Homework 4: ME 570 - Prof. Tron

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Homework 4

ME 570 - Prof. Tron


In this homework, you will implement the A* graph search algorithms, and apply it to a
discretization of the sphere world and the two-link manipulator from previous assignments.
General instructions
Programming For your convenience, together with this document, you will find a zip
archive containing Matlab files with stubs for each of the questions in this assignment; each
stub contains an automatically generated description of the function and the function header.
You will have to complete these files with the body of each function requested. The goal
of this files is to save you a little bit of time, and to avoid misspellings in the function or
argument names. The functions from the parts marked as provided (see also the Grading
paragraph below) contain already the body of the function.
Please refer to the guidelines on Blackboard under Information/Programming Tips &
Tricks/Coding Practices.
Homework report Along the programming of the requested functions, prepare a small PDF
report containing one or two sentences of comments for each question marked as report ,
and including:
• Embedded figures and outputs that are representative of those generated by your code.
• All analytical derivations if required.
You can include comments also on the questions marked as code , if you feel it necessary
(e.g., to explain any difficulty you might have encountered in the programming), but these
will not be graded. In general, do not insert the listing of the functions in the report (I will
have access to the source files); however, you can insert short snippets of code if you want to
specifically discuss them.
A small amount of beauty points are dedicated to reward reports that present their content
in a professional way (see the Grading criteria section in the syllabus).
Analytical derivations To include the analytical derivations in your report you can type
them in LATEX(preferred method), any equation editor or clearly write them on paper and
use a scanner (least preferred method).
The submission will be done on Gradescope through two separate assignments, one for the
questions marked as code , and one for those marked as report . See below for details. You

can submit as many times as you would like, up to the assignment deadline. Each question is
worth 1 point unless otherwise noted. Please refer to the Syllabus on Blackboard for late
homework policies.
Report Upload the PDF of you report, and then indicate, for each question marked as
report , on which page it is answered (just follow the Gradescope interface). Note that some
of the questions marked as report might include a coding component, which however will
be evaluated from the output figures you include in the report, not through automated tests.
Many of these questions are intended as checkpoints for you to visually check the results of
your functions.
Code questions Upload all the necessary .m files, both those written by you, and those
provided with the assignment. The questions marked as code will be graded using automated
tests. Shorty after submission, you will be able to see the results for some of the tests: green
and red mean that the test has, respectively, passed or not; if a test did not pass, check
for clues in the name of the test, the message provided on Gradescope, and the text of this
assignment. You can post questions on Blackboard at any time.
Note 1: The final grade will depend also on additional tests that will become visible only
after all the grades have been reviewed as a whole. It is therefore important that you examine
the results in the figures that you will generate for the report.
Note 2: The automated tests use Octave, a open-source clone of Matlab. For the purposes
of this class, you should not encounter any specific compatibility problem. If, however, you
suspect that some tests fail due to this incompatibility, please contact the instructor.
Optional and provided questions. Questions marked as optional are provided just to
further your understanding of the subject, and not for credit. Questions marked as provided
have already a solution provided in the file accompanying this assignment, which you can
directly use unless you want to answer it by yourself. If you submit an answer for optional or
provided questions I will correct it, but it will not count toward your grade.
Maximum possible score. The total points available for this assignment are 29.0 ( 28.0
from questions, plus 1.0 that you can only obtain with beauty points).
Some hints are available for some questions, and can be found at the end of the assignment
(you are encouraged to try to solve the questions without looking at the hints first). If you
use these hints, please state so in your report (your grading will not change based on this
information, but it is a useful feedback for me).

