Name: Course and Section:: Reform Movement Katipunan Movement

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Self-assessment 2
Discuss the teachings of the KKK. Point out some teachings that you find useful and helpful in
your daily life.

KKK's teachings were transcribed into its Kartilya. Kartilya is the

katipunan's code of conduct, which directs each member to act properly and
adhere to certain principles defined by Kartilya. The Kartilya's guiding theory can
be divided into two categories. The first cluster contains rules that guide a person
toward being a moral person, while the second cluster contains rules that govern
how one should treat his fellow man. For me, the most notable and useful
lessons is “Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor and what you don’t
want to be done to your wife, daughter, and sister, do not do to the wife, daughter
and sister of another.” To be honest, as a citizen of my country, I've seen a lot of
repressive government actions, particularly against the poor and underprivileged.
Our laws fit the wealthy, but not the poor. As I grew up, I wanted to be a voice for
the oppressed and to advocate for their rights because I believe that everyone
should be treated equally, as our forefathers in Katipunan intended, and that this
should not be overlooked. I also learned to love my sister, mother, and myself as
a woman who grew up in a family-oriented home. I learned to understand their
emotions and efforts, as well as, most importantly, their ability. I believe that all
women should be treated with the same respect and that they should not be
treated as second-class citizens in any way.

2. Make a chart comparing the Reform Movement and the Katipunan.

Reform Movement Katipunan Movement

Nature A societal crusade aimed at Katipunan is an organisation
making the Philippines an that arose from the reform
ideal society by enhancing movement's failure. It was
justice in the country's political secretly founded by Andres
and social systems. Bonifacio and a group of well-
known Filipino heroes.
Aims It aims for change, liberty, and The Katipunan, as the
equality between Spaniards brotherhood was called, had
and Filipinos in all facets of three main objectives:
life. It also battles for political, spiritual, and civic.
representation in the Cortes They called for independence
Generales, a Spanish from Spain's yoke, which they
legislative body. believed could only be
accomplished by armed

Methods The reform movement makes Katipunan uses brutality and

use of intelligence as well as ferocity, as well as
pen and paper as a means for revolutionary movements,
writing various types of against Spaniards.
literature and letters.
Result In general, the reform Katipunan failed to achieve
movement struggled to full independence and
develop its goals as an comprehensive liberty for the
independent entity, but nation, but it did weaken
Katipunan was established to Spain's military army. They
continue fighting for Filipino were also successful in
rights, which was a establishing the first Philippine
magnificent and historic Republic on our behalf.

Both the reform movement and Katipunan were established with the same
purpose in mind: to restore the Filipino's human rights. It is the primary objective
of each of them to achieve liberty or independence. What differentiated the two
was the tool they used to carry out their plans and principles. While the reform
movement seeks equal justice and independence, it has relied heavily on the use
of knowledge and writhing as a key medium for achieving its goals. On the other
hand, the Katipunan movement saw the reform movement and decided that mere
words would not be enough to demand the independence they seek, so they
turned to violence, which poses a greater danger and success in reclaiming the
colonization of the Spaniards than the previous system used by the reform.

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