Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences

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Henrych Bernard E. Starks
HUMSS 11-1
Act #1

Early Pregnancy

The state of early pregnancy is common to female teenagers almost yearly.
Factors are being considered why teenagers engage in relationship and
eventually turned to enter early pregnancy.
Early pregnancy is the state of being immature mother. It’s a mother that lacks
the essence of responsibility towards her new born baby, is isn’t enough for a
parent .

Early pregnancy ismost commonly happened to teenager now a days due to

reasons orfactors that affect the condition or situation in life of every
teenagerin their family that could not escape from what reality of life is.It isin
the state of mind of the parent to inculcate the value of advantage and
disadvantage of early parenthood and just leaving poorteenagers the risk
struggle for the rest of life because of one mistake,teenage pregnancy.

Nowadays, early pregnancy among teenagers is rampant. Researchers

coming from different institutions commonly focus researches on reasons why
teenagers enter early pregnancy.
Findings show that lack of proper education is the main reason. Some factors
were also included. These include family mismanagement, With poor parental
guidance, teenagers were deemed to have insufficient or poor judgement.
This leads on engaging to premarial relationship that eventually leads to early
parenthood.Peer pressure is sometimes sees upon being a reason. Running
into fellow teenage which have engaged already to suchsituation might be a
pursuant. Sex may be a topic among of teenagers. Without enough
knowledge and pressure from fellow teenagers could lead to an undesirable
outcome such as early pregnancy. With the desire only in mind and no proper
guidance, more teenagers become eager to engage in this thing. Several
reasons might have yet to be discovered. These reasons lie to each teenager
way of living and thinking.

The research will focus on teenage pregnancy.The researcher will obtain data
on topic regarding on how it can affect young teenagers.The research will
show the reasons for the teenagers to engage in teenage pregnancy or teen
pregnancy. The research will also discuss the other factors including the
society and environment on teenage behaviours.The research will also show
teenagers outlook towards living and the reasons in obtaining decisions.
Common ideas regarding teenage pregnancy will also be gathered and

What are the factors or reasons of teenagers committingteenage pregnancy?


Teenage pregnancy is among the most significant and alarming issues
today.Teenage pregnancy, also known as teen pregnancy,happens once a
girl becomes a mother before she is an adult as started by the law.The
pregnancy occurs depending on several factors.Any society and ethnic
groups celebrate teen pregnancies since they give proof that a girl is fertile
and can bear children. However, in most developed countries such teenage
pregnancies are considered a social disgrace.Regardless of what other
people’s reaction maybe to a teen
getting pregnant, this situation is normally dangerous for both the child and
the mother. The teen is normally vulnerable and she’s only growing into
becoming a woman.The body is still fragile and her reproductive system is just
beginning to function properly. At such point, bearing a child and giving birth
can be both physically and mentally depressing to her. (Family, Family Portal)
Even with a steadily declining adolescent birth rate, 2 in 5 young women will
become pregnant before age 20, and 4 out of 5 of those pregnancies will be
unintended, including about half of those among married teenage girls.
Whatever the circumstances, tjough the news that they are pregnant usually
comes as shock and often not welcome one.(Caring For Your Teenager)

III. Hypothesis
Teenagers that lack proper education and have poor parental guidance could
lead to early pregnancy.

IV. Analysis
With today’s alarming sudden growth of population, our economy is really
affected by this factor. The government has to find ways in order to sustain
the needs for everyday living of every individual. Population growth can lead
to the economic problems referring to the scarcity of resources.Having a
family at an early age such as teenage can lead to poverty. According to
some surveys teenage parents came from poor families, that when they
started their family at an early age, there’s no doubt for them to have a poor or
even worse family condition than what they have experienced. Mostly of the
teenage parents did not go to college or even finished high school. With this
kind of educational attainment, it will be really hard for them to find a good job
that will offer a nice salary. Most teenage parents can be seen in squatters
area, some living with their parents, others renting a small room and really
find it hard to make their life better or out of poverty.

What are the causes of teenage pregnancy? Causes of

teenage pregnancy are occuring due to following reasons
according toFox(2008):

Consequence of raging hormones. Most teenagers experience sudden and
hitherto unknown emotions and feelings during their early puberty. All this,
coupled with a sudden sense of new-found freedom and sexuality, results in
many of them giving vent to their feelings through sexual expressions and
experiences. Of course, most countries stress on sex education in schools,
but yet, some teenagers involve themselves in unsafe sex, which could lead
to unwanted pregnancies.

