Quality Control Answer Key-RED PACOP

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Quality control 1 and 2 (PACOP REVIEWER) B.

Assay of Sodium Chloride, USP

C. Assay of Zinc Chloride, USP

1. Acceptable glassware to be used to deliver an D. Assay of Sodium Nitrite, USP

exact volume of a certain standard solution to be used E. Assay of Sulfurated Potash, USP

for titration: 7. Volhard Method in volumetric precipitation involves

A. Beaker D. Analytical balance the use of what indicator?

B. Buret E. Volumetric flask A. Eosin TS

C. Graduated cylinder B. Ferric Ammonium Sulfate TS

2. An inert type of stainless steel used in dissolution C. Phenolphthalein TS

apparatus recognized by the USP: D. Potassium Chromate TS

A. Type 114 D. Type 489 E. Orthophenanthroline TS

B. Type 239 E. All of the choices 8. Nitrogen content determination of foods and

C. Type 316 pharmaceuticals involves what method?

3. Volumetric apparatus designed to contain a definite A. Fajan’s method D. Gravimetric method

volume of liquid: B. Gay-Lussac method E. Winkler method

A. Beaker D. Volumetric flask C. Kjeldahl method

B. Buret E. B and C 9. Fat constant that states the degree of unsaturation

C. Pipet in fats and fixed oils:

4. Titrant employed for non-aqueous alkalimetric A. Polenske number D. Iodine number

titration: B. Koettsdorfer number E. Acetyl number

A. Ammonium Hydroxide C. Unsaponifiable matter

B. Hydrochloric Acid VS 10. In potentiometric titration, the equivalence point in

C. Perchloric Acid in Glacial Acetic Acid VS the first derivative plot is signified by:

D. Potassium Hydroxide VS A. The steepest part of the curve

E. Sodium Methoxide VS B. The line that crosses 0 in the x axis

5. USP specifies that the standardization of Sodium C. Maxima or minima of the plot

Hydroxide VS should be done using ______ as D. Sharp change in pH reading

standard: E. Change in color of the solution

A. Hydrochloric Acid VS 11. An instrument that measures the durability of

B. Sodium Carbonate tablets to withstand shock and abrasion during

C. Tromethamine transport:

D. Potassium Biphthalate A. Hardness tester D. Polarimeter

E. Potassium Dichromate B. Caliper E. Friabilator

6. Gravimetric analysis is an appropriate method for: C. Analytical balance

A. Determination of Atropine content of Belladonna 12. USP definition of negligible:

A. A quantity of not exceeding 0.25 mg Molecular Weight of Potassium

B. A quantity of not exceeding 0.50 mg Dichromate=294.18g/mol

C. A quantity of not exceeding 2.5 mg A. 1.5801 D. 1.3337

D. A quantity of not exceeding 5.0 mg B. 0.2635 E. 1.8153

E. None of the choices C. 0.6669

13. An example of drying oil: 18. Titrant used for the official assay of ascorbic acid

A. Cod liver oil D. Sesame oil dosage forms:

B. Olive oil E. Lard A. Sodium Tetraphenylboron VS

C. Coconut oil B. Iodine VS

14. Orthophenanthroline TS undergoes a color C. Potassium Hydroxide VS

transition from ______ to ______: D. Disodium Edelate VS

A. Colorless to pink D. White to black E. Dichlorophenol-Indophenol VS

B. Yellow to red E. Blue to yellow 19. Equivalence factor for potassium permanganate

C. Red to blue as an oxidizing agent:

15. A tightly closed container of suitable size and A. 2 D.10

design that maintains an atmosphere of low moisture B. 3 E. 23

content by means of appropriate drying agents: C. 5

A. Desiccator 20. Assay of volatile oil which involves bisulfate

B. Muffle furnace addition method:

C. Oven A. Olive oil D. Peppermint spirit

D. Glass stoppered bottle B. Caraway oil E. Clove oil

16. Apparatus used for determination of alcohol- C. Lemon oil

soluble extractives of benzoin: 21. A glassware usually used in gravimetric analysis

