Applied Thermal Engineering
Applied Thermal Engineering
Applied Thermal Engineering
Research Paper
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this study, the kinetics of glycerol pyrolysis over a 3wt%Pr-20wt%Ni/77wt%a-Al2O3 catalyst
Received 16 July 2016 was investigated. The catalyst was synthesized via wet-impregnation method and was characterized
Revised 22 September 2016 using temperature-programmed calcination (TPC), temperature-programmed reduction (TPR),
Accepted 20 October 2016
N2-physisorption, FESEM imaging, X-ray diffraction and CO2-/NH3-temperature-programmed desorption
Available online 21 October 2016
(TPD). The catalytic activity of the as-synthesized 3 wt% Pr-Ni/a-Al2O3 catalyst was evaluated in a stainless
steel fixed bed reactor at temperatures that ranged from 973 K to 1073 K and a weight-hourly-space-
velocity (WHSV) of 4.5 104 ml g1 h1 under the atmospheric condition. The main gaseous products from
catalytic glycerol pyrolysis were H2, CO, CO2 and CH4 (descending ranking) with the highest H2 formation
Nickel rate and H2 yield of 0.02593 mol g cat1 s1 and 29.04%, respectively. The analysis of the kinetic data
Praseodymium obtained from the glycerol pyrolysis showed activation energy of 37.36 kJ mol1. Based on the mechanistic
Pyrolysis modeling, it can be deduced that the rate determining step of the glycerol pyrolysis was via a single site
Syngas associative adsorption with molecular surface reaction as the rate-determining step.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1359-4311/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
872 M.N.N. Shahirah et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 112 (2017) 871–880
and temperature programmed desorption (TPD) analyses were can be assigned to the metal oxides formation resulting from the
performed in a Thermo Finnigan TPDRO 1100 instrument that decomposition of nitrate species (cf. Eqs. (6) and (7)) [38,39].
was equipped with a thermal conductivity detector (TCD). The
TPR analysis was performed from room temperature to 1173 K at PrðNO3 Þ3 6H2 O ! PrðNO3 Þ3 þ 6H2 O ð4Þ
a 10 K min1 ramping rate and employing 20 ml min1 of 5% NiðNO3 Þ3 6H2 O ! NiðNO3 Þ3 þ 6H2 O ð5Þ
H2/95% N2 gas mixture with a holding time of 1 h. The acidity of
2PrðNO3 Þ3 ! Pr2 O3 þ 6NO2 þ 3=2O2 ð6Þ
the catalyst was examined via TPD using NH3 as a probe molecule.
Approximately 0.5 g of the catalyst was placed in a reactor, then 2NiðNO3 Þ3 ! 2NiO þ 6NO2 þ 2O2 ð7Þ
treated in flow of 30 ml min1 of N2 for 30 min, followed by satu- It is to be reiterated that from this thermal profile, the as-
ration with NH3 in He (30 ml min1) for 1 h, up to 393 K (ramping synthesized catalyst was thermally stable at calcination tempera-
rate of 40 K min1) for the adsorption of NH3 onto the catalyst. The ture greater than 600 K. Hence, the calcination temperature for
reactor was then purged with He (30 ml min1) at room tempera- the fresh Pr-Ni/a-Al2O3 catalyst was set at 1073 K to ensure that
ture for 30 min to remove the excess NH3 in the gas phase. The NH3 the nitrate precursor was fully decomposed whilst at the same
desorption was then analyzed from room temperature to 1173 K time, to pre-condition the catalyst for the ensuing glycerol pyroly-
under He flow (20 K min1, 30 ml min1), and the desorbed NH3 sis study. Furthermore, there is no significant variation in the ther-
was detected by the TCD. For CO2-TPD, approximately 0.5 g of mal characteristic of the uncalcined catalyst with changes in the
the catalyst was pretreated with N2 gas at 30 ml min1. Then, ramping rates. Notably, higher ramping rate has shifted the peak
CO2 was adsorbed at 30 ml min1 from 323 to 423 K, followed by center to the higher temperature region. This is because when
holding at 423 K for 60 min. The desorption was subsequently per- the ramping rate was increased, the nitrate decomposition would
formed in 30 ml min1 of He with ramping up to 1173 K. The heat require more time to achieve the same extent of decomposition.
