Fabrication of Plastic Brick Manufacturing Machine and Brick Analysis
Fabrication of Plastic Brick Manufacturing Machine and Brick Analysis
Fabrication of Plastic Brick Manufacturing Machine and Brick Analysis
Reg. No.: 15153053
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Produce Engineers with High Moral and Ethical Values
Inculcate the values of teamwork in a diverse and multidisciplinary environment.
Produce graduates possessing entrepreneurial and innovative skills.
Design engineering systems that are based on principles of science and engineering,
considering quality, reliability, safety, cost effectiveness, aesthetics and
Meet societal needs through multidisciplinary research, innovation, entrepreneurial
skills and leadership with a global outlook.
Conduct ethically as a professional engineer and exhibit good competency in their
work culture.
Work effectively in any team.
o PSO1: Professional Skills: The ability to adapt in the areas of design and
development using latest software for modelling and analysis. (L6)
o PSO2: Problem-Solving Skills: The ability to recommend solutions for the
challenges and requirements of industry or in any other sectors where they are
employed. (L5)
o PSO3: Successful Career and Entrepreneurship: The ability to make use of acquired
technical knowledge for qualifying in competitive examinations and to lead a
successful career upholding high moral and ethical values. (L3)
First and foremost we thank The God Almighty who is the source of our luck in doing this
I have taken efforts to do this project. However, it would not have been possible without
guidance and kind support of many individuals, to whom we would like to extend our
sincere gratitude.
I am grateful to Prof. Dr. Preethi Thekketh, Principal, Toc H Institute of Science and
Technology for her motivation and support.
It is my privilege to thank Prof. Dr. Babu John, HOD- Dept. Of Mechanical Engineering,
TIST for his guidance and constant supervision, for providing necessary information
regarding the project and also for his support in completing the project.
I am highly indebted to our project guide Asst. Prof Praveen R who has invested his full
effort in guiding me to achieve the goal of finishing the project successfully within the
limited time frame.
I would like to express our special gratitude and thanks to our Project Co-Ordinators Asst.
Prof Rajesh Kocheril and Asst. Prof. Ginu Paul and all other faculties of mechanical
engineering department who have willingly helped us out to their abilities.
This project aims at design and fabrication of a Plastic Brick Manufacturing Machine which
brings down the plastic wastes in landfills which is primarily responsible for environmental
pollution. Most common recyclable plastic products are beverage packaging widely used for
water, soda, cool-drinks and juice, plastic bags and plastic containers used for packing food
products. These recyclable plastic products are reinforced with the bricks. At this time of
energy crisis and fast depleting resources, availability of conventional building materials
perennially in terms of quantity and quality, pose a hectic task for builders. Demand for
building materials is going up tremendously day-by-day in view of the ever increasing
requirement of housing and habitat sectors. Such a crisis prompted the researchers to re-
orient themselves so as to evolve a new technology to manufacture appropriate masonry
products, using locally available low cost materials. The concept of construction using green
materials was aptly conceived in research realms so as to employ marginal materials and
deploy unskilled labourers in massive production schemes. At the same time, considering
earth as a sustainable material, there is a growing interest in the maximum use of its
resources as modern ingredients in the construction sector. The major environmental
challenge confronting our country in the modern times, is Solid Waste Management. Plastic
is one of the materials mostly used in the modern world. Being light weight and durable
plastic is being widely used for various purposes and it has now become an integral part of
our daily life. The plastic products that we mostly use are non-bio degradable and hence
after use, these are ultimately used for filling our landfills.
Keywords: Hydraulic jack, Compressive test, M-sand, Plastic, Water absorption test.
Chapter TITLE Page
No. No.
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
Table of contents vii
List of tables x
List of figures xi
List of Abbreviations xiii
1 Introduction 1
1.3.1 Land 5
1.3.2 Oceans 5
2 Literature Survey 9
3 Problem Definition 13
4 Project Methodology 14
5 CAD Design 16
5.1 Design Layout 17
6 Raw Materials 20
6.2 M-Sand 22
6.3 Thermocol 25
7 Fabrication Process 27
7.1 Various Processes 27
7.4 Welding 30
7.5 Drilling 33
7.7 Inspection 34
7.8 Assembly 35
8 Experimental Setup 36
8.1 Mixing and Heating unit 36
9.1 Frame 40
10 Working Procedure 48
11 Manufactured Brick 49
12 Brick Analysis 52
12.1.1 Test Result 54
13 Cost Analysis 57
15 Conclusion 60
16 Future Scope 61
References 62
11.3 Brick of plastic composition 20% 51
11.4 Brick of plastic composition 25% 51
12.1 Compression testing machine 53
12.2 Compressive testing 54
12.3 Graph showing compressive strength of bricks 55
12.4 Graph for water absorption test 56
PET – Polyethylene terephthalate
HDPE – High density polyethylene
LDPE – Low density polyethylene
PCB – Polychlorinated biphenyls
PBMM – Plastic Brick Manufacturing Machine
A plastic compactor is a machine used to compress plastic materials into a large bale
for storage or shipping purposes. This machine can vary in design, but generally, it will
feature some sort of hopper or container into which plastic can be loaded, as well as one or
more hydraulic arms that will compress that plastic into one large bale. Once the bale is
created, another arm or system will be used to remove the bale from the container, as the bale
is likely to be quite heavy.
Some machines do not create bales; instead, they may create bricks of plastic that can
be cut, either by hand or by the machine, into pre-set lengths. This allows for easy stacking or
storage, as well as easier handling. The plastic compactor may also heat the plastic while it is
in the chamber to essentially melt the plastic into the desired shape. This can reduce or
eliminate the need for a hydraulic arm for pressing materials, though some plastic compactor
models will use a combination of the hydraulic arms and heating elements to create the
plastic bricks. Some machines will feature a conveyor on which materials can be loaded; the
machine can then load the plastics at a steady rate into the container or hopper.
Waste is now a global problem, and one that must be addressed in order to solve the
world's resource and energy challenges. Plastics are made from limited resources such as
petroleum, and huge advances are being made in the development of technologies to recycle
plastic waste among other resources. Plastics are non-biodegradable, synthetic polymers
derived primarily from petro-fossil feedstock and made-up of long chain hydrocarbons with
additives and can be moulded into finished products. These polymers are broken in presence
of suitable catalyst, into monomers such as ethylene, propylene, vinyl, styrene and benzene.
These monomers are then chemically polymerized into different categories of plastics.
Plastic pollution involves the accumulation of plastic products in the environment that
adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, or humans. Plastics that act as pollutants are
categorized into micro-, meso-, or macro debris, based on size. The prominence of plastic
pollution is correlated with plastics being inexpensive and durable, which lends to high levels
of plastics used by humans. However, it is slow to degrade.
Plastic pollution can unfavourably affect lands, waterways and oceans. Living
organisms, particularly marine animals, can also be affected through entanglement, direct
ingestion of plastic waste, or through exposure to chemicals within plastics that cause
interruptions in biological functions. Humans are also affected by plastic pollution, such as
through the disruption of the thyroid hormone axis or hormone levels. In the UK alone, more
than 5 million tonnes of plastic are consumed each year, of which an estimated mere 24%
makes it into recycling systems. That leaves a remaining 3.8 million tonnes of waste, destined
for landfills. That is 3 trillion pieces of any sort of plastic in the oceans alone. That also
affects the marine base life and studies show that 90% of sea birds have some sort of plastic
in them. Plastic reduction efforts have occurred in some areas in attempts to reduce plastic
consumption and pollution and promote plastic recycling.
