Nashrah Alam FMA Assignment 1
Nashrah Alam FMA Assignment 1
Nashrah Alam FMA Assignment 1
Submitted To: Wasim ZOha
Submitted By: Nashrah LONDON SCHOOL OF
Table of Contents
1.1 Introduction 2
Task 1 2
1.2 Understanding the financial markets 2
1.3 Types of risks in the financial markets 2
2.1Task: 2 Political Environment
2.2 Political Factors 3
2.3 Economic Factors……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
Task 3 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4
3.3 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...5
1.1 Introduction
The aim of this report is to gain an understanding of financial markets, as well as the risks and
implications, as well as suggestions of how to solve those problems. This report also discusses
the inevitable and unknown factors that affect the market. It examines in depth how corporate
reporting on legal, social, and environmental issues reflects corporate success in the health care
sector as my chosen example.
Task: 1
1.2 Understanding the financial markets
Financial markets, in general, refer to any marketplace where shares are traded, including the
stock market, bond market, forex market, and derivatives market, etc.
Financial claims are bundled into compelling financial institutions such as securities, bonds,
deposits, and insurance plans. The financial system connects savers and lenders by harnessing
funds from savers to borrowers and providing savers with claims on borrowers' potential
earnings. This transition is accomplished by the financial system through the creation of financial
techniques, which are assets for savers and liabilities for borrowers. The banking sector creates
mechanisms for funds to be moved from people and families that have saved money to people
and groups who want to borrow money. For example: Loaning my car is an asset to the bank and
a liability for me. Financial firms act as an intermediaries by maintaining a portfolio of assets
and making claims to savers based on that portfolio. (Business Standard, 2013)
In the economy, bond and stock markets are vital. These markets facilitate the transfer of funds
from borrowers to lenders, resulting in increased economic efficiency. Market activity has an
impact on personal wealth, commercial practices, and the economy as a whole. Borrowers in this
market issue a security called a bond that guarantees timely payment of interest and principal
over a set period of time. The cost of borrowing is implied by the interest rate. [ CITATION Mik16 \l
1033 ]
The recent pandemic known as COVID 19 had a severe effect on financial markets, resulting in
significant economic instability around the globe. Both major financial markets across the globe
crashed in the last year of February 2020, leaving investors traumatized. [ CITATION Meh14 \l
1033 ]
when there’s an increase in stock price, interest rate and contributing to other factors and
non-directional risk arises from market volatility exposure (Gregory, 2010).
Credit risk: One of the most important risks for both the banking sector & operations. It
arises when one fails to upholds one’s commitments to one’s lenders. Sovereign risk and
settlement risk are two types of credit risk. Foreign exchange policy difficulties are
typically the source of sovereign risk. Whereas, settlement risk occurs when one party
makes a payment whilst the other fails to meet their obligations. For example: In 2009,
Dubai experienced a credit crisis. In 2010, Europe's sovereign debt crisis exploded.
During these crises, investors suffered massive losses (Dash Wu, Olson & Birge, 2011).
Liquidity risk: The inability to carry out transactions causes this form of risk. Asset
Liquidity Risk and Funding Liquidity Risk are two types of liquidity risk. Asset liquidity
risk occurs when there are limited buyers or sellers to fulfill sale or purchase orders,
accordingly (Gregory, 2010).
Political risk: This risk refers to the possibility that an investment's returns may be
harmed as a result of political uncertainty or changes in a region. A change of
government, legislative bodies, other international representatives, or military control
may all lead to this form of danger. As an investment's time period gets longer, the risk,
also known as geopolitical risk, becomes more of a concern [ CITATION Jam20 \l 1033 ]
These factors considerate the elements which are related to societal cultures and demographic
fashions. Consumer behavior is strongly influenced by social challenges and demands. For
example: recently, young adults are very much tech savvy and like to keep up with the trends by
using apps like tiktok & tinder to be more connected with the virtual world.
In business environment it’s crucial to do the market research on social & culture changes that
take place. Friends, family, colleagues, neighbors, and media these elements influences
consumer/customers approach, thoughts & interests. Thus it has an impact on the sales &
revenues earned. For example: people's attitudes toward diet and health are shifting in the United
Kingdom. As a result, several improvements are happening in UK companies. Fitness clubs are
becoming more popular. There is also a significant increase in demand for organic
food[ CITATION Bro21 \l 1033 ]. Therefore the businesses who are running fitness centers and
providing health conscious food are performing well financially.
Task 3
3.1 Reliable, relevant & objective accounting information
The aim of making financial statements credible & relevant is to provide the client with correct
financial details to use when making financial decisions. An investor needs to know that the
recorded net income accurately reflects the company's operations during the time. Financial
reports are used by investors to determine whether or not to sell their shares and the price at
which they will do so. Being ethical, reliable & relevant are the key principles of accounting.
Hence financial information must be relevant in order to be useful to auditors, administrators,
and stakeholders. Anything that can be considered useful, meaningful, timely, and
understandable for decision making - both internally and externally - is considered relevant
information [ CITATION Ahm13 \l 1033 ]
traditional. The below examples is an insight to how a company’s financial report can be
manipulated if the business does not follow the ethical issues.
Faking numbers: If an organization’s financial condition is not well documented, a
reporter will feel pressure to provide an estimate which may or may not be correct.
Incorrect estimates may lead to fraudulent figure that can give rise to legal issues.
For example: the health care industry heavily relies on investors for large purchases
including hospital campuses, new and enhanced therapies, equipment and so on. If the
organization’s report shows fake numbers it would not be able to provide the necessary
care needed. [ CITATION Car04 \l 1033 ]
Asset misappropriation: A hospital nurse, for example, can use hospital commodities to
care for a loved one at home. As ethical as this might sound, it is detrimental to the
organization's financial statements. [ CITATION Car04 \l 1033 ]
Disclosure concerns: A company that is dishonest in its documentation can lose more
than one investors at a time. This results in less support for the entity and, in many cases,
a lack of treatment for patients.
Executive focusing: Many times, an organization's executive has been granted too many
powers, putting pressure on the accountant to fake figures and not reveal specific details
in order to attract investors and demonstrate an increase in revenue and control.
No direct chain of command: In order to achieve the right financial reporting & review,
every business must have a proper command chain. If an employee finds a mistake in a
company’s reporting, it should be reported & this chain should be maintained strictly in
the future. Furthermore, a company without a chain of command makes it impossible for
patients who want to report.
Agency theory: To comprehend the relationships between agents and principals, agency
theory is applied. In a specific business transaction, the agent represents the principal and
is supposed to represent the principal's best interests without regard for self-interest.
[ CITATION Jim19 \l 1033 ]
Financial markets provide the necessary bridge between entities who require money & entities
who have money. It is for this reason that world’s economy relies on the efficient performance of
those markets. Several factors such as politics culture, tax affect the financial performance of
entities, and in turn the financial markets.
It is in the best interest of all stake holders to ensure the ethical & reliable disclosure of financial
reports as it will give them the proper means for sound decision making.
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