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Mibc Masonry Technical Manual Complete

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Wall Selection Guide Section 1.

Page 1


Masonry is the most enduring of all building materials, as exemplified by

the oldest and most revered architecture from around the world. The
exceptional structural integrity and durability of traditional masonry walls
Definitions: are derived from the inherent properties of the materials, and from the
robustness and built-in redundancies of these assemblies. Modern
- Wythe: A continuous
vertical section of a masonry masonry walls have evolved to apply these historical benefits to meet
wall, one unit in thickness.
the challenges of today's building designs.
- Single wythe wall: A
wall composed of a single
Masonry walls provide high-performance enclosures, which fulfill
unit of masonry in thickness
(a one brick or block thick support, control and finish functions. Masonry loadbearing, infill and
partition walls are physical barriers that provide privacy, security, and
- Structural backing: the fire and sound separation. When they are part of the building envelope,
masonry or other system of
masonry walls also act as a durable support for barrier and cladding
structural members to which
masonry veneer is tied. It is elements, and of course may be utilized to provide the cladding as well.
designed to withstand lateral
loads (i.e. wind and
earthquake loads). Selecting a particular masonry wall assembly from the many available
for a particular project can be influenced by many factors. This "wall
- Veneer: A non-
loadbearing masonry facing selection guide", along with other sections of this manual, is intended to
attached to and supported
outline technical and performance-related masonry design
by the structural backing.
considerations to assist designers and prospective building owners with
- Rainscreen wall: an
their decision making.
exterior wall assembly that
contains a drainage cavity
between the structural
For the purposes of this publication, masonry walls are divided into two
backing and the cladding.
types of assemblies. These are single wythe structural walls and
- Cavity wall: A
multi-layered rainscreen veneer walls. Historic masonry walls are
construction of masonry
units laid up with a cavity examples of structural walls where the characteristics of the assembly
between the wythes. The
result primarily from the massive nature of the construction. The
wythes are tied together
with metal ties or bonding modern version of these walls employs reinforced, single wythe concrete
units and are relied on to act
block or structural clay units to provide the structure and much of the
together in resisting lateral
loads. environmental separation. See Section 1.2 for further detailed
Section 1.1 Wall Selection Guide
Page 2

In this publication, the rainscreen veneer walls category includes wall

systems that use an exterior masonry wythe as a cladding, where an air
space separates the cladding from an airtight and insulated inner wall,
regardless of whether masonry materials are used in the structural back-
up wall. Masonry cladding options include brick, block and stone
veneers, supported by back ups such as concrete block, cast-in-place
concrete or stud-frame systems.

While rainscreen veneer walls are thin and light compared to most
structural walls, the reputation for fitness-to-purpose associated with
brick and stone-clad walls today derives in part from the robustness of
masonry, even in single wythe veneer applications. See Section 1.3 for
further detailed information

What is a loadbearing wall?

Structural walls were historically composed of several wythes, or layers - These walls resist dead and
live vertical loads.
of stone, clay or concrete masonry units. Multi-wythe clay brick or terra
cotta walls constructed in the early part of this century are examples of
this type of construction. Single wythe concrete block walls, reinforced
for seismic and wind loads, are contemporary examples of structural

Single wythe masonry walls rely significantly on the capacity of masonry

to perform building envelope barrier functions to resist environmental
influences, such as wetting, drying, freezing and thermal expansion.
The choice of appropriate materials for units and mortar, careful
workmanship to achieve full and dense mortar joints, and the application
of surface water repellants or paints are important factors in the
satisfactory performance of these walls. Block or brick structural walls
provide an efficient combination of structural durability, good building
envelope serviceability, attractive appearance, fire and sound resistance,
and low construction and maintenance costs. (See Section 1.2 for
further detailed information)
Wall Selection Guide Section 1.1
Page 3


In some applications and exposure conditions, the need for better

control over rain penetration led to the incorporation of an air space or
cavity in traditional walls to form a capillary break between two wythes
of brick. This type of two-stage wall can be referred to as a rainscreen
wall when the air space behind the outermost element is drained and
ventilated to the exterior and an effective air barrier is included on the
back up assembly. These walls generally rely on the properties of a
series of specific materials or components, such as thermal insulation to
slow heat transfer, and air and vapour barriers to control movement of
interior air, wind and water vapour.

In masonry walls, this scientific approach to enclosure design has

replaced the reliance on the inherent robustness and massiveness of
masonry, resulting in lighter and more complex walls. In these walls,
masonry is often used only as a veneer separated from the inner wall
elements by an air space. The inner wall becomes a convenient location
for structural components, fenestration and thermal insulation, as well
as air and vapour tight assemblies and interior finishes. Unlike new
versions of the rainscreen approach with other materials, masonry
rainscreen veneer wall design and construction has a successful track
record for over half a century, and can be relied upon to provide high
levels of performance and durability, even where moisture sensitive
back-up materials are used. The highest available performance level is
achieved where the back-up wall assemblies are also constructed of

The multiple layers of materials and components of these walls act in

concert to obtain a successful building enclosure. Where outward air
leakage is important to occupancy conditions or where the building will
be exposed to severe weather, the designer should consider the
advantages of masonry rainscreen veneer walls. (See section 1.3 for
further detailed information)
Structural Design Section 1.2.1
Page 1

The majority of residential buildings in the world are built of masonry -

although often to a low level of construction quality. For this reason,
photo coverage of earthquake damage from distant villages frequently
features piles of bricks or stones that were once homes. While these
structures bear little resemblance to our modern reinforced masonry
systems, they do illustrate the need for proper structural design.

The seismic experience with masonry in California has shown that

modern engineered masonry has generally provided a high level of
performance. While this is reassuring for our local region, their
experience with old unreinforced masonry structures highlights the need
for close attention to our own stock of similar buildings.


Modern masonry design is similar to limit states design methods for

other materials, particularly concrete. CSA S304-04 Design of Masonry
Structures is referenced by the 2005 National Building Code and the
2006 B.C. Building Code.

The following three factors in CSA S304.1 differentiate masonry design

from reinforced concrete design:
• f'm
f'm is the masonry compressive design strength. It is less than the
masonry unit strength due to the effects of mortar bedding and
interaction of the mortar and masonry unit. f'm is usually determined
from the unit strength, as shown below in Table 1.2.1-1. For some
projects, such as those utilizing large amounts of high strength units,
the alternative method of testing masonry assemblies (prisms) is
occasionally used.
• Φm
The Φ m resistance (safety) factor for masonry was increased from 0.55
to 0.60 in the 2004 edition.
• Em
Section 1.2.1 Structural Design
Page 2

The elastic modulus for masonry may be taken as Em=850 f'm (not
greater than 20,000 MPa), or may be determined from testing. CSA
S304.1 also provides methods for determining effective moments of
inertia for deflection calculations

Value of f'm for concrete block masonry

Specified compressive strength
normal to the bed joint, f'm, for
concrete block masonry, MPa
Specified compressive
strength of unit, MPa Type S mortar Note that CSA S304.1 now
(average net area) * clearly provides for the use of
the higher “Hollow” value for
Hollow Solid or f'm if the grout area is ignored.
>40 22 17
30 17.5 13.5
20 13 10
15 9.8 7.5
10 6.5 5
*Linear interpolation is permitted.
Notes: - For grouted walls the area of grout may be ignored and the
“Hollow” f'm value used with the face-shell bedded area. This
will be advantageous for larger spacings of grouted cells.
- Alternatively, for partially grouted walls a weighted value
between the “Hollow” and the “Solid or Grouted” may be
based on the percentage of grouted cores.
- Type N mortar is seldom, if ever, used in structural masonry.

Care should be taken to disperse the rebar throughout the wall, and to
avoid congestion in vertical cores. The most common rebar size in
reinforced masonry is 15M, followed by 20M. 25M’s are occasionally
used, but are difficult to handle and require long laps. Vertical bars are
typically placed as one layer in the centre of the wall. Horizontal rebar is
placed in bondbeam courses, often in pairs that act to centre the vertical
steel. Horizontal joint reinforcing is fabricated in ladders of two 3.8mm
Structural Design Section 1.2.1
Page 3

(9 ga) galvanized wires and embedded in horizontal mortar bed joints at

a spacing of 400 or 600mm.

CSA S304.1 (Clause 10.15.2) specifies minimum seismic reinforcement

for loadbearing and non-loadbearing walls for a project with a specific
seismic hazard index [IEFaSa(0.2)]. For most cases, the required
reinforcement areas must be oriented a minimum of 1/3 in either
direction. The larger amount of reinforcement will usually be used

Vertical steel spacing must not exceed 6(t+10) mm or 1200 mm,

whichever is less. The maximum spacing of horizontal reinforcement is:
- 400 mm where only joint reinforcement is used
- 1200 mm where only bond beams are used
- 2400 mm for bond beams, and 400 mm for joint reinforcement
where both are used

In many cases, it will be found that this minimum seismic steel will also
be adequate for flexural, shear or axial load resistance.

SHI* Area Typical Spec 200mm Wall

Loadbearing Total 0.002 Ag Vertical: 15M @ 800mm (0.00132)
SHI ≥ 0.35 2/3 = 0.00133 Horizontal: 2-15M @ 2400mm
1/3 = 0.00067 + Joint reinforcing @ 400mm
Non- Total 0.001 Vertical: 15M @ 1200mm (0.00088)
loadbearing 2/3 = 0.00067 Horizontal: 1-15M @ 2400mm
SHI ≥ 0.75 1/3 = 0.00033 + Joint reinforcing @ 400mm
* SHI = Seismic Hazard Index IEFaSa(0.2)

See reinforcement ratio table on page 5. See Guide Structural Notes in

Section 3.3 for typical reinforcement for other wall thicknesses.
Section 1.2.1 Structural Design
Page 4

In addition to flexural, shear and minimum seismic steel, vertical

reinforcing is required at each side of openings over 1200mm long, at
each side of control joints, and at corners, ends and intersections of
walls. CSA S304.1-04 (Clause 4.6.1) allows unreinforced masonry
partitions if they are less than 200 kg/m2 in mass and 3 m in height, but
only for seismic hazard indices < 0.75.


The minimum seismic requirements described above for “Conventional”

reinforced masonry will be all that is required for the vast majority of
masonry buildings. However, the B.C. Building Code 2006 (Table and CSA S304.1-04 (Clause 10.16) contain additional provisions
for a range of ductile shear wall categories beyond the conventional
seismic requirements They are based on the concept of ductility through
inelastic behavior in a “plastic hinge” zone at the base of a cantilever
shear wall. These detailing and design provisions ensure that the shear
capacity exceeds the flexural capacity that is providing the ductile
mechanism. They provide values of either 1.5 or 2.0 for Rd, the “ductility
related force reduction factor,” used in determining design loads.
The shear wall categories and their maximum building heights for the
two higher seismic hazard indices from BCBC Table are shown
Maximum Height
Rd .35-.75 >.75
1. Conventional 1.5 30 m 15 m
2. Limited Ductility 1.5 40 m 30 m
3. Moderately Ductile 2.0 60 m 40 m
4. Moderately Duct. Squat 2.0 n/a n/a

For the cases beyond the Conventional ductility walls there are
additional requirements for grouting, and reinforcing spacing and
detailing. There are also and limits on h/t, compressive strains, and
shear resistance. For typical masonry walls designed in the Squat
Structural Design Section 1.2.1
Page 5

category with hw /lw<1, there is an h/(t+10) limit, and requirements for

uniform loading and reinforcement ratios.
An Rd of 2.0 for all materials is now required for post-disaster buildings.
This can be provided by structural masonry by meeting the requirements
of Clause 10.16. The requirements for typical squat masonry walls such
as those used for fire halls are contained in Clause 10.16.6.

Large differences in the ductility of framing systems in orthogonal

directions should be avoided.


There are two masonry design textbooks based on S304.1-04 that are
available from the Masonry Institute of B. C.
Masonry Design for Engineers and Architects
(M. Hatzinikolas, Y. Korany)
with CD of Design Standard CSA S304.1-04 ($115.0)

Masonry Structures – Behavior and Design

Canadian Edition
(Robert G. Drysdale, Ahmad A. Hamid)
CSA S304.1-04 included in print ($150)

Masonry Design Software is also in development.

Section 1.2.1 Structural Design
Page 6

This table provides wall

reinforcement ratios for
various rebar spacings and
block sizes.
Structural Design Section 1.2.1
Page 7


Table A-1 Properties of Concrete Masonry Walls
Revised (per metre or foot length)
Grouted Cells / metre 0.00 0.83 1.00 1.25 1.67 2.50 5.00
Cell/dowel Spacing (mm) none 1200 1000 800 600 400 200
Nominal Size 150 mm 6 inch
Ae (mm2 x 103) 52.0 66.7 69.6 74.0 81.3 96.0 140.0
(in ) 24.6 31.5 32.9 35.0 38.4 45.4 66.2
Ix (mm4 x 106) 172 181 183 186 191 201 229
(in ) 126 133 134 136 140 147 168
Sx (mm3 x 106) 2.46 2.59 2.62 2.66 2.73 2.87 3.27
(in ) 45.8 48.2 48.7 49.5 50.7 53.3 60.8
Weight (kN/m2) 1.90 2.09 2.13 2.19 2.29 2.49 3.08
(psf) 39.6 43.7 44.6 45.8 47.9 52.0 64.3

Nominal Size 200 mm 8 inch

Ae (mm2 x 103) 75.4 94.5 98.3 104.0 113.6 132.7 190.0
(in ) 35.6 44.6 46.5 49.2 53.7 62.7 89.8
Ix (mm4 x 106) 442 464 468 475 485 507 572
(in ) 324 340 343 347 355 371 419
Sx (mm3 x 106) 4.66 4.88 4.93 5.00 5.11 5.34 6.02
(in ) 86.7 90.9 91.7 93.0 95.0 99.3 112.0
Weight (kN/m2) 2.46 2.75 2.81 2.89 3.03 3.32 4.18
(psf) 51.4 57.4 58.6 60.4 63.4 69.4 87.3

Nominal Size 250 mm 10 inch

Ae (mm2 x 103) 81.7 108.1 113.4 121.3 134.5 160.9 240.0
(in ) 38.6 51.1 53.6 57.3 63.5 76.0 113.4
Ix (mm4 x 106) 816 872 883 900 928 984 1152
(in ) 598 638 647 659 679 721 844
Sx (mm3 x 106) 6.80 7.27 7.36 7.50 7.73 8.20 9.60
(in ) 126.5 135.2 136.9 139.5 143.8 152.5 178.6
Weight (kN/m2) 2.97 3.35 3.43 3.55 3.74 4.12 5.28
(psf) 62.0 70.0 71.7 74.1 78.1 86.1 110.3

Nominal Size 300 mm 12 inch

Ae (mm2 x 103) 88.3 121.9 128.6 138.7 155.5 189.2 290.0
(in ) 41.7 57.6 60.8 65.5 73.5 89.4 137.0
Ix (mm4 x 106) 1341 1456 1479 1514 1571 1687 2032
(in ) 982 1066 1083 1108 1150 1235 1488
Sx (mm3 x 106) 9.25 10.04 10.20 10.44 10.83 11.63 14.01
(in ) 172.1 186.8 189.7 194.1 201.5 216.3 260.6
Weight (kN/m2) 3.53 4.00 4.10 4.24 4.48 4.95 6.38
(psf) 73.7 83.6 85.6 88.6 93.6 103.5 133.3

Note: Assume Bond Beams at 2.4 m (8 ft) O.C. Rev Dec/02

Table based on Metric blocks and modules (190 mm high units)
Assumed Weight 22 kN/m3 140.4 pcf

Adapted from “Engineered Masonry Design”; Glanville, Hatzinikolas, Ben-Omran

Structural Wall Types Section 1.2.2
Page 1

As discussed in Section 1.1, masonry walls are of two types: structural

walls and rainscreen veneer walls. Single wythe concrete block or
clay brick walls are the most common structural masonry walls: four
such single wythe wall systems are discussed below. Each type offers
different performance potential in terms of climatic factors, fire, thermal,
sound and seismic resistance; and construction and maintenance costs.
Furthermore, each wall system will have inherent aesthetic
characteristics. Additional treatments or finishes may be added to each
of these wall systems to develop them further.
Although masonry units do not have high thermal resistance, their high
mass provides a beneficial moderating influence on interior
temperatures. This "Mass Effect" provides better dynamic thermal
performance than a lightweight wall of the same R-value, and can
reduce heating and cooling loads – see Section 2.6.3 for further


The use of hollow masonry provides an economical wall system with a

masonry finish on both sides. A wide range of finishes can be achieved
with different textures and colours of brick and block. Suitable
reinforcing for seismic and structural strength can be placed within the
wall. Recent engineering advances permit these walls to be built to
greater heights with less reinforcing.
The weather resistance of this system relies on good workmanship for
full head joints, a concave joint profile and exterior wall coatings. (See
Section 1.6.2 - Sealing Masonry for further information.) Thermal
efficiency is adequate for building types with low heating requirements.
Hollow cores may be filled with foam or loose fill insulation for a slightly
improved thermal performance.
• Economical Wall / Structure
• Masonry finish on both sides
• Accepts reinforcing
Section 1.2.2 Structural Wall Types
Page 2


This system uses the H-Block, a special unit which allows the pouring of
a continuous concrete core in the wall.
The absence of end webs facilitates the
laying of the block around reinforcing
steel and minimizes head joint leakage
The finished wall has a high degree of structural strength and can be
used both above and below grade as an economical alternative to
formed-in-place concrete walls.
Solid filled masonry walls contribute to dryer mass walls and improved
building performance. Appropriate coatings for water resistance should
still be used on surfaces below grade or exposed to weather.
• Monolithic wall that accommodates heavy reinforcing.
• Improved water resistance


The placing of insulation on the interior of the wall substantially

increases the thermal resistance of the standard masonry wall. This
system can include air and vapour barriers as well as interior finish
options. Interior insulation places the dewpoint between the insulation
and the masonry. If this is a concern, proper moisture management
steps need to be taken. One method is to step the insulation away from
the masonry, creating a cavity with drainage and drying potential. The
other is to use sprayed urethane foam as insulation - an effective barrier
against moisture. Refer to details Section 1.2.4 for more information.
• Durable exterior
• Improved thermal performance
Structural Wall Types Section 1.2.2
Page 3


The application of insulation to the exterior of the wall combined with

the mass of the masonry on the interior provides for high thermal
efficiency as well as good rain resistance depending on the exterior
finish applied.

