Referred Pain

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esophagus and aortic aneurysm between shoulder blades

pancreas mid low back and under left rib.

pancreatitis mid epigastric pain radiating thru to back.

where is epigastric pain right below your ribs in the area of your upper abdomen.

what is cholecystitis Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder.

where is cholecystitis felt abdominal and Right upper quadrant

heart and lung chest, back, neck ,jaw, arms.

abdominal aortic aneurysm nonspecific lumbar pain.

kidney, bladder, ovary and uterus trunk, pelvis, thighs.

spleen left epigastric front and back.

where is the spleen? right under the lateral left lung.

what does the spleen do? it's like a large lymph node.
it filters out old red blood cells and makes antibodies and removes antibody-coated bacteria and
antibody-coated blood cells by way of blood and lymph node circulation

where is the apex of the patella? the bottom.

base is the top.

what is myelopathy? any neurologic deficit related to the spinal cord

what is myotonia? delayed relaxation of muscles after voluntary contraction or electrical


what does tarsal tunnel syndrome look like? numbness in the foot radiating to the big toe and the
first 3 toes, pain, burning, electrical sensations, and tingling over the base of the foot and the heel

where is the tarsal tunnel? right behind medial malleous

what is tarsal tunnel syndrome also known as? posterior tibial neuralgia
difference between myelopathy and radiculopathy? Myelopathy may sometimes be
accompanied by radiculopathy. Radiculopathy is pinching of the nerve roots as they exit the
spinal cord or cross the intervertebral disc, rather than the compression of the cord itself

PVC's occurring in pairs is couplets

PVC's occurring every other beat is bigeminy

CTSIB conditions one to three all firm surface. open, closed, conflict eyes.

CTSIB condiiton 4-5-6 compliant surface. open, closed, conflict.

CTSIB visual dependence 2,3,5,6

CTSIB surface dependent 4,5,6

CTSIB vistibular loss 5,,6

CTSIB sensory selection probl 3,4,5,6

capsular pattern of occipitoatlantial joint? flexion limited more than extension

capsular pattern of atlanto axial joint? limitation with rotation

lower C spine capsular pattern? sidebend and rotation equally limited and both greater than
extension. flexion not limited.

shoulder capsular pattern external, abduction, internal.

humero ulnar and radial loss of flexion more than extension.

forearm pronation and supination the same

wrist capsule pattern flexion same as extension.

hand digits flexion more than extension

T spine capsule pattern Sidebend and rotation, then extension, then flexion

lumbar spine capsule pattern extension more than flexion. sidebend and rotation the same

hip capsule pattern limited flexion and internal rotation.

some limitation abduction.
little or no limitation in adduction or external.

knee capsule pattern flexion more than extension

talocrural capsule pattern planterflexion more than dorsi

subtalor capsule pattern joint fixed in valgus, limitations in varus.

midtarsal capsule pattern supination more than pronation

first MTP limited extension, slight limit flex

MTP 2 to 5 flexion restrictions

interphalangeal extension restrictions.

medial left arm pain with pain in jaw heart attack

Right sub scapular pain gall bladder attack

Thoracic or flank painkidney problems

Left upper quadrant and shoulder pain Spleen

Right upper quadrant pain Liver

Pain percieved in upper traps Diaphragm

Left axilla and pectoral region Heart

Tip of the shoulder and scapular region Gall Bladder

Head of Pancreas Right shoulder

Tail of Pancreas Left shoulder

Oesophagus Pain referred to Mid back

Pancost tumor C8 and T1 nerve root distribution

Liver Right UQ and Right Shd

Peptic Ulcer Right UQ and Right Shd

Gall Bladder Mid back and Scapula

Stomach Mid back and Scapula

Small Intestine Mid back and Scapula

kidneys low back pain and/or ipsilateral shoulder

Hiatal Hernia shoulder pain

Femoral Hernia Lateral Pelvic wall

Inguinal Hernia groin pain

Umblical Hernia Umbilicus, mid to lower abdomen

Diaphragm Left Shoulder

Kehr's sign - which organs and where ? Spleen and stomach at left shoulder

Murphy's sign Cholecystitis gall bladder

Mac Burneys point Appendix

Roosvigs Signs Palpate at Lt Lq, pain refered to rt ..indicates appendicitis

Pinch and inch on Lt Diverticulitis

Pinch and inch on Rt Appendix

Blumberg signRebound tenderness..indicates Peritonitis

Markle sign RLQ pain elicited by dropping from standing on toes to heel.. jarring effect
localized peritonitis due to appendicitis

Obturator sign flex and ir -> appendicitis

Psoas sign extn of le - appendicitis

Cullen's sign and grey turner sign acute pancreatitis ( bruising around the umbilical region)
Duodenum Epigastric region
Upper shoulder (irritation of diaphragm)

Pancreas Central epigastric region

Left back approx at level of the diaphragm

Gallbladder Right upper quadrant (just above the costal margin) wrapping up and around
toward the scapula
Upper shoulder (irritation of diaphragm)

Liver Right upper quadrant (along the costal margin) wrapping down toward sacral region
Upper shoulder (irritation of the diaphragm)

Appendix Umbilical region radiating toward right lower quadrant

UretersInguinal regions extending along groin

Kidneys Flanks (left and right lumbar regions) at about the level of the umbilicus wrapping
around to the back

Stomach Epigastric region following the costal margin and wrapping under the left arm.
Between the shoulder blades.

