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Design of A Multi Storied Building Using ETABS Project Report-2017

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017


The search of man for new methods for constructing his shelter and the invention of
cement, led him to the use of multi-storey buildings in the form of framed structures. The
R.C.C roofs made it easier to build on top of one another. More and more people began
opting for multi-storey flats as the land value showed a sharp increase, to exponential
increase in the population and limited land supply. Due to scarcity of land and high
population density, multi-storied buildings are becoming a necessity these days. Recently,
there have been a considerable increase in the number of tall buildings both residential and
commercial and modern trend is towards taller and taller structures.
The advancement in science and technology had made it possible to build high rise
structures in areas even susceptible to cyclones and earthquakes. Thus the effect of lateral
loads like wind loads and earthquake forces are gaining importance and almost every
designer is faced with problem of providing adequate strength and stability against lateral
loads. These lateral forces can produce critical stresses in the structure, set up undesirable
vibrations and in addition cause lateral sway of structure, which can reach a stage of
discomfort to occupants.
In the design of a reinforced concrete structure, the aim is to provide a safe,
serviceable, durable, economical and aesthetically pleasing structure. For the structure to
be safe, it must be able to resist the worst loading conditions. Under normal working
conditions, the deformation and cracking must not be excessive for the structure to remain
serviceable, durable and aesthetically pleasing during the excepted design life.
Furthermore, the structure should be economical with regard to both construction and
maintenance cost.
As a part of the study, modelling, analysis, designing and detailing of a multi storied
reinforced concrete building was done. In addition to this, visits to various construction
sites were conducted. The site visits helped to be aware of the different construction
methods that are adopted and being practiced in the construction industry.

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017


 To analyse a multistoried building using ETABS.

 To design the structural components
 Beams
 Columns
 Slabs
 Stair
 Shear wall and
 Foundation (pile)
 To prepare detailing using Autocad.
 Approach for professional practice in the field of structural engineering.


The methodology followed for the design of G+5 building is :

 Preparation of Auto CAD drawings (plan, section and elevation).

 Calculation of loads.
 Analysis of the structure.
 Design and detailing of structural elements.
The obtained plan, section and elevation of the building was drawn in Auto CAD
2013. Dead loads were obtained from ujnit weight of material given in IS 875 (Part I) :
1987. Live loads were found from IS 875 (Part II): 1987. Preliminary dimensions of
beams and slabs were found conforming to IS 456-2000. Load calculations for the one
way and two way continuous slabs were done using Excel Sheets. Universal Excel sheets
were prepared for the design of One way continuous slab and Two way continuous slab.

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017
Universal Excel sheet was prepared for design of Dog legged stair. Earthquake load was
calculated using IS 1893 (Part I): 1987. Analysis of the building is done using ETABS
2015 and moments, shear forces and axial forces were obtained. Design of the structural
elements beam, column, and foundation was done using the results obtained.



Loads acting on building are generated either by force or nature or are manmade. The
natural forces are due to temperature, air, earth quake, gravitational force etc. Manmade
forces are generated by movement of people, impact loads etc. The loads considered in
the design includes Dead Load, Live Load, Wind Load, Seismic Load etc.

2.1.1 Dead Load

All permanent Constructions of the structure form the Dead Loads. Dead Loads shall be
calculated on the basis of unit weights which shall be established taking into account the
materials specified for construction from IS 875 (Part I) 1987.

2.1.2 Live Load

The imposed loads to be assumed in the design of building shall be the greatest loads that
probably will be produced by the intended use or occupancy, but shall not be less than the
minimum loads specified in IS 875 (Part 2) 1987. Floors shall be investigated for UDL
and corresponding concentrated load. Imposed loads do not include loads due to wind,
earthquake, snow etc.

2.1.3 Wind Load

Wind is air in motion relative to the surface of the earth. The primary cause of wind is
traced to earth’s rotation, and difference in terrestrial radiation. The radiation effects are
primarily responsible for convection, either upwards or downwards. The wind generally
blows horizontal to ground at high wind speeds. Since vertical components of
atmospheric motion are relatively small, the term wind denotes almost exclusively the
horizontal wind; vertical winds are always identified as such. The wind speeds are
assessed with the aid of anemometers or anemographs which are installed at

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017
meteorological observatories at heights generally varying from 10 to 30 m above ground.
Wind loads are calculated conforming to IS 875 part III 1987.

2.1.4 Seismic Load

The earth’s crust is not static; it is subjected to constant motion. Since the foundation is a
point of contact between building and earth, seismic motion acts on the building by
shaking the foundation back and forth.
The severity of earthquakes in different parts of India is different. The seismicity
at a place is assessed by its distance from the active fault in the rock formation. In general
the seismic zoning of a country depends on the seismic history of different regions.
As per IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2002, India has been divided into four zones, designated
as Zone II, III, IV and V. Kerala is in zone III.


 IS 456:2000

Limit state method of design

 IS 875 (Part I) : 1987

Unit Weight of Building Materials.

 IS 875 (Part II) : 1987

This standard covers imposed load to be assumed in design of buildings.

 IS 875 (Part III) : 1987

This standard gives wind forces and their effects .

 Is 1893 (Part I)
This standard deals with the assessment of seismic loads on various structures and
earthquake resistant design of buildings.

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017


The study allowed to acquaint with a number of softwares. The most frequently
used softwares include :-
1. ETABS 2015
2. Auto CAD 2010

3.1 ETABS 2015

The innovative and revolutionary new ETABS is the ultimate integrated software
package for the structure analysis and design of buildings. Incorporating 40 years of
continuous research and development, this latest ETABS offers unmatched 3D object
based modelling and visualization tools, blazingly fast linear and nonlinear analytical
power, sophisticated and comprehensive design capabilities for a wide range of materials,
and insightful graphic displays, reports, and schematic drawings that allow users to
quickly and easily understand analysis and design results.
Advantages of ETABS are :
• Graphic input and editing for easy and fast model generation
• 3D generation of the model through plan views and elevations. Fast model
generation using the concept of similar stories
• Easy editing through the Move, Merge, Mirror and Copy commands
• Accuracy in dimensions by using Snaps (end, perpendicular, middle etc.)
• Fast object creation with one click of the mouse
• Multiple viewing windows
• 3D view with zoom and pan capability
• 3D axonometric view of the model, plan view, elevation view, elevation
development view, custom view defined by the user
• Export of the model geometry to .dxl files

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017

3.2 AUTO CAD 2010

Auto CAD is a CAD (Computer Aided Design or Computer Aided Drafting)
software application for 2D and 3D design and drafting, developed and sold by Autodesk,
Inc. It is a vector graphics drawing programme. It uses primitive entities-such as lines,
poly-lines, circles, ares and text-as the foundation for the complex objects. Auto CAD’s
native file format, DWG, and to a lesser extent, its interchange file format, DXF has
become the standards for interchange of CAD data. All the drawing and detailing works
were done by making use of Auto CAD 2010.