There are three major forms of plastic that contribute to plastic pollution: micro
plastics as well as mega- and macro-plastics. Mega- and micro plastics have accumulated in
highest densities in the Northern Hemisphere, concentrated around urban centers and water
fronts. Plastic can be found off the coast of some islands because of currents carrying the
debris. Both mega- and macro-plastics are found in packaging, footwear, and other domestic
items that have been washed off of ships or discarded in landfills. Fishing-related items are
more likely to be found around remote islands. These may also be referred to as micro-,
meso-, and macro debris.
and microbeads. Secondary plastics, on the other hand, account for smaller plastics that have
resulted from the degradation of primary plastics.
Microdebris are plastic pieces between 2 mm and 5 mm in size. Plastic debris that
starts off as meso- or macrodebris can become microdebris through degradation and
collisions that break it down into smaller pieces. Microdebris is more commonly referred to
as nurdles. Nurdles are recycled to make new plastic items, but they easily end up released
into the environment during production because of their small size. They often end up in
ocean waters through rivers and streams. Microdebris that come from cleaning and cosmetic
products are also referred to as scrubbers. Because microdebris and scrubbers are so small in
size, filter-feeding organisms often consume them.
A 2004 study by Richard Thompson from the University of Plymouth, UK, found a
great amount of microdebris on the beaches and waters in Europe, the Americas, Australia,
Africa, and Antarctica. Thompson and his associates found that plastic pellets from both
domestic and industrial sources were being broken down into much smaller plastic pieces,
some having a diameter smaller than human hair. If not ingested, this microdebris floats
instead of being absorbed into the marine environment. Thompson predicts there may be
300,000 plastic items/km2 of sea surface and 100,000 plastic particles/km2 of seabed.
International pellet watch collected samples of polythene pellets from 30 beaches from 17
countries which were then analysed for organic micro-pollutants. It was found that pellets
found on beaches in America, Vietnam and southern Africa contained compounds from
pesticides suggesting a high use of pesticides in the areas.
Even after they have been abandoned, they continue to trap marine organisms and other
plastic debris. Eventually, these abandoned nets become too difficult to remove from the
water because they become too heavy, having grown in weight up to 6 tons.
The distribution of plastic debris is highly variable as a result of certain factors such
as wind and ocean currents, coastline geography, urban areas, and trade routes. Human
population in certain areas also plays a large role in this. Plastics are more likely to be found
in enclosed regions such as the Caribbean. It serves as a means of distribution of organisms to
remote coasts that are not their native environments. This could potentially increase the
variability and dispersal of organisms in specific areas that are less biologically diverse.
Plastics can also be used as vectors for chemical contaminants such as persistent organic
pollutants and heavy metals.
1.3.1 Land
Chlorinated plastic can release harmful chemicals into the surrounding soil, which can
then seep into groundwater or other surrounding water sources and also the ecosystem. This
can cause serious harm to the species that drink the water. Landfill areas contain many
different types of plastics. In these landfills, there are many microorganisms which speed up
the biodegradation of plastics. The microorganisms include bacteria such as Pseudomonas,
nylon-eating bacteria, and Flavobacteria. These bacteria break down nylon through the
activity of the nylonase enzyme. Breakdown of biodegradable plastics releases methane, a
very powerful greenhouse gas that contributes significantly to global warming.
1.3.2 Oceans
In 2012, it was estimated that there was approximately 165 million tons of plastic
pollution in the world's oceans. One type of plastic that is of concern in terms of ocean plastic
pollution is nurdles. Nurdles are manufactured plastic pellets (a type of microplastic) used in
the creation of plastic products and are often shipped via cargo ship. Many billions of nurdles
are spilled into oceans each year, and it has been estimated that globally, around 10% of
beach litter consists of nurdles. Plastics in oceans typically degrade within a year, but not
entirely. In the process, toxic chemicals such as bisphenol A and polystyrene can leach into
waters from some plastics. Polystyrene pieces and nurdles are the most common types of
plastic pollution in oceans, and combined with plastic bags and food containers make up the
majority of oceanic debris.
One study estimated that there are more than 5 trillion plastic pieces (defined into the
four classes of small microplastics, large microplastics, meso- and macroplastics) afloat at
sea. The litter that is being delivered into the oceans is toxic to marine life, and humans. The
toxins that are components of plastic include diethylhexyl phthalate, which is a toxic
carcinogen, as well as lead, cadmium, and mercury. Plankton, fish, and ultimately the human
race, through the food chain, ingest these highly toxic carcinogens and chemicals. Consuming
the fish that contain these toxins can cause an increase in cancer, immune disorders, and birth
defects. The majority of the litter near and in the ocean is made up of plastics and is a
persistent pervasive source of marine pollution. According to The 5 Gyres Institute, there are
5.25 trillion particles of plastic pollution that weigh as much as 270,000 tons (2016). This
plastic is taken by the ocean currents and accumulates in large vortexes known as ocean
gyres. The majority of the gyres become pollution dumps filled with plastic.
Plastic pollution has the potential to poison animals, which can then adversely affect
human food supplies. Plastic pollution has been described as being highly detrimental to large
marine mammals, described in the book Introduction to Marine Biology as posing the "single
greatest threat" to them. Some marine species, such as sea turtles, have been found to contain
large proportions of plastics in their stomach. When this occurs, the animal typically starves,
because the plastic blocks the animal's digestive tract. Marine mammals sometimes become
entangled in plastic products such as nets, which can harm or kill them. Entanglement in
plastic debris has been responsible for the deaths of many marine organisms, such as fish,
seals, turtles, and birds. These animals get caught in the debris and end up suffocating or
drowning. Because they are unable to untangle themselves, they also die from starvation or
from their inability to escape predators. Being entangled also often results in severe
lacerations and ulcers. In a 2006 report known as Plastic Debris in the World's Oceans, it was
estimated that at least 267 different animal species have suffered from entanglement and
ingestion of plastic debris. It has been estimated that over 400,000 marine mammals perish
annually due to plastic pollution in oceans. Marine organisms get caught in discarded fishing
equipment, such as ghost nets. Ropes and nets used to fish are often made of synthetic
materials such as nylon, making fishing equipment more durable and buoyant. These
organisms can also get caught in circular plastic packaging materials, and if the animal
continues to grow in size, the plastic can cut into their flesh. Equipment such as nets can also
drag along the seabed, causing damage to coral reefs.
