Arab and Turk/ ND Turk/Ottoman Invasion: Founder of Ghazni Empire
Arab and Turk/ ND Turk/Ottoman Invasion: Founder of Ghazni Empire
Arab and Turk/ ND Turk/Ottoman Invasion: Founder of Ghazni Empire
nd Turk/
Turk/Ottoman Invasion
Alp-Tegin Khalifa
Founder of Ghazni Empire. Leader of Muslims.
He founded an independent territory in Central Social and religious leader of Muslims.
Asia. First Khalifa Abu Bakr.
Sabuktigin Prithviraj Raso
Ruler of Ghazni Empire 977-997 A.D. D. This historical text was written by court
cou poet
Father of Mahmud Ghaznavi. Chand Bardai of Prithviraj Chauhan.
He invaded first Turk in India in 986 A.D. It has exaggeration description of Prithviraj’s life
Mahmud Ghaznavi story.
Major ruler of Ghazni Empire 997-1030
1030 A.D.
A It has major information about Rajput’s history.
He attacked India 17 times and robbed Somnath Dahir
temple in 1025 A.D. Sindh ruler during
ring invasion of Muhammad-bin-
Al-Biruni visited India with Mahmudd Ghaznavi. Qasim.
Jayapala He was killed in 712 A.D. A at Raor. (Near
Royal Hindu emperor of Northwest
rthwest frontier of modern NawabShah)
India. Muhammad-bin-Qasim
Defeated by Mahmud Ghaznavi in Battle of Commander and son in law of Iraq’s Governor
Peshawar (1001 A.D.) Al-Hajjaj.
Somnath Temple He invaded over Sindh in 712 A.D.
Ancient Shiva temple located in Gujarat. First Arabian Muslim who invaded India.
Turk invader Mahmud Ghaznavi robbed it in Sulaiman
1025 A.D. He visited India in 9th Century during reign of
After independence it was rejuvenated
ed. Partihara ruler Mihir Bhoj.
First Battle of Tarain Sulaiman introduced Mihir Bhoj as Arabians
It was fought between Prithviraj
iraj Chauhan and enemy.
Mohammad Ghori in 1191 A.D. He describes in immediate economic, political
Prithviraj Chauhan won. and social life of Partihara and Pala rulers.
Second Battle of Tarain Al-Masudi
It was fought between Prithviraj Chauhan and He was an Arab scholar and geographer and
Muhammad Ghori in 1192 A.D. historian.
Mohammad Ghori won. He visited India in 10th Century during reign of
The path of the establishment of the Turki
Turkish Pratihara ruler Mahipala-I.
Empire in India was paved. His travelogue has description of Rashtrakuta
and Pratihara rulers.
Battle of Chandawar
It was fought between Mohammad Ghori and Al-Biruni
Jaichand in 1193-94 A.D. Famous mathematician,, historian, philosopher
Gahadavala dynasty was defeated. and scholar of 11th century. Resident of
Two Major Principles of Islam
He visited India with Mahmud Ghaznavi’s army.
To accept only Allah and the Prophet as a
He composed Kitab-Ul Ul-Hind in which
devoted deity.
immediate India’s description was there.
Religion based on equality and fraternity.
First Muslim to study the Puranas.
Causes of Rajput’s Defeat Utbi
Lack of solidarity in Rajputs.
Royal historian of Mahmud Ghaznavi.
Faulty organization of Rajput armies.
He composed Kitab-Ul-Yamini.
Religious zeal of Turkish soldiers.
He visited India with Mahmud Ghaznavi.
Meaning one who destroys idols.
This title was retented by Mahmud Ghaznavi.
Ferdowsi A policy included in Balban’s kingship
Court scholar and historian of Mahmud principle.
Ghaznavi. Afrasiyab
Poet of Persian language. A reputed dynasty described in 'Shahnameh' of
Real name ‘Abul-Qasem
Qasem Ferdowsi Tusi’
Tusi’. Firdausi.
He composed Persian texts ‘Shahnameh’
nameh’. Balban related to himself with this dynasty.
He praised Iran’s actors. Diwan-i-Arz
Chach Nama An administrative department established by
Sindh history written by Ali bin Mohammad Balban which objective had reformed in Army.
Kufi (Ali Ahmad). This was an army department which officer had
It has description of Chach Dynasty
Dynasty. Ariz-i-Mumalik.
It has information about Arab invasion
vasion on Sindh. Khilji Revolution
Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khalji At the time of Khilji, Delhi power slipped from
Commander of Muhammad Ghori. high class Turkish to lower class Turkish and
He invaded Eastern India and destroyed Indian Muslims.
Odantapuri Nalanda and Vikramshila
Vikramshila. Jalal-ud-din Khilji overthrow the Balban’s
He defeated Bengal ruler Lakshmana SenaSena. Successors and to occupy
py the power.
Muhammad Ghori Sidi Maula
Origin name – Shihab ad-Din An Iranian Saint.
He became the ruler of Ghazni in 1173 A.D. Alauddin Khilji murdered him for a conspiracy
He invaded many times es over India between charge.
1175-1205A.D. Biswa
He established Turk empire. A land revenue unit obtained by Alauddin
Mameluq Khilji.
Termm given by historian Habib Ullah. 1/20th part of 1 Bigha.
Meaning – slave originated from independent Diwan-i-Mustakharaj
parents. A revenue department established by Alauddin
Slave dynasty has been designated by various Khilji.
historians as Mameluq dynasty. Reforms in revenue system were objective of this
Lakh Baksh department.
Title of Qutub-ud-din Aibak who was founder It obtained rest land revenue.
of Mameluq dynasty of Delhi Sultanate. Paimaish
For his generosity he was known as Lakh Baksh. A system of measure agriculture land for
Qutub Minar obtained land revenue in Delhi sultanate.
A world heritage site located in Delhi. This system was started by Alauddin Khilji
Construction- builds by Qutub-ud-dindin Aibak in during Revenue reforms.
memories of Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki Kaki. Munshi/Munshiyan
It was completed by Iltutmish and reconstructed Detectives/Spies were called as Munshi in Delhi
by Firoz Shah Tughlaq. sultanate.
Turkan-i-Chahalgani Head was Barid-i-Mumalik
A group of trustworthy slaves of Iltutmish Shahana-i-Mandi
organized by Iltutmish. Officer of state market in Alaud
Alauddin’s market
They had major powers. system.
Balban suppressed it who was already member of All merchants had to register mandatorily.
this group. Only registered merchants could trade.
Blood and Iron Policy Tajuddin Yildoz
A policy propounded by Sultans of Delhi Strong competitor of Qutub-ud-din
Qutub Aibak and
Sultanate. Iltutmish. Ruler of Ghazni.
In this policy the rebel was killed and his family Iltutmish imprisoned his in Third Battle of
enslaved. Tarain (1215-16).