A. Acetylization flask that has a perforated bottom upon which is bedded of

B. Cassia flask asbestos that is used for separation of precipitates by

C. Babcock bottle use of suction filtration:

D. Soxhlet apparatus A. Aspirator D. Soxhlet apparatus

E. Clavenger apparatus B. Buchner funnel E. Reflux condenser

17. Calculate the normality factor for 0.1N Sodium C. Gooch Crucible

Thiosulfate VS given the following data: 22. For samples which contain 50-100% of the active

Weight of Potassium Dichromate=0.2256g constituent, the difference in percent between two

Volume of titrant consumed during determinations should be:

standardization=34.55mL A. 0.03-0.05% D. 0.30-0.45%

Volume of titrant consumed during blank B. 0.10-0.20% E. Not more than 3%

determination=0.05mL C. 0.20-0.25%

Molecular Weight of Sodium Thiosulfate=248.19g/mol

23. In analytical chemistry, cleaning solution is A. Erlenmeyer flask D. stirring rod

basically a solution containing: B. Policeman E. Watchglass

A. Nitric acid D. Chromic acid C. Spatula

B. Joy® E. Liquid Sosa®

C. Sodium phosphate 29. Assay involves an acidimetric type of titration:

24. pH-adjusting agent used in EDTA titrations using A. Determination of total alkalinity of NaOH

Dithizone TS as indicator: B. Phosphomolybdate assay for phosphates

A. 3N HCL C. Assay of Precipitated Sulfur using oxygen flask

B. CH3COOH-CH3COONa buffer combustion

C. NH3-NH4Cl buffer D. Assay of Cupric Sulfate

D. 1N NaOH E. Assay of Zinc Chloride

E. Any of the choices 30. Extraction of alkaloids could be done by using:

25. Acid color of phenol red: A. Clavenger apparatus D. Separatory funnel

A. Colorless D. Yellow B. HPLC E. Spectrophotometer

B. Red E. Green C. Brine shrimp assay

C. Blue 31. Stability projection for shelf life of pharmaceuticals

26. Reducing titrant that is susceptible to bacterial are commonly based on ______ equation:

degradation: A. Arrhenius equation

A. Oxalic Acid VS B. Clausius-Clapeyron equation

B. Potassium Permanganate VS C. Dieterici equation

C. Sodium Thiosulfate VS D. Henderson-Hasselbalch equation

D. Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate VS E. Van Deemter equation

E. Ceric Sulfate VS 32. A plot of the absorbance of the analyte vs.

27. Actual indicating species in the assay of Hydrogen wavelength which determines the λmax at which the

Peroxide Topical Solution: absorbance of the standard and unknown solutions

A. Free iodine extracted by chloroform will be made:

B. Intense purple color of permanganate ion A. Beer’s plot

C. Blue color of starch-iodo complex B. Planck’s constant

D. Use of Diphenylamine TS as indicator C. Rf value

E. None of the choices D. Spectral absorbance curve

28. A piece of soft rubber tubing fitted to the end of a E. None of the choices

glass rod. It is used to loosen from the walls of the 33. A suitable detector for radioactive samples:

containing vessel adhering particles that are not A. UV detector D. Vanillin reagent

removable by a stream of water from the wash bottle: B. Echelette grating E. Iodine vapour

C. Geiger-Muller Counter
34. Type of crucible that can withstand high 40. Most popular indicator electrode for pH

temperature and is suitable for use in ignition of drugs determinations that involves the exchange of

and precipitates: hydrogen ions on its surface:

