Chitosan Based Antibacterial Composite Materials For Leather Industry: A Review

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Yuan et al.

Journal of Leather Science and Engineering (2021) 3:12
Journal of Leather Science
and Engineering

REVIEW Open Access

Chitosan based antibacterial composite

materials for leather industry: a review
Linlin Yuan1, Qingda Yao2,3, Yongxian Liang2,3, Ye Dan4, Yixiao Wang5, Huitao Wen1,2, Yiqing Yang2,3 and
Weihua Dan1,2*

Chitosan is an amorphous translucent substance with a structural unit similar to the polysaccharide structure of the
extracellular matrix, It has good antibacterial, biocompatible, and degradable properties. It has important application
value in leather, water treatment, medicine, food and other fields, so chitosan and its modified products have
received widespread attention. This article reviewed the preparation methods of chitosan-based antibacterial
composites in recent years, including chitosan/collagen, chitosan/graphene, chitosan/tannic acid, and chitosan/
polyethylene glycol composite materials, elaborates their modification methods and antibacterial mechanism were
reviewed in detail, and its applications in the leather industry as antibacterial auxiliaries and water treatment
antibacterial adsorption materials were discussed. Finally, the future development and challenges of chitosan-based
composite materials in the leather industry were forecasted.
Keywords: Chitosan, Antibacterial, Leather, Composites, Application

1 Introduction hydroxyl, chitin is N-acetylamino, and chitosan is amino

Chitin is the most abundant and renewable polysaccha- and N-acetylamino. Chitosan (CS) is a high molecular
rides in the marine environment, and it also ranks as the linear polysaccharide obtained by partially or completely
second abundant resource on earth after cellulose. As it deacetylating chitin. Chitosan with different degrees of
is known to us, chitin is the main structural polymer in deacetylation has different intensity of positive charge.
the fungal cell wall. It is also present on exoskeletons of The solubility and activity of chitosan are related to the
arthropods and insects [1–3]. The regular ring structure degree of deacetylation. Generally, the higher the degree
inside the chitin molecule has strong hydrogen bonding, of deacetylation, the easier it is to functionally modify its
which makes it have high crystallinity and poor solubil- chemical modification. Up to now, chitosan is the only
ity. Chitin is not soluble in polar solvents such as water, cationic animal fiber and basic polysaccharide [6]. Ac-
thus making its application is very limited [4]. Chitin is cording to the different amount of positive charge and
β-(1,4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose, which is the molecular weight of chitosan, chitosan shows differ-
connected to disaccharide repeat units through β-(1,4)- ent biocompatibility and biological activity [7].
D-glycosidic bonds to form linear high polymer, its The C-3 primary hydroxyl group and C-6 secondary
chemical structure is similar to cellulose [5]. The active hydroxyl group of chitosan have extremely high activity,
functional group at the C2 position of cellulose is which can be modified to produce functional materials
with excellent water solubility, antibacterial perform-
ance, biological activity, and physical and mechanical
* Correspondence: [email protected] strength, thereby expanding the application range of chi-
National Engineering Research Center of Clean Technology in Leather tosan [8]. This has become a research hotspot in the
Industry, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, P. R. China
2 fields of textile [9], electroplating [10], medical treatment
Fujian Key Laboratory of Green Design and Manufacture of Leather, Jinjiang,
Fujian, P. R. China [11], water treatment [12], etc. The antibacterial activity
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Yuan et al. Journal of Leather Science and Engineering (2021) 3:12 Page 2 of 18

of chitosan is affected by many internal factors and ex- development of the leather industry. Therefore, the
ternal factors, such as the type of chitosan and microor- premise of promoting the application of chitosan-based
ganisms, the degree of chitosan polymerization, the composite materials in the leather industry is to study
degree of deacetylation of chitosan, and the pH value of the interaction of collagen with chitosan and chitosan
the solvent, etc. [13–16]. By modifying chitosan, re- derivatives. It is well known that collagen molecules have
searchers have developed chitosan derivatives with the triple helix characteristics which gives it low antige-
higher antibacterial activity, such as chitosan/collagen nicity, high biocompatibility, and the ability to support
[10], chitosan/graphene [17], chitosan/tannin acid [18], cell growth [3]. However, collagen molecules are sensi-
chitosan/polyethylene glycol [19], etc. tive to heat, and they would easily transform into ran-
The leather industry is one of the pillar industry of dom spiral gelatin when the temperature is close to the
Chinese light industry, and the output of leather prod- thermal denaturation temperature (Td). Moreover, even
ucts ranks the first in the world, with a more than 50% at temperatures well below Td, they are easily contami-
international market share [19]. The core of the sustain- nated by bacteria in the air, such as Staphylococcus aur-
able development of the leather industry lies in green eus and E. coli, making it difficult to preserve and
leather and functional leather. Chitosan’s excellent ad- maintain activity at normal indoor temperature [10].
sorption, antibacterial activity, biocompatibility, and de- Taravel et al. [21, 22] and Domard et al. [23] found that
gradability properties, as well as derivatives derived from collagen and chitosan were soluble in various solvents
functional modification of the active functional groups on a molecular scale at room temperature. At present,
of chitosan may be the key to promote the development the preparation methods of chitosan/collagen composite
of the leather industry [20]. Chitosan and its derivatives materials mainly include solution blending method [24],
are rich in materials, widely sourced, easy to prepare, electrophoretic deposition method [25], freeze-drying
and have excellent properties such as antibacterial prop- method [8] and the like. The interaction between chito-
erties. At present, there are many shortcomings in the san and collagen promotes the formation of complexes
leather industry, such as leather products are susceptible through electrostatic interactions or hydrogen bonding.
to microbial erosion, the amount of antimicrobial che- Chitosan has cationic properties, It can interact with the
micals is huge with strict control, sewage contains many anionic part of amphiphilic collagen molecules [26]. Wei
microorganisms and the pollution treatment is difficult. et al. [10] found that chitosan and collagen had a synergis-
If the large-scale application of chitosan-based compos- tic effect of coupling so that the elastic modulus Ec of the
ite materials in the leather industry and the introduction composite exceeds the upper limit predicted by Voigt’s
of chitosan-based tanning agents, additives, water treat- law for two-phase composites. In addition to forming a
ment adsorbents and other materials, these problems matrix around collagen fibers, chitosan also plays a key
will likely be resolved. With the ever-decreasing fossil re- role in the adhesion between collagen fibers, helping to
sources, it has been a hot spot for many researchers to form a more stable collagen fiber network [24].
know how to make full use of the chitosan and its deriv- However, the mechanical stability and durability of
atives to promote the green and functional development chitosan/collagen composites are relatively low, and the
of the leather industry. rapid degradation rate under the action of enzymes and
Starting from the chitosan-based composites, this heat has limited their deep application as biomaterials.
paper focused on the preparation and mechanism of chi- Cross-linking is one of the most effective methods to
tosan/collagen, chitosan/graphene, chitosan/tannin acid, further the properties of chitosan/collagen composites
chitosan/polyethylene glycol, and then briefly analyzed [24]. Chitosan/collagen can be physically cross-linked by
the modification methods to improve the properties of heat treatment. Oliveira et al. [27] believed that water
composite materials. Finally, the application of chitosan- played an important role in the stabilization of the colla-
based composite materials in the leather industry was gen triple helix molecular structure, and heating means
discussed and prospected. the loss and reorganization of water molecules. Therefore,
water molecules induce the structuring of the system
2 Chitosan-based composite material within the collagen chain, thereby improving cohesion. In-
2.1 Chitosan/collagen composite material creasing the degree of cross-linking can improve the crit-
Collagen is the main protein that constitutes animal ical strain and pore distribution of the composite material,
skin. Among dermal proteins, collagen accounts for 80– which has a trend of smaller size, but the degree of cross-
85%. The basis of the leather industry is collagen chem- linking of physical cross-linking is far less than that of
istry, and collagen is susceptible to microbial attack. If chemical cross-linking [28]. Puyana et al. [29] compared
chitosan and collagen can be effectively compounded the different effects of different cross-linking methods on
thus giving antibacterial properties to the chitosan / col- the properties of chitosan/collagen composites. Studies
lagen composite material, it can promote the rapid have shown that the cross-linking of glutaraldehyde and
Yuan et al. Journal of Leather Science and Engineering (2021) 3:12 Page 3 of 18

