4 Sequential Circuit
4 Sequential Circuit
4 Sequential Circuit
Sequential Circuits
i/p F.F
Clk Q′
There are different types of flip-flops S-R flip-flop, D-flip- Figure 2 Logic diagram for SR latch
flop, T-flip-flop, J-K flip–flops, etc.
S R Qn+1 ′
0 0 Qn Qn′ (no change)
(i) S-R Latch: The simplest latch is called S-R latch. S-R
0 1 0 1 (Reset)
means Set-Reset. It has two outputs Q and Q and two
inputs S and R, which represent set or reset signal. 1 0 1 0 (set)
1 1 0 0 (invalid)
S G1
G3 Q R
G4 Q
R G2 Q′
Figure 3 S R Latch
Above figure shows two cross coupled gates G3 and
G4 and inverters G1 and G2. Here output of G3 is con-
nected to the input of G4 and output of G4 is applied to S R Qn+1 Qn +1
the input of G3. S = 1, R = 0 output of G1 = 0 and G2 =
0 0 1 1 (Invalid)
1. Since one of the input of G3 is 0, so its output will be
0 1 1 0 (Set)
certainly 1 and consequently both input of G4 will be 1
and the output Q = 0. 1 0 0 1 (Reset)
For S = 1, R = 0, Q = 1, Q = 0. S = 0, R = 1 the 1 1 Qn Qn′ (No change)
output will be Q = 0 and Q = 1. The first of the input
condition S = 1 and R = 0 makes Q = 1 which referred
S R latch is active low SR latch
as the set state and the second condition S = 0 and R = (iii) SR latch with control input: The working of gated
1 makes Q = 0 which is referred as reset state. SR latch is exactly the same as SR latch when the EN
For S = 0 and R = 0 output of both G1 and G2 will be pulse is present. When the EN pulse is not present (EN
one and hence there will be no change in Q and Q. pulse = 0) the gates G1 and G2 are inhibited and will not
For S = R = 1, both the outputs Q and Q will try respond to the input.
to become one, which produces invalid results and
should not be used for the above latch. S
Input Output
State EN
1 0 1 0 Set
0 1 0 1 Reset
0 0 0 0 No change
1 1 ? ? Invalid Characteristic table of SR latch shows the operation
of latch in tabular form. Qt stands as the binary state
(ii) SR latch by using NAND/NOR gates: The SR latch of the latch before the application of latch pulse and
is a circuit with two cross-coupled NOR gates or two referred to as the present state. The S and R columns
cross-coupled NAND gates. Two inputs labelled S for give the possible values of the inputs and Qt+1 is the
set and R for reset. Latch will have two outputs: state of the latch after the application of a single pulse,
•• Q: output state in normal form and referred to as next stage. EN input is not included in
•• Q′: output state in complemented form. the characteristic table.
1.58 | Unit 1 • Digital Logic
table for SR latch is given below: Pr
Qt S R Qt+1
0 0 0 0 S Q
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 EN
0 1 1 X
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 X Clr
Present (Pr) EN
EN Clr
EN D Qn+1
Clear (Clr)
0 X Qn – No change (Disabled)
Figure 4 SR latch with Pr and Clr inputs 1 0 0 – Reset state
If Pr = Clr = 1, the circuits operates as of S–R latch 1 1 1 – Set state
explained previously.
If Pr = 0, Clr = 1, the output Q will become 1, which in When EN = 0, the circuit will be disabled and input D
turn changes Q = 0. will not have only effect on output, and output will be
If Pr = 1, Clr = 0 the output Q will become 1, which in same as previous state.
turn changes Q = 0. When EN = 1, D = 0, i.e., S = 0, R = 1 which makes
If Pr = Clr = 0, both Q and Q will become 1, which is output Q = 0 and Q = 1 (Reset state).
invalid case, so Pr = Clr = 0 condition must not be used. When EN = 1, D = 1, i.e., S = 1, R = 0 which makes
output Q = 1, and Q = 0 (Set state).
Pr Clr Qn+1
1 1 Q – No change (vi) JK latch: The function of JK latch is identical to
0 1 1 – Set that of SR latch except that it has no invalid state
1 0 0 – Reset as that of SR latch where S = R = 1. In this case the
0 0 X – Invalid
state of the output is changed as complement of pre-
vious state.
