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P&ID Preparation Procedure

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P&ID and UFD

For Internal


FORM 552-1 4
SHEET 2 - 43

1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 3

2. GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1. SHEET SIZE AND TITLE BLOCK ................................................................................................................... 4
2.2. UNIT NUMBER............................................................................................................................................ 4
2.3. CONFIGURATION OF P&IDS ....................................................................................................................... 4
2.4. DRAWING NUMBER OF P&ID ..................................................................................................................... 4
2.5. ARRANGEMENT IN P&ID ............................................................................................................................ 5
2.6. TYPICAL ARRANGEMENT FOR BATTERY LIMIT ........................................................................................... 7
2.7. NUMBERING SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................. 9
2.8. NACE MR0103-2003 APPLICATION ........................................................................................................... 9
2.9. WINTERIZATION ...................................................................................................................................... 10
2.10. OTHERS ............................................................................................................................................... 12
3. PIPING ................................................................................................................................................ 12
3.1. DRAINAGE SYSTEM .................................................................................................................................. 12
3.2. VENT AND DRAIN SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................ 13
3.3. AIR OPERATED VALVE (AOV) HOLD ...................................................................................................... 13
3.4. STEAM-OUT CONNECTION FOR PIPING ...................................................................................................... 15
3.5. TEMPORARY N2 PURGE CONNECTION ...................................................................................................... 15
3.6. UTILITY CONNECTION FOR PERMANENT USE ............................................................................................ 15
3.7. STEAM TRAP ............................................................................................................................................ 16
3.8. LINE CLASS BREAK POINT ....................................................................................................................... 16
3.9. SLOP HEADER (HOLD).............................................................................................................................. 19
3.10. UTILITY STATION ................................................................................................................................. 19
3.12. MISCELLANEOUS.................................................................................................................................. 20
4. INSTRUMENT..................................................................................................................................... 22
4.1. ELECTRIC SIGNAL LINE ........................................................................................................................... 22
4.2. LEVEL INSTRUMENT................................................................................................................................. 22
4.3. PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE INSTRUMENT ............................................................................................ 23
4.4. PRESSURE DIFFERENCE INDICATOR OF TOWER AND REACTOR .................................................................. 23
4.5. SELECTION FOR DIAPHRAGM TYPE INSTRUMENT ...................................................................................... 23
4.6. CONTROL VALVE ..................................................................................................................................... 24
4.7. EMERGENCY SHUT-OFF VALVE INSTALLATION (HOLD) ............................................................................. 26
4.8. SAFETY RELIEF VALVE ARRANGEMENT ................................................................................................... 27
4.9. TANK BLANKET SYSTEM BY NITROGEN .................................................................................................... 27
4.10. LOCAL SWITCH FOR MOTOR START/STOP ............................................................................................ 28
4.11. BACKUP INSTRUMENT FOR CONTROL LOOP .......................................................................................... 28
4.12. INSTRUMENT REPRESENTATION ........................................................................................................... 28
5. EQUIPMENT ....................................................................................................................................... 28
5.1. EQUIPMENT DESIGN INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 28
5.2. ISOLATION PHILOSOPHY .......................................................................................................................... 30
5.3. REPRESENTATION OF FLANGE .................................................................................................................. 30
5.4. PRESSURE VESSEL (COLUMN AND DRUM) ................................................................................................. 30
5.5. HEAT EXCHANGER ................................................................................................................................... 31
5.6. AIR COOLED HEAT EXCHANGER .............................................................................................................. 32
5.7. PUMP ....................................................................................................................................................... 33
5.8. COMPRESSOR........................................................................................................................................... 37
5.9. FIRED HEATER......................................................................................................................................... 37

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 3 - 43


This document covers the general criteria and procedures for the preparation and development of both Piping
and Instrument Diagram (hereinafter referred to as P&ID) and Utility Flow Diagrams (hereinafter referred to
as UFD) in ABU Project.

This document describes general rules to draft P&IDs and UFDs, therefore specific items and details in
preparing P&IDs and UFDs of individual units should be confirmed separately from this document.

The units which will be constructed in this project are composed of licensed units and non-licensed units.
However, this document is applied to the only non-licensed unit P&IDs and UFDs which will be prepared by
JGC. For the licensed unit’s P&IDs and UFDs which will be prepared by licensers, this document shall be
applied only when JGC will develop them.

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 4 - 43


2.1. Sheet size and Title Block

A1 (ISO) size sheet shall be used for the drawing as a standard. Sample title block was attached as the

2.2. Unit Number

The unit names and the unit numbers shall be according to BEDD (S-000-122-001).

2.3. Configuration of P&IDs

The following types of P&IDs shall be prepared:

2.3.1. P&ID for Individual Units

This is the P&ID for the individual units composing the onsite utility and offsite facilities.

2.3.2. Utility Flow Diagram (UFD)

This shows the distribution flow for the utilities between onsite facilities and utility headers, which shall be
prepared according to the main pipe rack (or sleeper) planning for the respective area.

2.3.3. P&ID for Process, Utility and Interconnecting Pipe

This is the P&ID showing the interconnections between the units. This diagram covers at least the
following information:

- Fluid Name
- Line Size and Class
- Requirement of Insulation and Steam Trace

2.3.4. P&ID for Package Unit

This is the P&ID which will be submitted by Package Vendor. All of package portion will be blanked out
in main P&ID.

2.4. Drawing Number of P&ID

Drawing number shall be given to each drawing as follows:

DWG. No.

P&ID for Legend and General Notes D-000-1225-101 ~

P&ID for individual units

- Individual section D-XXX-1225-101 ~
(Sequential number starting from 001 shall be saved for
tie-in diagrams for process lines.)
- Utility distribution D-XXX-1225-501 ~

Process Interconnection Pipe D-700-1225-101 ~

Utility Interconnecting Pipe D-700-1225-501 ~

(1) Legend and General Notes shall be common for all sections.
(2) XXX : Unit Number

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 5 - 43

2.4.1. Symbols and Abbreviations

Refer to Legend and symbols, D-000-1225-101-107

2.5. Arrangement in P&ID

2.5.1. Layout of Equipment

(1) Sheet is divided into four horizontal sections and equipment such as towers, drums, tanks, air cooled
heat exchangers and furnaces will be shown in the upper two sections. Heat exchangers will be
placed in the third quarter, and pumps and compressors in the lower section. Such arrangement is a
typical model and the flexibility to suit particular situations and allow a more realistic representation.