genipin causes the composite to form a heterostructure mechanical properties [25, 32, 33]. The highly effective
with smaller pores (Fig. 1b, c), and the transglutaminase bacteriostatic effect of metal oxides on Staphylococcus
cross-linking appear to have unevenly small and long aureus makes it widely used in collagen-based composites.
pores (Fig. 1d), while physical cross-linking results in When freeze-dried, TiO2 and chitosan/collagen form add-
fewer laminated structures and larger pores (Fig. 1e). itional hydrogen bonds which act as a bridge between mo-
Cross-linking changes the heterogeneity of the system, lecular chains to enhance the strength of the network
thereby improving the functionality of composite mate- structure [8]. As the temperature rises, collagen molecules
rials [28, 30]. Kaczmarek et al. [31] cross-linked chitosan move faster, which promotes self-assembly driven by elec-
and collagen with 1- (3-dimethoxypropyl)-3-ethylcarbodii- trostatic forces and further improves physical and mech-
mide hydrochloride (EDC) and N-hydroxysuccinimide anical properties. The synergistic antibacterial mechanism
(NHS). EDC and -COOH of collagen form unstable o-acyl of chitosan/TiO2 has not been fully figured out. Ibrahim
isourea (OAU) intermediates. NHS stabilizes OAU and re- et al. [34] speculated that the polycations of chitosan com-
acts with -NH2 of collagen to form NHS-collagen ester. pete with Mg2+ and Ca2+ in the cell wall, and combined
The reaction of -NH2 of chitosan with NHS-collagenate with the polyanions on the cell surface, causing the cell
increases the degree of cross-linking. The tensile stress wall to lose its integrity. In this case, K+ leaked from the
can be increased by over 4.6 times than that of collagen. cytoplasm, and the cells died when they have got contact
In addition, NHS and EDC also contribute to intramo- with TiO2. After K+ leaks, RNA and protein were released
lecular crosslinking of collagen [24]. as well. Xu et al. [35] believed that the leakage of mole-
In addition, chitosan/collagen composites can also be cules such as o-nitrophenol and β-D-galactosyl would also
crosslinked by inorganics. Tozar et al. [25] introduced increase the permeability of bacteria after exposure to
hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) to make the material TiO2. In addition to TiO2, nanomaterial composite chito-
like plate-like layered structure and porous surface (Fig. san/collagen such as ZnO [36] and Fe3O4 [37] can also in-
1f). The hardness and elastic modulus of composite ma- crease the antibacterial rate to more than 90%. Cross-
terials increased with the increase of h-BN concentra- linking can significantly improve the overall performance
tion, but as the concentration of h-BN continued to of chitosan/collagen composites, and has broadened appli-
increase, the hardness and elastic modulus decreased. cation prospects in the fields of electroplating, textiles,
Türk et al. [32] and Zhang et al. [33] also obtained simi- and medical treatment.
lar results in the studies of carbon nanotubes (MWCN
T) and graphene oxide. This may be due to the aggrega- 2.2 Chitosan/graphene composite material
tion and exfoliation of nanofillers, so nanofillers that Chitosan / graphene composite materials have excellent
above a certain level will have a negative impact on antibacterial, film-forming, and adsorption properties,

Fig. 1 Scanning electron micrograph of chitosan/collagen composites (a) Non crosslinked; b Glutaraldehyde; c Genipin; d Glutamic enzyme; e
Physical cross-linking [29] Copyright 2019 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules; f h-BN [25] Copyright 2018 Applied Surface Science
Yuan et al. Journal of Leather Science and Engineering (2021) 3:12 Page 4 of 18