Marine Animals :
Some of the tiniest bits of plastic are being consumed by small fish, in a part of the
pelagic zone in the ocean called the Mesopelagic zone, which is 200 to 1000 metres below
the ocean surface, and completely dark. Not much is known about these fish, other than that
there are many of them. They hide in the darkness of the ocean, avoiding predators and then
swimming to the ocean's surface at night to feed. Plastics found in the stomachs of these fish
were collected during Malaspina's circumnavigation, a research project that studies the
impact of global change on the oceans. A study conducted by Scripps Institution of
Oceanography showed that the average plastic content in the stomachs of 141 mesopelagic
fish over 27 different species was 9.2%. Their estimate for the ingestion rate of plastic debris
by these fish in the North Pacific was between 12000 and 24000 tons per year. The most
popular mesopelagic fish is the lantern fish. It resides in the central ocean gyres, a large
system of rotating ocean currents. Since lantern fish serve as a primary food source for the
fish that consumers purchase, including tuna and swordfish, the plastics they ingest become
part of the food chain. The lantern fish is one of the main bait fish in the ocean, and it eats
large amounts of plastic fragments, which in turn will not make them nutritious enough for
other fish to consume.
Birds :
Plastic pollution does not only affect animals that live solely in oceans. Seabirds are
also greatly affected. In 2004, it was estimated that gulls in the North Sea had an average of
thirty pieces of plastic in their stomachs. Seabirds often mistake trash floating on the ocean's
surface as prey. Their food sources often has already ingested plastic debris, thus transferring
the plastic from prey to predator. Ingested trash can obstruct and physically damage a bird's
digestive system, reducing its digestive ability and can lead to malnutrition, starvation, and
death. Toxic chemicals called polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) also become concentrated on
the surface of plastics at sea and are released after seabirds eat them. These chemicals can
accumulate in body tissues and have serious lethal effects on a bird's reproductive ability,
immune system, and hormone balance. Floating plastic debris can produce ulcers, infections
and lead to death. Marine plastic pollution can even reach birds that have never been at the
sea. Parents may accidentally feed their nestlings plastic, mistaking it for food. Seabird chicks
are the most vulnerable to plastic ingestion since they can't regurgitate like the adult seabirds.
Similar to humans, animals exposed to plasticizers can experience developmental defects.
Due to the use of chemical additives during plastic production, plastics have
potentially harmful effects that could prove to be carcinogenic or promote endocrine
disruption. Some of the additives are used as phthalate plasticizers and brominated flame
retardants. Through biomonitoring, chemicals in plastics, such as BPA and phthalates, have
been identified in the human population. Humans can be exposed to these chemicals through
the nose, mouth, or skin. Although the level of exposure varies depending on age and
geography, most humans experience simultaneous exposure to many of these chemicals.
Average levels of daily exposure are below the levels deemed to be unsafe, but more research
needs to be done on the effects of low dose exposure on humans. In many plastics, these toxic
chemicals are only used in trace amounts, but significant testing is often required to ensure
that the toxic elements are contained within the plastic by inert material or polymer. It can
also affect humans in which it may create an eyesore that interferes with enjoyment of the
natural environment.
Attempting to reduce the quantum of plastic wastes that fill our landfills, we decided
to fabricate a Plastic Recycling Machine. In this connection, we also took into consideration
the fact that the demand for bricks for housing and general construction purposes is on the
rise. Thus it was felt that fabrication of a machine for manufacturing bricks by using plastic
wastes as one of its components will reduce plastic waste menace to a great extent and at the
same time we will also get a novel building material for construction purpose. The machine
parts are made of mild steel, because of its availability and versatile machinability. The
efficiency of the machine was established using plastic wastes, m-sand and other aggregates.
Plastic waste, after chipping into finer granules, was added to cement and aggregates in
definite proportion. Then the mixture is allowed to pass through recycling unit to form a mix,
and then packed into mould box, before manually rammed and compacted with machine-
moulded envelope. This process allows the formation of required shape, which is sent for
curing to obtain stronger bricks.
In 2011, S.P. Raut, R.V. Ralegaonkar and S.A. Mandavgane, reviewed about
Development of sustainable construction material using industrial and agricultural solid
waste. Attempt can be made to use the combination of paper processing residue with any
other solid waste in different proportion to reduce water absorption of WCB and to enhance
the other physical parameters. Further it is proposed to test the developed innovative
lightweight construction materials (WCB) against wind pressure. A large number of factors
affect the interfacial brick–mortar bond strength and therefore, it is needed to carry out the
test of brick–mortar bond strength for the WCB manufactured from waste material.
Accelerated weathering test should be performed to test the material over a period of varying
seasons for different geographic location. Carbon footprint study of the manufacturing of
WCB and its application should be carried out.
In 2013, Ankit Arora and Dr. Urmil V. Dave experimented utilization of e-waste and
plastic bottle waste in concrete. Attempts were made in past to use them in concrete by
grinding them. But it failed to give good strength because grinded particle has flattened
shape. Grinded plastic and e waste mixed with concrete is a good way to dispose them with
cheap concrete production. The following paper deals with the grinding, rubbing and mixing
technique to use e-waste and plastic waste in concrete. E-waste from electrical and electronic
equipment, that may be old or might have reached end of life and plastic waste from plastic
mineral and cold drink bottles were collected and grinded to size of 2 mm using pulverizing
machine. The grinded pieces were rubbed against each other with friction roller machine
designed and fabricated by the authors. It is done to develop roughness and make grinded
pieces shape irregular so that they can bond well with cement when mixed with it. A mix
design was done for M20 grade of concrete by IS method. Ordinary Portland cement of 43
grade was selected. Grinded E-waste and plastic waste were replaced by 0%, 2%, and 4% of
the fine aggregates. Compressive strength and flexural strength were tested and compared
with control concrete. Experiments done shows increase in compressive strength by 5% and
reduce cost of concrete production by 7% at optimum percentage of grinded waste. Grinded
waste greater than 4.75mm in certain proportion act as a good filler material in concrete and
on-going experiments are done to apply gap gradation by grinding the waste into specific
sizes. This will ensure better packing density and hence good strength. Moreover decorative
tiles were made with the grinded waste and white cement which give appealing look to the
wall and are cheaper than the vitrified tiles.
In 2013, Lianyang Zhang reviewed Production of bricks from waste materials. Bricks
are a widely used construction and building material around the world. Conventional bricks
are produced from clay with high temperature kiln firing or from ordinary Portland cement
(OPC) concrete, and thus contain high embodied energy and have large carbon footprint. In
many areas of the world, there is already a shortage of natural source material for production
of the conventional bricks. For environmental protection and sustainable development,
extensive research has been conducted on production of bricks from waste materials. This
paper presents a state-of-the-art review of research on utilization of waste materials to
produce bricks. A wide variety of waste materials have been studied to produce bricks with
different methods. The research can be divided into three general categories based on the
methods for producing bricks from waste materials: firing, cementing and geopolymerization.
Although much research has been conducted, the commercial production of bricks from
waste materials is still very limited. The possible reasons are related to the methods for
producing bricks from waste materials, the potential contamination from the waste materials
used, the absence of relevant standards, and the slow acceptance of waste materials-based
bricks by industry and public. For wide production and application of bricks from waste
materials, further research and development is needed, not only on the technical, economic
and environmental aspects but also on standardization, government policy and public
education related to waste recycling and sustainable development.
In 2017, Shikhar Shrimali made bricks from waste plastics. The need of creating this
plastic waste brick is as mentioned. Municipal control board emphasizes the current scenario
of plastic waste in India.
