Modular Engine Management System Operation
Modular Engine Management System Operation
Modular Engine Management System Operation
MODULAR ENGINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM • In conjunction with the Throttle Position (TP)
OPERATION sensor, the ECM uses the speed/density meth
of air flow measurement to calculate fuel
The Modular Engine Management System (MEMS) delivery. This method measures the crankshaf
is a combined engine management system using a position/speed, inlet air temperature and inlet
single Engine Control Module to control the manifold pressure and assumes that the engin
multipoint fuel injection, idle speed control and is a calibrated vacuum pump, with its
ignition systems. characteristics stored in the ECM, it can then
determine the correct amount of fuel to be
Electronic Control Module (ECM) injected.
The ECM processes all inputs and outputs related to • The ECM contains an integral Manifold Absolu
the operation of the fuel injection and ignition Pressure (MAP) sensor. The MAP sensor read
systems. The ECM is located on a mounting plate manifold pressure via a hose connected to the
behind the battery in the engine compartment. The inlet manifold. The manifold pressure is
ECM comprises an aluminium cast body with a monitored by the ECM, which in turn adjusts th
pressed alloy sealed lid. A socket is positioned on injector pulse width to maintain the correct fue
it’s side face and receives a multiplug from the delivery relative to the air flow ratio. This syste
engine wiring harness. The socket contains 36 pins, removes the need for a fuel pressure regulator
although only the pins corresponding to those in the and fuel return line on the fuel rail. The device
multiplug are used. which normally functions as a fuel pressure
regulator on other ’K’ series applications is now
The multiplug is connected to the engine wiring used as an accumulator to damp fuel pump
harness to each individual sensor. The multiplug fits pulses in the fuel rail.
into the corresponding socket on the side face of the
ECM and is locked in position with a plastic clip. A • A separate diagnostic socket, located behind th
rubber seal within the body of the multiplug prevents centre console in the passenger footwell, allow
the ingress of moisture. The ECM harness multiplug engine diagnostics and tuning to be carried ou
incorporates plated pins to minimise oxidation and using TestBook, without disconnecting the EC
give improved reliability. harness multiplug.
The ECM monitors the conditions required for • The ECM controls the operation of the radiator
optimum combustion of fuel in the cylinder through cooling and air conditioning (if fitted) fans base
sensors located at strategic points around the on signals received from the engine coolant
engine. From these sensor inputs, the engine control temperature sensor and air conditioning system
module can adjust the fuel quantity and timing of the If a high engine temperature is detected, the
fuel being delivered to the cylinders. ECM will prevent the air conditioning system
from operating.
The main features are as follows:
• A single ECM controls the fuel injection system • If certain system inputs fail, the ECM implemen
and the ignition system. The ECM incorporates a back-up facility to enable the system to
short circuit protection and can store intermittent continue functioning, although at a reduced lev
faults on certain inputs. TestBook can interrogate of performance.
the ECM for these stored faults., 12/15/2009
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