which makes chitosan / graphene composite materials the key to improve the comprehensive properties of the
likely to be the key to reduce the difficulty of tanning composite.
comprehensive wastewater treatment. Graphene (G) has Majidi et al. [40] and Wang et al. [41] found that the
large surface area and stable physical and chemical prop- irregular shape of the inclusion area appeared on the
erties, while it is difficult to disperse but easy to agglom- rough surface of chitosan (Fig. 3), which indicated that
erate in polar solvents. The oxygen-containing the hydrogen and covalent bond of GO and chitosan re-
functional groups of graphene oxide (GO) give the ad- sulted in the 3D structure of loose accumulation of CS/
vantages of hydrophilicity and functional modification. GO. The strong electrostatic interaction of chitosan and
The development of hydrophilic and biocompatible GO forms ice crystals during freezing, and the viscous
composites is the future direction of graphene-based solution hinders the growth of ice crystals, resulting in
composites [12]. GO has an epoxy functional group and many “micro strips” of 3D structure [42]. The “micro-
chitosan has an amino group. Therefore, the reaction be- strip” structure is very stable, which may be the reason
tween GO and chitosan may be similar to the cross- that the GO lamellae are evenly distributed in the chito-
linking and curing reaction of epoxy resin (Fig. 2a) san matrix, avoiding the stress concentration caused by
which is nucleophilic substitution reaction [12, 38] the GO aggregation, increasing the interface area of CS/
Rozova et al. [39] found that when the content of GO GO, which is conducive to the stress transfer and con-
was low, GO was contained in the matrix by chitosan in centration to GO lamellae, thus improving the structural
the form of a single filler, with low degree of crosslinking stability of the material [43]. However, the agglomer-
and obvious defects. In addition, the plane and sheet ation of CS/GO is more serious than that of GO disper-
structure surface of GO made the chain segment of chi- sion, and the noncovalent modification of chitosan
tosan easier to slide. On the contrary, when the content mainly by hydrogen bond does not enhance the stability
was too high, the aggregation and peeling of GO would of GO [44, 45]. Further functionalization of GO can coat
lead to the decrease of physical and mechanical strength polyelectrolytes with opposite charges and connect them
(Fig. 2b, c, d) [33, 39]. Therefore, how to improve the through intermolecular forces, which can better avoid
dispersion and crosslinking degree of GO in chitosan is the agglomeration of GO [44]. Xie et al. [46] and Lei

Fig. 2 a Cross-linking reaction during the formation of GO cross-linked CS composite [38]. Copyright 2017 Chemical Engineering and Technology.
b Break strength, (c) elastic modulus, and (d) elongationat break vs. the content of GO in chitosan/graphene oxide composite systems [39].
Copyright 2019 Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry
Yuan et al. Journal of Leather Science and Engineering (2021) 3:12 Page 5 of 18

Fig. 3 FE-SEM micrographs of GO-CS nano-hybrids: a GO-CS pristine powder, (b) GO-CS microspheres, (c) GO-CS nano-fibrilar networks, smaller
pores, (d) GO-CS nano-fibrilar networks, larger pores [40]. Copyright 2019 Carbohydrate Polymers

et al. [47] used dextran/chitosan and sodium alginate/ culture. Zhang et al. [45] found that -COOH, −OH and
chitosan with negative charge to modify GO’s function, -NH2 modified GO and the Eads of chitosan were − 1.23
and then deposited functional CS/GO by layer-by-layer eV, − 0.4 eV and 0.84 eV respectively (Fig. 4a-c). The in-
self-assembly method. The composite did not show ob- fluence of -OH and -NH2 was weaker than that of
vious agglomeration in physiological conditions or cell -COOH, so it could enhance the interface interaction

Fig. 4 Interaction mechanisms of chitosan unit and functionalized GO: a chitosan unit on -OH modified GO; b chitosan unit on -NH2 modified
GO; c chitosan unit on -COOH modified GO; d -COOH and -OH modified GO [45]. Copyright 2016 Applied Surface Science
Yuan et al. Journal of Leather Science and Engineering (2021) 3:12 Page 6 of 18

between GO and chitosan. Pan et al. [48] discovered that compound with carbohydrate (such as glucose) as the
the interaction between chitosan and GO increased with core whose molecular weight is 500–3000. It is esterified
the increase of -COOH content and decreased with the by phenolic acid (such as gallic acid) (Fig. 5a) [5, 52].
increase of -NH2 content. The interaction between chi- Qin et al. [54] speculated that tannin acid has high sta-
tosan and functionalized GO can be regulated by the dif- bility of self-assembly, which was related to the high ri-
ferent combinations and contents of functional groups gidity of tannin acid. The -OH of tannin acid and the
in GO. When chitosan was combined with the function- -NH2 of chitosan are mainly hydrogen bonded, and
alized GO of -COOH and -OH, the interaction force there are van der Walls forces as well (Fig. 5b) [5, 54].
was the strongest (Fig. 4d) [45]. Therefore, controlling Tannin acid plays the role of crosslinker in chitosan
the content of GO functional group can regulate the matrix. Crosslinking improves the tensile strength, re-
interaction between functionalized GO and chitosan, so duces the elongation at break, and improves the mech-
as to improve the dispersion of GO and the stability of anical properties to some extent, it can also enhance the
CS/GO [44, 45, 48]. antibacterial properties of chitosan-based composite ma-
The oxidation degree of graphene determines the terials [55]. However, the surface hydrophobicity of the
hydrophilicity, charge property and oxidation area, composite was improved after tannin acid and chitosan
which directly affects the performance of CS/GO. were compounded, which indicated that the polar group
Kosowska et al. [49] used different methods to reduce of tannin acid was located below the surface of the com-
GO and prepare reduced graphene oxide (RGO). It was posite, forming hydrogen bond association [54]. When
found that L-ascorbic acid has the strongest reducibility the hydrated conformation of chitosan/tannin acid is
and dispersion. The reduction of GO in alkaline condi- destroyed, the hydrophobicity will be further improved
tion enhanced the electrostatic repulsion between the [56]. Sionkowska et al. [53] used UV to degrade chito-
layers of RGO, thus improving the dispersion stability of san/tannin acid composite (Fig. 5c). Photodegradation
RGO in chitosan matrix. The nucleation of nano fillers promoted the formation of hydroxyl and carboxyl
in the chitosan matrix can effectively improve the crys- groups, increased polar components, decreased disper-
tallinity of the composite, the reduction of RGO in- sion components and enhanced hydrophilicity. Photode-
creases the specific surface area, and the electrostatic gradation also destroyed the hydrogen bond between
interaction enhances the ordering of the polymer struc- chitosan molecules, absorbed more water molecules in
ture compared with GO [50]. In addition, the water con- the structure, and increased the water content. However,
tact angle of chitosan is 109.91 ± 2.35 °, while the water may affect the photodegradation of tannin acid
wettability of chitosan is only increased by 7 ° after GO [57]. In addition, small molecular plasticizers such as
modification, which may be caused by the low content glycerol [56] can also improve the hydrophilicity of chi-
of GO on the surface of chitosan, and the wettability of tosan/tannin acid.
the composite cannot be determined by the hydrophil- Because of the hydrophobic interaction between aro-
icity of GO [51]. Different from GO, RGO has greater matic ring of tannin acid and hydrophobic region of
visibility on the surface and more significant influence polymer chain segment, tannin acid can be used to im-
on the wettability. The surface of CS/RGO reduced by prove the stability, mechanical properties and bacterio-
L-ascorbic acid is completely hydrophilic. This is due to stasis of polymer materials [58, 59]. Rubentheren et al.
the parallel arrangement of RGO on the surface of chito- [58] used tannin acid to crosslink chitosan and cellulose
san, forming a surface with micro scale roughness [49]. (NCC), and the cross-linking could form a more stable
The strong association between -OH of GO and -NH2 network between CS and NCC, and significantly im-
of chitosan makes the composite ductile and brittle, and proved the physical and mechanical properties. NCC can
the young’s modulus can be increased by more than 35% effectively transfer stress and act as a barrier of stress
[49, 51]; Because of the agglomerations of RGO, the propagation at the interface of chitosan [60]. At the
young’s modulus decreases, and RGO/CS samples are same time, the high crystallinity of NCC improves the
soft and easy to bend without cracking [49]. CS/GO is tensile strength and Young’s modulus of CS/NCC [61].
the advantage superposition of biological composite ma- After heat treatment, the physical and mechanical
terials and nano materials, which makes the structural strength is further improved, which is caused by the im-
parameters and composite effects of materials fully play proved crosslinking degree of CS/NCC [58]. Thakhiew
a role. et al. [62] believed that the increased crosslinking degree
by heat treatment can make the composite form a highly
2.3 Chitosan/tannin acid composite material dense structure, thus inhibiting the formation of crystal
In the ancient times, humans used tannin acid to tan structure. The compact structure can increase tensile
leather, this is the earliest people began to recognize and strength and stiffness, while the elongation is reduced by
apply tannin acid. Tannin acid is a kind of polyphenolic the energy dissipation and the mobility limitation of the
Yuan et al. Journal of Leather Science and Engineering (2021) 3:12 Page 7 of 18