of desorption was determined from Eq. (3): Consequently, this has resulted in a shift to higher temperature
b ðDHdesorption Þ ðDHdesorption ÞAsat (longer reaction time translated into higher temperature). This
ln ¼ þ ln ð3Þ observation is typical of a non-isothermal gas-solid interaction
T 2p RT p RC
between the solid catalyst and air. This trend can be modeled using
where b is the temperature ramping rate (K min1), T p is the peak a ‘‘model-free” non-isothermal kinetics expression. Fig. 1b shows
temperature (K), R is the ideal gas constant, Asat is the quantity the modeling of the non-isothermal kinetics data representing
adsorbed at saturation and C is a constant related to desorption the sharpest peaks (peak IV that represents metal nitrate decom-
rate. position) to the Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose (KAS) model-free
expression (cf. Eq. (1)). Activation energy of 123.7 kJ mol1 was
obtained from the data-fitting with R2-value of 0.99. In the previ-
3. Results and discussion
ous works, activation energy obtained from the KAS model has
been reported. This includes the works by Ayodele et al. [40] with
3.1. Fresh catalyst characterization
Ea in the range of 104.61–230.26 kJ mol1 and Lee et al. [41] with
Ea in the range of 122.73–250.26 kJ mol1. The activation energy
Fig. 1a shows the weight profile (%) and derivative weight pro-
obtained in the current work is within the range of values reported
files obtained from the temperature-programmed calcination
by these authors. This may be ascribed to a similar catalyst prepa-
(TPC) of the uncalcined (dried only) catalyst. The TPC profiles of
ration protocol.
the catalyst consistently demonstrate four derivative weight peaks
Fig. 2 shows the N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms of the cal-
(I–IV) associated with weight loss from the onset of calcination
cined as-synthesized Pr-Ni/a-Al2O3 catalyst. At P/Po less than 0.60,
until 600 K. Thereafter, the thermal profiles stabilized with no sign
the isotherms show a linear trend, symptomatic of mono-layer
of weight reduction. The derivative weight loss represented by
absorption of N2 on the pores of the solid specimen. Beyond the
peaks I–III at 373–513 K can be attributed to the sequential
P/Po of 0.60, isotherms show an upward trend due to the formation
removal of physical water and also hydration water from the Pr
of multiple layers of N2 molecules. The exhibited trend in Fig. 2 is
and Ni-precursors, respectively, as represented in Eqs. (4) and (5)
consistent with a mesoporous solid classified under type IV iso-
[37]. In addition, the peaks coded IV that centered at circa 575 K
therm based on the IUPAC classification. From these isotherms,
the textural properties were obtained and are summarized in
Table 1. The same analysis was also performed on the individual
a-Al2O3 for hierarchical comparison. Although a-Al2O3 is a very
Fig. 1a. Temperature programmed calcination showing the weight loss and Fig. 1b. Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose (KAS) linear model data for kinetics parameter
derivative weight profiles for Pr-Ni/a-Al2O3 catalyst. determinations of the as-synthesized Pr-Ni/a-Al2O3.
874 M.N.N. Shahirah et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 112 (2017) 871–880
Fig. 3. FESEM images of (a) a-Al2O3 at 30 kX magnification, (b) 3 wt% Pr-Ni/a-Al2O3 at 20 kX magnification and (c) 3 wt% Pr-Ni/a-Al2O3 at 30 kX magnification.
M.N.N. Shahirah et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 112 (2017) 871–880 875
Fig. 6. (a) CO2-TPD profiles and (b) NH3-TPD profiles of 3 wt% Pr-Ni/a-Al2O3
Fig. 5. TPR analysis of freshly calcined 3 wt% Pr-Ni/a-Al2O3 catalyst.
Table 2
Summary of acid-base properties.
Analysis Peak Type of site DHd (kJ mol1) Acid/basic site concentration (lmol g1)
CO2-TPD I (519–848 K) Lewis 43.1 63.03
II (886–1084 K) Lewis 69.4 65.24
Total: 128.27
NH3-TPD I (785–860 K) Lewis 48.7 84.71
II (869–913 K) Lewis 57.8 92.73
III (917–1014 K) Lewis 69.3 97.21
Total: 274.65
Acid: basic sites ratio 2.14
Fig. 7. Effects of temperature and glycerol partial pressure on the rates of formation for (a) H2, (b) CH4, (c) CO2 and (d) CO over the 3 wt% Pr-Ni/a-Al2O3.
