Ê p Simple Sentence - contains one independent clause
V p e girl ran.
2 p e baby cried.
3 p e failed.
B p
ompound Sentence ± contains two or more independent clauses joined by a
4 p ack wanted to go swimming but is wife wanted to go sopping.
5 p er son studies istory er daugter majors in cemistry.
6 p y broter plays te piano but e is not too good at it.
omplex Sentence ± contains one independent clause and 2 or more dependent
7 p en I saw wat you ad done I was sad.
8 p I bougt a puppy because I don't like kittens.
D p
omplex Sentence ± contains two or more independent clauses and one
or more dependent clauses
9 p I slept in te living room but my broter being te favourite of my parents
slept in my bedroom.
V p Êltoug I like to go camping I aven't ad te time to go lately and I aven't
found anyone to go wit.
Ê p Declarative Sentence ± makes a statement
V p anila is te capital of te Pilippines.
2 p is name is Bruce.
3 p I ave accomplised te task.
B p Imperative Sentence - asks a question
4 p Do you study music teory?
5 p
an you play tis song?
6 p at does love mean to you?
p Imperative Sentence ± gives a command or a request
7 p Don¶t screw up.
8 p Please pass te food.
D p
xclamatory Sentence ± denotes a very strong feeling
9 p atc out!
V pur ouse is on fire!
Ê p Simile
V p e was like a rooster wo tougt te sun ad risen to ear im crow.
2 p ife is like a weel.
B p etapor
3 p Êutority is a cair; it needs legs to stand up.
4 p e streets were a furnace te sun an executioner.
p Personification
5 p e wind stood up and gave a sout.
6 p pportunity is knocking at your door.
7 p e flowers begged for water.
D p yperbole
8 p ou snore louder tan a freigt train.
9 p I waited in line for centuries.
V p is smile was a mile wide.
V p delivered is Gettysburg Êddress in V863.
2 p ·made teir presentation.
3 p r do a good job in teir office.
4 p · broke is arm.
5 p · my friend forgot to bring is project to scool.
6 p Some of te ! fell out of its bag.
7 p e didn¶t do teir job.
8 p accidentally stabbed imself.
9 p e " as lost muc of its sting two days later.
V pI get worried wen my !# let teir dog out.