Fig. 5 a Tannin acid molecular structure [52]; Copyright 2013 Carbohydrate Polymers. b Surface action of the chitosan/tannic acid [5]; Copyright
2019 Chemical Physics. c Mechanism of chitosan and tannic acid photodegradation [53]. Copyright 2015 Journal of Photochemistry and
Photobiology B

molecular chain [56, 58, 62]. Wettability and hydrophil- effectively combine with chitosan/tannin acid, and the
icity are important factors of bacterial adhesion. Bacter- antibacterial rate of Gram-negative bacteria to Escheri-
ial adhesion with medium wettability and hydrophilic chia coli is low [64, 66]. In addition, tannin acid can also
material surface is better than that with super wettability be used in cross-linked chitosan/collagen [66], chitosan/
and super hydrophilic surface, among which when NCC gelatin [67], chitosan/hyaluronic acid [68] and further be
water contact angle is 26.4°, and wettability and hydro- applied in food packaging and wound dressing etc.
philicity are strong [63]. Huang et al. [59] alternately de-
posited chitosan/tannin acid and chitosan composite 2.4 Chitosan/polyethylene glycol composite material
membrane on NCC substrate through layer by layer self- Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a kind of amphiphilic bio-
assembly. When the outermost layer was chitosan, the material, which has both hydrophilicity and flexibility,
water contact angle decreased, and when chitosan/tan- and is widely used in the graft modification of polymers
nin acid was deposited, it increased. Therefore, the [6]. After PEG modification, the solubility of chitosan is
hydrophilicity and wettability of the composite can be increased, maintaining the molecular structure and
adjusted by changing the number of deposition layers of length of chitosan. At the same time, chemical modifica-
chitosan/tannin acid and chitosan. The antibacterial ac- tion and reaction can be carried out on the side chain of
tivity increases with the raise of the number of layers, chitosan [69]. Locharoenrat [70] found that in the form
and the antibacterial rate of the composite material to of hydrogen bond, oligopeg was combined to the hy-
Staphylococcus aureus is over 99%, which may be due to droxyl and amino groups of chitosan as well as ether
the fact that tannin acid can directly combine with the group, while in the high polymer CS/PEG system, the
peptidoglycan layer of Gram-positive bacteria and play a degree of crosslinking was weak, and chitosan was easy
bacteriostatic role [59, 64]. In addition, the lipopolysac- to form intramolecular hydrogen bond. The low degree
charide on the outer membrane is negatively charged, of cross-linking improves the spacing and size of poly-
and the positively charged chitosan can also play a role mer network, and the high degree of cross-linking limits
of biological adhesive [65]. However, the peptidoglycan the free movement of chain segments [71]. The amorph-
layer of Gram-negative bacteria is thin and can’t ous phase of chitosan destroys the crystallinity of the
Yuan et al. Journal of Leather Science and Engineering (2021) 3:12 Page 8 of 18