(2) The equipment number and service name for each major item shall be placed on the top of the sheet
and directly over the equipment as nearly as practical. The equipment number shall also be shown
alongside the equipment.

(3) P&IDs should have enough space for further detail information which will be provided in later stage.

2.5.2. Line
(1) A process line entering or leaving a unit shall be terminated at the bottom of a sheet with sheet
connection symbol which indicates the fluid name, the source or destination unit & equipment name.
Refer to (a) and (b) on the illustration below.

(2) A process line entering or leaving a sheet shall be terminated at the side of a sheet with sheet
connection symbol. If the process line is going to the sheet with greater drawing number, the process
line shall go to the right, and if it is to a lower drawing number, it shall go to the left. The fluid name,
the source or destination equipment item number and the drawing number on which it is continued
shall be indicated beside the sheet connection symbols. Continuation lines in the same unit between
sheets shall match with the heights from sheet to sheet.

DWG No.D-101 DWG No.D-102


(a) (d) (b)

Drawing No. Sequence

(3) A utility line which is continued on a UFD may terminate at any convenient location on the sheet, with
a sheet connection symbol.

(4) An instrument signal line entering or leaving a sheet shall be the same manner with the process line
with a sheet connection symbol shown below.

(5) Flow arrow symbols shall be shown to readily indicate the direction of flow.

(6) Main process lines shall be emphasized by bold lines. Unnecessary crossover of lines shall be
avoided as far as possible. If it is unavoidable, horizontal line shall basically take precedence over
vertical line as shown below. However, if the types of the lines in crossover are different, the
following order shall take precedence over the line position.

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 6 - 43

(a) Main process lines

(b) Secondary process lines and utility lines
(c) Loop lines for instrumentation

2.5.3. Sheet Connection Symbol

Connector inside of a unit shall include 3 digits of P&ID/UFD sheet number, and fluid name and source or
destination equipment item number shall be indicated beside the connector. Typical connection symbols are
shown below.

(1) Process line

- From/To Inside of a unit

Fluid Name
From Equip.No.
YYY : Contractor DWG. No. (Serial No.)
(For Licensor unit, Licensor DWG No will be replaced by
Fluid Name
XXX-YYY Contractor DWG No.
To Equip.No.

- Outside of a unit

Fluid Name
From/To Equip. No. XXX : Unit No. (upstream/downstream unit No.)
YYY : Contractor DWG. No. (Serial No.)

(2) Utility line

ABC : Fluid Identification Code
(UFD DWG. No. will not be indicated.)

(3) Instrument signal line

- From/To Inside Unit

From Inst. Tag No.
XXX : Unit No. (upstream/downstream unit No.)
YYY : Contractor DWG. No. (Serial No.)
To Inst. Tag No.

- Outside Unit
From/To Inst. No. XXX : Unit No.
YYY : Contractor DWG. No. (Serial No.)

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 7 - 43

2.6. Typical Arrangement for Battery Limit

2.6.1. Basic Concept

Valve arrangement types such as single block, double block, bleeder and blind provision should be selected
as follows. This table shows only typical selection of B.L arrangement for each service. Therefore
different type arrangement or means may be selected if there is certain process reason or JGC’s standard

Service Isolation by Bleeder Spectacle Notes


Hydrocarbon Services Double Block 3/4”or 1” Yes (*1)

Hydrogen and Hydrogen Services Double Block 3/4” Yes
Toxic Gas/Acid Gas Double Block 3/4” Yes
Lean Amine Solution Double Block 3/4” Yes
Rich Amine Solution Double Block 3/4” Yes
Chemicals, Fresh and Spent Caustic Double Block 3/4” Yes
Steams (HPS/MPS/LPS) Double Block 3/4” Yes
Condensate Water Single Block 3/4” None
Boiler Feed Water (BFW) Single Block 3/4” None
Cooling Water Supply/Return Single Block 3/4” None (*2)
Industrial Water/Sour Water Single Block 3/4” None (*2)
Fuel Gas Double Block 3/4” Yes
Plant Air/Instrument Air/Nitrogen Single Block 3/4” None
Flare Header Single Block 3/4” Yes
Slops Line Double Block 3/4” Yes

(*1) 1 inch bleeder shall be provided for the following service:
– VR line
– Flange rating is 1500# and greater
(*2) Butterfly valve to be applied for 6 inches and larger.

Typical arrangement of single block isolation is as follows:

- Incoming - Outgoing


3/4B 3/4B

Common Unit Unit Common

B.L. B.L.

Although a local pressure gauge (PI) is shown on the above each illustration, the requirements of
gauges/instruments at B.L should be subject to the followings:
- For process line : Depend on process requirements, any instruments are usually not required.
- For utility line : Refer to Section 2.6.4.

Typical arrangement of double block isolation is as follows. The requirements of instrument at B.L should

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 8 - 43

be determined by the same criteria as the single isolation.

- Incoming - Outgoing


3/4B 3/4B

Common Unit Note1 Unit Common

To warm up, 3/4” bypass line plus SB shall be
provided for HP steam B.L. valve, if the line
B.L. size is 6 inches and larger. B.L.

2.6.2. Consideration for Process Line

(1) B.L. isolation valves are not required between the integrated process units which are simultaneously
operated at every time and located in the same area.
For example,
– DHU (Unit 445) / NHT (Unit 445)

(2) Vent line to flare

When main line is equal to or larger than 1-1/2 inches, 1-1/2 inches vent connection connected to flare
header shall be provided at B.L for LPG service. Typical arrangement is as follows:



Upstream Unit Common


(*1) Minimum 600mm distance shall be provided between both valves.

2.6.3. Consideration for Utility Line

(1) One set of B.L isolation facilities shall be provided at unit header, branched off from the utility
interconnection pipe.
(2) Header isolation valve (root valve) does not have to be provided on branch lines, including

2.6.4. Instrumentation for Utility Line at Battery Limit

Flow, temperature and pressure measurement instruments should be provided on B.L of utility unit headers
from the utility interconnection pipe to each unit according to the following table:

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 9 - 43

Utility Name Flow Instrument Temp. Instrument Press. Instrument Notes

DCS Local DCS Local DCS Local
Steam ○ × ○ × × ○
BFW ○ × × ○ × ○
Condensate × × × × × ×
Cooling Water (S) ○ × × ○ × ×
Cooling Water (R) × × × ○ × ×
Raw Water × × × × × ○
Plant Water × × × × × ○
Instrument Air ○ × × × ○ ○
Plant Air × × × × × ○
Nitrogen × ○ × × × ○
Fuel Gas ○ × ○ × ○ ○

○ : Required
× : Not Required

The requirement of flow instrument shall be carefully reviewed. If individual users or generators have the
respective flow meter, no flow meter is required on the B.L of process unit.