The leading factor for plastics is its functional convenience and cost effectiveness. By
upright economies of scale, plastics have disintegrated the traditional industries in India and
have slowly conserved the throwaway culture in the Indian society.
The bottled water, junk foods and Pepsi coke culture in the country distributes to the
increasing plastic waste generation in India. The problem becomes very vast when there is no
effective end of life management to take care of the litter, and this creates an environmental,
social as well as economic problems.
The increasing use of plastics as a packaging material has resulted in the landscapes
of India being littered with non-biodegradable plastic bags and PET bottles, with plastic bags
commanding the litter.
High amount of plastic waste has a value, and is constantly taken care of by the
informal recycling sector.
Market executives guide the informal sector, and they contribute to the waste system
excessively by collecting waste material that has a value, thereby taking over a part of the
responsibilities on the municipalities.
In spite of the attempts from the formal and the informal sector, massive quantities of
the plastic waste remain uncollected. Waste management is also embarrassed by the lack of
public awareness and low municipal finances in the country.
Most municipalities are malnourished of finances and this blemish the system of
waste collection and disposal in many cities in India. Even when budgets are consequent for
collection, safe disposal remains a primary problem.
A total of 36.5 million tonnes per year that is 36.5 kg per individual of municipal solid
waste is generated in the country. Considering the fact that the plastic consumption in the
country is 4 million tonnes and 52% of the plastics is used for packaging, and then we could
estimate that the plastic waste generated is at least 2 million tonnes and not more than 4
million tonnes.
In view of the limited resources and availability of land for disposal, especially in the
mega cities, there is a great need for an effective effort to develop cost-effective and feasible
policy options for overcoming the waste management problems.
For effective plastic waste management, it is necessary to carry out the work in a
systematic step by step manner.
For this areas where waste management is required is studied out and then which
techniques of waste collection and disposal will be the most suitable is being analysed and
carried out.
Plastic waste contains high amount of polythene bags and crisp bags which is further
collected and used for manufacturing of newly designed plastic brick which proves to be cost
effective and beneficial as it is used in a proper way rather than disposing or burning it in the
Also the waste disposing techniques of plastic waste such as pyrolysis, chemical
decomposition of waste, land filling, incineration, composting are quiet time consuming
techniques and does not offer to clear out large quantities of waste in a short period of time.
Hence this method of using soft plastic waste for a beneficial purpose of making out bricks
which are very light in weight and gives high pressure handling capacity would prove to be
very useful as it would minimize the plastic waste at a large extent.
This project reviews one of the sustainable and effective ways of managing plastic
waste in urban and rural parts of India in order to minimize their adverse environmental
impacts. The requirement for such a research is validated as it is desirable to change the
unsustainable arrangement of consumption, production and disposal associated with these
materials. After studying the whole scenario, we developed an effective way of utilizing the
soft plastic waste and recycling it into plastic bricks which are very light in weight and can
withstand high amount of pressure as compared to standard modular bricks. However due to
some physical and chemical properties of plastic which can be disadvantageous to the brick
created from it, some changes in its design and manufacturing processes can be made.
1. From literature survey, we came to know that researchers had tried to develop plastic
bricks using waste plastics mixed with soil, sand, clay etc. These researches were able
to produce bricks of good compressive strength. From this idea, we decided to make
plastic bricks mixed with M-sand and thermocol. M-sand is comparatively cheaper
than sand and clay. Thermocol is used as a binder in this project.
2. Material collection: The materials required are plastics, M-sand and thermocol. Plastic
bottles were collected from different sources and plastic types are distinguished and
separated based on the chemical makeup and codes allocated by international
agreement. We used PET bottles mainly for the experimental setup. M-sand and
thermocol are also bought in required quantities.
3. The plastics are sorted out and they are broken into small pieces. These crushed
plastics are heated in a chamber until they become a black paste and to this, we add
heated M-sand and thermocol in the required quantities as per the mixing ratio.
4. Thus plastic bricks of varied compositions are made , that is, with 10%,15%,20% and
25% plastics in each.
5. These plastic bricks which are made under controlled environments are then tested to
find their compressive strength and various other properties like water absorption.
These test results were noted down and compared each other to find the strong one
and the one with better properties.
6. Conventional bricks were also bought for testing purpose and their compressive
strengths are compared with that of the plastic bricks.
Literature review
Compression Test
Testing plastic brick
Water absorption test
Comparing plastic
brick test results
with that of
conventional brick
In an assembly, the analog to sketch relations are mates. Just as sketch relations define
conditions such as tangency, parallelism, and concentricity with respect to sketch geometry,
assembly mates define equivalent relations with respect to the individual parts or
components, allowing the easy construction of assemblies. SolidWorks also includes
additional advanced mating features such as gear and cam follower mates, which allow
modeled gear assemblies to accurately reproduce the rotational movement of an actual gear
Finally, drawings can be created either from parts or assemblies. Views are
automatically generated from the solid model, and notes, dimensions and tolerances can then
be easily added to the drawing as needed. The drawing module includes most paper sizes and
standards (ANSI, ISO, DIN, GOST, JIS, BSI and SAC).
The various raw materials used in the making of plastic bricks include :
By definition the plastics can be made to different shapes when they are heated.in
closest environment it exists in the different forms such as cups, furniture‘s, basins, plastic
bags, food and drinking containers, and they are become waste material. Accumulation of
such wastes can result into hazardous effects to both human and plant life. Therefore, need
for proper disposal, and, if possible, use of these wastes in their recycled forms, occurs. This
can be done through process of plastic management. Waste management in respect to plastic
can be done by recycling. If they are not recycled then they will become big pollutant to the
environment as they not decompose easily and also not allow the water to percolate in to the
soil and they are also poisonous.
The majority of the world's PET production is for synthetic fibres (in excess of 60%),
with bottle production accounting for about 30% of global demand. In the context of textile
applications, PET is referred to by its common name, polyester, whereas the acronym PET is
generally used in relation to packaging. Polyester makes up about 18% of world polymer
production and is the fourth-most-produced polymer; polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP)
and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are first, second and third, respectively.
Depending on its processing and thermal history, polyethylene terephthalate may exist
both as an amorphous (transparent) and as a semi-crystalline polymer. The semi crystalline
material might appear transparent (particle size less than 500 nm) or opaque and white
(particle size up to a few micro meters) depending on its crystal structure and particle size.
6.2 M-SAND
Manufactured sand is popularly known by several names such as Crushed sand, Rock
sand, Green sand, Ultra Mod Sand, Robo sand, Poabs sand, Barmac sand, Pozzolan sand etc.
IS 383-1970 (Reaffirmed 2007) recognizes manufacture sand as ‗Crushed Stone Sand‘.
shall not exceed 15 %. Special efforts on the part of M-sand manufacturers (such as washing
of sand by water or dry washing by air) is required to restrict particles finer than 75 µm to
15%. The global trend is to utilize dry classification solutions to produce manufactured sand.
The dry separation process separates fine and coarse particles. This allows a reduced
percentage of super fines in manufactured sand, thereby meeting specifications and achieving
quality products.