polymer and produces irregular structure, which helps halogenated phenols) are harmful not only to humans
the effective water diffusion into the polymer network but also the environment whose use has been restricted
[6, 71]. Mohamed et al. [72] modified the carboxylation or even prohibited [77]. According to the relevant stan-
function of chitosan to improve the crosslinking degree dards of leather and leather chemicals in the EU, the
and hydrophilicity of the composite. A similar conclu- United States, China and other places, such as ZDHC
sion has been obtained from the introduction of amino MRSL V2.0, the fungicides for leather and leather che-
methyl group on chitosan by Boles et al. [69], which micals are mainly limited to o-phenylphenol, permeth-
showed that the intrinsic viscosity of the composite was rin, chlorophenols. Taking chlorophenols as an example,
lower than that of the unmodified composite. The solu- such compounds have environmental stability, bio-
bility of chitosan in neutral condition was significantly accumulation, and biotoxicity. Chlorophenols can inter-
improved by trimethylation and carboxylation [69, 72]. fere with the synthesis, release, transport, assembly and
Jintapatanakit et al. [73] speculated that the molecular metabolism of the source hormones, thereby affecting
weight and intrinsic viscosity of chitosan would also be the stability of the internal environment of the collective,
reduced by the chain break during the modification. Car- reproduction, development and behavior. Chlorophenols
boxylated chitosan can effectively coat Gram-negative bac- has a very toxic effect on embryo development. In areas
teria, thus destroying the barrier performance of bacterial where chlorophenols is seriously exceeded, embryo mor-
outer membrane [69]. In addition, quaternized chitosan tality and deformity rates have increased significantly.
derivatives, grafted antibacterial materials (such as aniline Chlorophenols can also induce oxidative stress in organ-
tetramer) and aschitosan derivatives have synergistic anti- isms, leading to oxidative damage. In addition, chloro-
bacterial effect with vancomycin and aracaine [69, 73, 74]. phenols will also cause the chromatid to break, deviate
PEG modified chitosan can occur on amino group and from the center, form a ring and aneuploid structure,
also on C-6 hydroxyl group. However, the modification which indicates that chlorophenols also has certain gen-
on amino group will change the skeleton structure of otoxicity [19, 77]. Therefore, it is extremely urgent to
chitosan, thus losing some physical and chemical prop- develop composite materials with low biological toxicity
erties and biological activity [75]. Bratskaya et al. [76] and strong antibacterial properties. The excellent anti-
was grafted onto chitosan C-6 hydroxyl group through bacterial and bacteriostatic properties of chitosan and its
two glycidyl ether to obtain a porous low temperature derivatives can be used as high-efficiency bacteriostatic
gel with high stability. The concentration effect of chito- agents for leather products, which can slow down the
san and diglycidyl ether makes them maintain high spoilage of raw material skin, thereby reducing the
crosslinking degree and mechanical properties at low amount of preservatives and fungicides used in produc-
temperature. At the same time, the modification of C-6 tion. The amino protonation of chitosan can adsorb
hydroxyl provides the possibility for the further target negatively charged bacteria, so that the cell wall is dis-
modification of chitosan amino group, which makes the solved, the cell membrane is broken by osmotic pres-
material have specific biological properties. PEG can en- sure, the cytoplasm flows out, and the bacteria are
hance the biocompatibility of chitosan and its deriva- inactivated to death. In addition, chitosan can also inter-
tives, reduce the biological toxicity, and is widely used in fere with the work of DNA polymerase and RNA poly-
peptide drugs, drug delivery and functional materials. merase, thereby inhibiting the reproduction of bacteria
[33, 34]. When chitosan is combined with other antibac-
3 Application of chitosan-based composites in the terial active substances (such as graphene, tannin, and
leather industry polyethylene glycol), the synergistic antibacterial effect is
3.1 Leather auxiliaries enhanced. The strong interaction between chitosan and
Natural leather is made of animal fibers, and has good collagen makes it have a certain tanning property, but
breathability, water permeability and sweat absorption. due to the long molecular chain of collagen fiber and
However, when a large amount of protein, tannin, ani- low water solubility, the interaction with chitosan is
mal fats and other tanning agents, fillers, fatliquors, etc. weak and it is easy to detannify. Therefore, functional
are added, sufficient nutrients for microbial reproduction groups with higher activity are grafted on chitosan to
are provided during the leather production and process- improve the binding ability of chitosan and collagen. Lv
ing process. Also, the imperviousness of natural leather et al. [78] copolymerized chitosan with methacrylic acid
to washing makes it easy to cause the residue of dirt and acrylamide, and this composite material was used in
such as sweat, which corrodes the leather and harms the the leather retanning and filling process to improve
user’s health [19]. Therefore, bacteriostatic agents are physical and mechanical properties. The thickening rate
often added during leather production and processing to was also improved compared to acrylic retanning. This
prevent leather degradation. However, bacteriostatic shows that the graft modification helps to improve the
agents commonly used in the tanning industry (such as combination of chitosan and collagen fibers, so that the
Yuan et al. Journal of Leather Science and Engineering (2021) 3:12 Page 9 of 18

structure of collagen fibers is more compact. The reduce the physical and mechanical properties At
positively-charged chitosan has strong hydrogen bonding present, there are large-scale application examples of
with the tannin acid hydroxyl group, which can also be modified enzyme preparations such as chitosan and
used to improve the mechanical properties of vegetable crown ether / chitosan, nano silver / chitosan in leather
tanned leather [79]. The tannin extract molecule also chemicals. Chitosan has excellent biocompatibility and
acts as a small molecule cross-linking agent in the three- stability, and does not inhibit the activity of enzyme
phase system of chitosan / collagen / tannin extract. preparations, which can greatly delay the erosion of mi-
Through the hydroxyl groups on the tannin extract mol- croorganisms on gray skin, softened skin, wet blue lea-
ecules, the combination of chitosan and collagen is im- ther, etc. However, due to the strong antibacterial effect
proved, so that the chitosan is fixed in the collagen of chitosan, when all the mold inhibitors and fungicides
fibers of the leather, which gives the leather excellent are replaced, the loss of activated sludge is more obvi-
antibacterial properties. In addition, the protonation of ous. Therefore, it is still necessary to study the inter-
the hydroxyl and amino groups of chitosan is reduced action force of chitosan / collagen in depth, enhance
under acidic conditions. During dyeing, the coulomb re- chitosan in the fixation effect in the skin collagen fiber,
pulsion between collagen fibers and anionic dyes is re- reduce the content of chitosan in the water body,
duced, thereby improving dyeing performance [79, 80]. thereby promoting the application of chitosan-based
Islam et al. [80] showed that chitosan can introduce antibacterial and antifungal materials in the leather in-
more active sites, which is beneficial for dye binding. In dustry. The application of chitosan in the production of
addition, the synergistic effect of chitosan and tannin raw leather to billet leather is mainly in the form of
can make active hydrogen interact with free radicals and “antibacterial and anti-mildew additives”. In addition, it
convert them into stable compounds. The antibacterial can also be used in the tanning and finishing section by
rates against E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus can reach utilizing the excellent film forming properties of chito-
more than 99.55% and 98.66%, respectively [80, 81]. san to give leather excellent antibacterial properties. Fer-
Apart from that, we all know that gram positive bacter- nandes et al. [82] applied 1% chitosan to the rough
ium S. aureus is made of thick layer of peptidoglycan, leather by roller coating and spray coating, and the lea-
compared to gram negative bacterium E.,it is more re- ther samples showed a more uniform and smooth sur-
sistant to chitosan [82]. The reason why chitosan/tannic face (Fig. 6a,b). At the same time, the antibacterial
acid composites have antibacterial properties is mainly activity of the sample against Staphylococcus aureus and
because of the electrostatic interaction between the posi- E. coli was more than 90%, the antibacterial mechanism
tively charged NH3+ groups of chitosan and the nega- of chitosan may be the interaction with negatively
tively charged residues in the bacterial cell membrane, charged microbial cell membranes leading to the leakage
which makes the cell permeability changes and osmotic of proteins and other components [34, 35]. Chitosan also
imbalances [64]. Furthermore, intracellular electrolytes acts as a chelating agent, selectively binding trace metals,
and low-molecular-weight proteins, such as nucleic thereby inhibiting toxin production and microbial
acids, glucose, dehydrogenase, etc., have leaked due to growth [84]. At the same time, chitosan can also activate
the peptidoglycans present on the amino hydrolysis the defense process in host tissues, acting as a water-
membrane, which hinders normal metabolic processes binding agent to inhibit the production of enzymes [85].
and leads to cell apoptosis [65, 66]. In addition, chitosan can penetrate the cell membrane of
Chitosan and its derivatives can be used as high- microorganisms and interfere with RNA and protein
efficiency bacteriostatic agents in tanning in water- synthesis [86]. However, the spray sample only has a
soaking, tanning, and retanning sections, and also as smaller inhibitory area and a lower bacteriostatic effect.
anti-fungal agents for leather. A large amount of enzyme Increasing the amount of chitosan can effectively im-
preparations are used in leather degreasing, softening, prove this problem, but when the spraying amount is
softening, fatliquoring and finishing, but the residue of too large, the leather surface appears stains and bright
enzyme preparations will cause mold to breed in the spots [82]. In addition, the polymer also has a certain
storage and use of leather. In addition, the leather con- healing function, as can be seen from Fig. 6c, the pores
tains a lot of skin collagen and many nutrients necessary on the leather surface are filled. From the meat surface
for fungal growth and reproduction. Therefore, once the layer, it was observed that the polymer coating adhered
mold spores in the air fall on the leather, they can obtain evenly to the collagen fibers (Fig. 6d) [83]. Although the
rich nutrition. Under the proper temperature and hu- chitosan antibacterial coating has certain bactericidal ad-
midity, the fungus is easy to grow and reproduce. When vantages [87], the concentration of chitosan is relatively
the fungus molds, in addition to making the leather emit low during coating, and it is difficult to achieve theoret-
an unpleasant odor, it will also promote the aging of the ical values in practical applications. To solve this prob-
leather and make it tarnish, moldy and brittle, so as to lem, Luo et al. [83] grafted PEG to chitosan (Fig. 7a),
Yuan et al. Journal of Leather Science and Engineering (2021) 3:12 Page 10 of 18

