Engine Gearbox Steering Suspension Rear Axles Fuel Tank Drive Shaft

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1 Label the diagram with the words listed below.

engine gearbox steering suspension rearaxles fueltank driveshaft

rear axles
fuel tank
drive shaft

2 Complete the text with the words listed below.

distance model driver long towing schedule

Carservicing,or schedule ofcarmaintenaLnce,dependsonseveralfactors.Theseincludetheyear,

make,and model 2ofthecar,itsdrivingconditionsand driver behaLviour. Car makers
• numberoftripsand distance 4travelledpertripperday
• extreme hot or cold dimate conditions
• mountainous, dusty or de-iced roads
• city stop-aLnd-go driving Or towing 5-distancecruisin8
long heanyloads.

3 Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (a-f).

1 release e a toforceintoless space
2 Open d b to force (afluid) into a passage or cavity
3 convert f c the use offorce on a surface against an object
4 inject b d to move from a shut or closed position
5 pressure c e toletgo
6 compress a I change into a different form

4 Complete the sentences with the words listed below.

filter coolant turns pressure wheel power

pressure canaffedfueleconony.
2 The staLrter motorbegins aprocess that turns theflywl`eelaLndthecrankshaLft.
3 The alternator provides power toeverypartOfthevehideonceitisstarted.
4 The steering column is toppedwiththe steering wheel
5 Afuel pump pushes fuel from the tank,through a filter thatremovesanydirt.
6 Awater pump pushes engine coolant throughpassagesinthemotor.

Carfare 11
1 Match the words (1-8) with the objects (a-h) to make exterior car parts.
1 head b a wipers
2 exhaust h b lights
3 wheel c c trim
4 front d d bumper
5 petrol e eCap
6 whdscreen a I mirror
7 wing f 8 handle
8 door g h pipe

2 Label the diagram with the words listed below.

bonnet frontbumper headlight indicator petrolcap roof tyre wheelarch windscreen wing

petrol cap
wheel arch
front bumper

3 Match the parts of the diagram (1-8) with the instruments.

1 coolaLnt temperature gauge_
2 driver information system_
3 engine ofltemperature
4 hazardvarning/
5 fuelgauge_5
6 revcounter_2
7 speedometer_6
8 7
4 Look at the picture in Question 3. Which instrument...?
1 showsyou how fast the car is travelling? 6
2 wams you if the engine lubrication system getstoohot? 1
3 showsthat you are indicatingto turn left or right? 3
4 shows you how often the engine is turning over? 2
5 showsyou how much petrolyouhave in the tank? 5
6 indicates the voltage of the car's electrical system? 7

Ill Car Care

1 Match the verbs (1-6) with the definitions (a-f).
1 adjust c a make sure something is correct or sarfe
2 check a b filltothe correctlevel
3fit e c change something slightlybecause it is inthe wrong position
4 inspect f d trysomethingto seehowwellitworks
5 test d e put something in the correct place
6 topup b I look at somethingvery closely or in detail

2 Completethe puzzle.

Across I
1 This keeps the brake lubricated: brake fluid F UEL P
3 4

3 Thiscanbepetrol ordiesel. fuel S I

5 This fluid is put inthe cooling system. coolant E S
7 The motion of the pistons rotates this. crankshaft
Y O w

10 You use a dipstickto checkthe L CRANKS HAF T
7 8 9


11 You need electricityfromthis to startthe engine. starter O I L C P S


Dorm N I A H
2 Atypeoffuel. diesel D D R E

4 This moves up and down in the qdinder. piston R P

5 Asix- cylinder engine. L
6 This fluid is used to the windscreen clean: windscre en washer U
8 This is highly corrosive:battery acid G
9 This ignites the fuel-air mi3rfure in patrol engines. (2 words) spark plug
3 Put these steps for changing a tyre in the correct order.
a Remove the oldtyre from underthe vehicle andlower the vehicle.
b Take the spare tyre out of the boot and make sure it is in good condition.
c Check againto make sure the wheel nuts are tight.
d Remove the tyre and put it under the vehicle, next to thejack.
e Put the vehicle into gear (manualtransmission) or park (automatic).
f Use ajackto raisethevehicle.
g Fit the spare tyre andtightenthe wheel nuts.
h Secure the opposite wheelto stop it moving.
i Loosen the wheel nuts slightly.
j Loosenthewheelnuts more andremovethem.

liz_ h3_i 4_ f 5_j 6_d 7_b 8_g 9_c 10_


ra. rj,,a Ill

1 Match the verbs (1-6) with the definitions (a-f).
1 adjust a make sure something is correct or saLfe
2 check b filltothe correctlevel
3flt c change something slightlybecause it is inthe wrong position
4 inspect d trysomething to see howwell it works
5 test e put something in the correct place
6 topup I look at somethingvery closely or in detail

2 Completethe puzzle. 1

3 4
1 This keeps the brake lubricated: brake
3 Thiscanbepetrol ordiesel.
5 This fluid is put inthe cooling system. 5

7 The motion of the pistons rotates this. 6

10 You use a dipstickto checkthe 7 8 9


11 You need electricityfromthis to startthe engine.
2 Atypeoffuel. JIl

4 This moves up and down in the qtlinder.

5 Asix- engine.
6 This fluid is used to the windscreen clean: windscre en
8 This is highly corrosive:battery
9 This ignites the fuel-air mixture in patrol engines, (2 words)

3 Put these steps for changing a tyre in the correct order.

a Remove the oldtyre from underthe vehicle and lower the vehicle.
b Take the spare tyre out of the boot and make sure it is in good condition.
c Check againto make sure the wheel nuts are tight.
d Remove the tyre and put it underthe vehicle, next to thejack.
e Put the vehicle into gear (manualtransmission) or park (automatic).
f Use ajackto raisethevehicle.
g Fit the spare tyre andtightenthe wheel nuts.
h Secure the opposite wheelto stop it moving.
i Loosen the wheel nuts slightly.
j Loosenthewheelnuts more andremovethem.

liz_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10_

far tar. Ill

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