Acne and Diet
Acne and Diet
Acne and Diet
Adilson Costa, MD
In this article, we discuss the newest concepts regarding the relationship between acne and diet.
Possibly the most influential component in this relationship is sebum. We also discuss in depth the
factors that could be present in a high glycemic index diet and the secondary hyperinsulinemia pattern
that follows. For example, a diet-based hyperinsulinemic condition associated with the secondary
presence of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) may induce the synthesis of androgens in various body
Acne is not related to obesity,3,4 but with Westernization of the diet. The absence of acne in natives
from Kitava and Papua New Guinea, and the Ache people of Paraguay, was attributed to their diet,
which is substantially based on a lower glycemic index. 5 The same characteristic is noted in Inuit
people.6 Rural residents of Kenya, Zambia and Bantu present with less acne than their descendents
The frequent consumption of carbohydrates - the "Western diet" - which means a high glycemic index,
follicular epithelial growth and keratinization, as well as sebaceous secretion mediated by bovine
The improvement in people's diets has been associated with precocious sexual maturity. For example,
adolescent females with a low glycemic index diet present with a delay in menarche. 10 In 1970, the
first menarche occurred at about 12 years of age whereas, in 1835, it occurred at approximately age
16 years.11 In addition, the more serious cases of comedones prevail in girls with precocious menarche
and high dihydroepiandrosterone levels.12 The predominance and prognosis of acne are also correlated
Hyperinsulinemia, through food intake, stimulates androgen synthesis, which in turn stimulates
sebaceous production. Moreover, hyperinsulinemia increases the synthesis of IGF‐1 and decreases
insulin‐like growth factor‐binding protein‐3 (IGFBP‐3). The high serum levels of both these proteins
play a direct role in the proliferation of keratinocytes and apoptosis, which culminates in the
androgens, growth hormones and glucocorticoids. These endogenous androgens increase the serum
levels of IGF-1 and vice-versa, thus causing an increase in sebum production. 14,15
Despite its low glycemic index, milk paradoxically induces an increase in IGF-1 levels, an effect that is
particularly pronounced with skimmed milk intake, which causes a break-out and/or worsening of
acne.14,15 Furthermore, milk contains estrogen, progesterone, androgen precursors and 5α-reductase-
Milk also contains other bioactive molecules that act in the pilosebaceous unit, such as glucocorticoids,
transforming growth factor-beta, hormone peptides similar to thyrotropins, and opiaceous compounds.
It is speculated that the processing of skimmed milk increases either the bioavailability of such
bioactive molecules or their interaction with binding proteins; whey proteins, especially α-
lactoalbumin, are added to the formula of skimmed and low-fat milk, and appear to play an important
role in comedogenesis.14,15 Milk is also rich is iodine, which can stimulate the appearance of acne;
iodine contained in milk results from supplementation of the animal's diet and the use of iodine-based
Fatty-acid-based food
It has been suggested by recent evidence that monounsaturated fatty acids stimulate morphological
changes in the sebaceous glands - changes which are not seen with saturated fatty acids. 18
Monounsaturated fatty acids are largely composed of sapienic acid, which comes from the delta-6
desaturase of palmitic acid, a saturated fatty acid.19 Delta-6 desaturase and the resulting accumulation
of sapienic acid in sebum appear to be important factors in sebaceous lipogenesis. 20 Rats with delta-9
desaturase deficiency, which is equivalent to delta-6 desaturase in humans, have hypoplasia of the
sebaceous glands.21
In a 3-month study by Costa et al,22 in which a dietary supplement of 3 g of essential fatty acids
(linoleic, linolenic and gamma-linolenic acids) was given daily, a reduction in the size of the sebaceous
glands was observed. An intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-6 and omega-3) modulates the
inflammatory response.23 The typical Western diet maintains a relatively higher concentration of
omega-6, compared with omega-3, because of the predominance of omega-6 in most vegetable oils
and foods processed with such oils.23 The supplemental intake of omega-3 fatty acids suppresses
interleukin (IL)-1-beta,24,25 IL-1-alpha,24-27 tumor necrosis factor-alpha,24-27 IL-6,25-27 and IL-8.27 The
microcomedogenesis.24 Examples of foods rich in omega-3 include whole grains, fresh fruits and
vegetables, fish, olive oil, garlic, as well as moderate wine consumption; examples of foods rich in
omega-6 are meat, evening primrose oil, borage oil, and black currant seed oil. 28
Michaëlsson et al29 observed that blood levels of both retinol-binding protein and zinc are low in
patients with severe acne. Moreover, diets low in zinc may worsen or activate acne, especially in those
with pustular reactions; this is verified by various reports of acne exacerbation by administration of a
Chocolate has long been incriminated as an aggravating factor in acne. Patients often refer to the
In 1969, a preliminary study concluded that there was no evidence linking chocolate intake to acne.
However, according to Cordain,1 this early study was not accurate because the placebo group received
a chocolate-like bar with high concentrations of substances that predispose to hyperglycemia and
In recent nutritional studies, an increase in postprandial insulinemia has been observed in young
adults after a chocolate-based diet.32 This may result from the fact that chocolate is rich in biologically
active compounds (eg, caffeine, theobromine, and serotonin), which increase secretion of insulin and
its peripheral resistance.33,34 Additionally, milk contains amino acids (eg, arginine, leucine, and
The association between diet and acne has, at the present time, been well evaluated. Importantly,
evidence shows that acne is not as prevalent in non-Western societies, but that its prevalence can be
increased upon the adoption of a Western diet. This goes against the claim that ethnic factors are the
only ones to be implicated in its etiology, and reinforces the idea of a relationship between acne and
According to scientific arguments provided in this article, it is possible to envisage that foods rich in
fatty acids, mainly those rich in omega-3, as well as a diet based on a low glycemic index, can protect
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