Fig. 6 SEM image of (a) non-coated leather; b 1% chitosan coated leather [82] Copyright 2013 Carbohydrate Polymers; c PEG/CS coated leather
of grain layer; d PEG/CS coated leather of flesh layer [83] Copyright 2016 Journal of Applied Polymer Science

making it have good resistance to bacterial attachment bacteria and cause them to die [83, 90]. Among them,
and accelerated release of dead cells (Fig. 7b). Modifica- the PEG component can prevent bacteria from adhering
tion of PEG improves hydrophilicity, which can to the coating surface, and chitosan can kill the bacteria
effectively improve antifouling properties. After alcoholi- through contact, and can continuously inhibit the
zation, the water solubility of the chitosan/polyethylene growth of bacteria. However, for chitosan/PEG/Ag coat-
glycol composite was improved, and its copolymer chain ings, the significant improvement in antibacterial prop-
in the bacterial solution was more easily stretched. erties may be attributed to the resistance of bacteria to
Therefore, more amino groups in the composite material PEG, which kills cells by contact. Ag+ − based release-
can contact the bacteria, leading to the death of the bac- based antibacterial properties, the sugar-based bacteri-
teria, so the composite material has more excellent anti- cidal function, these three work together [91, 92]. The
bacterial properties [69, 88]. The chitosan/polyethylene polymer releases killed bacteria from the coating by sim-
glycol composite material still had more than 90% anti- ple water washing, making it reusable [90].
bacterial activity against 512 times diluted bacterial cul-
ture solution, and the antibacterial activity of chitosan 3.2 Water treatment
solution at the same concentration against 32 times di- Tannery wastewater is one of the most difficult indus-
luted bacterial culture solution has been reduced to less trial wastewater to treat. It is characterized by complex
than 90% [83]. When the chitosan coating is fixed on components, high COD, and high chroma, and contains
the surface of the substrate, dead cells will cover the ac- a lot of harmful substances such as protein, sulfide, inor-
tive surface after a period of time, resulting in a decrease ganic salt, heavy metal chromium [93]. In tanning
in the bacteriostatic rate. Their contact killing activity process, chrome tanning agent is the most commonly
will be reduced to some extent, which may be due to used metal tanning agent, but heavy metal chromium is
Proliferation is hindered [88]. Liu et al. [89] polymerized recognized as a strong carcinogen by the International
nanosilver on chitosan with chitosan/PEG composites Anticancer Research Center. China has strictly con-
(Fig. 7c), and loaded nanosilver through contact and re- trolled the discharge of chromium-containing wastewa-
leased mechanisms to enhance its antibacterial activity ter. Chromium ions in tannery wastewater exist in the
(Fig. 7d). This is due to the dual bactericidal effect of form of Cr (III) and Cr (VI), but due to the complex
chitosan and Ag. Copolymer chains have greater stretch- water quality, the removal effect is not good. The re-
ing ability than chitosan, and PEG’s unique bacterial re- moval of Cr (VI) has become a difficult part in the treat-
sistance and release ability make it easier to contact with ment of comprehensive wastewater. Both chitosan and
Yuan et al. Journal of Leather Science and Engineering (2021) 3:12 Page 11 of 18

Fig. 7 a Synthetic route of PEGylated Chitosan; b PEG/CS coating exhibited more efficiently antimicrobial property than that of chitosan coating,
due to the anti-adhesive PEG chains [83] Copyright 2016 Journal of Applied Polymer Science. (c) Schematic illustration of PEG/CS stabilized Ag; d
Schematic construction of PEG/CS@Ag coating onto the leather surface and its multi-function antibacterial mechanism [87] Copyright 2017
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science

