Articulo Cientifico
Articulo Cientifico
Articulo Cientifico
ª 2005 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Société Française de Cosmétologie 223
Efficacy of preservatives in wet wipes A. Crémieux et al.
étanches. Comme la majorité des produits cosmé- fonction du temps, dépend du type de lingette et
tiques renfermant une phase aqueuse, les lingettes de la souche testée. Les résultats obtenus sont
sont sensibles à la contamination microbienne et sensiblement différents de ceux provenant des chal-
nécessitent, de ce fait, la présence de conservateurs. lenge-tests classiques appliqués aux liquides d’imp-
L’efficacité de ces conservateurs peut être évaluée régnation des lingettes et les différences observées
par un challenge test classique portant sur le liquide montrent l’intérêt d’une méthode spécifique applic-
d’imprégnation, mais cet essai ne peut être consid- able aux lingettes.
éré comme représentatif de ces nouvelles présenta-
tions. La méthode décrite ici évalue l’efficacité des
conservateurs au sein de lingettes imprégnées
maintenues dans leur emballage d’origine. Des ino- Cosmetic wipes, which originally appeared on the
culums desséchés sont préparés par filtration sur market some 20 years ago as baby hygiene
membrane et séchage à l’étuve. La mèthode est products, are now widely used in a variety of
applicable aux bactéries (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, applications, such as for face and eye cleansing
Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus et Enterococcus and make-up removal, treatment of oily skin, deo-
faecalis) aux spores de Bacillus cereus et aux fongi dorants, aftershaves, sun protection and self-tan-
(Candida albicans et Aspergillus niger). Ces porte ger- ning lotions.
mes sont introduits entre deux lingettes dans leur They consist of two main components: an absor-
emballage d’origine qui est immédiatement refermé. bent delivery system and a cosmetic formulation
L’essai nécessite au minimum un inoculum sec par to saturate the delivery system. The absorbent
emballage et un emballage pour chaque essai ou delivery system is most commonly fibre-based but
témoin. Après 1, 2, 7, 14, ou 28 jours d’incubation other materials, especially foams, can also be used.
à 22.5C, et, pour le témoin, immédiatement après The fibrous delivery system is generally non-
insertion de la membrane (temps 0), les dénombre- woven and consists of a mixture of viscose and
ments de microorganismes sont réalisés sur les polyethylene-tetraphthalate (PET) fibres. Mixtures
membranes porte germes et sur les lingettes adja- containing cotton or cellulose fibres also exist.
centes après transfert dans un neutralisant validé. Wet cosmetic formulations in non-woven sys-
Les membranes y sont agitées en présence de billes tems can be aqueous, hydro-alcoholic, an emul-
de verre et les lingettes sont dissociées à l’aide d’un sion or oil. There is no limitation with regard to
Stomacher. Les surnageants récupérés après the composition of products with the exception of
20 min de repos sont dénombrés par inclusion en viscosity, a key parameter. For acceptable satura-
boite de Pétri ou par filtration sur membrane. La fai- tion to be obtained, in other words uniform distri-
sabilité de la méthode a été démontrée pour chac- bution throughout the delivery system, the
une des sept souches citées ci-dessus. La répétabilité cosmetic composition must be a low-viscosity
et la reproductibilité des résultats obtenus sont liquid. In fact, practically all industrial processes
semblables à celles que l’on observe dans les essais now consist of spraying the cosmetic product onto
d’efficacité des conservateurs décrits dans les Phar- the non-woven system or soaking it in a bath.
macopées. Le taux de mortalité des microorganis- The most commonly applied rate of saturation is
mes pendant la préparation des inoculums secs 300–400%, which is 3–4 g of liquid per gram of
varie de 50% à 90% (réduction spontanée en géné- delivery system. With these saturation rates, a
ral voisine de 1 log, au maximum 2 log) selon la liquid sedimentation phenomenon is often observed
souche et l’essai. Le taux de recouvrement des in the case of multi-dose products. While wipes are
microorganismes constituant les inoculums secs sometimes presented in single sachets, most wipes
(sur membranes) au temps 0 (témoins ¼ T0) est vo- on the market are sold in packs containing 20–25
isin de 90% quelque soit la souche et l’essai. Le wipes, and up to 80 wipes for baby products. They
nombre de microorganismes récupérés des lingettes are either folded or stacked in the packet or criss-
(W0) est compris entre 2% et 10% de celui trouvé crossed so that the packet is always ready to be used
sur les membranes (T0) et il peut être considéré after the first wipe is removed. The packaging
comme négligeable. L’application de cette méthode material is usually plastic (polyethylene/polyester)
à différents types de lingettes montre que l’effica- or a plastic and aluminium complex.