Peer pressure. A lot of teenagers indulge in early sexual behavior due to peer
pressure. This is due to the fact that they feel the great need to be 'hip' and
'accepted' by their circle of friends. The only way they could probably achieve
that would be by having a boyfriend or girlfriend or at least by dating and
indulging in sexual acts often.

Contraceptive Failure. Though there are many types and brands of

contraceptives and emergency birth control pills easily available in the market,
these are never a guarantee for complete safety. Only Mother Nature knows
when she might want to get into action, so no form of birth control is going to
be completely foolproof! (Fox, July 18,2008).

After the causes what will be the effect of having rapid growth of teenage
pregnancy cases in our economy? Well of course if teenage pregnancy
casesincreases, it just symbolizes that more teenagers are not finishing their
school and don’t continue to college, which results to increase of
unemployment, that could lead to increase in poverty. If more teenagers are
engaging to such kind of life, they cannot able to support their own family
because of lacking of knowledge and skills to make them meet the needed
income to raise their family. Because of these, the government will spend lots
of money to support them. Instead of spending it to other projects that might
increase our economic status it will be provided for them. And an increase in
early pregnancy will results in rapid growth of population that might have a
scarcity with the resources.How can we prevent it? Prevention? It all depends
on how the child is reared. The environment she is exposed to. The culture
she grew up in.

V. Conclusion
The over-all proposition of the study evolves with the essence of ‘health
education’. This serves as an ‘eye opener’ to individuals to get involve in the
public awareness, planning, implementation, and evaluation of the programs
that would build sustainable development. Active involvement is a pre-
requisite to success. As early as possible, sex education shoul be
incorporated in the curriculum of the intermediate and secondary school to
properly educate them on the effects and disadvantages of early pregnancy.

VI. Recommendation
This study recommends promotion of sex education as early as possible to
prevent detrimental effecs of teenage pregnancy.Educational programs and
parents should work hand-in-hand in building activities and programs that
would provide sufficient knowledge for children and teenagers not to engage

in activities inappropriate foe their ages like sexual intercourses. Responsible
parenthood is a major key to prevent teenage pregnancy.

Act #3

Importance of Guidance and Counselling in an

Adolescent’s Development
Guidance and counselling in the modern age have become escalated needs
because of a multiplicity of problems that the individual faces in important
domains of life. The terms guidance and counselling are used
interchangeably. Guidance is a broader term which includes counselling as
one of its services.It means help or advice to deal with the complex problems
linked with your work, education, personal relationship and making into easier
ones. Guidance is regarded as a conceptualized programme of activities that
offers a gateway out to the existing problems in the present era of complex
scientific and technological developments.The aim of guidance and
counselling is to assist behaviour change, enhance coping skills, promote
decision making, improve the relationship and to facilitate users’
potential.Guidance and counselling help to recognize and understand about
one’s talents and abilities, help to develop an optimistic outlook for removal of
undesirable traits, it aids to develop resourcefulness and self-direction in
adapting to changes in society. Guidance and counselling earn recognition
through their services rendered in enhancing human happiness by being
healthier, more productive, attain valuable lesson and also eliminate later
stage problems. The major aim of guidance and counselling services is to
encourage students’ academic, social, emotional and personal development.
These are thus, an integral component of education as well. Guidance and
counselling have become very imperative for young children and schools
have a massive role in fetching out the best in children, as at today’s time
young minds need guidance to polish their personality and also help to attend
to the physical, social, psychological, educational and vocational needs of the
school students who go a long way to remove impediments of
learning.Adolescence is generally considered as a turbulent period and is
often portrayed as a negative phase of life-a phase of storm and stress to be
survived or endured. This stage is best defined as a critical period in relation
to puberty and also considered as a revolution of a person’s life which starts
with biological transformation and finished in adjusting with those challenges
in the society. Adolescence means ‘to emerge’ to attain ‘identity’ and this way
of attaining identity has to go long facing up with challenges as well as
changes. During this period a variety of physiological, cognitive, emotional
and social changes take place. Adolescence emerges from later childhood
and merges into adulthood with sexual maturity, increased hormone levels,
desire for more independence, the capacity to think abstractly, escalating
interest in peers, distancing from parents due to relationship with peers or
outside and the inauguration of a romantic relationship are characteristics of
adolescence.These characteristics are like shifting from a child like to be
adult-like. The tendency to make innovative discoveries is more frequent in
adolescence as compare to childhood because in childhood scope of activity
is restricted as a child has fear of guardians or afraid of going far whereas in
adolescence they discover superior freedom. Additionally, there is a diverse