GO are highly efficient adsorption materials. Synergistic times of reuse, the adsorption capacity can be restored to
adsorption can reduce GO aggregation and increase spe- more than 95% of the original saturated adsorption cap-
cific surface area, and can effectively increase active ad- acity [95, 97]. When Le et al. [99] studied the adsorption
sorption sites, thereby improving adsorption performance of Ni (II), they found that in addition to binding to hy-
[94]. However, both of them are hydrophilic materials, droxyl groups, Ni (II) could also complex with ≡FeOH to
which are difficult to separate from the water phase after adsorb on Fe3O4 particles. In addition to exploring the
adsorption, which will cause secondary pollution of water. physical parameters of magnetic CS/GO, it is also neces-
Therefore, magnetic particles can be carried on CS/GO, sary to explore the characteristics of nanomaterials and
and can be recovered by magnetic separation after their biotoxicity in environmental systems. Samul et al. [100]
adsorption (Fig. 8a, b) [95, 97–99]. Subedi et al. [97] syn- found that the lower the GO/chitosan@Fe3O4 composite
thesized CS/GO/Fe3O4 by a solvothermal method. Studies concentration, the stronger the biocompatibility. They cul-
have shown that the greater the protonation of H+ ions on tured A549 cells at different concentrations and measured
the surface of the adsorbent, the stronger the electrostatic their activity after 24 h of incubation. The results show
attraction between the adsorbent and the negatively that when the concentration is 50 μg, its activity is about
charged chromate ions. When the pH value is increased, 53.7%, and when the concentration is 100 μg, the activity
the degree of protonation of the primary amino group is is about 44.8%.However, when the concentration was in-
weakened, the hydroxyl ion adhesion is enhanced, the creased to 150 μg, the percentage of living cells decreased
negative charge on the adsorbent surface and the anions sharply, at only 32.97%, and also pretty low at 5.47% when
are mutually repelled, so the adsorption capacity is weak- it is 200 μg.
ened; when the pH value is too low, Cr (VI) forms The EU’s current ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines Ver-
Cr4O132− and Cr3O102−, which is difficult for ion exchange sion 1.1 for tanning and upstream and downstream in-
adsorption (Fig. 8c, d) [95]. The magnetic Fe3O4 is stable dustries, as well as China’s relevant national standards,
and easy to separate after being carried. Even if after 4 have strictly limited the total amount of microorganisms
Yuan et al. Journal of Leather Science and Engineering (2021) 3:12 Page 12 of 18

Fig. 8 a Principle of magnetic based CS/GO composite materials absorption and desorption [95] Copyright 2018 Bioresource Technology; b
Proposed adsorption mechanisms of methylene blue onto CS/GO [96] Copyright 2019 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules; c Effect
of pH on Cr (VI) adsorption macromolecules; d Effect of adsorbent dosage on removal efficiency and adsorption capacity of Cr (VI) onto different
adsorbents [97] Copyright 2019 International Journal of Biological

in wastewater. The current control of microorganisms in bacterial species [33, 34]. This may be due to the mech-
wastewater includes E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, anism of cell membrane dispersion, when positively
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida, etc. Microorganisms charged chitosan interacts with negatively charged pro-
in the water body will secrete a lot of mucus, which will teins and phospholipids in microbial cell membranes,
adhere to the surface of the equipment and pipelines resulting in leakage of cytoplasmic contents [101]. An-
and cause serious corrosion after deposition. At the other possible reason is that chitosan oligosaccharides
same time, it will isolate the drug from the metal, so that can penetrate into the nucleus and interfere with the
the agent can not exert the corrosion and scale inhib- RNA transport mechanism, thereby interfering with pro-
ition efficiency of its application [13]. In addition, the ex- tein synthesis [102]. Consistently, the GO-chitosan layer
cessive release of microorganisms from the water into shows significant antibacterial activity, and the antibac-
the environment will cause inestimable damage to the terial activity of the layer can be increased by increas-
ecosystem [33]. In traditional water treatment, oxidants ing the content of graphene, which is consistent with
such as chloride, hydrogen peroxide and ozone are often the previously reported antibacterial properties of gra-
used to kill microorganisms. Such oxidants are ex- phene materials. The bacterial inhibition on the sur-
tremely water-soluble and often cause chemical residues face of the layer can be attributed to both membrane
in the water system, making various of anti-bacterial mi- and oxidative stress [103], as well as the direct con-
croorganisms appear. At the same time, chlorine- tact of the sharp edges of the GO slices (vertically ar-
containing oxidants will also react with trace organic ranged slices) with the bacterial cell membrane. In
substances in water to generate carcinogenic, teratogenic fact, S. aureus as Gram-positive bacteria is more sen-
and mutagenic by-products such as trihalomethane, sitive to direct contact interactions of graphene sheets
which is a serious danger to human and environmental than Gram-negative bacteria [104]. Therefore, increas-
health [41]. Therefore, there is an urgent need to de- ing the surface roughness can enhance antibacterial
velop a non-toxic, chlorine-free, recyclable and highly ef- activity [105].
fective antibacterial water treatment material. Chitosan Jiang et al. [106] studied the antibacterial properties of
can significantly inhibit the growth of bacteria, although chitosan, graphene oxide, Fe3O4, and composites with
their inhibitory effects vary with molecular weight and E. coli as a model (Fig. 9a), and the results showed that
Yuan et al. Journal of Leather Science and Engineering (2021) 3:12 Page 13 of 18

the antibacterial activity of the composites was better et al. [108] synthesized a ZnO / GO complex, and they
than any of a single one. Cortinez et al. [109] found that found that the antibacterial activity of the ZnO / GO
the extra outer membrane present in E. coli made it complex was mainly due to their synergistic effect (Fig.
more resistant to the biological toxicity of GO, which 9c). Ma et al. [112] also reported that silver-modified
was consistent with the report by Akhavan et al. [105]. graphene oxide nanoplatelets exhibited higher antibac-
As recently reviewed, GO’s antimicrobial behaviorarises terial activity against E. coli due to the synergistic effect
is caused by the contact with nanoparticles from the [35] (Fig. 9d).
bacteria disruption under different mechanisms [110]. In addition to heavy metal adsorption and antibacterial
One mechanism is due to bacterial membrane stress, properties, magnetic chitosan/GO also has broad appli-
and the other is due to oxidative stress. Nevertheless, cation prospects in dye adsorption. Taking a typical an-
the antibacterial activity of pure chitosan membrane is ionic dye disperse blue 367 as an example, unlike the
still the highest, since its polycationic structure can elec- adsorption of heavy metals, anionic dyes are adsorbed
trostatically interact with anionic components on the on the surface of the composite material through elec-
surface of bacteria [111]. However, despite the high anti- trostatic interaction with protonated -NH3+, and
bacterial properties of chitosan, it does not add any syn- through the π-π interaction with the aromatic ring in
ergy to the GO structure. In addition, Sreeprasad et al. GO Stacked. Coupled with the formation of hydrogen
[107] synthesized different materials (such as natural bonds with the hydroxyl groups of chitosan and GO, the
lactoferrin (NLf) or NLf protected gold clusters synergistic effect of the two enables adsorption of an-
(Au@NLf) and/or chitosan) in GO/RGO to synthesize ionic dyes [113]. Tannery wastewater is high salinity
multiple functional composite materials (Fig. 9b). They wastewater, which may affect the efficiency of wastewa-
found that the multifunctional composite material has ter treatment process. The effect of ionic strength on
higher antibacterial activity than GO/RGO due to the dye adsorption is very complex. Salts in wastewater may
synergistic effect of the material combination. Wang weaken the electrostatic interaction between the oxide

