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Arab and Turk/ ND Turk/Ottoman Invasion: Founder of Ghazni Empire

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Arab and

nd Turk/
Turk/Ottoman Invasion
Alp-Tegin Khalifa
Founder of Ghazni Empire. Leader of Muslims.
He founded an independent territory in Central Social and religious leader of Muslims.
Asia. First Khalifa Abu Bakr.
Sabuktigin Prithviraj Raso
Ruler of Ghazni Empire 977-997 A.D. D. This historical text was written by court
cou poet
Father of Mahmud Ghaznavi. Chand Bardai of Prithviraj Chauhan.
He invaded first Turk in India in 986 A.D. It has exaggeration description of Prithviraj’s life
Mahmud Ghaznavi story.
Major ruler of Ghazni Empire 997-1030
1030 A.D.
A It has major information about Rajput’s history.
He attacked India 17 times and robbed Somnath Dahir
temple in 1025 A.D. Sindh ruler during
ring invasion of Muhammad-bin-
Al-Biruni visited India with Mahmudd Ghaznavi. Qasim.
Jayapala He was killed in 712 A.D. A at Raor. (Near
Royal Hindu emperor of Northwest
rthwest frontier of modern NawabShah)
India. Muhammad-bin-Qasim
Defeated by Mahmud Ghaznavi in Battle of Commander and son in law of Iraq’s Governor
Peshawar (1001 A.D.) Al-Hajjaj.
Somnath Temple He invaded over Sindh in 712 A.D.
Ancient Shiva temple located in Gujarat. First Arabian Muslim who invaded India.
Turk invader Mahmud Ghaznavi robbed it in Sulaiman
1025 A.D. He visited India in 9th Century during reign of
After independence it was rejuvenated
ed. Partihara ruler Mihir Bhoj.
First Battle of Tarain Sulaiman introduced Mihir Bhoj as Arabians
It was fought between Prithviraj
iraj Chauhan and enemy.
Mohammad Ghori in 1191 A.D. He describes in immediate economic, political
Prithviraj Chauhan won. and social life of Partihara and Pala rulers.
Second Battle of Tarain Al-Masudi
It was fought between Prithviraj Chauhan and He was an Arab scholar and geographer and
Muhammad Ghori in 1192 A.D. historian.
Mohammad Ghori won. He visited India in 10th Century during reign of
The path of the establishment of the Turki
Turkish Pratihara ruler Mahipala-I.
Empire in India was paved. His travelogue has description of Rashtrakuta
and Pratihara rulers.
Battle of Chandawar
It was fought between Mohammad Ghori and Al-Biruni
Jaichand in 1193-94 A.D. Famous mathematician,, historian, philosopher
Gahadavala dynasty was defeated. and scholar of 11th century. Resident of
Two Major Principles of Islam
He visited India with Mahmud Ghaznavi’s army.
To accept only Allah and the Prophet as a
He composed Kitab-Ul Ul-Hind in which
devoted deity.
immediate India’s description was there.
Religion based on equality and fraternity.
First Muslim to study the Puranas.
Causes of Rajput’s Defeat Utbi
Lack of solidarity in Rajputs.
Royal historian of Mahmud Ghaznavi.
Faulty organization of Rajput armies.
He composed Kitab-Ul-Yamini.
Religious zeal of Turkish soldiers.
He visited India with Mahmud Ghaznavi.
Meaning one who destroys idols.
This title was retented by Mahmud Ghaznavi.
Ferdowsi A policy included in Balban’s kingship
Court scholar and historian of Mahmud principle.
Ghaznavi. Afrasiyab
Poet of Persian language. A reputed dynasty described in 'Shahnameh' of
Real name ‘Abul-Qasem
Qasem Ferdowsi Tusi’
Tusi’. Firdausi.
He composed Persian texts ‘Shahnameh’
nameh’. Balban related to himself with this dynasty.
He praised Iran’s actors. Diwan-i-Arz
Chach Nama An administrative department established by
Sindh history written by Ali bin Mohammad Balban which objective had reformed in Army.
Kufi (Ali Ahmad). This was an army department which officer had
It has description of Chach Dynasty
Dynasty. Ariz-i-Mumalik.
It has information about Arab invasion
vasion on Sindh. Khilji Revolution
Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khalji At the time of Khilji, Delhi power slipped from
Commander of Muhammad Ghori. high class Turkish to lower class Turkish and
He invaded Eastern India and destroyed Indian Muslims.
Odantapuri Nalanda and Vikramshila
Vikramshila. Jalal-ud-din Khilji overthrow the Balban’s
He defeated Bengal ruler Lakshmana SenaSena. Successors and to occupy
py the power.
Muhammad Ghori Sidi Maula
Origin name – Shihab ad-Din An Iranian Saint.
He became the ruler of Ghazni in 1173 A.D. Alauddin Khilji murdered him for a conspiracy
He invaded many times es over India between charge.
1175-1205A.D. Biswa
He established Turk empire. A land revenue unit obtained by Alauddin
Mameluq Khilji.
Termm given by historian Habib Ullah. 1/20th part of 1 Bigha.
Meaning – slave originated from independent Diwan-i-Mustakharaj
parents. A revenue department established by Alauddin
Slave dynasty has been designated by various Khilji.
historians as Mameluq dynasty. Reforms in revenue system were objective of this
Lakh Baksh department.
Title of Qutub-ud-din Aibak who was founder It obtained rest land revenue.
of Mameluq dynasty of Delhi Sultanate. Paimaish
For his generosity he was known as Lakh Baksh. A system of measure agriculture land for
Qutub Minar obtained land revenue in Delhi sultanate.
A world heritage site located in Delhi. This system was started by Alauddin Khilji
Construction- builds by Qutub-ud-dindin Aibak in during Revenue reforms.
memories of Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki Kaki. Munshi/Munshiyan
It was completed by Iltutmish and reconstructed Detectives/Spies were called as Munshi in Delhi
by Firoz Shah Tughlaq. sultanate.
Turkan-i-Chahalgani Head was Barid-i-Mumalik
A group of trustworthy slaves of Iltutmish Shahana-i-Mandi
organized by Iltutmish. Officer of state market in Alaud
Alauddin’s market
They had major powers. system.
Balban suppressed it who was already member of All merchants had to register mandatorily.
this group. Only registered merchants could trade.
Blood and Iron Policy Tajuddin Yildoz
A policy propounded by Sultans of Delhi Strong competitor of Qutub-ud-din
Qutub Aibak and
Sultanate. Iltutmish. Ruler of Ghazni.
In this policy the rebel was killed and his family Iltutmish imprisoned his in Third Battle of
enslaved. Tarain (1215-16).


Nasir-ad-Din-Qabacha Barid-i-Mumalik
Slave of Ghori and brother-in-law
w of Aibak. Head of detective department of sultanate.
Iltutmish defeated him in 1226 that ended his He worked with the help of Barid and Mun
rivalry. They informed to sultan about each and every
Kotwal incident of sultanate.
Sultanate chief officer. Veera Ballala-III
Chief of Police department. Hoysal’s ruler of south India.
Responsible for establishment of peace. Defeated by Alauddin’s
din’s captain Malik Kafur in
Genghis Khan 1311 AD.
A cruel and savage Mongol Chief of Central He became subordinate ruler of Delhi Sultanate.
Asia. Kalinjar
Mongols attacked India in leadership of him. An independent territory of Medieval Period.
But Delhi Sultanate survived because of the Famous for its secure/rigid fort.
vision of Iltutmish. din Aibak won it from Parmardideva.