• Improved thermal performance from insulation and exposed
interior mass
• Improved water resistance
Structural Masonry Section 1.2.3
Cost Guide Page 1

This Cost Guide was prepared by the B.C. Chapter of the Canadian Masonry Contractors Association.
Installed wall costs include labour and materials.
Variations to the basic walls are given as additions or deductions from a base cost, to arrive at a total for
various options. These total costs are based on typical commercial walls in the Vancouver area with few
openings, piers, off-sets or corners. See note at bottom of this page.
Although costs are given in both sq.m. and sq.ft. - only metric block are generally available.
These costs reflect the Vancouver market – areas requiring shipping of materials may see slightly higher
8m high, grouted vertically @ 800mm, bond beams @ 2400mm $/sq.m $/sq.ft


Baseline: 190mm(20cm) smooth grey, 15MPa 110 - 130 10 - 12 *

Width 90mm deduct (7) (0.65)
115mm deduct (10) (1.00)
140mm deduct (10) (1.00)
190mm -Baseline Above–
240mm add 21 2.00
290mm add 32 3.00
Height 90mm (1/2 high) add 54 5.00
Strength 20 MPa add 2 0.20
30 MPa add 3 0.30
Fire Rated - ULC add 2 0.20
Finish Scored add 13 1.25
Split Face add 16 1.50
Split Rib add 22 2.00
Split Ledge add 27 2.50
Ground Face Add 43 4.00
Colour Standard (block & mortar) add 21 2.00
Premium (block & mortar) add 32 3.00


Baseline: 190x90x290 or 390 mm 225 - 260 21 - 24 *

Width 140mm deduct (10) (1.00)

Clear water repellent add 8 0.80
Anti-graffiti repellent add 17 1.60
Elastomeric Paint Coating add 17 1.60


Including grout, joint reinforcing, placing of rebar
Baseline 25% (vertical @ 800mm), 20cm width
33% (@600mm) add 5 0.50
50% (@400mm) add 10 1.00
Solid Grouted add 18 1.70
Solid Grouted H-block add 22 2.00

* Due to market volatility, these cost figures should be used for general comparisons only.
C.M.C.A. members can provide budget costs or quotations for specific projects based on actual plans,
specifications, site conditions, location and construction season.
Rainscreen Design Section 1.3.1
Page 1

During the 1960's and 1970's, the Division of Building Research of the
National Research Council of Canada (NRC) published important
technical literature about the design and function of walls, windows and
roofs. Fundamental concepts described in this literature have been
referred to as "the principles of enclosure design". Among these
concepts is the familiar “rainscreen” principle that can explain the
consistently successful performance of masonry rainscreen veneer walls.

An ordinary interior partition must be a physical barrier providing

privacy, sound separation and some degree of security as well as
meeting certain aesthetic requirements. An exterior wall must do all of
this, plus prevent rain and air leakage, control vapour migration, control
heat and radiant energy transfer, and resist certain physical loads.

A masonry wall with even modest control over air and vapour movement
and minimal thermal insulation can provide all of these enclosure
requirements throughout a very long service-life. Masonr y-clad walls
generally include an air space behind the cladding that is drained and
ventilated to the exterior. Examples of walls with a brick or stone
rainscreen veneer have successfully incorporated all of the of aspects
rainscreen enclosures for most of the twentieth century.
Section 1.3.1 Rainscreen Design
Page 2


A fundamental element of any wall is a structural barrier to air

movement. Uncontrolled air movement can result in loss of interior
environmental control, rain entry and damaging condensation of
moisture from interior air. An air barrier for a building must be
sufficiently airtight to adequately contain the interior environment and to
separate inside from outside.

Achieving a buildable and airtight barrier throughout the walls, windows

and roofs of buildings is often one of the most difficult tasks for
designers and builders. In many instances, the difference between a
well performing building enclosure and a disaster, is the attention given
to this one objective. Durability of the air barrier, in turn, depends on
the functioning of all other components of the assembly. In masonry
rainscreens, the air barrier is typically a membrane, trowel-on or sprayed
foam system applied to the cavity side of the back-up wall.

Air pressure across the envelope due to wind, operation of mechanical

ventilation equipment and stack effect can induce substantial physical
loads. Of these, wind will likely exert the largest force. Although
maximum wind gusts may only last a few seconds and occur once in a
decade, these loads must not damage the air barrier. The various air
barrier components of the building envelope must have sufficient
structural integrity, or be structurally supported, to transfer loads to the
structure of the building without damage or excessive deflection.
Concrete block back-up walls easily provide such structural support with
minimal deflection.

Air leakage across the enclosure must be prevented to control rain

entry, maintain interior comfort and to avoid condensation-related
moisture problems. If air tightness at the interior side of thermal
insulation is insufficient to contain the interior environment and prevent
outward interior air movement across thermal insulation, interior air may
Rainscreen Design Section 1.3.1
Page 3

contact cold surfaces in the enclosure. This type of air movement can
be referred to as exfiltration and is known to be an important cause of
moisture-related damage to the enclosures of buildings. This is less of a
concern with masonry claddings than with other, less moisture tolerant


A layer of thermal insulation is normally required to obtain control over

the temperature of the interior environment and to protect the enclosure
from the affects of the weather. Considered only as thermal separation
between inside and out, insulation could be placed at any convenient
plane in the wall. However, insulation should be placed so as to protect
critical components and assemblies from the temperature changes that
occur in the exterior environment.

Placement of thermal insulation in the correct location with respect to

the airtight assemblies is important for proper enclosure functioning.
The building structure, the wall structure and the air barrier, should be
as thermally isolated as possible from the exterior. In a masonry
rainscreen, placing insulation over the membrane on the back-up wall
inside the cavity airspace meets these requirements.


Outward diffusion of water vapour can be another source of

condensation-related wetness although not likely to be as significant as
air leakage. Movement of water vapour into building enclosure
assemblies by diffusion can occur when interior air has a significantly
higher moisture content than outside air. Water vapour will follow the
"concentration gradient", generally from inside to out, and may result in
condensation on cold surfaces. A vapour barrier is incorporated into the
enclosure assembly to control diffusion-related moisture movement.
Section 1.3.1 Rainscreen Design
Page 4

A vapour barrier should be located at the warm side of the enclosure

and may be associated or combined with the air barrier. Although the
location of a vapour barrier may be similar to that of an air barrier, the
functioning and degree of wetting of these enclosure components are
not the same. Obtaining adequate control over diffusion of water vapour
is generally achieved by the incorporation of a suitable material.
Adequate control over air movement is a significant design and
construction problem requiring care and attention throughout the
building envelope.


Masonry cladding can function as a rain screen when it is separated

from an airtight and properly insulated enclosure by an air space that is
open to the exterior. The air space provides a capillary gap, reducing
contact of wet cladding with other enclosure elements. It also allows for
drainage and ventilation drying of moisture which may be present
behind the cladding. This air space reduces air pressure on the cladding
by permitting wind to pressurize the air space. This type of air pressure
moderation can reduce the force of wind that might otherwise push
water through openings in the cladding. The air space can also
accommodate tolerances in the position of the back-up system.

The outermost enclosure elements and assemblies will be subjected to

extremes of temperature, wetting and drying and should be free to
move in response. The movement joints associated with a rain screen
cladding can accommodate thermal movement or other changes in in-
service conditions. The horizontal movement joints in masonry at shelf
angles need not be sealed if they are otherwise protected from wind-
driven rain – such as with edge flashings. Otherwise, they are sealed like
vertical joints with caulking. See Section 2.4.2 for details.
The rain screen principle and the other considerations of enclosure
design developed by NRC many years ago explain the consistently high
performance of masonry-clad walls.
Rainscreen Wall Types Section 1.3.2
Page 1

Section 1.1 of this manual noted that the oldest and most enduring
buildings in the world are constructed of masonry. The serviceability of
these masonry walls is attributed to the inherent robustness of masonry
materials. That section reviewed the different kind of masonry walls,
while the design of rainscreen veneer walls was described in Section
1.3.1. The different combinations of veneer claddings and back-up walls
are discussed below.


Brick, block or stone may be used as the outermost element for the
The four ‘D’s of successful wall walls of buildings. Used in this way, a single wythe of masonry is the
wall cladding and is often referred to as a "veneer". Masonry rainscreen
Deflection: Limit wall walls include an air space behind the veneer that is drained and
exposure to rain with
ventilated to the exterior.
overhangs and flashings.

Drainage: Any moisture that

The cavity in a masonry wall provides:
makes it into the wall is
redirected outside. • drainage and drying
• a capillary break (gap) between cladding and back-up
Drying: Features that speed
the drying of wet materials. • pressure moderation of wind driven rain
• for tolerances in the back-up wall location
Durability: Use only materials
that are tolerant of moisture. • a good location for some or all of the wall insulation

To maximize the performance of these functions, the cavity should be

kept reasonably clear of mortar droppings. Inward of the air space are
the structural, airtight and thermally insulated components of rain
screen walls discussed in Sections 1.1 and 1.3.1. Wall assemblies inward
of the airspace of masonry-clad walls are referred to as the "back-up",
and may be of several types as described below. The masonry veneer is
usually about 100mm thick with its weight supported vertically by the
See Section 2.6 for a description of
stainless steel versus hot-dipped foundation, or by steel shelf angles at each floor for higher buildings.
galvanized ties. See Section 2.5 for For lateral wind and earthquake loads, the veneer is connected to the
a review of flashing materials.
back-up by corrosion resistant steel ties at a designed spacing. A wide
range of wall assemblies with a masonry veneer have successfully
Section 1.3.2 Rainscreen Wall Types
Page 2

incorporated all of the aspects of rain screen enclosures for most of the
twentieth century.


A masonry veneer with masonry back-up can provide the most durable
contemporary rain screen wall available. A concrete block or poured-in-
place concrete back-up wall can accommodate higher levels of incidental
wetness than a wood or steel stud back-up.

Buildings with a masonry back-up in a mild climate with moderate or

controlled interior air conditions, may derive adequate airtightness from
an uncoated concrete block back-up and require only a minimum of
thermal insulation. Occasional wetting of masonry wall components by
rain or condensation of moisture from outward air movement may be
well within the tolerable capacity of the relatively massive and moisture
resistant wall assembly.

The often exceptional performance of the oldest buildings in the world

suggests that the durability of masonry can be a positive factor in
building design and construction.

Where more air tightness is required to contain humid interior

environments, particularly in cold climates, increased air tightness and
thermal insulation may be advisable. Increased air-tightness can be
obtained as needed by applying paint or coatings on the exterior of a
concrete block back-up, or by applying sprayed urethane foam
insulation. An air barrier membrane at critical junctions between a
concrete block or poured-in-place concrete back-up wall and other
enclosure components and assemblies can provide the necessary air

More demanding interior or exterior environments may require higher

levels of air-tightness or weather resistance of the building enclosure. It
Rainscreen Wall Types Section 1.3.2
Page 3

may be necessary or convenient to use a continuous membrane over all

back-up surfaces to extend continuous waterproofing and air-tightness
over all structural or structurally supported elements of the building


Wood frame and steel stud infill walls with insulation within the stud
space are familiar wall assemblies in a wide range of building types. The
brick veneer/wood stud back-up wall is very commonly used for single
family and low-rise residential construction in North America (see
Section 1.4). Steel stud infill walls are often used in concrete structural
frame buildings. Both of these materials are less moisture resistant than
block or concrete back-ups, and must be carefully designed and

Because these systems employ insulation only in the space between the
studs, thermal bridging must be considered, particularly for steel studs
in colder climates. The effective combined R-value can be greatly
reduced, and cold spots can cause condensation problems.

The principles of enclosure design (reviewed in Section 1.3.1) require

air-tightness at the interior side of the insulation. Interior wall finishes
should be rendered airtight where batt insulation fills stud spaces. The
use of sealants or membranes may accomplish this objective while the
continuity and strength of interior finishes becomes a design and
construction consideration. This approach, which is often referred to as
the airtight drywall (ADA) approach, influences detailing and product
selection at junctions and joints of interior finishes with all other building
envelope components.

This approach can be advantageous for masonry-clad, concrete frame

buildings with steel stud infill. With some ingenuity, it can also be useful
Section 1.3.2 Rainscreen Wall Types
Page 4

in wood frame construction. An interior air barrier approach is generally

not recommended for buildings using a structural steel frame.


This approach also uses wood or steel stud back-up wall materials, but
incorporates some or all of the insulation in the cavity between the
outside of the stud wall and the masonry cladding. This reduces thermal
bridging and is compatible with the simpler air barrier membrane
approach on the exterior of the stud back-up wall. An external
membrane is simple to install over the sheathing and also provides a
higher level of moisture protection to the wood or steel stud materials.

The cavity insulation can reduce condensation concerns for both thermal
bridging and the external membrane. This system should not include
vapour-tight interior finishes.

The additional wall thickness

required for cavity insulation, the
airspace and the masonry veneer
may be offset by Floor Space Ratio
relief under local jurisdiction bylaws.
Veneer Masonry Section 1.3.3
Cost Guide Page 1

This Cost Guide was prepared by the B.C. Chapter of the Canadian Masonry Contractors Association.
Installed wall costs include labour and materials.
Variations to the basic walls are given as additions or deductions from a base cost, to arrive at a total for
various options. These total costs are based on typical commercial walls in the Vancouver area with few
openings, piers, off-sets or corners. See note at bottom of this page.
Although costs are given in both sq.m. and sq.ft. - only metric block are generally available.
These costs reflect the Vancouver market – areas requiring shipping of materials may see slightly higher
8m high, brick ties @ 600 x800mm, flashing, weep holes, grey mortar $/ sq.m $/ sq.ft.

Size (see Section 2.1.3 of the Technical Manual for more on brick modules)

Baseline: 2 1/4 Modular 90 x 57 x 190 mm

or: 2 1/2 Standard 90 x 63 x 190 mm 215 - 270 20 - 25 *

Norman 90 x 63 x 290 mm Deductions of 10% - 15% are possible with larger

Econ, Saxon 90 x 90 x 290 mm units. These vary with layout modularity, details and
Giant 90 x 90 x 390 mm project specifics
Coloured mortar add 3 0.30
Soldier course (per metre or foot) add 17 1.60
Rowlock course (per metre of foot) add 25 2.30

Full Height 90 x 190 x 390 mm

Baseline: Smooth Grey 110 - 130 10 - 12 *

Finish: Scored add 10 0.90
Split Face add 11 1.00
Split Rib add 19 1.75
Split Ledge add 24 2.25
Ground Face add 40 4.00
Colour: Standard (block & mortar) add 18 1.70
Premium (block & mortar) add 24 2.20

1/2 High 90 x 90 x 390 mm

Baseline: Smooth grey 160 - 190 15 - 18 *

Split Face add 15 1.50
Colour Standard add 25 2.30
Premium add 33 3.00

Clear Water Repellent add 8 0.80
Anti-graffiti Repellent add 17 1.60
Elastomeric Paint Coating add 17 1.60

Closer Tie Spacing - 600 x 600 or 400 x 800 add 3 0.30
- 400 x 600 add 5 0.60
Stainless Steel Ties - 600 x 800 add 2 0.25
Moisture/Air Barrier & Insulation - varies add 20 - 30 2-3

10m - 20m add 10-20%
20m - 50m add 15-25%

* Due to market volatility, these cost figures should be used for general comparisons only.
C.M.C.A. members can provide budget costs or quotations for specific projects based on actual plans,
specifications, site conditions, location and construction season.
Manufacturing and Section 2.1.1
Specification Page 1

The term brick as used today denotes a rectangular masonry unit

formed in a plastic state from clay or shale and burned in a kiln. If brick
Mining is made from materials other than clay or shale, the name of the
material from which the unit is manufactured is included, such as
concrete brick.

Blending The composition of the raw materials used and the manufacturing
process affect the properties of clay masonry products. Basically, the
important properties of brick are colour, texture, size variation,
absorption, compressive strength and durability.

Generally, the harder a brick is, the longer lasting and more water
resistant it is. Brick used in construction must endure heat, cold,
wetting, drying, surface impact, ultra violet light and chemical exposure.
The qualities of brick have been proven through centuries of use.

Brick is formed in two principle ways: the extruded method or the
pressed brick method. The most common is the extruded process, which

Water produces brick with a smooth or wire cut surface texture. Additional
surface deformations and treatments can be added after extrusion. The
Forming &
pressed brick process produces a very accurately formed brick, with a
smooth texture. Brick colours are primarily a product of the raw clay
mixture and the firing procedure. Modern brick plants employ long
tunnel kilns, in which kiln cars of “green brick” are continuously fed

Drying through drying, firing and cooling zones. Energy is conserved by

recycling heat from the cooling zone to the drying zone.

Both Clay Face Brick and Structural Units are covered by CSA A82-06.
A standard face brick (cored brick) is defined as a brick that is at least
75% solid. Hollow structural units have a net cross-sectional area of
40% to 75%.
The minimum width of a brick unit is 75 mm.

Storage &
Section 2.1.1 Manufacturing and
Page 2
07/11 Specification
There are two grades of clay masonry units: Exterior (EG), and Interior
(IG). EG units are required for all exterior applications in Canada, where
a high degree of resistance to frost action and weathering is desired and
where a brick unit may be exposed to frost action when permeated with
water. IG units do not have to meet as high a resistance to frost action,
Egyptian hieroglyph (c. 3100 BC)
and may only be used for interior applications. In practice, only EG units “Brick” – literally “block of clay”
are usually inventoried by brick producers.