2.7. Numbering System

Refer to BEDD, S-000-122-001 for equipment, instrument tag and line numbering system. JIS B type shall
be applied to the line size system of this project and small size shall be shown as 1/2 inches, 3/4 inches and
1-1/2 inches.

2.8. NACE MR0103-2003 Application

The following will be considered for determining the system should be applied for NACE:

(1) Saturated vapor lines

NACE shall be applied when the partial pressure of H2S is equal to or exceeds 0.0035kg/cm2A
(0.05PSIA), regardless of operating pressure, since they contain water as liquid by condensing due to
heat loss.

(2) Superheated vapor lines

NACE does not have to be applied, because they are dry (they do not contain water as a liquid).

(3) Multiphase lines

NACE shall be applied when the partial pressure of H2S in vapor is equal to or exceeds
0.0035kg/cm2A (0.05PSIA), regardless of operating pressure.

(4) Hydrocarbon liquid lines

NACE does not have to be applied, because their water content is small as the only saturated water is

(5) Condensed water line

Determine the requirement of NACE application to match with the upstream multiphase line.

(6) Sour Water Stripping Unit

NACE shall be applied to all sour gas and sour water lines except the treated water line.

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 10 - 43

2.9. Winterization
Winterizing protection shall be considered for the fluid which has higher pour point or solidifying point than
the lowest ambient temperature. Winterizing protection shall be considered based on 1°C of ambient
temperature for this project.

Winterizing protection is as follows:

(1) Hydrocarbon liquid

a. Normally Flowing Lines

– Bare piping, in which the liquid is likely to coagulate within about 12 hours after stop the liquid
flowing shall be hot insulated.
– Hot insulated lines, in which the liquid is likely to coagulate within about 12 hours after stop of
the liquid flowing, shall be steam traced, even though the liquid operating temperature is high.

b. Normally No Flowing Lines

– Steam trace is not required for start up lines. Start up lines should be considered that material
in these lines will be evacuated after finishing all of start up operation.
– Every size of piping, except the lines described as above, shall be steam traced and hot
insulated regardless of operating temperature, or be designed No Pocket. Steam purge
connection shall also be provided to empty the inside completely.

(2) Saturated vapor containing steam

a. Normally Flowing Lines

Steam trace is not required because winterizing protection should be considered based on 1 deg C of
ambient temp.

b. Normally No Flowing Lines

– Normally no flowing lines such as instrument lead piping and control valve bypass line shall be
steam traced. Hot insulation and steam trace for winterization is not required on inlet piping
of relief valve, because free draining piping layout to suction vessel is usually applied to.
– Due to the existence of chloride in CCR Regeneration section, heavy duty steam trace shall be
provided for dead space for instruments. Since these lines will be provided at high position
where low pressure steam could condensed, special pressure for steam trace shall be

(3) Aqueous solution

– Amine solution piping shall be steam traced, regardless of normally flowing or normally no
flowing, because the freezing point is over 1 deg C.
– For 20 Be caustic lines, steam trace is not required, because freezing temperature is around -10
deg C.
– For 48 Be caustic lines, steam trace is required, because freezing temperature is around 10 deg

Hot insulation and steam trace provided for winterization shall be clearly distinguished from them which are
provided by process requirements in P&IDs.

Example of insulation symbols:

(These abbreviations are incorporated into the line numbering system.)

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 11 - 43

For heat conservation For winterization

Hot Insulation H H (W)
Steam Jacket J J (W)
Steam Trace T T (W)

The extent of steam trace for instruments is as follows:

(1) Pressure Instrument (2) Flow Instrument





(3) Level Instrument


The instrument located on the steam traced line to prevent condensation problem such as reciprocating
compressor inlet and fuel gas does not need to be provided with the steam trace.

Break Point of Steam Trace is as follows:

- Utility connection - Connection to low pour point line
Fluid has a Low pour
high pour point point line

Utility from Header High pour point 1"


Steam trace should be applied to the line up to the Steam trace should be applied to the line,
first valve up to the connection point.

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 12 - 43

2.10. Others

2.10.1. General Notes

Indicate “SEE THE DRAWING D-000-1225-101-107 FOR LEGENDS AND GENERAL NOTES.” on each
drawing as general notes.


3.1. Drainage System

All of connections led to drainage system shall be indicated in P&ID. Basic idea is as follows:

3.1.1. Closed Drain

The following materials will be covered by closed drain system:
(1) Block-I (Bottom upgrading)
– Sour water from DHU
– Amine drain from ADIP amine and SCOT amine
– Caustic drain from LPG Merox unit

(2) Block-II (Aroma Complex)

– All hydrocarbon, except lighter material than C5
– Sulfolane drain from Sulfolane unit
– Desorbent drain from Parex unit

Plot plan will be divided into two parts, Block-I (Bottom) and Block-II (Aroma). In Block-I, closed drain
lines will be provided in the only limited area, while most of the area will be covered by closed drain lines in
Block-II. However, drainage system will not be required for the area which are relating to lighter material
than C5.

Closed drain and open drain connections shall be represented on P&ID as follows:


Fluid Identification Code

Amine Drain AMD

Indication of sheet connector shall be according to Para. 2.5.3.

3.1.2. Open Drain

The system will be categorized into two parts. One is for Oily Water and the other is for Semi Clean Water.

Open XXX : OS : Oily Water Sewer

Drain SS : Semi Clean Water Sewer

The drip funnel shall be indicated on P&ID, when drainage shall be led to the oily sewer water.
The underground piping for the closed drain shall be sloped minimum 1/500 and slop symbol shall be
indicated in P&ID.

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 13 - 43

3.2. Vent and Drain System

High point vents and low point drains shall be provided on piping. However, they are not shown on P&ID
and UFD.