Diwan-i-Riyasat Sikandar-i-Sani
A Finance department established by Alauddin. Meaning – Victor similar to Sikandar.
It was related to market reforms. This title holds by Alauddin
din Khilji.
It controlled over market and merchants. Rana Hammiradeva
Prataprudra Dev Ranthambore’s ruler during Alauddin’s period.
Ruler of Kakatiya dynasty in Telangana of Their kingdom was merged with the Delhi
South India. Sultanate in 1301A.D.
Pratap gave Kohinoor diamond to Malik Ratnasimha (Rana Ratan Singh)
Kafur. Mewar’s ruler during Alauddin’s
din’s period.
Malik Kafur defeated to him in 1308
1308-1309 A.D, Mewar was merged with the Delhi sultanate in
and accepted subordination of Alauddin.
uddin. 1303 A.D.
Ibn Battuta Tarikh-i-Firoz Shahi
Moroccan pilgrim, who visited India during reign Written by Zia ud Din Barani.
of Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq in 1333 A.D. It provides
vides important information about the
He appointed as a Qazi of Delhi and sent to sultanate period.
China as an ambassador. Qutub-ud-din Aibak
Travelogue – Rihla. Slave and commander of Mohammad Ghori.
Diwan-i-Bandagan Founder of Slave Dynasty of Delhi Sultanate.
A sultanate department established by Firoz Shah Famous by the name of Quran Khan and Lakh
Tughlaq. Baksh.
That was related to regulation/welfare of slaves. He constructed Qutub Minar in Delhi and Adhai
Din ka Jhopra in Ajmer.
Diwan-i-Khairat Amir Khusrau
A department of welfare works established by
He was born in 1253 in Patiyali village of Eta
Firoz Shah Tughlaq.
(Uttar Pradesh).
That helped to poor,, orphans and women.
He saw the tenure of seven sultans.
Dar-ul-Shifa Title– Tut-i-Hind.
A clinic established by Firoz Shah Tughlaq
Tughlaq. Mongol
Medicines used to be distributed free to the Meaning – Brave.
people. A barbaric invading race of Central Asia.
Gulrukhi Chief Mongolian ruler – Genghis Khan.
Title of Sikandar Lodi. Iltutmish
He wrote under the pen name of 'Gulrukhi'.
'Gulrukhi' Ilbari Turkish, slave of Qutub
Qutub-ud-din Aibak and
Malik Yakut son-in-law.
An Abyssinian slave. Real founder of Delhi Sultanate.
Razia used to have special affection towards him. He issued the coins of Tanka and Jital and
started carving practice Taksal on the coins.


Razia Qutb-ud-din Mubarak Shah Khilji
Daughter of Iltutmish and successor. He remained Delhi's sultan in 1316-1320 A.D.
First and last women Sultan of Delhi According to Barani, sometimes Mubarak Shah
Sultanate. ran naked among the courtiers.
She became Sultan with the support of Delhi's He announced himself as Khalifa (Ameer-ul-
public. Momineen).
Causes for fall of Razia Ghiasuddin Tughlaq
Razia’s autocracy. Founder of Tughlaq dynasty of Delhi sultanate.
Abandon female shame. He ruled from 1320-1325 A..D.
Love affair with Malik Yakut. He died because of falling wooden balance when
Ambitions of Turkish chiefs. he was returning from Bengal conquest.
Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq
Ruler of slave dynasty, he remained as a Sultan Original name- Fakhr Malik Jauna Khan, he
during 1246-66. became sultan of Delhi in 1320
320 A.D and he ruled
He gave protection to the historian Minhaj al- till 1351 A.D.
Siraj. Due to the
he failures of his new schemes, he was
Balban was political raised during his reign. called the King of Failures.
Balban Vijaynagar and Bahamani mani state were
The greatest emperor of slave dynasty of Delhi established during his reign.
Sultanate and last influential Sultan. Dissolution of Delhi sultanate started.
A member of Turkan-i-Chahalgani Chahalgani of Parmardideva
Iltutmish. Ruler of Chandela dynasty of Bundelkhand
He murdered Nasiruddin din and sat on the throne. (1166-1203 A.D).
He expanded Delhi sultanate by ‘Blood and Iron Aibak invaded and took possession over
Policy’ and provided stability. Kalinjar, Mahoba, and Khajuraho.
Qaiqabad Jagnik was his subordinate
ubordinate poet who composed
Son of Balban’s son Bughra Khan. ‘Alha Khand’ and ‘Parmal Raso’.
He becomes sultan of Delhi sultanate after Jagnik
Balban. Court poet of Bundelkhand’s ruler Parmardideva.
Suffering from
om paralysis, murdered by Jalaluddin
Jalalud He composed ‘Alha Khand’’ and ‘Parmal Raso’.
Khilji. Firoz Shah Tughlaq
Jalal-ud-din Khilji He became Delhi's sultan (1351
(1351-1386 A.D.) after
Founder of Khilji dynasty. the death of Mohammad-binbin-Tughlaq.
He killed Qaiqabad and Kayumars and sat on He settled Jaunpur in memories of Mohammad
throne in 1290 A.D. bin-Tughlaq
Tughlaq and also settled Firozabad.
Alauddin Khilji killed Jalal-ud-din
din in 1296 A.D He considered himself as Muslims rules.
and grabbed the throne. He collected Jizya tax from Brahmins.
He established liberal autocracy. He wrote autobiography "Fatwa-i-Firoz
Alauddin Khilji Shahi".
Influential ruler (1296-1316 A.D D) of Delhi Mahmud Shah
sultanate. He became Delhi's sultan in 1394 A.D.
He expanded Delhi sultanate. Mongol ruler Timur-e-lang lang invaded in year
He implemented many reforms like economic 1398.
(Market control etc), administrative and military Sultanate boundary became very narrow.
(Daag and Huliya). Jaunpur,, Gujarat, Malwa etc independent states
Mongol attacked Delhi sultanate during his reign. were established.
Malik Kafur Khizr Khan
Slave and commander of Alauddin Khilji
Khilji. He was the founder of the Sayyid dynasty of
He led the south victory (Yadav,
Yadav, Kakatiya, Delhi sultanate.
Hoyasal, and Pandaya) of Alauddin. He ruled from year 1414-1421
1421 A.D.
Famous by the name of Hazar dinari.
He did not hold the title of sultan and announced His chief also known as Dabir-i-Khas
Dabir (Amir
himself as 'Raiyat-i-Aala'. Munshi).
He considered himself as a representative of Its main working was to kept record of royal
Timur. courts and sent them.
Mubarak Shah Diwan-i-Arz
He remained Delhi’s Sultan from 1421 1421-1434 Military department.
A.D. Headed by Ariz-i-Mumalik..
The great emperor of Sayyid dynasty. It had responsibilities of recruited troops,
He gave protection to the historian Yahya-bin- restoration of troops and commanders, and held
Ahmad ‘Sarhindi’ who written Tarikh-i- inspection of the forces.
Mubarak Shahi. Diwan-i-Risalat
Bahlul Lodi Foreign ministry (department).
He was founder of first Afghanian state of Delhi To established contacts with fo foreign states and to
sultanate, he ruled till 1451-1489 A.D.
D. take care of foreign diplomats were
He issued ‘Bahlali’ coin. responsibilities of this department.
His reign was based on Afghanian traditions of Sadr-us-Sadr
tribal equality. The officer to deal with religious affairs of state
Jaunpur was merged again into Delhi Sultanate. of sultanate period.