M-sand can also be used for making masonry mortar and shall conform to the
requirements of IS 2116-1980 (Reaffirmed 1998) – ―Specification of sand for Masonry
General Requirements:
4. The ratio of fines below 600 microns in sand should not be less than 30%
6. Silt in sand should not be more than 2%, for crushed sand
7. In manufactured sand the permissible limit of fines below 75 microns shall not exceed
Manufactured Sand should adhere to the highest standards and must undergo the following
quality tests:
1. Sieve analysis
The artificial sand produced by proper machines can be a better substitute to river
sand. The sand must be of proper gradation (it should have particles from 150 microns to 4.75
mm in proper proportion). When fine particles are in proper proportion, the sand will have
fewer voids. The cement quantity required will be less. Such sand will be more economical.
Demand for manufactured fine aggregates for making concrete is increasing day by day as
river sand cannot meet the rising demand of construction sector. Natural river sand takes
millions of years to form.
Thermocol is also called as polystyrene or Styrofoam. Polystyrene (PS) is a synthetic
aromatic polymer made from the monomer styrene. Polystyrene can be solid or foamed.
General-purpose polystyrene is clear, hard, and rather brittle. It is an inexpensive resin per
unit weight. It is a rather poor barrier to oxygen and water vapour and has a relatively low
melting point. Polystyrene is one of the most widely used plastics, the scale of its production
being several million tonnes per year. Polystyrene can be naturally transparent, but can be
coloured with colourants. Uses include protective packaging (such as packing peanuts and
CD and DVD cases), containers (such as "clamshells"), lids, bottles, trays, tumblers and
disposable cutlery in the making of models.
The material's properties are determined by short-range van der Waals attractions
between polymers chains. Since the molecules are long hydrocarbon chains that consist of
thousands of atoms, the total attractive force between the molecules is large. When heated (or
deformed at a rapid rate, due to a combination of viscoelastic and thermal insulation
properties), the chains are able to take on a higher degree of conformation and slide past each
other. This intermolecular weakness confers flexibility and elasticity. The ability of the
system to be readily deformed above its glass transition temperature allows polystyrene (and
thermoplastic polymers in general) to be readily softened and moulded upon heating.
Extruded polystyrene is about as strong as an unalloyed aluminium, but much more flexible
and much lighter (1.05 g/cm3 vs. 2.70 g/cm3 for aluminium).
Polystyrene is chemically very inert, being resistant to acids and bases but is easily
dissolved by many chlorinated solvents, and many aromatic hydrocarbon solvents. Because
of its resilience and inertness, it is used for fabricating many objects of commerce. It is
attacked by many organic solvents, which dissolve the polymer. Foamed polystyrene is used
for packaging chemicals.
Like all organic compounds, polystyrene burns to give carbon dioxide and water
vapor. Polystyrene, being an aromatic hydrocarbon, typically combusts incompletely as
indicated by the sooty flame.
Most polystyrene products are currently not recycled due to the lack of incentive to
invest in the compactors and logistical systems required. Due to the low density of
polystyrene foam, it is not economical to collect. However, if the waste material goes through
an initial compaction process, the material changes density from typically 30 kg/m3 to 330
kg/m3 and becomes a recyclable commodity of high value for producers of recycled plastic
pellets. Expanded polystyrene scrap can be easily added to products such as EPS insulation
sheets and other EPS materials for construction applications; many manufacturers cannot
obtain sufficient scrap because of collection issues.
Manufacturing processes are the steps through which raw materials are transformed
into a final product. The manufacturing process begins with the creation of the materials from
which the design is made. These materials are then modified through manufacturing
processes to become the required part. Manufacturing processes can include treating (such as
heat treating or coating), machining, or reshaping the material. The manufacturing process
also includes tests and checks for quality assurance during or after the manufacturing, and
planning the production process prior to manufacturing.
These are secondary manufacturing processes where the starting raw materials are
produced by any one of the previous manufacturing processes desired. Its assembly involve
joining pieces either temporary or permanent. So that they would be perform the necessary
function. The joining can be achieved by either or both of heat and pressure joining materials.
Many of the steel structure construction, we see are first rolled and then joined together by a
fabrication process are:
· Gas welding
· Thermo welding
· Brazing welding
· Soldering welding
· Cold welding
These are also a secondary removal manufacturing process, where the additional
unwanted material is removed in the form of chips from the blank material by hard tools so as
to obtain the final desired shape. Material removal is normally a most expensive
manufacturing process. Because more energy is consumed and also a lot of waste material is
generated in this process. Still this process is widely used because it delivers very good
dimensional accuracy and good surface finished. Material removal process are also called
machining processes. Various processes in this category are
· Turning
· Drilling
· Milling
· Grinding
· Broaching
· Sawing
· Trimming
1: Blanking:
Blanking is the operation of cutting a flat shape from sheet metal. The product
punched out is called the ―blank‖ and the required product of the operation the hole and the
metal left behind is discarded as waste.
2: Punching or Piercing:
It is a cutting operation by which various shaped holes are made in sheet metal.
Punching is similar to blanking except that in punching, the hole is the desired product. The
material punched out from the hole being waste.
3: Notching:
This is cutting operation by which metal pieces are cut from the edge of the sheet,
strip or blank.
4: Perforating:
This is a process by which multiple holes are very small and close together are cut in
a flat sheet metal.
5: Trimming:
This operation consists of cutting unwanted excess of material from the periphery of a
previously formed component.
6: Shaving:
The edges of a blanked part are generally rough, uneven and square. Accurate
dimensions of the part are obtained by removing a thin strip of metal along the edges.
7: Slitting:
8: Lancing:
This is a cutting operation in which a hole is partially cut and then one side is bent
down to form a sort of tab. Since no metal is actually removed and there will be no scrap.
9: Nibbling:
The nibbling operation, which is used for only small quantities of components, is
designed for cutting out flat parts from sheet metal. The flat parts from simple to complex
contours. This operation is generally substituted for blanking. The part is usually moved and
guided by hand as the continuously operating punch cutting away at the edge of the desired
Welding is a process of joining two metal pieces by the application of heat. Welding
is the least expensive process and widely used now a days in fabrication. Welding joints
different metals with the help of a number of processes in which heat is supplied either
electrically or by mean of a gas torch. Different welding processes are used in the
manufacturing of Auto mobiles bodies, structural work, tanks, and general machine repair
work. In the industries, welding is used in refineries and pipe line fabrication. It may be
called a secondary manufacturing process.
There are about 35 different welding and brazing process and several soldering
methods, in use by the industry today. There are various ways of classifying the welding for
example, they may be classified on the basis of source of heat (flames, arc etc.)
1: Gas Welding
2: Arc Welding
3: Resistance Welding:
Arc welding is one of several fusion processes for joining metals. By applying intense
heat, metal at the joint between two parts is melted and caused to intermix - directly, or more
commonly, with an intermediate molten filler metal. Upon cooling and solidification, a
metallurgical bond is created. Since the joining is an intermixture of metals, the final
weldment potentially has the same strength properties as the metal of the parts. This is in
sharp contrast to non-fusion processes of joining (i.e. soldering, brazing etc.) in which the
mechanical and physical properties of the base materials cannot be duplicated at the joint.
In arc welding, the intense heat needed to melt metal is produced by an electric arc.
