Collocation 2

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List of common collocations with Go.

 Go abroad  Go on a date
 Go astray  Go on a picnic
 Go bad  Go on foot
 Go bald  Go online
 Go bankrupt  Go out of business
 Go blind  Out of fashion
 Go crazy  Go overseas
 Go deaf  Go quiet
 Go finishing  Go sailing
 Go insane (idiom)  Go smoothly
 Go mad/angry  Go to the beach/to the movie
 Go missing  Go to war

Collocations with Have

List of useful collocations with Have.
 Have a baby  Have a good time  Have a sandwich
 Have a backache  Have a good/nice/etc  Have a scrub
 Have a bad fall day!  Have a shave
 Have a bad temper  Have a great weekend  Have a shower
 Have a bath  Have a haircut  Have a smell
 Have a birthday  Have a hard time  Have a snack
 Have a bite  Have a headache  Have a snooze
 Have a break  Have a holiday  Have a stretch
 Have a business trip  Have a jacuzzi  Have a stroke
 Have a busy day  Have a jog  Have a swim
 Have a career/a goal  Have a laugh  Have a talk
 Have a chance  Have a lecture  Have a taste
 Have a chat  Have a lesson  Have a temperature
 Have a cold  Have a lie down  Have a think
 Have a competition  Have a limp  Have a touch
 Have a confrontation  Have a lisp  Have a try
 Have a  Have a listen  Have a walk
conversation/chat  Have a look  Have a wash
 Have a cup of tea/  Have a massage  Have a wish
coffee  Have a meal  Have a word
 Have a dance  Have a meeting  Have a workout
 Have a day off  Have a moment  Have access (to)
 Have a depression/etc  Have a nap  Have an accident
 Have a discussion  Have a night mare  Have an appointment
 Have a dispute  Have a party/concert with
 Have a doubt  Have a passion for  Have an argument
 Have a dream  Have a plan  Have an effect (on)
 Have a drill  Have a problem  Have an energy bar
 Have a drink  Have a quarrel  Have an event
 Have a feeling  Have a relationship  Have an exam
 Have a fight  Have a rest  Have an excuse
 Have a fit  Have a ride  Have an experience
 Have a game  Have a right  Have an ice-cream
 Have a glass of wine  Have a run  Have an idea
 Have a go  Have a safe journey  Have an interview
 Have a goal  Have a salad  Have an opportunity
 Have  Have patience  Have soul
breakfast/lunch/dinner  Have rest  Have success
 Have difficulty  Have room  Have sympathy
 Have faith  Have self-esteem  Have the chance (to)
 Have food  Have sex  Have time
 Have fun/a good time  Have skills  Have trouble
 Have no education  Have some sugar/ milk  Have work
 Have no fear  Have something to eat

Collocations with Keep

List of collocations with Keep.
 Keep a diary  Keep quiet
 Keep a promise  Keep records
 Keep a secret  Keep score
 Keep an appointment  Keep someone’s place
 Keep calm  Keep the change
 Keep control  Keep your balance
 Keep in touch

Collocations with Make

List of commonly used collocations with Make.

 Make a break with  Make a profit  Make

somebody  Make a promise breakfast/lunch/dinner
 Make a bed  Make a recovery  Make changes
 Make a bundle (idiom)  Make a remark  Make coffee
 Make a cake  Make a reservation  Make contact
 Make a call  Make a rude gesture  Make ends meet
 Make a choice  Make a salad  Make food
 Make a comment  Make a sales call  Make friends
 Make a complaint  Make a sandwich  Make fun of someone
 Make a confession/an  Make a snack  Make furniture
admission  Make a sound  Make love
 Make a contract  Make a speech  Make money
 Make a cup of tea  Make a statement  Make noise
 Make a deal  Make a suggestion  Make one’s bow
 Make a decision  Make a takeover bid  Make one’s own way
 Make a difference  Make a tea back
 Make a discovery  Make a threat  Make peace
 Make a dress  Make amends  Make plans
 Make a fire  Make an agreement  Make progress
 Make a fool of yourself  Make an allusion  Make an effort
 Make a fortune  Make an appearance  Make room
 Make a fuss  Make an appointment  Make sb feel sth
 Make a habit  Make an arrangement  Make sense
 Make a joke  Make an attempt  Make someone
 Make a list  Make an effort angry/mad/happy/sad
 Make a living  Make an enquiry  Make sth easy
 Make a mess  Make an exception  Make sure
 Make a mistake  Make an excuse  Make the bed
 Make a move  Make an impression  Make time
 Make a note (of)  Make an objection  Make tracks
 Make a pass at  Make an observation  Make trouble
 Make a phone call  Make an offer  Make up
 Make a point  Make arrangements  Make up your mind
 Make a prediction  Make believe  Make war
 Make a presentation  Make your bed

Collocations with Pay

List of collocations with Pay.