Use of external libraries and toolboxes All the problems can be solved using Matlab’s
standard features. You are not allowed to use functions or scripts from external libraries or
toolboxes (e.g., mapping toolbox), unless specifically instructed to do so (e.g., CVX).
Graph data structure and utilities
Both problems in this homework represent the configuration space as a graph. In practical
terms, the graph will be represented by a structure array graphVector , where each element
of the array is a struct with fields:

• neighbors (dim. [NNeighbors × 1]): an array containing the indexes (in graphVector )
of the vertices that are adjacent to the current one.
• neighborsCost (dim. [NNeighbors × 1]): an array, with the same dimension as the
field neighbors , containing the cost to move to each neighbor.
• g (dim. [1 × 1]): scalar variable to store the cost from the starting location along the
path through the backpointer.
• backpointer (dim. [1 × 1]): index of the previous vertex in the current path from
the starting location.
• x (dim. [2 × 1]): the physical (x, y) coordinates of the vertex.
Note that, in the above, the dimension NNeighbors is in general different for each element
in graphVector . The graph is defined by the fields x , neighbors , neighborsCost ; the
fields g and backpointer will be added and used by the graph search algorithm, which
will modify these fields while leaving the others constant.
To help you with the homework, the assignment includes a number of utilities.
Question provided 0.1. The first utility is a function to plot the graph.

graph_plot ( graphVector,... )
Description: The function plots the contents of the graph described by the graphVector
structure, alongside other related, optional data.
Input arguments
• graphVector (dim. [NNodes × 1], type struct ): .
Optional arguments
• ’nodeLabels’,flag : Enable/disable index labels for each node (default: false ).
• ’edgeWeights’,flag : Enable/disable the use of weights as edge labels, shown
in black (default: false ).
• ’backpointers’,flag : Enable/disable visualization of backpointers, shown as
short blue arrows; requires a non-empty value for the field backpointer in
graphVector (default: true ).
• ’backpointerCosts’,flag : Enable/disable additional node labels with back-
pointer costs, shown in blue; requires a non-empty value for the field g in
graphVector (default: false ).
• ’idxStart’,idxStart , where idxStart is an index in graphVector : mark
the starting node with a red cross.
• ’idxGoal’,idxGoal , where idxGoal is an index in graphVector : mark the
goal node with a red diamond.
• ’idxBest,idxBest , where idxBest is an index in graphVector : mark the
node currently being expanded with a green square.

• ’idxNeighbors’,idxNeighbors , where idxNeighbors is a [NNeighbors × 1]
vector of indeces in graphVector : mark a set of nodes (e.g., the neighbors of the
active node) with green crosses.
• ’idxClosed’,idxClosed , where idxClosed is a [NClosed × 1] vector of indeces
in graphVector : mark a set of closed nodes with blue squares.
• ’pqOpen’,pqOpen , where pqOpen is a struct vector storing a priority queue (see
Homework 1), with keys being indeces in graphVector : mark the set of nodes in
the priority queue with red circles.
Requirements: Note that the visualization may become slow when a large number of
labels (e.g., more than 1000) are included in the plot (with the options ’nodeLabels’ ,
’edgeWeights’ , or ’backpointerCosts’ ).

Question provided 0.2. The file graph_testData.mat includes already-made graphs,

stored in the variables graphVector and graphVector_medium . Additionally, the file
contains the graphs graphVector_solved , and graphVector_medium , which are the same
as graphVector , and graphVectorMedium , but with the fields g and backpointer
You can see a couple of examples of use of graph_plot and visualize the contents of the
file graph_testData.mat with the following.

graph_testData_plot ( )
Description: Visualizes the contents of the file graph_testData.mat using graph_plot ( )
and different sets of visualization options.

Question provided 0.3. The last provided utility allows you to find the nodes in the
graph that are closest to a given point.
[ idxNeighbors ]= graph_nearestNeighbors ( graphVector,x,k )
Description: Returns the k nearest neighbors in the graph for a given point.
Input arguments
• graphVector (dim. [NNodes × 1], type struct ): the structure describing the
graph of the roadmap, as specified in Homework 4.
• x (dim. [2 × 1]): coordinates of the point of which we need to find the nearest
• k (dim. [1 × 1]): number of nearest neighbors to find.
Output arguments
• idxNeighbors (dim. [NNeighbors × 1]): indeces in graphVector of the neigh-
bors of x . Generally, NNeighbors=k , except when graphVector contains less
than k vertices, in which case all vertices are returned.

