Course Book Ibb 2019
Course Book Ibb 2019
Course Book Ibb 2019
PO 2019
In this course book you will find detailed information about the modules which are offered in the study program
International Business. You will find a description of the competences that can be acquired in the respective
modules and you will see if there are any admission requirements and what kind of literature is recommended.
The course book is divided in the fields Business Administration, Management & Leadership, Economics,
Business Law and Quantitative Methods. In the field self-study modules, competences which are prerequisites
for the study program or which represent a perfect add-on, are described. Credits cannot be achieved in these
areas. We recommend our students to make use of these optional and free offers.
The students spend their fifth semester abroad. A workload of 30 Credit Points (ECTS) has to be achieved.
Please consider according to which examination regulation you are enrolled. Depending on the respective
situation, courses may be offered online (for example in Zoom-Meetings). Please find detailed information on
Submission of Papers
Dear students,
The problem of plagiarism has been increasing in the past few years and the consequences of plagiarism have
been intensively discussed in the media. Universities should therefore recognize plagiarism, not only in the
area of dissertations, and implement procedures in order to protect students who are not cheating.
The faculty of business, economics, and law has implemented a standard control of every written assignment.
Additionally to the written version, you should send a digital version of your assignment to the plagiarism
Please make sure that
1. You send the digital version to the email address within the deadline.
2. You send the digital version to [email protected].
3. This applies for every kind of written papers, seminar assignments and final thesis within the faculty
of business, economics, and law.
4. You use a well-established word processing program.
5. The file name should contain: module, teacher, name / group name of the authors(s)
Here is an example:
Dozent_Modul_(Gruppen-)Name Verfasser_Semester
Code of the module 1.01.
Content of the module The course content of each seminar can be found on the internet
platform for academic training of the academy:
Code of the module 1.02.
Courses within this module Courses can be found under „Sprachkurse für Studierende“
on the internet platform of the Sprachlernzentrum (SLZ) of TH
Content of the module The course content of each module can be found under SLZ,
Objective of the module (expected Acquisition of language competences according to CEFR, level
learning results and competences A1–-C2, including professional language skills. The student can
to acquire) deal with cultural diversity. Acquisition of competencies as
described in Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives in
accordance with language levels, with levels 5 and 6 (synthesis
and evaluation) being relevant from level B2 of the CEFR.
Evaluation (Performance review Oral performance, presentation or project work and final
and duration) written examination (90 minutes)
Weightage of the result within the
final result
Teaching and study methods Task- and project-based learning, learner-centered approach;
Cognitive Alignment of learning objective, course content and
materials, and assessment.
Others Language competency tests may be required as a prerequisite
for admission. Further information can be found online.
Code of the module 1.03.
Content of the module Students are informed of the study contents of each seminar by
the faculty.
Objective of the module (expected For the project work in intercultural teams as well as for the
learning results and competences preparation of the semester abroad, it is highly recommended to
to acquire) attend the self-study module “Cultural Competences” since it will
improve the understanding of different cultures and the behavior.
Responsible person for the module Faculty for Information and Communication Sciences
Code of the module 1.04.
Objective of the module (expected The study program is based on a quantitative approach within
learning results and competences several modules. Therefore, a continuous improvement in using
to acquire) quantitative methods is recommended.
Responsible person for the module Various central and decentral units of the TH Köln
Teaching and study methods Information will be provided for each seminar.
Recommended literature Information will be provided for each seminar.
Preparatory Course – Basics of Accounting
Code of the module
Content of the module Preparatory Course – Basics of Accounting teaches first year,
undergraduate students in International Business with no prior
training in or knowledge the basic principles of accounting.
These include an overview of accounting terminology and
principles, financial statements and financial reporting.