number of conflicts that adolescents are faced with, such as making decisions
about future adult role, identity formation and separating themselves from
caregivers.Adolescents require explicit attention. Today, millions of children
are addicted to drugs, engaged in various crimes, school dropout,
delinquency, attempt suicide, suffer from anxieties and depressions. In spite
of rising in literacy rates, the trend of opting the wrong decision or confusing is
continuously increasing in children because of the lack of guidance services.
At this stage of life, adolescents are packed with multifarious challenges and if
these challenges are not resolved, they may go on to become a social misfit
in later life. An adolescent on his own may also make use of trial-and-error
approach and master the developmental tasks vital for the switch to ideal
adulthood but in the practice, they used to waste their precious time that they
might spend in learning and knowing further constructive activities and also it
would deteriorate their self-confidence and motivation to acquire up tasks that
have proved to be hard in doing it. They are not mature enough to critically
evaluate baffling situation arising due to these changes around them. Many of
these problems not only require remedial treatment but also prominently help
from guidance and counselling profession to take preventive efforts. Thus,
adolescence becomes challenging as well as a puzzling chapter of lifespan
development for those who are facing and also for the parents and adults who
are raising and nurturing their children. So to survive this period and get the
direction of fulfilling their potential, adolescents require guidance and honest
support.Adolescents confront problems which they cannot readily cope with
the absence of assistance from their parents, teachers or professionals such
as school counsellors. The academic achievement may be one of the
determinants of adolescent mental health and as a result, can be associated
with the adolescents’ need for guidance and counselling. A school
counsellor’s role also becomes sensitive when the ultimate aim is students
academic achievement.Teenagers have an important role in society. Today’s
young people are the hope, future citizens and leaders of tomorrow; therefore
it is necessary to develop aptitude, behaviour and action according to
democratic ideals. In India adolescence has a good hold on the population.
They will be controlling and running the world someday. Clearly, we need to
better understand these challenges and find appropriate solutions. The
principle of guidance and counselling in schools is to make progress in
academic achievement, increase acquisitions and application of conflict
resolution, promote affirmative study attitudes and behaviour and reduce
school dropouts of the children. Even at institutions, adolescents have the
stress of academic performance, selecting fields of specialization and career
as well. Teachers as well as parents choose academic achievement as sole
criteria to judge students’ performance. However, it can be a very hard period
during which a great deal of understanding, patience and support is required.
Modernization has given many positive effects as it is providing so many
opportunities, but at the same time, it has remitted into multiple stressors in
adolescents’ life. This stress leads to massive mental health problems. It is,
therefore, very pertinent that students’ guidance and counselling needs must
be known, so that, steps can be taken to make available required support
services in this regard to them at an adequate level.

Act #4
Social worker is one who does some work for the good and benefit of the
society at large. In these days of individual lives revolving round the ‘self, it is
rather difficult to find a genuine social worker – a worker, who truly deserves
to be defined as a social worker.

This is because; even the brand of modern social workers has polluted the
atmosphere and the good name of social workers and social work.

If I was a social worker, I would show to the class of social workers what
social work really means. The very essence of social service lies in really
forgetting oneself. Service above self is today only used for lip service and not
social service, it is only a decoration of the profession and found nowhere in
reality. The modern clan of social workers wishes to get involved in such
projects only for self dignity as, the work is the in thing now, is in fashion these

As a social worker, I would devote at least two to three hours of my daily

routine of schedule to, serving the downtrodden, or, let us say the less lucky
people of our society.

This is because I firmly believe that, unless the entire spectrum of society is
progressive, the country can never hope to progress. My priorities of service
areas would be mainly the spheres of education and health, because if these
two are available, man from any strata of life can rise to the occasion. He can
fulfil all other requirements of life, be it physical, mental or spiritual.