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017


The study consists of two parts. The first part was devoted to the modelling and
analysis of an RC building and the second part consists of designing and detailing of the
structure. The project name is APPLE SUIT. The proposed site is at Chalikkavattom.
The building is planned to serve the purpose of a residential suit. It consists of Ground + 5
storeys of RC Building. The ground floor plan of the building is given in Fig.4.1.

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017

Fig.4.1. Ground floor plan

The beam and column layouts are first fixed and the modelling will be done using
software ETABS 2015. During analysis, the dead loads and live loads will be calculated
from IS: 875 (Part 1 & 2) and seismic load calculated by referring IS 1893 (Part 1) 2002
and wind loads calculated from IS: 875 (Part 3) – 1987 and their combinations were
applied on the space frame. An equilibrium check on the support reaction was made to
ensure the correctness of the analysis. From the analysis various load combinations were
taken to obtain the maximum design loads, moments and shear on each member. The
design is carried as per IS code for the critical load combinations. The concrete mix used

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017
is M 25 for beams and slabs, M30 for Columns and piles etc. land steel used is Fe 415
Visits to various construction sites were conducted. The site visit helped to be
aware of the latest construction methods that are adopted and being practiced in the
construction industry. Detailed reports of the site visits have been incorporated in the later
part of the report.
The floor plans, section, column layout and typical beam and slab layout of the
structure are as shown in the Appendix B, figures B.1 to B.6.



Structural analysis is an integral part of any engineering project, it is the process of

predicting the performance of the given structure under prescribed loading conditions.
Thus analysis of a structure typically involves the determination of those quantities caused
by the given loads and other external effects. In the design of reinforced concrete

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017
structures, the aim is to provide a safe, durable, economical and aesthetically pleasing
structure. Analysis of structure typically involves the determination of structural loads,
geometry, support conditions, and material properties. The results of such an analysis
include support reactions, stresses and displacements. The aim of design is the
achievement of an acceptable probability that structures being designed will perform
satisfactorily during their intended life. With an appropriate degree of safety, they should
sustain all the loads and deformations of normal construction and use and have adequate
durability and adequate resistance to the effects of seismic and wind.
Structure and structural elements hall normally be designed by Limit State Method. The
design of the building is dependent upon the minimum requirements as prescribed in the
Indian Standard Codes. The minimum requirements pertaining to the structural safety of
buildings are being covered by way of laying down minimum design loads which have to
be assumed for dead loads, imposed loads, and other external loads, the structure would be
required to bear.


The properties of various frame sections such as cross sectional dimensions of beams,
columns, slabs and the material property were calculated and assigned on a particular
member is given in table 5.1. The support condition was given as hinge support. As per
IS 456:2000 clause 24.1, 𝐷 = 32 for all the and slab and the initial dimensions were
calculated. In the case of beams and columns as per IS 456:2000 clause 25.1.1 𝐷= = 12,

was used to determine the initial dimensions and using these values modelling was done .

Table 5.1 : Properties of the member sections


SLAB S1 150(Thickness)
C1 230 x 500
COLUMN C2 230 x 400

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017
C3 400(diameter)
B1 230 x 600
B2 230 x 500
BEAM B3 230 x 300
B4 230 x 400


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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017

Fig 5.1. 3D view of the model

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Fig.5.2. Rendered view of the model


The different load cases which are considered are dead load, live load land seismic load.

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017

5.4.1 Dead Load Calculations

Dead load is primarily due to self-weight of structural members, permanent partition
walls, fixed permanent equipment and weights of different materials. Loads shall be
calculated on the basis of unit weight of materials used and is specified in IS 875 (Part I)
Self-weight of wall due ; to brick = Unit weight of brick x Thickness of wall x (Height of
wall – Depth of beam)
a) Dead load of full brick wall
 For beam 600 mm depth
Self-weight = 19 X .24 X (3-0.6) = 10.94 kN/m
 For beam 500 mm depth
Self-weight = 19 X .24 X (3-0.5) = 11.4 kN/m
 For beam 300 mm depth
Self-weight = 19 X .24 X (3-0.3) = 11.856 kN/m
b) Floor Finish = 1 kN/m2

5.4.2 Live Load Calculations

Live loads were taken from IS 875 : 1987(Part 2). Table 5.2. shows the uniformly
distributed loads in rooms.
Table 5.2 : Live load in rooms

Sl. No Components of educational building kN/m2

1 Bedrooms 2
2 Toilets and Bathrooms 2
3 Corridors, Passages, Lobbies, Staircases 3
including fire escapes
5 Balcony 5

5.4.3 Earthquake Forces

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Earthquakes generate beams which moves from the origin of its location with velocities
depending on the intensity and magnitude on earthquake. The impact of earthquake on
structures depends on the stiffness of the structure, stiffness of the soil media, height and
location of the structure. Etc. The earthquake forces are prescribed in IS 1893:2002 Part 1.
Since the building is located in kerala, it is included in zone 3, and the seismic base shear
calculation and its distribution was done as per IS 1893:2002 Part 1 Clause 7.5.3.
The base shear or total design lateral force along any principal direction shall be
determined by the following expressions:
Vb = Ah x W Eq. (5.1)
Vb = Design seismic base shear
Ah = Design horizontal acceleration spectrum value using the fundamental natural period
in the considered direction of vibration.
W = Seismic weight of the building.

The design horizontal seismic coefficient as per Clause 6.4.2 of IS 1893:2002 Part 1
Ah = Eq. (5.2)

Z = Zone factor
Zone factor for different seismic zones is given below in table.5.2.
Table 5.3: Zone factor
Seismic Zone II III IV V
Seismic Low Moderate Severe Very Severe
Zone factor 0.10 0.16 0.24 0.36

I = Importance factor ( Table 6 of IS 1893 (Part -1) :2002)

R = Response reduction factor (Table 7 of IS 1893 (Part - 1) : 2002)
= Average response acceleration coefficient

The seismic analysis of the proposed building was done by using the software ETABS
2015 as per IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2002 by giving the following data
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Zone factor , Z = 0.16

Importance factor = 1
Response reduction factor = 3


Design of structures would have become highly expensive in order to maintain

serviceability and safety, if all types of forces would have acted on all structures at all
times. Accordingly, the concept of characteristic loads has been accepted to ensure at
least 95 percent of the case, the characteristic loads considered will be higher than the
actual loads on the structure. However, the characteristic loads are to be calculated on the
basis of average or mean load of some logical combinations of all loads mentioned below.
IS 456:2000, IS 1893 (Part I): 2002 and IS 875 (Part 3) stipulates the combination of the
loads to be considered in the design of the structures. The different load combinations
used were :
1. 1.5 DL

2. 1.5 (DL+LL)