Objective of the module (expected This course's objective is to enable students to:
learning results and competences
to acquire) Knowledge: Gain familiarity with accounting terminology and
the three financial statements, and the difference between
financial- and management accounting
Number of ECTS-Credits 6
Exempted from this course are students who (1) are able to
officially certify their having passed prior courses or practical
training in financial or management accounting (e.g. within
Kaufmännische Ausbildung), either of which must list and
satisfy the equivalent learning objectives of the Preparatory
Course, and (2) receive a written waiver from the professor on
the basis of such official certification.
Applicability of the module Modern revenue-, cost- and business- planning and budgeting,
controlling and performance measurement, finance and capital
markets require Accounting as their universal means of
Evaluation (Performance review Class exercises, homeworks and the P-Quiz. Passing the P-
and duration) Quiz requires students to achieve a minimum of 50% of the
maximum points defined by the professor. There shall be no
grade, only Pass/Fail.
Teaching and study methods Seminar-like lecture with interactive class exercises, question
and answer sessions.
Main textbook and Lecture Notes: Main textbook and Lecture
Notes: Weygandt, J. / Kimmel, P. / Kieso, D., (WKK):
Accounting Principles (IFRS Version), Global Edition, 2019,
chapters 1-4 (ordered by TH Köln library).
Business Administration
Code of the module 2.01.
Content of the module The course mainly covers the following aspects:
• Essentials of global business, including digital business
• Setting targets, including financial figures
• Strategic and operative management
• Selected management methods
• Selected management tools (SWOT analysis, industry
analysis with five forces, portfolio, balanced scorecard etc.)
• Selected value chain activities (especially human resource,
sourcing, operations etc.)
Objective of the module (expected This course introduces students to the principles and challenges
learning results and competences of international business. They become familiar with selected
to acquire) business functions, including their specific problems and
methods. The module gives a first understanding about the
principles of international business as well as an overview about
business functions among the value chain and builds the basis
for further modules. Different pre-knowledge of students is
supposed to be equalized.
Number of ECTS-Credits 6
Total workload 4 SWS; 180h work load, divided into 30 contact hours (of 45
minutes each),
157,5h independent studies (incl. Preparation, review and
Type of the module (compulsory, Compulsory module
elective, etc.)
Applicability of the module The module is only used in this degree. Interested students from
other study programs or faculties are welcome.
Weightage of the result within the This module has a weight of 3.33 percent in relation to the final
final result grade.
Teaching and study methods Moderated discussions; workshops; student group papers
Code of the module 2.02.
able to correctly analyze and evaluate data in further events
and in practice, but also to optimize processes and interpret
the generated source code from the simulation.
Number of ECTS-Credits 6
Total workload 4 SWS with total workload of 180h, comprising 60 contact hours
(of 45 minutes each), 90 hours independent preparation and
homework write-ups, 45 hours of group project work.
Others Case studies, practical work on computer;
written exam in English
Code of the module 2.03.
Content of the module Introduction to International Accounting and Tax teaches first
year undergraduate students in International Business the
basic principles of accounting and taxes. These include an
overview of accounting principles, financial statements and
financial reporting, as well as key elements in the profit & loss,
balance sheet and cash flow statements. Given the increasing
importance of multinational companies, cross-border business
decisions and transfer prices, the basic concepts of
international generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)
and international transfer prices and taxation are introduced:
Objective of the module (expected This course's objective is to enable students to:
learning results and competences
to acquire) Knowledge: Gain familiarity with the valuation of the important
elements in the profit & loss, balance sheet and cash flow
statements, differences in GAAP and taxation across countries
Duration One full semester spanning 13 weeks (12 lectures and 1 project
week), plus one end-of-Semester exam.
Number of ECTS-Credits 6
Total workload 4 SWS with total workload of 180h, comprising 60 contact hours
(of 45 minutes each), 90 hours independent preparation and
homework write-ups, 45 hours of group project work.
Evaluation (Performance review Individual homework submissions incl. a group case write-up
and duration) and an individual closed-book exam shall be graded
Important: Refer to the Module Description for the TH Köln course Preparatory Course – Basics of Accounting.
