12 Enterobacteriaciae
12 Enterobacteriaciae
12 Enterobacteriaciae
Inhabit a wide variety of niches (human & animal GIT, various environmental sites)
Natural habitat: the intestinal tract of humans and animals
Some are agents of zoonoses
Other species (Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Yersinia enterocolitica) only inhabit the bowel at the time they
are causing infection; acquired by ingestion of contaminated foods or water
Morganella Serratia
Escherichia Proteus
Shigella Enterobacter
Salmonella Citrobacter
Yersinia Klebsiella
Laboratory Diagnosis
A. Collection and transport media: Cary-Blair, Amies, Stuart media
B. Culture media
1. nonselective media : BA, Choc
- on Choc or BA, enteric bacteria produce large, grayish, smooth colonies
- on BA, colonies may be hemolytic (usually beta) or nonhemolytic
2. selective media : Composition LF NLF
MacConkey selective bile salts and crystal violet pink to red colorless
differential lactose; neutral red
EMB selective Eosin Y & methylene blue dyes colored colonies colorless,
differential lactose & sucrose translucent
MacConkey agar
- selective, differential medium; selects for Enterobacteriaceae and other g-rods; inhibits g+ organisms
Selenite F broth
- enrichment broth for recovery of low nos. of Salmonella & some strains of Shigella from stool &other spns w/ mixed flora
- sodium selenite inhibits growth of many g-rods & enterococci but permits recovery of Salmonella & some Shigella species
- selenite is most effective at a neutral pH; reduction of selenite during growth of bacteria produces alkaline products, so
lactose has been included; LF produce acid which neutralizes alkaline products and returns the medium to a neutral pH
- one should subculture the broth to enteric media after it has incubated 8-12 hrs to avoid overgrowth with normal flora
***Lactose fermentation
- lactose is a disaccharide consisting of glucose and galactose connected by a galactoside bond
- two enzymes necessary for a bacterium to take up lactose
B-galactoside permease - transport enzyme; facilitates entry of lactose through the bacterial cell wall
B-galactosidase - hydrolyzes lactose into glucose and galactose
- a yellow slant and a red butt (A/K) may indicate the failure to stab butt or inoculation of medium with g+ organism
- a black butt should be read as acid even though the yellow color may be obscured
- H2S indicator system is not as sensitive as the lead acetate or SIM
2. Fermentation of glucose only A/A (acid/acid) 8-12 hours; K/A (alkaline/acid) 18-24 hours
- typical of true enteric pathogens
4. Gas production
- indicated by formation of bubbles, splitting of the media in the butt, complete displacement of the media from
the bottom of the tube
- H2S is a colorless gas, therefore the second indicator is necessary to visually detect its production
Indole Production
- indole is a degradation product of the amino acid tryptophan
- organisms with tryptophanase can deaminate tryptophan to indole, pyruvic acid and ammonia
- when p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde (Ehrlich or Kovac reagent) is added to a tryptophan broth culture, any indole
produced by the organism reacts with the aldehyde portion of dimethylaminobenzaldehyde to form a red color
Motility test
- to determine whether the organism is motile or non-motile
- test medium has low agar concentration of 0.4% or less (semisolid), to allow free spread of organism
- use an inoculating needle to stab (single stab) the medium
- be careful to remove the needle along the initial stab line; do not stab the medium clear to tube's bottom
- incubate the inoculated medium at 35 C overnight
- movement away from the stab line or a hazy appearance throughout the medium indicates a motile organism
- nonmotile organisms, which lack flagella grow only along the stab line and the surrounding medium remains clear
- Shigella and Klebsiella are always nonmotile, and certain Yersinia sp. show motility at RT but not at 35 C
Decarboxylase tests
- determine whether the bacterial species possess enzymes capable of decarboxylating (attacking the carboxyl group of an
amino acid) specific amino acids in the test medium
- Moeller decarboxylase base medium contains glucose, peptone, pH indicators bromcresol purple and cresol red,
specific amino acid; the uninoculated medium is purple
- glucose is important because decarboxylases are inducible enzymes produced in an acid pH
- all members of the Enterobacteriaceae are glucose+, providing a growth stimulus
- a control tube containing only the base medium without the amino acid is tested along with the test organism to determine
