Sessional Exams-2021 SUBJECT - Human Resources Management MBA Ist Year

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SUBJECT- Human Resources Management Time: 60Min

MBA Ist Year

1. To be ethical and social towards needs of society is ______________ objective

of HRM

A) societal          B) Operational       C) Functional             D) none of the above

2. The fundamental objective of every organization is

A) Survival          B) Achieving targets     C) Profit     D) compete in competition

3. The characteristics of human resources are ________ in nature

A) Homogeneous                     B) heterogeneous                   C) ductility            

D) None of the above

4. The scope of human resource management includes

A) Procurement                      B) development                        C) compensation  

D)All of the above

5. Human resource management helps improve

A) Production              B) Productivity             C) Profit       D) Power

6. Personnel management is

A) Proactive               B) Continuous                 C) Multi discipline                        

D) Routine

7. KSA represents

A) Knowledge, Skill, Aptitude               B) Knowledge, System, Aptitude

C) Knowledge, Skill, Approach              D) Knowledge, Skill, Attitude

8. In modern scenario a companies long term advantage lies in

A) Technology B)Business location C) New market D) Human resource

9. The functions of HRM doesn’t include the following head

A) Managerial B)Analytical C) Developmental D) Departmental

10 The functions of HRM is pertained to

A) Particular department B)top level management C) whole organisation D)

line managers

11 Managerial functions of HRM is must for _______________ of the organisation

A) administration B)Smooth running C) financial stability D) none of the above

12 The managerial function of HRM doesn’t include ______________

A)Innovation B)Employee relations C) Planning D) Coordination

13  ____________ functions are the HR functions that are required to

administrate the manpower in the organisation.

A) Managerial B) Analytical C) Operational D) research

14 The planning function in managerial function of HRM includes plan for

A) Acquiring best employee           B)engaging the employee         C) Proper

training to them        D) All of the above

15 ________________ states the way about what are the activities that need to be
conducted, when it is to be conducted and how to conduct it.

A) Planning       B) organizing     C) decision making        D) none of the above

16 Human Resource Planning is a part of __________ function of the

A) Operational             B)Managerial               C) Analytical             D) Planning

17 The operational function of HRM does not includes

A) HRP              B)  HRIS            C) Employee safety                  D) Employee


18 The safety and health concern of the employees does not include

A) Maintaining temperature in work place           B) Air flow               C) Dress

code                     D) Hazardous

19 _____________ functions are the functions that are required to enhance the
skill and knowledge of the employees

A) Developmental                     B) Managerial                    C) operational          

D) none of the above

20 The development functions of HRM includes

A) HRD          B) T&D                    C) TQM                       D) All of the above

21 _____________ believes that quality is something which is not only to be

practiced in the products or the services of any organization rather it is to be
practiced throughout the organisation.

A) TQM                    B) Quality Circle               C) Organizational Policy              

D) none of the above

23-The following is (are) concerned with developing a pool of candidates in

line with the human resources plan
a. Development
b. Training
c. Recruitment
d. All of the above
24-Majority of the disputes in industries is (are) related to the problem of
a. Wages
b. Salaries
c. Benefits
d. All of the above

25-In an organisation initiating career planning, the career path model would
essentially form the basis for
a. Placement
b. Transfer
c. Rotation
d. All of the above
26-The ________ programme once installed must be continued on a permanent
a. Job evaluation
b. Training & Development
c. Recruitment
d. All of the above

27-The actual achievements compared with the objectives of the job is

a. Job performance
b. Job evaluation
c. Job description
d. None of the above

28-In an organisation initiating career planning, the career path model would
essentially form the basis for
a. Placement
b. Transfer
c. Rotation
d. All of the above

29-Performance development plan is set for the employee by his immediate

a. Employer
b. Department Head
c. Immediate boss
d. Any of the above

30-The following person has suggested the new concept which takes into
account various key factors that will tell the overall performance of a job.
a. Elliot Jecques
b. Fred Luthas
c. Juran
d. None of the above

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