There are three types of face or hollow brick in CSA A82-06: Types S, X Typical Base Specification:
and A.
Clay Face Brick and Hollow Brick:
Type S bricks are for general use in exposed exterior and interior to CSA A82-06, Grade EG, Type S
masonry walls and partitions, where normal variations in size are
permitted. This is by far the most commonly used and specified brick
type, and provides the basis for acceptance if no other type is specified.

The dimensional tolerances for Type S units have been tightened in the Overall tolerance envelope
2006 edition, by requiring closer tolerances on units supplied for a
specific project. In effect, this makes the tolerances at least as tight as ± 6 mm
the previous Type X dimensional restrictions. For example, the Type S
tolerance on the 190 mm length of a standard brick used to be ± 6 mm ± 3 mm
± 3 mm
for Type S, and ± 4 mm for Type X. For Type S, it is now ± 6 mm
overall, but only ± 3 mm within a project job lot sample. Possible project tolerance
envelopes within overall

Type X brick are for special use in exposed exterior and interior masonry
walls and partitions where a higher degree of mechanical perfection and
smaller permissible variation in size are required. “Other than chips, the surfaces
that will be exposed in place
shall also be free of cracks or
Type A brick are manufactured and selected to produce characteristic other imperfections detracting
from the appearance of the brick
architectural effects resulting from non-uniformity in size, colour and
when viewed from a distance of
texture of individual units. 4.5 m for Type X and 6.1m
(20ft) for Types S and A”
Sizes and Shapes Section 2.1.2
Page 1

- All sizes shown as Width x Height x Length. Other sizes
may be available from some manufacturers.
- Many special shapes are also available. See your masonry
manufacturer for more information.
- Thickness of mortar joints between units can be adjusted
slightly by the mason to fit required length/height

Size Metric (mm) Imperial (in)

Actual size 90 x 64 x 190 3½ x 2½ x 7½
Nominal size 100 x 75 x 200 4x3x8
Coursing 4c = 300 mm 4c = 12 in
# of units 66.7 per m2 6.0 per ft2

Actual size 90 x 57 x 190 35/8 x 2¼ x 75/8
Nominal size 100 x 67 x 200 4 x 22/3 x 8
Coursing 3c = 200 mm 3c = 8 in
# of units 75 per m2 6.75 per ft2

Actual size 90 x 64 x 290 3½ x 2½ x 11½
Nominal size 100 x 75 x 300 4 x 3 x 12
Coursing 4c = 300 mm 4c = 12 in
# of units 44.5 per m2 4.0 per ft2

Actual size 90 x 90 x 290 3½ x 3½ x 11½
Nominal size 100 x 100 x 300 4 x 4 x 12
Coursing 2c = 200 mm 2c = 8 in
# of units 33.3 per m2 3.0 per ft2

Actual size 90 x 90 x 390 3½ x 3½ x 15½
Nominal size 100 x 100 x 400 4 x 4 x 16
Coursing 2c = 200 mm 2c = 8 in
# of units 25 per m2 2.25 per ft2
Section 2.1.2 Sizes and Shapes
Page 2


See Section 1.2.1 for information on structural design

Metric (mm) Imperial (in)

300 (12”) STRUCTURAL

90 x 90 x 290 3½ x 3½ x 11½
140 x 90 x 290 5½ x 3½ x 11½
190 x 90 x 290 7½ x 3½ x 11½
(Nominal 100x300) (Nominal 4x12)

400 (16”) STRUCTURAL

90 x 90 x 390 3½ x 3½ x 15½
140 x 90 x 340 3½ x 3½ x 15½
190 x 90 x 390 3½ x 3½ x 15½
(Nominal 100x400) (Nominal 4x16)

See manufacturer for full range of shapes available.


Bond beam

45° Cant

Sizes and Shapes Section 2.1.2
Page 3

Examples of walls in running bond (half bond) using face brick of

differing sizes.

Standard Brick Norman Brick

Econ/Saxon Brick Giant Brick

Brick Modules Section 2.1.3
Page 1


Where possible, it is desirable to lay out the brickwork according to the

module of the brick being used - both in length and in height. Proper
layout will minimize the cutting of bricks, thereby reducing costs. A good
layout will also improve appearance by avoiding small cut pieces, mitres,
and uneven bonds. It also allows for uniformity in the mortar joints,
avoiding unusually large or small joints. In sufficiently large panels, the
mason can adjust joint thicknesses to suit required panel heights and
widths. (See also Section 2.1.4 – Layout Considerations)

For all brick laid in 1/2 bond the module is determined as follows:
Horizontal module = 1/2 (brick length + joint)
Vertical module = brick height + joint


The larger the brick size As a general rule – the larger the brick size the more economical the
the more economical the cost of the wall (see Section 1.3.3 - Cost Guide). The key to realizing
cost of the wall.
these savings is proper layout both at the design and construction
Unit Cost phases.
Standard 1.00
Modular + 5 to 10% The choice of unit size impacts more than just the module and cost:
Econ/Saxon, - 10 to 15% • With soldier courses (usually found above windows or as
Giant accent banding) where the unit is laid vertically, the soldier
course doesn’t always bond with the horizontal units.
• Corners may require special units (either cut on site or specially
manufactured) to maintain 1/2 bond.

Special units such as L-corners and 214mm soldier units should be

clearly identified in the specifications and masonry details.

Other brick sizes than those shown below may be available,

check with local brick manufacturers.
Section 2.1.3 Brick Modules
Page 2


Cost Factor = 1.00
Metric “Standard” brick and Imperial “Standard” brick are identical in (Base)
size. “Standard” brick are the same size whether specified as metric or
imperial since these sizes fall safely within manufacturing tolerances.
The difference in the module is entirely reflected in the size of the
mortar joint.

Horizontal Module: 100mm (4”)

Brick: 188mm (7 1/2”)
Joint: 12mm (1/2”)
Vertical Module: 75mm (3”)
Coursing 4c=300mm (12”)
Brick: 63mm (2 1/2“)
Joint: 12mm (1/2”) Standard bricks are the
same size whether
specified as metric or
With “Standard” brick: imperial
Soldiers: “Standard” brick used in soldier courses do not have the
same height as 3 courses of brick. A special, longer
214mm (8 1/2”) brick can be used successfully to match
regular coursing.
Bond: 1/2 bond is maintained around corners

If a soldier course is used above an opening, remember the following

“Standard” soldiers will not line
points: up with horizontal courses (left).
• Jams can be cut to suit to accept lintel angles When needed, special 214mm
units can be used (right).
• A 214mm unit can be used to course out vertically
• A soldier course can be carried around the whole building to
eliminate this coursing problem. A banding or horizontal effect
will result.
• A soldier lintel looks better if it is extended beyond the jam. It
will then appear to “bear” on the surrounding masonry.

1/2 bond
Brick Modules Section 2.1.3
Page 3


Cost Factor
“Modular” brick are designed so that 3 vertical courses equal 200mm or
+ 5 to 10%
8 inches. This permits using the brick vertically as a soldier course lining
up with 3 horizontal courses.
“Modular” brick walls are generally slightly less economical than
“Standard” brick walls because of the smaller unit size. However, they
can be more economical if there are a lot of details where their
modularity is advantageous (soldier courses, basketweave, etc.)

Horizontal Module: 100mm

Brick: 190mm
- A “Modular” brick Joint: 10mm

courses evenly as a Vertical Module: 67mm

soldier. Coursing 3c=200mm
- Imperial similar.
Brick: 57mm
Joint: 10mm

Horizontal Module: 4”
Brick: 7-5/8”
Joint: 3/8”

Vertical Module: 2-2/3”

Coursing: 3c=8”
Brick: 2 ¼”
Joint: 3/8”+

With “Modular” brick:

1/2 bond
Soldiers: “Modular” brick courses evenly as a soldier
Bond: 1/2 bond is maintained around corners
Section 2.1.3 Brick Modules
Page 4


“Norman” brick are usually the same height as a “Standard” brick, but Cost Factor
100mm (4”) longer giving a more horizontal look to a wall as well as - 10 to 15%

reducing overall wall cost.

The cost factor shows the decrease of the in-the-wall cost due to the
larger size of this unit, assuming the wall is laid out to the appropriate
Normans can be laid in either 1/2 bond or 1/3 bond. In 1/2 bond special
L-corner units are recommended to maintain bond around corners
without cutting small pieces. Soldiers are modular, one equals 4 brick
courses. Imperial similar
1/2 bond can also be accomplished using alternating 240mm (9-1/2”)
closer bricks at corners and wall ends but this alters the module and can
result in additional cutting in other locations.

Horizontal Module: 150mm

Brick: 288mm
Joint: 12mm

Vertical Module: 75mm

Coursing 4c=300mm
Brick: 63mm
1/3 Bond
Joint: 12mm

Horizontal Module: 6”
Brick: 11 1/2”
Joint: 1/2”

Vertical Module: 3”
Coursing: 4c=12”
Brick: 2 1/2”
Joint: 1/2”

1/2 bond using
• Horizontal module changes from 100 (4”) for “Standards” to 150 an L-Corner unit
(6”) for “Normans”
• The length of imperial and metric “Normans” are not equal.
• A 2 1/2” height “Norman” is commonly used in BC.
• 2 1/4” height “Normans” are available, but at a higher in-the-
wall cost.
Brick Modules Section 2.1.3
Page 5

With “Norman” bricks:

Bond: 1/3 bond is the natural bond around corners. Special
units can be used to achieve 1/2 bond.
Soldiers: Match the height of 4 courses.

1/2 bond using

a Closer unit

1/2 bond using a Bat

Section 2.1.3 Brick Modules
Page 6

Cost Factor
ECON / SAXON BRICK - 10 to 15%

(“Econ” and “Saxon” are proprietary names for this size of unit in BC.)

These units are economical alternatives to “Standard” brick.

“Econ” or “Saxon” brick have the same height to length ratio as
“Standard” brick ( 1:3 ) and therefore have a similar appearance. These
units can be laid in either 1/2 bond or 1/3 bond. In 1/2 bond special L-
corner units are recommended to maintain bond around corners without
cutting small pieces. If laid in 1/2 bond, L-corner or 9 1/2” (240mm)
closer units are generally used. If the job is laid out to a 150mm module - Units used as
soldiers course out
this can be an economical alternative to “Standard” brick because only
half as many units are laid. Soldiers are modular, one equals 3 brick - Imperial similar.

Horizontal Module: 150mm

Brick: 290mm
Joint: 10mm

Vertical Module: 100mm

Coursing 2c=200mm
1/3 bond
Brick: 90mm
Joint: 10mm

Horizontal Module: 6”
Brick: 11 1/2”
Joint: 1/2”

Vertical Module: 4”
Coursing: 2c=8”
Brick: 3 1/2”
Joint: 1/2” 1/2 bond using L-corners
Note: Imperial and metric lengths are not equal

With “Econ” or “Saxon” bricks:

Bond: 1/3 bond is the natural bond around corners. An
L-corner or closer can be used to maintain 1/2 bond around corners
Soldiers: Match the height of 3 courses

Note: Closers alter the module. Using them may result in forcing cuts
1/2 bond using Closer units
Brick Modules Section 2.1.3
Page 7

(“Giant Brick” is a proprietary name for this size of unit in BC.)

Cost Factor
- 10 to 15% Giants, like Normans, have a 1:4 height to length ratio. They are
generally laid in 1/2 bond but can also be laid in 1/4 bond. Corners in
1/2 bond require cut pieces (Bats).

Horizontal Module: 200mm

Brick: 390mm
Joint: 10mm

Vertical Module: 100mm
Coursing 2c=200mm
Brick: 90mm
Joint: 10mm
Imperial similar
Horizontal Module: 8”
Brick: 15 1/2”
Joint: 1/2”

Vertical Module: 4”
Coursing: 2c=8”
Brick: 3 1/2”
Joint: 1/2”
Note: Imperial and Metric lengths are not equal.

¼ bond
With “Giant” bricks:
Bond: 1/4 bond is the natural bond around corners. Brick
Closers or Bats (cut pieces) are used to maintain 1/2
bond around corners
Soldiers: Match the height of 4 courses. Half units are often used
to match the height of two courses (200mm).

1/2 bond using Closers

1/2 bond using Bats

Section 2.1.3 Brick Modules
Page 8


For metric bricks:

Brick Module Cost Natural 1/2 Bond Corners Soldiers

(l x h) Factor Bond
Standard 100x75 1.00 1/2 bond Natural Special 214mm unit
matches 3 courses
Modular 100x67 + 5 to 1/2 bond Natural 3 courses
Norman 150x75 - 10 to 1/3 bond L-corner: 140mm 4 courses
15% return
Closer: 240mm
Econ / 150x100 - 10 to 1/3 bond L-corner: 140mm 3 courses
Saxon 15% return
Closer: 240mm
Giant 200x100 - 10 to 1/4 bond Closer: 290mm 4 courses
15% Bat: 90mm (2 for half units)

For imperial bricks:

Brick Module Cost Natural 1/2 Bond Corners Soldiers

(l x h) Factor Bond
Standard 4”x3” 1.00 1/2 bond Natural Special 8 1/2” unit
matches 3 courses
Modular 4“x2 2/3“ + 5 to 1/2 bond Natural 3 courses
Norman 6”x3” - 10 to 1/3 bond L-corner: 5 1/2” return 4 courses
15% Closer: 9 ½“
Econ / 6”x4” - 10 to 1/3 bond L-corner: 5 1/2” return 3 courses
Saxon 15% Closer: 9 ½“
Giant 8”x4” - 10 to 1/4 bond Closer: 11 1/2" 4 courses
15% Bat: 3 1/2" (2 for half units)
Layout Considerations Section 2.1.4
Page 1


For the horizontal layout of short panels of brick (i.e. columns or panels
between windows) and small openings, the dimensions should
correspond closely to the module of the unit used. This is a particular
benefit when there are many similar short panels or openings. For

Modular Layout longer walls, the mason can adjust mortar joints to get back to the brick

The horizontal dimension of a brick panel should be divisible by the

module minus 1 mortar joint. (eg. A panel or column 3 Standard bricks
wide would only have 2 joints and therefore be 590mm not 600mm.
Conversely an opening in a brick panel 3 bricks wide would have to
account for an extra joint ( 3 bricks + 4 joints) and be 610mm.

What not to do: this opening

When using over-size brick (Normans, Econs, etc.) consider not just the
requires 16 cuts
1st course but also the 2nd. Often what seems to lay out to the module
on one course requires cuts on the second.

The vertical layout is generally less critical because of the frequency and
adjustability of the mortar joints, but care should be taken to stay as
close to the brick module as possible. This is especially critical when
laying out openings and short rises under windows.

Keeping these points in mind will avoid unnecessary cutting and

enhance the appearance of your brick project.
Manufacturing and Section 2.2.1
Specifications Page 1

Most specification writers, architects, engineers and builders, commonly

Aggregate Cement
refer to concrete masonry units as CMU’s or concrete block.

The units are formed in a block machine, which uses vibration and
pressure to form the blocks from a relatively dry mix with a low
Batching water/cement ratio. The basic ingredients are Portland cement, graded
aggregates and water; although lightweight aggregates, plasticizers,
pozzolans, colouring pigments and water repellants may also be used.
After forming, the units are given an accelerated cure in low-pressure
steam kilns and are available for use within 48 hours of manufacture.

Mixing Water
Concrete masonry provides a cost effective answer to a variety of
essential building needs, including: structure, fire separation,
architectural finish, thermal mass, sound control, and low maintenance.

The properties of concrete block can provide a total system to address

this broad range of building requirements.

Pressure The most common unit manufactured today is the 190x190x390mm unit
Steam (200x200x400mm nominal with a 10mm joint). It is manufactured with
two cores to accommodate vertical reinforcement and to provide a
balanced, lighter weight unit for the mason. A wide variety of
architectural profiles, textures and colours are available to offer the
designer a broad range of surface treatment options. See Section 2.2.4.

Cubing and

Section 2.2.1 Manufacturing and
Page 2
07/11 Specifications

Concrete masonry units are designed and specified as follows:

Concrete block CSA A165.1-04
Concrete brick CSA A165.2-04

Sample Spec: Concrete masonry units: To CSA A165.1-04

Classification H/15/A/M
H = Hollow
15 = compressive strength in MPa
A = density over 2000 kg/m3, max. absorption of 175 kg/m3.
M = moisture controlled - cured, dried, wrapped

You can specify different physical properties for the block according to
the following table:

Solid Content
H Hollow (net area is less than 75% of gross area)
S Solid
Compressive Strength in MPa
15 15 MPa, standard inventory.
20 Higher strengths available to order at slight premium.
25 (See section 1.2.3 - Cost Guide)
Oven dry density Maximum water absorption
A (kg/m3 ) (kg/m3 )
B Over 2000 175
C 1800-2000 200
D 1700-1800 225
N Less than 1700 300
No limits No limits
Linear Shrinkage (%) Moisture Content (% total
M 0.045 45
O No Limits No Limits
( See section 3.1 – Masonry Standards Commentary for more
information )
Manufacturing and Section 2.2.1
Specifications Page 3


Concrete masonry units are made with either standard weight or
lightweight aggregates, or a combination of the two.

A loadbearing concrete block of 200x200x400mm nominal size will weigh

approximately 18kg when made with standard weight aggregates, and
15kg when made with semi-lightweight aggregate. In British Columbia,
structural units are usually standard weight, which typically consist of
100% sand and gravel aggregates, with a density of 2200kg/m3.

Semi-lightweight (medium weight) units are typically made up with 50%

sand and 50% pumice aggregate, with a density of approximately
1800kg/m3. Full Lightweight units are primarily pumice aggregate with a
density of 1300kg/m3 and are usually used for interior 4-hour fire-rated
( See section 2.7.1 – Fire Ratings for more information )
Sizes, Shapes & Profiles Section 2.2.2
Page 1


Concrete masonry units are made in various sizes and shapes to fit
different construction needs. (See Section 3.1 – Masonry Standards
Commentary for additional information) Typical shapes include stretcher;
double end; half unit; bond beam; half-high unit; H-block unit; multi
block unit (See over). Each size and shape is also available in various
profiles and surface treatments.