3. 1.2 (DL+LL+EQX)

4. 1.2 (DL+LL+EQ-X)

5. 1.2 (DL+LL+EQZ)

6. 1.2 (DL+LL+EQ-Z)

7. 1.5 (DL+EQX)

8. 1.5 (DL+EQ-X)

9. 1.5 (DL+EQZ)

10. 1.5 (DL+EQ-Z)

11. 0.9DL+1.5EQX

12. 0.9DL+1.5EQ-X

13. 0.9DL+1.5EQZ

14. 0.9DL+1.5EQ-Z

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017
15. 0.9DL+1.5WLX

16. 0.9DL+1.5WL-X

17. 0.9DL+1.5WLZ

18. 0.9DL+1.5EWL-Z

19. 1.5 (DL+WLX)

20. 1.5 (DL+Wl-X)

21. 1.5 (DL+WLZ)

22. 1.5 (DL+WL-Z)

23. 1.2 (DL+LL+WLX)

24. 1.2 (DL+LL+WL-X)

25. 1.2 (DL+LL+WLZ)

26. 1.2 (DL+LL+WL-Z)

All these combinations are built in the ETABS.

Analysis results from the critical load combinations are used for the design of the
structural members.

DL - Dead load

LL - Live load

ELX - Earthquake load in X direction

ELZ - Earthquake load in Z direction

EQ-X - Earthquake load in (–X) direction

EQ-Z - Earthquake load in (–Z) direction

WLX - Wind load in X-direction

WLZ - Wind load in Z-direction

WL-X - Wind load in (–X)-direction

WL-Z - Wind load in (–Z)-direction

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Fig. 5.4. Dead Load Diagram.

(Typical from ground floor to fifth floor)

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Fig. 5.5. Dead Load Diagram of Open terrace

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Fig. 5.6. live Load Diagram of Typical floor

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Fig. 5.7. Live Load Diagram of Open terrace

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017

Analysis results can be obtained in the graphical as well as in the tabular form, from which
the maximum bending moment values are obtained for each member. Concrete dimension
and reinforcement quantities are designed from these quantities appropriately. The
displacement diagram, column reactions , shear force and bending moment diagram is
shown from fig.6.1 to fig.6.6.

Fig. 6.1. Displacement Diagram

( Critical load combination 1.5DL + 1.5EQX)

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017

𝐻 23.5
Allowable displacement , Drift = = = 0.047 m.
500 500

Max displacement < allowable displacement.

Fig. 6.2. Reactions in column

Max value = 6021.03 kN (C9 )

( Critical load combination 1.5DL + 1.5EQX)

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017

Fig.6.3.Bending Moment Diagram (kNm) of Ground floor

( Critical load combination 1.5DL + 1.5EQX)

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017

Fig.8.2. Bending Moment Diagram (kNm)

Fig.6.4. Bending Moment Diagram (kNm)

( Critical at third floor corresponding load combination =1.5 DL +1.5 EQX)

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017
Critical beam is shown in dotted line in the above plan.

Fig.6.5. Shear Force Diagram (kN) of Ground floor

( Critical load combination 1.5DL + 1.5EQX)

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Fig.6.6. Shear Force Diagram (kN)

( Critical at third floor corresponding load combination =1.5 DL +1.5 EQX)

Critical beam is shown in dotted line in the above plan.

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017

A beam is a structural element that is capable of withstanding load primarily by resisting
against bending. The bending force induced into the material as a result of the external
loads, self-weight, span and external reactions to these loads is called blending moment.
Beams are usually provided for supporting slabs and walls. Design of beam is done using
IS 456:2000.

Fig.7.1. Bending Moment Diagram of critical beam (kNm)

( Critical at third floor corresponding load combination =1.5 DL +1.5 EQX)

Fig.7.2. Shear Force Diagram of critical beam (kN)

( Critical at third floor corresponding load combination =1.5 DL +1.5 EQX)

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For M25 concrete, fck = 25 N/mm2

For Fe415 Steel, fy = 415 N/mm2

Size of the beam = 230mm X 600 mm
Assume clear cover of 30 mm and 20 mm bar
Effective depth = 600-30- = 550 mm (Eq. (7.1.1)


Mulim = 0.138 fck bd2 (Eq. (7.1.2)
= 0.138 X 25 X 230 X 5502
= 240.03 kNm

Mu = 141.58 kNm (from ETABS)

Hence beam is to be designed as singly reinforced beam.
Calculation Of Area Of Steel At Mid Span
_Mu = 141.58 x 106 = 2.034 N/mm2 (Eq. (7.1.3)
bd2 230 x 5502

Percentage of steel in tension,

Mu = .87 X fy X Ast X d 1 - Ast fy


141.58 x 106 = .87 X 415 X Ast X 550 1 – Ast x 415


141.58x 106 = 256.43 X 103 Ast – 12.58Ast2

Ast = 792.61 mm2

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Provide 3 numbers 20mm bars (Ast = 942 mm2 )

Check For Minimum And Maximum Steel

As per IS 456, page 46 clause 26.5.l.a,

Ast min = 0.85 bd Eq. (7.1.5)


= 0.85 X 230 X 550


= 259.1 mm2

Ast max = 0.04bD Eq. (7.1.6)

= 0.04 X 230 X 600

= 5520 mm2

Design For Support Moment

Maximum support moment (right) = 215.3 kNm

Mu lim = 240.03 kNm

Mu < Mu lim

Hence design as singly reinforced section

Calculation Of Area At Support

Percentage of steel in tension

Mu = 0.87 X fy X Ast X 655 1 – Ast fy

bd fck

215.3 x 106 = 0.87 X 415 X A st X 550 1 – Ast x 415


Ast = 1293 mm2

Provide 5 # 20 mm Ø bars (Ast = 1570.79 mm2

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Check For Shear

Shear force, Vu = 167.35 kNm

Nominal shear stress,

Tv = Vu

= 167.35 X 103
230 X 550

= 1.36 N/mm2

Maximum shear stress, T c max = 3.1 N/mm2 (From Table 20, IS 456:2000)

Pt = 100 Ast
bd Eq. (7.1.7)

= 100 X 1293
230 X 550

= 1.022 %

For P1 and M25 concrete,

From table 19 of 456:2000, design shear stress, Tc = 0.64 N/mm2

Tv>Tc<Tc max

Therefore, Shear reinforcement is to be provided.

Using 10 mm diameter 2 legged stirrups,

Asv = 2 π X102 = 157.07 mm2 Eq. (7.1.8)


Strength of shear reinforcement, V us = (Vu – Tcbd) Eq. (7.1.9)

= (167.35 X 103 – 0.64 x 230x 550)

= 91.39 kN

(From clause .40.4 (a) of IS 456:2000)

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Spacing of stirrups,

Sv = 0.87 fyAsvd Eq. (7.1.10)


= 0.87 x 415 x 157.07 x 550


= 341.31 mm

Provide 10 mm Ø 2 – L stirrups

According to IS 456:2000 clause, the spacing of stirrups in beams should not

exceed the least of

1. 0.75d = 0.75 X 550 = 412.25mm

2. 300 mm

Hence provide 2-10 mm Ø two legged stirrups @ 300 mm c/c as shear reinforcement.