In this homework, you will mainly use this function with k = 1 to find vertices that
approximate start and goal locations.

Question provided 0.4. This function should takes as input a discretized world and
outputs the corresponding graphVector structure.

[ graphVector ]= grid2graph ( grid )

Description: The function should return a graphVector structure described by the
inputs. See Figure 1 for an example of the expected inputs and outputs.
Input arguments
• grid (, type struct ): a structure with fields xx , yy , F as used in Homework
2 and 3. The field F should contain a logical array such that F(i,j) is true
if there is a cell (i.e., no collision) at the ( xx(i) , yy(j) ) location, and false
Output arguments
• graphVector (dim. [NNodes × 1], type struct ): structure array (as discussed
above), obtained from the points on the grid using a 8-neighbors connectivity. For
the cost to move from one neighbor to the other, use the Euclidean distance. The
size of array should be equal to the number of vertices in the graph.
Requirements: Note that the fields xx and yy in grid are to be intended as generalized
coordinate pairs, and their interpretation could be different than x and y coordinates of
points in R2 . For instance, in Problem 3 below involving the two-link manipulator, they
correspond to angles.

Problem 1: Graph search

In this problem you will implement a graph search algorithm, and apply it to a graph obtained
from a grid discretization of a free configuration space. In particular, you will apply this to
the two-link manipulator from Homework 3.
The graph search function you will develop will be generic, because it can work on a
graphVector data structure in a way that is somewhat abstract from the actual problem.
For instance, the function manipulates nodes in terms of their indexes in the data structure,
instead of, say, using their coordinates. In this way, the same function can be applied to
different problems (an occupancy graph in this problem and a roadmap in the next).
You will be required to implement the A* algorithm, for which the reference pseudo-code
for the algorithm can be found on page 531 of the book, and is reproduced in Algorithm 1
with some additional minor clarifications.
Data structures The algorithm uses a priority queue O, and a list of closed edges C. For the
priority queue O, you are expected to use the corresponding set of functions from Homework
1. For the list C, you should use a simple array. See Question code 1.5 for further details.
Debugging tips Since A* is a somewhat complex algorithm to implement, you should use
the provided function graph_plot ( ) and the provided data graph_testData.mat to test
the individual functions and check that the outputs are consistent with what you would
expect. In particular, embedding graph_plot ( ) together with the pause command in the
loop of graph_search ( ) during debugging is instructive (but remember to remove it in the
final version or, even better, use an optional argument to enable it only when needed).


3 3 Obs.
2 2 Obs.
grid.xx=[1 2]
grid.yy=[1 2 3] 1 1 4 neighbors=[1;2]
grid.F = neighborsCost=[1;1.414]
true true true 1 2 x=[2;1]
true false false (b) Graphical representation (c) The output struct array
(a) The input arguments. of the graph with 8-neighbors graphVector (the fields g and
connectivity. The num- backpointer are not visualized). This
bers represent the indexes
particular graphVector can be found
in graphVector . The
in the file graph_testData.mat .
name flagFreeSpaceMap
has been abbreviated to
flag for convenience.

Figure 1: Example of the input and output arguments for grid2graph ( ).

Question code 1.1.

[ hVal ]= graph_heuristic ( graphVector,idxX,idxGoal )

Description: Computes the heuristic h given by the Euclidean distance between the
nodes with indexes idxX and idxGoal .
Input arguments
• graphVector (dim. [NNodes × 1], type struct ): the structure describing the
graph, as specified above.
• idxX (dim. [1 × 1]), idxGoal (dim. [1 × 1]): indexes of the elements in
graphVector to use to compute the heuristic.
Output arguments
• hVal (dim. [1 × 1]): the heuristic (Euclidean distance) between the two elements.

Question code 1.2.

