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Antioxidant and wound healing studies on

different extracts of Stereospermum colais leaf

Article · January 2010

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5 authors, including:

M. Thirumal Margesan


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R. Vijaya Bharathi et al. | Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci. Vol-1, Issue-4, 435-439, 2010

ISSN: 0975-7538
Research Article

Antioxidant and wound healing studies on different extracts of

Stereospermum colais leaf
R. Vijaya Bharathi*, B. Kumudha Veni, Jayashree, L. Suseela and M. Thirumal

Department of Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, Madras Medical College, Chennai-03, Tamil Nadu, India


Stereospermum colais (Bignoniaceae) leaves were extracted successively with n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate
and ethanol by continuous hot percolation process and aqueous extract by cold maceration process. All the ex-
tracts were subjected to anti oxidant activity. Chloroform extract showed maximum antioxidant activity with an
IC50 value of 36µg/ml. Chloroform, ethanol and aqueous extracts were taken for the screening of wound healing
activity by excision model. Chloroform and ethanol extract showed significant activity when compared with con-
trol and standard. Percentage of wound contraction on 15 day was found to be 96.34 ± 1.64, 95.15 ± 1.54 and
16.6 ± 0.33, 17 ± 0.25. The observations confirmed that chloroform and ethanol extracts showed significant
wound healing activity.
Keywords: Stereospermum colais; anti oxidant; wound healing activity.

1. INTRODUCTION ing of wounds involves the activity of an intricate net

work of blood cells, cytokines and growth factors which
Stereospermum colais is a large straight stemmed de-
ultimately leads to the restoration to normal condition
ciduous tree 18-30 m in height and 2.8 m in girth found
of the injured skin or tissue (Clark, 1991). Antioxidants
throughout in moist regions of India up to an altitude
counter the excess proteases and reactive oxygen spe-
of about 1200 m, chiefly in deciduous forests. It is
cies (ROS) often formed by neutrophil accumulation in
known as Yellow snake tree in English, Padri in Hindi
the wounded area and protect protease inhibitors from
and Pathiri in Tamil (Parrota, 2001). The leaves are use-
oxidative damage. Fibroblasts and other cells may be
ful in otalgia, odantalgia, rheumatalgia, malarial fever
killed by excess ROS and skin lipids will be made less
and wounds. The juice of the leaves mixed with lime
flexible, so antioxidant substances will reduce the pos-
juice is used in maniacal cases. Decoction of the leaves
sibility of these adverse events occurring. Because of
is used for treating chronic dyspepsia and also has anti
these several factors, overall antioxidant effects appear
pyretic properties. The root of this plant is used as an
to be important in the successful treatment of wounds
ingredient of the reputed Dasamula an Ayurvedic for-
(Houghton et al., 2005). The present study attempts to
mulation. The roots are bitter, astringent, acrid, ano-
bring out the hitherto unearthed antioxidant and
dyne, appetiser, constipating, diuretic, Lithotropic, ex-
wound healing potentials of the plant.
pectorant, cardio tonic, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory,
anti bacterial, febrifuge and tonic, anti emetic, anti 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
pyretic. The decoction of root is used in asthma and
2.1. Plant material
cough (Warrier, 2002).
Fresh leaves of Stereospermum colais were collected
Wounds are inescapable events in life. Wound may
from Javadhi hills in the month of May 2008 and were
arise due to physical, chemical or microbial agents. The
authenticated by Botanist Dr. P. Jayaraman, PARC,
four phases of normal wound healing include Haemos-
Chennai (voucher specimen no. PARC/2008/200) and
tasis, Inflammation, Proliferation and Remodeling.
then shade dried and powdered.
Wound healing processes are well organized biochemi-
cal and cellular events leading to the growth and rege- 2.2. Successive solvent extraction
neration of wounded tissue in a special manner. Heal-
The powdered leaves of the plant material were ex-
tracted successively with n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl
* Corresponding Author acetate, ethanol in a Soxhlet’s apparatus for 20 hrs and
Email: rvbharathi [email protected] finally macerated with water for 48 hrs. Each extract
Contact: +91- was concentrated by distillation of the solvent and
Received on: 08-07-2010 then evaporated to dryness on water bath. The % yield
Revised on: 12-09-2010 of each extract was 4.11 %w/w (n-hexane), 5.07%w/w
Accepted on: 18-09-2010