Mu = 232.74 kNm (from ETABS)


Hence beam is to be designed as singly reinforced beam.

Calculation Of Area Of Steel At Mid Span

_Mu = 232.74 106 = 1.034 N/mm2

bd2 230 x 5502

Percentage of steel in tension,

Mu = 0.87 X fy X Ast X d 1 -Ast fy


232.74 x 106 = 0.87 X 415 X Ast X 550 1 – Ast x 415


232.74 x 106 = 256.43 X 103 Ast – 12.58Ast2

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Ast = 1446.5 mm2

Provide 5 numbers 20mm Ø bars (Ast = 1570.79 mm2 )

Check For Minimum And Maximum Steel

As per IS 456, page 46 clause 26.5.l.a,

Ast min = 0.85 bd


= 0.85 X 230 X 550


= 259.1 mm2

Ast max = 0.04bD

= 0.04 X 230 X 600

= 5520 mm2

Design For Support Moment

Maximum support moment (right) = 196.28 kNm

Mu lim = 240.03 kNm

Mu < Mu lim

Hence design as singly reinforced section

Calculation Of Reinforcement At Support

Percentage of steel in tension

Mu = 0.87 X fy X Ast X 655 1 – Ast fy

bd fck

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196.28 x 106 = 0.87 X 415 X A st X 550 1 – Ast x 415

Ast = 1167.2 mm2

Provide 5 # 20 mm Ø bars (Ast = 1256.64 mm2 )

Check For Shear

Shear force, Vu = 235.4 kNm

Nominal shear stress,

Tv = Vu

= 2235.4 X 103
230 X 550

= 1.82 N/mm2

Maximum shear stress, T c max = 3.1 N/mm2 (From Table 20, IS 456:2000)

Pt = 100 Ast

= 100 X 1293
230 X 550

= 1.022 %

For P1 and M25 concrete,

From table 19 of 456:2000, design shear stress, Tc = 0.64 N/mm2

Tv>Tc<Tc max

Therefore, Shear reinforcement is to be provided.

Using 10 mm diameter 2 legged stirrups,

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Asv = 2 π X102 = 157.07 mm2


Strength of shear reinforcement, V us = (Vu – Tcbd)

= (230.4 X 103 – 0.64 x 230x 550)

= 150.04 kN

(From clause .40.4 (a) of IS 456:2000)

Spacing of stirrups,

Sv = 0.87 fyAsvd

= 0.87 x 415 x 157.07 x 550


= 198.62 mm

Provide 10 mm Ø 2 – L stirrups

According to IS 456:2000 clause 26.5.1., the spacing of stirrups in beams should not

exceed the least of

1. 0.75d = 0.75 X 550 = 412.25mm

2. 300 mm

Hence provide 2-10 mm Ø two legged stirrups @ 180 mm c/c as shear reinforcement.


Mu lim = 0.138 X 25 X 230 X 4502 kNm

Mu = 398.35 kNm

Mu > Mu lim

Hence design as doubly reinforced section.

ď =cover distance + stirrup + bar dia/2

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= 30 + 10 + 8 = 48 mm

Ď 48
= 450 = 0.116

Fsc = 342.3 N/mm2

Reinforcement For Bottom Of The Beam

Mu = 0.87 X fy X Ast X 65 1- Ast x 415

bd fck

196.28 x 106 = 0.87 X 415 X A st X 550 1 – Ast x 415

Ast = 1238.1 mm2

Provide 5 numbers 20mm Ø bars (Ast = 1256.64 mm2 )

Reinforcement For Top Of The Beam

Mu - Mu lim = fsc x Asc[ d- ď ]

( 398 – 160.6) x 106 = 342.3 Asc [450-48]

fsc Asc
Ast2 = = 1635.59 mm2
0 .87𝑓𝑦

Provide 6 numbers 20mm Ø bars (Ast = 1884.96 mm2 )

Check For Shear

Shear force, Vu = 301.81 kN

Nominal shear stress,

Tv = Vu
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= 301.8 X 103
230 X 450

= 2.92 N/mm2

Maximum shear stress, T c max = 3.1 N/mm2 (From Table 20, IS 456:2000)

Pt = 100 Ast
bd Eq. (7.1.11)

= 100 X 2893,6
230 X 450

= 2.7 %

For P1 and M25 concrete,

From table 19 of 456:2000, design shear stress, Tc = 0.9 N/mm2

Tv>Tc<Tc max

Therefore, Shear reinforcement is to be provided.

Using 10 mm diameter 2 legged stirrups,

Asv = 2 π X102 = 157.07 mm2 Eq. (7.1.12)


Strength of shear reinforcement, V us = (Vu – Tcbd) Eq. (7.1.13)

= (301.8 X 103 – 0.64 x 230x 450)

= 208.65 kN

(From clause .40.4 (a) of IS 456:2000)

Spacing of stirrups,

Sv = 0.87 fyAsvd Eq. (7.1.14)


= 0.87 x 415 x 157.07 x 450


= 122.315 mm

Provide 10 mm Ø 2 – L stirrups
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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017

According to IS 456:2000 clause 26.5.1., the spacing of stirrups in beams should not

exceed the least of

1. 0.75d = 0.75 X 550 = 412.25mm

2. 300 mm

Hence provide 2-10 mm Ø two legged stirrups @ 120 mm c/c as shear reinforcement.


Fig.7.3. Detailing

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Design axial force is shown in the table.7.1. with blue background.


For M30 concrete , fck = 30 N/mm2

For Fe415 steel ,fy = 415 N/mm2


Depth of column , D =500 mm

Breadth of column , b =230 mm
Unsupported length of column = 3000-500
= 2500 mm
Support condition : Both ends hinged
Multiplication factor for effective length = 1 ( from table 28 of IS456:2000)
Effective length of column = 1 X l = 2.5 m

Factored axial load , Pu = 955.764 kN

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Factored moment in X direction = 245.91 kNm
Factored moment in Y direction = 118.27 kNm


𝑙eff 2.5
= 0.5 = 5 < 12 Eq (7.2.1)

Design as a short column with biaxial bending


Calculation of eccentricity (clause 25.4 of IS456:2000)

Eccentricity in X direction ,
𝑙 𝑏 2500 230
ex = + = + =12.6 < 20 mm
500 30 500 30

Eccentricity in Y direction,
𝑙 𝐷 2500 500
ey = 500 +30 = 500 + 30 = 21.67 > 20 mm

Moments due to minimum eccentricity

Muy = 7042.4691 X 0.0216 = 152.117 kNm
Mux = 7042.4691 X .02 = 140.85 kNm

Assume reinforcement percentage , P =3%
𝑝 3
= = 0.1
𝑓c𝑘 30

Uniaxial moment capacity of the section about X-X axis,

d′ 50
= 500 = 0.1
Chart for = 0.1 will be used.
𝑃𝑢 955 .764 𝑋 1000
= = 0.28
𝑓c𝑘 𝑏𝐷 500𝑋 30 𝑋230

Referring to chart 44, SP 16:1980,

Mux1 = 0.16 fck bD2
0.16 𝑋 30 𝑋 230 𝑋 500 𝑋 500
= 1000000

=276 kNm
Uniaxial moment capacity of the section about Y-Y axis,

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d′ 50
= 230 = 0.2
Chart for = 0.2 will be used.