Concrete unit sizes are usually referred to by their nominal dimensions.

Thus, a unit known as 200x200x400mm will actually measure
190x190x390mm. When it is laid in a wall with 10mm joints, this unit
will occupy a space 400mm long and 200mm high.

200mm Horizontal Module: 200mm

Block: 390mm
Joint: 10mm
Vertical Module: 200mm
Coursing: 1c = 200mm
250mm Block: 190mm
Joint: 10mm

The 125mm unit (actually 115mm wide) is the narrowest block capable
• being reinforced for seismic zones
• 1 hour fire-rating hollow
• 2 hour fire-rating grouted solid
• STC of 46 (STC 50 when grouted solid)
It is useful as either a partition or exterior back-up to claddings.
Section 2.2.2 Sizes, Shapes &
Page 2
07/11 Profiles








L-corner (100mm)

The H-Block unit offers special structural advantages:

• Easily accepts heavy reinforcing
• Creates a nearly monolithic slab of concrete when grouted solid
(See Structural Wall Types Section 1.2.2 p.2)
Available in all architectural finishes
Sizes, Shapes & Profiles Section 2.2.2
Page 3


Groundface Units

Units are now

produced with a
Triple-score return
ground, polished stone
appearance. They are
available in all sizes
and colours.
See manufacturer’s
product information
and samples for

Split ledge

Split face

Half-high split

Two-rib split

Three-rib split

Four-rib split return

Six-rib split return

Modular Layout Section 2.2.3
Page 1

Work to a 200mm module where possible to avoid cutting and retain

alignment of vertical cores for rebar.
Openings should be placed at a modular distance from corners or other
openings (distance between them in whole multiples of module
The mason will make corners work. On the left are examples of
structural wall corners in different block sizes.

Structural masonry is typically reinforced (our seismic zones make the
use of reinforcing steel mandatory). Dowels are placed in the footing
before any masonry units are laid. This requires careful planning so as to
avoid “missing the cores”. Luckily, block core location is easy to predict.
300mm block corners
• First dowel is placed 100mm from corner
• All other dowels are usually spaced at multiples of 200mm apart
(Typically 800mm) based on engineering requirements

150mm block corners

Dowel layout
Section 2.2.3 Modular Layout
Page 2


Proper layout will minimize costs by reducing time of construction,

maximizing the strength of the material and reducing waste.

Proper layout with Many cut units

no cut units. reduce productivity
and increase waste.

Notice how the window is 20mm (thickness of two joints) wider than the
pier on the left. The pier loses a joint, while the opening “gains” one

Reinforcement creates a grid of steel and grout within the concrete

block wall. Modular design ensures the steel can be placed and grouted
properly to meet design requirements.
Modular Layout Section 2.2.3
Page 3


Veneer units are available in both “Half high” (100mm vertical module)
and “Full high” (200mm vertical module)
Walls built with veneer units may keep the same appearance as
structural walls by using special L-corner return units.
100mm high 200mm high
Corner of “Full high”
with return L-corner

“Half high” units

These units have a 1:4 height to length ratio. They are generally laid in
1/2 bond to match any surrounding structural masonry, but can also be
laid in 1/4 bond. Corners in 1/2 bond require cut pieces (Bats) or special
¼ bond
(Half high) L-corner pieces.
Horizontal Module: 200mm
Block: 390mm
Joint: 10mm

Vertical Module: 100mm

Coursing 1c=100mm
Block: 90mm
Joint: 10mm

“Full high” units
(Full high)

Horizontal Module: 200mm

Block: 390mm
Joint: 10mm

Vertical Module: 200mm

Coursing 1c=200mm
Block: 190mm
Joint: 10mm
(Half high)
Architectural Coloured Section 2.2.4
Concrete Block Walls Page 1

Textures and Profiles:

Architectural Concrete Blocks allow the designer to combine colour,

texture and profile to provide a limitless range of building appearance
options. They are available for both structural and veneer applications.
Architectural structural units offer economic and environmental benefits
from their efficient combination of structure and finish.

Smooth and “Splitface” textures can be used separately, or in

combination to create a wide variety of wall detailing possibilities. The
Splitface effect is produced by splitting two units apart with hydraulic
Multiple Coloured splitface and 6-rib
blades after curing during production process.

Ribbed and Ledge profiles allow the designer to play with light and
shadow, both vertically and horizontally, to achieve unique design
effects which change with the direction of the sun through-out the day.
They are produced by combining custom moulds with the splitface
technique described above.

Colour Options:

Colour can be provided the by either surface coatings or integrally

Combination of coloured split ledge
and natural splitface coloured units.

Surface Coatings:

Colour in concrete block walls can be provided by surface treatments

such as paint and tinted water repellants. Quality elastomeric paints are
available in a multitude of colours, which can be used to create a wide
variety of architectural patterns and details. They offer excellent weather
resistance in wet climates. Tinted water repellants provide an alternative
colour approach, with slightly less effect on surface texture.

Integral Colour:

Integrally coloured units are produced with oxide additives blended into
the concrete block mix during the manufacturing process. A range of
earth tone colours is readily available – contact local suppliers for colour
samples. Coloured mortars are usually used with coloured block to
solidify the colour impact, and to simplify cleaning after construction.
These units are usually produced on a custom order basis, with only a
few weeks lead-time.

The application of a clear water repellant to integrally coloured block

walls after they are completed and cleaned is recommended in wet
climates such as coastal BC. This maximizes weather resistance and
helps to keep the walls cleaner over time. Some block manufacturers
also offer proprietary integral water repellant systems to further improve
weather resistance.

Painted splitface with smooth

Section 2.2.4 Architectural Coloured
Page 2
07/11 Concrete Block Walls

Caution for Coloured Smooth Block:

Due to the nature of the manufacturing process, integrally coloured

block walls in a standard, smooth texture generally display a wider
colour range than the consistent colour provided by splitface texture
units. This can be observed by viewing typical smooth grey coloured
walls, or the backside of a splitface structural wall.

This wider range can occur because the “slick” on the smooth exterior
surface of the block has a high cement and colour content, which is
affected by small changes in moisture content, temperature and curing
during manufacture. This is not the case for a splitface surface, because
the splitting process exposes the consistent interior of the block mix.
Painted smooth for school corridor
(Kid Proof !)
Smooth block walls may also be more difficult to clean because cleaning
materials and processes can have more affect on the smooth surface
than would occur with a splitface texture. (see Section 1.6 of the MIBC
Technical Manual for further discussion on cleaning masonry)

For these reasons, the specification of integrally coloured smooth units is

not recommended for large wall elements, without a review of these
concerns by the designer with the block manufacturer. The surface
coatings discussed above provide simple alternatives.

Coloured splitface.
Note colour range in smooth

Hydraulic splitter creating Combination of coloured splitface with natural

Multiple colours of full and half- splitface units. smooth units framing the windows and half-
high splitface with smooth band high smooth in vertical recess.
Mortar Section 2.3.1
Page 1

The principal purpose of mortar is to adhesively bind together the
individual masonry units. It also provides protection against the
penetration of air and water through the joints in a masonry assembly.
Mortar also bonds the non-masonry elements of an assembly such as
joint reinforcement and ties. It also compensates for minor dimensional
variations in the masonry units, and provides coursing adjustment to
meet required dimensions. Finally, mortar joints contribute to the
architectural quality of the masonry assembly both through colour and
Mortars are supplied to the job site in three ways:
• Site mixed – the mortar is prepared on site by the mason.
• Pre-mixed wet – the mortar is commercially prepared off-site
and shipped in tubs ready to use. A retarder is added to the
mixture to ensure the mortar in tubs does not set up before
being placed in the wall.
• Pre-mixed dry – the mortar is commercially prepared off-site.
Water is added to the mix by the mason on site.
The supply of mortar is not typically specified but rather determined by
the mason based on site conditions.


Mortar mixes include ingredients that give it strength (i.e. cement) and
those that promote workability and good bond with the masonry units.
Good workability and water retentivity are essential for maximum bond.
A mortar that has a high cement content will be stronger, but may
produce less bond. Conversely, a mortar with moderate cement content
will not be as strong, but will have better bond strength.
• Mortar bonds masonry units together. Good bond strength will
significantly contribute to a masonry wall’s integrity and weather
• The compressive strength of mortar has only a small effect on
the strength of the wall, but gives it durability.
Section 2.3.1 Mortar
Page 2

A good balance of strength and bond is required. This leads to both

good seismic performance and weather resistance.
Site inspection of mortar is generally not a significant concern for
designers, because the bricklayer and the specifier are both looking for
workable, well-proportioned mixes that ensure installation efficiency for
the mason and long term performance for the designer.

From 8-22% of the wall area is taken up with mortar (depending on the
unit size), therefore the colour of the mortar can significantly alter the
appearance of the wall. Natural gray mortar is the most common and
generally the best choice for brick and gray block. It sets off the brick
colour nicely and is the most economical. In general, if a brick mortar
colour is used it matches the brick in a lighter tone. Coloured mortars
are usually specified for coloured block to solidify the colour impact and
to simplify cleaning after construction. Ancient Egyptian mortars
were made from burned
gypsum and sand while
SPECIFYING MORTAR later development in
mortar technology utilized
CSA A179-04 Mortar and Grout for Unit Masonry covers raw materials,
a combination of lime and
mortar types, mixing process and mortar specifications. Mortar types sand. These mortars
developed their strength
within CSA A179-04 are designated by letters “S” or “N”: Type S is
slowly (through a process
typically used for both structural and veneer masonry, while Type N can of carbonation). Since
about 1900, Portland
also be used for veneer masonry construction. Mortar specification can Cement has been
be made either through the Proportion or Property method. The incorporated into mortar
to provide more rapid
Proportion method is used for site-mixed mortar and is based on
strength development.
respective volumes of sand and cementitious materials. The Property Modern mortar is
composed of cement and
method is based upon compressive strength tests of mortar cubes, and
lime or masonry/mortar
is typically used for pre-mixed mortar. (Also see Section 3.1 – Masonry cements, masonry sand,
water, and possibly some
Standards Commentary)

Typical spec: Mortar to: CSA A179-04

Type S, mortar for structural and veneer masonry
Proportion specification shall apply to field mixed
Property specification shall apply to mortar
manufactured off-site.
Mortar Section 2.3.1
Page 3

The mortar joint profile has an impact on water resistance. It also has a
significant effect on appearance. Ranked by their effectiveness (highest
to lowest) to resist penetration of water, common joint types are:

1. Concave Joint
Concave tooling of the mortar joint compacts the mortar properly
against the units. A dense, smooth surface is formed that sheds water
effectively. This type of joint is very effective in resisting rain penetration
and therefore is recommended for use in walls exposed to wind driven

2. Weathered Joint
Although less effective than the concave tooled joint, the weathered or
weather joint can be acceptable as a water resistant mortar joint as it is
somewhat compacted and sheds the rain.

3. Flush Joint
The trowelling of a flush joint forms an uncompacted joint with a
possible hairline crack where the mortar is pulled away from the unit.
Flush joints cannot be recommended as being rain resistant mortar
joints and should only be used on walls that are to receive additional

4. Raked Joint
The raked joint may or may not be compacted and it provides a ledge
where rain water will settle and possibly enter the wall. It is therefore
not recommended as a rain resistant mortar joint and should not be
used on walls exposed to weather.

Note: Because raked joints do not weather well, the use of scored block
(which require the use of a raked joint) is not recommended for exposed
Grout & Reinforcing Section 2.3.2
Page 1

Grout, or “block-fill” as it is sometimes referred to, is specified to

CSA A179-04.


Coarse Grout, the most commonly used type of grout, has a maximum
aggregate size of 12 mm (1/2”). The slump should be between 200 and
250mm (8”-10” ). This is much higher than typical ready mix concrete,
but is very necessary to properly fill the cores of masonry units and flow
around reinforcement or other elements within the wall.

Fine Grout uses coarse sand for aggregate and would only be used in
small core units such as reinforced brick. Fine grout is required to flow
through small openings so a grout slump of over 250mm is

Grout is usually supplied in ready-mix trucks, with quality control data

available from the supplier. Field test cylinders may also be taken.

Typical test results for the
same grout mix:
Pinwheel test: 18 to 25 MPa Grout strength specification is a topic requiring clarification. Because
Cylinder test: 13 MPa
grout must flow for substantial distances through small core openings, it
must be placed at a very high slump of 200 to 250 mm. After placing,
the water required to increase the slump is then absorbed into the units
to provide a concrete mix with a normal water content - and higher final
strength. Grout tested using standard non-absorptive plastic or metal
cylinders still contains the extra water, and develops correspondingly
lower strength results.

The “Pinwheel” test simulates the absorption conditions the grout would
experience in the wall, but is awkward to use on site and is seldom

“Pinwheel” used to used.

test grout
Section 2.3.2 Grout & Reinforcing
Page 2

CSA A179 recognizes this difference in sample preparation by calling for

only a 12.5 MPa grout strength when cylinders are used. The actual
strength in the wall will be much higher, typically over 20 MPa which
exceeds the 15 MPa strength of standard concrete blocks. This grout
strength is compatible with the design strengths contained in CSA
However, Structural Notes and specs have typically called for 20 or 25
MPa grout tested by cylinders. In reality, a 20 MPa grout may be
preferred for pumping reasons anyway. If Structural Notes do not
recognize the 12.5 MPa strength minimum, then a project cylinder test
result below a 20 or 25 MPa specified strength should not treated as a
cause for concern. A 25 MPa high slump grout designed for cylinder
testing may actually be 40 MPa in the wall. This is a waste of money
(extra cement) and may be a less satisfactory product (compatibility and
shrinkage). (Also see Section 3.3 – Guide Structural Notes)

Sample spec: Grout to CSA A179-04

Minimum compressive strength 12.5 MPa
at 28 days by cylinder test under the property
Maximum aggregate size 12 mm diameter
Grout slump 200 to 250 mm


Unit cores that are to be grouted should be free of excessive mortar
protrusions and mortar droppings at the base. Clean-out/inspection
holes at the base of the reinforced cores will facilitate the removal of
excessive mortar droppings, and confirm that grout has reached the
bottom of the core. Clause of CSA A371-04 Masonry
Construction allows the requirement for clean-out/inspection holes to be
waived by the designer when the contractor has demonstrated
acceptable performance or where the walls are not structurally critical.
In some cases the designer will require the initial walls to have clean-
outs pending demonstrated performance, and then waive cleanouts for
the remaining walls.
Grout & Reinforcing Section 2.3.2
Page 3


Grout Lift: that portion of a

While grouting, care must be taken to completely fill the reinforced cores
total grout pour placed in one
pass of the grout filling and to ensure that all bars, bolts and anchors are fully embedded.
Grout is typically pumped in 2.4m (8’) pours from bondbeam to
Grout Pour: the total height of bondbeam. The maximum pour height in CSA A371-04 is 4.5 m, but this
grout placed in a wall during a
would only be practical for H-block or 250 or 300 mm units. For a grout
grouting operation. A grout
pour consists of one or more pour of 3 m or more, the grout must be placed in lifts of 2 m or less.
grout lifts.
(For more detail, see Section 3.3 - Guide Structural Notes)


See Section 1.2.1 for minimum reinforcement requirements.

The core size of the masonry units will dictate the size and number of
bars that can be effectively grouted. Typically, reinforced masonry
makes use of 15M or 20M bars. Units 125, 150 and 200mm wide should
not contain more than one vertical bar per core. Units 125 and 150mm
wide should be restricted to one horizontal bar per course in
bondbeams. (See also Section 3.3 - Guide Structural Notes)
NOTE: At splices, the number of bars per core is doubled – increasing
2 bars vertically and 2 bars
horizontally in a 20cm wall
are almost impossible to Maximum 100 125 150 200 250 300
grout, particularly at splices number of bars mm mm mm mm mm mm
where steel is doubled. Vertical bars per N/A 1 1 1 2 2
Horizontal bars N/A 1 1 2* 2* 2*
per course
* 2 bars in bond beam can help to center vertical steel
Reminder: for every bar specified, there are two at
Section 2.3.2 Grout & Reinforcing
Page 4


Joint reinforcement is used in addition to horizontal steel bars when

bondbeams are spaced at more than 1200 mm. It is a ladder of 9 gauge
(3.7 mm) wire installed in the mortar joint, which positions a wire in the
centre of each block faceshell. It is spaced at a maximum of 600mm,
400 mm for stack pattern, and at 400 mm in seismic zones. Joint
reinforcement resists wall cracking and can contribute to the horizontal
steel area in the wall.
Flashing Section 2.4.1
Page 1


Flashings channel moisture which may penetrate the exterior wythe to

the outside. Weepholes located at the base of each wall, or at any
horizontal interruption of the cavity, allow this moisture to escape.

Location of through- wall flashing

Through-wall flashing is required:

Caulked Brick-to-Brick - At base course of masonry veneer walls.
- Directly above lintels over openings for windows, doors, etc.
- At intermediate shelf angle locations in multi story buildings.
- Under masonry sills, copings, etc.
- Over mechanical penetrations
- At vertical returns where dampness may come in contact with
sensitive materials.

Through- wall flashing materials

Considerations when selecting materials:

- Toughness of material to resist puncture, tearing and other damage
during construction and service.
- Durability to resist corrosion or deterioration over the life of the
Caulked Brick-to-Toe of building.
shelf angle - Material should be easily formed to desired shapes and sizes and
made waterproof.
- Should be resistant to staining the adjacent masonry and other
building materials.
- Material should be easy to seal, lap and form.

Flashing materials:
- Peel & stick (flashing grade) or torch-on modified bituminous
membranes (supported across any large cavity)
- Prefinished sheet metal (painted galvanized steel)
- Stainless Steel sheet metal
- Fastening devices should be corrosion-resistant and compatible with
the materials used (potential galvanic action between metals should
With drip-edge be addressed)
- Primers and adhesives (according to manufacturers’
Section 2.4.1 Flashing
Page 2


Through-wall flashing should be installed on a smooth surface and care Note:

must be taken to ensure drainage to the exterior. Overlaps, joints and Manufacturer recommendations
should be followed for material
primers should be to manufacturer’s recommendations. Metal flashing compatibility, surface
joints must allow movement due to expansion / contraction. preparation, priming
requirements, overlaps and
The flashing should return up the substrate at least 150mm behind the
sheathing paper or air/vapour barrier membranes. End dams should be
installed at each end of the flashing runs to stop moisture from finding a
way around the flashing.