[ idxExpand ]= graph_getExpandList ( graphVector,idxNBest,idxClosed )
Description: Finds the neighbors of element idxNBest that are not in idxClosed (line
8 in Algorithm 1).
Input arguments
• graphVector (dim. [NNodes × 1], type struct ): the structure describing the
graph, as specified above.
• idxNBest (dim. [1 × 1]): the index of the element in graphVector of which
we want to find the neighbors.
• idxClosed (dim. [NClosed × 1]): array of indexes containing the list of elements
of graphVectors that have been closed (already expanded) during the search.
Output arguments
• idxExpand (dim. [NNeighborsNotClosed × 1]): array of indexes of the neighbors
of element idxNBest in graphVector that are not in idxClosed and that are
not idxNBest (i.e., avoid self-loop edges in the graph).

Question code 1.3 (2 points).

[ graphVector,pqOpen ]= graph_expandElement ( graphVector,idxNBest,idxX,idxGoal,pqOpen )

Description: This function expands the vertex with index idxX (which is a neighbor of
the one with index idxNBest ) and returns the updated versions of graphVector and

Algorithm 1 The A* algorithm.

1: Add the starting node nstart to O, set g(nstart ) = 0, and set the backpointer of x to be
empty. . Initialization
2: repeat
3: Pick nbest from O such that f (nbest ) ≤ f (n) for all n ∈ O.
4: Remove nbest from O and add it to C.
5: if nbest = qgoal then
6: Exit.
7: end if
8: for all x ∈ Star(nbest ) that are not in C do . Expand nbest
9: if x ∈
/ O then
10: Set the value of g(x) to g(nbest ) + c(nbest , x).
11: Set the backpointer of x to nbest .
12: Add x to O with value f (x).
13: else if g(nbest ) + c(nbest , x) < g(x) then
14: Update the value of g(x) to g(nbest ) + c(nbest , x).
15: Update the backpointer of x to nbest .
16: end if
17: end for
18: until O is empty

pqOpen .
Input arguments
• graphVector (dim. [NNodes × 1], type struct ): the structure describing the
graph, as specified above.
• idxNBest (dim. [1 × 1]), idxX (dim. [1 × 1]), idxGoal (dim. [1 × 1]): indexes
in graphVector of the vertex that has been popped from the queue, its neighbor
under consideration, and the goal location.
• pqOpen (dim. [NNodesOpen × 1], type struct ): structure array with the priority
queue of the open nodes.
Output arguments
• graphVector (dim. [NNodes × 1], type struct ): Same as the homonymous
input argument, but with the values of the g and backpointer fields updated
for the affected cells.
• pqOpen (dim. [NNodesOpenNew × 1], type struct ): Same as the homonymous
input argument, but updated with the new nodes that have been opened.
Requirements: This function corresponds to lines 9–16 in Algorithm 1.

Question code 1.4. Implement a function that transforms the backpointers describing a
path into the actual sequence of coordinates.
[ xPath ]= graph_path ( graphVector,idxStart,idxGoal )
Description: This function follows the backpointers from the node with index idxGoal
in graphVector to the one with index idxStart node, and returns the coordinates
(not indexes) of the sequence of traversed elements.
Input arguments
• graphVector (dim. [NNodes × 1], type struct ): the structure describing the
graph, as specified above.
• idxStart (dim. [1 × 1]), idxGoal (dim. [1 × 1]): indexes in graphVector of
the starting and end vertices.
Output arguments
• xPath (dim. [2 × NPath]): array where each column contains the coordinates of
the points obtained with the traversal of the backpointers (in reverse order). Note
that, by definition, we should have xPath(:,1)=graphVector(idxStart).x ,
and xPath(:,end)=graphVector(idxGoal).x .

Question code 1.5. This question puts together the answers to Questions code 1.1–
code 1.4.
[ xPath,graphVector ]= graph_search ( graphVector,idxStart,idxGoal )
Description: Implements the A* algorithm, as described by the pseudo-code in Algo-
rithm 1.