The arc is formed between the actual work and an electrode (stick or wire) that is manually or
mechanically guided along the joint. The electrode can either be a rod with the purpose of
simply carrying the current between the tip and the work. Or, it may be a specially prepared
rod or wire that not only conducts the current but also melts and supplies filler metal to the
joint. Most welding in the manufacture of steel products uses the second type of electrode.
Joining metals requires more than moving an electrode along a joint. Metals at high
temperatures tend to react chemically with elements in the air - oxygen and nitrogen. When
metal in the molten pool comes into contact with air, oxides and nitrides form which destroy
the strength and toughness of the weld joint. Therefore, many arc-welding processes provide
some means of covering the arc and the molten pool with a protective shield of gas, vapor, or
slag. This is called arc shielding. This shielding prevents or minimizes contact of the molten
metal with air. Shielding also may improve the weld. An example is a granular flux, which
actually adds deoxidizers to the weld. Coating on a coated (stick) electrode provides a
gaseous shield around the arc and a slag covering on the hot weld deposit.
Drilling is a cutting process that uses a drill bit to cut a hole of circular cross-section
in solid materials. The drill bit is usually a rotary cutting tool, often multipoint. The bit is
pressed against the work piece and rotated at rates from hundreds to thousands of revolutions
per minute. This forces the cutting edge against the work piece, cutting off chips (swarf) from
the hole as it is drilled. In rock drilling, the hole is usually not made through a circular cutting
motion, though the bit is usually rotated. Instead, the hole is usually made by hammering a
drill bit into the hole with quickly repeated short movements. The hammering action can be
performed from outside the hole (top-hammer drill) or within the hole (down-the-hole drill,
DTH). Drills used for horizontal drilling are called drifter drills. Various drilling operations
o Centre drilling
o Deep hole drilling
o Gun drilling
o Trepanning
o Micro drilling
o Vibration drilling
1: Bending:
In this operation; the material in the form of flat sheet or strip is uniformly strained
around a linear axis which lies in the neutral plane and perpendicular it‘s the length wise
direction of the sheet or metal.
2: Drawing:
This is a process of forming a flat work piece into a hollow shape by means of a
punch which causes the blank into a die cavity.
"Quality cannot be inspected into a product") the role of inspection is to verify and validate
the variance data; it does not involve separating the good from the bad.
Assembly lines are designed for the sequential organization of workers, tools or
machines, and parts. The motion of workers is minimized to the extent possible. All parts or
assemblies are handled either by conveyors or motorized vehicles such as fork lifts, or
gravity, with no manual trucking. Heavy lifting is done by machines such as overhead cranes
or fork lifts. Each worker typically performs one simple operation.
2. Compaction unit
The mixing and the heating units are set upon a mild steel L-shaped angle frame. A
compartment is made from 3mm mild steel sheet metal where the plastic is melted and mixed
with hot M-sand which is heated externally with the help of an LPG stove. The heating unit
comprises of a kerosene stove installed at the bottom of the heating chamber, then thermocol
is added as a binder into chamber. During mixing the thermocol binds the molten plastic with
hot M-sand.
Compaction unit consist of a Mould and Hydraulic jack. The mixture that is obtained
in the mixing unit is pushed into the compaction unit with the help of a rod. Now by
manually operating the hydraulic jack, the mixture is moved up into the mould and
compressed to obtain a plastic brick of high compressive strength. The hydraulic pressing
fits any small to medium-sized industry when machinery for large-scale production must
necessarily make way for machinery with distinctly lower production costs. The operating
procedure of hydraulic pressing machine is simple when compared to other pressing machine.
Biggest improvements were placing the Hydraulic Jack near the ram. The hydraulic pressing
is most strength due to less deflection.
The complete model consists of the mixing unit, heating unit and the compaction unit.
The chamber where the plastics are melted is included in the mixing unit. A push rod with a
plate is fixed along the mixing unit in order to push the obtained mixture after mixing the
molten plastic with m-sand into the mould box. Below the mixing unit is the heating unit
consisting of a kerosene stove that provides enough heat to melt the plastics. Besides the
mixing and heating unit, there is a compaction unit consisting of a hydraulic jack and mould.
The mould has a door which can be opened to take out the obtained plastic brick after 15
minutes from the time of compaction. There is a small push rod installed in the mould box in
order to take out the brick from the box. During the time of compaction, the door is kept
closed and only after the mixture is settled, the mould is opened to take out the brick. The
chamber and the mould box will be well greased for easier removal of the brick. The use of
grease or any other lubrication methods can prevent sticking of plastics or the mixture on to
the sheet metal with which the whole chamber is made.
The various components used in the making of the plastic brick manufacturing machine
(PBMM) are:
The frame is made of mild steel L-shaped angle frame. Mild steel is the most common
form of steel. It is not brittle. It is cheap. It is often used when large amounts of steel are
needed. Mild steel is a carbon steel. Mild steel has up to 0.25% carbon. Mild steel is stiff,
strong and cost effective. That is why mild steel is used to make the frame. The dimensions
of the frame used in the plastic brick manufacturing machine are 100x25 cm. L-shaped angles
of mild steel are carefully welded together to make the frame.
A jack is a device that uses force to lift heavy loads. The primary mechanism with
which force is applied varies, depending on the specific type of jack, but is typically a screw
thread or a hydraulic cylinder. Jacks can be categorized based on the type of force they
employ: mechanical or hydraulic. Mechanical jacks, such as car jacks and house jacks, lift
heavy equipment and are rated based on lifting capacity (for example, the number of tons
they can lift). Hydraulic jacks tend to be stronger and can lift heavier loads higher, and
include bottle jacks and floor jacks. It depend on force generated by pressure. Essentially, if
two cylinders (a large and a small one) are connected and force is applied to one cylinder,
equal pressure is generated in both cylinders. However, because one cylinder has a larger
area, the force the larger cylinder produces will be higher, although the pressure in the two
cylinders will remain the same. Hydraulic jacks depend on this basic principle to lift heavy
loads: they use pump plungers to move oil through two cylinders. The plunger is first drawn
back, which opens the suction valve ball within and draws oil into the pump chamber. As the
plunger is pushed forward, the oil moves through an external discharge check valve into the
cylinder chamber, and the suction valve closes, which results in pressure building within the
The working principle of a hydraulic jack may be explained with the help of Fig. 9.3.
Consider a ram and plunger, operating in two cylinders of different diameters, which are
interconnected at the bottom, through a chamber, which is filled with some liquid.
The hydraulic jack is a device used for lifting heavy loads by the application of much smaller
force. It is based on Pascal's law, which states that intensity of pressure is transmitted equally
in all directions through a mass of fluid at rest.
The hydraulic jack used in the machine is having a capacity of 5 tonnes. The flange diameter
of the used jack is 30 mm. Its stroke length is 150 mm. The material of the flange is mild
steel. The oil used in the hydraulic jack is servo 38 hydraulic lubrication oil.
Servo system oils are anti-wear hydraulic and circulation oils specially formulated for
efficient lubrication of a wide variety of industrial equipment. Servo system oils are blended
from highly refined base stocks and carefully selected antioxidant, anti-wear, anti-rust and
anti-foam additives.
Metal press work (to press sheet metal to any required shape).
Drawing and pushing rods.