3.2.1. Termination type

Vent and drain which are open to atmosphere shall be equipped with single block valve, screwed cap or blind
flange. A screwed cap end and blind flange end shall be classified, based on the following rules:

Screwed Cap End Blind Flange End

- 600# rating and greater
- 300# rating and lower - 2 inches and larger CS piping
- 1-1/2 inches and smaller CS - Any size for Alloy steel and Stainless
piping steel piping

P&ID symbol shall be followed P&ID of Legend and General Notes (6/7), D-000-1225-106

3.3. Air Operated Valve (AOV) HOLD

Air operated valve (AOV) shall be provided for the pumps, if at least one of the following conditions is
applicable. However, AOV does not have to be specified for the water service pumps.

(1) For 150# and 300#, AOV shall be provided for the suction and discharge valves, if the valve size is
equal to or greater than 8 inches.
(2) For 600# and larger, AOV shall be provided for the suction and discharge valves, if the valve size is
equal to or greater than 6 inches.
(3) AOV shall be provided for the suction valve, if the pump is operated at 200˚C and larger and
“Evaluation for Pump Mechanical Seal Failure” calculated according to the Table 3.2 is over 16
points and larger.

Typical configuration of AOV system is shown below.

Hold for this section until discussing with client.


FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 14 - 43

Table 3.2 Evaluation for Pump Mechanical Seal Failure (CPS-AP01)

Pump No
Pumping Material

1. Factor for heat of combustion ---(F) (Note 1) Note 1) The following factor
F = HL[kJ/kg] / 4200 (F) = can be selected as (F).
If pump can handle several
2. Operating Condition materials, Total Point shall
A. Operating temperature base factor be calculated for each
a. Over Flash Point 10 material and select the
b. Boiling Point 20 higher value.
c. Over 10 vol% of LPG 20
d. Over 200 deg C 25*f Material (F)
(f = Ope temp/200) Crude 10.5
Selected Factor (OT) = Light Nap. 10.8
(Select one factor from a to d) Heavy Nap. 10.6
Kerosine 10.5
B. Operating Pressure base factor LGO 10.4
a. -0.05MPa and lower (Column Press) 10 LCO 10.3
b. 0.15MPa and larger (Pump Suc Press) 5 HGO 10.3
c. 0.5MPa and larger (Pump Suc Press) 10 HCO 10.1
d. 1.0MPa and larger (Pump Suc Press) 20 SLO 10
Selected factor (OP) = RT 10
(Select one factor from a to d) DDS-P 10
RMT 10.7
C. Pump Suction Size base factor Gasoline 10.8
a. 8 inches and larger 5 C2+C3 11.4
b. 10 inches and larger 10 C3 11.3
c. 12 inches and larger 15 C4 11.2
d. 14 inches and larger 20
Selected factor (S) =
(Select one factor from a to d)

(C) = (OT) + (OP) + (S) = 0

(E) = (100+(C)/100) X (F) = 0

D. Piping Layout base factor

a. Below piperack 10
b. Below Air Coolers 20
Selected factor (P) =
(Select one factor a or b)

Total Point = (100+(P)/100) X (E) = 0

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 15 - 43

3.4. Steam-out Connection for Piping

Steam out connections shall be provided on piping appropriately to purge out hazardous material.
Basically they shall be permanent connection, not temporary one, and installed in combined with other
utility connections.

3.4.1. Arrangements
The typical configulation of steam out connection is as follows :

1-1/2B 1"


3.4.2. Location of Steam-out Connection

Purge-out connection shall be generally provided at the following points:

(1) Pump discharge lines : Main pump side (pump-A side)

Optimum location of those purge connection shall be reviewed by piping engineer in consideration of the
actual piping layout.

Steam-out connection shall not be applied on the fresh caustic lines.

3.5. Temporary N2 Purge Connection

N2 purge shall be applied to the systems which will not be allowed steam-out by process and mechanical

An actual piping arrangement is almost same as the steam-out connection. N2 connection size is
normally used 1 inch but larger size has to be installed based on the estimation from the volume and
required pressurizing speed.

1B 1"


3.6. Utility Connection for Permanent Use

The typical arrangement for combined utility connection is shown below:


1B 1-1/2B 1-1/2B



FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 16 - 43

3.7. Steam Trap

Typical arrangements are illustrated in P&ID of Legend and General Notes (D-000-1225-101-107).

Steam trap which is essential from the process requirements shall be specified by process engineer. They
are as follows:

– Turbine inlet
– Stripping steam to tower
– Heat exchanger outlet (Steam reboiler or steam header, etc. if required)
– Smokeless steam for Flare
– End of steam header

The other steam traps, such as steam header drain or low point drain, shall be specified by piping engineer
and not indicated in P&ID.

3.8. Line Class Break Point

As a general rule, line class break shall be specified, based on the following philosophy:

(1) The line class break point shall be at the final valve, if class break is required.
(2) Line class break point around control valve shall be at the bypass and block valve.
(3) For the product run down line, Unit Battery valves should be considered the valves are always
opened while Unit is operating. And the isolation valves for storage tanks should be considered
at least one rundown routing is always maintained while Unit is operating. Therefore, the line
class break is specified at the downstream of control vale at rundown line in Inside of Battery
(4) If new line is connected the existing line, class break point will be determined, considering design
condition of the existing line.
(5) High line class due to the tube rupture of S/T type heat exchanger shall be applied to up to the
upstream and downstream first valves of the heat exchanger. Refer to the typical example below.
(6) Class break around pump should be as follows:
– If pump discharge line class is 600# and smaller, pump discharge class shall be
applied to up to the pump suction valve, when a spare pump is installed.
– If pump discharge line class is 900# and greater, pump suction line class should be
decided by upstream condition. Since pump mechanical seal can not withstand for
significant high pressure, safety relief valve should be provided for pump suction.
(7) For the licensed unit, line class break point shall be subject to the licenser’s instructions.
(8) Project Engineer will specify the break point, based on the applicable code.