Referring to chart 46, SP 16:1980,

= 0.15
𝑓c𝑘 𝑏𝐷2
0.15 𝑋 30 𝑋 230 𝑋 230𝑋 500
Muy1 =

=120 kNm
Calculation of Puz,
Referring to chart corresponding to,
P=3% , fy =415 , fck =30 ,
=22 N/mm2

22 𝑋 500 𝑋 230
Puz=22 X Ag =

=2530 kN
𝑃𝑢 955.764
= = 0.38
Puz 2530
Mux 245 .91
= = 0.89
Mux1 276
Muy 118 .27
= = 0.9
Muy1 120
Referring to chart 64, SP 16:1980, the permissible value of corresponding to the
𝑃𝑢 Muy
above values of Puz , is equal to 0.3

Actual value of 0.89 is higher than value from chart. Therefore increase the reinforcement.
Assume p=3.5%
3.5 𝑋 23 𝑋 50
As =

=40.25 cm2
No . of bars = π
( )𝑋 20 𝑋 20

Therefore provide 14 bars of 20mm dia , As= 4300mm2
As per IS 456:2000, clause
𝜙𝑚𝑎 𝑥
(1) Diameter = maximum of (a) 4

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(a) =5mm

Maximum value = 6mm

Therefore diameter of ties = 8mm

(2) Spacing of ties = minimum of (a) 16 times φmin
(b)least lateral dimension of column
(c)300 mm
(a) 16 X 20 = 320 mm
(b) 230 mm
(c) 300 mm
Minimum value = 230 mm
Therefore provide 8mm diameter ties at 230 mm spacing.

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Fig.7.4. Detailing

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As per SP 16: 1980

Fig. 7.5. circular column in design


For M30 concrete, fck = 30 N/mm2

For Fe415 steel, fy = 415 N/mm2

Diameter of column, D = 400

Unsupported length of column, l = 3000-500

= 2500 mm

Support condition : Both are hinged

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lx = lex = 2500 mm
lex = 2500 =8.33<12
D 300
Therefore short column.


emin = a) lex + D = 2500 + 400 = 18.33

D 30 500 30

b) 20
emin <= 0.05D
Therefore short column equation is valid


Pu = 1.05 x (0.4 x fck x Ac + 0.67 x fy x Asc)
1638.762 x 103 = 1.05 x (0.4 x 30 x ( ))
Asc = 189.76 mm2


0.6 𝜋
ASC min = 100 X X 4002 =753.98 mm2
8 𝜋
ASC max = 100 X 4
X 4002 =10053.09 mm2

Provide minimum reinforcement Asc =753.98 mm2

No. of bars = =4
Provide minimum of 6 bars.


Diameter = a) 3.2
b) 6mm
Use 8 mm dia.

Pitch Of Reinforcement
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𝐴𝑔 𝑓𝑐𝑘
Volume of helical reinforcement >= 0.36 x [ 𝐴𝑐 - 1] x
Volume of core

Minimum CC for column is 40mm for main bars.

Outer diameter of spiral = d – 2CC
= 400 – 2 x 32
= 336 mm
Inner diameter of spiral = 336 – 8 = 328mm
Volume of helical reinforcement = 4 x 82 x 328

=51795.68 mm3
Volume of core = x 3362 x p

= 88668.31p
Gross area ,Ag = 4 x 4002 =125663.7

Area of concrete, Ac = 𝐶 x 3362 = 88668.31

51795.68 125663.7 25
>= 0.36 x [ -1] x
88668.31𝑝 88668.31 415

64.55>= p
1. p <= 75mm
2. p<= 16 x core diameter = 16 x 336 = 56
3. p>=25mm
4. p>= 3 x diameter of helix
= 3x 8= 24mm

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Fig.7.6. Detailing



For M25 concrete, fck = 25 N/mm2

For Fe415 steel, fy = 415 N/mm2


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Rise, R = 150 mm

Tread, T = 300 mm

Waist Slab

Assume simply supported slab

As per IS 456:2000, clause 24.1

Thickness of waist slab = span

0.8 X 35

Provide 200 mm thick slab

Span, tread and rise of the stair are taken from the architectural drawings.

Assume 16mm diameter bars

Clear cover = 15 mm

Effective depth, d = 200 – 20 – 8 = 172 mm

Landing slab

Assume 16mm diameter bars

Clear cover = 20 mm

Effective depth, d = 200 – 20 – 8 = 172 mm


Loads on waist slab

thickness of waist slab X 25 X√R2 + r2

Dead load on waist slab

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Self –weight of the steps is calculated by treating the step to be equivalent horizontal
thickness equal to half the rise 𝑅/2

Self-weight of step = 0.3 X R X 25

Floor finish = lkN/m2

As per IS 875 (Part 2) : 1987 Table I

Live load on slab = 3kN/m2

Total Service load = 11.5kN/m2

Consider 1m width of waist slab

Total service load per meter run = 11.5 X 1

= 11.5kN/m

Total ultimate load, wu = 1.5 X 11.5

= 17.25kN/m

Loads on landing slab

Self-weight of slab = 0.2 X 25

= 5kN/m2

Live load on slab = 3 kN/m2

Finishes = 1 kN/ m2

Total load = 9 kN/m2

Factored load = 1.5 X 9

= 13.5 kN/m2


Reaction, RA = 47.935 kN

RB = 48.14 kN

Mu =47.935X(1.5+1.60–13.5X1.5X(1.6+1.5/2)-17.25X1.62 /2

= 78.93 kNm

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drequired = 175 mm

drequired ‹ dprovided (172mm)


Mu = (0.87fy Ast d) [ 1 − fckbdx ]

78.93 X 106 = (0.87fy Ast d) [ 1 − fckbdx ]

Ast = 1231.19 mm2

As per IS 456 : 2000

Minimum area of reinforcement = 0.12% of total cross sectional area

= 240 mm2

Assume 16mm ф bars

Spacingreq = 1000as

Hence provide 16mm ф bars at 150mm c/c.