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R. Vijaya Bharathi et al. | Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci. Vol-1, Issue-4, 435-439, 2010
(chloroform), 5.21%w/w (ethyl acetate), 9%w/w (etha- measuring about 300 mm by using toothed forceps
nol), 26.48 %w/w (aqueous). and pointed scissors (Nayak et al., 2007).
2.3. Anti oxidant activity by DPPH free radical sca- The animals were divided into 5 groups of 6 animals
venging method each. Group I- Control group with wound and treated
with Ointment base; Group II- Standard group with
Oxidation is one of the most important processes,
wound and treated with Ont. Framycetin 1 % w/w;
which produce free radicals in food, chemicals and
Group III- Test group with wound and treated with
even in living systems. Free radicals have an important
Chloroform extract of 10 % w/w Stereospermum colais
role in the processes of food spoilage, chemical mate-
ointment; Group IV - Test group with wound and
rials degradation and also contribute to more human
treated with Ethanolic extract of 10 % w/w Stereos-
disorders in human beings. Active oxygen and in par-
permum colais ointment; Group V- Test group with
ticular, free radicals are considered to induce oxidative
wound and treated with Aqueous extract of 10 % w/w
damage in bio molecules and to play an important role
Stereospermum colais ointment. All the formulations
in aging, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and inflamma-
were applied once a day till the complete epithelializa-
tory diseases (Gupta et al., 2008). Anti oxidant activity
tion starting from the day of wounding.
of Stereospermum colais were studied by DPPH free
radical scavenging method. Wound healing property was evaluated by wound con-
traction percentage and wound closure time. The
The free radical scavenging activity of the extracts of
wound surface area was measured immediately by
Stereospermum colais was measured using the mod-
placing a transparent paper over the wound and trac-
ified method of Bios (1985). One ml of each extract and
ing it out, area of this impression was calculated using
the standard in various concentrations (10, 20, 40, 60,
the graph sheet. The same procedure is employed
80 & 100 µg/ml) was added to one ml of 0.1 mM solu-
every third day until healing was complete (Srinivas et
tion of Diphenyl- 2 –picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) in metha-
al., 2008 and Manjunatha et al., 2006).
nol. The mixture was vortexed and then incubated in a
dark chamber for 30 minutes after which the absor- The parameters observed in the study were as follows:
bance was measured at 517 nm, using a spectropho-
Epithelialization Period: It was monitored by noting the
tometer (UV-1650 pc, Shimadzu) against a DPPH con-
number of days required for the scar to fall off from
trol containing only 1 ml of methanol in place of the
the wound surface without leaving a raw wound be-
extract. DPPH is a purple coloured stable free radical.
When reduced it becomes the yellow colored Diphenyl
picryl hydrazine. Ascorbic acid was used as a standard Wound Contraction: It was noted by following the pro-
(James et al., 2008 and Ramnik et al., 2008). Percent gressive changes in wound area planimetrically, exclud-
inhibition was calculated using the following expres- ing the day of the wounding. The evaluated surface
sion area was then employed to calculate the percentage of
wound contraction, taking the initial size of the wound,
300 mm as 100 % by using the following equation:

C50 value was calculated. IC50 values denotes the con-

centration of test, which is required to scavenge 50 %
of DPPH free radicals
Histopathological study: For histopathological exami-
2.4. Wound Healing Activity nation tissues are collected from the completely
Excision wound model was used to evaluate the wound healed wound when the scar is removed and fixed in
healing activity. 10 % formalin. After the usual processing, 5µm-thick
sections were cut and stained with haematoxylin and
2.4.1. Experimental animals eosin. Then the tissues are observed under microscope
Healthy Wistar albino rats of either sex and of approx- to study different histopathological phenomenon
imately the same age, weighing between 150-250 g (Mukherjee, 2002).
were used for the study. They were individually 2.4.3. Statistical Analysis
housed, maintained in clean polypropylene cages con-
taining paddy husk bedding and fed with standard Diet The data were subjected to One way ANOVA followed
and water ad libitum. by Bonferroni test and the values of P< 0.05 were con-
sidered statistically significant.
2.4.2. Experimental procedure
Excision wound was inflicted on the rats according to
methods described by Morton and Malone (1972) un- DPPH is relatively stable nitrogen centered free radical
der light ether anesthesia. The dorsal fur of the animals that easily accepts an electron or hydrogen radical to
was shaved with an electric clipper. Full skin thickness become a stable diamagnetic molecule. DPPH radicals
was excised from the marked area to get a wound react with suitable reducing agents as a result of which

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R. Vijaya Bharathi et al. | Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci. Vol-1, Issue-4, 435-439, 2010

Table 1: Effect of successive extracts of Stereospermum colais on DPPH free radical scavenging method

