Pakistan Engineering Council: Program Evaluation Report Program Evaluation Worksheet RUBRICS Defining D, W and C
Pakistan Engineering Council: Program Evaluation Report Program Evaluation Worksheet RUBRICS Defining D, W and C
Pakistan Engineering Council: Program Evaluation Report Program Evaluation Worksheet RUBRICS Defining D, W and C
1) For all accreditation criteria, the findings shall be recorded under ‘Compliance’
column as: 'Y' for Compliance 'C' for Concern, 'W' for Weakness, 'D' for Deficiency or ‘OFI’
for Opportunity for Improvement.
2) In case of 'C', 'W' or 'D', justification must be provided under ‘Observation and
Remarks’ column.
Number Legend Used:
“1” appearing in any assessment attribute signifies a Deficiency (D) towards the main
1 criteria
“2” appearing in any assessment attribute signifies a Weakness (W) towards the main criteria
“3” appearing in any assessment attribute signifies a Concern (C) towards the main criteria
“4” appearing in any assessment attribute signifies an Opportunity for Improvement (OFI)
4 towards the main criteria
iv. Availability of designated student Limited provision available but hardly practiced for
counselors to advise / counsel students academic and career counseling of students. (W3)
regarding academic / career matters and
provide assistance in managing their Student counseling available but limited to academic
matters. (C3)
health, financial, stress, emotional and
spiritual problems.
Student counseling effective in limited areas. (OFI)
iv. Provision of sufficient computing Rare computing facilities and no internet access for
facilities and internet access / resources (D2)
faculty / students
allocated for the program.