A. Borosilicate Glass D. B and C A. Standard Hydrogen Electrode

B. Sintered crucible E. A, B and C B. Glass electrode

C. Porcelain C. Fluoride electrode

35. In the official assay, Boric Acid, NF acts as a D. Quinhydrone electrode

strong monobasic acid due to the addition of what E. Calomel electrode

sugar alcohol: 41. The use of potassium chromate TS as indicator in

A. Erythritol D. Sorbitol Volumetric precipitation is also known as the ______

B. Glycerol E. Xylitol method:

C. Mannitol A. Fajan’s Method D. Dumas Method

36. Measures the free fatty acid present in a given B. Gay-Lussac Method E. Volhard Method

sample of fats of fixed oil: C. Mohr Method

A. Acid Value 42. An aqueous solution composed of potassium

B. Ester Value iodide and red mercuric iodide used for the detection

C. Crude Fiber of alkaloids:

D. Iodine Value A. Dragendorff’s reagent D. Valser’s reagent

E. Unsaponifiable Matter B. Hubl’s reagent E. Wagner’s reagent

37. Assay method for Sodium Hypochlorite Solution, C. Mayer’s reagent

USP: 43. The reciprocating cylinder, basket apparatus and

A. Acidimetry paddle apparatus are used for what in-vitro test for

B. EDTA titration tablets?

C. Iodometry A. Assay D. Dissolution

D. Permanganometry B. Content Uniformity E. Friability

E. Volumetric precipitation C. Disintegration

38. Official method of water content determination of 44. In weight variation test for tablets, a 5.0%

pharmaceutical samples: difference in average tablet weight is accepted for

A. Azeotropic distillation D. A and C tablets with an average weight of:

B. Gravimetric determination E. A, B and C A. 130 mg or less D. A and B

C. Karl Fischer method B. 130 mg to 324 mg E. A, B and C

39. Analyte that involves an alkalimetric type of assay: C. More than 324 mg

A. Magnesium Sulfate D. 2-Phenoxyethanol 45. In what case/s will addition of nitrobenzene be

B. Sodium Chloride E. Selenium Sulfide unnecessary in Volhard analysis?

C. Hydrogen Peroxide Solution

I. Determination of chloride 51. Insufficient sulphuric acid added to the analyte

II. Determination of bromide solution during permanganate titration will:

III. Determination of iodide A. Will turn the solution intense purple

A. I only D. III only B. Promote formation of a brown precipitate

B. II and III E. I, II and III C. Will discharge the color of permanganate ion

C. I and II D. Promote completion of the reaction

46. Solve for the acid number of a 2g sample of cod E. Will turn the solution green

liver oil which required 4.5mL of 0.02 KOH in the 52. EDTA titration using dithizone TS as indicator

titration.(MW of KOH 56.11g/mol): should be conducted at what pH?

A. 0.25% D. 2.5mg/g A. 2 D. 10

B. 2.5% E. 0.25mg/g B. 4.6 E. 13

C. 25mg/g C. 7

47. Diazotization assay is used for analysis of what 53. The water content of an 875.4mg samle of dried

class of analytes? neem leaves was determined with a moisture

A. Mercaptans D. Cyanides analyzer. What is the % w/w H2o in the leaves if the

B. Sulfonamides E. Volatile oils final mass was found to be 545.8mg?

C. Alkaloids A 1.60% D. 98.40%

48. Optical rotation is measured using what B. 37.85% E. 5.42%

instrument? C. 62.35%

A. Refractometer D. Polarimeter 54. This value represents the percentage of test

B. ph meter E. Spectrophotometer material which is volatilized and driven off under the

C. HPLC condition specified:

49. Masking agent that permits the determination of A. Water content Determination

Mg+2 in the presence of Al+3 ions: B. Ignition to constant weight

A. Absolute alcohol C. Loss on drying

B. Ammonium Fluoride D. Loss on ignition

C. Triethanolamine E. Acid insoluble ash

D. Potassium Sodium Tartrate 55. Potassium biphthalate is a primary standard used

E. Nitric acid for standardization of ______:

50. A parameter that checks the homogeneity of the A. Sulfuric Acid VS

active ingredient in tablets and is usually done by B. Sodium Hydroxide VS

assaying a certain number of tablets individually: C. Ammonium Thiocyanate VS

A. tablet hardness D. Content Uniformity D. Potassium Permanganate VS

B. Tablet thickness E. Weight variation E. Disodium Edetate VS

C. Dissolution
56. Type of chromatography wherein the mobile 63. Suitable form of starch for the preparation of

phase is polar in nature and the stationary phase is Strach TS:

nonpolar in nature: A. Arrowroot starch

A. Thin layer chromatography B. Soluble Starch

B. Ion-exchange chromatography C. Starch with high α-amylose content

C. Normal phase chromatography D. A and B

D. Reversed-phase chromatography E. A, B and C

E. Paper chromatography 64. Reagent added during preparation of Sodium

57. Tromethamine is a primary standard used for the Thiosulfate VS that imparts stability to the volumetric

standardization of what VS? solution by acting as an antimicrobial preservative

A.Sodium Nitrite VS D. Silver Nitrate VS and suppresses acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of the