Weepholes must be installed in the first course above flashing at

intervals not exceeding 800mm. A drop to grade of at least 100mm is
recommended, more if landscaping will be used at the base of the wall.

Note: a “flashing effect” can be obtained for structural walls without the
addition of a flashing by shaping a concrete ledge in such a way as to
direct any moisture out through weepholes.

Natural flashing effect

CAP FLASHINGS by using a base ledge

Cap flashings protect the top of masonry walls from rain by:
- acting as a barrier against moisture
- covering the top of the wall sufficiently to stop wind-driven rain
from working its way up under the flashing
- eliminating stains caused by dirt-laden runoff

Cap flashings typically consist of two parts: The protective cap and the
Flashing Section 2.4.1
Page 3

Cap flashing materia ls

Considerations when selecting materials:

- Toughness of material to resist puncture, tearing and other damage
during construction and service.
- Durability to resist corrosion or deterioration over the life of the
Slope to roof building.
- Should be resistant to staining the adjacent masonry and other
building materials.

Protective cap materials:

- Prefinished sheet metal (painted galvanized steel)
- Fastening devices should be corrosion-resistant and compatible with
the materials used (potential galvanic action between metals should
be addressed)

Membrane materials:
- Peel & stick (metal roof underlay grade) or torch-on modified
bituminous membranes
Membrane wraps the - Primers and adhesives (according to manufacturers’
assembly from above recommendations)
the veneer to the roof. - Other roofing materials (consult the Roofing Contractors Association
of BC)


Membrane installation:
- Flashing should be installed on a smooth surface.
Manufacturer recommendations
should be followed for material - Overlaps and joints should be to manufacturer’s recommendations.
compatibility, surface
preparation, priming
requirements, overlaps and Protective cap installation:
- Metal flashing joints must allow movement due to expansion /
- The flashing should cover at least 75mm of the top face of the
masonry wall to protect from wind-driven rain.
- The top surface of the flashing should slope to roof so as to
eliminate drip stains on the face of the wall.
Section 2.4.1 Flashing
Page 4


Copings protect the top of masonry walls from rain by acting as a barrier
against moisture. Copings can be more effective if they project from the
front face of the wall to form a drip edge.

Copings are underlain by a membrane or metal flashing

Coping materials

Coping materials:
- Stone
- Brick
- Concrete

Membrane materials:
- Peel & stick (flashing grade) or torch-on modified bituminous
- Roofing membranes (consult the Roofing Contractors Association Membrane wraps from top
of BC) of veneer to roof.
- Primers and adhesives (according to manufacturers’ Dowel passes through
recommendations) membrane and
penetration must be
Installation sealed.

Membrane installation:
Flashing should be installed on a smooth surface. Note:
Overlaps should be to manufacturer’s recommendations. Manufacturer recommendations
should be followed for material
compatibility, surface
Coping installation: preparation, priming
requirements, overlaps and
Copings are anchored through the membrane to the wall. All membrane terminations.
penetrations must be properly sealed.
Movement Joints Section 2.4.2
Page 1


It is the responsibility of the designer to provide the location and type of

vertical and horizontal movement joints required in masonry walls. The
requirements for movement joints should be based on the following
1. Thermal expansion and contraction of masonry.
2. Moisture shrinkage and expansion of masonry units.
3. Creep and shrinkage of concrete structural elements.
4. Deflection of supporting structures, particularly structural steel.
5. Drying shrinkage of wood frame.
6. Earthquake movements

The National Building Code of Canada and CSA masonry standards do

not specify the spacing of movement joints, so they are to be
determined by the designer based on calculations, past experience and
industry recommendations. Although there is much material written on
this subject, the literature is often confusing due to the multitude of
masonry construction types. The designer must give careful
consideration to the type of material, the wall system and the structural
frame before selecting the movement joint spacing.
Movement joints should be left clear of mortar, and properly sealed with
caulking over a backer rod.


Clay brick typically expands after production, due to the re-entry of

moisture into clay after it has been fired in the kiln. However, much of
this expansion will have taken place while it is inventoried and shipped,
and before it is installed. In addition, there will be some shrinkage in the
mortar joints between the units, with the result that there will be
minimal net expansion from this process. Clay brick will undergo
moisture cycle movement from regular wetting and drying due to the
weather. Thermal expansion and contraction will occur, and the
Section 2.4.2 Movement Joints
Page 2

coefficient of expansion is horizontally 0.5-0.6 mm per metre per 100°C

and vertically 0.7-0.9 mm per metre per 100°C

Concrete block undergoes a non-reversible shrinkage due to

carbonization and the loss of moisture that occurs with time in a
cement-based product. In addition to the non-reversible shrinkage,
concrete block also undergoes moisture cycle movements with wetting
and drying as well as thermal expansion or contraction. The coefficient
of thermal expansion of block is 0.8-1.0 mm per metre per 100°C.

Glass Block has a considerably higher coefficient of expansion than

traditional masonry, steel or concrete. Manufacturers' literature should
thus be consulted for maximum panel size, reinforcing and expansion
joint detailing.
(For more information on movement refer to Table 1, CSA S304.1)


Horizontal reinforcing, either in the mortar joints or grouted into bond

beams, can be used to increase the tensile resistance as a means of
crack control in structural walls. The use of reinforcement thus permits a
larger spacing of vertical movement joints.

Movement joint spacing for veneer depends to some degree on the

rigidity of the support system. Structural steel typically will have larger
deflections than concrete frame buildings. Veneers on taller buildings
also require horizontal movement joints formed by gaps under shelf
angles to accommodate vertical movement.
Movement Joints Section 2.4.2
Page 3


Possible Joint When selecting vertical movement joint locations, the primary
consideration should be the location of large openings where stress
- Wall openings concentrations can be expected to occur. Other considerations include:
- At given spacings in a changes in wall height, changes in wall thickness, corners, offsets and
continuous wall
wall intersections. The aspect ratios of walls will also at times influence
- Changes in wall height
the maximum joint spacing. Thermal stresses, differential movements,
- Foundation or support
structure joints foundation settlements or structural deflections should all be taken into
- Changes in support account before deciding on joint locations.
conditions (foundation vs.
- Proximity to wall corners Corners of openings are often good joint locations, with symmetrical
or intersections layouts sometimes considered for aesthetics. Movement joints should be
- Changes in wall thickness shown on elevation drawings, or determined with the masonry
contractor at a pre-construction meeting.

Typical Maximum Vertical Control Joint Spacings

Wall Type Material Movement joint spacing
Clay 7m – 10m
Concrete 5m – 7m
Clay 15m
Reinforced masonry
Concrete 15m


Horizontal movement joints are formed by, and located at, shelf angles.
While lintel angles provide support over openings, shelf angles within
the wall are primarily for movement control, not vertical support. It can
be efficient to locate shelf angles so that they coincide with lintel angles
in the wall elevation. Horizontal movement joints are usually specified
once the building height reaches three or four stories. They are typically
spaced at each floor level, but could be located at greater spacings
depending on the back-up system and expected movements. There is no
maximum spacing specified in engineered masonry design.
Section 2.4.2 Movement Joints
Page 4


Vertical movement joints span masonry panels vertically (both structural

and veneer). They allow for movement of the masonry along the length
of the panel.
To construct a vertical joint, half units are used every other course (in
running bond). In order to hide the joint, a caulking colour that Caulk does not match
approximates the units should be specified. Vertical banding details can
also hide these joints.
If a vertical movement joint is placed above an opening, the arching
effect of the masonry will be eliminated. This will affect the design of the
lintel over the opening.

Caulk matches brick


Horizontal movement joints span tall masonry veneer panels

horizontally. They allow for movement of the masonry over the height of
the panel.
Horizontal joints are formed by the gaps below shelf angles.
Since the thickness of a horizontal joint at shelf angles is larger than
normal, it is important to minimize its impact. Joints are hidden by using Caulk does not match
caulking that approximates the mortar in colour and by incorporating
them into horizontal banding designs.

Caulk matches mortar

Caulk matches brick

Brick Tie Design Section 2.5.1
Page 1

Brick tie requirements are outlined in CSA A370-04 Connectors for
Masonry. The older kinds of ties, such as strip ties and Z ties as are
seldom used in modern commercial construction, can not be used in
higher seismic zones, and are now referred to as “Prescriptive Ties“. The
newer, 2-piece, adjustable, engineered ties that are now in common use
are now simply referred to as “Ties”. CSA A370-04 contains strict design
requirements for strength, deflection and free play. Ties are designed to
resist the lateral wind and seismic loads provided for specific locations
by the B.C. Building Code (BCBC). Factored Tie Capacities are normally
provided by test data from the manufacturers.
Corrosion resistance is a key requirement for ties which are required to
Ties must be labeled:
secure masonry claddings over their long expected life. The section

Tie packaging or pieces below updates the corrosion requirements first introduced in the 1994
must be labeled, standard, which included the use of stainless steel ties in higher
including corrosion
protection type masonry walls in regions of the country which experience high wind-
driven rain conditions.


The 2006 BCBC references the 2004 edition of CSA A370, "Connectors

aDRI Values in B.C.: for Masonry". The standard requires stainless steel ties for masonry over
13 m high (formerly “buildings” over 11 m) for areas subject to high
Abbotsford 4.13*
Cranbrook 0.73 wind-driven rain such as coastal B.C. Hot dipped galvanized coatings are
Kamloops 0.61 acceptable corrosion protection for walls 13 m or lower in coastal B.C.,
Port Alberni 2.94*
Prince George 1.15 and for all wall heights in the drier areas of B.C. The standard provides
Prince Rupert 9.37* rain data for locations across Canada in Annex E, in terms of Annual
Vancouver 3.72*
Victoria 3.33* Driving Rain Indices (aDRI).

* Locations with values To take full advantage of the very long service life offered by masonry
above 2.75 require veneers, stainless steel ties may also be specified for lower walls on
stainless steel ties for
walls over 13 m. institutional or monumental buildings. It may also be simpler to specify
stainless steel ties for the lower walls of buildings using them on higher
levels of the structure. In any case, the impact on total wall cost is
relatively minor. Stainless steel ties are readily available, and have been
used on many projects on the west coast for over a decade.
Section 2.5.1 Brick Tie Design
Page 2


Earthquake lateral loads on brick ties are determined by the formula for
elements and components of buildings and their connections from the
BCBC (clause

Vp = 0.3 Fa S a(0.2) IE S p Wp

Where: Vp = lateral force

Fa = acceleration based site factor (soil type)
S a(0.2) = spectral response acceleration (seismic factor)
IE = building importance factor:
1.0; except 1.3 for schools,etc.;1.5 for post-disaster
Sp = Cp Ar Ax / Rp (0.7< Sp< 4.0)
Cp = component factor: 1.0 for ties
Ar = component force amplification factor: 1.0 for ties
Ax = height factor: 3.0, worst case at top of wall for ties
Rp = component response modification factor:
1.5 for ties, 1.0 for fasteners
Wp = weight of component: take as 1.8 kN/m2

Sp = (1.0)(1.0)(3.0) / 1.5 = 2.0 (0.7< Sp< 4.0)

This new formula in the 2006 BCBC may result in lower lateral seismic

loads that the previous code version ( Vp=v.I.S p.Wp , with S p=5).

This may result in wind loads governing in more cases.

Where IE Fa S a(0.2) < 0.35, these requirements do not apply for

masonry veneer connections for buildings, other than post-disaster


The latest generation of strong, 2-piece adjustable ties can provide the
opportunity for spacings up to the maximum allowable of 600 mm
vertically and/or 820 mm (32”) horizontally. For metric block and metric
stud spacings, the effective horizontal maximum is 800 mm.
Brick Tie Design Section 2.5.1
Page 3


The structural design example below is based upon the requirements of

the 2006 BCBC; CSA S304.1-04 Design of Masonry Structures; and

CSA A370-04 Connectors for Masonry.

The process begins with the calculation of seismic and wind loads for a
typical 2-storey school in Vancouver. The seismic case is assumed to
govern for this example.

For this example, we try a tie with a factored resistance (design

strength) of 1.1 kN. The allowable spacing of the ties may be affected
by whether the back-up wall is concrete block or steel stud. The spacing
for the non-flexible block wall is directly obtained by dividing the tie
strength by the applied load in kN/m2, which results in an area in this
case of 0.83 m2

Staggered ties (8.9 sq. ft.) per tie. However, the maximum spacing for any tie system
allowed: to metric block is limited to a maximum of 600 mm by 800 mm (.48 m2)

A370-04 now allows ties (5.2 sq.ft.), so this spacing is specified. (actual horizontal spacing
to be placed in a maximum is 820 mm to accommodate studs at 24 in.)
staggered pattern.
This may be more For the flexible steel stud back-up, additional requirements are applied
efficient, and ensure
to account for the less rigid support condition. For this case, a smaller
that all studs are loaded
for wood and metal wall area per tie of .42 m2 (4.5 sq. ft.) is calculated, and the spacing
options are based on stud space increments. The selection of a higher
There must be a top row
tie at every stud line. capacity tie may put both back-up systems into the maximum spacing


Vancouver, 2 storey school, on soft rock

Brick veneer on both concrete block, and steel stud back-up: stud
spacing @ 400 mm, stud height 2.8 m.

• Wind Load: The Factored Wind Load calculation as
determined for other components at the most severe
location on the building may govern for veneer ties,
compared to the seismic example below.
Section 2.5.1 Brick Tie Design
Page 4

• Seismic Load: Vp = 0.3 Fa S a(0.2) IE S p Wp

Fa = 1.0; S a(0.2) = 0.94; IE = 1.3; Wp = 1.8 kN/m

S p = Cp Ar Ax / Rp = (1.0)(1.0)(3.0) / 1.5 = 2.0

Vp = 0.3(1.0)(0.94)(1.3)(2.0)(1.8)
= 1.32 kN/m

2. TIE SPACING (Assume Seismic governs for this example)

Examine spacing for a tie with a factored resistance of 1.1 kN
(from manufacturers' test data literature)
CSA A370-04 requires a
minimum unfactored tie
• Concrete Block Back-up (non-flexible) strength of 1.0 kN.
Area = 1.1 kN / 1.32 kN/m = 0.83 m2 / tie

- Therefore space at the maximum 600 mm vertically by

800 mm horizontally. Area = 0.48 m2
- Could also consider lower capacity tie.

• Steel Stud Back-up (flexible)

- Double tributary area load for flexible back-up:
Area = 1.1 kN / (1.32 kN/m x 2) = 0..42 m2 / tie

- Check 40% of stud load:

(40%)(0.4m)(2.8m)(1.32) = 0.59 kN / tie Spacing at Openings and
0.59 < 1.1 kN tie capacity - OK Tops & Bottoms of walls:
- Openings: not more than
Spacing options:
300mm from edge at
1. Maximum vertical spacing of 600 mm by the stud
maximum 600 mm
spacing of 400 mm horizontally. Area = 0.24 m2 ( =
0.42 OK)
- Top: not more than
300mm to top row, at
2. Horizontally at double stud spacing of 800 mm
every stud, even if
(staggered) by a vertical spacing of 450 mm. Area =
0.36 m2 ( = 0.42)
- Bottom: not more than
(Based on vertical brick module fitting 450 mm.)

3. Could also consider a higher capacity tie.

Fire Ratings Section 2.6.1
Page 1


The fire resistance ratings of masonry walls are determined by heat

transmission measured by temperature rise on the cold side. A masonry
wall will not let flames or smoke through even after the temperature of

115mm BLOCK the wall on the cold side has risen above required levels. Few walls fail
Narrowest block offering: due to load during the fire test, during cooling under the fire hose, or
• 1 hour fire rating
(hollow) during the double load test that follows. Fire endurance can be
• 2 hour fire rating calculated as a function of the aggregate type used in the block and the
(grouted solid)
• ability to accept equivalent solid thickness of the wall.
reinforcement Fire-rated walls made of gypsum wallboard are not required to endure
Partition walls made of these the same fire-hose test.
blocks also offer excellent:
- Security
- Sound control The fire rating of a masonry wall can be evaluated in two ways. The
- Fire resistance
"Equivalent Thickness" method is outlined in detail in Appendix D of the
B.C. Building Code. The material equivalent thickness required to
achieve various ratings are listed in Table D-2.1.1.
The second recognized method is to employ the higher fire ratings
provided by the Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC). The U.L.C
ratings apply only to specific block shipments from certified suppliers.


Equivalent thickness is the solid thickness that would be obtained if the

same amount of concrete contained in a hollow unit were re-cast
without core holes.

Calculating Estimated Fire Resistance Example: A 200 mm hollow

= masonry wall is constructed of Type N or S concrete units reported to be
56% solid. What is the estimated fire resistance of the wall? Equivalent
Thickness = 56% x 190mm = 106 mm which gives a 1.5 hour fire
Section 2.6.1 Fire Ratings
Page 2

Minimum required equivalent thicknesses for masonry and concrete (mm)

From table D-2.1.1 of the Building Code
Hours 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4
Solid Brick (>80%) 63 76 90 108 128 152 178
Cored Brick (<80%) 50 60 72 86 102 122 142
Concrete Block 44 59 73 95 113 142 167
(Std. Weight)

Fire ratings for walls of hollow concrete masonry units in hours

Block Percent Equivalent Standard Weight Semi-light weight Light weight

Thickness Solid Thickness Concrete concrete concrete
(Actual) Types N / S Types N / S Type L220S
1 2 1 2 1 2
N.B.C. U.L.C. N.B.C. U.L.C. N.B.C. U.L.C.
mm % mm hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs.
90 73 66 3/4 - 3/4 - 1 -
115 63 73 1 - - - - -
140 58 81 1 - 1 - 1 1/2 -
190 56 106 1 1/2 2 1 1/2 2 2 4
240 53 127 2 3 2 3 3 4
290 51 144 3 3 3 3 4 4

National Building Code of Canada (N.B.C. 1995 Table D-2.1.1.)
Hollow concrete units made with type N/S concrete
must have a net area comprehensive strength of 15 MPa 28 days.
Underwriters Laboratories of Canada
Available in British Columbia from some manufacturers.