As per IS 456: 2000 clause 26.3.3(b)
Maximum spacing is the lesser of
1) 3d = 3 X 172 = 516 mm
2) 300 mm
Spacingmax = 300mm

0.12% of cross-sectional area = 240 mm2
Use 8mm ф bars

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Spacing = 1000 X XC 82
= 209.44 mm
Provide 8mm ф bars at 200 mm c/c


As per IS : 456 : 2000 clause 26.3.3(b)
Maximum spacing is the lesser of
1) 5d = 5X 172 = 860 mm
2) 450mm
Spacingmax = 300 mm
Spacingprovided < Spacing max


Fig.7.6. Detailing

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Fig 7.7.Two way slab

M25 concrete , fck = 25 N/mm2
Fe415 steel , fy = 415 N/mm2

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𝑙y 5.44
= = 1.59 <2
𝑙x 3.42

Therefore two way slab.

Width of slab , b = 1000 mm
Overall depth , D =120 mm
Effective depth , d = 120-20-( )

dx = 96mm

Dead load , DL = 0.12X25 = 3kN/m2
Floor finish , FF = 1 kN/m2
Live load , LL = 2 kN/m2
Total load = 6 kN/m2 X 1 = 6 kN/m
Effective depth , dx = 96 mm
ϕx ϕy
dy = dx – ( 2 ) – ( 2 )
8 8
= 96 – (2 ) – (2 )

=88 mm
To find effective span,
1 1
( ) X clearspan = ( ) X 3.18 = 0.265 m
12 2

Support width = 240 mm < 265mm

Effective span = 1) CS+dx = 3.18 + 0.096 = 3.276 m
2) c/c distance between supports = 3.18 + 0.24 = 3.42m
Leff in longer span ,
( ) X 5.2 =0.433 m

Leff = 5.2+ 0.088 = 5.288 m

= 5.2+ 0.24 = 5.44 m

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= 1.635

[IS456 Table : 21 , page :91]

Mx + = αx +wlx 2
= 0.045 X 6 X 3.2762 = 2.89 kNm
Mx - = αx -wlx 2
= 0.06 X 6 X 3.2762 = 3.86 kNm
My + = αy +wly2
= 0.024 X 6 X 5.2882 = 4.03 kNm
My - = αy -wly 2
= 0.032 X 6 X 5.2882 = 5.368 kNm

Mux + = 4.335 kNm
Mux - = 5.79 kNm
Muy + = 6.045 kNm
Muy - = 8.052 kNm

Mu lim
In x direction = 0.138 fck b dx 2
= 0.138 X 25 X 1000 X 962
= 31.79 kNm
In y direction = 0.138 fck b dy 2
= 0.138 X 25 X 1000 X 882
= 26.71 kNm
(1) Ast for Mux - (bottom)
4.335 X 106 = 0.87fy Ast dx [ 1 − ]
= 0.87 X 415 X Ast X 96 [1 - 25X1000X96 ]

Ast = 127 mm2

Ast,min = 0.12%bD = X 1000 X 120 = 144 mm2

Spacing = 349 mm2

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Maximum spacing (3dx , 300) = [3 X 96 , 300 ]
= [288 , 300]
= 280 mm
Provide 8 mm diameter bar @ 280 mm c/c spacing.

(2)Ast for Mux -

415 Ast
5.79 X 106 = 0.87 X 415 X Ast X 96 [1- 25 X 1000 X 96 ]

Ast = 172 mm2

Spacing = 254mm
Provide 8 mm diameter bars @ 280 mm c/c spacing
(3) Ast for Muy +
415 Ast
6.045 X 106 = 0.87 X 415 X Ast X 88 [1- 25 X 1000 X 88 ]

Ast = 197.6 mm2

Spacing = 254 mm
Provide 8 mm diameter bars @ 250 mm c/c spacing.
(4) Ast for Muy -
415 Ast
8.052 X 106 = 0.87 X 415 X Ast X 88 [1- 25 X 1000 X 88 ]

Ast = 266.8 mm2

Spacing = 188 mm
Provide 8 mm diameter bars @ 180 mm c/c spacing.


Area of distribution bar = Ast,min
=0.12% X 1000 X 120
=144 mm2
Spacing = 349 mm2
Maximum spacing [5d , 450] = [5 X 96 , 450 ]
= [480 , 450 ]
Provide 8mm diameter bars @ 300 mm spacing.

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Ast provided = 314.16 mm2
Ast required = 197 mm2
0.58 X fy X Ast required
fs = Ast provided

0.58 X 415 X 197

= = 150.93 N/mm2
Pt = bd
100 X 314 .16
= 8 = 0.33
1000[120 −20−( )

As per IS 456:2000 fig 4 ,page 38,

Modification factor for tension reinforcement = 2
As per IS 456:2000 ,fig 5 , page 39 ,
Modification factor for compression reinforcement = 1
As per IS 456:2000 ,fig 6 , page 39 ,
Reduction factor , kf = 1
As per IS 456:2000 , clause 23.21
(𝑑 )basic = 26
(𝑑 ) max = 26 X 2 X 1 X 1 = 52
𝑙 3130 𝑙
( )provided = = 33.125 < ( ) max
𝑑 96 𝑑

Hence deflection is safe with provided depth.


As per IS 456:2000 , clause 43.1,
1. Steel provided is more than 0.12%
2. Spacing of main steel < 3d = 3 X 96 = 288 mm
160 mm < 288 mm , hence proved
𝐷 120
3. Diameter of reinforcement < = =25mm
8 8

10 mm < 25 mm
Hence section can resist cracks.

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Fig. 13.1. Detailing

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Fig 7.5 One way slab


Slab dimension = 1.56 m X 6.84 m

ly 6.84
= = 4.38 > 2 => One way slab
lx 1.56

Span of slab = 1.56 m

Self weight = 0.12 X 25 = 3 kN/m
Floor finish = 1 kN/m2 X 1 = 1 kN/m
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Total dead load = 1+ 3 = 4 kN/m
Live load = 2 kN/m2 X 1 = 2 kN/m
Total load = 6 kN/m

At middle of interior span,

BM coefficient , αDL = 1/16
αLL = 1/12
Mudl = (1/16) X 1.5 X 4 X 1.562 = 0.913 kNm
Mull = (1/12) X 1.5 X 2 X 1.562 = 0.6084 kNm
Total moment = 1.52 kNm

At other interior supports,

αdl = (-1/12)
αll = (-1/9)
Mudl = (-1/12) X 1.5 X 4 X 1.562 = -1.22 kNm
Mull = (-1/9) X 1.5 X 2 X 1.562 = -0.811 kNm
Total moment = 2.03 kNm
Maximum moment = 2.03 kNm
1.72 X 106 = 0.138 X fck bd2
d= 24.3 mm
dprovided > drequired , hence safe.