B. Ammonium Thicyanate VS E. Perchloric Acid VS volumetric solution:

C. Sulfuric Acid VS A. Hydrochloric acid D.Carbon tetrachloride

58. Stationary phase in paper chromatography: B. Sodium bicarbonate E. Starch

A. Cellulose D. Water C. Sodium carbonate

B. Acetic acid E. Methanol 65. Volumetric solution that is used for analysis of

C. Acetonitrile vitamin C raw material according to USP:

59. Method of detection for TLC: A. Potassium Arsenite VS

A. Iodine vapour D. Vanillin Reagent B. Sodium Nitrite VS

B. Sulfuric acid E. All of the choices C. Iodine VS

C. UV lamp D. Dichlorophenol-indophenol VS

60. What does G stand for in silica gel G? E. Ceric Sulfate VS

A. Gauss D. Gall 66. Preservative in Starch TS:

B. Germanium E. Ghrelin A. Sodium thiosufate D. Carbon disulfide

C. Gypsum B. Red mercuric iodide E. Arsenic trioxide

61. Purpose of potassium iodide in preparation of C. Saliva

Iodine VS: 67. Titrant which involves the formation of iodine

A. To protect iodine from microbial degradation monochloride during titration:

B. To permit dissolution of iodine in water A. Iodine VS

C. As an Antioxidant B. Perchloric acid Vs

D. A and B C. Potassium iodate VS

E. A, B and C D. hydrochloric acid VS

62. Iodometry is a suitable method for: E. Sodium Thiosulfate VS

A. Ascorbic acid D. Sugar alcohol 68. Koppeschaar’s Solution:

B. Mercaptans E. Antimony K Tartrate A. 0.1N Bromine VS

C. Sulfites B. Chlorine Water

C. 0.1N Iodine VS 73. Method in Iodine Value determination which

D. Phosphoric Acid employs the use of Iodobromide Ts as source of

E. Ammonium Phosphomolybdate TS iodine:

69. A 1.4500g sample of liquefied phenol was A. Hanus method D. Karl Fischer method

dissolved in enough water to make 1000mL. A 30mL B. Hubl’s method E. Winkler method

sample of the solution was treated with 30mL of 0.1 N C. Wij’s method

Bromine Vs and HCL. The mixture was treated with 74. A polarity scale of solvent arranged according to

potassium iodide and titrated with 7.38mL of 0.1N increasing eluting power:

sodium Thiosulfate VS. It was also found that 21mL of A. Electromotive series D. pH scale

0.1N Sodium thiosulfate VS was required in the B. Eluotropic series E. Partition coefficient

titration of the iodine liberated when 20mL of 0.1N C. Irving-Williams scale

bromine VS was treated with KI and HCL. Calculate 75. The assay of Opium for % Morphine content is an

the % phenol in the sample. (MW phenol=94.11g/mol) example of:

A. 29.00% D. 65.56% A. Limit Test D. Identification Test

B. 86.99% E. 13.33% B. Trace Constituent Analysis E. Proximate Assay

C. 8.70% C. Ultimate Assay

70. What is the pH of a 0.400M HNO3 solution? 76. An unknown sample of a soluble sulphate

A. 0.40 D. 4.12 weighing 1.8000g yielded 0.9000g of barium sulphate.

B. 2.05 E. 1.67 Calculate the % sulfur present in the unknown. (MW

C. 0.60 of barium sulfate=233.40g/mol, MW of

71. calculate the NaHCO3 content of a 1.2500g sulfur=32.06g/mol).

sample of a mixture containing sodium carbonate and A. 6.87% D. 3.43%

sodium bicarbonate requiring 13.80mL of 0.5250N B.7.28% E. 14.56%

HCL on titration to phenolphthalein endpoint and an C. 13.74%

additional 16.30mL on further titration to a methyl 77. The acid value of a certain fixed oil is .96 and the

orange endpoint.(MW NaHCO3=84.01g/mol) ester value is 2.48. What is the saponification number