Sikandar Lodi Establishment and visitation of mosques and
Bahlul Lodi was succeeded by his son Nizam seminaries, donating to religious
religiou institutions. To
Khan by name of Sikandar Lodi and became behave religiously with people were his
ruler of Delhi sultanate in year 1489. functions.
He ruled from year 1489-1517, 1517, last great He had control over income that come by Zakat
emperor of Delhi Sultanate. tax.
He established Agra state in 1506 A.D
A.D. Qazi-ul-quzat
He adopted the religious intolerance policy. Top official of judicial department of sultanate
Ibrahim Lodi period.
He remained Delhi's sultan from 1517-1526.
1517 It held control over all judicial system of
Last emperor of Lodi dynasty and Delhi sultanate.
sultanate. Helped to sultan in judicial affairs.
Defeated by Babar in First War of Panipat in Vakil-e-dar
1526. Chief official of sultanate period.
First sultan of sultanate who killed in battle field. He took care of royal palace and personal
Nayab services of sultan.
Most prominent officer of administration of Diwan-i-kohi
Delhi sultanate after sultan. Established department by Mohammed-bin-
He ruled in absence of sultan. Tughlaq.
Wazir Headed by Amir-i-kohi.
Sultan’s chief cooperative of sultanate Its main objective was development of
administration. agriculture.
Main objective was to handle revenue system. Diwan-i-Bandagan
This department had known as Diwan
Diwan-i-wizarat. Department established by Firoz Shah Tughlaq.
Mushrif-i-Mumalik This was related to slaves.
Sultanate Chief Officer. Mutsarrif
Chief Accountant of state. Head of sultanate period factories.
He worked under Diwan-i-wizarat. Send information about Income Income-Expenses to
Diwan-i-Waqf Wazir.
Major department of Delhi sultanate. Zakat
Worked on state expenditure. Medieval religious tax.
Diwan-i-Insha It was collected from rich Muslims.
A record department of Delhi sultanate. It was collected 2.5%
Jizya It gives direct information about Mohammad
Collected from Non-Muslims. Gauri’s conquest of India and establishment of
Medieval religious tax. Delhi Sultanate.
Usually it was not collected from Brahmins, Ghiasuddin Tomb
womens and children, hermits. Build in Delhi during Tughlaq period.
Khums Situated in the middle of the artificial lake.
Income from robbery in war. Built on a high platform, mixed use of marble
th th
State took only 1/5 part of it and rest 4/5 part and sand stone.
distributed in military. Its pinnacle is built on the emulation of kalash
Alauddin decided 4/5 part tax for the state. symbol of Hindu Architecture.
Amir Tomb of khan-i-Jahan
Jahan Tilangani (Malik
Muslims ruler class. Maqbul Tilangani)
They were appointed for important Built by Firoz Shah Tughlaq on Haujkhaas hills
administrative and military posts. of Delhi.
Ulema This is first octahedral tomb built in Delhi.
Islamic theologians and orthodox interpreters Kitab-ul-hind
of shariat law were called Ulema. This book was composed by Alberoni in
This class was protector of Muslim laws laws, Persian.
religion and traditions. The English translation and Hindi translation of
Alauddin Khilji and Mohammed
Mohammed-bin-Tughlaq this book have been done by ‘Sachau’ and
kept this class separated from politics and ‘Rajnikanth Sharma’ respectively.
administration. This is main source of information about Indian
Kharaj social economical and political of 11th century.
Revenue from cultivated land was known as Minhaj-i-Siraj
Kharaj. Resident of Central Asia who visited India
Usually it was collected 1/3 or 1/2. during Iltutmish reign campaign of Nasir ad-din
Mandi Qabacha.
Galla market established by Alauddin din. He dedicated this book Nasir-ad-din
Nasir Mahmud.
The price of cereals was fixed here. Sultan Balban appointed him as Qazi.
The Grain was purchased and sold here. Shahnameh
Sara-i-Adl This is the Mahagranth of Persian language that
Market established by Alauddin. was composed by Firdausi during reign of
Sugar, dry fruits, ready items (clothes) were so sold Mahmood Ghaznavi.
here. Firdausi completed thiss book after the 30 years
There were 5 acts for this market. of hard working in 1010 A.D.
Tutinama This book has information about reign of
Persian translation of Sanskrit stories. Mahmood and his character.
Translated by Nakhshabi. Tarikh-i-Firoz Shahi
It was composed during Mohammed-bin-Mohammed Author – Zia-ud-din
din Barani.
Barani He composed this
Tughlaq period. book in Persian language.
Siri Fort It has description of 9 rulers from Balban to
It was built by Ala-ud-din Khilji in Delhi. Firoz Shah Tughlaq.
Its foundation was laid in 1303 A.D. It has wide information about Market control
Second city out of seven cities of Medieval Delhi.
Delhi system of Ala-ud-dindin Khilji and policies of
Hazar Sutun Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq.
It was located outside of Siri City. Zia-ud-din Barani
Alauddin built ‘Place of thousand pillars
pillars’. Barani was born in 1283 A.D D in Sayyid family of
Molded by Marble floor and stone. Delhi.
Tabaqat-i-Nasiri He was friend of Mohammad
Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq and
This book was composed by “Minhaj-i-Siraj”
“Minhaj also related to court but later Balban Turned
in Persian.
against to him when he fed up Mohammad-bin-
Mohammad Famouss compositions of Amir Khusrau
Tughlaq policies. Quran-us-Saladin – First book of Khusrau. It
According to Barani Firoz Shah Tughlaq was the has description of meeting of Bughra khan and
best ruler of sultanate, while Mohammad
Mohammad-bin- his son Qaiqabad.
Tughlaq was kind and murderous. Miftah-ul-Futuh – It has description of military
Futuh-us-Salatin campaigns of Jalaluddin Khilji and revolts of
Author – Khwaja Abdullah Malik Isami who Malik Chajju.
completed this book in protection of Ala
Ala-ud-din Khazain-ul-Futuh – It has description of military
Behmanshah (Founder of Bahamani dynasty). campaigns of Ala-ud-din Khilji,
Khilji south conquest,
It has information about policies of Mohammad
Mohammad- Gujarat, Chittorh, Malwa Conquest etc.
th Tughlaq name
bin-Tughlaq and South India of 13 Century.
Isami was contemporary of Mohammad-bin-
Mohammad The last book of Amir Khusrau.
Tughlaq. He came to Daulatabaad from Delhi at It has written in Phraseological style.
the time of capital change. It has description of to attained power of
sultanate by Ghiasuddin Tughlaq.
Tarikh-i-Mubarak Shahi Aashika – It has description of love story of Deval
Author – Yahiya-bin-Ahmed Ahmed Sarhindi who queen and Ala-ud-din Khilji’s son Khizr Khan.
composed it in the protection of ruler Mubarak Nuh-Siphir – It has sycophantically description of
Shah (Sayyid dynasty). Mubarak Shah Khilji son of Alauddin Khilji.
This book is important source to Know about Shams-i-Siraj Afif
political, social and economical history of Sayyid Sultanate period historian.
dynasty. He composed Tarikh-i-Firoz Firoz Shahi. That has
Sarhindi dedicated this book to sultan Mubarak history of full reign of Firoz Shah Tughlaq.
Rehla Chief official of Sultanate period.
This book was composed by an African pilgrim He controlled over publics behaviour.
(Moroccan resident) Ibn-Battuta in Arabian His main function was to stop prevent violation
language. This is a travelogue. of Muslim laws by the public.
It has information about Mohammad-bin-
Tughlaq’s personal life and his beliefs and
administrative schemes. System of determining land revenue.
This book is important source to know about To estimation of state’s share in the yield of the
India’s political, social and economical status at farmers.