Input arguments
• graphVector (dim. [NNodes × 1], type struct ): the structure describing the
graph, as specified above.
• idxStart (dim. [1 × 1]), idxGoal (dim. [1 × 1]): indexes in graphVector of
the starting and end vertices.
Output arguments
• xPath (dim. [2 × NPath]): array where each column contains the coordinates of
the points of the path found from idxStart to idxGoal .
• graphVector (dim. [NNodes × 1], type struct ): same as the corresponding
argument, but with the fields backpointer and g populated by the search.
Requirements: optional Set a maximum limit of iterations in the main A* loop on line 2
of Algorithm 1. This will prevent the algorithm from remaining stuck on malformed
graphs (e.g., graphs containing a node as a neighbor of itself), or if you make some
mistake during development.
For the purposes of this homework, you can assume that a path always exists (although this
can be optionally relaxed in Question optional 1.1).
The function for the cost to use in the priority queue, denoted as f (n) in the book and
in Algorithm 1, is f (n) = g(n) + h(n), where g(n) is the cost of the path from node n to
the start vertex (going through the backpointer), and h(n) is the heuristic (the Euclidean
distance between nodes, see below). The cost c(n, x) between two vertices is the one stored
in the neighborsCost field.
Your implementation of graph_search ( ) must contain the following elements:
• a priority queue pqOpen of the opened vertices (the structure O in Algorithm 1); this
structure must be manipulated with the functions priority_* ( ) from Homework 1;
use the index of the vertex for the key and the function f (n) described above for the
cost .
• a vector idxClosed (dim. [NClosed × 1]) containing the indexes of the closed vertices.
Question optional 1.1. Add conditions to return an empty path if A* cannot find a
feasible path.
Question optional 1.2. Add an argument method containing a string that determines the
behavior of the algorithm. The function f (n) will then depend on the value of the argument
method :
• f (n) = g(n) if method is equal to bfs .
• f (n) = h(n) if method is equal to greedy .
• f (n) = g(n) + h(n) if method is equal to astar .
Question optional 1.3 (recommended). Make a function graph_search_test ( ) that
calls graph_search ( ) to find a path between arbitrary two nodes in the graphs provided in
graph_testData.mat , and then plots the results. Visually inspect if the results make sense,
try to also use your own graphs. This will give you the confidence that your A* algorithm

works well. Since this routine is the backbone of the next questions, I strongly encourage you
to make sure that it works properly before moving on.
Problem 2: Application of A* to the sphere world
In this problem you will apply the A* graph search function from Problem 1 to a discretized
version of the sphere world used in Homework 3. The instructions below assume that you all
the functions and data from Homework 3 (that you have developed or from the solution) are
in the same directory.
Question code 2.1. Create a function that discretizes the Sphere World environment.

[ graphVector ]= sphereworld_freeSpace_graph ( NCells )

Description: The function performs the following steps:
1) Load the file sphereworld.mat .
2) Initializes a structure grid with fields xx and yy , each one containing NCells
values linearly spaced values from -10 to 10 .
3) Populates the field grid.F following the format expected by grid2graph ( ) in
Question provided 0.4, i.e., with a true if the space is free, and a false if the
space is occupied by a sphere at the corresponding coordinates. The best way
to manipulate the output of potential_total ( ) (for checking collisions with
the spheres) while using it in conjunction with grid_eval ( ) (to evaluate the
collisions along all the points on the grid); note that the choice of the attractive
potential here does not matter.
4) Call grid2graph ( ).
5) Return the resulting graphVector structure.
Input arguments
• NCells : Number of cells on one side of the grid used for the discretization.
Output arguments
• graphVector (dim. [NNodes × 1], type struct ): the structure describing the
graph, as previously specified.

