on Power Delivery, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 156–162, January 1993.http://​dx​.doi​.org/​10​.1109/​61​.1803318,9

[B4] Dugan, R. C., “Conduction of Lightning Stroke Currents from the Utility System to Load Devices,”
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Power Quality, pp. 237–246, Oct. 1989.

[B5] Goedde, G. L., R. C. Dugan, and L. D. Rowe, “Full-Scale Lightning Surge Tests of Distribution
Transformers and Secondary Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1592–1600,
July 1992, http://​dx​.doi​.org/​10​.1109/​61​.141879.

[B6] IEEE Std 4™, IEEE Standard for High-Voltage Testing Techniques.

[B7] IEEE Std 142™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power
Systems (IEEE Green Book™).

[B8] IEEE Std C62.11™-2012, Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for AC Power Circuits (> 1 kV).

[B9] IEEE Std C62.44™, IEEE Guide for the Application of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer Low-Voltage
Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment).

[B10] IEEE Std C62.62™-2010, IEEE Standard Test Specifications for Surge-Protective Devices (SPDs) for
Use on the Load Side of the Service Equipment in Low-Voltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits.

[B11] Kladar, D., F. Martzloff, and D. Nastasi, “TOV Effects on Surge-Protective Devices,” Conference
Record, Power Quality Exhibition and Conference, Baltimore, MD, 25-27 Oct. 2005.

[B12] Lai, J. S. and F. D. Martzloff, “Coordinating Cascaded Surge Protection Devices: High-Low Versus
Low-High,” IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Oct. 1991, http://​dx​.doi​.org/​10​.1109/​IAS​

[B13] Martzloff, F. D. and T. F. Leedy, “Selecting Varistor Clamping Voltage: Lower Is Not Better,” Eighth
International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, pp. 137–142, Mar. 1989.

ANSI publications are available from the American National Standards Institute (http://​www​.ansi​.org/​).
UL publications are available from Underwriters Laboratories (http://​www​.ul​.com/​).
The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854,
USA (http://​standards​.ieee​.org/​).

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Authorized licensed use limited to: CONACYT CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA. Downloaded on August 24,2018 at 22:03:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std C62.34-2017
IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Performance of Low-Voltage (1000 V rms or Less) Surge
Protective Devices Used on Secondary Distribution Systems (Between the Transformer
Low-Voltage Terminals and the Line Side of the Service Equipment)

[B14] Marz, M. B. and S. R. Mendis, “Protecting Load Devices from the Effects of Low-Side Surges,” IEEE
Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 1196–1203, December 1993, http://​dx​.doi​.org/​10​

[B15] NFPA 70, National Electrical Code® (NEC®).10

[B16] Smith, S. B. and R. B. Standler, “The Effects of Surges on Electronic Appliances,” IEEE Transactions
on Power Delivery, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1275–1282, July 1992, http://​dx​.doi​.org/​10​.1109/​61​.141841.

[B17] Standler, R. B., Protection of Electronic Circuits from Overvoltages, New York: Wiley-Interscience,
May 1989, p. 134.

[B18] UL 94, UL Standard for Safety of Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances

[B19] UL 746C, UL Standard for Safety of Polymeric Materials—Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations.

The NEC is published by the National Fire Protection Association (http://​www​.nfpa​.org/​). Copies are also available from the Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (http://​standards​.ieee​.org/​).
UL publications are available from Underwriters Laboratories (http://​www​.ul​.com/​).

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