M4 - A1
M4 - A1
M4 - A1
Questions to Ponder
Directions: Read the questions and instructions carefully. Follow what is asked and write your
answers in the space provided.
1. How well do you understand personal finance concepts? Rate your knowledge below.
2. Financial literacy requires skills to aid you in making responsible and ethical financial
decisions. These skills include being able to set goals, create and keep current a budget,
formulate a spending plan, and keep organized records. Think about your overall skills in
mentioned and mark where you feel your overall skills level is.
3. Behavior is applying what you learn to bring positive impact. Positive financial behavior
brings numerous benefits. Paying bills and debts on time and making regular deposits in
savings accounts are positive financial behaviors. Rate your ability to practice positive
financial behavior.
4. How does your current budget pie chart look like? Using the following categories, map your
ideal budget plan using a pie chart. You may use more categories as needed.
a. Housing
b. Electric bills
c. Internet
d. Food
e. Debt
f. Education
g. Transportation