Table 3
The product yield as function of partial pressure of glycerol and pyrolysis temperature over 3 wt% Pr-Ni/a-Al2O3 catalyst.
from the glycerol as the sole reactant. In addition, the H2 (0.005– mol g1 s1) profiles as shown in Fig. 7(b) and (c). This indicates
0.025 mol g1 s1) and CO (0.002–0.012 mol g1 s1) profiles (cf. that the H2 and CO were the major products from the glycerol
Fig. 7(a) and (d)) show the highest formation rates, as opposed to pyrolysis as in Eq. (10).
the CH4 (105 to 103 mol g1 s1) and CO2 (105 to 3 103 -
C3 H8 O3 ! 3CO þ 4H2 ð10Þ
M.N.N. Shahirah et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 112 (2017) 871–880 877
Table 4
Glycerol consumption rates and product formation rates over the 3 wt% Pr-Ni/a-Al2O3 catalyst.
Temperature (K) Glycerol partial pressure (kPa) Glycerol consumption rate (mol g cat1 s1) Product reaction rates (mol g cat1 s1)
973 0 0 0 0 0 0
973 4.51 0.00104 0.00382 0.00015 0.00040 0.00215
973 9.02 0.00268 0.00875 0.00030 0.00084 0.00401
973 13.53 0.00511 0.01295 0.00047 0.00119 0.00618
973 18.04 0.00631 0.01453 0.00101 0.00225 0.00744
973 22.55 0.00957 0.01869 0.00102 0.00309 0.00923
1023 0 0 0 0 0 0
1023 4.51 0.00115 0.00438 0.00018 0.00055 0.00207
1023 9.02 0.00227 0.00732 0.00033 0.00100 0.00421
1023 13.53 0.00434 0.01188 0.00035 0.00115 0.00603
1023 18.04 0.00617 0.01819 0.00048 0.00142 0.00667
1023 22.55 0.00948 0.02438 0.00089 0.00150 0.00935
1073 0 0 0 0 0 0
1073 4.51 0.00165 0.00532 0.00004 0.00017 0.00286
1073 9.02 0.00340 0.01147 0.00012 0.00020 0.00332
1073 13.53 0.00508 0.01542 0.00031 0.00045 0.00782
1073 18.04 0.00751 0.01872 0.00038 0.00050 0.00869
1073 22.55 0.00990 0.02593 0.00068 0.00107 0.01198
Table 5
Kinetics data for reactant and products from the glycerol pyrolysis.
reaction as a rate-determining step where ðr G Þ is the glycerol pyrolysis rate, A is the pre-exponential
2 krxnpffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Single site dissociative adsorption of glycerol (G) with surface factor (s1), EA is the activation energy (kJ mol1), R is the universal
1þ K G PG reaction as a rate-determining step
gas constant (8.314 J mol1 K1), T is the reaction temperature (K),
PG is the reactant’s partial pressure (kPa) and b is the order of reac-
For the species CO2 and CH4, its several folds lower magnitude tion. The kinetic data employed for the power-law modeling are
in formation rates indicate that these two products were byprod- provided in Table 4. These data were analyzed using Levenberg-
ucts of competing reaction pathways, with CH4 likely from the Marquardt non-linear regression optimization method. The result-
methanation reaction (cf. Eq. (11)) whilst CO2 could be from the ing kinetic parameters from the analysis are summarized in Table 5.
Boudouard reaction as in Eq. (12). Parity plot shown in Fig. 8 was employed to check the adequacy of
878 M.N.N. Shahirah et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 112 (2017) 871–880
Table 7
LH models parameter estimation based on glycerol consumption rate.