Chapter 4 • Sequential Circuits | 1.59
(or) the output Y becomes (0 + 0) = 1and which in turn
EN SR latch changes X = (Y + A) = (0 + 1) = 0. So, output (X, Y) cannot
be predicted after the invalid condition. So, X = 0, Y = 1 or
K R Q X = 1, Y = 0
Example 2: Refer to the NAND and NOR latches shown
Figure 7 JK latch by using SR latch in the figure the inputs (P, Q) for both the latches are first
made (1, 0) and then after a few seconds, made (0, 0). The
J K S R Qn+1 Qn+1 corresponding stable outputs (X, Y ) are
0 0 0 0 Qn Qn -No change P P
0 1 0 Qn 0 1-Reset
1 0 Qn 0 1 0-Set
1 1 Qn Qn Qn Qn-Toggle Y Y
Example 1: The following binary values were applied to A (A) NAND: first (0, 1) then (0, 1); NOR: first (1, 0) then (1, 0)
and B inputs of NOR gate latch shown in the figure, in the (B) NAND: first (0, 1) then (1, 1); NOR: First (0, 1) then
sequence indicated below. A = 1, B = 0; A = 1, B = 1; A = 0, (0, 1)
B = 0. The corresponding stable X, Y outputs will be (C) NAND: first (1, 0) then (0, 0); NOR: first (1, 0) then (1, 0)
(D) NAND: first (1, 0), then (1, 0); NOR: first (1, 0) then
X (1, 1)
Solution: (B)
From the truth table of SR latch and S R latch SR latch with
NOR gates:
B For (P, Q) = (1, 0) = (R, S) output (=
X , Y ) (=
Q, Q ) (0, 1)
1.60 | Unit 1 • Digital Logic
Then (P, Q) are made (0, 0), i.e., (R, S) = (0, 0), which G1m
results in no change at output. So, (=X , Y ) (=
Q, Q ) (0,1) Qm
SR latch with NAND gates: Q
For (P, Q) = (1, 0) = (S, R) output (X, Y) = (Q, Q ) = (0,1). Clk
Then (P, Q) are made (0, 0), i.e., (S, R) = (0, 0) which is G 2m Qm Q
invalid conditions for S R latch. So, (=
X , Y ) (=
Q, Q ) (1,1)
(vii) Race around condition: The difficulties of both the
inputs (S = R = 1) being not allowed in an SR latch is
eliminated in JK latch by using the feedback connec- Figure 8 Logic diagram of JK flip-flop
tion from the output to the input of the gate G1 and G2. Positive clock pulse is applied to the first latch and
In a normal JK latch if J = K = 1 and Q = 0 and enable the clock pulse will be inverted before its arrival at
signal is applied without RC differentiator, after a the second latch. When Clk = 1, the first latch is ena-
time interval ∆t (the propagation delay through two bled and the outputs Qm and Qm responds to the inputs
NAND gate in series) the output will change to Q = 1. J and K, according to the truth table of JK latch. At
Now we have J = K = 1 and Q = 1 and after another this time the 2nd latch is inhibited because its clock
time interval of ∆t the output will change back to Q = is low (Clk = 0). When the clock goes low (Clk = 0),
0. Hence for the duration of (tp) of the enable signal the first latch is inhibited and the second is enabled.
the output will oscillates back and forth between 0 and Therefore, the outputs Q and Q follow the outputs
1. At the end of the enable signal the values of Q is Qm and Qm , respectively. Since the second latch sim-
uncertain. This situation is referred to as race around ply follows the first one, it is referred to as slave and
condition. the first one as the master. Hence this configuration is
The race around condition can be avoided if enable known as master-slave JK flip-flop. In this circuit, the
time period tp < ∆t but it may be difficult to satisfy this input to the gate G1m and G2m do not change, during
condition, because of very small propagation delays the clock pulse levels.
in ICs. To solve this problem the enable signals are
converted to narrows spike using RC differentiator The race around condition does not exist.
circuit having a short time constant. Its output will be
Table 2 State/characteristic Table
high during the high transmission time of the enable.
Another method to avoid this problem is master-slave Clk J K Qt Qt+1
JK flip-flop. ↓
Flip-flops ↓ 1 0 0 1
↓ 1 0 1 1
(i) Master-slave JK flip-flop: This is a cascade of 2 SR
latches with feedback from the output of the second SR
latch to the inputs of the first as shown in the figure below.
0 0
0 Qt
Clk Q 00 01 11 10
K R 0 1 1
1 1 1
Qt +1 = J Qt + Qt K
(iii) Triggering of flip-flop: The flip-flop can be triggered There is no raising problem with D flip-flop. High or
to set or reset either at one of the edges of the clock 1 state will set the flip-flop and a low or 0 state will
pulse. There are three types of triggering as described reset the flip-flop. The presence of inverter at the input
below: ensure that S/J and R/K inputs will always be in the
1. Positive edge triggering flip-flop: These set or opposite state.
reset at the positive (rising or leading) edge of the Table 4 Characteristic Table of D Flip-flop
clock pulse depending upon the state of i/p signal
and o/p remain steady for 1 clock period. Positive Qt D Qt+1
edge triggering is indicated by an arrow head at the 0 0 0
clock terminal of the flip-flop. 0 1 1
1 0 0
1 1 1
R Q Q 0 1
0 1
2. Negative edge triggered flip-flop: There are flip- 1 1
flops those in which state transmissions take Q t +1=D
place only at the negative edge (falling or trailing)
From the characteristic table of D.flip-flop, the next
of the clock signal. Negative edge triggering is
state of the flip-flop is independent of the present state
indicated by arrow head with bubble at the clock
since Qt+1 = D, whether Qt = 0 or 1.
(v) T flip-flop: In a JK flip-flop J = K = 1 and the resulting
flip-flop is referred to as a T flip-flop.