At middle of interior span ,
Mu= 1.52 kNm
fy Ast
1.52 X 106 = 0.87 X 415 X Ast d[1- fck bd]

Ast = 45 mm2
Minimum Ast = 0.12% bD = 144 mm2
Provide 8mm diameter bars ,
1000Aϕ 1000X ( ) X8X8
Spacing = = = 349 mm
Ast 144

Maximum spacing = min[3d , 300mm]

= min[3X96 , 300mm]
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= min[285 , 300mm]
Therefore provide 8mm diameter bars at 280 mm spacing.


Mu = 2.03 kNm
2.03 X 106 = 34660.8 Ast – 5.99 Ast 2
Ast = 59.17 mm2
1000X ( ) X8X8
Spacing = = 349 mm

Provide 8mm diameter bars at 280 mm c/c spacing.

Distribution bars
Ast = 0.12 % b D = 144 mm2
Spacing = 285 mm
Maximum spacing = [ 5d , 450 ]
= [600 , 450 ]
= 450 mm
Provide 8 mm diameter bars at 280 mm spacing.

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Fig.14.1. Detailing

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Shear walls are specially designed structural walls incorporated in building to resist lateral
forces produced in plane of wall due to wind , earthquake and other forces. They are
usually provided in tall buildings.


For M30 concrete , fck =30

For Fe415 steel, fy =415


Horizontal length of wall, lw = 2495

Thickness of wall, tw = 240

As per IS 13920:1993 clause 9.12

Thickness of wall should not be less than 150 mm


Factored axial load, Pu = 10314.73 kN

Factored shear force , Vu = 1834.75 kN

Factored moment , Mu = 13236.93 kNm


According to IS 13920:1993,clause 9.4.1,where extreme compressive stress in the wall

exceeds 0.2fck ,boundary elements should be provided along the vertical boundaries of
𝑃 𝑀𝑦 𝑥 𝑙𝑤
Extreme fibre compressive stress , fc = 𝐴𝑔 ± 2 𝑥 𝑙𝑦

Area of cross section of wall, Ag = 1000x240 = 24000 mm²

𝑡𝑤 𝑥 𝑙𝑤^3
Moment of inertia of the section Ig = 12

= 2402495³/12 = 3.1x10^11mm³

𝑡𝑤 𝑥 𝑖𝑤³
Moment of inertia of the section = Ig =

Department of Civil Engineering 62 SSET

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= 240 × 12

= 3.1 x 10^ 11
10314.73 13236.93 𝑥 2495
Extreme fire compressive stress , fc = + 2 𝑥 3.106 𝑥 10^11

= 0.0430 kN/mm²

Limiting value = 0.2 fk

=0.2 × 30

= 6 N/mm²

Extreme stress is greater than the limiting value, therefore, boundary element are required.


As per is 13929-1993 clause 9.15 if,

a) If factored shear strees in the wall exceed 0.25 √fck

b) The thickness of section is more than 200 mm

Reinforcement shall be provided in two curtains, each having bars running in the
longitudinal and transverse direction in the plane wall.

Vu = 1834.74

𝑉𝑢 1834.74
‫ﺡ‬V = =1000 𝑥 1996 = 9.19 x10^-4 kN/mm²

D = effective deapth = 0.8 lw = .8 x 2495 =1996 mm

0.25√fck = 0.25 √30 = 1.37 N/mm²

Thickness = 240 mm > 200 mm

Use two layers of steel with suitable cover


As per IS 13920,1993 clause 9.2.3, the nominal shear stress in the wall ‫ﺡ‬v shall not exceed
‫ﺡ‬cmax as per table 20 0f IS 456:200

maximum shear stress ‫ح‬cmax = 3.5 N/mm²

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As per IS 13920, 1993 clause 9.14 , the minimum reinforcement ratio shall be .0025 of the
gross area in each direction

Ast(min) = 0.0025 x 240 x 1000 per meter length

= 600 mm² ( two layers)

Assume 0.5 % of steel in both direction

Ast = 240000 𝑥

= 1200 mm²

As per IS 13920, 1993 clause 9.1.7 maximum spacing is less of

𝑙𝑤 2495
I. = =499 mm
5 5
II. 3 tw = 3 x 240 =720 mm
III. 450 mm

Spacing < spacing max

Hence safe

Nominal shear stress tv = 9.19 x 10^-4

Percentage of steel pt = 0.5%

As per IS 456:2000, table 19,

Design shear strength of concrete, tc = 0.29 N/mm²



As per IS 456:2000 clause 38.1

Vertical reinforcement ratio , p = 0.005

𝑝𝑢 10314 .73
λ = 𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑥 𝑡𝑤 𝑥 𝑙𝑤 = 30 𝑥 240 𝑥 2495

= 5.74 x 10^-4

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ϕ = 0 . 87 𝑥 𝑓𝑦 𝑥 𝑓𝑐𝑘

=0.87 𝑥 415 𝑥 30

= 0.055

Elastic modulus of steel, Es = 2 x 10^5 N/mm²

0 .87 𝑥𝑓𝑦
β = 0.0035 𝑥 2 𝑥 105

= .87 𝑥
.0035 𝑥 2 𝑥 105

= 0.515
𝑥𝑢 ∅ +𝜆
𝑙𝑤 2∅ +.36

0.055 +5.74 𝑥 10^−4

= 2 𝑋.0.055 +.36

= 0.118

𝑥′ 𝑢 0.0035
= 0.87 𝑥 𝑓𝑦
𝑙𝑤 0.0035+[ ]

= 0.87 𝑋 415
0.0035 +
2 𝑋 10^ 5

= 0 .654
𝑋𝑢 𝑋′𝑢
Since <
𝑙𝑤 𝑙𝑤

𝑀𝑢𝑣 𝜆 1 𝑋𝑢 𝑋𝑢 ᵦ²
𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑥 𝑡𝑤 𝑥 𝑙𝑤²
= φ( 1 + 𝜑 )(2 - 0.416 x 𝑙𝑤
) – ( 𝑙𝑤 )² (0.168 + 3 )

5.74 𝑥 10 ^−4 1
= 0.055 ( 1 + )(2 − 0.416 𝑥 0.168) −

(0.118)² (0.168 + ) = 0.0214

Muv = 9591.5 x 10^6 kNmm

Mu = 13236.93 kNmm

Muv > Mu

Therefore,the section is safe in flexure and we can avoid the separate boundary element
with special confining reinforcement. But we have to provide a minimum boundary
element reinforcement of 0.8% cross sectional area at a length of 2 tw.