Spleen Left upper quadrant, lateral side.

Esophagus Sternal region

Heart Left pectoral region radiating down the medial side of the left arm and up toward the

Small intestineUmbilical region

Duodenum Central epigastric region

Upper shoulder (irritation of the diaphragm)

Cecum Hypogastric region

Sigmoid colon Left and right margins of the hypogastric region.

Diaphragm Top of shoulder wrapping down over the scapula
Where can pain from the esophagus refer to?Midback

Where can pain from the diaphragm refer to? Shoulder

Where can liver pain refer to?Shoulder

Where can pain from the pericardium refer to? Shoulder

Where can pain from the appendix refer to? Abdomen

Low back

Where can colon pain refer to? Lowback


Where can pancreatic pain refer to? Scapula


Where can gallbladder pain refer to? Right Scapula

Abdominal pain

Where can heart pain refer to? Chest

Upper extremity

You suspect a patient has an aortic aneurysm. Where can this pain refer to? Midback pain
Low back pain

Where can kidney pain refer to? Trunk


Where can bladder pain refer to? Trunk

Medial Thigh

Where can pain from the ovary refer to? Trunk

Where can pain from the uterus refer to? Trunk

Where can pain due to constipation refer to? Anterior groin, hip, and thigh region

Where can stomach pain refer to? Scapula


Where can intestinal pain refer to? Scapula


Your patient has a history of using opiods and is now complaining of pain in the anterior hip,
groin, and thigh. He complains of constipation. What is the cause of this patient's pain?

Your patient has a positive Murphey's sign. What does this mean? Acute cholecystitis

Your patient has upper abdominal pain that radiates to the right scapula. Where is this pain being
referred from? Gallbladder

Your patient complains of band-like pain that radiates to the back and is worse in a supine
position. Where is this pain being referred from? Pancreas

Pain in the left lower quadrant is indicative of what? (coupled with nausea, vomiting, and
elevated WBC count) Diverticulitis

Pain the left upper quadrant is indicative of what? Pancreatitis

Pain the right upper quadrant is indicative of what? Gallbladder

A positive Roving's sign (palpation of LLQ leads to pain the RLQ) is indicative of what?

Where can pain from the prostate refer to? Lower abdominals
Low back

Where can pain from Chron's disease refer to? Hip/pelvis

Relieved by passing gas

Your patient complains of burning pain. What is the source of pain? Neurological

Your patient complains of achin pain. What is the source of the pain? Musculoskeletal
Your patient complains of throbbing pain. What is the source of pain? Vascular

Your patient complains of agonizing pain. What is the source of pain? Emotional

Referred pain for femoral hernia? Lateral pelvic wall
Pain percieved in upper traps Diaphragm

Left axilla and pectoral region Heart

Tip of the shoulder and scapular region Gall Bladder

Pancreas Common: Mid to low back

Rare: Upper back, midscapular

Somatic pain from the Tail of the pancreas hitting the diaphragm: Left shoulder

Head of the pancreas: right shoulder

Esophagus Pain referred to Mid back

Liver Right Shoulder pain

Back pain between spine and scapula on the right side

Peptic Ulcer Right UQ and Right Shd

Gall Bladder Mid back and Scapula

Stomach Mid back (T6-T10), Right shoulder/upper trap and Right Scapula

Small Intestine Low back (L3-L4)

kidneys low back pain and/or ipsilateral shoulder

Hiatal Hernia shoulder pain

Femoral Hernia Lateral Pelvic wall

Inguinal Hernia groin pain

Umblical Hernia Umbilicus, mid to lower abdomen

Diaphragm Left Shoulder

Kehr's sign - which organs and where ? Spleen and stomach at left shoulder

Murphy's sign Cholecystitis gall bladder

Mac Burneys point Appendix

Roosvigs Signs Palpate at Lt Lq, pain refered to rt ..indicates appendicitis

Pinch and inch on Lt Diverticulitis

Appendix Location: RLQ pain

Referral: First referred to epigastric or peri-umbilical area

Right hip and/or right testicle

Blumberg signRebound tenderness..indicates Peritonitis

Markle sign RLQ pain elicited by dropping from standing on toes to heel.. jarring effect
localized peritonitis due to appendicitis

Obturator sign flex and ir -> appendicitis

Psoas sign extn of le - appendicitis

Cullen's sign and grey turner sign acute pancreatitis ( bruising around the umbilical region)

large intestine Sacrum (posterior) when the rectum is stimulated

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