cité des conservateurs, exprimée par la réduction As for the majority of cosmetic products, multi-
logarithmique du nombre de microorganismes en dose wipes saturated with a cosmetic formulation
including an aqueous phase are susceptible to encounter during manufacturing process and use
microbial contamination. Preservatives are gener- were therefore chosen for this test: Escherichia coli,
ally needed to maintain constant microbiological Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus faecalis,
quality during manufacture and storage and until Staphylococcus aureus, B. cereus (spores), Candida
the wipes are used. Suitable molecules for antimi- albicans and A. niger (spores).
crobial protection of cosmetic products are listed in The principle of the method was based on the
Appendix 6 of the European Cosmetics Directive, use of inoculums dried on a membrane which acts
which also specifies the maximum level of use [1]. as a carrier. Wipes were inoculated by the carrier
The efficacy of preservatives depends on a num- and the development of contamination was monit-
ber of factors. Efficacy cannot be estimated solely ored both on the carrier and on the wipes in con-
on the basis of data in the literature (ex. M.I.C.) tact with it to take into account all surviving
but must be checked using standard methods such microorganisms, regardless of the rate of transfer
as the challenge test [2–5]. The challenge test is from the carrier to the wipes.
based on the principle of artificial contamination Preliminary tests were performed to study the
of the product to be tested by different microbial survival of the most fragile microorganisms (bac-
strains. The level of contamination is then monit- teria) on the carrier inserted into wipes impregna-
ored at several time intervals. During the first step ted with diluent and to define, under real
of the test, the microbial inoculum in liquid form conditions, the parameters to be retained for the
is carefully mixed with the sample. The protocol evaluation of antimicrobial activity at various crit-
was originally designed to test cosmetic or phar- ical times. The results obtained made it possible to
maceutical products in liquid, fluid or semi-solid identify a trial protocol to validate the method and
form but is difficult to apply directly to wet wipes. then simplify the protocol so that it could be easily
However, it is important to evaluate the efficacy of used in routine tests.
preservation of these products in their final form
rather than simply testing the wetting liquid. It is
Materials and methods
likely that microbial growth, and especially mould
growth, is not the same in a liquid and at the sur-
Microbial strains
face of a saturated delivery system.
Various studies published in the literature reveal The strains used are collection strains stored at
the advantages of techniques which allow micro- )74C in the laboratory under the conditions laid
bial growth to be monitored over the course of out in standard EN 12353 [13]. Inoculums were
time [6–8] or methods which focus in particular prepared from working cultures where the number
on studying materials such as paper or textiles of transfers from the frozen batch was strictly lim-
[3, 5, 9–11]. However, they do not cover adapta- ited to 4. The reference strains were: P. aeruginosa
tion of the challenge test to the evaluation of anti- (ATCC 19429), E. coli (ATCC 8739), S. aureus
microbial protection in wipes and other saturated (ATCC 6538), E. faecalis (ATCC 33186), B. cereus
cosmetic delivery systems. This was the purpose of (ATCC 33019), C. albicans (ATCC 10231) and
the work reported in this paper. A. niger (ATCC 6275).
The main source of contamination of cosmetic
wipes is the non-woven delivery system, through
the presence of bacterial and fungal spores [12].
These organisms are represented in the present Several types of non-woven wipes packaged in a
method by Bacillus cereus spores and Aspergillus flexible sachet and saturated with oil in water emul-
niger spores. Moreover, as the manufacture of cos- sions containing preservatives were used in the
metic products is not, with the exception of a few study. They differed in terms of size, wetting liquid
cases, performed under sterile conditions, acciden- and packaging. They were either commercially
tal contamination by species from the production available products or products being developed.
environment, especially from water, is possible.