optional It is suggested that you use graph_plot ( ) to check that the result is consistent
with the map shown by sphereworld_plot ( ).
Question code 2.2. The function from this question is similar to graph_search ( ),
except that the start and end locations are specified using actual coordinates instead of
indeces to nodes in the graph.
[ xPath ]= graph_search_startGoal ( graphVector,xStart,xGoal )
Description: This function performs the following operations:
1) Identifies the two indexes idxStart , idxGoal in graphVector that are closest

to xStart and xGoal (using graph_nearestNeighbors ( ) twice, see Ques-
tion provided 0.3).
2) Calls graph_search ( ) to find a feasible sequence of points xPath from idxStart
to idxGoal .
3) Appends xStart and xGoal , respectively, to the beginning and the end of the
array xPath .
Input arguments
• graphVector (dim. [NNodes × 1], type struct ): the structure describing the
graph, as specified in the previous problem.
• xStart (dim. [2 × 1]), xGoal (dim. [2 × 1]): vectors describing the initial and
final points for the path search.
Output arguments
• xPath (dim. [2 × NPath]): a sequence of pairs of points describing a feasible
path. By definition xPath(:,1)=xStart , xPath(:,end)=xGoal , and all the
other columns are those returned by graph_search ( ).

Question report 2.1. Pick three values of NCells such that, after discretization:
1) Some or all of the obstacles fuse together ( NCells is too low);
2) The topology of the Sphere World is well captured ( NCells is “just right”);
3) The graph is much finer than necessary ( NCells is too high).
Include the three values in your report, together with a visualization of the corresponding
graphs (using graph_plot ( )).
Question report 2.2. Create the following function:

sphereworld_search ( NCells )
Input arguments
• NCells : Size of the discretization grid to use (as number of cells on one side).
1) Load the variables xStart , xGoal from sphereworld.mat
2) For each of the three values for NCells :

(a) Run the function sphereworld_freeSpace_graph ( ) for the given value of

NCell .
(b) For each goal in xGoal :
i. Run graph_search_startGoal ( ) from every starting location in xStart
to that goal.
ii. Plot the world using sphereworld_plot ( ), together with the resulting

Requirements: In total, this function should produce six different images (three choices
for NCell times two goals).
Include all the images in the report. Please make sure that images from different choices of
NCell but the same goal appear together in the same page (to help comparisons).
Question report 2.3. Comment on the behavior of the A* planner with respect to the
choice of NCell .
Question report 2.4. Comment on the behavior of the A* planner with respect to the
potential planner from Homework 3.
Problem 3: Application of A* to the two-link manipulator
In this problem you will apply the graph search function you implemented in Problem 1 to the
two-link manipulator from Homework 2. In this case, the coordinates in graphVector().x
will represent the pairs of angles (θ1 , θ2 ) for the two links (as was specified in Homework 2).
Question report 3.1. The file twolink_freeSpace_data.mat contains a struct grid
that describes the configurations of angles for the two-link manipulator that collide with
the set of points in twolink_testData.mat (see Question provided 0.4 for the format used
in grid ). This structure is essentially the result of an optional question from Homework
2 (please reread that question for details). For this question, you need to implement the
following function:
twolink_freeSpaceGraph ( )
Description: The function performs the following steps
1) Loads the contents of twolink_freeSpace_data.mat .
2) Calls grid2graph ( . )
3) Stores the resulting vectorGraph struct array in the file twolink_freeSpace_graph.mat .

Use the function graph_plot ( ) to visualize the contents of the file twolink freeSpace -
graph.mat. Include the figure in your report.
Question optional 3.1. Modify the functions from the previous problems to work with the
topology of the configuration space of the two-link manipulator by following the steps below:
1) Modify grid2graph ( ) to allow an additional optional argument ’torus’ . If this
argument is passed to grid2graph ( ), in the final graph the vertices on the left edge
become neighbors of those on the right edge, and the vertices on the bottom edge
become neighbor of those on the top edge. With this option, we change the topology of
the space from R2 to S1 × S1 , that is, from the plane to the torus.
2) Modify graph_heuristic ( ) to allow an additional optional argument ’torus’ .
With this argument, the heuristic will use a mod-2π arithmetic to compute the dis-
tance between pairs of angles instead of the Euclidean distance (look at the function
edge_angle ( ) from Homework 1for inspiration). For instance, with this option the
2π − 0.1 0.1
heuristic between the pairs of angles and should be 0.2 instead of
0 0
2π − 0.4.

