Cluster B: Personality Disorder
Cluster B: Personality Disorder
Cluster B: Personality Disorder
I. TITLE: Cluster B: Personality Disorder
In this session, you will learn about personality disorder, the signs and symptoms and
risk factors. You will also learn the different type of personality disorder under cluster b.
You will also know how to deal or manage that type of disorder. This module will help
you have a better health education to the patient and have a healthy outcome after you
undergo a patient with this kind of illness.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this self-instructional module, you should be able to:
1. Review the characteristics of cluster B: personality disorders
2. Explore the functions of every symptoms
3. Identify what may cause these symptoms to develop
4. Explore the effects of these symptoms on significant others
5. Identify interventions to help the person more effectively manage
emotions and relationship
6. Learn specific treatment for each personality disorders
1. Give 3 characteristics of cluster b: personality disorder.
2. What are the four types of cluster b: personality disorder?
3. What type of personality disorder that a person does not usually show remorse
or feel sorry for the way they are acting?
4. What age is the onset of antisocial personality disorder?
5. Borderline personality disorder is more common in what gender?
6. Seductive behaviour is common in what personality disorder?
7. It characterized by heightened sense of self-importance and grandiose feelings
of uniqueness?
Reviewing the anatomy and physiology of the brain
The adult brain weighs about three pounds. It connects to the spinal cord through the
brain stem, which contains bundles of nerve cells, or
neurons. In the treatment of borderline personality disorder,
the most significant parts of the brain are the amygdala, an
almond-shaped group of neurons deep inside each
hemisphere of the brain, and the prefrontal cortex (PFC), the
part of each of the brain’s two hemispheres located right
behind the forehead and responsible for controlling
executive functions.
4. Ineffective Coping
4. Ineffective coping
- Assess for self-mutilating or suicide thoughts or behaviours
- Encourage client to explore feelings and concerns
- Be non-judgemental and respectful when listening to clients feelings,
thoughts or complaints
- Use assertiveness when setting limits on clients unreasonable demands for
attention and time
- Provide and encourage client to use professional in other disciplines such as
social services, vocational rehabilitation, social work
How will you diagnose the cluster b personality disorder?
● Physical exam. The doctor may do a physical exam and ask in-depth questions
about your health. In some cases, your symptoms may be linked to an
underlying physical health problem. Your evaluation may include lab tests and a
screening test for alcohol and drugs.
● Psychiatric evaluation. This includes a discussion about your thoughts,
feelings and behavior and may include a questionnaire to help pinpoint a
diagnosis. With your permission, information from family members or others
may be helpful.
● Diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5. Your doctor may compare your symptoms to
the criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5),
published by the American Psychiatric Association.
Diagnostic criteria
Each personality disorder has its own set of diagnostic criteria. However, according to
the DSM-5, generally the diagnosis of a personality disorder includes long-term marked
deviation from cultural expectations that leads to significant distress or impairment in at
least two of these areas:
● The way you perceive and interpret yourself, other people and events
● The appropriateness of your emotional responses
● How well you function when dealing with other people and in relationships
● Whether you can control your impulses
Since everyone has a personality, but not everyone has a personality disorder, these
disorders are considered a variant form of normal, healthy personality. This group of
disorders is characterized by problematic thinking patterns, problems with emotional
regulation and difficulty achieving a balance between spontaneity and impulse control.
However, the most significant and defining feature of personality disorders is the
negative effect these disorders have on interpersonal relationships. People with
personality disorders tend to respond to differing situations and demands with a
characteristically rigid constellation of thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. This
inflexibility and difficulty forming nuanced responses, represents the primary difference
between healthy and disordered personalities.
The exact cause of personality disorders remains uncertain. However, it is clear there
are both biological and psychosocial factors that influence the development of
personality and personality disorders. There are now several highly effective treatments
for personality disorders that could help patient with these disorder. Treatment includes
psychodynamic treatment, cognitive and behavioural therapy and also pharmacological
We all have a personality traits integrated with each other. If one trait dominates on the
other traits then we have a personality disorder. This different types of personality
disorder under cluster b has almost the same symptoms which is in dramatic, emotional
and erratic that conclude the general symptoms of cluster b: personality disorder. If you
are experiencing any one this symptoms you should go see a doctor to prevent these
disorder to be worsen.
a. Cluster-A
b. Cluster-B
c. Cluster-C
d. Cluster-D
a. Prefrontal cortex
b. Postfrontal cortex
c. Orbital cortex
d. Occipital lobe
8. Which of the following is not in Cluster B personality disorders?
9. All are the main categories of signs and symptoms of BPD, except.
a. Unstable self-image
b. Unstable emotions
c. Impulsivity
d. Chronic feelings of emptiness
10. A person with this disorder have low self-esteem and a fragile sense of self.