Finally, as these products come into contact with Type I wipes
users’ skin, they should have a degree of antimi- Packs of 25 make-up removal wipes containing
crobial protection against skin pathogens. Microor- phenoxyethanol and parabens. The sedimentation
ganisms representing those which the wipes may profile for the wetting liquid in type I wipes was
using a counting device (e.g. Malassez) (cf. EN inclusion in TSA agar for bacteria and Sabou-
1275 [14]). raud dextrose agar for fungi.
Adjusted suspensions were protected from desic-
cation by the addition of a protector (rehydrated Recovery and counting of microorganisms on wipes
powdered milk) at a rate of 0.5 mL of milk per Two wipes on either side of the previously extrac-
9.5 mL of adjusted suspension [15]. The adjusted ted membrane (four wipes in total) were trans-
and protected suspensions were filtered (1 mL dilu- ferred to a Stomacher bag containing 100 mL of
ted in about 10 mL of diluent) on membranes Eugon LT 100 broth. After stomaching for 10 min
placed in Petri dishes and left half-open for before being left to stand for 20 min at room tem-
15–20 min in a ventilated incubator at 36C until perature, the supernatant was recovered and the
completely dry. microorganisms counted in agar medium as above
Counting of the adjusted suspension (N) and the and by filtering the remaining liquid (90 mL) by
dry inoculum (I) was carried out in order to deter- membrane filtration (porosity 0.45 lm).
mine mortality caused by desiccation.
Test parameters
Inoculation of wipes and incubation
The various experimental values obtained over the
Inoculated membranes were inserted between the course of these trials were:
wipes at a rate of one or more membrane per pack N: control count for the calibrated inoculum
and maintained in the pack until counting (at 1, (»108 cfu mL)1 for bacteria, »107 cfu mL)1 for
2, 7, 14 or 28 days). Wipes were kept in their ori- fungi).
ginal packaging which was then resealed (heat- I: control count for the dry inoculum (microbial
sealed). load introduced into the wipe by the carrier).
Each test required the preparation of a number T0: initial contamination control (number of
of contaminated wipe packs equivalent to the recoverable microorganisms at time 0 from the
number of exposure times, with an additional pack carrier membrane inserted into the wipes).
acting as a control. Contact between the inocula- W0: number of microorganisms recovered from
ted carriers and wipes was maintained for 1, 2, four wipes in immediate contact with the carrier
7, 14 and/or 28 days at a temperature of at time 0.
22.5 ± 2.5C depending on the purpose of each M1, M2, M3, M7, M14, M28: number of recover-
particular test. able microorganisms from carrier membranes after
1, 2, 3, 7, 14 and 28 days contact (in cfu/car-
rier), W1, W2, W3, W7, W14, W28: number
of recovered microorganisms from the four wipes
The control (T0) was performed according to the (in immediate contact with the carrier) after 1, 2,
same procedure except that the contaminated 3, 7, 14 and 28 days (in cfu/four wipes).
membrane was removed immediately (time
£2 min) after its insertion into the wipe pack.
Preliminary tests
These tests assessed the feasibility of the method
Recovery and counting of inoculated
and evaluated the conditions for artificial contam-
ination of wipes by dry inoculums.
Recovery and counting of microorganisms on carrier
Microbiological content of wet wipes and control
Membranes removed with tweezers were placed
in an Erlenmeyer flask containing 100 mL of
Eugon LT 100 broth and glass beads (5 g). After Four wipes were removed from the middle of the
stirring for 3 min, 1 mL of broth was removed pack and placed in 100 mL of neutralizing diluent
and diluted to 1:10 (1:100 for the control at and stomached for 10 min. After being left to
t ¼ 0) in Eugon LT 100. For counting, 1 mL of stand for 20 min, the supernatant was recovered
the 1:10 dilution and 1 and 0.1 mL of the and total aerobic microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts,
1:100 dilution were carried out (in duplicate) by moulds) were counted.
Lethal rate of Gram-negative bacteria during ‘Routine’ test for evaluation of preservative
preparation of dry inoculums and in inoculated efficacy in wet wipes
carriers inserted into control wipes
After consideration of the results from preliminary
The test was limited to two strains of Gram-negat- testing, parameters for routine testing were
ive bacteria known to be sensitive to desiccation. chosen:
It was performed on control wipes saturated in a • Seven microorganisms.
sterile diluent. The test was repeated three times. • Insertion of the carrier in the centre of the pack
Counting of surviving bacteria was performed at of wipes.
day 1, 2, 3, 7 and 14 on both the carrier mem- • Evaluation time points of 0, 7, 14 and 28 days.
branes and the wipes. Evaluation of microbial content on the carrier
only (not on adjacent wipes). This routine test was
performed on type II multi-dose wipes.
