C-Shield ICCP systems
for vessels of every type
C-Shield impressed current cathodic encompass marine electronics and
protection systems (ICCP) have now been environmental services for ships.
fitted to more than 4,000 vessels around Together, this provides an exceptionally
the world. strong combination of expertise which can
be applied to customers particular
Since its introduction by Cathelco Ltd in requirements.
1991, the scope of the system has been
developed to include the option of Around the world, Cathelco is represented
modular or thyristor control panels and an by a network of over 50 agents/installers
unusually wide range of anode designs to who can provide technical advice and
suit vessels of every type:- immediate access to the Group’s
complete range of services.
● Cruise Ships
● Container Vessels
The Problem of Corrosion
● Ferries Although modern hull coatings can
provide some protection against corrosion
● FPSOs they seldom offer a complete solution. For
● Ice Class Vessels this reason, most operators choose to
protect their vessels with a purpose
The C-Shield modular control panel, designed impressed current cathodic
based on state-of-the-art computerised protection system.
electronics, remains at the forefront of
ICCP technology. As a result it has been Using an arrangement of hull mounted
widely adopted by operators seeking to anodes and reference cells connected to
protect the hulls of their vessels against a control panel(s), the system produces a
corrosion by the most effective and more powerful external current to
economical methods. suppress the natural electro-chemical
activity on the wetted surface of the hull.
In addition to innovative ICCP product
design, Cathelco offers a comprehensive This eliminates the formation of
background of experience in marine aggressive corrosion cells on the surface
engineering and equipment manufacture. of plates and avoids the problems which
The company is a world leader in can exist where dissimilar metals are
pipework anti-fouling and corrosion introduced through welding or brought into
suppression systems for ships and offers proximity by other components such as
a wide range of other services through its propellers.
Group members.
An essential feature of ICCP systems is
Corrintec Ltd, produce ICCP systems for that they constantly monitor the electrical
naval vessels, fast ferries and other high potential at the seawater/hull interface
speed craft including highly advanced and carefully adjust the output to the
waterjet and bow thruster protection anodes in relation to this. Therefore, the
equipment. They have also developed the system is much more effective and
Minitek ICCP system which provides reliable than sacrificial anode systems
effective protection for smaller craft. where the level of protection is unknown
Beyond this, the Group’s interests and uncontrollable.
Thyristor Controlled
Cathelco have taken proven thyristor
controlled technology and added another
dimension by combining it with the latest
computerised information systems.
This provides a cost effective solution to
the power requirements of the largest
ICCP systems.
The thyristor control panels can be used
for systems of up to 800 amps on
vessels such as cruise ships and VLCCs,
as well as the larger types of container
ships and cargo vessels. As with the
modular units, there are clear digital
output displays and data regarding the
performance of the system can be fed
directly to ship’s computers.
Reference Cells
preparation for fitting the anode. At this
00 stage, the surrounding area is carefully
grit blasted to a white metal finish. Next, a
layer of mastic is applied to the anode
mounting surface in order to create a
AC 10
watertight seal when the anode is fitted
8Y rs
s and the studs are tightened. Finally,
AC ear
AS s
P 2Y
s mastic is applied to the area surrounding
AI ear
the anode to produce a di-electric shield
1. Ship Types: A - 25,000 dwt General Cargo, which is essential to ensuring the
B - 150,000 dwt Bulk Carrier
maximum spread of current over the hull
2. Design Basis: Sacrificial 15mA/m*m. Impressed 25mA/m*m
3. Escalation: Material & Labour 7% pa compound surface.
Combined Systems
Comparison Cathelco can combine C-Shield with their
of Additional marine pipework anti-fouling and
Fuel Required 500
corrosion suppression system to provide a
to Maintain complete protection package for vessels.
Cost in U.S. Dollars
Service Cathelco anti-fouling systems are based
Speed .00
0 on the electrolytic principle and eliminate
blockages in pipes, valves and
condensers caused by the growth of
barnacles and mussels.
BS 10
P rs
BI ear
s Minitek ICCP Systems
CC s
The Minitek system has been designed by
1. Ship Types: A - 25,000 dwt General Cargo, Corrintec Ltd to provide effective and
B - 150,000 dwt Bulk Carrier
2. Costings based on data for increased drag contained in BS CP1021
economical protection for smaller craft
3. Escalation: 4% pa compound such as fishing boats, work boats and
A system specifically designed
to protect your ship
C-Shield systems are specifically engineers. Reports with comments are
designed for the particular requirements then mailed back to the operator.
of individual vessels and their operating Specialised engineers are available to
conditions. They can be installed at attend service callouts as well as routine
newbuilding or retrofitted to existing drydocking.
tonnage during scheduled drydocking.
With comprehensive experience of ICCP Comprehensive Quality
system design and the factors which
influence hull corrosion, Cathelco’s
engineers will formulate the most effective The manufacture of C-Shield systems
arrangement of hull anodes, reference conforms to the highest standards of
cells and control panel(s). An important quality. Cathelco Ltd has been assessed
part of the service is the preparation of by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance and
detailed installation drawings and is registered under BS EN ISO 9002
instructions covering every aspect of the (1994).
system. The on-going commitment to these
All systems are provided with standards is verified at regular intervals
comprehensive manuals as part of the and is reflected by the commercial
standard package. These include sections success of the company in meeting the
on theory, installation, operation, quality requirements of some of the
maintenance, fault finding, drawings and world’s most prestigious fleets.
spare part listing. The C-Shield system fully complies with
all British and International Standards. In
Worldwide Service particular BS 7361: Part 1:1991 Cathodic
Cathelco engineers based world-wide are Protection, and is approved by all leading
available to assist the system installer, ship classification societies.
commission the equipment and provide
on-site instruction for operating staff.
To relieve operators of the need to
evaluate the performance of the system,
Cathelco offer a monthly review service.
Log sheets with daily readings completed
by the ship’s staff are analysed by our
Other products from International Service Network
Cathelco Our international network of sales and service centres can provide immediate advice
and assistance on the complete range of Cathelco products.
Marine pipework
Argentina Korea
anti-fouling systems
Australia Latvia
The Cathelco marine pipework anti-fouling Bahrain Lithuania
and corrosion suppression system has Brazil Malaysia
been fitted to over 6,000 ships ranging Brunei Mexico
from cruise ships and container vessels to
Canada Norway
ferries and fishing craft.
(East and West Coast) Pakistan
Recognised as world leaders in this field China Philippines
with more installations than any other (Dalian, Guangzhou, Shanghai Poland
individual manufacturer, Cathelco have Hong Kong) (Gdansk & Szczecin)
continued to develop and enhance the Croatia Portugal
Denmark Romania
Based on the electrolytic principle, it Egypt Russia
eliminates blockages in seawater cooling Estonia Singapore
lines caused by the growth of barnacles Finland South Africa
and mussels. Easy to install, completely France (Durban & Cape Town)
safe in operation and requiring minimum (Atlantic & Mediterranean Coasts) Spain
attention from the crew, the system
Germany Sri Lanka
provides complete and continuous
Greece Sweden
Holland Taiwan
To cover the requirements of smaller Iceland (Kaohsiung & Taipei)
vessels, luxury yachts and leisure craft, India Turkey
Cathelco have now produced miniaturised Indonesia United Arab Emirates
versions of the system with extremely
Iran USA
compact control panels and anodes.
Ireland (East, West & Gulf Coasts)
These enable vessels of any size to
Israel Vietnam
benefit from effective anti-fouling
protection at a very economical cost. Italy Venezuela
Telephone +44 1246 207702 Fax +44 1246 206519
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.cathelco.co.uk