Typical examples of line class break are shown below:

- Control Valve

High Grade Low Grade Low Grade High Grade

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 17 - 43

- Control Valve for LPG service connected to low pressure

High Temperature Low Temperature

Grade Grade

High Pressure Grade Low Pressure Grade

- Safety Relief Valve

High Grade Low Grade

To Flare Header

Low Grade

High Grade


- Utility Connection
When Process
class is higher than
Utility class
Low Grade High Grade
Process Line

Utility from

High Grade Low Grade

When Utility class
is higher than
Process class

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 18 - 43

- Pump Suction

Pump discharge Pump discharge

line class, if line class, if
pump discharge pump discharge
line class is 600# line class is 600#
and smaller. and smaller.
Refer to 6). PG PG Refer to 6). PG PG



- Line Class governed by Tube Rupture of Heat Exchanger (line class of low pressure side shall be
upgraded by 10/13 rule application)

Pressure Side

Low Pressure Side

Class Break Point

10/13 rule shall be applied to the inlet and outlet nozzles and its companion flange.

- Line Junction

Low Grade High Grade

High Grade Low Grade

3/4” 3/4”

Low Grade High Grade High Grade Low Grade

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 19 - 43

- Junction with High Grade Line Class

A. Low to High Pressure B. High to Low Pressure

Low Grade High Grade

M Low Grade M
Low Head High Grade Low Head
Pump Pump

High Head * Install check valve
High Head
Pump Pump

3.9. Slop Header (Hold)

The following slop system is provided, considering the operational flexibility and minimizing loss of
valuable product during start-up and shutdown.

(1) Coker slop : Slop from Coker, DHU

(2) CRD slop : Hydrocarbon, except (1)

HCGO slop will be recycled to VR tank.

It is decided unit by unit which system is selected for the unit.

The line up of individual slop headers shall be considered, including the following concepts:
600# 300# 150#

Unit Common
break 3/4B 3/4B 3/4B CSO Slop Tank

(1) 150# pipe is applied to common header.

(2) Check & isolation valves shall be provided on individual slop lines.
(3) Slop header valves shall be specified as CSO.

3.10. Utility Station

(1) Project engineers shall decide the location of utility station, considering cost and plot plan.
(2) Fluid : Industrial Water, Plant Air and LP steam
(3) Size : 3/4 inches

3.11. Piping specified by “No Pocket” or “Free Draining” or “Gravity Flow” or “Slope”
For the piping layout for the captioned definition, refer to P&ID of Legend and General Notes (1/7),

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 20 - 43

3.12. Miscellaneous

(1) Typical vent and drain size for piping shall be 3/4”, unless otherwise specified.

(2) When a valve is CS and its size is 1-1/2” or less, welding connection should be applied, while the
flange connection is applied for 2” and above. For alloy valves, whose rating is equal to or
greater than 900#, typical connection shall be by flange regardless of its size.

(3) For 1500# and greater, all of valves, including control valves, will be butt welded, regardless of
size, material, or valve type.

(4) “Min.” shall be indicated on P&ID for the following points to minimize the pipe dead end:

– Between isolation valve

– Connection point of purge out
– Connection point of slop out

(5) For the lines in which two phases fluid flows and vapor pocket is not avoidable, show “Two Phase
Flow” on P&ID to provide against vibration problem and flow measurement.

(6) Weep hole shall be provided at low points in discharge line of safety relief valve, rupture disc and
silencer discharging to atmosphere. The hole diameter is 9mm and indicate “9MM WH.”

(7) The following specific notes shall be clearly specified in P&ID :

– Start-up line
– No pocket
– Free draining
– Gravity Flow
– Slope
– Minimum and maximum length requirement
– Symmetrical piping arrangement

(8) Show “free drain and minimum” at the outlet line of tower feed control valve, where vibration
expects due to flash & slug.
Note “X”
Free Draining


Note “X”: Two Phase Flow

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 21 - 43

(9) Indicate “Symmetrical Piping” for the exchangers, which have two nozzles.
Symmetrical Piping

(10) Free draining requirement is not necessary for the non condensable gas (e.g. nitrogen) line at the
upstream of the pressure control valve, when a check valve is provided at the downstream of
control valve.

N2 Flare

Free Draining Free Draining Free Draining

(*1) Free draining is not required.

(11) When the reactor inlet line is connected on the top MH, indicate elbow connection instead of spool

(12) Flange rating shall be indicated, if nozzle rating and connecting line class is different, such as all
the nozzles in 1-1/2” and smaller connected to equipment shall be min 300# rating, even if the
equipment rating is 150#.

(13) Manual drain valves for the water boot containing LPG should be arranged to have gate and globe
valves with minimum 600 mm distance between both valves.


MIN. 600MM

(14) Side cut draw off line from column tray shall drop vertically at least 3,000mm below bottom of
draw off nozzle, before the diameter reduction and/or horizontal run.

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 22 - 43

Min. 3000mm

(15) Personnel protection shall be provided on operating equipment when the stream temperature is 70
deg C and greater.


4.1. Electric Signal Line

Electric signal (-------------) and electric binary signal (----/--------/----) lines are different signal.
Therefore, they shall be properly represented on P&IDs according to the concept of control system.

4.2. Level Instrument

Differential pressure type level instrument shall be applied as far as possible except interface level
measurement and short measuring range (less than 500mm).

(1) As a general rule, independent connections shall be provided for the level gauge, level controller
and level switch. Their nozzle sizes are as follows:

– displacement type level transmitter : 2 inches

– level gauge : 1 inch
– differential pressure type level transmitter : 1 inch

(2) Standpipe is provided only for installation of multiple LGs, and its size is 2B and 300# minimum.
(rating Hold) Level transmitter may share the same standpipe with level gauge, while level
transmitter or switch incorporated into emergency shut down system shall have independent direct
connection on vessel.

(3) Block valves shall be provided on the standpipe.

(4) Indicate level gauge type beside LG balloon, based on the following criteria:

Symbol Type Criteria

M Magnetic Magnetic type level gauge is preferable.
For the service to be applied Magnetic or Transparent,
T Transparent refer to Sect and, Basic Design Criteria
for Process Engineering, H-000-1222-001.
R Reflection

(5) For level instrument for amine sump tank, vertical displacer type (top mount internal) level
instrument shall be provided on amine sump tanks located at underground. The size of the
displacer connection is 4 inches. Refer to section 5.7.3.

(6) For level instrument for Tanks of Water, Caustic and Amine Solution, use the direct mount
differential type level indicator with 3 inches diaphragm connection. Typical representation is as

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 23 - 43

3“ LI

(7) Upper side isolation valve for level instruments is not required, when vessel is open to atmosphere.

Valve is not required.