Effect on test results of the level of insertion of
carrier in packs of wipes
Taking into account the sedimentation of the wet-
ting liquid in packs of wipes (see Fig. 1), varying
Preliminary tests
degrees of preservative efficacy can be observed. In
type I wipes, three carriers were inserted between Microbial content of wet wipes
the 4th and 5th, 14th and 15th, and 24th and None of the wipes tested (control wipes and satur-
25th wipes. The test was performed with two bac- ated wipes) showed the presence of microorgan-
terial strains (E. coli and S. aureus) and for short isms, which suggests that the number of
exposure times (24 and 48 h). microorganisms recoverable from four wipes under
the conditions of this test was <10.
Test parameters involved in the evaluation of
Lethal rate of Gram-negative bacteria during prepar-
preservative efficacy
ation of dry inoculums and on inoculated carriers
The test was conducted on the seven microbial inserted into control wipes
strains selected using type I wipes inoculated by The results for P. aeruginosa and E. coli, reported
insertion of the carrier in the centre of the pack of in Table I, show a high rate of mortality of the
wipes. inoculum (N) on the carrier membrane (I).
Although predictable, this loss is not negligible as
it represents about 1–1.8 log per carrier. This
Monitoring the level of microorganisms in the
result reveals the need to perform time 0 controls
contaminated wipes over time
for each strain and for each type of wipe.
The number of viable cells was counted at day 0, On the other hand, counts performed after 24 h
2, 7, 14 and 28. The number of microorganisms and up to the 14th day reveal the growth of inocu-
on the carrier membranes and on adjacent wipes lated microorganisms both on the inoculated carri-
was monitored and the levels of reduction with ers and adjacent wipes (>3 · 105 on membranes
reference to the number of recoverable microor- and >3 · 106 on wipes). As the survival of microor-
ganisms at time 0 were calculated. ganisms considered to be fragile is proven under
these test conditions, any reduction in the number
of microorganisms in routine testing of cosmetic
Repeatability and reproducibility
wipes can be attributed to antimicrobial activity.
To assess the repeatability of the method, a first It should also be noted that because of the
series of two independent tests was carried out on abundant growth observed, the exact level of dry
the same day using the same calibrated microor- inoculum recovery could not be established.
ganisms suspension. Reproducibility was estimated
from a third independent test carried out 1 week Effect on test results of the level of insertion of carrier
later using a different calibrated suspension. In in packs of wipes
this phase of development of the method, all tests The results are reported in Table II. In this test,
were performed by the same analyst. the lethal rate in the dry inoculum is 60% for
N, control count for the standard inoculum; I, control count for the dry inoculum; M1, M2, M3, M7, M14, number of recoverable survivors on membranes after 1, 2, 3, 7 and 14 days of contact (in cfu/
rates on the germ carrier at time 0 are 100% for
Table I Variation in the number of Gram-negative bacteria during preparation of dry inoculums and in inoculated carriers inserted into control wipes (without preservative)
S. aureus and 44–61% for E. coli.
After 24 and 48 h, no difference in the number
of survivors, and therefore in the efficacy of preser-
vation, was observed for the inoculated carriers
inserted at the bottom, centre and top of packs of
wipes (see Table II) whereas the sedimentation
profile in the wetting liquid in type I wipes (see
Fig. 1) is significant. Under the conditions of this
test and for this type of wipe, the level of insertion
of the carrier has no effect on the results.
Test parameters affecting the evaluation of
preservative efficacy
inoculum preparation
The data in Table III confirm the stability of
T0 M1 M2
Parameters N I Top(1) Middle(2) Bottom(3) Top Middle Bottom Top Middle Bottom
S. aureus 1.6 · 107 6.4 · 106 7.1 · 106 6.0 · 106 6.7 · 106 3.7 · 105 4.1 · 105 3.5 · 105 4.2 · 104 4.1 · 105 7.3 · 104
ATCC 6538
E. coli 2.0 · 107 1.1 · 107 4.4 · 106 6.2 · 106 4.3 · 106 1.4 · 105 1.3 · 105 1.5 · 105 1.3 · 104 6.1 · 103 3.8 · 103
ATCC 8739
N, control count for the standard inoculum; I, control count for the dry inoculum; T0, control for initial recoverable contamination on the
carrier membrane; M1, M2, number of recoverable survivors on carrier membranes after 1 and 2 days of contact (in cfu/membrane).