Bending and straightening any metal piece.
Packing press.
The Primus stove, the first pressurized-burner kerosene (paraffin) stove, was
developed in 1892 by Frans Wilhelm Lindquist, a factory mechanic in Stockholm. The stove
was based on the design of the hand-held blowtorch; Lindquist‘s patent covered the burner,
which was turned upward on the stove instead of outward as on the blowtorch. The same
year, Lindquist partnered with Johan Viktor Svenson and established J.V. Svenson‘s
Kerosene Stove Factory for manufacturing the new stoves which were sold under the name
Primus. The first model was the No.1 stove, which was quickly followed by a number of
similarly-designed stoves of different models and sizes.
To light the stove, the user pours a small amount of alcohol into a circular "spirit cup"
just below the burner and lights it to pre-heat the burner assembly. When it is hot, the user
pressurizes the tank by means of a small hand pump integrated into the housing, which forces
kerosene from the tank up through the rising tube (A) and the ascending pipe (B) to the pre-
heated burner head (C), where the fuel is heated and vaporized. The kerosene vapour is then
forced under pressure through the descending tube (D) to the vapour nozzle (E); here it
sprays through a jet in the middle of the burner, where it mixes with air and burns in a soot
less blue flame. The heat from that flame vaporizes more fuel to sustain the process when the
spirit cup burns out. The user can pump the tank more to increase the pressure and make the
flame larger; turning a small "air screw" (usually located in the filler cap) will release
pressure from the tank and make the flame smaller.
If no alcohol is available for lighting, a twist of cloth or even dry grass will form a
wick in the spirit cup. Pumping once will dispense a small amount of kerosene to dribble
down into the cup which will then light using the wick. As the flame dies down, a further
gentle pump will either ignite the main burner or dispense more kerosene into the spirit cup.
Prior to the introduction of the Primus, kerosene stoves were constructed in the same
manner as oil lamps, which use a wick to draw fuel from the tank to the burner and which
produce a great deal of soot due to incomplete combustion. The Primus stove's design, which
uses pressure and heat to vaporize the kerosene before ignition, results in a hotter, more
efficient stove that does not soot. Because it did not use a wick and did not produce soot, the
Primus stove was advertised as the first "soot less" and "wickless" stove.
The primus stove used in the plastic brick manufacturing is having a tank capacity of
2 litres. It is made of brass, consists of a fuel tank at the base, above which is a "rising tube"
and the burner assembly. A steel top ring on which to set a pot is held above the burner by
three support legs. Other Primus-style stoves may be larger or smaller, but have the same
basic design.
The purpose of a mould box is to contain the liquid mould making rubber after it has
been poured over a model until the liquid rubber turns to a solid. A mould box does not have
to be a complex structure –depending on the size and configuration of your model, often a
coffee can, metal baking pan or plastic bucket will suffice.
Moulding boxes are made in segments that may be latched to each other and to end
closures. For a simple object—flat on one side—the lower portion of the box, closed at the
bottom, will be filled with a moulding sand. The sand is packed in through a vibratory
process called ramming, and in this case, periodically screened level. The surface of the sand
may then be stabilized with a sizing compound. The pattern is placed on the sand and another
moulding box segment is added. Additional sand is rammed over and around the pattern.
Finally a cover is placed on the box and it is turned and unlatched, so that the halves of the
mould may be parted and the pattern with its sprue and vent patterns removed. Additional
sizing may be added and any defects introduced by the removal of the pattern are corrected.
The box is closed again. This forms a "green" mould which must be dried to receive the hot
metal. If the mould is not sufficiently dried a steam explosion can occur that can throw
molten metal about. In some cases, the sand may be oiled instead of moistened, which makes
casting possible without waiting for the sand to dry. Sand may also be bonded by chemical
binders, such as furan resins or amine-hardened resins. Additive manufacturing can be used
in the sand mould preparation, so that instead of the sand mould being formed via packing
sand around a pattern, it is 3D-printed. This can reduce lead times for casting by obviating
patternmaking. Besides replacing older methods, additive can also complement them in
hybrid models, such as making a variety of AM-printed cores for a cavity derived from a
traditional pattern.
To control the solidification structure of the metal, it is possible to place metal plates,
chills, in the mould. The associated rapid local cooling will form a finer-grained structure and
may form a somewhat harder metal at these locations. In ferrous castings, the effect is similar
to quenching metals in forge work. The inner diameter of an engine cylinder is made hard by
a chilling core. In other metals, chills may be used to promote directional solidification of the
casting. In controlling the way a casting freezes, it is possible to prevent internal voids or
porosity inside castings.
To produce cavities within the casting—such as for liquid cooling in engine blocks
and cylinder heads—negative forms are used to produce cores. Usually sand-moulded, cores
are inserted into the casting box after removal of the pattern. Whenever possible, designs are
made that avoid the use of cores, due to the additional set-up time and thus greater cost. With
a completed mould at the appropriate moisture content, the box containing the sand mould is
then positioned for filling with molten metal—typically iron, steel, bronze, brass, aluminium,
magnesium alloys, or various pot metal alloys, which often include lead, tin, and zinc. After
being filled with liquid metal the box is set aside until the metal is sufficiently cool to be
strong. The sand is then removed, revealing a rough casting that, in the case of iron or steel,
may still be glowing red. In the case of metals that are significantly heavier than the casting
sand, such as iron or lead, the casting flask is often covered with a heavy plate to prevent a
problem known as floating the mould. Floating the mould occurs when the pressure of the
metal pushes the sand above the mould cavity out of shape, causing the casting to fail.
Push rods are shafts used in PBMM. There are two push rods used in the machine.
And they have different purposes. One of them is fixed with a plate which is attached to a
plate that is used to push the mixture of plastic, m-sand and thermocol into the mould box.
The other one is used to push the settled brick out of the mould box.
Shaft must have adequate torsional strength to transmit torque and not be over
stressed. Shafts are mounted in bearings and transmit power through devices such as gears,
pulleys, cams and clutches. Components such as gears are mounted on shafts using key. Shaft
must sustain a combination of bending and torsional loads.
Shafts used are of 15 mm diameter and are made of mild steel and these move along
guide bush of 25 mm diameter and 25 mm length which is also made of mild steel.
1. Switch on the burner and allow maximum air flow through the burner and the primus
stove is pressurized by hand pump.
2. Now kerosene vapour is formed at the burner side due to pressure developed in the
fuel tank by hand pump, now vapour is lit by lighter.
3. M sand is then introduced to the mixing chamber and heated as per the required
4. Required composition of waste plastic is externally melted using LPG stove and then
added to the mixing chamber gradually
5. Also required composition of Thermocol is added with melted plastic, which will acts
as binder.
6. Mixture is manually mixed throughout.
7. Mixture is then pushed to compression chamber using a push rod.
8. Mixture is later compressed to the mould box using a hydraulic jack to form brick.
9. Now the brick is allowed to cool down in mould box.
10. The final product is removed from the mould box and brick is obtained.
Four samples of brick were made of plastic composition 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%
Sample calculation for brick composition 10% plastic 85% M sand and 5% thermocol
Sample calculation for brick composition 15% plastic 80% M sand and 5% thermocol
Sample calculation for brick composition 20% plastic 75% M sand and 5% thermocol
Sample calculation for brick composition 25% plastic 70% M sand and 5% thermocol
The fabrication process was completed and 4 bricks were made, all of them in
dimensions of the normal clay red brick. The composition of the four standard bricks are
shown in the table below.