4.3. Pressure and Temperature Instrument

It shall be considered that pressure and temperature instruments are located on the vapor outlet line, rather
than direct mounting on the vessel as far as possible.
The connection size for pressure and temperature instrument for the vessel shall be min. 1inch and min.
1-1/2 inches respectively. For the clad section of vessels, the connection size shall be minimum 2 inches.
Therefore apply the following size on vessel connection.

Pressure Thermowell
– Non cladding 1” 1-1/2”
– Cladding 2” 2”

For piping, the following size will be used but not required to indicate in P & ID.
– Pressure 3/4”
– Temperature 1-1/2”

4.4. Pressure Difference Indicator of Tower and Reactor

3/4 inches of lead piping shall be used for the pressure difference transmitter of tower and reactor.

For pressure drop measurement of the full liquid reactor, strainer and treater, locate PDT meter at grade.
Delete free drain and slope requirement for full liquid service.

Refer to P&ID of Legend and General Notes (6/7), D-000-1225-106

4.5. Selection for Diaphragm Type Instrument

Diaphragm type instrument will be applied in principle to the highly corrosive, slurry, high pour point and
salt deposit services. From the characteristics of fluid, diaphragm type shall be applied to the following

– Atmospheric Residue (AR)

– Vacuum Residue (VR)
– Slop Wax

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 24 - 43

– Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil (HVGO)

– Heavy Coker Gas Oil (HCGO)
– Desulphurised Heavy Coker Gas Oil (DS-HCGO)
– SWS overhead vapor
– Amine overhead vapor

4.6. Control Valve

4.6.1. Indication of Instrument Air Failure Action

Failure action of control valve shall be shown as follows:

– FC : failure to close
– FO : failure to open
– FLC : failure lock (last position tend to close )
– FLO : failure lock (last position tend to open )

4.6.2. CV Arrangement
Typical CV arrangement is shown below:

A drain valve (size 3/4 inches) shall be installed at the inlet of control valve. However, the control
valves with bypass which possibly cokes deposit in the valve or handle seriously hazardous fluids, shall
be installed at both inlet and outlet. They are listed as follows:

(1) Sour Water Stripping Unit

– Sour Water Feed Line
– Sour Water Pump Around Circuit
– Acid Gas Line

(2) Services Relating to Amine Treating

– All Rich Amine Lines
– Regenerator OVHD Reflux
– Acid Gas Line

4.6.3. Type and Size of Block and Bypass Valve

(1) Valve Type

CV Block Valve All size Gate valve
CV Bypass 6 inches and smaller Globe valve
8 inches and larger Gate valve

(2) Valve Size Refer to the Table 4.1, Criteria for Valve Size of both Block and Bypass

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 25 - 43

Table 4.1 Criteria for Valve Size of both Block and Bypass (CES-I-501-02)
(Unit: Inches)
Control Valve Type of Line size
Size (Inch) Valve 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Block 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2
Bypass 1/2 3/4 1 1
Block 3/4 1 1-1/2 2
Bypass 3/4 1 1 1
Block 1 1-1/2 2 3
Bypass 1 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2
Block 1-1/2 2 2
Bypass 1-1/2 2 2
Block 2 3 3
Bypass 2 3 3
Block 3 4 4
Bypass 3 4 4
Block 4 6 6
Bypass 4 6 6
Block 6 8 8
Bypass 6 8 8
Block 8 10 10
Bypass 8 10 10
Block 10 12 12
Bypass 10 12 12
Block 12 14 14
Bypass 12 14 14
Block 14 16 16
Bypass 14 16 16
Block 16 18 18
Bypass 16 18 18

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 26 - 43

4.7. Emergency Shut-off Valve Installation (Hold)

In addition to the licenser’s standard practice, Emergency Shut-off Valves (ESV) should be provided at
the following locations for the safety purpose:

(1) Fuel Gas Line for burner

ESVs shall be provided to cut the fuel gas to burners.

(2) Large Differential Pressure Line

ESVs shall be provided to prevent gas breakthrough to downstream units at the place where
the differential pressure is larger than 100 kg/cm2.

Typical arrangements shall be followed on P&ID of Legend and General Notes (4/7), D-000-1225-104.

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 27 - 43

4.8. Safety Relief Valve Arrangement

Safety relief valve (SV) discharging into flare shall be installed at an elevated location to provide
discharge line with self-draining into the flare system. Suction line shall be free draining from SV to
suction vessel or line. Typical arrangement of SV is shown below:

To Flare Header



(1) SV sub-header may be provided when many SV are required at a service location.
(2) It shall be considered that SV are located on the vapor outlet line rather than direct mounting on
the vessel. Outlet vapor line size shall be reviewed with reference to API RP 521 criteria.
(3) Block valves (with CSO facilities) and bypass valves shall be provided for all SV installed to
protect pressure vessels and connected to flare header.
(4) 3/4 inches of bleed connections shall be provided on inlet and outlet line between the block valve
and SV. Bleed connection is not required for thermal relief valves provided on the lines.
(5) Discharge piping to the atmosphere shall have a 9mm diameter weep hole at the low point and
have no block valve on the discharge line.
(6) Set pressure shall be indicated adjacent to the SV. If SV is located high point of the full liquid
service, the set pressure shall be verified by taking account of the liquid head.
(7) If the bypass line is used for vessel vent, its size shall be the same as the vessel vent. Minimum
bypass line size is smaller of 1-1/2 inches or SV discharge line size.
(8) Spare SV is not necessary to be installed on stream.
(9) For the water coolers, SV is not required for cooling water line because CSO is specified for the
outlet valve on cooling water return line.

4.8.1. Thermal Relief Valve

(1) Spare relief valve and SV bypass are not required for HPG service, while ware house spare is
required for PV-1 service.

(2) For Water Service,

– Downstream block valve is not required.
– Upstream block valve with CSO facility is required.
– Relieving at grade

(3) For Hydrocarbon Service,

– Upstream block valves with CSO are required.

(4) Thermal Relief Valves are not required for the following case:
– Spare standby equipment is provided with SV
– The protected equipment is operated intermittently
– The protected equipment is considered to be isolated, then drained out immediately, when the
equipment is out of service.

4.9. Tank Blanket System by Nitrogen

Typical tank blanket system by nitrogen is illustrated below :

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 28 - 43

Free Draining

Free Draining

Locate at top of tank

4.10. Local Switch for Motor Start/Stop

Local switches for motor start/stop of pump, compressor and air cooler are not necessary to indicate in
P&IDs, since they are provided as the electric provision.