Membrane inserted between fourth and the fifth wipe.
Membrane inserted between 14th and the 15th wipe.
Membrane inserted between 24th and the 25th wipe.
Table III Number of microorganisms deposited on be considered the rate of initial transfer from the
inoculated carriers and number of survivors in dry carrier to the wipes with which it comes in con-
inoculums tact. This rate is the same for all tested strains.
However, the behaviour of the strains on the carri-
Strains N I ers and on the wipes for the duration of the test
differs (for example, for S. aureus, the ratio W2/
P. aeruginosa ATCC 19429 2.2 · 107 2.6 · 106–2.4 · 106(1) M2 ¼ 10)2; for A. niger, W2/M2 ¼ 1). Neverthe-
2.8 · 107 3.2 · 106(2) less, the preservative activity is demonstrated on
E. coli ATCC 8739 2.3 · 107 1.3 · 107–1.2 · 107
both the carriers and the wipes.
2.3 · 107 1.4 · 107
S. aureus ATCC 6538 2.9 · 107 2.1 · 107–2.1 · 107
In all cases, until the 28th day, when surviving
2.7 · 107 1.9 · 107 microorganisms were detected, they were consis-
E. faecalis ATCC 33186 2.2 · 107 1.2 · 107–1.4 · 107 tently detected on the carrier membranes.
2.1 · 107 1.7 · 107
B. cereus ATCC 33019 7.3 · 106 5.6 · 106–6.0 · 106
3.2 · 107 2.9 · 107 Efficacy of the preservative system in type I wipes
C. albicans ATCC 10231 1.8 · 107 1.0 · 107–1.2 · 107
2.0 · 107 1.5 · 107 The experimental results are reported in Table IV
A. niger ATCC 6275 1.6 · 107 1.2 · 107–1.4 · 107 and the rates of reduction in Table V.
1.3 · 107 9.5 · 106 Reproducibility of the results is within the range
expected for standard challenge test [unpublished
N, control count for standard inoculum; I, control count for dry data] with the exception of B. cereus. For the initial
two tests, the preservative system exhibited stasis
Results obtained in two tests performed on the same day with
the same calibrated suspensions.
against B. cereus spores. This was not the case in
Results obtained in a third test performed on a different day the third separate test where it appears that growth
with different calibrated suspensions. on the wipes occurred. This phenomenon could not
be explained.
resulting from scraping during wipe contact (and The efficacy of the preservatives was noted from
not as a result of the effect of preservatives), we day 2 for most strains. With C. albicans and
compared dry inoculum (I) counts with counts for A. niger, differences in efficacy were noted at day 2
the membrane that was in contact with the wipe but disappeared by day 7. For a given test, and
and then recovered immediately (T0 membrane). therefore for a given inoculum, the variation in
The differences noted between I values and T0 val- the number of microorganisms at different times is
ues are minor and appear to be attributable to the consistent and interpretation of results concerning
normal variability of the counts (see Table IV). efficacy of the preservative system is justified. For
The results of counts carried out on wipes (W0) better quantitative evaluation of the results,
are also uniform and represent about 10% of the these discrepancies, which were significant for the
population of the dry inoculum (T0), which may shorter times but subsequently disappeared, could
I, control count for dry inoculum; T0, W0, number of recoverable microorganisms at time 0 on membranes and wipes; M2, M7, M14, M28, number of recovered survivors on membranes after 2, 7, 14 and
28 days of contact (in cfu/membrane); W2, W7, W14, W28, number of recovered survivors on wipes after 2, 7, 14 and 28 days (in cfu/four wipes).
Results obtained in two tests performed on the same day with the same calibrated suspensions.
Results obtained in a third test performed on a different day with different calibrated suspensions.
A. Crémieux et al.
Efficacy of preservatives in wet wipes A. Crémieux et al.