 Pay a bill  Pay cash

 Pay a fine  Pay interest
 Pay a visit  Pay one’s respects
 Pay attention  Pay someone a compliment
 Pay by credit card  Pay someone a visit
Collocations with Save
List of useful collocations with Save.
 Save electricity  Save someone’s life
 Save energy  Save something
 Save lives  Save space
 Save money  Save time
 Save one’s strength  Save yourself the trouble
 Save someone a seat

Collocations with Say

List of collocations with Say.
 Say a few words  Say no more
 Say a word  Say nothing
 Say for certain/sure  Say something
 Say good morning/afternoon  Say sorry
 Say goodbye  Say yes/no
 Say hello

Collocations with Take

List of essential collocations with Take.
 Take (sb) to court  Take advantage (of)
 Take (sb’s) temperature  Take advice
 Take a bite  Take ages
 Take a bow  Take an exam/ a test/ a course
 Take a break  Take an opportunity
 Take a call  Take care
 Take a chance  Take care of
 Take a class  Take charge
 Take a decision (make)  Take drugs
 Take a holiday  Take exercise
 Take a lesson  Take hostage
 Take a look  Take medicine
 Take a message  Take notes
 Take a nap  Take notice
 Take a number  Take part
 Take a photo/ a photograph  Take place
 Take a picture  Take pride in
 Take a rest  Take prisoner
 Take a risk  Take sb’s place
 Take a seat  Take someone’s temperature
 Take a shower (have)  Take time
 Take a step  Take time of (away form work for
 Take a taxi/bus/train/plane holidays or to do sth)
 Take a test  Take turns
 Take a while/ a minute/ five minutes  Take up space
 Take action  Take your time
Collocations with Tell
List of important collocations with Tell.
 Tell a joke  Tell the difference
 Tell a lie  Tell the future
 Tell a secret  Tell the time
 Tell a story  Tell the truth
 Tell sb the time  Tell your name

Other Verb + Noun Collocations

 Abuse drugs  Cause trouble  Hold an inquiry
 Accept (a) defeat  Change course  Hold hands
 Accept a challenge  Change the subject  Hold office
 Accept an apology  Change your mind  Hold sb hostage
 Accept an invitation  Claim responsibility  Hold sb prisoner
 Accept responsibility  Close the gap  Hold talks
 Achieve a goal  Commit suicide  Hurt sb’s feelings
 Admit defeat  Conduct research  Impose conditions
 Against the law  Consider a possibility  Impose restrictions
 Answer a letter  Cost a fortune  Impose sanctions
 Answer a prayer  Cover costs  Issue a permit
 Answer a question  Cross sb’s mind  Join a club
 Answer an  Cut costs  Join forces
advertisement  Declare war  Join the army
 Answer the door  Deliver a baby  Jump to a conclusion
 Answer the phone  Doesn’t matter  Kick a goal
 Apply for a job  Drop the subject  Kill time
 Attract attention  Earn a living  Know the score
 Attract sb’s attention  Eke out a living  Lay the groundwork
 Balance a budget  Enter a plea  Lead the field
 Bear a resemblance (to  Enter politics  Lead the way
sb/sth)  Exceed expectations  Lead the world
 Beat a record  Express concern  Lead to believe
 Beat to death  Express interest (in)  Leading role
 Blow your nose  Extend a deadline  Leave a message
 Book a flight  Face a challenge  Leave home
 Boost morale  Face the fact(s)  Leave school
 Bring about change  Fail miserably  Light a fire
 Bring attention to  Fall in love  Live at home
 Bring to an end  Fight a fire  Lose a game
 Bring to justice  Fight a war  Lose a job
 Call a meeting  Fight corruption  Lose control
 Call a name  Fill a gap  Lose faith
 Call a strike  Fill in a form  Lose hope
 Call an election  Find time  Lose interest
 Call attention to  Fire a shot  Lose money
 Call in sick  Follow a pattern  Lose weight
 Call sb names  Follow advice  Lose your life
 Call the police  Follow directions  Lose your temper
 Carry weight  Follow instructions  Love dearly
 Cast a spell  Gain access  Meet a need
 Cast a vote  Hold a referendum  Meet a standard
 Cast doubt  Hold an election  Meet a target
 Meet opposition  Quit a job  Set a standard
 Meet with approval  Quit drinking  Set a table
 Miss a flight  Quit smoking  Set an alarm
 Miss a goal  Raise a family  Set fire to | set on fire
 Miss an opportunity  Raise doubts  Set menu
 Obey an order  Raise hopes  Solve a crime
 Offer a job  Raise money  Solve a problem
 Offer an explanation  Raise questions  Spend time
 Offer condolences  Raise taxes  Spend your life
 Offer your services  Raise your voice  Stall for time
 Open an account  Rapid growth  Stand trial
 Open an investigation  Reach a verdict  Stay awake
 Open fire  Reach an agreement  Strike a balance (btw)
 Owe an apology  Read aloud  Take time off
 Owe an explanation  Repair damage  Turn a corner
 Pack a suitcase  Resort to violence  Turn around
 Part company  Restore confidence  Undergo surgery
 Pass (the) time  Restore order  Undergo treatment
 Pass a law  Retain control  Use sb’s phone
 Pass a test  Return a call  Vote against
 Pass the time  Return fire  Vote for
 Pick your nose  Return home  Wage war
 Place an order  Run a business  Wait your turn
 Play a part  Run the risk of  Warm welcome
 Play music  Safety net  Waste an opportunity
 Pose a risk  Satisfy a need  Waste money
 Pose a threat  Satisfy a requirement  Waste time
 Press a key  Satisfy demand  Watch your weight
 Pull a muscle  Scare tactic  Wave goodbye
 Push a button  Score a goal  Win a game
 Put on weight  See reason  Win a war
 Put out a cigarette  Serve a purpose  Win an award
 Put out a fire  Serve interests  Win an election
 Put up prices  Set a date  Worth a fortune
 Put up wages  Set a goal  Yield results
 Put up your hand  Set a record  Regain control
Noun Verb Collocation Example Sentences
Verb collocation examples in sentences.