14th century. It has three methods.
Tarikh-i-Mustaqi Waqf
This book had written by Shaikh Razaullah Tax free land of medieval period.
during Lodi period. It is major source to know This was given to special people (Ulema class)
about Afghans rulers. and mosques, seminaries.
It has description of Afghans dynasties of Malwa Gaj-i-Sikandari
and Gujarat. It was introduced by Sikandar Lodi for the
Amir Khusrau measurement of agricultural land.
Amir Khusrau was famous poet, author and It was generally of 30 inches.
scholar of sultanate period. His famous name Quwwat ul-Islam
was Tuti-i-Hind. First mosque build by Turks in India
He was born in 1253 A.D D at Patiyali village of It was built by Aibak in Mehrauli (Delhi) after
Uttar Pradesh. smashing Hindu and Jain temples.
Amir Khusrau had seen reign of 8 sultans of This is first mosque of Hindu-Muslim
Hindu style.
ate. He was associated with Sultan Ghari’s Tomb
Delhi Sultanate.
Alauddin Khilji court. It was built by Iltutmish for his son Nasirud-
He was disciple of Sufi Saint Nizamuddin din-Mahmud.
Auliya.. Auliya had given the title of Turkullah to First tomb built by Turks in India.
him. Located in Malkapur near Delhi.
Khusrau is considered the Father of Khadi boli.
Alai Darwaza Raichur Doab
Built by Alauddin Khilji as an entrance gate of Fertile land lying between Krishna River and
Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque. Tungabhadra River.
The first example of a scientifically made dome. This doab caused conflict between Vijaynagara
Shashgani and Bahamani states due to its fertile utility.
A coin issued by Firoz Shah Tughlaq
Tughlaq. Amuktamalyada
It was equals to 6 Jital pieces. Author – Krishnadeva Raya
Jital Language – Telugu
A purely copper Arabian coin issued by Subject – Politics
Iltutmish. Tenaliram
Hasan Nizami A Telugu poet of Vijaynagara.
Historian and scholar of Delhi sultanate. He wrote 'Panduranga Mahatyam
He got protection of both Ghori
ri and Aibak. One of the Ashtadiggajas of Krishnadeva
He composed 'Taj-ul-Maathir'' that has Raya.
description of beginning of Muslims ruling. Nayankara System
Tanka An administrative system of Vijaynagara
A purely silver Arabian coin issued by Iltutmish
Iltutmish. Empire.
It is known as ‘Ancestor of rupee’. They were military chiefs were
wer assigned a piece
It had of 175 grain. of land called Amaran for keeping military.
Haq-i-Sharb Ayagar System
Irrigation tax of sultanate period. It was an important feature of village
Issued by Firoz Shah Tughlaq. administration.
It used to be 1/10th part of the yield. Each village has 12 hereditary
editary unpaid officials.
Maintaining peace in the village was his main
Atala Mosque of Jaunpur
It is located in Jaunpur district.
Builder – Ibrahim Shah Sharqi. Krishnadevaraya
Beautiful example of Islamic architecture. He was one of the greatest rulers of India.
This mosque has clear Buddhist impact on its Ruler of Vijaynagara (1509-1529
1529 A.D).
architecture. It is mentioned in 'Baburnama
Zain-ul-Abidin He won Raichur’s Doab from Yusuf Adil Shah
of Bijapur according to his imperialism.
Liberal and tolerant ruler of Kashmir region
He composed Amuktamalyada for politics.
It removed Jizya tax.
Jambavati Kalyana in Sanskrit and
He led to Persian translation of Rajtarangini
Title – ‘Akbar of Kashmir’.
There were 8 scholarslars poet in his court called
Queen Didda Ashtadiggajas.
Princess of Kashmir's Luhar dynasty. Hasan Gangu
First female ruler of medieval. A tolerant ruler.
She ruled over Kashmir after her husband’s death
He established Bahamani Empire in 1347 A.D by
holding the title of Alauddin din Hasan Bahaman
Dynasty of Vijaynagara Shah.
Sangama First ruler of Sultanate period who did not collect
Saluva Jizya tax from Hindus.
Tuluva Marco Polo
Venis resident, Italian traveler who is known as
Tuluva Dynasty “Prince of Medieval Traveler”.
Vira Narasimha was the founder. He visited south India during the reign of Pandya
Ruler Krishna Deva Raya was the greatest king Marvarman Kulshekhar. He praised
emperor of this dynasty. prosperity of Pandaya Empire,
Empire foreign trade and
A Hindu state of medieval India. judicial system of empires.


According to him Pandya region was famous for He visited Vijaynagar during reign of
Mawar pearls. He mentioned about ruler Achyuta Deva Raya.
Rudrama of Kakatiya dynasty. There is social-economical
economical history information.
Nicola Conti Caesar Frederick (1567-1568
1568 A.D)
An Italian traveler who visited Vijaynagara A Portuguese traveler,, he visited Vijaynagara
during the time of Deva Raya I. Empire after Talikota war (1526 A.D).
Conti has given a very detailed description of the He commented on destroyed prosperity of this
city of Vijaynagara,, its court, its practices, royal city.
currency, festivals and other subjects. Karna Singh
ta/Rakshasa Tangadi/Bannihatti He was the ruler of Chauhan dynasty of
This war had fought between Vijaynagara and Ranthambore in the 13th century.
four Islamic states of south (Bijapur, Golconda, Alauddin attacked in year 1301
Ahmednagar and Bidar) in 1565. Alauddin’s commander Nushrat Khan was
Vijaynagara ruler Sadasiva Raya defeated. killed in war.
Vijaynagara was badly defeated. Alauddin
din conquered this was with treachery.
Abdur Razak (1443-1444 A.D) Alauddin Ali Shah
A Persian traveler who came to Zamorin of He announced Bengal as an Independent city in
Calicut the ambassador of Persian monarch Shah 1338 A.D D in the reign of Mohammad-bin-
Rukh. Tughlaq.
He visited Vijaynagara in 1443 A.D D during the He changed
nged capital from Lakhnauti to Pandra.
reign of Deva Raya II. Shah Mirza (Shahmir)
From his description we got detailed information He established Muslim dynasty by occupying the
about topography of the then Vijaynagara, throne of Kashmir in 1339 AD.
administration and social life style. It he gave the basis of governance to justice and
Afanasy Nikitin (1470-1474 A.D) D) fairness.
He was a Russian hoarse trader. He visited He introduced Turkish governance in Kashmir.
Bahamani during the Mohammad III reign. He Hussain Khan Gauri
stayed in Bidar for a long time. He established Malwa’s independent city in
His story has description of court military and 1401 A.D.
public’s status under Bahmani’s rule. Firoz Shah Tughlaq gave him title of 'Dilawar
Barbosa (1500-1516 A.D) Khan'.
He stayed in India as a Portugal officer. He founded Dhar as a capital of Malwa.
He visited Vijaynagara during the reign of Alpa Khan (Hoshang Shah) Shah
Krishna Deva Raya. Son of Hussain Khan, occupying Malwa’s
He discussed about history of Vijaynagara throne in 1406 A.D D by naming Hoshang Shah.
Empire and economic history of medieval south He made Mandu its capital and established
India in detailed. Hoshangabad city.
He visited Gujarat during the reign of Mahmood Followw religious tolerance policy.
Begda. He was the disciple of Sufi Saint Sheikh
According to him there was sati system in Buharanuddin.
Vijaynagara Empire.