Example 1:
A four-hour firewall is required for 200mm nominal wall thickness.
A four-hour fire rating may be achieved by using a U.L.C. rated
lightweight block, or by filling a 190 mm wide block with concrete grout
(see BCBC Section D-2)

Example 2:
A two-hour firewall is needed.
Using the table, a 190mm unit is rated by the NBC to have a 1.5-hour
fire rating, but with a U.L.C. certificate, that same block can be certified
for two hours.
There are other options available to achieve the two-hour rating:
• Use a 115mm or larger block grouted solid
• Use a 240mm or larger block
• Use a lightweight 190mm or larger block
Sound Ratings Section 2.6.2
Page 1

The transmission of sound through rigid partitions is accomplished

principally by the forced vibration of the wall; that is, the entire rigid wall
is forced into vibration by the impact of the sound waves against it. The
vibrating thus becomes a secondary source of sound and radiates a
certain amount of sound to the space on the opposite side. It is
therefore to be expected that the noise insulation value of a wall will
depend primarily upon the mass or inertia of the wall, the stiffness of
the wall, and the internal damping of the wall. The ideal noise insulator
is a "limp-heavy" wall. When one side is sealed with paint, plaster, or
gypsum board, the concrete masonry wall fits this description precisely.

STC Nominal 100 125 150 200 250 300

Actual 90 115 140 190 240 290

hollow Standard Weight 46 47 48 50 52 54

solid filled Standard Weight - 50 52 56 58 60

Sound Transmission

Sound transmission The higher the transmission loss of a wall, the better
it functions as a barrier to the passage of sound. Sound Transmission
Class, STC, is a means of rating sound reduction by a single number.

To determine the effectiveness of wall construction as a means of sound

isolation, a two room test method is employed. In ASTM E-90-75 a
steady sound is generated and measured on one side of a wall, and the
sound which passes through is measured in an adjacent room.


An important asset of concrete masonry in noise control is its reliability.

Unlike the so-called "special" partition constructions, which are touted as
sound barriers, concrete masonry walls require no special installation
procedures to be effective. All too often the staggered stud isn't
staggered; the decoupled membrane ends up rigidly connected; and the
floating wall is sunk by poor workmanship in the field. The specially
Section 2.6.2 Sound Ratings
Page 2

constructed stud wall that had an STC of 45 in the acoustical laboratory

ends up with a lower STC in the field because of improper installation.
This does not happen with concrete masonry walls. Designers know
from experience that the concrete masonry wall is not as sensitive to
workmanship and can be relied upon to act as an effective noise barrier.


Masonry units are not specified to a particular transmission class. Where

the separation is required to provide a particular loss, the weight class or
concrete density is selected by the consultant. The specifying authority
should be familiar with the three concrete densities and specify

Sound Absorption

Where design requires wall surfaces of high sound absorption

consideration should be given to the use of a structural load bearing
concrete masonry acoustical unit. Applications range from gymnasiums.
music rooms to heavy duty industrial plants and transformer rooms.
Confirm availability with local manufacturer.
Thermal Ratings Section 2.6.3
Page 1

Much of the earlier work of determining thermal performance of building

elements was based upon "steady-state" coefficients such as
conductance (C), resistance (R) and U-factors (U). However, buildings
do not operate in a steady-state environment. To be more realistic, an
evaluation of building thermal performance should include heat storage
capacity of the envelope (thermal inertia) as well as resistance to heat

On its own, masonry has low R values. Using core-fill insulation raises
this value slightly but due to the requirement for reinforcement in our
seismic zones, little benefit is gained. Insulation is best placed in a
continuous layer inside, or outside the wall.

Thermal Properties (m2 C° / W)

Block size: 100mm 150mm 200mm 250mm 300mm
RSI Factors CSA “A” 0.32 0.34 0.38 0.40 0.41

Walls constructed of 8" Hollow C.M.U.

Details of Construction 140 lbs/cu.ft

1 No Insulation 2.0
2 Cores filled with Vermiculite 3.6
3 Cores filled with Perlite 3.7
4 No Insulation, 1/2" gypsum board on furring 3.4
5 No insulation, 1/2" foil back gypsum board on furring 5.0
6 Same as 4 with 1" Extruded Polystyrene 7.0
7 Same as 4 with 2" Expanded Polystyrene 10.0
8 Same as 4 with 2" Extruded Polystyrene 12.0
9 Same as 4 with 2" Polyisocyanurate 16.4
10 Same as 4 with R-11 fibrous batt 2x3 studs set out from wall 13.0
11 Same as 4 with R-13 fibrous batt 2x3 studs set out from wall 15.0
12 Same as 4 with R-19 fibrous batt 2x4 studs set out from wall 21.0
Section 2.6.3 Thermal Ratings
Page 2

Masonry wall exhibit overall thermal performance superior to that of

walls with metal framing systems with insulation of the same RSI value
because their mass gives masonry walls the following advantages:
• Effective RSI value of a masonry wall is higher than a metal
framed wall because of the thermal bridging that occurs at
highly conductive metal framing members. (See Appendix B and
Appendix C of the Model National Energy Code for Buildings
• Masonry walls keep buildings warmer in winter and cooler in
summer; they act as passive solar collectors, even if they are
not designed to do so. “Daylighting” is one such process where
the sun’s heat allowed in through windows is absorbed by the
masonry and slowly released later.
• Masonry walls act as a heat sink, absorbing and storing heat,
and releasing it when low temperatures prevail. This reduces
energy flow peaks and makes possible the use of smaller,
cheaper heating and air-conditioning equipment.
Thermal Ratings Section 2.6.3
Page 3

For example, a building with masonry exterior walls will take up to 8

hours to transfer a temperature differential of 20 deg. Celsius (36 deg.
F) from outside to inside – eight times as long as a non-masonry
building of the same size, design and insulation would take.
This means that on a hot summer day, the outside temperature cannot
work its way through the masonry wall before the cooler evening
temperature arrives. The process works in reverse in winter. The time
lag buys valuable time for the building’s heating and cooling systems.
With masonry exterior walls, buildings will stay cooler in summer and
warmer in winter.

For more information on thermal mass effects, see the Guide to

Sustainable Design with Concrete, available from the Cement Association
of Canada website at www.cement.ca
Cleaning Masonry Section 2.7.1
Page 1


Masonry is a material chosen for a variety of reasons, including its

aesthetic appeal. The final appearance of masonry requires that
effective cleaning procedures be employed to deliver an appearance
consistent with design expectations. Three elements, working in concert,
are required to fulfil these requirements:

• Care and protection during construction;

• Appropriate cleaning products and techniques; and
• Maintaining a "clean" appearance

1. Care and Protection During Construction

The extent of cleaning procedures can be significantly reduced with the

employment of careful construction practices. These include:

• Clean and dry storage of masonry materials on site prior to

• Working neatly during the laying phase, removing excess mortar
before it sets;
• Covering the top of incomplete wall to prevent water intrusion
during construction;
• Protecting wall bases from rain splash and turning inner scaffold
planking on its edge to reduce rain induced splashes of mortar
and job dirt onto the completed wall surface;
• Commencing cleaning as soon as is practical after mortar has
• Protection from work of other trades (e.g. welding spatter,
drilling run-off, grinding dust, concrete splash, membranes
drips, etc.)
Section 2.7.1 Cleaning Masonry
Page 2

2. Appropriate Cleaning Products and Techniques

A sample test area which replicates, as closely as possible, actual field

conditions (unit selection, mortar type, profiles, and ambient factors)
should be cleaned to confirm both cleaning solution selection and
concentration as well as to establish appropriate techniques. Method of
application, dwell times, scrubbing and rinse procedures should be
finalized. This test panel should be left for as long as possible (at least
one week after application) before evaluating its effectiveness and
accepting the test panel as the design expectation. Most masonry unit
manufacturers recommend the use of proprietary cleaning compounds.
These are specially formulated for specific masonry units and minimize
secondary staining and other reactions triggered by uncontrolled acid
reactions. Proprietary acidic cleaning solutions typically incorporate
wetting agents, inhibitors and stain control agents to maximize cleaner
effectiveness and minimize negative impacts on the masonry and
mortar. Muriatic acid is a traditional cleaner that is still occasionally
used, however it is not a proprietary or specialized masonry cleaning

The designer should rely on the recommendations of the masonry unit

and cleaning product manufacturers that include the following

• Cleaning of a test area which represents, as closely as possible,

actual field conditions including unit selection, mortar type,
profiles, and ambient factors);
• Commencement of cleaning as soon as mortar has hardened
• Protection of adjacent surface which could be impacted by the
cleaning process;
• Avoiding contact of metal tools and containers with acidic
cleaning compounds;
• Removal of large mortar particles before cleaning;
Cleaning Masonry Section 2.7.1
Page 3

• Thorough wetting of the surfaces to be cleaned to minimize

absorption of the cleaning solution into the masonry and to
prevent absorption of cleaning residue into surfaces underneath
the areas being cleaned;
• Proper concentration of the cleaning solution;
• Appropriate dwell times for the cleaning solution;
• Scrubbing of the cleaning solution to "work" it into the materials
to be removed;
• Thorough and complete rinsing of cleaning solution and
solubilized materials;
• Avoidance of conditions that will minimize cleaner effectiveness
(cold weather) or lead to premature drying of cleaning solution
(hot and/or windy weather).

3. Maintaining a "Clean" Appearance

Once the masonry has been cleaned, care should be taken to minimize
the need for recleaning. Appropriate design and maintenance include:

• Adequate wall cappings to prevent water intrusion (and

subsequent efflorescence bloom);
• Caulking and flashings where required to effectively manage
water movement;
• Water repellent treatment to minimize absorption of rain borne
contaminants, algae growth, and efflorescence, applied as soon
as practical after cleaning.
Sealing Masonry Section 2.7.2
Page 1

Protective treatments applied to the exposed surface of masonry are

designed to provide a first line of defense against moisture intrusion.
With the exception of single wythe masonry, sealing and coating
treatments should not be expected to provide the sole line of protection
but should be part of a redundant system incorporating drainage
provisions as well as water resistant backups. Protective treatments may
take the form of clear water repellents for brick and coloured concrete
masonry units, or water repellent stains, paints and high build coatings
(such as elastomerics) for plain concrete masonry units.

In selecting a suitable coating and sealing treatment, several questions

need to be answered. They include:

• Are all flashings properly installed and functioning?

• How is water drained from the envelope assembly?
• Has allowance been made for movement and deflection?
• How are the interface between masonry and other materials
• What are the exposure requirements of the assembly?
• What aesthetic concerns must be considered?
• How is vapour diffusion handled across the wall assembly?
• Are substances other than water to be resisted by the masonry?

1. Coating Categories

There are a number of ways to categorize masonry wall coatings. One

could use "breathability" as a category. Vapour impermeable coatings
are usually intended only for application to the interior surface of
masonry. Application of these types of coating to exterior surfaces can
lead to moisture and efflorescence entrapment, potential spalling and
delamination, as well as surface and coating degradation. By contrast,
"breathable" coatings allow the diffusion of vaporous water through the
surface treatment to the exterior environment.
Another form of coatings classification would be on the basis of opacity.
Clear water repellents are intended to provide little or no change in
masonry appearance. By contrast, pigmented coatings (stains and
paints) are intended to significantly alter the colour and appearance of
Section 2.7.2 Sealing Masonry
Page 2

the masonry surface. Aesthetic concerns will play a major role when
opacity is used as material selection criteria.

Coatings may also be classified according to their ability to resist

hydrostatic pressure. While clear water repellents may resist significant
wind driven rain loads, high build coatings are usually required should
masonry be exposed to prolonged hydrostatic pressure (such as below
grade, fountains, etc.). For plain concrete masonry units exposed to
above-grade wind driven rain (and where control of water ingress is
paramount), the use of an elastomeric coating system is recommended.

Within each category of products, sub-classifications can be employed

on the basis of such factors as chemical make-up, environmental impact,
application conditions, longevity, and life-cycle cost to name a few. The
designer must consider these different qualities when developing project

2. Clear Repellents

The use of masonry water repellents helps to prolong the satisfactory

performance of masonry wall systems. The reduction in water
absorption provided by water repellent treatments offer the following

• Maximize moisture resistance

• Reduction in efflorescence potential
• Reduction in algae and vegetative growth build up on masonry
• Maintenance of "natural" appearance of masonry during
exposure to rain
• Reduction in absorption of rain borne contaminants
• Reduction in staining of masonry
Sealing Masonry Section 2.7.2
Page 3

3. Water Repellent Stains

Water repellent stains yield water repellency (like clear treatments) but
also impart colour to the substrate. These materials are suited for use
on concrete masonry units where a specific colour is desired, but the
natural texture of the masonry is to be maintained. They are intended to
provide the appearance of an integrally coloured block (including some
tonal variations), but avoid the pore filling properties of paints and high
build coatings. Water repellent stains furnish all of the properties of clear
water repellents with the added feature of colour control.

4. Paints and Coatings

Paints and coatings are intended to alter the appearance of the masonry
by the use of colour as well as texture (pore filling). They also provide a
higher level of wind driven rain protection than clear water repellents.
For single wythe plain concrete masonry units, where resistance to wind
driven rain is a primary concern, it is recommended that a three coat
elastomeric system be used. This involves the application of a coating of
elastomeric primer (not just block filler) followed by two coats of an
elastomeric finish with the intent of achieving a pinhole free coating on
the masonry.

5. Surface Preparation

The successful performance of any coating depends greatly on the

attention to surface preparation. Masonry should be carefully inspected
prior to treatment. Cracks, voids and openings should be properly
treated to prevent points for significant water ingress. Clear water
repellents are not intended to bridge cracks.

Surfaces to be treated must be clean and free of dust, dirt, oil, grease,
efflorescence, or any other substance that could prevent the penetration
of the treatment or compromise its long term performance. Mechanical
Section 2.7.2 Sealing Masonry
Page 4

and/or chemical cleaning may be required to suitably prepare the

surface for treatment (see section 1.6.1 in this manual). Should washing
occur, sufficient drying time must be provided before coating
application. Detailed instructions for surface preparation are provided by
coating manufacturers and these should be followed carefully.

6. Performance Criteria

Although different categories of products utilize diverse testing

procedures, the standard test method for water permeance of masonry
is ASTM E-514 and products to be used on masonry should have been
tested by the coating manufacturer to this standard. This procedure
simulates a wind driven rain condition on a masonry assembly (joints
and masonry units) and measures the relative resistance of the
assembly to water leakage. While this procedure is particularly effective
from a laboratory standpoint, the use of moisture absorption (R.I.L.E.M.)
tubes provides portable field-testing of applied treatments. Testing
undertaken by the Masonry Institute of B.C. has shown a close
correlation of ASTM E-514 test results (in the laboratory) and moisture
absorption tube values (in the field).

Coatings that remain on the surface of treated masonry (opaque

coatings) that will be exposed to sunlight and weathering cycles should
be tested in an accelerated weathering apparatus. Several ASTM
procedures exist for this purpose (D-822 and G-26 in particular). While
no direct correlation of hours of exposure to years of service life is
possible, relative performance can be established.
Masonry Standards Section 3.1
Commentary Page 1

For a detailed discussion of the CSA Masonry Standards see the full
MIBC Technical Manual at www.masonrybc.org . The following
standards are reviewed in this section:
CSA A165.1-04 Concrete Block p.1
CSA A82-06 Clay Brick p.3
CSA A179-04 Mortar p.4
CSA A179-04 Grout p.6
CSA A 370-04 Masonry Connectors p.7
CSA A371-04 Masonry Construction p.9
For information on CSA S304.1-04 Design of Masonry Structures see
MIBC Tech. Man. Section 1.2.1.

This update is based upon the 2004 editions of the masonry standards
referenced by the 2005 National Building Code, and the 2006 B.C.
Building Code. The clay brick standard was issued in 2006 and must be
referenced by project specifications,

CONCRETE BLOCK - CSA A165.1- 04 (MIBC Tech. Man. Sec. 2.2)

Covers: Compressive Strength Not Minor chipping &

Density (Weight) covered: cracks
Drying & Curing Texture or Profile
Dimensions & Colour
Tolerances Fire, Sound or
Major Defects Thermal values

For a detailed Guide • Typical spec - H/15/A/M

Specification see
MIBC Technical H = hollow
Manual section 3.2 15 = compressive strength
15 MPa standard inventory strength (net area)
20 to 30 available at a small cost premium
A = standard (heavy) weight - sand and gravel, 18 kg (40 lbs) /unit
Other options are: B & C: semi-light weight - partially pumice
D: light weight - mostly pumice - fire block
M = moisture controlled - cured, dried
Section 3.1 Masonry Standards
Page 2
06/09 Commentary

Sample Spec: Concrete masonry units to CSA A165.1-04 requirements

Classification H/15/A/M

• Quality control

Test data or Letter of Assurance from supplier if deemed necessary.

Job site tests only if specified for critical high strength applications.

• Fire ratings (See Section 2.6.1 in MIBC Tech. Manual)

Two Methods:

1. Building Code
- applies to block from any supplier
- based on equivalent thickness and aggregate type from Table D-
in B.C. Building Code
- typical 20 cm block – 1 ½ hrs.
- can be increased by filling cores with grout or adding drywall etc.

2. U.L.C.
- available from certified suppliers based on tests and plant checks
- higher values for same thickness
- typical 20 cm ULC block - 2 hrs.; 20 cm pumice - 4 hrs.
- small cost premium to cover ULC charge to manufacturer

• Sound Ratings (STC) (See Section 2.6.2 in MIBC Tech.