Regarding the field of education, it would be my preference to spread this

invaluable jewel in the masses, and the purpose being, teaching them values
of life, understanding of life, besides all the usual subjects of studies.

This would be my prime priority because; I am absolutely convinced that this

wills give polish, a shine to the crude and rugged human. So, it is necessary
for all to be at least literate. In this I would try toreach to the lowest of the low
in order to enhance their life and outlook on life.
The next avenue of priority of service in my field of social service would be
health. This would also be spread to the poorest of the poor. This is also
because I believe that, a healthy public makes for a healthy nation. The health
of all is to be looked after and not just of a few rich and influential. I would try
to send the message of cleanliness, hygiene and sanitation. I would enlighten
on these and also tell them that, this should be organised in their living by
themselves and not by the Government.

They should be aware of the necessity of all these aspects of health because
if this is done, very few diseases can attack. These are cornerstones of a
healthy living and my prime objective as a social worker would be to explain to
them the importance of these three actions. In each village I would establish a
dispengary with the help of the Government. Then, at least minor ailments
would not take a heavy toll of the villagers and they would be cured of pain.
Thus as a Social Worker I would serve the poorest of poor specially in the
amuse of education and health as I feel that, if every individual possesses
these two-assets, other achievements should be no problem. I would be a
social worker with a difference having no banners and names or
advertisements but just work. ‘Work and achieve’ would be my motto.
Act #2
Significance of Counseling and Guidance in
Counseling and Guidance are two major aspects that have been part of every
area such as business, management, marital relationships, stressful
situations, education and so forth. In this research paper, attempt has been
made by the researcher to understand these aspects within the field of
education. In the field of education, what kind of problems, issues and
difficulties students face for which they require help of the counselor or a
guide. There has to be an establishment of a mutual bond between the
counselor and the counselee; there has to be effective means of
communication between them and understanding. With understanding and
effective means of communication, the counselor tries to scrutinize the
problem and provides appropriate knowledge, information and awareness to
the client to overcome the problems and live a good and a healthy life and
make wise decisions.

Counseling and guidance have been considered to be crucial aspects in the
field of education; no matter which level of education an individual is involved
in whether it is elementary, primary, secondary, or higher education; whether
it is formal or informal means of education; students may require counseling
and guidance at all levels. The areas in which students may require
counseling and guidance includes learning disabilities, underage drinking,
using drugs, smoking, if students are unable to concentrate on their studies,
when scoring high becomes a problem for them or home conflicts, these are
some of the matters in which students require counseling and guidance
facilities. When undergoing stressful situations; individuals seek these aspects
so that they can be directed towards the right path; the major objective of
these facilities is to help the individual or a group of persons to acquire self
understanding in order to be themselves, socialize with others and make
appropriate decisions

What is meant by Counseling and Guidance?

Counseling is a skilled and principled use of relationship to facilitate self-
knowledge, emotional acceptance and growth and the optimal development of
personal resources. The overall aim is to provide an opportunity to work
towards living more satisfyingly and resourcefully. Counseling relationships
will vary according to need but may be concerned withdevelopmental issues,
addressing and resolving specific problems, making decisions, coping with
crisis, developing personal insights and knowledge, working through feelings
of inner conflict or improving relationships with others. The major role that the
counselor plays is to facilitate the client’s work in ways that respect the client’s
values, personal resources and capability for self-determination (Sheppard,
n.d.).Guidance mainly refers to the assistance made available by personally
qualified and adequately trained men or women to an individual of any age.
The main objective of the guide is to help them manage their own life

activities, develop their own points of view, make their own decisions and
carry out their own burden (AEGI, 2013).