 He asked her out to dinner.

 You get wet in the rain.
 I get tired of educating people.
 It’s important to get sleep so don’t stay up too long.
 He always give a hand to anyone in difficulty.
 I’ve got to get into town. Can you give me a ride?
 He gave an idea for new project so he got a promotion.
 It’s easy to make a mistake.
 We can’t undertake that you will make a profit.
 My mom always makes me a sandwich to school
 We need to make an effort to do well in this competition.
 The commitee has made serious objections to that plan.
 The old man is going to go crazy.
 As for myself I doubt I’ll ever go on a date.
 I’ll just go online and look up her address.
 I want to go sailing.
 I wanted to take a break and work on some things.
 We will take a chance to have the party outdoor.
 He had intended to take a holiday in New York.
 I might take a lesson from you.
 I’ll take a look at the website and let you know what I think.
 Take a rest from your hard work.
 Take a seat while I get you something to drink.
 I take a step into the center of the circle.
 We don’t have to take advice from him.
 Take medicine when you get gripes.
 Her mental scars will take time to heal.
 Whatever you do, slow down and take your time.
 We came to say hello as we were passing through.
 Why should I say sorry when it’s not my fault?
 Can I trust you to keep a secret?
 My mother likes to keep control of everything.
 Please, keep quite when I’m on the phone.
 We have to keep scoring the points in the fourth quarter.
 You must learn to keep your balance in skating.
 “You and me, today we’re going to break a record, ” he said.
 Luckily, a bush broke his fall.
 His son could catch a ball coming toward his left or right.
 I caught her eye and smiled.
 See you again. Catch you later.
Noun + OF | English Collocations List
List of useful noun & preposition collocations with OF.

 A cause of  Member of
 A photograph of  Memory of
 Address of  Method of
 Advantage of  Possibility of
 Awareness of  Problem of
 Disadvantage of  Process of
 Exhibition of  Risk of
 Experience of  Understanding of
 Fear of  Cause of
 Grasp of  Example of
 Habit of  Way of
 Knowledge of  Relevance of
 Love of

Noun + FOR | English Collocations List

List of common noun & preposition collocations with FOR.