the viability of the organism and to determine whether sufficient acid is produced
- both tubes are inoculated with the test organism, are overlaid with a layer (4-5 mm) of sterile mineral oil, which creates
anaerobic conditions to avoid oxidative deamination of available protein that can cause a false + rxn
- should be incubated at 35 C for up to 4 days and should be checked daily
- for decarboxylation to take place, two conditions must be met; an acid pH and an anaerobic environment
- fermenters (Enterobacteriaceae) will ferment glucose, turning the control and all decarboxylase tubes yellow
---for these organisms, as the pH drops, the hydrogen ion concentration becomes optimal for decarboxylase activity
---in the decarboxylase tubes
--if the org produces the specific decarboxylase, conversion of the amino acid to amines raises the pH,
reversing the yellow to purple (+ result)
--if the organism does not possess the specific decarboxylase, the medium remains yellow (- result)
---while the control tube remains yellow
- nonfermenters do not produce the initial yellow color change, and utilization of the amino acid is indicated when the
amino acid-containing tube becomes deeper purple than the control
MIO (Motility, Indole, Ornithine) test
- a semisolid agar medium used to detect motility and production of indole and ornithine decarboxylase
- useful in differentiating Klebsiella species from Enterobacter / Serratia species
- motility is shown by clouding of the medium or spreading of growth from the line of inoculation
- indole production is detected by the addition of Kovac's rgt; (+) pink or red color
- ornithine decarboxylation is indicated by a purple color throughout the medium
---since MIO is a semisolid medium, it does not have to be overlaid with mineral oil to provide anaerobic conditions
- most useful in conjunction with TSI in screening stool specimens for the presence of enteric pathogens
- helpful in differentiating Salmonella (lysine +) from Citrobacter (lysine-)
- also useful in differentiating Proteus, Morganella, and Providencia species from the rest of the members of
Enterobacteriaceae; this group of enterics deaminate (attack the NH2 group instead of the carboxyl group) amino acids
- Three lysine utilization patterns: deamination occurs in the slant (aerobic), decarboxylation occurs in the butt (anaerobic)
1. Purple / Purple (K/K)
- organism decarboxylates lysine but cannot deaminate it
- initially, the org ferments glucose, causing production of acid and changing indicator in the butt to yellow
- it then decarboxylates lysine to produce cadaverine (alkaline product) causing pH indicator to change back to purple
2. Purple / yellow (K/A)
- organism fermented the glucose but was unable to deaminate or decarboxylate the lysine
3. (Bordeaux red/yellow)
- organism deaminated lysine but could not decarboxylate it
- the yellow butt is caused by glucose fermentation
K nitrate nitrate reductase nitrite + (sulfanilic acid & NNDN) red (+ result)
colorless + Zinc dust colorless (+result)
colorless + Zinc dust red (- result)
ONPG yellow
MR red
VP red
PAD phenylalanine, ferric chloride green
Malonate broth Na malonate, glucose green blue green or
bromthymol blue yellow (glu fermentation)
Nitrate reduction broth with nitrogen red
sulfanilic acid, NNDN red
Oxidase (CO) purple
Opportunistic Members of the Family Enterobacteriaceae
I. Genus Escherichia
Escherichia coli
- first described by Theodore Escherich in 1885
- most significant species in the genus; common isolate from the colon flora
- potential pathogen; gastrointestinal, meningeal (newborns), urinary tract, wound, bacteremic infections
- most strains are motile and possess both sex pili and adhesive fimbriae
- has O, H, and K antigens
--- E. coli O groups show cross-reactivity with similar antigens in other enterics, notably with Shigella
--- typing for H antigen is useful in completing the serogrouping of a particular strain
--- capsular K antigen (suggesting a virulence property) masks the O antigen during bacterial agglutination by specific
antiserum; K1 antigen is identical to that of group B Neisseria meningitidis
UTI - most common cause of urinary tract and kidney infections in humans
- virulence factors of urethrogenic E. coli
adhesins organism can adhere to the epithelial cells lining the urinary tract
hemolysins kill leukocytes, inhibit phagocytosis and chemotaxis
aerobactin iron chelator
Septicemia and meningitis
- one of the most common causes of septicemia and meningitis in neonates; acquired during passage in infected