A. 61.4% D. 30.7% of the sample?

B.8.82% E. 70.22% A. 0.50 D. 7.44

C. 17.64% B. 2.48 E. 12.30

72. When organic compound is placed on a very high C. 3.72

magnetic field, the protons absorb radiant energy and 78. Unsaponifiable matter in the plant matter may

produce characteristics peaks due to the organic represent:

groups associated with the protons: A. Unsaturated fatty acid D. Silica

A. UV spectrophotometry D. HPLC B. Paraffin E. Rancidity

B. Colorimetry E. Polarography C. Phytosterol

C. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

79. Alcoholic hydroxyl groups present in fatty acids is A. Differentiating D. Protophilic

estimated using what fat constant? B. Leveling E. Aprotic

A. Acetyl value D. Iodine value C. Protogenic

B. Acid value E. Ester value 86. Analyte that is can be assayed by ferric chloride

C. Unsaponifiable matter titration:

80. Assay which involves back titration: A. Antimony potassium tartrate D. Titanium Dioxide

A. alkalimetric determination of esters B. Precipitated sulfur E. Vanadyl Sulfate

B. Total alkalinity of fixed alkalis C. Sodium Fluoride

C. Determination of chloride by fajan’s method 87. Assayed by iodimetry:

D. EDTA titration of zinc ion A. Iodine Tincture for Iodine Content

E. Determination of peroxide by permanganate B. Sodium Thioglycollate

method C. sodium metabisulfite

81. An example of drying agent used in desiccators: D. A and B

A. Anhydrous calcium chloride D. Silica gel E. A, B and C

B. Solid potassium hydroxide E. All of the choices 88. Equivalence factor when arsenic trioxide is used

C. Phosphorus pentoxide for standardization of iodine VS:

82. Appropriate glassware to be used in the assay of A. 1 D. 4

cupric sulfate, USP: B. 2 E. 5

A. Beaker D. Iodine flask C. 3

B. Buret E. Volumetric flask 89. Titrations involving oxidation of sugar alcohols

C. Erlenmeyer flask involve the use of what oxidizing agent?

83. Reproducibility of data within a series of results is A. Ammonium thiocyanate D. Oxalic acid

usually reported as: B. Potassium periodate E. Sodium thiosulfate

A. Absolute error D. t-test C. Potassium permanganate

B. Relative error E. Q-test 90. Titrimetric assay for ferrous salts employ what

C. Standard deviation method?

84. Appropriate indicator for a strong acid-weak base A. Cerimetry D. Precipitimetry

titration: B. Acidimetry E. Gravimetry

A. Phenolphthalein D. Diphenylamine C. Iodometry

B. Methyl red E. Starch 91. Equivalence factor for sodium thiosulfate:

C. Eriochrome black T A. 1 D. 6

85. Several acids, dissolved in a solvent, are B. 2 E. 10

completely ionized. The solvent can be classified as a C. 3

______ solvent: 92. Determination of bulk density of a power can be

done using:
A. Scott volumeter D. A and B D. Indication of molecular structure

B. Graduated cylinder E. A, B and C E. All of the choices

C. Viscometer 99. Examples of in-plane bending vibration of atoms:

93. Assayed by precipitation as calcium oxalate, A. Scissoring and twisting

conversion to oxalic acid and titrating with acidified B. Rocking and wagging

permanganate: C. Wagging and twisting

A. cherry juice for malic acid D. scissoring and rocking

B. sodium nitrite E. All of the items mentioned

C. titanium dioxide 100. Appropriate weighing vessel for liquid samples:

D. Selenium sulfide A, Beaker D. Dropper bottle

E. hydrogen peroxide topical solution B. Weighing bottle E. Volumetric flask

94. Formes a chelate with divalent and multivalent C. Watchglass

cations: 101. Faulty calibration of laboratory apparatus can

A. Ammonia D. Oxalate ion result in what type of error?

B. Ededate ion E. All of the choices A. Systematic, methodic error

C. Fluoride ion B. Systematic, instrumental error

95. Extrction using two immiscible solvents using a C. Indeterminate, personal error

separatory funnel is governed by _______: D. Indeterminate, absolute error