3. Level triggering: Level triggering means the
Clk FF
specified action occurs based on the steady state
value of the input. That is, when a certain level is K Q
reached (0 or 1) the output will change states level
triggering will be used in latches. Table 5 Truth Table
(iv) D flip-flop: It receives the designation from its ability Clk T Qn+1
to hold data into its internal storage. An SR/JK flip-
↑ 0 Qn
flop has two inputs. It requires two inputs S/J and R/K
to store 1 bit. This is a serious disadvantage in many ↑ 1 Qn
application to overcome the difficulty D flip-flop has ↑ x Qn
been developed which has only one input line. A D
1.62 | Unit 1 • Digital Logic
1 0 1
T 0 1 Figure 10 State diagram of JK flip-flop
0 1
1 1
0 0 1 0
Qt +1 = TQt + Qt T
(vi) Excitation table of flip-flops: The truth table of flip- Figure 11 State diagram of T flip-flop
flop is also referred to as the characteristic table, which
specifies the operational characteristic of flip-flop. 1
Sometimes we come across situations in which pre-
0 0 1 1
sent state and the next state of the circuit are known
and we have to find the input conditions that must pre- 0
vail to cause the desired transition of the state.
Consider initially JK flip-flop output Qn = 1, Q n Figure 12 State diagram of D flip-flop
= 0, after clock pulse it changed to Qn +1 = 0, Q n + 1 = 1, ( viii) Conversion of one flip-flop to other flip-flop
The input conditions, which made this transition, Conversion of T flip-flop to JK flip-flop
can be 1. Write the characteristic table of required flip-flop
Toggle – for J = 1, K = 1, Qn +1 = Q n (here JK).
or 2. Write the excitation table of available or given
Reset – for J = 0, K = 1, Qn +1 = 0, Q n +1 = 1 Flip-flop (here T).
From the above conditions we can conclude that for 3. Solve for inputs of given flip-flop in terms of
transition Qn = 1 to Qn+1 = 0 occurs when J = 0 (or) 1 required flip-flop inputs and output.
(don’t care) and K = 1.
Table 8 JK flip-flop characteristic and T flip-flop excitation table
Similarly, input conditions can be found out for all
possible situations. JK Flip-flop
Characteristic Table T Flip-flop Excitation Table
Table 7 Excitation table of flip-flop.
J K Qn Qn+1 T
Present Next SR JK T D 0 0 0 0 0
State State Flip-flop Flip-flop Flip-flop Flip-flop
0 0 1 1 0
Qn Qn+1 S R J K T D
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 × 0 × 0 0
0 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 0 1 × 1 1
1 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 × 1 1 0
1 0 1 1 0
1 1 × 0 × 0 0 1
1 1 0 1 1
These excitation tables are useful in the design of syn- 1 1 1 0 1
chronous circuits.
KQ n
(vii) State diagrams of flip-flops: State diagram is a directed J 00 01 11 10
graph with nodes connected with directed arcs. State of 0 1
the circuit is represented by the node, the directed arcs 1 1 1 1
represent the state transitions, from present state (node)
to next state (node) at the occurrence of clock pulse. T = J Q n + KQn
Chapter 4 • Sequential Circuits | 1.63
The circuit is
(A) SR flip-flop with inputs A = S, B = R
T Q Q (B) SR flip-flop with inputs= A R= ,B S
K T (C) JK flip-flop with inputs A = J, B = K
Clk Q Q (D) JK flip-flop with inputs=A K=
,B J
Solution: (C)
Figure 13 D Flip-flop by using other flip-flops
The characteristic equation of D flip-flop is
Qn+1 = D
Qn +1 = J Q n + KQn
D If A = J, B = K, then this circuit works like JK flip-flop.
Clk Q Example 4: The input Clk frequency for the flip-flop given
is 10 kHz, then the frequency of Q will be
Figure 14 T flip-flop by using other flip-flops
T J Q Solution: (B)
Form circuit we can say S Q=
n, R Qn .
If initially (Qn , Q n ) = (0, 1), then inputs (S, R) = (1, 0), by
applying clk pulse (Qn +1 Q n +1 ) becomes (1, 0) . . .
Clk Qn Qn S R Qn+1 Q n+1
D Q 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
2 1 0 0 1 0 1
Clk Q 3 0 1 1 0 1 0
4 1 0 0 1 0 1
Example 3: A sequential circuit using D flip-flop and logic
gates is shown in the figure, where A and B are inputs and The output Qn+1 toggles for every clock pulse.
Q is output.
D Q Q 2t
Clk Q Q 1 f 10
So frequency of Q = = = 5 kHz
2t 2 2
1.64 | Unit 1 • Digital Logic
Examples 5: For the D flip-flop shown, if initially Qn is set are not clocked simultaneously. Each flip-flop is trig-
then what is the output state Qn+1 for X = 0, and for X = 1? gered by the previous flip-flop.
Asynchronous counters (ripple counters):
X Asynchronous counters do not have a common clock
that controls all the flip-flop stages. The control clock
Clk Q is input to the first stage. The clock for each stage
subsequent is obtained from the flip-flop of the prior
(A) 0, 0 (B) 0, 1 stages. Let us analyze the 3-bit counter and its corre-
(C) 1, 0 (D) 1, 1 sponding wave form diagram shown below.