Purposes of Counseling and Guidance

There have been many purposes of counseling and guidance in all aspects;
but in this case, the significant purpose has been identified from the
perspective of education and the purposes have been stated as follows: (Ojo,
1. The individuals have to be made aware of their basic personal
prerequisites, abilities, assets, liabilities and potentialities; hence they have to
be made aware about their own positive points and negative points.
2. Effective, meaningful and significant information has to be provided to them
in solution of their problems.
3. The students should learn how to scrutinize their weaknesses and then
overcoming them; the role of the counselor and a guide is to help them how to
catch the fish on their own and not catching fish by themselves and giving it to
4. Students may also need counseling and guidance services regarding the
selection of a career; in this case, they should assist them in making
appropriate, satisfying and interesting educational choices.
5. The teachers as well as the parents should also meet with the counselor or
the guide, because it is crucial for them to effectively assist the student who is
undergoing counseling and guidance sessions. The parents and the teachers
should understand the needs and problems of the students and harsh
behavior or shouting at the student is strictly prohibited.
6. The school authorities or the administrators should be assisted in improving
the educational objectives, planning and course curriculum.
7. The school environment should be formed in such a manner that students
should feel safe and sound, they should develop proper attitude towards
school, teachers, classmates, values, norms, policies, interests, beliefs,
discipline and rules.
8. Students should be guided to identify their flaws and inconsistencies in the
field of education and improve upon their learning. They should be guided in a
manner to promote effectiveness.
9. Students who get addicted to underage drinking and usage of drugs should
be shown the right direction and prescribe ways to get rid of such things
because they are the major hindrances to ones personal and professional
10. It is essential to promote amongst the students a sense of awareness,
ability to acquire sufficient knowledge regarding their studies, when studying
they should put complete focus, and become more capable and intelligent.

Types of Counseling
There are two major types of counseling, namely: individual counseling and
group counseling (Ojo, 2006).
Individual Counseling: This is referred to as one-to-one counseling. It occurs
between the professionally trained counselor and his client. The goal of
individual counseling is to help the client to understand him self; clarify and
direct his thought, in order to make a sensible assessment. Through this
counseling, clients’ problems are alleviated and solved. The main purpose is

to bring about changes within the client either by altering maladaptive
behavior, learning the decision making process or preventing problems from
taking a major form.
Group Counseling: This is a counseling session that takes place between the
professionally trained counselor and a group of people. Number of individuals
within this group counseling should not be more than seven, or at the most
ten; in order to have a consistent group and an effective well controlled and
organized counseling session it is required that the members of the groups, in
other words the clients or the counselees should have problems that are
similar, for example two or more students who face learning problems in a
particular subject area may attend a common counseling session.

Different School Guidance Services

The school is expected to provide more than just teaching and instruction to
its students. A school is recognized as a place or an institution where students
come to learn all forms of personal and professional traits. A school guidance
program includes all those activities other than instructional and curriculum
methods which are carried out to provide assistance to students in their
educational, vocational, personal development and adjustment. The
fundamental aim of the guidance program is to bring about the maximum
development of the child; guidance programs center on different kinds of
aspects depending upon the problems and difficulties that the children
undergo but the overall aim of all guidance programs must be geared toward
attainment of the goal, which is the development of the child. Guidance
services can assist the students in identifying on their own the potentialities
and limitations, making appropriate career choices in educational, vocational
and other fields. Some of the important guidance services are; the orientation
services, student inventory services, career information services, counseling
services, group guidance services, placement services and research and
evaluation services (Guidance, n.d.).

Why Counseling and Guidance is necessary in Schools?

In the present world, the services of counseling and guidance have been
necessary at theschool level; not just older adults but even school children
need counseling and guidance services; the main reasons behind this have
been stated as follows: (JGC, 2012).
Increased Enrolment in Schools – The significance of education has been
largely recognized within the country and more and more students are going
to school of all age groups; even adults who have not got an opportunity to go
to school at a younger age have started enrolling themselves in schools now.
When there has been an increasing enrolment in schools, then counseling
and guidance centers were also established within the schools to help the
students overcome their problems and difficulties.
Changing Social Patterns – The society has undergone immense changes as
in cultural norms, rules and regulations of the institution, usage of
technologies, emergence of modernization and impact of globalization, as well
as appearance of violent behavior; sometimes individuals face difficulties
relating to social patterns; in such situations, it is vital to have counseling and
guidance services.

