Mini Quiz 4 Study Questions: Also Study All Problems in Homework 7

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Prof. J.

Mechanical Engineering
Electrical and Computer
System Engineering Division



Mini Quiz 4 Study Questions (Quiz date 12/10/20)

1. Consider the system x = u, y = x.
(a) Write the system in (first order) state-space form.
(b) Is the system you have written controllable? Observable?
(c) Design a full-state observer with poles at −1, −2, −3.
2. Consider the linear time invariant system

ẋ = Ax + bu, y = cx,
s1 0 1
where A = ,b= , and c = (1, 1).
0 s2 1
(a) State necessary and sufficient conditions for the system to be both controllable and
(b) Consider the system
ẋ1 1 0 x1 1
= + u
ẋ2 0 2 x2 1

y = x1 + x2 ,
and let λ1 and λ2 be any two points in the complex plane. Design a state feedback control law
such that the closed loop system has its poles at λ1 and λ2 .
3. Consider the system
      
ẋ1 0 1 0 x1 0 0  
 ẋ2  =  0 0 0   x2  +  1 0  u1 .
ẋ3 0 0 0 x3 0 1

Write down a feedback law u = Kx such that the closed loop system has all it eigenvalues at
λ = −1.

Also study all problems in Homework 7.

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