Mahmood Khilji-I
Domingo Paes (1520-1522 A.D) He established Khilji dynasty in Malwa and
A Portuguese traveler visited during his reign. ruled from 1436 to 1469 AD.
There are running commentaries of Vijaynagara The greatest emperor of Malwa.
ruler Krishnadeva Raya in Paes stories. He erected seven storey pillars in Mandu and
Paes found Vijaynagara city sumptuous as Rome claimed his victory when he fought with
and delightful to see. This is the best city in the Mewar’s ruler Rana Kumbha.
world. He established a residential college in Mandu.
Fernandes Nuniz (1535-1537 A.D)
D) Mahmood-II
He was Portuguese horse trader. He became sultan of Malwa in 1511 A


He appointed a Rajput king Mediniraya as his Asirgarh Fort
Wazir. It is located in Burhanpur district of M.P. famous
In 1531 A.D, D, Gujarat’s ruler Bahadur Shah for its invincibility.
defeated Mahmood and merged Malwa into It was known as ‘Entrance of South’.
Gujarat. It was built by Khandesh founder Malik Raza
Rana Kumbha Farukkhi in 14th century.
He became Mewar’s king in 1433 A.D A and ruled Akbar won Asirgarh in 1601. It is said to be that
till 1468 A.D. Akbar opened it with gold keys.
The greatest and famous ruler of Mewar. Taj-ud-din Firoz
He made subjection too many small states likelike- Most learned sultan of Bahamani dynasty
ndi, Kota, Dungarpur, Nagar etcetc. (1397-1422 A.D)
He wrote the commentary called Rasikapri
Rasikapriya. He founded Firozabad on the Banks of Bhima
And wrote texts – Sangeetraj, Sangeet Mimansa, River.
Sangeet Ratnakar, and Suprabandh. Struggled with Sufi Saint Gesudaraz.
Rana Sanga He included Hindus in administration.
Rana Sangram Singh Sisodia became king of Humayun
Mewar in 1508 A.D. Bahamani ruler.
He was a glorious warrior, skilled commandant Zalim title was given to him due to cruelty.
and great politician. He appointed Mahmud Gawan as Prime
He defeated Lodi ruler Ibrahim in Ghatali’s war Minister.
in 1517-18 A.D.
Mahmud Gawan
He had defeated by Mughal ruler Babar in
Officer and Prime Minister of Bahamani
Khanwa war in 1527 A.D.
Ahmed Shah He brought Bahamani kingdom to its
He ruled in Gujarat from 1411-1441
1441 A.D.
A advancement height.
Real founder of Gujarat City. He occupied Malwa and Goa and done many
Founder Ahmedabad city and made capital. administrative reforms.
He was an intolerant ruler; he destroyed temples, Mohammed-III hanged him for disloyalty.
issued Jizya tax. Fatahullah Imad Shah
He builds Jama Masjid in Ahmedabad by mixing
He declared independence from the Bahamani
Islamic and Jain architecture.
Kingdom in 1484 A.D and established the Imad
He established a college in Bidar.
Shahi dynasty.
Mahmud Begada He established independent sstate of Berar.
He remained Gujarat’s ruler from 1459 1459-1511 In 1574 A.D, D, Ahmednagar merged Berar into its
A.D.D. The greatest emperor of Gujarat. kingdom.
He settled Mustafabad city and founded Baag-i-
Yusuf Adil Khan
Firdaus city.
He declared Bijapur as independent in 1489-
His Sanskrit poet Udayraj composed the
1490 A.D and established Adil Shahi dynasty.
‘Mehmood Rachit’.
He was religiously tolerant and protector of art
He defeated Portuguese in Chaul’s war in 1508
and literature.
He established diplomatic relations with Turkey, Ibrahim Adil Shah-II
Egypt, and Persia. Bijiapur’s ruler from 1580-1627
1627 A.D.
Bahadur Shah Great learning lover and mentor.
He received Jagatguru title due to liberal
Last great emperor of Gujarat.
He ruled from 1526-1537 A.D.
He was known as poor saint and friend of poor.
He defeated Portuguese in 1531 and recovered
war compensation. Malik Ahmed
Defeated by Humayun in 1533 A.D. He declared Ahmednagar as independent city in
1490 and established Nizam Shahi dynasty.
He founded Ahmednagar and made its capital.
He became Wazir of Bahamani Empire after Mandu
Mahmud Gawan. Mandu was the capital of the Paramara kings of
Chand Bibi Malwa in the 10th century.
She was an Indian Muslim women fighter and Mandu is located in the Vindhyas hills at an
worked as a mentor in Ahmednagar. elevation of about 592 meters.
She was daughter of Ahmednagar’s ruler It is the world largest city of forts’ this city is
Hussain Nizam Shah and wife of Bij Bijapur's ruler surrounded from all sides by forts.
Ali Adil Shah. Mandu was ruled by the sultan of Malwa almost
She protected Ahmednagar from Akbar and in 13th century.
made deal by giving Berar's region. Then it was named Sahibabad (city of
Malik Ambar happiness).
An Abyssinian slave, wazir and commander of Raja Man Singh
Ahmednagar. Gwalior’s Tomar ruler. He became king in 1486
He repeatedly attacked the Mughals through the A.D and ruled till 1516 A.D.
guerrilla warfare system. He patronized music and composed music texts
He was defeated by Shah Jahan in 1621 A.D.
A “Maan Kautuhal”.
He implemented the Ryotwari system in the He built various palaces in Gwalior
Gwalior- Gujari
south based on the land system of Todarmal. Mahal, Maan Mandir Mahal etc.
Harihar and Bukka Charminar
He was feud of Warangal and minister of It was built by Golconda's ruler Muhammad
Kampala. He was arrested by Mohammad-bin-
Mohammad Quli Qutb Shah in Hyderabad in 1591 A.D.
Tughlaq. There are four ornamented towers and four grand
He founded Vijayanagar Empire in 1336 A
A.D. arches.
They were inspired by Vidhyaranya and Bhashya The height of each tower is 160 feet.
Kar Saayam. Vijaynagara
His dynasty is called Sangam dynasty after his An important Hindu state of Medieval Indian
father’s name. history.
Baz Bahadur Founder by Harihar and Bukka during the time
Malwa’s last Sultan. of Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq
Tughlaq in 1336 AD.
He ruled from 1555-1562 A.D. Raja Ramachandra Deva
Famous for the love affair with Rani Ruler of Devagiri.
Roopmati. Alauddin defeated to him and accepted his
He was defeated by the Mughal army in 1526 subjugation.
A.D. Death from injury. Alauddin gave him the title of Ram Narayan
and gifted Chandoba.
Bhakti and Sufi Movements
Ramanuja Contemporary of Sikandar Lodi.
Early saint of Bhakti Movement (11 -12 th th He wrote – Bijak, Sabad, Sokhi, and Ramaini.
Century). Raidas
Birth – Perumbudur of Tamil Nadu. Bhakti movementt saint from lower class.
Emphasized virtuous god and equality. He gave message of human service.
He propounded philosophy of Visistadvaita
Visistadvaita. His teachings are compiled in Guru Granth
Madhvacharya Sahib.
He was saint of Bhakti Movement in 13th Alwar
century. Vaishnauite saints related to Bhakti Movement.
ite saint and adorer of Laxmi Narayan. Total Number – 12.
He believed dualism. A woman named Andal ndal was also involved.
Kabir Naynars
Nirguna Saint of Bhakti Movement. Shaivism saints of South India.


They are 63 in Tamil region. Sufi Movement
Shankaracharya Sufis are liberal pioneers of Islam who presented
Founder of Monotheism. simple form of religion keeping in mind the
Scholar of logics. public as like saints.