1 85 10 5
2 80 15 5
3 75 20 5
4 70 25 5
Table 12.1 Composition of bricks
The rectangle shaped bricks (sample 1-4) were at first provided for water absorption
test and efflorescence test. Then those bricks were send to undergo compression test in the
testing facility.
Compressive strength test on bricks are carried out to determine the load carrying
capacity of bricks under compression. This test is carried out with the help of compression
testing machine. Bricks are generally used for construction of load bearing masonry walls,
columns and footings. These load bearing masonry structures experiences mostly the
compressive loads. Thus, it is important to know the compressive strength of bricks to check
for its suitability for construction.
Measure scale
Compression Testing Machine
The minimum compressive strength required for a Burnt Clay Brick as per IS code is
3.5 N/mm2.
Four specimens of bricks were taken to laboratory for testing and tested one by one.
In this test, a brick specimen is put on crushing machine and applied pressure till it breaks.
The ultimate pressure at which brick is crushed is taken into account. All four brick
specimens are tested one by one and the load at crushing was noted.
2) Each brick was placed in the test area in the ascending order of plastic content.
For sample 2,
=14.46 N/mm2
Compressive Strength in N/mm²
6.5 6.5
A brick with water absorption of less than 7% provides better resistance to damage by
freezing. The degree of compactness of bricks can be obtained by water absorption test, as
water is absorbed by pores in bricks.
The water absorption by bricks increase with increase in pores. So, the bricks, which
have water absorption less than 3 percent can be called as vitrified.
In this test, bricks are weighed in dry condition and let them immersed in fresh water
for 24 hours. After 24 hours of immersion, those are taken out from water and wipe out with
cloth. Then, brick is weighed in wet condition. The difference between weights is the water
absorbed by brick. The percentage of water absorption is then calculated. The less water
absorbed by brick the greater its quality. Good quality brick doesn't absorb more than 20%
water of its own weight.
1) Dry the specimen in a ventilated oven at a temperature of 105°C to 115°C till it attains
substantially constant mass.
2) Cool the specimen to room temperature and obtain its weight (M1) specimen too warm to
touch shall not be used for this purpose.
4) Remove the specimen and wipe out any traces of water with damp cloth and weigh the
specimen after it has been removed from water (M2).
Water absorption, % by mass, after 24 hours immersion in cold water in given by the
2.48 2.48
2.35 2.35
2.16 2.16
1.91 1.91
Plastic is the biggest culprit when it comes to waste production; we throw away more
plastic than any other material. Not only this, it also accounts for around 90% of all the waste
that bobs around in our seas and oceans. The 3rd worrying factor is that it can take hundreds
of years to biodegrade, making it a serious problem for future generations to deal with as
well. But it's not all doom and gloom. There is a constant stream of new and innovative ideas
to tackle the mounting problem of plastic waste. From plastic roads to plastic training shoes,
people are finding new ways to deal with the issues at hand.
For example, researchers from the National Council of Scientific and Technological
Research (CONICET) in Argentina have come up with a novel way to turn used plastic
drinking bottles into eco-friendly building bricks. The PET (polyethylene terephthalate)
material the bottles (and bricks) are made from is as strong as a conventional house brick
made from sand and cement.
Advantages of plastic bricks include: They have several significant advantages over
conventional bricks – they‘re thinner and lighter, have superb heat insulating properties (5
times more than standard bricks) and are just as strong as their stony counterparts. They‘re
also great at insulating against noise and it only takes 20 bottles on average to make one
Each brick helps rid the world of discarded plastic and is cheaper and more fuel
efficient to manufacture than conventional bricks. It‘s also less energy intensive than
recycling the plastic into other forms.
That is, the main advantages of plastic bricks over conventional bricks include:
One of the drawbacks of these type of bricks is that they can't be used like standard
bricks because the plastic compresses under heavy structural loads. However, their saving
grace is that because of their awesome sound and thermal insulating properties, they make
superb wall fillers.
Bricks made from soft plastic waste that can each withstand six tonnes of pressure and
relentless rain could replace the clay bricks currently used to build rural homes in
monsoon-prone countries such as India. Clay is susceptible to rain, and many homes
in India can be badly damaged during the monsoon season, as clay bricks are washed
From efflorescence test, it was found that no alkali or fungal deposits were seen on
bricks after dipping them in water for 24 hours. So they can be used to make
Adding colouring agents during the making of bricks gives the bricks attractive
colours and so no more painting is required.
Due to its high compressive strength, these bricks can be used as paving tiles or laying
Other applications include building roads.
The machine was completed to the corrected specifications. It was tested in the
workplace to find the errors. It can be concluded that the machine effectively converts plastic
into useable shapes such as bricks and pavement tiles, and also reduces the amount of plastic
waste resulting due to throw away culture.
The various proportions of 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% plastic waste had maximum load
at crushing as 51.2 KN, 221.3 KN, 91 KN, and 278.3 KN respectively. Also the compressive
strength of the bricks were 3.346, 14.46, 6.5 and 18.1 N/mm2. Again the tested clay brick had
maximum load at crushing as 123 KN and a corresponding compressive strength of 6.5
N/mm2. This may be attributed to the decrease in the adhesive strength between the waste
plastic and the M-sand. It seems that the bonding between the plastic particles and the M-
sand is weak after a certain limit. However, the mixes of sand bricks and plastics waste seems
possible because water absorption was null. Furthermore, there aren‘t any salt/alkalis
presence in the manufactured brick.
From water absorption test, it was found that the plastic bricks had very low water
absorption rates. The less water absorbed by brick the greater its quality. Good quality brick
doesn't absorb more than 20% water of its own weight.
In the test for efflorescence, the bricks were immersed in water for 24 hours and then
dried in shade. Each brick was carefully examined, for fungus or mold. From efflorescence
test, it was found that no alkali or fungal formation was found on plastic bricks when
compared with clay and cemented bricks.
The reduced compressive strength values of waste plastic bricks mixes show that it
can be used only in situations that required low-degree workability. But, at the specific
proportion, the brick showed higher compressive strength and durability. The applications are
numerous in civil engineering, namely, precast bricks, partition wall panels, canal linings,
and so forth. Recommendation for further study, it will emphasize on grind the waste into
fine powder and mix into such proportion to achieve maximum packing density. It may result
to increase in compressive strength and binder, or plasticizer should be added to the mixture
to increase the bind between plastic surface and M-sand particle.
Mix Design and casting methodology may be further improved and studied for future.
Finishing of bricks can be future modified and aesthetic appearance can be worked
Suitable admixture increasing the compressive strength may be studied.
In future, plastic bricks can be used for construction purposes.
Establishing industries and increasing production of plastic bricks.
Making it more fire resistant and increase its use.
Reduce plastic debris and thus pollution can also be reduced to a certain limit.
[1] Arora, A. and U.V. Dave, 2013. “Utilization of E-Waste and Plastic Bottle Waste in
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