The System of Government Budgeting Bangladesh: Motahar Hussain
The System of Government Budgeting Bangladesh: Motahar Hussain
The System of Government Budgeting Bangladesh: Motahar Hussain
System of Government
Motahar Hussain
Retired Additional Finance Secretary
Government of Bangladesh
Author of
The system of government Budgeting in Bangladesh
A H Development Publishing House
CHAPTER O N E : Introduction
1.1 Introduction
102 Need for the study of the system: Its components
The Need
The Components
1.03 Government Functionaries
a. Executive .•
b. General Administration and Service v
c. The legislature
d. The Judiciary '.
e. The Defence Services
f. Policy, Ansar and Village Defence Party
1.04 Bangladesh Administration Structure
1.05 Allocation Business to different Ministries/Divisions
1.06 Legacy of Government Budgeting
1.07 Budget Formations
1.08 Economics of Budgeting
a. Non economics of essential services
b. Policies and Public Investment
1.09 Budgetary Process
a. Non Development (Revenue), and
b. Development
i. Budgeting is Specialized
ii. Budgeting iS Historical
iii. Budgeting is Fragmented
iv. Budgeting is Pragmatic
1.10 Presentation and Plan of Work
CHAPTER TWO : General Framework of Government Budget
2.01 General Framework of Government Budget
2.02 Definition of Government Budget
2.03 The Scope
2.04 Functions of Budget
a. Economic function
b. Stabilization function
c. Distribution function
d. Growth function
2.05 Budgetary Dimensions
a. Political dimension 12
b. Managerial and/or Administrative dimension 12
c. Economic dimension 12
d. Accounting dimension 12
2.06 Objectives of Budget 12
2.07 Principles of Budgeting 13
2.08 Skills and Behavioral aspect of Budget preparation 14
2.09 Approach In Budgeting 14
a. Aggregative and Development 14
b. Incremental, Comprehensive/Zero based 15
c. Performance Budgeting and PPBS 16
2.10 Budgetary Constraints " 16
a. Policy 16
b. Institution 16
c. Operations 17
2.11 Budget the source of stimulus and restraint 17
2.12 Budget and external assistance 17
2.13 Economic analysis Framework of Budget 18
2.14 Budget Deficit or Surplus 19
a. Balanced budget 20
b. Unbalanced budget 20
i. Public debt concept of deficit 20
ii. Net worth concept of deficit 20
iii. Overall deficit 20
iv. The concept of domestic budget deficit 20
2.15 Full employment and cyclically neutral budget , 20
2.16 Budget and decision making 20
2.17 Budgetary Organization 21
a. British system 21
b. French system 21
c. Other European system 21
d. U.S. system 22
e. Japanese system 22
f. Latin American system 22
2.18 Types Compared 22
2.19 Fiscal Year 23
2.20 Budget Calendar 23
2.21 Budget circulars/instruments for information 24
2.22 Expenditure and revenue estimates 24
2.23 Expenditure Control 24
24 Personnel Budget 25
25 Public Works Budgeting 25
26 Budgeting and Development Expenditure 25
27 Budget and Price Basis 26
28 Budget and Inflation 26
29 Budget, Taxation And Expenditure Adjustment 27
30 Budget and Fiscal Policy 29
31 Budget Expenditure Classification.: 29
a. Function 29
b. Economic 29
32 Classification of Government Receipt/Expenditure „ 30
a. Receipts ~. 30
b. Expenditures : 31
33 Budget Execution 31
34 Budget Follow Up 31
35 Release Funds 32
36 Periodic Review 33
37 Budget Slippage....: 33
38 Supplementary Budget 33
39 Cash Management 34
40 Inter Government Budgets 34
41 National Budget and Upazila Budget 35
42 Budget, Public Corporation and Autonomous Agencies 38
43 Budgeting and Accounting Classification 39
44 Budget and the Central Bank 39
45 Budget in Developed and Developing Economies 40
46 The Budget System 40
47 National Accounts and Government Accounts 41
HAPTER T H R E E : Legal Support Heritage of Government
ndgeting in Bangladesh
02 British Period 43
a. Indian Act 1919 43
b. The Government of India Act 1935 44