Solution: (B)
The characteristic equation of D is Qn+1 = D
Here D = X ⊕ Qn 1 JA QA 1 JB QB 1 JC QC
So Qn +1 = X ⊕ Qn Clk
We have Qn = 1 (Qn is set) for X = 0
1 KA 1 KB 1 KC
Qn+1 = 0 ⊕ 0 = 0
We have Qn = 1 (Qn is set), for X = 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Qn+1 = 1 ⊕ 0 = 1
Applications of flip-flops:
1. Data storage: A group of flip-flops connected in
series/parallel is called a register, to store a data of QC
N-bits, N-flip-flops are required. Data can be stored
in parallel or serial order. Similarly, serial to parallel
Figure 15 Timing diagrams
conversion and parallel to serial conversion can be
done by using registers.
•• The counter has three flip-flops and three output bits,
2. Counting: A number of flip-flops can be connected in
therefore it is a three stage counter.
a particular fashion to count the pulses applied (Clk)
•• The input clock does not trigger the three flip-flops,
electronically. One flip-flop can count 2 Clk pulses,
therefore it is an asynchronous counter.
two flip-flops can count up to 22 = 4 pulses, similarly
•• The J and K inputs are tied together as kept high. So
n flip-flops can count up to 2n pulses. Flip-flops may
they are considered to be toggle flip-flops.
be used to count up/down.
•• The flip-flops are negative edge triggered.
3. Frequency division: Flip-flops may be used to divide
•• The wave form analysis reveals that QA is the LSB
input signal frequency by any number. A single flip-
flop may be used to divide the input frequency by 2. and that its frequency is the input clock frequency.
Similarly n flip-flops may be used to divide the input 2
frequency by 2n. Output of a MOD-n counter (i.e., Further more, Qc is the MSB and its frequency is the
which counts n states) will divide input frequency by n. 8
input clock frequency.
•• The count sequence is 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101,
Counters 110, 111 where the LSB is QA. Thus it is MOD-8
Digital counters consist of a number of flip-flops. Their binary up counter.
function is to count the number of clock pulses arriving at •• Asynchronous counters are also known as ripple
its clock input. counters because the effect of the input clock ripples
through the counter until it reaches the final stage.
(i) Counter classification: Counters are classified accord-
ing to their operational characteristic. Some of these Asynchronous Counter Design
characteristics include: Step I: Write the counting sequence.
1. Counter triggering techniques Step II: Tabulate the values of reset signals. R for various
2. Frequency division characteristic state of counter.
3. Counter modulus Step III: Obtain the minimal expression for R and R using
4. Asynchronous or synchronous K-map or any other method.
In a synchronous counter all flip-flops are clocked Step IV: Provide a feedback such that R or R resets all the
simultaneously. In asynchronous counter the flip-flops flip-flops after the desired count.
Chapter 4 • Sequential Circuits | 1.65
Table 10 Identification of GATE to Clear the Flip-flops From the Truth table R = Q3 Q2
For active Low R is used.
Input to the Gate Output of the Gate Type of Gate
∴ R = 0 for 000 to 101
R = 1 for 110
R = X for 111
Q ∴ K-map is
Q NAND Q1 00 01 11 10
0 1
1 ×
∴ R = Q2 Q3
Logic diagram is
1 1 1
(i) Clr
Q T2 Q2
T1 Q1 T3 Q3
Q1 Q2 Q3
(ii) Q Clr Clr Clr
J0 Q0 J1 Q1 J2 Q2 J3 Q3
K0 K1 K2 K3
1 Clr Q 0 1 Clr Q 1 1 Clr Q 2 1 Clr Q 3
PS NS Required Excitation J2 Q1 K2 Q K3
Q3 Q2 Q1 Q3 Q2 Q1 J3 K3 J2 K2 J1 K1
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 x 0 x 1 x
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 x 1 x x 1
0 1 0 0 1 1 0 x x 0 1 x
Table 11 Comparison between asynchronous counter and
0 1 1 1 0 0 1 x x 1 x 1 synchronous counter
1 0 0 1 0 1 x 0 0 x 1 x
Asynchronous Counter Synchronous Counter
1 0 1 1 1 0 x 0 1 x x 1
1. In this type of counter, In this type there is no con-
1 1 0 1 1 1 x 0 x 0 1 x flip-flops are connected nection between output of first
1 1 1 0 0 0 x 1 x 1 x 1 in such a way that output flip-flop and clock input of the
of first flip-flop drives the next flip-flop
clock for the next flip-flop
Step IV: Obtain the minimal expression using K-map.
2. All the flip-flops are not All the flip-flops are clocked
Q 2Q 1 clocked simultaneously simultaneously
Q 3 00 01 11 10 3. Logic circuit is very simple Design involves complex logic
0 1 even for more number of circuits as number of state
states increases
1 × × × ×
J 3 = Q 2Q 1 4. Main draw back of these As clock is simultaneously
counters is their low speed given to all flip-flops, there is no
Q 2Q 1 as the clock is propagated problem of propagation delay.