He was a pseudo – Buddha. The people of Sufi tradition in India insisted on
Moinuddin Chishti reconciliation of Hindu and Arabic culture.
Founder of Chishtis in India. Nirguna Bhakti Dhara
He came to India with Mohammad Ghori. These saints believed in formless god and
His tomb is in Ajmer. emphasized on personal meditation and penance.
Sheikh Salim Chishti Kabir and Guru Nanak were most popular and
A Chishti saint in India. famous saints of Nirguna tradition.
Akbar was his disciple. Saguna Bhakti Dhara
His tomb is in Fatehpur Sikri. These saints believed in the personification of
Four Monasteries Founded by God and worshipped to them.
Shankaracharya They propagated idol worship, prayers, atavism,
and kirtan.
Badrinath (Uttarakhand)
Sringeri (Karnataka) Ramananda
Puri (Orissa) He was the first Vaishnavite saint to teach in
Dwarka (Gujarat) Hindi.
Vallabhacharya Emphasized on monotheism.
He accepted people of all castes as his disciples
Born in Telangana in 1479.
and emphasized on love devotion.
Poets of Krishna devotional branch.
Ramananda, the exponent of Rama Bhakti
According to him devotion is the way to get rid
propagated to Bhakti Movement from south to
of the shackles.
northern India in the 14th century.
Chishti Order
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
A Sufi order founder by Khwaja Moin-ud-din
He was a great Vaishnava devotee and poet of
Bhakti era.
Ajmer and Delhi were its major areas.
He founded Gaudiya sect in Bengal.
Malik Muhammad Jayasi was influenced by this
His followers consider him as incarnation of
Bakhtiyar Kaki,, Baba Farid, Nizam
Auliya, Amir Khusrau was major saints. Namadev (1270-1350 A.D) D)
Suhrawardiyya Order He was tailor by Caste.
A Sufi order founded by Shihab Shihab-ud-din He opposed caste distinction,
distinction idol warship and
Suharwardi. gallantry, and supported to social equality and
Major saints – Hamid-ud-din
din Nagori,
Nagori Baha-ud- monotheism.
din Zakaria, etc.’ Mirabai (1498-1546 A.D)
This order had accepted royal service. She was princess of Mewar (Rajasthan).
Qadiri Order She gave up worldliness
iness and made Krishna
devotion and preached of Krishna devotion by
Founded by Abdul Qadir Jilani.
Dara Shikoh was influenced by it.
Major Saints – Sheikh Nizamatullah,
ullah, Nasiruddin Her devotional songs or prayers are called
Mohammed Jilani etc.
Naqshbndi Order Tulsidas (1532-1623 A.D)
He wrote Ramcharitamanas, Kavitawali,
Khawaja Baqi Billah was the propagator of this
Dohawali, and Vinayapatrika.
Sufi sect in India.
The famous Ram Bhakti poet Tulsi Das was born
This sect apposed Islamic orthodoxy and
in the Brahmin dynasty in Rajapur Banda district
emphasized on zonal unity.
of Uttar Pradesh.
Major Saints – Khwaja Baqi Billah, Sheikh
Ahmed Sarhindi.
Tulsidas abolished the variation in the prevalent Vidhyapati
Vaishnavism and Shaivism of Hinduism and did He was the Poets of Maithili.
a wonderful job of unity and harmony. He wrote four books in Sanskrit.
Surdas (1449-1584 A.D) Lyrics written by him on Radha and Krishna are
He was the main poet of the Krishna Bhakti famous.
Stream. Order
He wrote – Sursagar, Sahitya Ratna, Sursarawali
Sursarawali, Different Sufi traditions or sects were developed
Sursagar is in Brij language. based on ideas and beliefs in the Sufi tradition,
which is known as orders in Sufi belief.


The Maratha Empire
Shahaji Bhosale Amatya
He was the father of Maratha Chhatrapati Member of the Ashtapradhan of Maratha
Shivaji. Empire.
He was a military officer at first in the state of He was revenue and finance minister.
Ahmednagar and then later attained higher post. Amatya’s task was to examine all accounts of
He went to Bijapur state in 1636 A..D. income and expenditure.
ji was jailed for 4 years when Shivaji Waqianavis
attacked the Bijapur. Member of the Ashtapradhan of Maratha
Shivaji Empire.
Born – April 20, 1627 in fort of Shivner. He looked after the details of daily proceedings
Treaty of Purandhar was signed with Mughal’s of court and personal safety of the king.
commander Jai Singh in 1665 A.D. Same as current home minister.
He got the coronation in Raigarh in 1674 A A.D Sar-i-Naubat
and assumed the title of Chhatrapati.. Military commander of Maratha Empire.
Sambhaji (1680-1689 A.D) He looked after the recruitment, training and
He became Maratha Chhatrapati after Shivaji. discipline of the army.
He was made captive by Shivaji in Panhala’s Chauth
fort. A military tax.
He was arrogant, angry and luxurious. This tax was levied on conquered neighbours
In 1689, Aurangzeb Captured Raigarh and killed area in lieu of the Maratha invasion.
him and them imprisoned his son Shah
Shahu. It was amounted to one-fourth
fourth of the total
Rajaram (1689-1700 A.D) revenue.
He remained Maratha’s king. Sardeshmukhi
He announced himself Shahu representative and An additional tax levied by Maratha Chhatrapati.
never sat on the throne. It was amounted to 1/10th of income.
He declared Gingee as Maratha empire capital. Shivaji levied think tax because he claimed to be
He started freedom struggle of the Marathas the hereditary Sardeshmukh (Chief Headman) of
against the Mughals. entire Maratha country.
Shivaji-II Treaty of Purandhar
After the death of Rajaram, 4 years old Shivaji II Treaty was signed between Shivaji and Mughal
became the regent. (1700-1707
1707 AD). commander Jai Singh in 1665 AA.D.
Tarabai was his mother and guardian. Shivaji handed over his 23 forts (4 lakhs huns
He continued freedom struggle against Mughals. annual income) to the Mughals.
Shahu This treaty was signed after Mughals conquered
Sahu was released by the Azam Shah in 1707 over Raigarh and Purandhar..
A.D. Sambhaji got 5000 Mansab and justified Jagirs.
Sahu begun the Battle of Kheda against Tarabai Afzal Khan’s Incident
in 1707 A.D and won. In order to stop Shivaji, the ruler of Bijapur sent
Sahu occupied Satara. a troop led by qualified Sardar Afzal khan in
Sahu gave peshwaship to Balaji Vishwanath 1659 A.D.
consequently Chhatrapati remained the nominal A messenger Krishna Ji Bhaskar told the real
ruler. purpose of Afzal Khan to the Shivaji.
Prime Minister of Maratha Empire.
Peshwa looked after general administration.
The Peshwa also looked after his work in the
absence of the king.
The real power came into the hands of the
Peshwa since sahu’s time.
The Mughal Empire
Kalandar Medieval land revenue system.
Meaning – Donor. Crops were distributed by estimation.
Mughal ruler Babur assumed the title of Hiravijaya Suri
Kalandar. A Jain teacher contemporary of Akbar.
Tamga Tax Jagat Guru".
Akbar gave him title of "Jagat Guru
A tax prevalent in Central Asia. He was invited in Ibadatkhana.
Babur waived this tax after his victory in the Ilahi Era
Battle of Khanwa. A new calendar started by Akbar in 1583 A.D.
Battle of Khanwa Ibadatkhana
Battle was fought between Babur and Rana A building built by Akbar in 1575 A.D.