3) Modify graph_search ( ) with an optional argument that enables the use of graph_heuristic
with the ’torus’ option (you can either introduce an option ’torus’ , or allow passing
the heuristic as a function handle).
4) Make a function twolink_search_startGoal ( ) with the specifications below.

[ thetaPath ]= twolink_search_startGoal ( thetaStart,thetaGoal )

Description: This function works in the same way as graph_search_startGoal ( ) in
Question code 2.2, but it loads graphVector from twolink_freeSpace_Graph.mat
instead of obtaining it via an input argument.
Input arguments
• thetaStart (dim. [2 × 1]), thetaGoal (dim. [2 × 1]): vectors describing the
initial and final joint angles for the path search.
Output arguments
• thetaPath (dim. [2 × NPath]): a sequence of pairs of angles describing a feasible
path. By definition thetaPath(:,1)=thetaStart , thetaPath(:,end)=thetaGoal ,
and all the other columns are those returned by graph_search ( ).

Question report 3.2. Plot the points obstaclePoints in twolink_testData.mat (similarly

to what was done for checking collisions in Homework 2), call the function graph_search_startGoal ( )
(or twolink_search_startGoal ( ), if you completed the previous optional question), and
then twolink_animatePath ( ), for the following start/goal configurations:
• Easy: thetaStart=[0.76; 0.12] , thetaEnd=[0.76; 6.00] .
• Medium: thetaStart=[0.76;0.12] , thetaEnd=[2.72;5.45] .
• optional Hard : thetaStart=[3.30;2.34] , thetaEnd=[5.49; 1.07] . For this
case, the planner will find a feasible path only if you implement and pass the ’torus’
option to grid2graph ( ).
Note that all values for the angles are in radians. Every time the graph search finds a feasible
path, you should see the manipulator move between the obstacle points without hitting them.
Question report 3.3 (2 points). For the Easy case in the question above, comment
on the unwinding phenomenon that appears if you do not use the ’torus’ option for
grid2graph ( ) (that is, why the planner does not find the straightforward path that keeps
the first link fixed). To obtain full marks, make sure to include the relation between your
answer and the visualization of the configuration space from Homework 2. Include all the
final figures in your report.
Question report 3.4. Comment on how close the planner goes to the obstacles, and what
you could do about it in a practical situation.
Question optional 3.2. If you implemented the method option for graph_search , repeat
the above with the different strategies, and compare the computation times (e.g., using the
tic and toc functions in Matlab).

Question optional 3.3. Notice that the majority of the time during planning is spent in
checking collisions while generating the free space graph, but most of the graph is never actually
explored during search. To significantly speed up the planner, you can use lazy evaluation.
Lazy evaluation performs collision checking when looking for neighbors in the expansion of
a node (line 8 in Algorithm 1), instead of performing it for all the nodes at the beginning.
Make a function twolink_graph_search ( ) that is the same as graph_search ( ) but:
• The input graphVector does not contain neighbor information (the fields neighbors
and neighborsCost are empty).
• The subfunction getExpandList ( ) uses twolink_checkCollision ( ) to find the
neighbors of the node being expanded.
Run the function twolink_graph_search ( ) on the problems above, and compare the
computation times with the previous implementation.
Question optional 3.4. Adapt the functions above to solve the sphere world planning
problem from Homework 3.
Problem 4: Homework feedback
Question report 4.1. Indicate an estimate of the number of hours you spent on this
homework (possibly broken down by problem). Explain what you found hard/easy about
this homework, and include any suggestion you might have for improving it.

Hint for question code 1.2: Since each element in graphVector already contains a list
of indexes of neighbors for each node, this function reduces to compute a set difference (see
the setdiff Matlab function).


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