Fig. 9 a Antibacterial activity of iron oxide, GO, CS and MCGO against E. coli bacteria [106] Copyright 2016 International Journal of Biological
Macromolecules. b A comparison of antibacterial activity of different materials tested [107] Copyright 2011 ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces; c
Viability of HeLa cells after exposure to the ZnO/GO composites for 24 h [108] Copyright 2014 ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces; d Schematic
presentation of antibacterial [35] Copyright 2016 Food Chemistry
Yuan et al. Journal of Leather Science and Engineering (2021) 3:12 Page 14 of 18

surface and dye molecules, resulting in a lower dye ab- adsorption of some heavy metal ions and dyes are shown
sorption rate during the adsorption process [114]. Liu in Table 1.
et al. [115] showed that the adsorption of methyl blue
on magnetic CS/GO had no significant relationship with 4 Conclusion
ionic strength. Na+ interacts strongly with the cation-π As a unique biocomposite, chitosan-based composites have
of the GO aromatic ring, and the adsorption of made great progress in its preparation and application.
chitosan-based composites was based on electrostatic ef- Among them, chitosan/collagen, chitosan/tannin acid,
fects, which overcomed the effects of salt ions [116]. chitosan/polyethylene glycol, etc. Material preparation tech-
Kashif et al. [117] showed that the adsorption of methyl nology has matured, and its unique antibacterial properties
violet and alizarin R by composites was reduced by only and wetting properties have been widely used in medical,
5% and 7% in 20% NaCl. In summary, the effect of ionic water treatment, electroplating, textile, food and other
strength on magnetic chitosan/GO is negligible. fields, bringing future dawn of green and functional pro-
On the contrary, it is similar to carbon nanostructure- duction to the leather industry. Non-toxic, non-polluting
based materials, we should consider their potential risks and easily degradable chitosan and its derivatives, which
to the environment and their impact on the adsorption have the characteristics of high bacteriostatic rate and
process [118, 119]. A large number of environmental strong adsorption, and have been used as leather bacterio-
problems will be exposed. For example, as particles con- static agents and dyeing auxiliaries. Although chitosan and
tinue to grow, when they are released into the environ- its derivatives show excellent antibacterial properties in the
ment, it is likely to cause a large accumulation of leather industry, they still face many challenges.
sediment in the soil. The use of cheap biopolymers (such (1) The degree of deacetylation of chitosan is related
as chitosan) has considerable price advantages. The only to the performance of chitosan, which requires in-depth
expensive compound is GO [120]. In the long run, its research on the preparation and modification technology
price change curve will be similar to that of carbon of chitosan to obtain chitosan with high degree of deace-
nanotubes [121]. The preparation of CS/GO and its tylation, good water solubility, and high reactivity with

Table 1 The summarized of chitosan/GO composite applied in water treatment

Materials Preparation Adsorption/mg·g-1 Reference
Chitosan/GO Ice-templated aerogel Metanil yellow 430.99 [9]
Chitosan/GO/Fe3O4@SiO2 Solution blending Cu (II) 429.06 [13]
Chitosan/GO/Fe3O4 Sonication pulses UI (IV) 204.1 [17]
Chitosan/collagen/GO Freeze drying Cu (II) 130 [33]
Pb (II) 99
Chitosan/GO Freeze drying aerogel Methyl orange 686.89 [41]
Amido black 10B 573.47
Chitosan/GO/Fe3O4 Co-precipitation As (III) 45 [94]
Modified Chitosan/GO/Fe3O4 Solution blending Cu (II) 217.4 [98]
Chitosan/GO/Fe3O4 Solvothermal Cr (VI) 142.32 [97]
Chitosan/GO/Fe3O4 Freeze drying Cr (VI) 153.85 [95]
Chitosan/GO/Fe3O4 Freeze drying Ni (II) 80.48 [99]
Reactive blue 19 102.06
Chitosan/GO/Fe3O4 Solvothermal Pb (II) 112.35 [100]
Chitosan/GO/Fe3O4 Co-precipitation Methyl orange 398.08 [106]
Chitosan/GO Casting Methyl blue 103 [109]
Methyl orange 232
Chitosan/GO/Fe3O4 Sonication pulses Disperse blue 367 298.27 [113]
Hierarchical mesoporous graphene/chitosan/Fe3O4 One-step facile solvothermal Methylene blue 432 [114]
Chitosan/GO/CoFe2O4 Freeze drying Methylene blue 382 [119]
Chitosan/GO/Fe3O4 Co-precipitation Methyl blue 200 [116]
Chitosan/GO/Fe3O4/ glutaraldehyde Solution blending Methyl violet 449 [117]
Alizarin yellow R 348
Yuan et al. Journal of Leather Science and Engineering (2021) 3:12 Page 15 of 18

collagen sugar. At present, the research of most scholars Authors’ contributions

is how to further improve the antibacterial performance YLL and YQD conceived the original idea and wrote the paper; LYX and DY
analyzed the data; WYX performed the analysis. The author(s) read and
of chitosan, but while the antibacterial performance is approved the final manuscript.
improved, the binding capacity of chitosan and collagen
may not necessarily be improved at the same time. Funding
When chitosan with high antibacterial properties enters This work was supported by Quanzhou City Science and Technology
Program of China (Grant no. 2018G001, 2019G013).
the water body, the loss of activated sludge is extremely
large, which makes it difficult to treat the tannery waste- Availability of data and materials
water. Therefore, in the next study, the antibacterial Available.
properties of chitosan and the reactivity of chitosan with
collagen should be balanced. The directional dispersion Competing interests
system and interface function of chitosan in collagen, The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

the influence of chitosan on the structure and properties Author details

of leather is not fully understood. The interaction of chi- National Engineering Research Center of Clean Technology in Leather
tosan, collagen, tanning agents, retanning agents, fatli- Industry, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, P. R. China. 2Fujian Key
Laboratory of Green Design and Manufacture of Leather, Jinjiang, Fujian, P. R.
quors and other substances, the adsorption of small China. 3Xingye Leather Technology Co., Ltd. National Enterprise Technical
molecules and metal ions on chitosan, pH and Center, Jinjiang, Fujian, P. R. China. 4College of Manufacturing Science and
temperature, which will affect chitosan and collagen Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, P. R. China. 5School of
Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai,
Interaction. The interaction determines the antimicro- P. R. China.
bial properties of the finished leather and the difficulty
of treating the leather wastewater. Received: 6 March 2020 Accepted: 25 October 2020

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