 A check for (amount of  Credit for  Recipe for

money)  Cure for  Reputation for
 Reason for  Demand for  Respect for
 Admiration for  Desire for  Responsibility for
 Advertisement for  Fondness for  Room for
 Approval for  Hatred for  Search for
 Arguments for  Love for  Talent for
 Bid for  Need for  Thirst for
 Case for  Preference for

Noun + WITH | Collocations List

 Arguments with  Involvement with
 Concern with  Link with
 Connection with  Meeting with
 Contact with  Quarrel with
 Date with  Relationship with
 Dealings with  Sympathy with
 Difficulty with

Noun + IN | English Collocations List

 A decrease in  Course in  Interest in
 A fall in  Delay in  Lesson in
 A rise in  Difference in  Participation in
 An increase in  Difficulty in  Place in
 Belief in  Experience in  Success in
 Change in  Growth in
Noun + ON | Collocations List
List of noun & preposition collocations with ON.

 Debate on  Ban on
 Information on  Congratulations on
 Hold on  Decision on
 Agreement on  Report on

Noun + AT | English Collocations List

List of noun & preposition collocations with AT.

 Age at
 Attempt at
 Point at
 Anger at

Noun + TO | Collocations List

List of common noun & preposition collocations with TO.
 Access to  Damage to  Relevance to
 Addiction to  Dedication to  Resistance to
 Allusion to  Desire to  Response to
 An attitude to  Devotion to  Solution to
 An invitation to  Invitation to  Threat to
 Approach to  Newcomer to  Transition to
 Change to  Reaction to  Visit to
 Concern to  Reason to
 Contribution to  Reference to

Noun + ABOUT | English Collocations List

List of noun & preposition collocations with ABOUT.

 Agreement about
 Anxiety about
 Concern about
 Confusion about
 Debate about
 Decision about
 Information about
 Story about

Noun + INTO | Collocations List

List of noun & preposition collocations with INTO.

 Inquiry into
 Investigation into
 Research into
 Translation into
Noun & Preposition Collocation Example Sentences
Noun and preposition collocation examples in sentences.

 The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline.

 She was concerned to write about situations that everybody could identify with.
 I really admire Sarah for her dedication to her family.
 The invitation to the reception at the embassy arrived the next day.
 The book is full of references to growing up in India.
 We received an encouraging response to our advertisement.
 He will remain head of state during the period of transition to democracy.
 Dave has close connection with my family.
 I’ve got a dinner date with Tommy on Saturday.
 He spoke openly about his involvement with the singer.
 Tony left after a quarrel with his wife.
 She received approval for the proposal from the shareholders.
 At least give her credit for trying.
 He felt nothing but hatred for his attacker.
 I’m aware of John’s reputation for being late.
 We went to see an exhibition of Viking jewellery.
 His habit of smoking in restaurants caused many problems in California.
 He was the first to see the possibilities of the plan.
 He pleaded the cause of the local fishermen.

Adjective + WITH | Collocations List

List of common adjective & preposition collocations with WITH.
 Acquainted with  Content with  Generous with
 Angry with  Coordinated with  Gentle with
 Annoyed with  Crowded with  Happy with
 Associated with  Delighted with  Impressed with
 Blessed with  Familiar with  Cluttered with
 Bored with  Disgusted with  Lucky with
 Busy with  Fed up with  Patient with
 Careless with  Free with  Careful with
 Clever with  Friendly/unfriendly  Pleased with
 Comfortable with with  Popular with
 Concerned with  Furious with  Satisfied with
 Connected with  Furnished with  Wrong with

Adjective + OF | English Collocations List

List of adjective & preposition collocations with OF.
 Accused of  Guilty of  Scared of
 Afraid of  Hopeful of  Selfish of
 Ashamed of  In charge of  Sensible of
 Aware of  In danger of  Sick of
 Capable of  In favor of  Silly of
 Certain of  Innocent of  Stupid of
 Clever of  Jealous of  Sure of
 Conscious of  Kind of  Suspicious of
 Envious of  Made of  Tired of
 Fond of  Nasty of  True of
 Free of  Nervous of  Typical of
 Frightened of  Nice of  Unkind of
 Full of  Proud of
 Generous of  Rid of

Adjective + FOR | English Collocations List

List of adjective & preposition collocations with FOR.
 Eligible for  Good for  Renowned for
 Eager for  Free for  Responsible for
 Late for  Bad for something
 Mean for  Difficult for  Serious for
 Qualified for  Grateful for  Suitable for
 Thankful for  Hard for  Thirsty for
 Concerned for  Known for  Famous for something
 Clever for  Notorious for  Sorry for
 Happy for  Prepared for
 True for  Ready for
Adjective + ABOUT | Collocations List
List of adjective & preposition collocations with ABOUT.
 Angry about  Excited about  Sensitive about
 Annoyed about  Furious about  Serious about
 Anxious about  Guilty about  Sorry about
 Careful about  Happy about  Sure about
 Careless about  Hopeful about  Sympathetic about
 Certain about  Mad about  Terrible about
 Concerned about  Nervous about  Upset about
 Crazy about  Obsessed about  Worried about
 Curious about  Optimistic about  Wrong about
 Depressed about  Pessimistic about
 Enthusiastic about  Puzzled about