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Therefore,minimum reinforcement = 0.8 % cross sectional area

=0.008 x 240000

= 1920 mm²

As per SP16 :1980, provide 16 mm dia bar @ 100 mm c/c as vertical reinforcement in
boundary elements

According to IS 456:2000,clause

The diameter of lateral ties shall be not less than

1. One fourth of the diameter of the largest longitudinal bar = = 4 mm
2. Should not be less than 6 mm

Hence adopt diameter of lateral ties as 8 mm

Spacing of Hoops used as special confining reinforcement (according to IS 13920:1993

clause 7.4.6):
1 240
i. Should not be less than x minimum member dimension = = 60 mm
4 4

ii. Should not be less than 75 mm

iii. Should not be greater than 100 mm

Hence adopt spacing of hoops = 75 mm

Therefore provide 8 mm dia bar @ 75 mm c/c at a length of 2 x tw = 2 x 240 =480 mm

from the ends.

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Fig. 15.1. Detailing

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Use M30 grade concrete and HYSD steel bars of grade Fe 415
For M30 concrete, fck = 30 N/mm2 .
For fe415 steel , fy = 415 N/mm2 .

Depending upon the load coming on the column, single or group piles are provided. From
the soil report , the load carrying capacity of piles are as follows.
Sl. no Pile diameter Pile capacity Factored capacity
(cm) (kN) Pu (kN)
1 50 700 1050
2 60 1000 1500
3 70 1300 1950
Table. Pile capacities


Factored column reaction = 955.33kN
Horizontal force , H = 35.68 kN (from ETABS)
No.of piles = = 6.24 kN
955 .33
Load on each pile = = 191.06 kN
Horizontal force on each pile = = 5.95

Depth of pile = 6m


As per IS: 2911-1979 (part 1/section 2)- Appendix C
Depth of fixity = 10 X diameter of pile
= 10 X 0.7 = 7m
Moment due to horizontal force ,
Mu = Horizontal force on each pile X fixity depth
= 5.95 X 7 = 41.65 kNm

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017
𝑙 𝐷 7000 700
Minimum eccentricity = 500 +30 = + 30 = 37.33mm

Axial load on pile = 1950 kN

Moment due to eccentricity = 1950 X 0.3733 = 72.8 kN
Hence take design moment , Mu = 90 kNm

Assume clear cover = 50 mm
Assume 20 mm diameter bars,
Effective cover , d’ = 60mm
𝑑′ 60
= 700 = 0. 086
𝑃𝑢 1950 𝑋 10³
= = 0.13
𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝐷² 700² 𝑋 30

𝑀𝑢 90 𝑋 10^(6)
= = 0.0087
𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝐷³ 700³ 𝑋 30

From chart 57 , SP 16 : 1980,

= 0.09

As per IS 456: 2000, Clause 26.5.31, a minimum of 0.4 % of steel should be provided .
𝑃𝑡 𝑋 𝜋𝑋 𝐷²
Area of longitudinal steel, As =
4 𝑋 100

0.5 𝑋 𝜋𝑋700²
= = 1924.22 mm²
4 𝑋 100
No. of bars required = 𝜋 =6
( ) 𝑋 20²

Hence provide 6 numbers of 20 mm diameter bars as longitudinal reinforcement.

Ast provided = 1884.95 mm2

As per IS:2911(Part-1/Section-2 )- 1979 clause 5.11.3
The laterals of a reinforcing cage may be in the form of links or spirals . The diameter and
spacing of the same is choosen to impart adequate rigidity of the reinforcing cage during
its handling and installations. The minimum diameter of the links or spirals shall be 6mm
and the spacing of the links or spirals shall not be less than 150mm.
Hence provide 8mm diameter circular links at 180mm c/c spacing.

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017


Fig 16.1. Detailing

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017


The analysis and design of a multi-storeyed building was done as a part of

our project. The study helped us to gain ample exposure to various field practices in the
analysis and design of multi-storied buildings, and also in various construction techniques
used in the industry. The analysis was done in ETABS 2015 and detailing was done in
Auto CAD 2010. The structural components beam , column , slabs , shear wall , stair were
designed manually. The designing and detailing was done according to standard
specifications of various codes to the possible extend. The various difficulties
encountered in the design process and various constraints faced by the structural engineer
in designing were well understood. This study helped to understand and analyse the
structural problem faced by the construction industry.

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017


1. Dr. Punmia, B.C, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain, Tenth edn, “Limit
state design of reinforced concrete structures”, Laxmi publications private
Limited, New Delhi 2003.
2. IS:875 (Part-I)-1987, “Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design Loads (other
than earthquake) for Building and Structures”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New
Delhi, 1997.
3. IS:875(Part –II)-1987, “Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design Loads (other
than earthquake) for Buildings and Structures”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New
Delhi 1997.
4. IS:875(Part –III)-1987, “Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design Loads
(other than earthquake) for Buildings and Structures”, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi 1997.
5. IS:1893 (Part-I)-2002- Indian Standard- Criteria of for Earthquake Resistant
Design of Structures” Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi 1997.
6. IS 456 : 2000 Indian Standard- “Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of
Practice”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi 2007.
7. Mallik S.K “Reinforced Concrete,” Oxford and IBH publishing company
8. SP16:1980, “Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS : 456-1978”, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi, 1993.
9. Unnikrishnan Pillai.S, & Devadas Menon, “Reinforced Concrete Design”, Fourth
reprint Tata Mcgraw – Hill publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2010.
10. Varghese.P.C, “ Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design”, Prentice – Hall of India
Private Limited, New Delhi 2008.

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017



As a part of the project , we had to visit a commercial building , which is situated at

Pattimattom , Ernakulam.

Structural design of this project was done by SAFE Edappally.

The project is G+4 storied building. The foundation of the structure consists of eccentric

Fig.17.1. Concreting for Slab

A concrete slab is a common structural element of modern buildings. Horizontal slabs of

steel reinforced concrete , typically between 100 and 500 millimeters thick , are most often
used to construct floors and ceilings , while thinner slabs are also used for exterior paving.

Department of Civil Engineering 73 SSET

Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017

Fig.17.2. Triangular and rectangular stirrups

A reinforcement used to resist shear and diagonal tension stresses in a concrete structural
member. The term stirrups is usually applied to lateral reinforcement in flexural members
and the term ties to lateral reinforcement in vertical compression members.

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017

Fig.17.3. Bar Bending Machine

It is a forming machine tool. Its purpose is to assemble a bend on a workpiece. A bends is

manufactured by using a bending tool during a linear or rotating move. Different types of
bends formed by bending machine are U-bending , offset bending , edgewise bending ,
torsion bending.

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017

Fig.17.4. Eccentric footing

It is a component of building foundation. It is a type of combined footing consisting of

two or more column footing connected by a concrete beam. It is used to help distribute the
weight of heavily loaded or eccentrically loaded column footings to adjacent footing.

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017

Fig.17.5. Cover Block

A cover block is essentially a spacer that is used to lift the rebar matrix off the ground so
that concrete may flow underneath the rebar. In order to prevent corrosion and provide
better reinforcement and firemore .

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Design of a Multi Storied Building using ETABS Project Report-2017

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