birth canal or through contamination of the amniotic fluid; K1 antigen is the virulence factor in neonatal menigitis
- in adults, bacteremia results from a genitourinary tract or gastrointestinal infection
Escherichia vulneris
- may also produce yellow-pigmented colonies (more than half of the strains); isolated from wounds
Laboratory Diagnosis
1. Smear : gram (-) bacillus
2. Culture in
a. BLM: lactose fermenters
b. EMB: colonies with greenish metallic sheen
c. MAC: pink to brick red colonies
d. XLD: yellow (fermenters) red (nonfermenters)
e. BAP: some strains are beta hemolytic
3. Biochemical Test
a. TSI: A/A, gas (+), H2S (-)
b. IMViC: ++--
c. Urease: (-)
d. LD: (+)
e. Acetate: (+)
f. ONPG: (+)
g. MUG (4-methylumbelliferyl-B-glucoronide): +
4. Serotyping
Tribe Klebsielleae
- Genera: Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Serratia, Hafnia
- usually found in the intestinal tract of humans and animals or free-living in soil, water, and plants
- associated with a wide variety of opportunistic and nosocomial infections (pneumonia, wound, UTI)
Klebsiella group 47
- isolated from urine, respiratory tract and blood
a. Klebsiella ornithinolytica indole (+); ornithine decarboxylase (+)
b. Klebsiella planticola
5A’s of KlebsiellA
- Aspiration pneumonia
- Abscess in lungs and liver
- Alcoholics
- Di-A-betics
- “curr-A-nt jelly” sputum
Biochemical Test:
1. TSI: A/A, Gas(+), H2S(+)
2. IMViC: (--++)
3. VP,Citrate, KCN: (+)
4. Urease: (+/-)
Enterobacter sakazakii
- yellow-pigmented
- pathogen in neonates (meningeal and bacteremic infections)
- isolated from brain abscesses, respiratory and wound infections
Enterobacter gergoviae
- found in respiratory samples; rarely isolated from blood cultures
Enterobacter hormaechei
- isolated from blood, wounds, sputum
Citrobacter freundii
- associated with infectious diseases acquired in hospital settings: UTI, pneumonia, intraabdominal abscesses, endocarditis
- colonial morphology may be easily mistaken for that of Salmonella, as most C. freundii are H2S(+) and
some strains (50%) fail to ferment lactose
- C. freundii lysine(-); urease(+); ONGP (+) TSI: A/A or K/A Gas +, H2S + (late LF)
Salmonella lysine(+); urease(-); ONGP (-) IMVC: - + - +
Citrobacter diversus
- causes nursery outbreaks of neonatal meningitis and brain abscesses
* H2S(-), Indole (+)
Citrobacter amalonaticus
- frequently found in feces (not a causative agent of diarrhea); also isolated from blood and wounds
Citrobacter freundii: H2S(+), Lysine (-)
Edwardsiella: H2S(+), Lysine (+), Indole (+)
Arizona: H2S(+), Lysine (+), Indole (-), Malonate & Gelatin (+)
Salmonella: H2S(+), Lysine (+), Indole (-), Malonate & Gelatin (-)
V. Genus Serratia
- opportunistic pathogens associated with nosocomial outbreaks
- ferment lactose slowly (ONPG+), except S. fonticola
- differentiated from the tribe by the ability to produce extracellular DNase
- resistant to a wide range of antimicrobials
- prodigiosin is a pink to red pigment produced by S. marcescens and S. rubidaea, esp when cultures are left at RT
S. marcescens common opportunistic pathogen in hospitalized
Serratia causes pneumonia, bacteremia, and endocarditis—
especially in narcotics addicts and hospitalized
~10% of isolates form the red pigment (prodigiosin) that has
long characterized Serratia marcescens
S. marcescens is often multiply resistant to aminoglycosides
and penicillins
Infections can be treated with third-generation cephalosporins
Serratia marcescens
- the species usually considered clinically important
- frequently found in hospital-acquired infections of the urinary and respiratory tract and in bacteremic outbreaks in
nurseries, cardiac surgery and burn units (75-90 %)
- ability to produce DNAse, Lipase, Gelatinase and by resistance to colistin & cephalothin
- motile , NLF
- chromogenic and produce-soluble red pink pigment (prodigiosin)
Biochemical Test
1. TSI: K/A or A/A, Gas (+), H2S (-)
2. IMViC: (--++)
3. DNASe: (+)
4. LD, OD: (+)
5. Malonate (-)
Serratia rubidaea
- have also been isolated from human sources
Serratia liquefaciens
- have also been isolated from human sources
Serratia odorifera
- gives off a dirty, musty odor like potatoes
- contains two biogroups: biogroup 1 - isolated from the respiratory tract
- ornithine+, sucrose+, may be indole+ (60%)
Tribe Proteeae
- Genera: Proteus, Morganella, Providencia
- normal intestinal flora; opportunistic pathogens
- all are NLF; differentiated from other enterics by being PAD(+) and lysine deaminase
VII. Genus Proteus
Proteus mirabilis and Proteus vulgaris
- recognized as human pathogens
- isolated from urine, wound, ear and bacteremic infections