- based on wall weight - check with suppliers or MIBC

• Thermal values (See Section 2.6.3 in MIBC Tech. Manual)

- based on R value for block weights, and core fill or external

- heavy mass moderates temperature swings to provide superior
performance for a given R value compared to lightweight systems.
- Check with supplier or MIBC for values
Masonry Standards Section 3.1
Commentary Page 3

CLAY BRICK - CSA A82-06 (MIBC Tech. Man. Sec. 2.1)

Covers: Compressive Strength Not covered: Fire, Sound

Absorption, Durability or Thermal
Dimensions and Tolerances values
Colour and Texture
Defect Tolerances

• Typical spec

Size, Colour, Texture, Manufacturer(s)

Type S – standard tolerances; tighter tolerances for project job lots.
Grade EG - “Exterior Grade” always required for our freeze/thaw
Reclaimed brick can be damaged by freeze/thaw or may not meet
current standards - confirm suitability before exterior use. New,
Grade EG brick are available in textures similar to reclaimed units.

Structural clay units also are covered by CSA A82-06.

Sample Spec: Clay Face Brick [and Structural Brick] to meet

CSA A82-06 requirements.
Grade EG, Type S

• Quality control:

Test data or Letter of Assurance from supplier if deemed necessary

• Fire ratings: (See Section 2.6.1 in MIBC Tech. Manual)

From B.C. Code based on equivalent thickness.

Typical face brick - 1 hr.

• Sound and thermal ratings: (See Section 2.6.2 & 3 in MIBC Tech.

Check with supplier or MIBC

Cavity insulation preferred over stud space insulation due to

elimination of thermal bridging and protection of membranes.
Section 3.1 Masonry Standards
Page 4
06/09 Commentary
MORTAR - CSA A179-04 (MIBC Tech. Man. Sec. 2.3.1)

Covers: Raw Materials Not covered: Mortar for stonework

Mortar Types - S & N Colour
Mixing Process Installation
Proportion or
Property Specification

• Typical spec

Two distinct methods for strength:


- typical for Site-mixed mortar

- applies unless Property Method is specified
- “RECIPE” for volumes of sand and cementitious materials from
CSA A 179 tables
- quality control by inspection of mix proportions at site - not by

- typical for Pre-mixed dry or wet mortar

- must be specifically specified
- cube tests to meet strengths in CSA A179 Table 5 (MPa @ 28
Job / Plant Mixed Lab Prepared
(laying consistency)
Type S 8.5 12.5
Type N 3.5 5

- job and lab strengths are different due to different water contents.
- suppliers of pre-mixed mortar can provide current test results for
quality control.
Sample Spec: Mortar to: CSA A179-04 requirements
Type S, mortar for structural masonry
Type S, mortar for veneer masonry
Proportion specification shall apply to
field mixed mortar
Property specification shall apply to
mortar manufactured off-site.
Masonry Standards Section 3.1
Commentary Page 5

• Mortar type & composition

- Mortar types are defined by their relative amounts of sand and

cementitious materials.
- Bond is a key property of mortar, and is associated with good
workability, adhesion, cohesion and water retention - all of which
improve with a higher proportion of lime or mortar cement in the
- Compressive strength is not the most important property for
mortar, although reasonable strength is required for durability. A
balance of strength and bond is, therefore, required for good

Type ‘S’
Typically used for both structural and veneer block and brick. It
provides moderately high strength with good bond.
Provides simple jobsite mixing where both structural and veneer
masonry units are being installed.

Type ‘N’
Once used for veneer brick and block, but now usually replaced by
Type S.

Types ‘O’ and ‘K’

Mortars with high lime contents used for historical restoration.
Cement/Lime mortars were historically recommended because their
raw materials and resulting properties were well established. The
Masonry Cements and Mortar Cements now commonly used are
proprietary products, which replace separate cement and lime bags
for site mixing. Current versions are now the most commonly used
materials to meet Type S mortar strengths, without the addition of
Type GU (10) cement. See manufacturers’ data for further
Section 3.1 Masonry Standards
Page 6
06/09 Commentary
GROUT (Block Fill) - CSA A179-04 (MIBC Tech. Man. Sec. 2.3.2)

Covers: Raw Materials Not covered:

Grout Type – Installation
coarse or fine (see A371-04)
Property or

• Typical spec
Most masonry grout (block fill) is “Coarse Grout”, with a maximum
aggregate size of 12 mm. “Fine Grout” would only be used in small
core units such as reinforced brick. Grout is usually supplied and
pumped from ready-mix trucks, with quality control data available
from the supplier. Field test cylinders may also be taken.

Grout strength specification is an area of some confusion. Because

grout must flow for substantial distances through small core
openings, it must be placed at a very high slump of 200 to 250 mm.
This extra water is then absorbed into the units to provide a
concrete mix with a lower water content - and higher final strength.
Grout tested using standard non-absorptive plastic or metal
cylinders will still contain the extra water, and will therefore show
lower apparent strength results.

The latest CSA A179 recognizes this situation by referencing a 12.5

MPa grout strength when cylinders are used. The actual strength in
the wall will be much higher, and will exceed the 15 MPa strength of
typical concrete blocks. This grout strength is compatible with the
f’m design strengths contained in S304.1 for Masonry design. Many
existing structural notes and specs call for 20 or 25 MPa grout - and
do not recognize the non-absorptive cylinders situation. A 25 MPa
high slump grout designed for cylinder testing may actually be 40
MPa in the wall. However, a 20 MPa grout may be preferred for
pumping reasons in any case. If Structural Notes do not recognize
the 12.5 MPa strength minimum, then a project cylinder test result
Masonry Standards Section 3.1
Commentary Page 7

below a 20 or 25 MPa specified strength should not treated as a

cause for concern.

Sample Spec: Grout to CSA A179-04 requirements

Minimum compressive strength 12.5 MPa at 28
days by cylinder test under the property
Maximum aggregate size 12 mm diameter
Grout slump 200 to 250 mm



(MIBC Tech. Man. Sec. 2.5)

Covers: Brick Ties

Repair Connectors
Corrosion Protection

• Corrosion Protection

The 1994 edition introduced a requirement for stainless steel ties for
walls over 11 m for high wind-driven rain areas such as coastal B.C.
The 2004 edition has increased the threshold to 13 m, to recognize
typical 4-storey low-rise buildings in B.C. Hot-dipped galvanized ties
are the minimum requirement for lower walls, and for all walls in
drier climates such as the B.C. interior. Climatic locations are defined
in terms of an Annual Driving Rain Index (aDRI) in the standard.


Coastal B.C. Interior B.C.
≤ 13m Hot Dipped Galvanized Hot Dipped Galvanized
> 13m Stainless Steel Hot Dipped Galvanized
Section 3.1 Masonry Standards
Page 8
06/09 Commentary

- Wide range of two-piece adjustable types are available

- Must meet strict strength, free-play and deflection requirements
- Type and spacing determined by designer calculations based on
manufacturer’s tie test data, not from the standard. The tie designer
may be specified to be retained by the contractor. Structural tie
design is based on the B.C. Building Code requirements for wind and
seismic affects on building elements and components.
- Maximum spacing 600 mm vertically by 820 mm
- Tie spacing may be greater for stiff back-up systems such as
concrete block, compared to flexible systems such as wood or metal
- Ties now may be staggered, must be a top tie at every stud
- Typically two piece ties for adjustability and ease of installation.
- Fasteners (Screws) - as per specifications for type of tie used.


Old style strip and Z ties are no longer commonly used for commercial
work due to their limited strength, cavity width and adjustability. Under
Clause 10.2.2, their maximum prescriptive spacings in CSA A370 do not
apply in higher seismic zones (seismic hazard index = 0.35, or high wind
areas (q = 0.55 kN/m2), and would have to be reduced by design

Sample Spec: Masonry connectors to CSA A370-04 requirements

Veneer ties shall be [hot dipped galvanized]
[stainless steel]
Veneer tie spacing shall be [ ] by [ ]
Acceptable veneer ties(s) [ ] manufactured by [ ]
Acceptable fastener(s) [ ] manufactured by [ ]
Veneer tie type and spacing shall be provided from an
engineer retained by the masonry contractor.
Masonry Standards Section 3.1
Commentary Page 9


Covers: Construction installation Not covered: Masonry Design

practices & tolerances Tie Design
Reinforcement & Grouting Mortar & Grout
Movement Joints & Masonry units
Cold and Hot Weather
Ties & Building Envelope

• Quality control

By contractor supervision, and inspection by designer

• Key items

- CSA A371 applies to larger buildings – may differ from the NBC Part 9
for housing.
- ± 3 mm tolerance, starting course bed joint max. 20mm
- now defined as tolerance “envelope”. If back-up is out of
position to meet tolerances, mason should notify general and
- JOINT REINFORCEMENT – Structural Masonry
- maximum spacing 600 mm in running bond and 400 mm in
stack bond. Typically specified at 400 mm for running bond in
higher seismic zones.
- place wire component in centre of veneer wythe( ± 13) mm at
specified spacing.
- now limited to 3 m height with regular masonry mortar.
Section 3.1 Masonry Standards
Page 10
06/09 Commentary
- locations as per drawings - if not shown mason should ask
designer (see MIBC Tech. Man. Sec. 2.4.2)
- joints in brick should be clear of mortar, particularly for joints
below shelf angles.
- less difference between concrete and clay movements than
previously thought.
- now allowed if specifically designed – design for durability.
- non-loadbearing, mortar type and joints, reinforcement and
anchoring (also see manufacturers’ literature)
- airspace to be “reasonably clear of mortar fins and droppings.”
- beveling back of mortar bed helpful
- airspace minimum 25 mm - accommodate building tolerances -
up to ± 13 mm
- notify designer if tolerances can’t be met due to field
- type and location as specified and shown
- peel and stick types provide good lap seals and corner details
- turn-up at ends to form end dams
- notify designer if drawings do not show flashing where “good
practice” would suggest
- metal cap flashing at tops of walls should slope back to roof to
prevent dirt run-down on wall face, and extend 75 mm down
over masonry units
- treatment of mortar materials and wall protection covered for
various temperature ranges (seldom a concern for B.C. coastal
Masonry Standards Section 3.1
Commentary Page 11

- complete filling of reinforced cores and bond beams is
essential for high lift grouting
- requires clean cores, high slump grout
- cleanouts (inspection holes) called for if total pour height over
1.5 m (5 ft.) May be waived by engineer under Clause
for non-critical walls or based on demonstrated good
Sustainable Design Section 3.4
& LEED Credits Page 1

Masonry LEED Credits: Recently the construction industry has seen an increased emphasis on
sustainable design and "building green" by governments, design
EA1 - Optimize Energy
professionals and building owners. B.C. is leading the rest of Canada in
- Thermal Mass in masonry walls
moderates temperatures to reduce accepting environmental building practices, and in the adoption of the
energy consumption and HVAC LEED® rating system. This section reviews the positive environmental
system size. impacts of concrete block and clay brick masonry, and details how credits
can be achieved under LEED.
MR1 – Building Reuse
- Historic masonry building
durability allows for reuse and SHADES OF GREEN
A measurement system is required if buildings are to be evaluated for their
MR2 – Construction Waste
predicted environmental performance. The two systems that have received
- Modularity minimizes waste. the most acceptance are LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental
- Demolition & construction waste Design), and Green Globes®. LEED will be recognized by most designers,
can be crushed & recycled. as it has become the best known environmental assessment system in
MR3 – Resource Reuse North America. It was developed in the U.S. by the US Green Building
(salvage) Council, and has been adapted for Canada under the Canada Green
- Existing brick can be reused. Building Council (www.cagbc.org). LEED Canada-NC 1.0 was issued in late
2004 and updated this past spring. Green Globes is a web based
MR4 – Recycled Content
- Cement replacement with fly ash assessment tool that is administered by the Green Building Initiative
and slag in concrete products (www.thegbi.org). These systems provide a long list of credits and points
- Recycled materials can replace that may be achieved by meeting defined criteria. They provide rating
aggregates in brick & block levels based on the number of points awarded (i.e. LEED Gold). Other
MR5 - Local/Regional Materials green building checklists have been developed for specific building types
- Brick and block are usually and geographic regions.
available within 800 km
All of these systems are quite basic, with fixed credit weightings, and no
MR8 - Durable Building
- Masonry is a proven material for climatic options such as those we are familiar with in our established
durability building codes. They also fail to cover some of the sustainable design
benefits provided by certain materials. The next stage in building
evaluation will be the refinement of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools such
Masonry benefits not in LEED as the “Athena® Environmental Impact Estimator for
Buildings”(www.athenasmi.ca). LCA attempts to provide a more detailed
Structure/Finish Combination: assessment of the environmental impact of various building materials over
Masonry can provide both the their full life cycle.
building structure, and the interior
or exterior finishes. This reduces The key sustainable design topics that are addressed by masonry materials
the need for the production, are discussed below.
installation & maintenance of
additional finish materials. DURABLE MATERIALS

Indoor Air Quality: The use of durable building materials is one of the most obvious
- No off-gassing, toxicity or VOC's.
characteristics of a building constructed in a sustainable manner. While
- Masonry does not support mould
growth and is easily cleaned. durability is generally recognized as an important green building issue, it
has proven to be difficult to incorporate into evaluation systems. While
we all may feel we know it when we see it, durability is difficult to
LEED® is a registered trademark of quantify, particularly for newer materials. One problem with the current
the U.S. Green Building Council U.S. LEED system is that it does not consider this key issue in its points
system. This situation has been partially resolved in LEED Canada by the
addition of a durable building credit. It only accounts for one point of
the 70 available, but is a good step in the right direction.
Section 3.4 Sustainable Design
Page 2
07/11 & LEED Credits
The proven durability of masonry for structural, building envelope and
interior finish applications will conserve resources over the building life
cycle and reduce waste. The building itself can stay in service longer,
with lower repair and maintenance requirements. Brick, block and stone
products can last for the life of a building and can help a project qualify
under this credit. However, masonry durability is best identified through
the use of a life cycle assessment of maintenance, repair and
replacement requirements.

The LEED Durable Building Credit MR8 references the Canadian Standard
Association (CSA) standard S478-95 - Guideline on Durability in Buildings,
and requires that the expected service life of components equal or exceed
the design service life of the building. There was some initial concern about
administrative requirements and liability issues for this credit, so the CaGBC
has simplified and clarified the process, while maintaining the rigor of the

(Materials) (Building)


The transportation of building products that are produced at a great

distance from a construction project generates substantial environmental
impacts. These impacts can obviously be reduced if materials from the
local region are specified. In LEED credit MR5, the distance limit from
the construction site for both the raw material and the production plant
is defined by a 800 km radius by truck, and a 2400 km radius for rail or
water transport.

Because there are dozens of concrete block plants located across

Canada, there is a high likelihood that concrete block can be sourced
within the LEED radius and in many cases much closer to a project.
Modern, highly efficient brick plants produce a high volume of product.
As a result there are less than a dozen large operations located across
the country. However, because these plants are located close to the
major construction markets, in most cases construction projects will fall
within the LEED radius.

In B.C., all major centres are serviced by regional block and brick plants.
In addition, mortar and blockfill grout materials are also locally available.


The use of recycled materials in the production of building materials is

beneficial because it reduces the impacts from both the sourcing of new
raw materials and the disposal of waste materials. For clay brick, recycled
materials can replace some of the new clay or shale required for brick
production. For concrete block, recycled materials can replace a portion of
both the cement and the aggregate in the block mix design.
Sustainable Design Section 3.4
& LEED Credits Page 3

While clay and shale are abundantly available for brick production, it is
worthwhile to minimize the amount of virgin material that must be
processed and transported. In many cases, brick operations already grind
and reuse any reject fired units as part of their raw material input. While
environmentally sound, the recycling of this “grog” does not presently
qualify as recycled content under LEED credit MR4 because it stays on the
property and is considered as internal process waste. The use of other
recycled materials from consumer or industrial products waste streams is
under active investigation by the brick industry in Canada.

Supplementary Cementing Materials (SCMs), such as fly ash and ground

granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS), are being used increasingly as a
replacement for part of the cement content in all concrete products. This
now includes replacing some of the cement that makes up about 10% of a
typical concrete block mix design. Fly ash is used in the west, while GGBFS
from steel making is more common in eastern Canada. Fly ash is
generated from cleaning the stack emissions of coal-burning electrical
generating plants. Both of these materials have cementitious properties
that make them suitable as replacements for 20 – 25% of the cement in
concrete block.

The positive effects of SCM substitutions are given a very high weighting
in LEED Canada because of their double benefit of reducing cement
requirements while utilizing a waste material. The LEED Canada credit
applies a multiplier of 2 to the reduction in cement content between the
mix with SCMs and a base mix without SCMs. This cement reduction
factor is not applied to the cement only, but rather, to the entire
concrete product. The combination of these two factors can result in a
20-fold increase in the impact for SCMs in concrete block, compared to
what it would be if applied solely to the percentage of recycled content.
SCMs are considered as pre-consumer recycled content.

Recycled materials can also replace some of the sand and gravel aggregate
in concrete block production. Aggregate replacements could include post-
consumer products such as recycled glass or recycled building demolition
waste. They could also include pre-consumer recycled materials that have
not passed through the consumer waste stream, but are waste products
from manufacturing processes. While a multitude of potential recycled
materials are being investigated, they must be carefully evaluated to
determine if they are suitable for the manufacture, construction and long
term serviceability of concrete block.

MIBC block producer members can supply product information that

outlines their recycled content.
Section 3.4 Sustainable Design
Page 4
07/11 & LEED Credits

Mass on both the exterior and interior of buildings can improve thermal
performance. High mass materials such as concrete block and clay brick
can produce energy savings over the life of a building, and their
inclusion in project designs can help to achieve LEED credits. When
compared with light weight buildings, with all other building conditions
kept constant, thermally massive buildings can show energy savings
benefits for two reasons:
1) There are reduced peaks and valleys in heating and cooling
requirements, since mass absorbs, stores and releases heat to slow the
building response time. These moderated demands can reduce overall
heating and cooling energy, as well as reducing the size and cost of
HVAC equipment.
2) Thermal mass can delay heating and cooling loads, and shift them to
more efficient times in a 24-hour cycle.