A. Le Chatelier’s principle D. common-ion effect E. Gross

B. Nernst’s law E. Law of entropy 102. What is the pH of a 0.1M solution of acetic acid?

C. Rf value (Ka=1.75x10-5):

96. Organic precipitant employed for the assay for A. 5.00 D. 7.00

MgO content of magnesium citrate oral solution: B. 2.88 E. 9.24

A. Cupferron D. DMG C. 4.76

B. Nitron E. Ferroin 103. the direct or residual titrimetric determination of

C. Oxine organic or inorganic acids using an accurately

97. A parameter that denotes the nearness of the measured volume of base:

experimental dta of the true value: A. Acidimetry D. Precipitimetry

A. Accuracy D. Ruggedness B. Alkalimetry E. Oxidimetry

B. Deviation between trials E. B and C C. Potentiometric titration

C. Precision 104. the current official assay for aspirin tablets

98. Chromatography is useful for: employs what method?

A. Resolution of mixtures into constituents parts A. Residual alkalimetry D. HPLC

B. ID test by comparing the unknown to a standard B. TLC E. bioassay

C. Determination of homogeneity C. UV spectrophotometry

105. Alcohol content determination in the USP A. 14% D. 86%

involves ______ step to separate the alcohol from the B. 28% E. 100%

sample matrix followed by determination of _____ to C. 43%

determine its concentration: 111. Assayed for ketone content:

A. HPLC, viscosity A. Caraway oil D. A and B

B. Extraction using immiscible solvent, TLC B. Spearmint oil E. A, B and C

C. Distillation, specific gravity C. Cinnamon oil

D. Soxhlet extraction, optical rotation 112. Saponifying agent used for the analysis of

E. Acetylization, titration volatile oils and fixed oils:

106. An instrument that produces ions the substance A. alcohol KOH VS D. A and B

under investigation, separates them according to m/z B. NaOH VS E. A, B and C

(charge to mass) ratio, and records the relative C. strong ammonia solution

abundance of each ionic species present: 113. Used to determine the content of inorganic

A. NMR D. HPLC impurities in an organic substance. This involves a

B. MS C. FTIR procedure to measure the amount of substance not

E. Fluorimeter volatilized from a sample when the sample is ignited

107. Riboflavin assay: in the presence of sulfuric acin:

A. HPLC D. Turbidimetry A. Total ash D. A and C

B. TLC E. Colorimetry B. Loss on drying E. A, B and C

C. Fluorimetry C. Residue on ignition

108. if an air-dried drug containing 10% moisture 114. type of ionization in mass spectrometry which

2.5% ash calculated ion the basis of the air-dried involves a high energy beam of neutral atoms,

drug, what percent of ash would the moisture-free typically Xe or Ar, causing ionization of the sample.

drug contain? This is useful for determination of molecular weight:

A. 25% D. 6.25% A. Electron impact

B. 4% E. 7.5% B. Chemical ionization

C. 2.25% C. Fast atom bombardment

109. Reagents that are used to prepare Bromine VS: D. MALDI-TOF

A. Bromine and water E. Electrospray ionization

B. Bromine and potassium bromide 115. The microbial assay for niacin and calcium

C. potassium bromide and potassium bromate pantothenate employs:

D. Potassium hypoiodite and potassium perbromate A. Lactobacillus plantarum

E. Potassium bromide and hydrochloric acid B. Lactobacillus leichmannii

110. If a 10.0mL sample of clove oil yields 1.4mL of C. Pediococcus acidilactici

residual liquid in a cassia flask, what is the % eugenol D. Streptococcus pyogenes

content of the sample? E. Streptomyces venezuelae

116. test animal used in pyrogen testing: 122. A nitrometer is employed in:

A. Cat D. Horseshoe crab A. Column Chromatography

B. Dog E. rabbit B. Soxhlet extraction

C. guinea pig C. Gasometric analysis

117. IR region that is used in the identification of D. NMR

functional groups sucs as carbonyl, amino and E. Polarography

hydroxyl groups, present in an organic compound: 123. The biological assay for digitalis employs what