Students must also have successfully passed the P-Quiz of the
Preparatory Course – Basics of Accounting course.2
Weightage of the result within the This module has a weight of 3.33 percent in relation to the final
final result grade.
Teaching and study methods Seminar-like lecture with interactive question and answer
sessions. Three homework assignments (incl. one group case
write-up) will be graded, participation in class discussions
strongly encouraged. One individual, closed-book written exam
at end of semester.
Important: Refer to the Module Description for the TH Köln course Preparatory Course – Basics of Accounting.
Code of the module 2.04.
Content of the module This basis course of marketing management is covering the
following topics:
Objective of the module (expected The course it to impart knowledge and capabilities for planning
learning results and competences and realization of concrete marketing actions.
to acquire)
Knowledge: Students know specific tools and methods for a
market and customer analysis. They are able to describe
consumer behavior, marketing strategies and activities and they
know how to control marketing success.
Number of ECTS-Credits 6
Total workload 4 SWS; 180h work load, divided into 30 contact hours (of 45
minutes each),
157,5h independent studies (incl. Preparation, review and
Type of the module (compulsory, Compulsory module
elective, etc.)
Applicability of the module The module builds on content from the first semesters,
especially “Introduction to International Business” and
“Consulting & Digitalization”. This course is recommended for
attending “International Marketing” and “Exportmanagement”.
Weightage of the result within the This module has a weight of 3.33 percent in relation to the final
final result grade.
Teaching and study methods Lecture; moderated discussions; application of concepts and
methods in groups
Code of the module 2.05.
Objective of the module (expected This course's objective is to enable students to:
learning results and competences
to acquire) Knowledge: Identify different cost types, budgets, multinational
and divisional companies, financing and valuation.
Duration One semester
Number of ECTS-Credits 6
Total workload 4 SWS; 180h work load, divided into 60 contact hours (of 45
minutes each), 135 hours of individual and group (incl.
preparation and review, homeworks, and an end-of-the
semester examination)
Weightage of the result within the This module has a weight of 3.33 percent in relation to the final
final result grade.
Teaching and study methods Seminar-like lecture with interactive question and answer
sessions. Four (4) group homework write-ups with participation
in class discussions. One individual closed-book written exam at
end of semester.
Code of the module 2.06.
Objective of the module (expected This course's objective is to enable students to:
learning results and competences
to acquire) Knowledge: Gain familiarity with risk, return and valuation
methodologies, investment evaluation criteria, financing
alternatives, financial statement analysis, international risk
management, restructuring and M&A.
Number of ECTS-Credits 6
Total workload 4 SWS; 180h work load, divided into 30 contact hours (of 45
minutes each),
157,5h independent studies (incl. preparation, review and
Name of the lecturer Prof. Dr. Ridwan D. Rusli
De Wet Herselman
Evaluation (Performance review Homework and Group Case Study Submissions 40%
and duration) Written Exam 60% (max. 60 minutes).
Weightage of the result within the This module has a weight of 3.33 percent in relation to the final
final result grade.
Teaching and study methods Seminar-like lecture with interactive question and answer
sessions. Two to three (2-3) homework write-ups with
participation in class discussions. One to two (1-2) group case
studies on International Investment, Financing, M&A and/or
Restructuring decisions and transactions with group write-ups
and presentations. One individual closed-book written exam at
end of semester.
Code of the module 2.07.
Content of the module The course covers mainly the following aspects:
• Specifics of international marketing approaches
• Specifics of international market research
• International market selection process and target group
• International brand positioning
• International market entry strategies
• International marketing mix
• International digital marketing trends
Objective of the module (expected This course focuses on the specifics of international marketing
learning results and competences approaches. Especially the question about the constant battle
to acquire) between standardization and individualization within marketing
concepts is intensively discussed. Based on the knowledge
about national marketing students are supposed to develop
different marketing concepts for several countries to experience
the specifics of international marketing.
