Exemples de Lettre Commerciale

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D) Exemples de lettres commerciales : Demande de renseignements et Présentation

d’excuses (Request for Information & Apology)


Voici une demande de renseignements simple envoyée par un client potentiel fictif qui souhaite
acheter du matériel informatique.

Raymond Tapsoba
BP 1234 Ouagadougou
Tel: (+226) 65554535
Email: [email protected]
Burkina Faso

Reference: 2017-ENQ200

October 31, 2017


California Computers
456 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94133

Attention: Sales Manager

Dear Sir or Madam,

Re: Request for Information

I have seen your advertisement in the current issue of New Technologies and I would like to have
some more information about the new models of computers that you offer.

I am particularly interested in purchasing a laptop computer with a ten-gigabyte hard disk and a high
resolution color screen, the usual software required for my job (word processor, spreadsheet and
database), a scanner and a laser printer.

Could you please send me your latest catalog and price list, and possibly include your terms of

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Raymond Tapsoba
Company Manager


Enclosures 2

c.c.: Mr. Mackenzie, General Manager

P.S.: I will be in the US next week to visit your facility.

Example 2: LETTER OF APOLOGY (Lettre d’excuses)


1029, boul. Conway Sud
Gatineau (Québec) K2V 5G7
819 123-2307

Our reference: Sales contract 54098-23

October 31, 2017

Mr. Lloyd Hammond

983, croissant Health
Gatineau (Québec) H3J 4K8

Dear Mr. Hammond:

Subject: Service appointment

In reference to your telephone call about the bad service you received at our garage on
April 23, please accept our apology. We thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.
It is our policy to follow up on every legitimate complaint and to make sure that the
customer is satisfied.

We made a mistake when we asked you to come to the garage at 8 a.m. to have your car
fixed since your appointment was scheduled for 2 p.m. A misunderstanding occurred
when the reservation clerk took the wrong month section to confirm the appointments. We
have installed a computerized appointment calendar so that this kind of error will not
happen again.

We are really sorry about any trouble this unfortunate mistake has caused you, and we
hope this situation has not broken the confidence you have always had in our garage.

I checked in our records, and I noticed you have been a faithful customer for over 15 years.
We want you for the next 15 years.

As a compensation, please accept this $25 gift certificate which you can use at any time for
any of our services. If you have any questions or problems in the future, please contact me
personally, and I will do my best to help you.

Very truly yours,

Willis Burns


c.c.: Mr. Harry Grant, Service and Maintenance

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