Sanga in 1527 A.D. Invited guests – Hiravijaya Suri, Dastoor Meharji
Babur declared this war as Jihad. Rana.
Defeated Rana Sanga. Akbar used to have religious discussions in this
Battle of Chanderi building.
Battle was fought between Babur and Malwa’s Babur
ruler Medini Rai. Full name – Zaheeruddin Muhammad Babur
Defeated Medini Rai. Birth place – Fergana
Battle of Ghaghra Father – Umar Sheikh Mirza
Fought between Babur and Afghanian
Afghanian. Mather – Qutulub Nigar Khanam
Last war of Babur. Afghanian was defeated. First ruler and founder of Mughal dynasty.
The first war of medieval was to be fought on He wrote his autobiography Tuzuk-i-Baburi in
both water and land. Turki.
Battle of Chausa Mahmud Lodi
Fought between Sher Shah and Humayun on An Afghan Chieftain.
the Banks of Karmanasa River. He made a treaty with Rana Sanga to take
Humayun was defeated and a Bhisti saved revenge from Babur.
Humayun’s life. But both were defeated by Babur in Khanwa’s
Battle of Machhiwara war.
Sikandar Sur).
Humayun defeated Afghans (Sikandar Sur Currency Reforms of Sher Shah
Humayun was restored to the power of India in Developed 23 new Takasals.
1555. Circulation of Rupees.
Manufacture of pure metal coins.
Finance Minister of Akbar. Abbas Khan Sarwani
One of Akbar’s nine Jewels (Navratnas He wrote Tarikh-i-Sher Shahi.
Father of the Dahsala System. He was contemporary historian and scholar
scho of
It has information about the time of Sher Shah.
Silver’s coin prevalent by Sher Shah.
Currently it is the currency of many countries Rana Pratap
including India. Mewar’s ruler and son of Uday Singh.
Sadak-e-Azam He was defeated in Haldighati’s war despite
strong resistance.
2500 km long rood built by Sher Shah.
Rana Pratap did not accept the subordination of
Auckland called it G.T. Road.
Mughals for life time.
It connected Lahore to Chittagong of Bengal.
Malik Mohammad Jayasi
She was Gondwana’s governess during Akbar’s
Medieval poet of Awadhi language..
He wrote the epic poem Padmavat.
Rani Durgavati got died while resisting Mughal
Kankut invasion.
Faizi Types of Land classified by Todarmal
Sheikh Mubarak’s son. Polaj
Brother of Abul Fazal. Parauti
Birth place – Agra. Banjar
Akbar’s poet. Chachar
Kalanaur Mehzar
A place is located in Kalanaur. Akbar prepared a manifesto by Sheikh
Where Akbar’s coronation took place. Mubarak.
Bairam Khan Akbar was also declared supreme in religious
Military Commander and guardian of Akbar. matters by this.
Appointed as a lawyer. Wakil
Defeated in Tilwara’s war by Akbar. It literally means representative
Curtain Government (Petticoat It was a powerful position during Akbar.
Government) Bairam Khan and Muneem Khan worked on
this post.
1560-62 time in history.
When Akbar was under the influence of the Principle of Din-i-Ilahi
women (Maham Anga) of the Mughal Harem. God is one.
Abul Fazal Renunciation of worldly desires is necessary.
One of Akbar’s nine Jewels. Treat everyone with equal manner and
Abul also translated the Bible into Persian.
Compulsory worship of sun and fire.
He composed Akbarnama.
Tansen Junta Group
A group trying to attained power in the Jahangir
Born in Behat near to Gwalior.
Real name – Ramtanu Pandey.
Court singer of Akbar. Nurjahan and Asaf Khan were included in this
Promoter of Dhrupada Style.
Khalsa Land Mahabat Khan
Bengal’s subeder during Jahangir’s period.
That land comes under the state of medieval
He revolted and imprisoned Jahangir and
State used to do cultivate with its employees on
Nurjahan saved Jahangir by revolting in the army
this land.
of Mahabat.
Jagirdari System
A land unit was provided to Mughals Mansabdar
Tehram resident, wife of Jahangir.
for their salary and administrative expenses.
Original name- "Mehr-un-Nissa
Where Jagir had rights to collect the tax.
She constructed tomb of Itmad
Mir Bakshi Jahangir Married Nurjahan and gave her the title
Head of Military during Mughal Period. of ‘Nurjahan’.
He played important role in salary of army and
Shah Jahan’s Period Golden Period or a
Mansabdar, recruitment and promotion.
In Favor
He was Persian scholar and originally resident of
− Huge empire (22 states).
− High order Management.
He wrote Muntakhab-ut-Tawarikh
− Rule with justice and duty.
Maham Anga − Internal peace.
She was the chief nurse of Akbar. − Progress in Trade.
She had domination over Mughal’s court during − Development of literature (Hindu, Urdu,
1560-62. Persia).
Responsible for the fall of Bairam Khan. − Advancement of architecture.
− Advancement of Painting.


Under this system land revenue was estimated on
the basis of last 10 year production and average
In Against of price.
− Vicious personality of the king. Tuzuk-i-Baburi
− Strict and autocratic rule.
It was written by Mughal ruler Babur in Turki.
− Tax burden on the pulic.
− Religiously Intolerant.
Baburnama is it's another name.
It has description of the then political, social and
Battle of Bahadurgarh religious life.
First war for succession.
Fought between Royal army and Shahshuja.
Haldighati’s War
Shahshuja defeated. It was fought between Mughal ruler Akbar’s Akb
Royal army
rmy had led by Suleman Shikoha and Jai commander Asaf Khan or Man Singh and
Singh. Mewar’s ruler Maharana Pratap in 1576 A.D.
Rajputs sacrificed to protect their motherland and
Dhamat War Mewar was defeated but Rana Pratap did not
Fought between Royal Army and Aurangzeb accept sub-ordination.
and conjoined army of Murad.
1591 A.D)
Ralf Fisch (1583-1591
Royal army was defeated.
Royal army had led by Kasim Khan and The first British Merchant to reach Agra and
Jaswant Singh. Fatehpur Sikri.
He visited many places and took overview of
Battle of Samugarh various places.
Fought between Royal army (led by Dara He visited India during Mughal ru ruler Akbar’s
Shikoh)) and Aurangzeb and Murad’s army in reign.
may 1658 A.D.
Dara Shiksha was defeated.
William Hawkins (1608-1611 611 A.D)
He was an ambassador of British king James-I
Battle of Khajwat in Jahangir’s Court.
Fought between Aurangzeb and Shahshuja
Shah near He stayed for three years in Royal Court.
to Allahbaad in January 1659. Ruler Jahangir gave to him 400 Mansabs.
Aurangzeb won. He came to India to protect the Britishers trade
Battle of Deorai rights.
Fought between Dara Shikoh and Aurangzeb in Sir Thomas (1615-1619 A..D)
Deorai near to Ajmer in April 1659. Second Britishers ambassador Visited Jahangir’s
At last Aurangzeb had won. Court.
Dara Shikoh was killed. He stayed with Jahangir during travelling of
Tugluma War System Mandu and Ahmedabad.
Phalanx war policy of Babur. He described in detail about conspiracy and fraud
This was used to be against to Ibrahim Lodi in Travel to the Eastern
of Mughal’s Court in “Travel
first war of Panipat and conquered. Islands”.