4.11. Backup Instrument for Control Loop

DCS temperature indicator and local pressure indicator shall be provided to backup the temperature
transmitter and pressure transmitter respectively which are incorporated into the control loop.

4.12. Instrument Representation

4.12.1. Skin Temperature Indicator


5. Equipment
5.1. Equipment Design Information
The design information for major equipment to be indicated on P&ID and UFD shall be as follows:

(1) Vessels (Columns/Drums)

– Item No. To be discussed with Client for
– Service Name this section.
– Diameter x Height/ Length
– Design Pressure/Temperature
– Code
– Line No. (for misc)

(2) Tanks
– Item No.
– Service Name
– Diameter x Height/ Length
– Storage Capacity (M3)
– Code

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 29 - 43

– Line No. (for misc)

(3) Air Cooled Heat Exchangers

– Item No.
– Service Name
– Area (m2)
– Design Pressure/Temperature
– Code
– Line No. (for misc)

(4) Heat Exchangers (Shell &Tube/Plate)

– Item No.
– Service Name
– Type & Area (m2)
– Design Pressure/Temperature
– Code
– Line No. (for misc)

(5) Fired Heaters, Boilers and Incinerators

– Item No.
– Service Name
– Design Duty
– Design Pressure/Temperature
– Code
– Line No. (for misc)

(6) Compressors
– Item No.
– Service Name
– Type
– Design Capacity (NM3/Hr)
– Suction Pressure / Discharge Pressure
– Motor (kW) / Turbine (rpm)
– Code

(7) Pumps
– Item No.
– Service Name
– Type
– Design Capacity
– Suction Pressure / Discharge Pressure
– Motor (kW) / Turbine (rpm)
– Code

(8) Miscellaneous Equipment

– Item No.
– Service Name
– Code

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 30 - 43

5.2. Isolation Philosophy

Valves and spectacle blinds are not necessary for equipment isolation but temporary blinds shall be used.
Temporary blinds are not shown on P&ID.

5.3. Representation of Flange

(1) Equipment nozzle : Represent by double lines.

(2) Flange on line *1 : Represent by double lines.

(3) Flange of valve : To represent as right 2 inches and larger

1-1/2 inches and smaller

*1 Where special requirement such as removable piece

5.4. Pressure Vessel (Column and Drum)

5.4.1. Beveled Welding
Vessel connection with large diameter (30” and larger) can be beveled for welding to minimize leak

5.4.2. Vessel Vent, Drain and Ventilation Nozzle

(1) Atmospheric vent of vessel shall be located on the highest point of vapor line. For termination
type, refer to Sec. 3.3.1, Termination type.
(2) Nozzle size for drain, vent and steam out shall be determined, based on Sect 2.1.6, Vent/Drain,
Basic design Criteria for Process Engineering, H-000-1222-001.
(3) Drain shall be provided at the lowest point of bottom’s liquid draw off line. When pumps are
installed with spare, the vessel drain shall be provided at the pump-A side and upstream of suction
isolation valve.

5.4.3. Steam-out Connection for Vessels

If steamout is required, maximum 2” nozzle shall be provided on the outlet piping.

If steam injection line is provided for the column, such as stripping steam, additional steamout nozzle is
not required.

5.4.4. Manhole Size and Placement

Manhole (MH) size shall be shown in P&ID. Manhole size shall be determined, based on Sect 2.1.5,
Manway/Handhole, Basic design Criteria for Process Engineering, H-000-1222-001.

5.4.5. Elevation
Elevation shall be shown in P&IDs/UFDs.
Skirt mark does not have to be indicated in P&ID/UFD, but the minimum required distance between the
base line and tangential line of the vessel shall be shown as follows:

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 31 - 43

Vertical Vessel Horizontal Vessel Reboiler


(Base Line) (Base Line)

5.4.6. Indication of Bottom Nozzle

Vessel bottom nozzle shall be represented as its flange is located outside of the skirt as follows:

5.4.7. Numbering of Column Trays

Trays number shall be shown in P&ID. Refer to Sect 2.2.2), Tray numbering, Basic design Criteria for
Process Engineering.

5.5. Heat Exchanger

5.5.1. Temperature Measurement
(1) Thermowells (TW) shall be provided at the inlet and outlet of all shell and tube type heat
exchangers (process/process service) for performance temperature measuring equipment.
(2) For cooling water coolers, a local thermometer (TI) shall be provided at a cooling water outlet, but
an indicator is not required for inlet temperature of cooling water, since it will be measured at
common supply header.
(3) When the exchanger unit consists of two or more exchangers in series, thermowells (TW) are not
required on the intermediate connection of both shell and tube sides.

5.5.2. Water Cooler

(1) Thermal relief valve is not be required on cooling water line, because the cooling water outlet
valve installed on the water return line shall be specified CSO.
(2) A local TG is located on cooling water return line.
(3) Vacuum breaker shall be provided at the highest point of the cooling water return line from water
cooler if the water cooler is located above 10m (Hold) from grade.
(4) Cooling water line valve size and type is as follows:

CWS valve for water cooler 2 inches and smaller Gate valve
3 inches and larger Butterfly valve
CWR valve for water cooler 6 inches and smaller Globe valve
8 inches and larger Butterfly valve

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 32 - 43

Typical indication on P&ID is as follows:

Note1 Note1
TG Vacuum breaker, if required.

5.5.3. Vent & Drain on Floating Head Type H/E

1 inch vent and drain connections will be furnished on a shell cover of floating head type S/T heat
exchangers. Typical indication on P&ID is as follows:



5.5.4. Steam Reboiler

If flow meter is located on the condensate line, 1500mm of the minimum required seal height shall be
specified to avoid condensate vaporization. Typical arrangement is as follows:



Min 1500mm

5.6. Air Cooled Heat Exchanger

(1) One-half of the fans shall be specified the auto-variable type fan pitch control, if the duty of air
cooled heat exchanger is controlled by the outlet temperature or the power consumption for an item
exceeds 37kW.
(2) For high corrosive or high fouling service, isolation valves and spectacle blinds should be provided
for individual bundles to conduct on-stream cleaning.
(3) If air cooled heat exchanger consists of two or more bundles, thermowell (TW) shall be provided
for the outlet line of each bundle.
(4) Vibration switches are provided for each motor and a common DCS alarm and local alarm is
installed for the individual services.