Unlike insulation values, the effects of thermal mass are not simple to
determine. However they can be identified by using computer
simulations of building behavior. These programs are now often used in
the evaluation of sustainable building projects. To illustrate how these
principles may pertain to energy credit requirements; two computer
simulation model analyses have been performed using masonry and
concrete options on three versions of a typical 4-storey office building.
The three versions varied in their respective weights, based on
increasing amounts of masonry and concrete for structural and cladding
materials. The high thermal mass case included brick veneer over a
block back-up wall, along with concrete columns, floors and roof.
The results of these energy analyses showed that the use of high
thermal mass can provide energy savings for each of five sample
locations across Canada – including Vancouver. These forecasted energy
savings can also be used to achieve higher energy credits under LEED.
Contact the MIBC office for further information on these studies.


- Building Reuse:
The durability of historic brick and stone masonry allow older
structures to be restored and renewed, rather than demolished.
LEED Credit MR1.

- Resource Reuse:
Brick and stone units can be reused as salvaged materials on
new projects. Brick and block can be crushed and reused as
structural fill and landscape material. LEED Credit MR3.
Sustainable Design Section 3.4
& LEED Credits Page 5

- Construction Waste Management:

The modularity of masonry units minimizes site waste compared
to other materials. Demolition and construction waste can be
crushed and recycled. LEED Credit MR2.

- Structure/Finish Combination:
Masonry structural and partition walls can be left exposed –
eliminating the need for the installation and maintenance of
additional finishes.

- Fire Resistance:
The fire separation provided by concrete block fire walls saves
lives and properties from destruction – and reduces material use
and landfill waste due to replacement of fire damaged

- Low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s):

Most masonry products are “self-finishing”, and require no
coatings or finishes in interior applications. This eliminates the
question of low VOC coverings. The masonry industry proposes
that in the future, these products should therefore also qualify
for low VOC credits.


The builders of the Great Wall in China, the Taj Mahal, and the domes of
Florence and St. Peters may not have had LEED certification to consider,
but their specification of durable masonry materials made their
For more information see “Guide to structures lasting examples of sustainable design. Today’s masonry
Sustainable Design with Concrete” industry is actively exploring new raw materials, manufacturing
at www.cement.ca. improvements and wall system refinements to maximize the positive
impact of masonry on modern construction – and welcomes questions
and suggestions from designers, specifiers and owners in this effort.
Certification Program Section 4.1
Page 1

TMC - Technical Masonry Certification

Today’s efficient masonry walls are more weather-resistant, taller and

slimmer than ever before. These high-tech assemblies combine decades
of building science research with some of the most advanced materials
available on the market today.

Bricklayers have always been an integral part of masonry construction.

Craftsmen and their trowels have built structures that defy gravity and
have withstood the test of time. If the skill of the mason was important
in the past years, it has become even more so today. The masonry
contractor needs to understand current practices and must be able to
schedule the construction process around complex assembly
requirements. The TMC certification program answers that need, and is
a mandatory requirement for contractor membership in the MIBC.

A list of current TMC Since 2002, the Masonry Institute of B.C. has offered an advanced
qualified MIBC course for masonry contractors. The course includes class time and an
commercial masonry
contractor members exam that must be successfully completed before the TMC designation is
is available on our earned. Topics covered include engineering basics, building envelope
website at:
www.masonrybc.org science and masonry code requirements. The TMC program is being
updated for the 2004 CSA standards that have come into effect with the
2006 B.C. Building Code. All of the MIBC member contactor members
will renew their TMC in 2007.

Have your masonry work done by certified masonry contractors by

including the following in your specifications:

“The masonry contractor shall be a

member in good standing of the Masonry
Institute of BC, and be qualified under the
Technical Masonry Certification (TMC)
Section 4.1 Certification Program
Page 2



- Production, Standards, - Air/Vapour movement
Properties - Thermal
- Block - A165.1 - Moisture
- Brick - A82.
- Rainscreen
CONSTRUCTION - A371 Description
- Codes, Standards and
- Single-wythe, - Cladding
Veneer - Cavity, Flashings,
- Thermal, Sound, Ties
Fire - Shelf Angles,
Movement Joints
- Masonry - S304.1
- Grout,
- Details
Masonry Inspection Section 4.2
Checklist Page 1

This checklist is designed to help ensure masonry projects are built to

the high standards expected of masonry by providing assistance in the
field review process.

This list is for use by those involved in the inspection of masonry as well
as to provide the mason with a checklist of items to review for his own
quality assurance program. This list aims to help ensure conformance to
the masonry standards, to the specifications and to good workmanship

Not all items will be applicable to a given project. The “Details” column
can be used to record specific project requirements for an item. The
“Comments” column may require expansion for multiple inspections.
Section 4.2 Masonry Inspection
Page 2
07/11 Checklist


1. CLAY MASONRY UNITS: a. Type, Size, Shapes, Tolerances

b. Specified Colour & Texture

c. Site Storage

2. CMU'S: a. Strength, Sizes, Profiles, Shapes, Tolerances

b. Fire Rating

c. Specified Colour & Texture

d. Site Storage

3. PRECAST & STONE - Specified Type

4. MORTAR & GROUT-Site Mixed:

a. Specified Type, Colour

b. Sand & Gravel to CSA A179 ??

c. Water Potable, Site Storage

5. MORTAR – Premixed: a. Specified Mortar Type

b. Batch Time for Wet Mix, Lot Number for Dry Mix ??

c. Site Storage

6. GROUT-Premixed: a. Strength & Slump for Ready-mix

b. Specified Type & Lot Number for Dry Mix ??

7. CONNECTORS – Specified Types, Corrosion Resistance

8. REINFORCING: a. Rebar Grade & Size

b. Joint Reinforcing Type, Width, Corrosion Resistance

9. FLASHING & / WEEP HOLE DEVICES: a. Specified Type

b. Fastening, Priming & Sealing Material

10. STEEL LINTELS - Specified Size, Corrosion Resistance


12. WATER REPELLANT (If in masonry work) Spec. Type

13. AIR BARRIER (If in masonry work) Specified Type

14. CORE & CAVITY INSULATION (If in masonry work)

Specified Type, Specified Size, Specified Attachment

15. CLEANER - Specified Type

Masonry Inspection Section 4.2
Checklist Page 3


1. FLASHING: a. Location & Dimension

b. Laps Sealed, Secured to Back-up, End Dams

2. MORTAR MIXING: a. Spec. Material/Proportion

b. Mixing Time

3. MORTAR APPLICATION: a. Joints Correctly Filled

b. Cavities & Grouted Cells Reasonably Clear

c. Spec. Joint Profile, Joints Properly Tooled, Re-tempering

4. LAYING UNITS: a. Alignments & Joint Tolerances

b. Minor Unit Defects Within Material Standard Limits

c. Corbelling Within Limits

d. Features as per Design: Arches, Sills, Soldiers, Prefab, etc.

e. Fire Rated Units Where Specified

5. VENEER TIES: a. Embedment in Mortar Within Limits ± 13

b. Specified Spacing & Location

c. Specified Fastening

6. ANCHORS - Specified Location & Installation

7. STEEL LINTELS & SHELF ANGLES: a. Spec. Location/Size

b. Overhang ≤ 1/3 Width, Expansion Gap Under Shelf Angle


- Specified Type, Locations, Spacing and unobstructed

9. AIR BARRIERS (If in masonry work)

- Specified Application, Sealing at Ties and Penetrations

10. INSULATION (If in masonry work)

a. Specified Location, Core Insulation to Top

b. Cavity Insulation Fastened, Oriented & Joined as Specified

11. REINFORCING: a. Sizes, Spacing & Locations

b. Position in Cell, Bar Laps

c. Stirrup & Tie Bars

d. Joint Reinforcing Size, Spacing & Laps

12. GROUTING: a. Cells Clear

b. Cleanouts (if required) - Spacing & Size, Cleaned, Closed

c. Parapets Solid Grouted

d. Pour & Lift Height

Section 4.2 Masonry Inspection
Page 4
07/11 Checklist

13. WEATHER PROTECTION: a. Top of Wall Covered

b. Cold Weather/Hot Weather Requirements


a. Locations of Movement Joints / Type

b. Vertical & Shelf Angle Expansion Joints Clear of Mortar

c. Caulking Colour (by others)

15. FIRESTOPPING - Location, Installation (if in masonry work)


- Mortar Smears & Droppings Removed

17. WET CLEANING (If required or specified)

a. Wall Adequately Cured

b. Test Area Check

c. Surroundings Protected

d. Cleaning to Manufacturer's Requirements

e. Adequate Pre-Soak, Rinse

18. WATER REPELLENT (if in masonry work)

a. Wall Adequately Clean & Dry

b. Caulking & Flashing Complete, Surroundings Protected

c. Application to Manufacturer's Requirements

Maintenance Guide Section 4.3
Page 1

Date of Substantial Completion:
Architect: Contact:
Building Envelope: _____________________________________Contact:___________________
General Contractor: Contact:
Masonry Contractor: Contact:
Masonry has been used for the most beautiful and enduring structures man has known; their fine quality
and durability fulfil the owner's needs perfectly.

Any structure requires regular maintenance after construction and during its performance life. Masonry
is susceptible to many of the same pollutants as other building materials, but cleaning and damp proofing must
be performed with care and attention to manufacturers recommendations by knowledgeable tradesmen.

Maintenance of buildings may be broken into two general categories: 1) general inspection and
maintenance to prolong the life and usefulness of a building; and 2) specific maintenance to identify and correct
problems which may develop. This Maintenance Manual addresses both general and specific maintenance
procedures. A checklist is provided for general inspections and specific repair techniques are described.


Clay Brick:
Type & Colour:
Supplied by:

Glass Block:
Supplied by:
Section 4.3 Maintenance Guide
Page 2

Concrete Block:
Type & Colour:
Supplied by:
U.L.C. Fire Rating Certificate No.

Stone Work:
Type & Colour:
Supplied by:

Mortar: (List Manufacturers) Caulking:

Type: S N Type & Colour:
Cement/Lime Specifications:
Masonry Cement Supplied by:
Mortar Cement
Premixed Mortar
% Wt. of Cement & Lime

Cleaning Material Water Repellent Coating

(Product, Manufacturer) (Product, Manufacturer)
Natural Grey Concrete Block
Coloured Concrete Block
Glass Block

Note: Spec Data Sheets for recommended cleaning materials and water repellent coatings are to be attached.


A good, thorough inspection and maintenance program is often inexpensive to initiate and will prove
advantageous in extending the life of a building. It is a good idea to become familiar with the materials used on
a building and how they perform over a given time period.
It is suggested that periodic inspections be performed to determine the condition of the various materials
used on a building. These inspections can be set for any given time period, i.e. monthly, yearly, etc. A
suggested inspection period is "seasonal" so that the behaviour of building materials in various weather
conditions can be noted. Inspection records, including conditions and comments, should be kept on the
enclosed form to determine future "trouble spots". Check the Inspection & Maintenance Record for the
recommended inspection schedule.

Maintenance Guide Section 4.3
Page 3

Problems resulting from moisture penetration may include: efflorescence, spalling, deteriorating mortar
joints, interior moisture damage, etc. If one or more of these conditions becomes evident, the direct source of
moisture penetration should be determined and action taken to correct both the visible effect and the moisture
penetration source. Table 1 lists various problems appearing on masonry due to moisture and the most
probable source of moisture penetration. The items checked in the table represent each source that should be
considered when such problems occur.
After investigating all of the possible moisture penetration sources, the actual source may be
determined through the process of elimination. Many times the source will be self evident as in the cases of
deteriorated and missing materials; however, in instances such as improper flashing, differential movement,
etc. the source may be hidden and determined only through some type of building diagnostics carried out by a
building envelope consultant specializing in this field. In any case, it is suggested to first visually inspect for the
self-evident source before retaining a consultant.
Once the source is determined, measures can then be taken to effectively remedy the moisture
penetration source and its effects on the masonry.

Remedial Cleaning
Moisture penetration is a contributing factor to the formation of efflorescence. Generally, efflorescence
is easily removed by natural weathering or by scrubbing with a brush and water. In some cases a weak
muriatic acid solution may be used to remove stubborn efflorescence. Improper acid cleaning, i.e., absence of
pre-wetting, insufficient rinsing and strong acid concentrations, may cause irreparable damage. Cement is
affected by hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid); therefore, if any hydrochloric acid remains on the masonry, the
mortar joints may become etched and/or deteriorated. Two types of efflorescence are not water-soluble; one
type is a white efflorescence, composed of calcium carbonate. The other is a white or greyish haze, referred to
as "white scum", composed of silicic acid or other silica compounds. Each of these two types of efflorescence
requires unique removal solutions and the manufacturer of the masonry units and of the recommended
cleaning material should be contacted before any cleaning is attempted.
After cleaning in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, the mortar joints should be
inspected. Tuck-pointing of the joints may be necessary. It should be noted that these and all cleaning
procedures should first be tried in an inconspicuous area at different concentrations and judged on


Sealant Replacement
Missing or deteriorated caulking and sealants in contact areas between masonry and other materials,
i.e., window and doorframes, expansion joints, etc. may be a source of moisture penetration. The sealant joints
in these areas should be inspected. If the sealant is missing, a full bead of high-quality, permanently elastic
sealant compound should be placed in the open joints. If a sealant material was installed, but has torn,
deteriorated or lost elasticity, it should be carefully cut out. The opening must be clean of all old sealant
material. A new sealant should then be placed in a clean joint. All joints should be properly primed before the
new sealant material is applied. A backer rope material should be placed in all joints deeper than 3/4 in. (19
mm) or wider than 3/8 in. (10 mm).
Section 4.3 Maintenance Guide
Page 4

Water Repellent Coating

Water-repellent treatments have to be renewed from time to time because of a gradual deterioration in
their efficiency. The first effect is noticed when the surface no longer sheds the water that falls on it. This does
not of itself indicate that the treatment has ceased to be effective; the pore surfaces behind the exposed face
still retain an adequate degree of water-repellence for some considerable time.
Since the durability depends on the character of the surface and on the conditions of exposure, the
frequency of renewal must be determined by experience with the selected water-repellents in the particular
circumstances. Renewal is called for when signs of dampness begin to make an appearance, after first
checking for other defects. However, it will usually be advisable to renew a treatment that has served its
purpose for a reasonably long time, say 5 - 10 years, without waiting for dampness to appear again.

Tuck-pointing Mortar Joints

Moisture may penetrate mortar that has softened, deteriorated or developed visible cracks. When this is
the case, tuck-pointing may be necessary to reduce moisture penetration. Tuck-pointing is a process of cutting
out old mortar to a uniform depth and placing new mortar in the joint.
Prior to undertaking a tuck-pointing project, the following should be considered: 1) Whether or not to use
power tools for cutting out old mortar. The use of power tools may damage the adjacent masonry units. 2) Any
tuck-pointing operation should only be done by a qualified and experienced journeyman.
The old mortar should be cut out, by means of a toothing chisel or a special pointer's grinder, to a
uniform depth of 3/4 in. (19 mm), or until sound mortar is reached. Care must be taken not to damage the
edges of the masonry units. All dust and debris must be removed from the joint by brushing, blowing with air or
rinsing with water.
Tuck-pointing mortar should be carefully selected and properly proportioned. For best results, the
original mortar proportions should be duplicated.


This Maintenance Manual has presented procedures to extend the useful life of the building and to retain
the original beauty and performance of the structure. It is suggested that regular routine inspections of the
building be carried out to determine where future maintenance may be required. All buildings are unique and
will experience individual maintenance needs and schedules.
The information contained in this Maintenance Manual is based on the available data, recommendations
from the manufacturers and experience of the Technical Committee of the Masonry Institute of B.C. Final
decision on the use of this information must rest with the project designer, owner or both.
Maintenance Guide Section 4.3
Page 5

Possible Effects and Sources of Moisture Penetration

Sources of Moisture Penetration

Previous Previous Deteriorated Missing / Incompletely Broken /
Plant Capillary Differential Missing
Acid Sand Sealants / Clogged filled Mortar Loose
Growth Rise Movement Flashing
Cleaning Blasting Caulks Weepholes Joints Units
Efflorescence ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Mortar ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Effects of Moisture

Spalled Units ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Cracked Units
Moistrure ♦ ♦ ♦
Corrosion of
Backup ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Mildew / Algae
Growth ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Interior ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Brick Institute of America
TEK Notes 7 and 7F
National Concrete Masonry Association
TEK Notes 29, 44, 92 and 100
Masonry Institute of America
Marble & Stone Slab Veneer, 2nd Edition
Pittsburgh Corning
Glass Block Products & Design Brochure
Section 4.3 Maintenance Guide
Page 6


Building Date Last inspection

Location Inspected by

Recommended Inspection Schedule:

First 2 years - inspect every 6 months
Thereafter - inspect every 2 years

OK Problem Location/Observation Date of

Minor Major Repair
1. General Condition
- General appearance
- Efflorescence
- Physical damage
- Settlement cracks
- Expansion/Contraction
- Graffiti
- Dirt and stains
- Other
2. Masonry Units
- Cracked units
- Spalling
- Loose
- Out of alignment
- Other
3. Mortar Joints
- Missing/clogged weepholes
- Clogged vents
- Deteriorated
- Cracks
- Moss/algae growth
- Other

OK Problem Location/Observation Date of

Minor Major Repair
Maintenance Guide Section 4.3
Page 7

4. Flashing
- Damage or missing
- Corrosion
- Correct slope
- Open joints
- Stains
- Other
5. Caps/Coping
- Cracked units
- Loose joints
- Open joints
- Not flashed beneath
- Attachment
- Other
6. Water Repellent & Caulking
- Deteriorated/Torn caulking
i Masonry to masonry
ii Masonry to doors &
iii Masonry to flashing
- Loose/flaking paint
- Efflorescence
- Water stains
7. Other Observations

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