Back attack system during war. Thomas obtained the legal right to establish a
First Battle of Panipat British factory in India from the Mughal emperor
It was fought between Ibrahim Lodi and Babur Jahangir.
in 1526. Tomb of Sher Shah
Ibrahim was defeated and Mughal Empire was Located in Sasaram (Bihar), built by Sher Shah.
established in India. Grand specimen of Indo-Afghan
Afghan architecture,
Tugluma warfare method, gunpowder and starting of Culmination and new style of earlier
artillery were used for the first time in this war. architecture.
Babur assumed Ghazis title after victory in this There is an octagonal Building of Bricks at high
war. platform in the mid of square pond.
Dahsala System It has an octagonal dome pavilion at its four
Todarmal framed this system for land revenue corners.
during Akbar’s reign.


Humayun’s Tomb Built by white marble, world heritage building.
This tomb is built by Bega Beyum ((Hazi Baburnama (Tuzuk-i-Baburi) Baburi)
Begam) in 1565 A.D, located in Delhi.
Delhi Autobiography of Mughal emperor Babur
India’s first tomb of four garden system and dual written in Turki.
dome. This book is a very major source to know about
It is considered the forerunner of the Taj Mahal. India of 16th century.
Its architect was Mirza Gaias. Babur has not only described about Indian polity
Huge dome built with marble. and society in it rather than here’s nature, fauna
Jodhabai’s Palace etc are also described.
A palace built by Akbar in Fatehpur Sikri. Humayunnama
Its decoration is derived from the architecture of It had written by Babur’s daughter and
the temples of the south. Humayun’s sister Gulbadan Begum.
Best building of Fatehpur Sikri,, Influenced by This book has information about of failures of
Gujarat style. Humayun, difficulties and conquest of Delhi etc.
Panchmahal Gulbadan Begum written ten this book on the
A palace built by Akbar in Fatehpur Sikri, request of Akbar.
famous by name of Hawa Mahal. Tarikh-i-Rashidi
Five-story building of Pyramid-Shaped.
Shaped. It had written by Mirza Haidar Duglat in
Based on the inspiration of the Buddhist Viharas Persian language.
of Nalanda. This book is an important source to know about
Buland Darwaza Kashmir's history.
A building built by Akbar in Fatehpur Sikri. Mirza Haidar has described about contemporary
Akbar built it to commemorate his victory over incidents of Babur and Humayun.
Gujarat, Made of red sandstone. Tarikh-i-Shersh
It is built in Iran’s semi dome style. It had written by an afghan scholar Abbas Khan
Tomb of Akbar Sarwani on the order of Mughal emperor Akbar.
Located in Sikandara near to Agra, built by It is an important text written in Persia. That
Jahangir in 1613. gives information about the life, administration
It is a five-story pyramid building. and actions.
Top most building is fully built with Marble. Akbar Nama (Ain-i-Akbari)Akbari)
Domeless building, built over huge platform in It is an important source of information about
the mid of garden. Mughal Empire.. It had written by Abul Fazal
Itmad-ud-Daulah Tomb during reign of Akbar.
Located in Agra, Quadrilateral, built by white Written in Persia, it has 3 parts.
Marble. Its third chapter is known as Ain-i-Akbari that
It was built by Nurjahan during Jahangir’s reign. has information of biography,
raphy, religious policy
Pitradura style is used for the first time. and Rajputs policy etc.
Delhi’s Jama-Masjid Tabaqat-i-Akbari
Situated near to Red Fort,, built by Shah Jahan It had written by Nizamuddin Ahmed during
in 1648 A.D. Akbar’s reign.
There are flowery ornamented arches. It is an important source to know about history of
Huge entrance, high towers and dome are of its medieval India.
characteristics. It has information from establishment of Mughal
Taj Mahal Empire till the political and social status of reign
of Akbar.
The best building of Shah Jahan’s architecture.
Tomb of Mumtaj Mahal. Tarikh-i-Badayuni
Located on the bank of Yamuna River in Agra. It had written by Abdul Qadir Badayuni.
Architect was Ustad Ahmad Lahouri.
Lahouri Akbar protected Badayuni in his Court and
Great combination of Persian and Indian appointed him as a Chief Qazi.
He criticized Akbar’s policies in this book and Battle of Dewair
called him Anti-Islam. It had fought between Maharana Pratap, Pratap
Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri Rajkumar Amar Singh and Mughal army (Sultan
Autobiography of Jahangir. Khan) in 1582.
Jahangir did not complete it due to his bad Maharana Pratap had won.
health. Rana strike elephant’s head. This incident is
He assigned this task to the Mautmid Khan
Khan. famous in history of this war and after this war
Mautmid Khan completed this book and gave Maharana Pratap died.
name Iqbalnama-i-Jahangiri. Nasaq
It has description of from establishment of Mughal’s period revenue system.
Mughal Empire till history of reign of Jahangir.
Jahangi This system was mainly practiced in Bengal.
Padshahnama Revenue was collected after harvesting on the
There were 3 texts written called basis of standing crops.
Padshahnama during reign of Mughal emperor Muhtasib
Shah Jahan. Mughal’s administrative officer.
First had written by Muhammad Amir To stop those who act against shariat.
Kajurini, second had written by Abdul He prevented the public from maliciousness.
Hammed Lahouri and third had written by William Finch
Muhammad Waris. He came to India with Hawkins in 1608 A.D
It is an important source of reign of Emperor reign of Jahangir.
Shah Jahan. Finch described about plants, animals, humans,
Nuskha-i-Dilkusha cities, forts, bridges, religious
ligious beli
beliefs, areas etc.
It had written by Bhimsen. no other traveler described India in this way
This book is an important source to know about He told world’s highest and grand building is
17th Century India. Buland Darwaza and Lahore is considered as
It has description of Emperor Aurangzeb’s the largest city of the East.
policies and actions. Only William Finch is the traveler who
In additional, this book is also an important mentioned the legend of Anarkali.
source to know about history of contemporary Edward Terry
South India. Priest of Sir Thomas Roe.
Muntakhab-ul-Lubab He came India in reign of Jahangir.
It had written by Hashim Khafi Khan.
Khan Terry has described of size. Type and value of
He holds a high position during Aurangzeb’s the then coins.
reign. According to him “coins of India are more
th pure than coins of any country in the world world”.
It has a glimpse of 17 century India.
Khafi Khan dedicated this book to the The coin was called Rupee.
Muhammad Shah. Jean Baptiste Tavernier
Hemu A French traveler who visited India 6 times from
Hindu Prime Minister of Bihar’s ruler Adil Shah 1638 to 1663.
Sur. He was a Johri. He presented
prese a detailed
He occupied Agra and Delhi after Humayun’s description about reign of Shah Jahan and
death and assumed the title of Vikramaditya and Aurangzeb in his travelogue “Travels in India”.
coroneted himself. Tavernier’s travelogue is very important for
The only Hindu to occupy the throne of Delhi in history of Mughal empire especially for
medieval India. information of economic development
Battle of Panipat-II Niccolao Manucci
This war had fought between Akbar and Hemu An Italian traveler, he reached India by long
in 1556. travelling of Asia Minor and Persia in age of 14
Mughal army led by Bairam Khan. years old.
Hemu’s death, fall of Indo-Afghan
Afghan Pours.


He served as a gunner in the army of Dara
He wrote ‘Storia Do Mogor’.
It is known as Mirror of India of 17th century.
Francois Bernier
He was a French physician and traveler
He was witness of war that had fought between
Dara Shikoh and Aurangzeb for their
He served Aamer’s Mirza King Jai Singh,
Portuguese in Goa, and Sultan Abul Hasan
Qutub Shah of Golconda respectively.
He wrote vivid history of Mughal Empire called
‘Travel in the Mughal Empire’.



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