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 33 - 43

Typical indication in P&ID is as follows:






(5) Louver Control

When the outlet temperature is controlled by louver, typical indication in P&ID is as follows:




5.7. Pump
5.7.1. Centrifugal Type
(1) Suction valve size shall be the same as the line, however, if pump suction nozzle is two or more
sizes smaller than the suction line, the valve may be specified one size larger than pump nozzle.
(2) Discharge valve shall be the same as the line, however, if the discharge line size is 8 inches and
larger and pump discharge nozzle is two or more size smaller then discharge line, check valve and
block valve may be specified one size smaller than line.
(3) Pressure Instrument
a. A local pressure gauge (PI) shall be installed on both pump suction and discharge lines of all
b. A local or DCS PDI across a suction strainer shall be provided according to the licensor’s
(4) Warm-up Line
a. Warm-up Line is installed when the fluid temperature is higher than 150 oC or when the fluid

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 34 - 43

solidifies at ambient temperature or pump vendor specifies.

b. 3/4 inches size globe valve and restriction orifice (RO) shall be provided on warm-up line. For
High differential pressure service, RO will be designed by pump vendor.




(5) Pump Suction Strainer Type

T-Type : 2 inches and larger
Y-Type : 1-1/2 inches and smaller
Bucket Type : high viscous and serious fouled services

(6) Running Status Indicator

Running status indicator of motor driver on DCS shall be provided on all pumps, compressors and
AFC motors.

(7) Auxiliary P&ID for Pump Details

Information to be indicated in the main P&ID

- Seal trouble alarm, if provided





(when applicable)

Note : Signals of the respective switch to dictate trouble are transferred by DCS system, but one common
trouble alarm is shown on the DCS display.

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 35 - 43

(8) Typical Arrangements around Centrifugal Pump

a. General Service




b. Highly Volatile Service

Specific requirements to the arrangement for the pumps handling highly volatile liquid (including
LPG) are highlighted as follows:
– 3/4” valve for utility connection (N2 purge) shall be provided on the suction line of each
– Vent line (1”) shall be led to the flare.
– Pressure equalizing line (1”) to the suction vessel shall be provided.

If licenser specifies the arrangements around LPG pump, the provisions for highly volatile liquid
shall be followed. 1” pressure equalizing line to the suction vessel shall be provided, even if
licenser does not specify.

Free Draining

Vent to Flare

*2 *2
1” 1”
*2 *2

1” 3/4” 1” 3/4”
PG *1 PG PG *1 PG
3/4” 3/4”


*1 Utility connection
*2 Provide Approximately min.
600mm distance between both valves
(center to center)

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 36 - 43

c. Heavy Oil Services

Typical arrangements for the pump handling the heavy oil with high pour point, such as gas oil
and heavier, are indicated in the Attachment-2.

The specific requirements for such services are highlighted as follows:

– Flushing oil connection (min. 1-1/2”) shall be provided on the suction line of pump for
heavy oil services
– All drainages shall be routed to hot slop header.
– Diaphragm type pressure instrument shall be applied to the service, described in Sect 4.5.
– Min. drain size shall be 1 inch.
– Bucket type strainer shall be applied and a local pressure indicator shall be installed at the
strainer outlet for high viscous and serious fouled service, as shown in Sect 5.7.1, Item 4.
– Bypass line to enable to warming up by hot oil circulation.

5.7.2. Reciprocating Type

(1) Suction and discharge valve size shall be the same as line size
(2) A local pressure gauge (PI) shall be installed on the discharge line of pump.
(3) Y-type strainer shall be provided for pump suction.
(4) The external pressure relief valve is not required, since the reciprocating pump built in the relief
(5) Request to the pump vendors to investigate the requirements for pulsation suppression device on
the pump discharge lines. Such device shall be clearly indicated on P&IDs, if required.

Typical arrangement around the reciprocating pump is as follows:


Chemical Supply M

5.7.3. Submerged Pump

Closed drain sump pump will be operated as the following procedure:
– Manual start by operator upon the high level alarm
– Automatic stop by low liquid level
– 4” of internal float will be used for level transmitter. To avoid accumulation vapor in the guide
pipe, provide 15mm vent hole at the top of guide pipe, inside of vessel. Representation on
P&ID is as follows :

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 37 - 43


M 4” 15mmφ
Vent Hole

5.8. Compressor
5.8.1. Centrifugal Type
(1) Suction strainer
Temporary strainers shall be supplied by compressor vendor in all compressor suction lines and as close
to the compressor as practical.

(2) Discharge piping

A quick response check valve, such as Dual Plate Check Valve with center-of-percussion stop (or
equivalent) shall be installed in the discharge of each compressor, if required.

5.8.2. Reciprocating Type

(1) Discharge piping
The check valve used in the discharge line of reciprocating compressor shall be non-swing check
valve such as piston lift check or non-slum check.

(2) Suction strainer

A permanent suction strainer shall be provided by vendor as close to the suction of the compressor.

5.9. Fired Heater

Typical arrangement of the conventional type fired heaters is shown in the Attachment 3.1 and 3.2.

5.9.1. Instrument Connections

The following instrument connections shall be provided on the fired heater.
(1) Draft gauge connections : below convection section and inlet & outlet
of stack damper
(2) Flue gas sampling connections : inlet of stack damper
(3) Oxygen analyzer : below convection section
(4) Temperature measurement connection : below convection section and inlet of stack damper

5.9.2. Consideration for Process Line

(1) Symmetrical piping arrangement shall be applied to inlet and outlet lines of heater and it shall be
clearly indicated on P&ID, when flow control valves to each pass are omitted.
(2) Minimum stopper shall be provided on the flow control valve which is installed on each pass inlet
of heater.
(3) In case of multipass heater, DCS temperature indicator (TI) shall be provided at the each pass

FORM 552-2 4
SHEET 38 - 43

outlet as per Licenser’s design.

5.9.3. Consideration for Fuel Gas Line

(1) N2 purge connection
1 inch permanents N2 purge connection shall be provided at the isolation valve inside of the fuel gas
and pilot gas supply line.
(2) Vent to Flare
1 inch vent line to flare shall be provided at the end of fuel gas and pilot gas header.

5.9.4. Snuffing Steam

Provide snuffing steam connection using M.P. steam. The isolation valve shall be located at grade.

FORM 552-2 4

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