Frequency Every summer semester
Number of ECTS-Credits 6
Total workload 4 SWS; 180h work load, divided into 30 contact hours (of 45
minutes each),
157,5h independent studies (incl. preparation, review and
Weightage of the result within the This module has a weight of 3.33 percent in relation to the final
final result grade.
Teaching and study methods Moderated discussions; workshops; application of concepts and
methods in groups; student group projects
Management & Leadership
Code of the module 3.01.
Content of the module Interpersonal phenomena relevant for the international context
Organizational Behavior as science
Group dynamics
Intrapersonal phenomena relevant for the international context
Positive psychology
Objective of the module (expected Students develop a basic understanding of how individuals and
learning results and competences groups behave in general and particularly in international
to acquire) organizations. The objective is for students to be able to
effectively, efficiently and sustainably manage and employ
human capital of organizations.
Duration One semester
Code of the module 3.02.
Number of ECTS-Credits 6
Total workload 4 SWS; 180h total work-load, consisting of 60 contact hours (of
45 minutes each) and 135 hours of independent study.
Weightage of the result within the This module has a weight of 3.33 percent in relation to the final
final result grade.
manage cross-cultural teams, to successfully
communicate in cross-cultural teams
o Fulfilling the project’s task (practical task with connection
to the business sphere; if students from other studying
programs will take part also interdisciplinary approach)
to be able to co-operate and produce valuable outcome
together with colleagues from other cultures, to manage
cross-cultural teams, to successfully communicate in
cross-cultural teams; also: enhancement of methodical
competencies like research for information, reading and
summarizing texts, structuring information etc.
o Writing a project documentation to be able to write a
publishable text under the special circumstances of cross-
cultural co-operation and tight time constraints, to manage
cross-cultural teams, to successfully communicate in
cross-cultural teams
Hampden-Turner, C. / Trompenaars, F., Riding the Waves of
Culture: Understanding Diversity in Global Business, Nicholas
Brealey International, 3rd ed., 2012
Hall, E. / Hall, M., Understanding Cultural Differences: Germans,
French and Americans, Intercultural Press, 2000
Code of the module 3.03.
Project Management:
• Entrepreneurship
- Design Thinking
- Creativity techniques
• Market Research (Field and Desk Research):
- Apply quantitative methods
- Data analysis
- Observation and Interviewing of target groups
(empathizing and testing prototype)
- Create and test a prototype to meet the need
• Evaluation of different inventions for multi-cultural target
- Business & Implementation plan
- Controlling
- Enabling / Implementation
Objective of the module (expected Based on analysis of multicultural target groups in need,
learning results and competences to environment, markets etc., students take real (business)
acquire) decisions and operationalize the decision in an appropriate
business (action) plan and implement the project. They plan
and realize entrepreneurial projects with a multicultural
background, which is supposed to include people in need from
other nations or social cultures. They start to understand
entrepreneurial skills and mind sets as well as practice them.
They deepen their knowledge on project management and
team work and experience how to solve issues. They organize
their individual and group tasks and plan, prepare, implement
and evaluate a project with social background. Students justify
and defend decisions as well as find compromises and
negotiate with entrepreneurial focus (project management
Understanding: Students understand how to design and lead
Design Thinking processes for innovations in multi-cultural
settings. They are able to state the implications of multicultural
entrepreneurship for organizations, projects and economies.
Number of ECTS-Credits 6
Total workload 4 SWS; 180h work load, divided into 30 contact hours (of 45
minutes each),
157,5h independent studies (incl. preparation, review and
Admission requirements Recommended: Modules of the first semesters, especially
“Introduction to International Business”, “Introduction to
Marketing”; “International Macroeconomics” and “Quantitative
Methods A” (or comparable courses from other universities).
Students should have at least B2 language skills in English.
Weightage of the result within the This module has a weight of 3.33 percent in relation to the final
final result grade.
Seelig, T., Insight Out - Get Ideas Out of Your Head and Into the
World, HarperOne, 2015
Code of the module 3.04.