Q 3 00 01 11 10 through number of flip- Hence they are preferred when
flops before it reaches last number of flip-flops increases in
0 × × × ×
flip-flop the given design.
1 1
K 3 = Q 2Q 1
The main drawback of ripple counters is their high
Q 2Q 1 delays, if propagation delay of each flip-flop is
Q 3 00 01 11 10 assumed as x, then to get output of the first flip-flop
0 1 × × it takes x, i.e., after x seconds the second flip-flop
1 1 × × will get its clock pulse from previous stage, and out-
J2 = Q1 put of second flip-flop will be out after another x
seconds, similarly the final output of last flip-flop
Q 2Q 1
Q 3 00 01 11 10 will be after nx seconds, where n is the number of
0 × 1 × flip-flops. So the propagation delay of ripple counter
1 × 1 ×
is nx, which is directly proportionate to the number
of flip-flops.
K 3 = Q1
The maximum frequency of operation of ripple
Q 2Q 1 1
Q3 00 01 11 10 counter is inverse of delay, f max =
0 1 × × 1 Maximum operating frequency is the highest fre-
1 1 × × 1 quency at which a sequential circuit can be reliably
triggered. If the clock frequency is above this maxi-
J1 = 1
mum frequency the flip-flops in the circuit cannot
Q 2Q 1 respond quickly and the operation will be unreliable.
Q3 00 01 11 10 In case of synchronous counters (synchronous
0 × 1 1 × circuits) as clock is applied simultaneously to all the
1 × 1 1 × flip-flops, the output of all the flip-flops change by x
seconds (delay of one flip-flop) and this delay is inde-
K1 = 1
pendent of number of flip-flops used in circuit.
Step V: Draw the logic diagram based on the minimal The maximum frequency of operation of synchro-
expression. 1
nous counter is inverse of delay f max =
1.68 | Unit 1 • Digital Logic
1 Serial data
Solution: For ripple counter f max = , given is a MOD-64
nx input
ripple counter, i.e., 26 states, so n = 6 flip-flops are required.
x= = 5µ S
33.33K × 6
Parallel data output
For synchronous counter
(iii) Parallel-in–parallel-out:
1 1
f max = = = 0.2 MHz = 200 kHz Parallel data input
x 5 µS
When multiple counters are connected in cascade, then the
total number of states of the new counter is A × B × C, i.e.,
it will work as MOD-A × B × C counter.
Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0
Serial input D Q D Q D Q D Q Serial output
Clk S.I Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0
1 0 1 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1
1 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 0 0
4 0 1 0
2 1 0 1 0 0
3 1 1 0 1 0 100
4 1 1 0 1
001 010
The first data bit 1 will appear at serial output after 4
clock pulses. A ring counter with N flip-flops can count up to N states,
i.e., MOD-N counter, whereas, N-bit asynchronous counter
Application of Shift Registers can count up to 2N states. So, ring counter is uneconomi-
1. Delay line: Serial input and serial output shift register cal compared to a ripple counter, but has the advantage of
can be used to introduce delay in digital signals. requiring no decoder. Since it is entirely synchronous oper-
1 ation and requires no gates for flip-flop inputs, it has further
Delay = no.of flip-flops × = No. of
Clk frequency advantage of being very fast.
flip-flops × time period of clock pulse Twisted ring counter (Johnson counter): This counter is
2. Serial to parallel, parallel to serial converter: SIPO, obtained from a SISO shift register by connecting the comple-
PISO registers used for data conversion. ment of serial output to serial input as shown in below figure.
3. Sequence generator: A circuit, which generates a Q2 Q1 Q0
prescribed sequence of bits, with clock pulses is D
called as sequence generator
The minimum number of flip-flops ‘n’ required to gen-
erate a sequence of length ‘S’ bits is given by S ≤ 2n - 1
Clr Q Clr Q Clr Q
Shift register counters Clk
One of the applications of the shift register is that they
Figure 20 Twisted Ring Counter
can be arranged to work as ring counters. Ring counters
are constructed by modifying the serial-in, serial-out, shift Let initially all the FFs be reset, after each clock pulse
registers. There are two types of ring counters—basic ring the complement of last bit will appear as at MSB, and other
counter and twisted ring counter (Johnson counter). The bits shift right side by 1-bit. After 6 clock pulses the register
basic ring counter is obtained from SISO shift register by will come to initial state 000. Similarly, the 3-bit Johnson
connecting serial output to serial input. counter will oscillate between the states 101, 010.