Table V Reduction rates obtained at the level of carrier membranes and type I wipes
P. aeruginosa ATCC 19429 >6.00 >6.00 >6.00 >6.00 >5.00 >5.00 >5.00 >5.00
>6.00 >6.00 >6.00 >6.00 >5.00 >5.00 >5.00 >5.00
>6.00 >6.00 >6.00 >6.00 >4.70 >4.70 >4.70 >4.70
E. coli ATCC 8739 >6.00 >6.00 >6.00 >6.00 >5.00 >5.00 >5.00 >5.00
>6.00 >6.00 >6.00 >6.00 >5.00 >5.00 >5.00 >5.00
>6.00 >6.00 >6.00 >6.00 >5.00 >5.00 >5.00 >5.00
S. aureus ATCC 6538 2.98 >7.00 >7.00 >7.00 3.77 >5.00 >5.00 >5.00
3.28 >7.00 >7.00 >7.00 4.09 >5.00 >5.00 >5.00
2.39 >7.00 >7.00 >7.00 3.08 >5.00 >5.00 >5.00
E. faecalis ATCC 33186 >7.00 >7.00 >7.00 >7.00 >5.00 >5.00 >5.00 >5.00
>7.00 >7.00 >7.00 >7.00 >5.00 >5.00 >5.00 >5.00
>7.00 >7.00 >7.00 >7.00 >4.96 >4.96 >4.96 >4.96
B. cereus ATCC 33019 1.61 1.59 1.92 2.04 0.85 1.42 1.96 >5.00
1.45 1.30 1.37 1.66 0.83 0.95 1.63 >4.74
Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase
C. albicans ATCC 10231 2.78 >7.00 >7.00 >7.00 2.28 >6.00 >6.00 >6.00
2.82 >7.00 >7.00 >7.00 1.30 >6.00 >6.00 >6.00
0.89 5.92 >7.00 >7.00 1.37 >6.00 >6.00 >6.00
A. niger ATCC 6275 0.74 5.46 >7.00 >7.00 0.01 4.79 >6.00 >6.00
Increase 3.18 >7.00 >7.00 Increase 2.64 >6.00 >6.00
0.53 2.22 >7.00 >7.00 0.16 2.44 >6.00 >6.00
R2, R7, R14, R28: R (¼log T0 ) log M) after 2, 7, 14 and 28 days; R ¢2, R ¢7, R ¢14, R ¢28: R ¢ (¼log W0 ) log W) after 2, 7, 14 and 28 days.
have been minimized by using several carriers for in evaluating preservative efficacy. The results are
each time and taking into account the average of reported in Table VI.
two results in calculating the reduction. It was Among the seven microbial strains tested, only
deemed preferable to evaluate the method on a B. cereus (in the form of spores) showed the ability
wide range of strains rather than multiply the to survive after 28 days of incubation in all wipes,
number of trials for the same strain, in order to although the survival rate was considerably
better define the field of application and ensure it reduced in type II-3 and II-4 wipes, suggesting
is actually useful. spore germination and an effect of the preserva-
Given that the method is to be applied to var- tives on vegetative cells. With fungi, on the other
ious types of wipe, the test parameters were modi- hand, type II-1 and, especially, type II-2 wipes
fied to simplify the test: demonstrated faster activity than type II-3 and
• Minimum observation time of 7 days, in compli- II-4 wipes, with the effect being more pronounced
ance with evaluation criteria generally used for with C. albicans than with A. niger. The efficacy of
preservatives, preservatives against the four bacterial strains was
• Counts on carriers only, according to the results more pronounced for type II-2 wipes than for type
reported in Table IV. II-1, II-3 and II-4 wipes, which allowed the survi-
However, controls N, I and T0 were retained in val of E. faecalis for 7 days. With type II-1 wipes,
order to verify the validity of the dry inoculums four bacterial species were detectable at day 7 and
prepared for each test. it was not until day 14 that their numbers fell
below the method’s threshold of detection. The
control values I and T0 are similar to those
Routine test for evaluation of the efficacy of
observed previously, confirming the significant
preservatives in wet wipes
lethal rate of P. aeruginosa during the desiccation
Application of the ‘routine test’ to four types of phase and the good levels of microorganism recov-
wipes demonstrates its feasibility and its usefulness ery in carrier membranes. These results need to be
I, control count for the dry inoculum; T0, number of microorganisms recoverable on carrier membranes at time 0; M7, M14, M28, number of recoverable survivors on carrier membranes after 7, 14 and 28 days of contact (in cfu/membrane).