A. Fingerprint region test animal?

B. Radiofrequency region A. Rats D. Pigeons

C. Group frequency region B. Guinea pigs E. rabbit

D. Absorption spectrum C. dogs

E. Near-IR region 124. Gonad-stimulating principle of placental origin

118. Samples to be subjected to titration should prepared from the urine of pregnant women:

consume approximately how many mL of titrant such A. Estrogen D. Vasopressin

that errors in buret readings and weighings will not be B. Chorionic gonodotropin E. Progesterone

significant? C. Human growth hormone

A. 5mL D. 30mL 125. Equivalence factor for dichromate ion when it

B. 8mL E. 45mL acts as an oxidizing agent:

C. 15mL A. 2 D. 7

119. A sample of sodium bicarbonate powder weighs B. 3 E. 10

5.6424g. The powder was transferred to a graduated C. 6

cylinder and its volume was 8.5mL. the graduated 126. Assayed residually by EDTA titration:

cylinder was tapped repeatedly following USP A. Calcium carbonate D. Acetic acid

guidelines and the volume of the powder after tapping B. Aluminum hydroxide E. Sodium thiosulfate

was 4.2 mL. what is the hausner ratio of the powder? C. Zinc sulfate

A. 0.49 D. 6.35 127. Spectrometric method tha measures the amount

B. 2.00 E. 35.7 of light scattered by a suspension:

C. 2.25 A. Spectophotometry D. Colorimetry

120. Elastomeric closures are assayed by: B. Turbidimetry E. Flame photometry

A. Agar diffusion test D. Elution test C. Nephelometry

B. Cylinder plate method E. leaker test 128. Sodium and potassium ions are determined by

C. Bacterial endotoxins test this method which involves the emission of energy of

121. Vitamins assayed by fluorometric method: a particular wavelength when diluted solution of a

A. Thiamine D. A and B metallic ion is sprayed into a colorless flame. The

B. Riboflavin E. A, B and C intensity of the emitted radiation is determined by a

C. Cyanocobalamin suitable spectrometer and compared to the standard:

A. Atomic absorption spectroscopy A. Beer-Lambert’s law D. Snell’s law

B. Supercritical fluid extraction B. fick’s law E. hess’ law

C. Flame photometry C. Nernst’s law

D. Tandem mass spectrometry 134. Calibration weights that are used as working

E. Refractometry standards for calibration, built-in weights for analytical

129. A self-indicating volumetric solution: balances, and laboratory weights for routine analytical

A. Iodine VS work:

B. Ceric sulfate VS A. Class P or class 4

C. Potassium permanganate VS B. Class s-1 or class 3

D. Ammonium thiocyanate VS C. Class S or class 2

E. sodium hydroxide VS D. class M or class 1

130. Alkalimetric assay which involves a preliminary E. none of the choices

oxidation step via oxygen flask combustion prior to 135. A substance of known purity that is used for

titration. deyermination of the exact soncentration of a

A. Ethyl acetate volumetric solution:

B. Formaldehyde solution A. Analyte D. Primary standard

C. Zinc undecylenate B. Blak determination E. Titer value

D. Precipitated sulfur C. Equivalence factor

E. Sodium metabisulfite 136. The eye should be at same level as the

131. Preferred titrant for the analysis of ferrous salts meniscus to prevent ______:

in mixtures that contain excipient or diluents that have A. Color blindness D. Calibration error