Objective of the module (expected Students will develop a global understanding of the challenges
learning results and competences faced by international managers. As students move along in this
to acquire) class, they will be increasingly able to appreciate, understand
and manage the factors that make overseeing a company and
its employees both challenging and fascinating.
Synthesis: Students will be able to generate appropriate
alternative solutions to problems that arise in international
Number of ECTS-Credits 6
Total workload 4 SWS; 180h total work-load, consisting of 60 contact hours (of
45 minutes each) and 135 hours of independent study.
Weightage of the result within the This module has a weight of 3.33 percent in relation to the final
final result grade.
Recommended literature Thomas, D. / Petersen, M., Cross-Cultural Management:
Essential Concepts, Sage Publications, 4th ed., 2017
Code of the module 3.05.
Project Work:
Project Management and Team Work in practice
Assess quality and reliability of sources and validate
assumptions in absence of perfect data
Elaborate on factors influencing the decision to enter a
new market
Prepare forecasts for demand, trends and production of
a certain product in the market
Report on developments in the identified market
Apply previously gained knowledge in the area of Market
Research Design, Desk Research, Working with
databases (e.g. ITC) as well as Observation and
Apply quantitative methods to analyze data and derive
conclusions and recommendations
Objective of the module (expected By the end of the module, students have planned, implemented
learning results and competences and evaluated a market research with regards to export
to acquire) management and are able to communicate their results in
different ways.
Number of ECTS-Credits 6
Total workload 4 SWS; 180h work load, divided into 30 contact hours (of 45
minutes each) and 157,5 hours independent studies (incl.
preparation, teamwork, review and examinations).
Responsible person for the module Prof. Dr. Michael Volkmann
Weightage of the result within the This module has a weight of 3.33 percent in relation to the final
final result grade.
Teaching and study methods Moderated discussions; application of concepts and methods in
groups; video-assisted instruction; video conferencing;
educated visits and interviews; self-organized building of
competences and coaching
Code of the module 3.06.a
Objective of the module (expected At the end of the module, students are able to negotiate in the
learning results and competences context of internationally operating organizations or to work
to acquire) abroad (especially English speaking areas).
Number of ECTS-Credits 6
Total workload 4 SWS; 180h total work-load, consisting of 60 contact hours (of
45 minutes each) and 135 hours of independent study.
During the Covid-19 pandemic: Online course with about 40
contact hours in Zoom, 20 class hours of mandatory e-learning
units on ILIAS and 135 hours of independent study.
Type of the module (compulsory, Compulsory elective module
elective, etc.)
Applicability of the module The module builds on the first part of the module Cross-Cultural
Competences. It serves as a useful preparation for the semester
abroad. The module is offered specifically for the institute.
Whether credits can be transferred must be decided on a case-
by-case basis by the respective program director.
Code of the module 3.06.b
Objective of the module (expected Knowledge: The students will have basic knowledge of ethical
learning results and competences to concepts relevant to business. Having completed the course,
acquire) they will be aware of ethical and moral issues in everyday life
and the limits of intuition in ethical decision making.
Evaluation: Students will have the theoretical background to
compare different solutions and evaluate their impact on
companies and societies. They can evaluate on what level
solutions can and should be implemented and can implement
them in practice.
Number of ECTS-Credits 6
Total workload 4 SWS; 180h work load, divided into 30 contact hours (of 45
minutes each),
157,5h independent studies (incl. preparation, review and
Weightage of the result within the This module has a weight of 3.33 percent in relation to the final
final result grade.
Teaching and study methods Presentation of research results by students and lecturer; Case
Studies, real life examples from Companies and their marketing
strategy; interactive discussion about solutions; workshop on
strategies for win-win-Solutions (Profit & People & Planet),
Video analyses on business ethical behaviour (e.g. The Insider;
Rogue Trader – High Speed Money, Flow), Group work.
Students will present the results of their individual research by
using up to date techniques.