Adjective + AT | English Collocations List

List of adjective & preposition collocations with AT.
 Amazed at  Delighted at  Presented at
 Angry at  Disappointed at  Skilled at
 Annoyed at  Excellent at  Successful at
 Awful at  Excited at  Surprised at
 Bad at  Good at  Terrible at
 Brilliant at  Hopeless at  Slow at
 Clever at  Mad at  Lucky at

Adjective + BY | Collocations List

List of adjective & preposition collocations with BY.
 Amazed by  Impressed by
 Delighted by  Inspired by
 Disturbed by  Selfish by
 Excited by  Shocked by
 Fascinated by  Surprised by

Adjective + IN | Collocations List

List of adjective & preposition collocations with IN.
 Comfortable in  Present in
 Connected in  Skilled in
 Disappointed in  Slow in
 Experienced in  Successful in
 Interested in  Talented in
 Polite/impolite in

Adjective + FROM | Collocations List

List of adjective & preposition collocations with FROM.

 Different from
 Safe from
 Rude from
 Free from
Adjective + TO | Collocations List
List of adjective & preposition collocations with TO.
 Happy to  Anxious to  Late to
 Delighted to  Apposed to  Limited to
 Pleased to  Attached to  Married to
 Concerned to  Beneficial to  Mean to
 Familiar to  Cruel to  Polite/impolite to
 Proud to  Curious to  Qualified to
 Kind to  Disappointed to  Related to
 Rude to  Eager to  Relevant to
 Scared to  Eligible to  Sad to
 Free to  Exposed to  Sensitive to
 Good to  Faithful to  Similar to
 Nasty to  Grateful to  Slow to
 Nice to  Identical to  Superior to
 Unkind to  Immune to  Sympathetic to
 Accustomed to  Indifferent to  Thankful to
 Addicted to  Inferior to  Unreasonable to
 Allergic to  Keen to  Wrong to

Adjective & Preposition Collocation Example Sentences

Adjective and preposition collocation examples in sentences.

 The drought has made farmers anxious about the harvest.

 He was quite certain about his attacker’s identity.
 They were very curious about the people who lived upstairs.
 He’s brilliant at football.
 They are excellent at planning fun parties.
 Please don’t be mad at me!
 Dustin is terrible at texting.
 He’s got no manners – he’s rude to everyone.
 It’s good to see you again.
 She had grown accustomed to his long absences.
 I’ve never seen two people so attached to each other.
 Everyone in the class seemed eager to learn.
 Her dress is almost identical to mine.
 It’s too late to start complaining now.
 How are you related to him? Is he your cousin?
 It was generous of him to offer to pay for us both.
 You are in danger of being robbed.
 A crane is a kind of bird with very long legs and neck.
 It was nice of you to give me a present
 I’m sick of the way you’ve treated me.
 I’m sick and tired of all the arguments.
 It was unkind of you to take his toy away.
 The kids are busy with their homework.
 My mother is very clever with her hands.
 The airport is crowded with stranded travelers.
 He’s fed up with his job. He wants to quit.
 She was very gentle with the children.
Verbs + Prepositions | Collocation Dictionary
List of prepositions with verbs in English.
Verb + FOR | Collocations List
List of common verb & preposition collocations with FOR.
 Account for  Congratulate for  Scold for
 Admire for  Count for  Search for
 Allow for  Earmark for  Substitute for
 Apologize for  Excuse for  Thank for
 Ask for  Forgive for  Vote for
 Be for  Keep for  Vouch for
 Blame for  Pay for  Wait for
 Care for  Pray for  Wish for
 Charge for  Prepare for  Work for

Verb + TO | English Collocations List

List of common verb & preposition collocations with TO.

 Add to  Confess to  Pray to

 Admit to  Consent to  Prefer to
 Answer to  Contribute to  React to
 Apologize to  Devote to  Refer to
 Appeal to  Explain to  Resort to
 Apply oneself to  Happen to  Respond to
 Ask to  Introduce to  See to
 Attend to  Invite to  Speak to
 Attribute to  Lend to  Subject to
 Be resigned to  Listen to  Subscribe to
 Belong to  Look forward to  Talk to
 Commit to  Matter to  Travel to
 Complain to  Object to  Compare to

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