Percentage Inhibition IC50

10 µg/ml 20 µg/ml 40 µg/ml 60 µg/ml 80 µg/ml 100 µg/ml (µg/ml)
Ascorbic acid 27.72 + 0.23 49.84 + 0.88 69.78+ 0.31 85.98 + 0.43 94.08+ 0.13 98.44+ 0.31 22
n-Hexane 5.91 + 0.12 8.72 + 0.17 19.62 + 0.17 43.30 + 0.06 52.02+ 0.14 58.87+ 0.20 76
Chloroform 19.00 + 0.10 37.07 + 0.56 52.33+ 0.62 72.58 + 0.54 78.19+ 0.21 86.91+ 0.08 36
Ethyl acetate 9.03 + 0.06 18.06 + 0.23 31.77 + 0.42 50.77 + 0.20 57.63+ 0.12 66.35+ 0.13 58
Ethanol 12.14 + 0.24 28.66 + 0.31 48.90 + 0.39 61.68 + 0.26 72.89+ 0.21 76.63+ 0.20 42
Aqueous 10.90 + 0.24 22.42 + 0.17 47.66 + 0.14 54.20 + 0.08 66.35+ 0.27 71.96+ 0.39 48
Table 2: Effect of Stereospermum colais on wound contraction and epithelialization period
Percentage of wound contraction Period of
Group (original wound area 300 mm ) epithelialization
Day 3 Day 6 Day 9 Day 12 Day 15 in days
Control 17.80 ± 1.4 30.92 ± 2.2 49.99 ± 2.4 60.64 ± 3.6 76.23 ± 1.2 20 ± 0.86
a* a* a* a* a* a*
Standard 23.75 ± 2.3 54.69 ± 1.6 67.72 ± 2.0 83.39 ± 1.3 100 ± 0.0 15 ± 0.06
a* a* a* a* a* a*
Chloroform 21.70 ± 0.2 54.12 ± 1.9 66.21 ± 1.7 82.03 ± 1.8 96.34 ± 1.6 16.6 ± 0.33
a* a* a* a* a* a*
Ethanol 21.47 ± 1.8 48.33 ± 3.0 64.76 ± 2.3 79.39 ± 2.4 95.15 ± 1.5 17 ± 0.25
a* a* a* a* a*b* a*b*
Aqueous 20.00 ±1.1 46.52 ± 1.8 63.21 ± 1.7 72.94 ± 2.1 90.56 ± 2.4 18 ± 0.36
1.972 18.70 11.82 14.73 34.52 27.10
a* a*b*
Values are expressed as mean ± SE; n = 6 in each group; P <0.05 Vs control, P <0.05 Vs std
the electrons become paired off forming the corres- ly where as standard group shows 100 + 0, indicating
ponding hydrazine. The solution therefore loses colour that chloroform and ethanol extract group shows sig-
stoichometrically depending on the number of elec- nificant wound healing property comparable to that of
trons taken up (Mangathayaru et al., 2007). standard group and highly significant with control
group. Aqueous group is less significant when com-
Successive extracts were tested for the antioxidant
pared with standard (Table 2).
activity in various concentrations ranging from 10 –
100 µg/ml by DPPH method. The results show the ef- The time required for complete epithelialization of the
fect of these extracts to scavenge free radicals. It was excision wound is an important parameter to assess
observed that free radicals were scavenged by the ex- the wound healing process. Complete epithelialization
tracts in a concentration dependent manner. The max- was noticed on the 15 day and also found that the
imum percentage inhibition of DPPH for n-hexane, mean time taken for complete epithelialization in chlo-
chloroform, ethylacetate, ethanol, and aqueous ex- roform, ethanol treated group was less than the ani-
tracts was 58.87 %, 86.91 %, 66.35 %, 76.63 %and mals treated with aqueous, control and more or less
71.96 % respectively at 100 µg concentration. Standard similar to the values of standard drug treated group.
drug ascorbic acid showed 98.84 % inhibition of the The period of complete epithelialization was delayed
DPPH radical at 100 µg concentration. IC50 value of by 2 days.
standard, n-hexane, chloroform, ethylacetate, ethanol,
3.1. Histopathological evaluation
and aqueous extracts are given in Table 1.
The photographs of histopathological observations are
In wound healing activity, significant promotion of
presented in Fig 1. The wound sections from the skin of
wound healing activity was observed in both chloro-
the normal animal shows adnexia and sub epithelial
form and ethanol extracts. The mean percentage con-
collagen where as animal in control group shows rege-
traction of wound area was calculated on 3, 6, 9, 12
rd nerating epithelium which is less significant when
and 15 post wounding days in all the groups. On 3 day
compared to other groups. Standard shows complete
there is no significant difference between the groups. A
healing with dense collagenation. The sections of the
very rapid contraction of the wound was shown in
tissues of 10% w/w chloroform shows significant colla-
standard, chloroform and ethanol treated groups be-
genation and 10% w/w ethanol extract shows signifi-
tween 6 and 9 days post surgery (p<0.05) when com-
cant collagenation with dilated vessels, when com-
pared with remaining groups. On day 12 chloroform
pared with standard and 10 % w/w aqueous extract
and ethanol extract shows significant similar to that of
shows exudates and it is less significant. This shows
the standard group treated with Framycetin 1 % w/w.
that treatment of rat wound with chloroform and
On the day 15, mean wound area of control, chloro-
ethanol extract ointment has led to reduction in scar
form, ethanol and aqueous groups were 76.23 + 1.27,
formation, enhanced fibroblast proliferation, angioge-
96.34 + 1.64, 95.15 + 1.54, 90.56 + 2.40 and respective-

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Figure 1: Effect of various extracts of Stereospermum colais on wound healing

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