03 Pakistan Period 46
04 Bangladesh Constitutional Procedures 51
HAPTER FOUR : Bangladesh Budget in Practice
02 Time Frame: Fiscal or Financial Year -. 58
03 Objectives 58
a. Maintenance of essential service 58
b. Food and Fertilizer stocking and distribution 58
c. Development Programme 58
d. Promotion of Savings and Investment 59
e. Macro-economic balance and equitable distribution of income... 59
4.04 Budget Structure: Annual Financial Statement 60
4.05 Consolidated Fund 61
4.06 Public Account of the Republic 61
4.07 Fund and Account Compared 61
4.08 Budget Components 62
a. Expenditure objective 62
b. Policy content 63
4.09 Budget Expenditure: Characteristics 63
a. Charged and other .' 63
b. Expenditure on Revenue Account and other expenditure 63
c. Other expenditure comprises 64
d. Development and Non-development 64
4.10 Annual Financial Statement 64
4.11 Demand for Grants and Appropriations 65
4.12 Demand for Grants : Placement Procedure in Parliament 66
4.13 Budget and the Government Borrowing: Public Debts 66
a. Short term-Floating Debt 67
b. Long term-Permanent Debt 67
4.14 Classification of Government Borrowing 67
4.15 Budget Procedure and its Functional Stages 68
4.16 Revised Budget 69
4.17 Supplementary Budget 70
4.18 Coverage of the Budget 70
4.19 Budget Monitoring and Resource Committee 71
4.20 Medium Term Budget Coordination and Technical Committee 71
4.21 Budget Management Committee (BMC) 71
4.22 Money Bill : 72
4.23 Procedure for preparation of bill and its submission to Parliament 72
4.24 Appropriation Bill 73
4.25 Supplementary Financial Statement 74
4.26 Budget Revenue Receipt Estimates 74
4.27 Formulation of Expenditure Estimates 75
a. • The submission of estimates 75
b. The Scrutiny estimates 75
c. Finalization of Estimates 75
4.28 Purposes of Budget Estimates 76
4.29 Principles of Allocation 77
4.30 Approval of Budget Appropriations 78
a. Approval of estimates by the cabinet and the President 78
b. Demand of Grants 78
4.31 Parliamentary discussion and voting procedure 79
a. Discussion 79
b. Voting Process 79
4.32 Appropriation Bill-Appropriation Act 81
4.33 Supplementary / Excess Budget : 81
4.34 Vote on Account 81
4.35 Procedure when Parliament stand dissolved : 82
4.36 Roll-Over of the Budget Preparation Process k 82
4.37 Development Budget 82
4.38 Budget and Donor Driven Disbursement Mechanism 85
4.39 Distinction between Revenue and Development Budgets: Allocation and 86
4.40 Unexpected Expenditure 87
4.41 Re-Appropriation of Funds 88
4.42 Kinds of Re-Appropriation 88
4.43 Surrender of Savings 89
4.44 Surrender of Anticipated Savings 89
4.45 Schedule of New Expenditure 90
4.46 Budget Coordination 90
4.47 Participating agencies involved in Budget Making 91
4.48 Budget and Accounting Rules: in some selected areas 92
4.49 Budget, Financial Control and Comptroller and Auditor General 93
4.50 Account Keeping 95
4.51 Account Objectives 96
4.52 Accounting Basis and Procedure 97
4.53 Classification of Government Account 97
a. Legal Code : 97
b. Functional Code 97
c. Economic Codes 97
4.54 Accounting concepts and conventions 98
4.55 Accounts Compilation 99
4.56 Central Bank: The Cashier of the Government 102
4.57 Approval of Taxation Measures: Finance Bill 104
4.58 Budget Documents 104
CHAPTER FIVE : Medium Term Budget Framework
5.02 WhatisMTBF 107
5.03 Differences between the existing Budgetary System'and the MTBF 109
5.04 Objectives of the Medium Term Budgetary Framework 110
5.05 The MTBF and Budget Cycle , 112
5.06 Budget Circular under MTBF 112
5.07 Experience with Introducing MTBF 112
5.08 Public Expenditure Management (PEM) 113
5.09 Main Features of PEM Objectives 113
5.10 Public Expenditure Management Process 114
CHAPTER SIX : Budget Implementation
6.02 Budget Execution 115
a. Communication and Distribution of Budget Grants 116