Q2 Q1 Q0 Clk Q2 Q1 Q0
0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
000 Solution: N ≤
f max ⋅ t pd
fmax = 10 MHz N ≤ 8
tpd = 12 ns
10 × 106 × 12 × 10 −9
011 110
MOD counter is = 2N = 28 = 256
111 Example 6: An AB flip-flop is constructed from an SR
flip-flop as shown below. The expression for next state Q+ is
An n-bit Johnson counter can have 2n unique states and S Q
can count up to 2n pulses, so it is a MOD-2n counter. It is
more economical than basic ring counter but less economi-
cal than ripple counter. B R
Solved Examples
A B Q S R Q+
Example 1: Assume that 4-bit counter is holding the count
0101. What will be the count after 27 clock pulses? 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 1 0 1
Solution: Total clock pulses: 27 = 16 + 11
0 1 0 0 1 0
0101 + 1011 = 0000
0 1 1 0 1 0
Example 2: A MOD-2 counter followed by MOD-5 1 0 0 0 0 0
counter is
1 0 1 0 0 1
Solution: A decade counter, counts 10 states (5 × 2). 1 1 0 1 1 ×
P Clk Clk
P Q S R Q+
0 0 0 1 0 Solution:
0 1 1 0 1 After 1st pulse y1 = 0, y2 = 1
1 0 1 0 1 After 2nd pulse y1 =0, y2 = 0
After 3rd pulse y1 =1, y2 = 0
1 1 0 1 0
After 4th pulse y1 = 1, y2 = 1
So, Q+ = P ⊕ Q Example 8: A ripple counter is to operate at a frequency
Example 5: A certain JK FF has tpd = 12 n sec what is the of 10 MHz. If the propagation delay time of each flip-flop
largest MOD counter, that can be constructed from these FF in the counter is 10 ns and the storbing time is 50 ns, how
and still operate up to 10 MHz? many maximum stages can the counter have?
Chapter 4 • Sequential Circuits | 1.71
1 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
Solution: nt pd + t s ≤
where, n = number of stages
tpd = propagation delay time
ts = strobing time Q1
f = frequency of operation = 10 × 10– 9n + 50 × 10– 9
≤ Solution: The output of XOR gate is Z = bi + 1 ⊕ bi and this
10 × 106
output shift the register to left. Initially, Z = 0
(or) 10n + 50 ≤ 100
After 2nd clock Z = b7 ⊕ 0 = b7
(or) 10n ≤ 50
For max stages n = 50 After 2nd clock Z = b7 ⊕ b6
=5 3rd clock Z = b6 ⊕ b5
Example 9: In the circuit assuming initially Q0 = Q1 = 0. 4th clock Z = b5 ⊕ b4
Then the states of Q0 and Q1 immediately after the 33rd It is a binary to gray code converter.
pulse are
Example 12: A 4-bit MOD-16 ripple counter uses JK
Q0 flip-flops. If the propagation delay of each flip-flop is 50
J0 Q0 J1 Q1 ns sec, the maximum clock frequency that can be used is
equal to
1 K0 Q1 K1 Q2
Solution: Max = clock frequency = = 5 MHz
Clk 4 × 50 × 10 −9
Example 13: What is the state diagram for the sequential
J0 K0 J1 K1 Q0 Q1 Count circuit shown?
1 1 0 1 0 0 Initial
1 1 1 0 1 0 1st pulse
0 1 0 1 0 1 2nd
1 1 0 1 0 0 3rd X
1 1 1 0 1 0 4th Clk
0 1 0 1 0 1 5th pulse
After 4th pulse, output is same as after 1st one, so, sequence K
gets repeated. So output after 33rd pulse would be same as
after 3rd pulse. i.e., (00).
Example 10: The frequency of the pulse at z in the network X=1
shown in figure is
(A) X = 0 0 1 X=0
10-bit 4-bit Parallel
Ring counter counter X=1
160 kHz
Mod-25 4-bit Jhonson
(B) X=0 0 1 X=0
x Ripple counter counter
Solution: 10-bit ring counter is a MOD-10. So, it divides
the 160 kHz input by 10. Therefore, w = 16 kHz. The 4-bit
parallel counter is a MOD-16. Thus, the frequency at x = 1 (C) X=0 0 1 X=0
kHz. The MOD-25 ripple counter produces a frequency at y
= 40 Hz (1 kHz/25 = 40 Hz). The 4-bit Johnson counter is X=1
a MOD-8. The frequency at Z = 5Hz. X=1
Example 11: The 8-bit shift left shift register, and D flip- (D) X = 0 0 1 X=0
flop shown in the figure is synchronized with the same
clock. The D flip-flop is initially cleared. The circuit acts as X=0
1.72 | Unit 1 • Digital Logic
Practice Problems 1 (A) 001 (B) 010
Directions for questions 1 to 22: Select the correct alterna- (C) 100 (D) 101
tive from the given choices. 6. 12 MHz clock frequency is applied to a cascaded coun-
1. How many flip-flops are needed for MOD-16 ring coun- ter of MOD-3 counter, MOD-4 counter and MOD-5
ter and MOD-16 Johnson counter? counter. The lowest output frequency is
(A) 16, 16 (B) 16, 8 (A) 200 kHz (B) 1 MHz
(C) 4, 3 (D) 4, 4 (C) 3 MHz (D) 4 MHz
2. A 2-bit synchronous counter uses flip-flops with propa- 7. In the modulo-6 ripple counter shown in the figure
gation delay time of 25 n sec, each. The maximum pos- below, the output of the 2-input gate is used to clear the