Model no. Temperature (K) krxn (mol m2 s1 kPab) KG (kPa1) R2
1 973 2.15 10 0.0216 0.99
1023 2.61 1004 0.0168 0.99
1073 3.31 1004 0.0109 0.99
2 973 N/A N/A N/A
1023 N/A N/A N/A
1073 N/A N/A N/A
Table 8
BMW guidelines for Model 1 estimation.
the power-law model. The activation energy for the glycerol con- C3 H8 O3 þ 2X $ HCOOX X þ CH3 CHOH X þ H2
sumption rate was 7.14 kJ mol1, which suggests a superior perfor- HCOOX X ! CO2 þ H X
mance. In comparison, Hemings and co-workers undertook detailed
CH3 CHOH X þ H X ! CH3 O X þ CH3 X
kinetics study of pyrolysis and oxidation of glycerol, with reported
EA value of 10 kJ mol1 [51], while EA of 6.4–12.4 kJ mol1 were CH3 O X þ X ! CH2 X þ OH X
obtained from another previous research [52]. In addition, Hou CH2 X þ H X ! CH3 X þ X
and Hughes [43] have also reported activation energy of CH3 X þ H X ! CH4 þ 2X
11.8 kJ mol1. Furthermore, the main gaseous products (H2 and CH3 O X þ X ! CH2 O X þ H X
CO) showed activation energy values of 12.0 and 15 kJ mol1,
CH2 O X þ X ! HCO X þ H X
respectively, whilst the CH4 and CO2 exhibited slightly higher acti-
vation energy values of 16.0 and 21.0 kJ mol1, respectively. This HCO X þ X ! CO X þ H X
may be due to the slower formation rates of CH4 and CO2 since CO X $ CO þ X
these species were the byproducts from glycerol pyrolysis. In addi- H X þ H X $ H2 þ 2X
tion, the reaction orders were estimated in the range of 1.2–1.6
which deviates from 0.1 to 0.6 as reported by Cheng et al. [11]. This where X is the active site.
discrepancy might be due to variation in the catalytic system as Using quasi-steady-state approximation and incorporating the
well as the reaction conditions. concept of most abundant reactive intermediate (MARI), two
models corresponding to the reaction mechanisms described ear-
3.2.3. Langmuir-Hinshelwood (LH) single site mechanism lier were developed and are summarized in Table 6. The LH models
Based on the NH3-TPD results, the Langmuir-Hinshelwood (LH) were regressed using Levenberg-Marquardt non-linear regression
single site mechanism was proposed. It assumes that the glycerol in POLYMATHTM. The kinetics parameters estimated from the LH
molecule has either molecularly- or dissociatively-adsorbed on model using Polymath software are shown in Table 7. It can be
the identical site of the catalyst. Based on single site mechanism, seen that only Model 1 gave good fitting with regression coefficient
the pyrolysis reaction entails the chemical bonding of the adsorbed R2 of 0.99 whereas Model 2 failed to converge. In order to verify
glycerol vapor onto the active site as follow: the thermodynamic consistency of Model 1, the kinetic parameters
Molecular adsorption of glycerol in Table 7 were subjected to a further validation using Eq. (14)
C3 H8 O3 þ X $ C3 H8 O3 X
C3 H8 O3 X þ X ! HCOO X þ CH3 CHOH X þ H2 DH DS
ln K ¼ þ ð14Þ
CH3 CHOH X þ H X ! CH3 O X þ CH3 X
where K is the adsorption constant (kPa1), DH is the enthalpy
CH3 O X þ X ! CH2 X þ OH X (kJ mol1), DS is the entropy (J mol1 K1), R is the universal gas
CH2 X þ H X ! CH3 X þ X constant (8.314 J mol1 K1), T is the reaction temperature (K).
CH3 X þ H X ! CH4 þ 2X The criteria based on Eqs. (15) and (16) must be satisfied to ensure
that the Model 1 is thermodynamically valid.
CH3 O X þ X ! CH2 O X þ H X
CH2 O X þ X ! HCO X þ H X
10 6 DS ð15Þ
HCO X þ X ! CO X þ H X
DS 6 12:2 0:0014DH ð16Þ
CO X $ CO þ X
The results of the thermodynamic consistency of the model are
H X þ H X $ H2 þ 2X
summarized in Table 8. Significantly, Model 1 has fulfilled the cri-
Dissociative adsorption of glycerol teria in Eqs. (15) and (16), suggesting that the said model was ther-
M.N.N. Shahirah et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 112 (2017) 871–880 879
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