2.7 · 106 6.8 · 106 4.6 · 105 3.0 · 106 2.8 · 106 4.5 · 105 8.2 · 105 5.5 · 105 9.6 · 106 9.7 · 105 4.6 · 105 4.2 · 105 2.8 · 104 2.8 · 105 2.6 · 106 9.4 · 104 9.4 · 104 5.6 · 102
2.4 · 106 2.2 · 106 6.6 · 105 2.6 · 105 9.2 · 102
1.9 · 106 3.7 · 106 1.0 · 106 5.1 · 105 6.4 · 103 2.2 · 106 5.2 · 106 9.5 · 105 6.8 · 105 9.8 · 104
(Table VII, Plate 1). Generally speaking, it was
found that wetting liquids show greater antimicro-
bial activity than the corresponding saturated
delivery systems. This difference in behaviour is
1.7 · 103 0
3.1 · 106 88
5.6 · 106 4
5.4 · 106
3.2 · 106
3.7 · 106
3.2 · 106
1.7 · 107
2.0 · 106
6.4 · 106
6.2 · 106
6.4 · 106
2.2 · 106
6.2 · 106
B. cereus ATCC
33019 (spores)
ATCC 33186
ATCC 10231
P. aeruginosa
ATCC 6538
ATCC 6275
A. niger
8.8 · 105
the standardization of inoculums, several protocols
had to be evaluated in order to develop the pro-
1.2 · 106
posed methodology and determine the test param-
parameters are:
1.8 · 106
• Initial level of wipe contamination.
2.2 · 106 <200
Wipes II-4
• Recovery rate of microorganisms from mem-
T0, number of surviving microorganisms recoverable at time 0 (in CFU mL)1); M7, M14, M28, number of survivors after 7, 14 and 28 days/contact (in CFU mL)1).
branes at time zero.
B. cereus ATCC
33019 (spores)
ATCC 19429
ATCC 10231
P. aeruginosa
C. albicans
Number of CFU/membrane
1.0E + 07 1.0E + 07
Number of CFU ml
1.0E + 06 1.0E + 06
1.0E + 05 P.aruginosa
1.0E + 05 P.aruginosa
E.coli E.coli
1.0E + 04 S.aureus
1.0E + 04 E.faecalis
B.cereus B.cereus
1.0E + 03 C.albicans 1.0E + 03 A.niger
1.0E + 02 1.0E + 02
1.0E + 01 1.0E + 01
0 7 14 21 28 0 7 14 21 28
Time (days) Time (days)
1.0E + 07 1.0E + 07
1.0E + 06
Number of CFU ml
1.0E + 06
1.0E + 02 1.0E + 02
1.0E + 01 1.0E + 01
0 7 14 21 28 0 7 14 21 28
Time (days) Time (days)
1.0E + 07 1.0E + 07
1.0E + 06
Number of CFU ml
1.0E + 06
1.0E + 04 E.coli
1.0E + 04 E.faecalis
E.faecalis A.niger
1.0E + 03 B.cereus
1.0E + 03
1.0E + 02 1.0E + 02
1.0E + 01 1.0E + 01
0 7 14 21 28 0 7 14 21 28
Time (days) Time (days)
Plate 1 Comparison of results obtained for wet wipes by the specific challenge test with results obtained for the corres-
ponding wetting liquids using standard challenge test.
izes bacteria (P. aeruginosa, E. coli, S. aureus and Results of this study showed that the lethal rate is
E. faecalis), bacterial spores (B. cereus) and fungi slower on impregnated wipes than in corresponding
(C. albicans and A. niger). The feasibility of the wetting liquids tested by the standard challenge test.
method for various types of wipe has been demon- Consequently, using a challenge test adapted to wet
strated. The results obtained demonstrated differ- wipes appears to be essential within the context of
ent levels of preservative efficacy which vary as a developing this type of product.
function of strain, incubation time and type of Moreover, our results prove that the method
wipe. The repeatability and reproducibility of the may be applicable to all types of microorganism
results are similar to those for challenge tests des- and therefore to any microorganism of interest in
cribed in the Pharmacopoeias. the cosmetic industry as long as the production of
a dry inoculum is controlled. This methodology 8. Lrasfjk, D. Performance standards for antimicrobial
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