- easily identified in the lab because of their characteristic swarming
colonies on nonselective media such as BA
- produce a distinct odor of "burned chocolate"
- both are H2S(+), and urease(+)
- actively motile @ 37 OC
- G(-) pleomorphic rods, possess the O,H and K Ag
Providencia rettgeri - pathogen of the urinary tract; has caused occasional nosocomial outbreaks
Providencia stuartii - nosocomial outbreaks in burn units; isolated from urine cultures
Providencia alcalifaciens - usually found in feces of children w/ diarrhea (role as a cause of diarrhea has not been proven)
X. Genus Edwardsiella
- composed of three species, but E. tarda is the only recognized human pathogen; NLF, H2S(+)
- Edwardsiella tarda is an opportunist, causing bacteremic and wound infections; pathogenic role in diarrhea remains a controversy
K/AG + H2S IMVC: + + - - urease (-)
- lactose(-), indole (-), VP(-), PAD(-), urease(-); most produce H2S in TSI
- all species are actively motile by peritrichous flagella except S. pullorum & S gallinarum
- inhabit the gastrointestinal tracts of animals; humans acquire the infection by ingesting organisms in contaminated
animal food products or insufficiently cooked poultry, milk, eggs, and dairy products
- other species, S.typhi and S. paratyphi, are found only in humans; they have no known animal reservoirs;
infections are transmitted by human carriers
- the genus is classified into 7 subgroups with designated subspecies
subgroup I
- most serious pathogens for humans, causing enteric fevers
- have similar biochemical characteristics except S. typhi, S. partyphi, S. choleraesuis
subgroup II, III, IV
- usually found in cold-blooded animals, rodents, and birds, which are their natural hosts
***Arizona - used to belong to its own genus; reclassified into Salmonella subgroup III
- may cause symptoms identical to Salmonella infections
- may be transmitted to humans from pet turtles, snakes and fish
Virulence Factors:
- fimbriae (for adherence); ability to traverse intestinal mucosa; enterotoxin (causes gastroenteritis)
Clinical Infections:
- humans acquire the infection by ingesting the organisms in food, water, and milk contaminated w/ human or animal excreta
- salmonellosis may occur in several forms
1. an acute gastroenteritis or food poisoning characterized by vomiting and diarrhea
2. typhoid fever, the most severe form of enteric fever, caused by S. typhi;
other enteric fevers are caused by other Salmonella species (i.e. S. paratyphi, S. choleraesuis)
3. nontyphoidal bacteremia
4. carrier state that follows Salmonella infection
1. Salmonella gastroenteritis
- one of the most common forms of "food poisoning"; results from ingestion of the organisms
through contaminated food
- strains associated with this are usually those found in animals (in the US, serotypes of S.
- sources of infection: poultry, milk, eggs, and egg products as well as to handling pets
- insufficiently cooked eggs and domestic fowl, such as chicken, turkey, and duck, are common
sources of infection
- cooking utensils such as knives, pans, and cutting boards used in preparing the contaminated
meat can spread the contamination to other food
- direct transmission from person to person
- gastroenteritis occurs when a sufficient number of organisms contaminate food that is
maintained under inadequaterefrigeration, thus allowing growth and multiplication of
the organisms
- the infective dose necessary to initiate the disease (106 bacteria) is higher than that required for
- symptoms may appear 8 to 36 hours after ingestion of contaminated food: nausea, vomiting,
fever and chills, accompanied by watery diarrhea and abdominal pain
- most cases are self-limiting; symptoms disappear usually within a few days, with little or no
- those who suffer from sickle cell disease, ulcerative colitis, and malignancy seem to be more
- infection may be more severe in the very young, the elderly, and those suffering from other
underlying disease
- antimicrobial therapy is usually not indicated in uncomplicated cases
- in cases of dehydration, fluid replacement therapy may be indicated
- dissemination may occasionally occur; in such cases, antimicrobial therapy is required
- antimicrobials of choice: chloramphenicol, ampicillin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
- during the 2nd and 3rd weeks of the disease, px experiences sustained fever with the prolonged bacteremia
- the organisms invade the gallbladder and Peyer's patches of the bowel; they also reach the intestinal tract via biliary tract
- "rose spots" (blanching, rose-colored papules around the periumbilical region) appear during the 2 nd week of fever