sible time required for change of state will be JK flip-flops. The 2-input gate is
(A) 25 n sec (B) 50 n sec
(C) 75 n sec D) 100 n sec
C J0 B J1 A J2
3. For given MOD-16 counter with a 10 kHz clock input Clk
determine the frequency at Q3 C K0 B K A K
CP 1
10 kHz 2 input Reset
CP 0 MOD-16 gate
Clk Rx Ry Rz
Chapter 4 • Sequential Circuits | 1.73
Q 0 and Q1 (B)
Q 0 and Q1
Serial input Q1 Q2 Q3
Q1 Q 0 and Q1Q0 (D)
Q1Q0 and Q1Q0 D
18. If the propagation delay of each FF is 50 ns, and for the (A) MOD-2 counter
AND gate to be 20 ns. What will be the fmax for MOD- (B) MOD-4 counter
32 ripple and synchronous counters? (C) MOD-3 counter
(A) 14.3 MHz, 4 MHz (B) 14.3 MHz, 5 MHz (D) MOD-2 generate 00, 10, 00
(C) 5 MHz, 14.3 MHz (D) 3.7 MHz, 14.3 MHz 21. The MOD number of asynchronous counter shown
19. For a given counter identify its behavior All J = K = 1
(1) (1) T Q J Q0 J J J J
Clk P K Clr K Clr K Clr K Clr K Clr
A B (A) 100 MHz (B) 10 MHz
Clk Q Clk Q
(C) 1 GHz (D) 10 GHz
Practice Problems 2 4. Figure below shown as ripple counter using positive edge
Directions for questions 1 to 30: Select the correct alterna- triggered flip-flops. If the present state of the counters is
tive from the given choices. Q2 Q1 Q0 = 011, then its next state (Q2Q1Q0) will be
1. Match List 1 (operation) with List 2 (associated device) 1 1 1
and select the correct answer using the codes given T0 Q0 T1 Q1 T2 Q2
List 1 List 2 Clk Q0 Q1 Q2
(a) Frequency Ddivision (1) ROM
(b) Decoding (2) Multiplexer (A) 010 (B) 100
(c) Data selection (3) Demultiplexer (C) 111 (D) 101
(d) Code conversion (4) Counter
5. A synchronous sequential circuit is designed to detect
a bit sequence 0101 (overlapping sequence include).
(A) a–3, b–4, c–2, d–1
Every time, this sequence is detected, the circuit pro-
(B) a–3, b–4, c–1, d–2
duces output of 1. What is the minimum number of
(C) a–4, b–3, c–1, d–2
states the circuit must have?
(D) a–4, b–3, c–2, d–1
(A) 4 (B) 5
2. A MOD-5 synchronous counter is designed by using (C) 6 (D) 7
JK flip-flop, the number of counts skipped by it will be
6. What is represented by digital circuit given below?
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 5 (D) 0
3. A counter starts off in the 0000 state, then clock D Q
pulses are applied. Some time later the clock pulses A
are removed and the counter flip-flops read 0011. How
many clock pulses have occurred?
(A) 3 (B) 35
(C) 51 (D) Any of these
Chapter 4 • Sequential Circuits | 1.75
19. For a D.FF input, the s Q is connected. What would be 25. A divide by 50 counter can be realized by using
the output sequence? (A) 5 no. of MOD-10 counter
(A) 0000 (B) 1111 (B) 10 no. of MOD-5 counter
(C) 010101 (D) 101010 (C) One MOD-5 counter followed by one MOD-10
20. In order to implement a MOD-6 synchronous counter (D) 10 no. of MOD-10 counter
we have 3 FF and a combination of 2 input gate(s).
26. The following latch is
Identify the combination circuit.
(A) One AND gate
(B) One OR gate X S Q
(C) One AND and one OR gate
(D) Two AND gates
21. Given a MOD-5 counter. The valid states for the coun- R Q
ter are (0, 1, 2, 3, 4). The propagation delay of each FF
is TF and that of AND gate is tA. The maximum rate at
which counter will operate satisfactorily (A) D latch (B) T latch
(C) JK latch (D) RS latch
2 7. Which of the following represent a 3-bit ripple counter
J0 Q0 J1 Q1 J2 Q2 using D FF?
1 K0 Q0 K1 Q1 1 K2 Q2 (A)
D1 Q1 D2 Q2 D3 Q3
Clk Clk Q1 Q2 Q3
1 1
(A) (B) (B)
tF + t A 3t F
D1 Q1 D1 Q2 D3 Q3
1 1 Clk
(C) (D) Q1 Q2 Q3
2t F + t A 3t F − t A
(C) Both (A) and (B)
22. For a NOR latch as shown up A and B are made first (D) None of these
(0, 1) and after a few seconds it is made (1, 1). The cor-
responding output (Q1, Q2) are 2 8. For the Johnson counter with initial Q2, Q1, Q0 as 101,
the frequency of the output is (Q2, Q1, Q0)
A Q1
J2 Q 2 J 1 Q1 J0 Q0
K2 Q2 K1 Q1 K0 Q0
B Q2
(B) f D Q D Q
Clk Count = 1
4-bit counter Load = 0
Clear Clock
(C) f D Q D Q Inputs
0 0 1 1
1.78 | Unit 1 • Digital Logic
Assume that the counter and gate delays are negligi- (A) 000 (B) 001
ble. If the counter starts at 0, then it cycles through the (C) 010 (D) 011
following sequence: [2007]
(A) 0, 3, 4 (B) 0, 3, 4, 5 9. Let K = 2n. A circuit is built by giving the output of an
(C) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 (D) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 n-bit binary counter as input to an n-to-2n-bit decoder.