b. How the distribution of grants takes effect 116
c. Release of Fund 116
d. Fund Release Procedures from Non-Development Budget
Allocation 117
e. Fund Release from Development Budget 117
6.03 Budgetary Control and Delegation of Financial Powers '. 118
6.04 Release of Lump Grant and Development Grant to City
Corporation/Municipalities/District Councils/Union Councils/ Gram
Sarkars/Bill Tracts Development Board/Hill District Councils 118
6.05 Re-Appropriation/Re-Allocation/Additional Allocation 119
6.06 Approval of Resource and Expenditure Ceiling by the Budget
Monitoring and Resource Committee '20
6.07 Revised Authority 120
6.08 Budget and Macro Economic Balance 121
6.09 Budget and Accountability 121
6.10 Accounting Officer: Responsibilities 122
6.11 Responsibilities of Head of the Department and Chief Accounts Officer.. 123
6.12 Departmentalization and Management of Accounts and Audit 124
6.13 Budget Execution under MTBF 125
6.14 Payment Of Budgeted Money 125
6.15 Loans and Advances: Clarification by Type 126
a.; Loans and advances bearing interest 126
b Interest free Loans and Advances 126
6.16 Budgetary Control and Review Mechanism '.. 127
a. Parliamentary Committees 127
b. Internal 130
c. External 131
6.17 Budget Monitoring 131
6.18 Monitoring Arrangements in place 132
CHAPTER SEVEN : Budget, Annual Plan and Resource Mobilisation
7.01 National Plans and the Annual Plan 133
7.02 Budget and the Annual Plan 133
7.03 Contents in the Annual Plan 133
a. Public Sector Development Budget 134
b. Private Sector Budget : 135
c. Foreign Exchange Budget 136
d. Food Budget 137
e. Foreign Trade Budget !>. .- 139
f. Price Behaviour/Inflation Forecast 140
7.04 Resource Mobilisation 140
i. Policy alternatives and choice: 140
a. Foreign Assistance 141
b. Domestic Resources and Size of ADP '. 142
c. Domestic Savings Share between Private and Public Savings 142
ii. Techniques of Resource Mobilisation:
a. Taxation 143
b. Subsidy -. 144
c. Profits from financial and non financial enterprises 144
d. Deficit financing 144
e. Remittances by Workers abroad and other receivable/payments 145
CHAPTER EIGHT : Conclusion
Conclusion 147
CHAPTER NINE : Beyond Conclusion
9.01 The PROLOGUE 151
9.02 Thinking at initial stage and result obtained 151
9.03 Components of new ideas: Globalisation 151
9.04 International Commitments and non-Government Organisation (NGOS). 152
9.05 Globalisation : What it Imply 152
9.06 First Hand Impact of Globalisation in poor countries 153
9.07 Recently Accepted Strategy 154
9.08 The Epilogue 154
One: Summary of Budget Estimates 157
One:A Consolidated Fund Receipts 158
One:B Public Accounts of the Republic - Receipts 161
Two: Revenue Budget Calendar 163
Three: Development Budget Calendar 164
Four: Summary MTBF and Budget Preparation Calendar 165
Five: List of authorities responsible for watching the progress of collection
and control over expenditure in each demand for grant ]g8
Six:A Composition of the Medium Term Budget Coordination and
Technical Committee 181
Six:B Composition of Budget Monitoring and Resource Committee 182
Six:C Composition and Terms of Reference (ToR) of
Budget Management Committee (BMC) 184
Eight: Institutional Arrangement for Financial Administration 188
Nine: Notes on Classification 189
Ten: Funding Arrangement in Budget 198
Eleven: Unlocking the Potential: PRSP - Executive Summary 199
1. A March of Hope 199
2. The Process of Policy Ownership 200
3. Reading the Poverty Balance Sheet Correctly 201
3.1 An Overview of Poverty Trends 202
Trends in Income Poverty 202
Table-1: Poverty and Inequality in the 1990s 203
Table-2: Poverty Self Assessments (percent of rural households) 206
Rolling characteristics of MTBF 108
Phases of Budget Monitoring 114
Abbreviations 218
Bibliography 221
INDEX: 225