- involvement of the biliary system sites initiates gastrointestinal symptoms as the organisms reinfect the intestinal tract
- the organism now exists in large numbers and may be isolated from the stool
- gallbladder becomes the foci of long-term carriage, occasionally reseeding the intest tract and shedding the orgs in the feces
3. Salmonella bacteremia
- w/ or w/o extraintestinal foci of infection caused by nontyphoidal Salmonella, is characterized primarily by prolonged
fever and intermittent bacteremia
- most commonly associated strains are S. typhimurium, S. paratyphi A and B, and S. choleraesuis
4. Carrier state
- individuals who recover from the infection may harbor the organisms in the gallbladder, which becomes the site of
chronic carriage
- such individuals excrete the organisms in their feces either continuously or intermittently
- the carrier state may be terminated by antimicrobial therapy if gallbladder infection is not evident
- cholecystectomy has been the only solution to the chronic state of enteric carriers
Laboratory Diagnosis
1. Smear
2. Culture
a. BLM, Selenite F
b. EMB, Mac
c. SSA: colorless - black (H2S)
d. NA: maple leaf colonies with irregular colonies
e. XLD: slightly pink to white opaque colonies surrounded by a brilliant red medium
f. BSA (Bismuth Sulfite Agar) best medium for S. typhi
3. Biochemical for S. typhi
a. TSI: K/A, gas (-), H2S in small amount
b. IMViC: (-+-+)
c. Serotyping (rapid slide agglutination test)
e. Tube Dilution Agglutination Test (Widal Test):
i. Serum agglutinins rise sharply during the second and third weeks of Salmonella Typhi infection
ii. The Widal test to detect these antibodies against the O and H antigens has been in use for decades
iii. At least two serum specimens, obtained at intervals of 7–10 days, are needed to prove a rise in
antibody titer
iv. Serial dilutions of unknown sera are tested against antigens from representative salmonellae
v. False-positive and false-negative results occur
vi. The interpretive criteria when single serum specimens are tested vary, but a titer against the O antigen
of > 1:320 and against the H antigen of > 1:640 is considered positive
vii. High titer of antibody to the Vi antigen occurs in some carriers
viii. Results of serologic tests for salmonella infection must be interpreted cautiously because the possible
presence of cross-reactive antibodies limits the use of serology
ix. The test is not useful in diagnosis of enteric fevers caused by salmonella other than Salmonella Typhi
**Mnemonic-Shigella Transmission
4 Fs
Food, Fingers, Feces, Flies
- severe cases of shigellosis may become life-threatening as extraintestinal complications develop
1. ileus, an obstruction of the intestines, with marked abdominal dilatation, possibly leading to toxic megacolon
2. bacteremia
3. seizures, which may occur during any Shigella strain infection
4. HUS (hemolytic uremic syndrome), a complication exclusively associated with S. dysenteriae type 1 shigellosis
Yersinia enterocolitica
- most commonly isolated species of the genus
- morphologically resembles other Yersinia species; g- coccobacilli with bipolar staining
- also grows on routine isolation media, such as BA and MacConkey agar; has an optimal growth temp of 25-30 C
- appropriate cultures on a specific Yersinia media at 25 C should be performed in diarrheal outbreaks of unknown etiology
- motility is clearly noted at 25 C but not at 35 C
IMVC: v + - - ornithine(+)
- produces an infection that mimics appendicitis; cause of diarrhea in a number of community outbreaks
- found in a wide variety of animals, including domestic swine, cats and dogs; pig is a natural reservoir
- infection may be acquired from contact with household pets
- cultures from environmental reservoirs, such as water from streams, have yielded the organism
- human infections have also been reported following the ingestion of contaminated food and possibly water
- other sources of infection include contaminated food, such as market meat and vacuum-packed beef
- a major concern regarding the potential risk of transmitting infection with this organism is its ability to survive in cold
temperatures; food refrigeration becomes an ineffective preventive measure
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis
- appears as a typical-looking plague bacillus
- may be differentiated from Y. pestis by its motility at 18-22 C, production of urease, and ability to ferment rhamnose
IMVC: - + - - ornithine(-)
A/A (Sun Over Desert)
SEEK (Serratia, Escherichia, Enterobacter, Klebsiella) Seek Shelter in the hot desert