This circuit is equivalent to a [2014)
5. In the sequential circuit shown below, if the initial (A) K-bit binary up counter
value of the output Q1Q0 is 00, what are the next four (B) K-bit binary down counter
values of Q1Q0? [2010] (C) K-bit ring counter
(D) K-bit Johnson counter
1 T Q T Q
J Q2 J Q1 J Q0
K Q2 K Q1 K Q0
Q0 Q1
(A) 11, 10, 01, 00 (B) 10, 11, 01, 00 The above synchronous sequential circuit built using
(C) 10, 00, 01, 11 (D) 11, 10, 00, 01 JK flip-flops is initialized with Q2Q1Q0 = 000. The
state sequence for this circuit for the next 3 clock
6. The minimum number of D flip-flops needed to
cycles is [2014]
design a MOD-258 counter is [2011]
(A) 001, 010, 011 (B) 111, 110, 101
(A) 9 (B) 8
(C) 100, 110,111 (D) 100, 011, 001
(C) 512 (D) 258
11. Consider a 4-bit Johnson counter with an initial value
Common Data for Questions 7 and 8: Consider the fol-
of 0000. The counting sequence of this counter is
lowing circuit involving three D-type flip-flops used in a
certain type of counter configuration.
(A) 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 14, 12, 8, 0
(B) 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 0
(C) 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 0
D Q (D) 0, 8, 12, 14, 15, 7, 3, 1, 0
Clock Q 12. A positive edge-triggered D–flip-flop is connected
to a positive edge-triggered JK flip-flop as follows.
The Q output of the D flip-flop is connected to both
D Q the J and K inputs of the JK flip-flop, while the Q
output of the JK flip-flop is connected to the input
Clock Q
of the D flip-flop. Initially, the output of the D flip-
flop is set to logic one and the output of the JK flip-
R flop is cleared. Which one of the following is the bit
sequence (including the initial state) generated at the
Clock Q Q output of the JK flip-flop when the flip-flops are
connected to a free-running common clock? Assume
that J = K = 1 is the toggle mode and J = K = 0 is the
7. If all the flip-flops were reset to 0 at power on, what state-holding mode of the JK flip-flop. Both the flip-
is the total number of distinct outputs (states) repre- flops have non-zero propagation delays.[2015]
sented by PQR generated by the counter?[2011] (A) 0110110… (B) 0100100…
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 011101110… (D) 011001100…
(C) 5 (D) 6
13. The minimum number of JK flip-flops required to
8. If at some instance prior to the occurrence of the clock construct a synchronous counter with the count
edge, P, Q, and R have a value 0, 1, and 0, respec- sequence (0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0, 0, …) is ______
tively, what shall be the value of PQR after the clock [2015]
Chapter 4 • Sequential Circuits | 1.79
14. We want to design a synchronous counter that counts 16. The next state table of a 2-bit saturating up-counter is
the sequence 0-1-0-2-0-3 and then repeats. The mini- given below.
mum number of J-K flip-flops required to implement
this counteris _____ . [2016] Q1 Q0 Q1+ Q0+
0 0 0 1
15. Consider a combination of T and D flip-flops con-
nected as shown below. The output of the D flip-flop 0 1 1 0
is connected to the input of the T flip-flop and the out- 1 0 1 1
put of the T flip-flop is connected to the input of the D 1 1 1 1
The counter is built as a synchronous sequential cir-
cuit using T flip-flops. The expressions for T1 and
T0are [2017]
Q1 Q0 T1 = Q1Q0,
(A) T0 = Q1 Q 0
Flop T1 = Q1Q0,
(B) T0 = Q1 + Q 0
T1 = Q1 + Q0,
(C) T0 = Q1 + Q 0
(D) T1 = Q1Q0, T0 = Q1 + Q0
17. Consider the sequential circuit shown in the figure,
Initially, both Q0 and Q1 are set to 1 (before the 1st where both flip-flops used are positive edge-triggered
clock cycle). The outputs [2017] D flip-flops.
(A) Q1 Q0 after the 3rd cycle are 11 and after the 4th
cycle are 00 respectively
(B) Q1 Q0 after the 3rd cycle are 11 and after the 4th in out
cycle are 01 respectively
(C) Q1 Q0 after the 3rd cycle are 00 and after the 4th Clock
cycle are 11 respectively
(D) Q1 Q0 after the 3rd cycle are 01 and after the 4th
cycle are 01 respectively The number of states in the state transition diagram of
this circuit that have a transition back to the same state
on some value of “in” is ______. [2018]
Answer Keys
Practice Problems 1
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A
11. C 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. A 18. D 19. A 20. C
21. D 22. A
Practice Problems 2
1. D 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B
11. C 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. B 16. D 17. C 18. C 19. C 20. D
21. C 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. A 28. C 29. C 30. A