Recommended literature DeGeorge, R., Business Ethics, Pearson, 7th ed., 2013
Code of the module 3.06.c
Objective of the module (expected Knowledge: Students will be able to describe psychological
learning results and competences underpinnings of economic behaviour and recent theories in
to acquire) behavioural economics.
new situations and judge, what solutions are the best according
to the theories. They can evaluate different outcomes and
Number of ECTS-Credits 6
Total workload 4 SWS; 180h work load, divided into 30 contact hours (of 45
minutes each),
157,5h independent studies (incl. preparation, review and
Weightage of the result within the This module has a weight of 3.33 percent in relation to the final
final result grade.
Teaching and study methods Presentation of students and lecturer; Experiments in class,
survey on the street, Case studies (companies using biases and
heuristics for selling products); Experiments with real incentives
(Hot vs. Cold decisions Making); Interviews/videos prepared by
students about specific topics. The students will present the
results of their individual research by using up to date techniques.
Code of the module 4.01.
Number of ECTS-Credits 6
Total workload 4 SWS; 180h total workload, consisting of 60 contact hours (45
minutes each) and 135 hours of independent study.
Code oft he module 4.02.
Name of the module International Macroeconomics
Number of ECTS-Credits (based 6 ETCS - 180 hours total workload, consisting of 60 contact
on the workload) hours (of 45 minutes each) and 135 hours of independent study
180 hours total workload, consisting of 60 contact hours (of 45
minutes each) and 135 hours of independent study.
Type of the module (compulsory, Compulsory Module
elective, etc.)
Admission requirements None
Individual written assignment (Macroeconomic Country Fact
Sheet): 30%
SUBMISSION Fact Sheet (only hardcopy):
Weightage of the result within the This module has a weight of 3.33 percent in relation to the final
final result grade.
Teaching and study methods Mix of lecture, seminar, flipped classroom exercises and case
Code of the module 4.03.
Content of the module Key concepts of international trade and their relationship with
national policymaking will be presented. The relevance of
exchange rates for cross border business decisions will be
highlighted and models of exchange rate determination will be
Semester 3rd semester
Total workload 4 SWS; 180h total workload, consisting of 60 contact hours (of
45 minutes each) and 135 hours of independent study.
Weightage of the result within the This module has a weight of 3.33 percent in relation to the final
final result grade.
Code of the module 4.04.
Number of ECTS-Credits 6
Total workload 4 SWS; 180h total work-load, consisting of 60 contact hours (of
45 minutes each) and 135 hours of independent study.
Weightage of the result within the This module has a weight of 3.33 percent in relation to the final
final result grade.
Business Law
Code of the module 5.01.
Content of the module This course focuses on the most important legal aspects for
students studying international business:
Objective of the module This module is focusing on legal cases concerning international
(expected learning results and sales-, service- and licensing contracts.
competences to acquire)
Knowledge: Students know the most relevant legal framework in
the context of international business. They are familiar with
international methods of dispute settlement.
Number of ECTS-Credits 6
Total workload 4 SWS; 180h work load, divided into 30 contact hours (of 45
minutes each),
157,5h independent studies (incl. preparation, review and
Type of the module (compulsory, Compulsory module
elective, etc.)
Applicability of the module The module is only used in this degree. Interested students from
other study programs or faculties are welcome.
Teaching and study methods Lecture; moderated discussions; application of law cases studies in
Quantitative Methods
Code of the module 6.01.
Responsible persons for the Prof. Dr. Jutta Arrenberg
module Prof. Dr. Ralf Knobloch
Prof. Dr. Felix Miebs
Recommended literature Arrenberg J., Wirtschaftsstatistik für Bachelor, 4th ed., 2020
Code of the module 6.02.
Evaluation (Performance review Written exam 100% (max. 60 minutes)
and duration)
Weightage of the result within the This module has a weight of 3.33 percent in relation to the final
final result grade.
Recommended literature Arrenberg J., Wirtschaftsstatistik für Bachelor, 4th ed., 2020