Changing Conditions in Labor and Industry – With the impact of globalization
and emergence of new technological innovations, new courses, programs
have been emerging within the school curriculum to provide appropriate skills
and abilities to meet the current requirements. Hence changing conditions of
industries and labor market factors have enabled the establishment of
counseling and guidance service centers within the schools. Students
especially who come from economically backward sections of the society do
need these services.
Leisure Problems – With the usage of technology, now work assignments can
be completed in lesser time duration; for this reason, students get engaged in
delinquent acts, underage drinking or crime and violence; in order to lead
them towards the right path, counseling and guidance centers need to be
established and they would be advised to spend their leisure time in activities
such as playing games, participating in club functions, socialization, religious
activities or helping the vulnerable community members such as teaching
children of the underprivileged families.
Generation Gap – The age difference between the parents and the children is
large and this gap results in differences between interests, values, tastes,
beliefs, goals, lifestyles and methodologies. For example, when parents went
to school, there was no technology, now the usage of technology is common,
these differences may lead to conflicts and disputations, hence counseling
and guidance services are required to guide the students as well as the
parents that they need to adjust themselves with the present scenario and
help the child in every manner to accomplish his goals and objectives.

Special Problems of the Slow Learners

There has been identification of special problems of students who have
learning disabilities and for the purpose of which they require counseling and
guidance sessions: (Guidance, n.d.).
1. The children who take time in understanding concepts, in other words, who
are slow learners, in their physical appearance they look like normal children,
parents and teachers have the same expectations from them as from the
2. When they are not able to live up to these expectations, parents and
teachers reprimand and take them to task instead of trying to find out the
reason behind their problems and difficulties.
3. Their classmates make fun of them by teasing and laughing.
4. Consequently, they are confused and puzzled, wondering what wrong they
have done, as a result they become frustrated and depressed.
5. Since their basic needs of being loved, acknowledged and recognition are
not met, they develop emotional problems and behavioral disorders such as
weakness in memory, feeling of insecurity etc.
6. They generally have a low self-esteem due to their limited experience of
success and due to the low opinion expressed of them by parents, teachers
and other members of the community around them.

Features of Counseling and Guidance Programs

The manner in which counseling and guidance programs have been
organized has been classified as follows: (Supporting Student Success,

1. Provide a structure to help in meeting the guidance and counseling needs
of all students.
2. Promote respect for individual strengths and weaknesses and social and
cultural diversity; there should not any kind of discriminatory treatment.
3. Help students in understanding themselves and in forming meaningful
relationships with others.
4. Help students plan and achieve educational goals and explore personal
career paths, in other words, providing sufficient career counseling which is
vital for the students.
5. Provide consultation and co-ordination services to educators, parents,
administrators, and others who work with students.
6. Ensure the accessibility of guidance and counseling to all students; the
services should not be inaccessible to the students or other individuals who
are involved with the students such as parents and teachers.
7. Provide developmental as well as preventive and judicious services.
8. The program should be implemented in such a manner so as to provide
skills, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, attitudes and strategies to the
students. The program has four major domains, which are personal, social,
educational and career.When an individual is undergoing problems whether it
is relating to studies or family or certain habits; in all cases, the counselor
advises that he should learn to comprehend and appreciate himself; to
communicate with other people effectively; to formulate his educational goals
and objectives and career goals and objectives; what kind of educational
qualifications he wants to accomplish and what kind of employment does he
want to obtain (Supporting Student Success, 2007).

Counseling and guidance services have become an integral part of the
education system; the field of education has been considered as such in
which students as well as other individuals do require counseling and
guidance from therapists, professionals, experts, teachers, guides and
mentors. The various areas in which students would require counseling and
guidance sessions would include career counseling, counseling related to
problems such as stress, trauma or depression, counseling related to learning
problems such as when students are not able to understand the concept or
they feel frustrated about a particular area such as mathematics or science or
if they do not feel comfortable in working with technology then they feel
apprehensive and need help; another major area in which school or college
students may require counseling sessions are related to problems such as
when they get addicted to drugs or consumption of alcohol, students who are
slow learners or face problems such as dyslexia may also require counseling
and they may also require career counseling in choosing the right field.

The major aim and objective of counseling and guidance sessions are to
analyze the problems, identify the strengths and weaknesses and taking
appropriate measures in order to provide solution to those problems.
Counselors and guides are professionally qualified and trained personal who
are meant to make the client understand himself and indoctrinate the feelings
of admiration for himself; Finally, it can be stated that counselors make

provision of effective knowledge in order to make the client understand
himself, realize the strengths and weaknesses and help him live a fulfilling life.

Adult Educational Guidance Initiative. (2013). Retrieved September 22, 2014
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Ojo, O.D., Rotimi, O. (2006). Fundamentals of Counseling and Guidance.
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