a reducing action on permanganate: B. Number bias E. Capillary action

A. Silver nitrate VS C. Parallax error

B. Ceric sulfate VS 137. Extemporaneously compounded 10% potassium

C. Sodium thiosulfate VS chloride should be used within _______ when stored

D. Disodium EDTA VS at cold temperatures:

E. Hydrochloric acid VS A. 7days D. 60days

132. Oxidizing agents are assayed titrimetrically by: B. 14days E. 120days

A. Acidimetry D. Iodometry C. 30days

B. Cerimetry E. Iodimetry 138. Assay which employs the use of a jones

C. Miscellaneous redox redactor:

133. The law which relates the power of the incident A. Alkaloid content of opium

and transmitted beams to the thickness and B. Cherry juice for malic acid

concentration of solution containing the absorbing C. Titanium dioxide

chemical species: D. Selenium sulfide

E. Dimercaprol
139. Kjeldahl method: 145. Powder flow testing:

A. Water content deretmination A. Angle of repose D. Shear cell

B. Nitrogen content determination B. Compressibility index E. All of the choices

C. Oxygen flask combustion C. Hausner ratio

D. Nonaqueous titration 146. Total alkalinity of sodium hydroxideis due to what

E. Specific gravity determination chemical species?

140. The following tests cannot be done by ignition: A. Carbonate ion D. A and B

A. Moisture content determination B. hydroxide ion E. A, B and C

B. Ash content determination C. Phosphate ion

C Extractives 147. For stability testing purposes, the Philippines is

D. A and B categorized in what climatic zone:

E. A, B and C A. I D. IV

141. In method II of water content determination, the B. II E. V

sample should yield about _____ mL of water for C. III

accurate readings: 148. Calcium pantothenate assay employs what

A. 5-8mL D. 1-3mL method?

B. 3-6mL E. None of the choices A. Refractometry D. NMR

C. 2-4mL B. TUrbidimetry E. Potentiometric

142. Glassware employed in method II of water C. HPLC

content determination in USP: 149.Buffer solution:

A. Soxhlet apparatus A. Arrhenius Equation

B. Toluene moisture apparatus B. Clausius-Clapeyron equation

C. Clavenger apparatus C. Henderson-Hasselbalch equation

D. Babcock bottle D. Nernst equation

E. Reflux condenser E. Whitney-Noyes equation

143. Azeotropic distillation is utilized in the USP for 150. In pharmaceutical assaying, the official

determination of ______ of pharmaceutical articles: requirement of diluted acids is expressed on __ basis.

A. Alcohol content D. Water content A. Molarity D. Percent volume in volume

B. Aflatoxins E. Steroid content B.Percent weight in weight E.Normality

C. Bacterial endotoxins C Percent weight in volume

144. Calculate for Rf value given the following data: 151. Titanium Dioxide is assayed by what method?

Distance travelled by solvent=8.7cm A. Alkalimetry D. Gravimetry

Distance travelled by solute=3.2cm B. Iodometry E. Volumetric pricipitation

A. 0.37 D. 0.63 C. Permanganometry

B. 2.72 E. 5.95 152. Equivalence factor for assay of Pjosphoric Acod,

C. 27.84 NF:
A. 1 D. 4 A. 500-550oC D. 1000-1200oC

B. 2 E. 10 B. 550-700oC E. 1200-1600oC

C. 3 C. 800-1000C

153. Calibration of burets may be done using_: 158. Represent the inorganic salts naturally occurring

A. Kiehl buret in the drug and adhering to it, but may also include

B. Mohr buret inorganic matter added for the purpose of

C. Ostwals calibrating pipet adulteration.

D. A and C A. Ash content D. Water content

E. A and B B. Crude fiber E. Unsaponifiable matter

154. Given the following log Kf values for the C. Loss on ignition

following metal ion-EDTA complexes, which of the 159. Vitamin b12 activity assay employs what method

following cannot be titrated successfully with EDTA? of analysis?

I. Ba-EDTA-2 = 7.76 A. fluorimetry D. Turbidimetry

II. Co-EDTA-2 = 16.39 B. HPLC E. Reverse osmosis

III. V-EDTA = 25.9 C. Colorimetry

IV. Sr-EDTA-2 = 8.63 160. Official methods of demonstrating antimicrobial

A. II and III D. III only
A. Turbidimetric assay D. A and C
B. I and IV e. I, II, III AND IV
B. Brine shrimp assay E. B and C
C. I only
C. Cylinder-plate assay
155. Sodium tetraphenylboron will quantitavely 161. Cultute media of fungi:
precipitate: A. V5 agar
I. Alkaloids B. Eosin- Methylene blue media
II. Quaternary salts C. Thioglycollate media
III. Silver ions
D. Saboraud’s dextrose media

A. I only D. I,II and III E. Soy-bean- casein digest media

B. I and II E. I and III 162. Plane polarized light is produced by what type of

C. II and III optical lens?

A. Echelette grating D. LASER

156. An excellent solvent for fats and fatty oils used in
B. Iceland spar E. Concave lens
the determination of extractive content of a plant
C. Oil immersion objective
163. Assayeed by double titration:
A. alcohol D. Hexane
A. Sodium hydroxide D. Sodium bromide
B. Diluted alcohol E. water
B. Sodium nitrite E. Calcium Disodium Edetate
C. Ether
C. Dibasic sodium phosphate
157. Temperature equivalent of dull-red heat:
164. Which of the following volumetric solution should A. 42.54 mL D. 2.27 mL

be read using upper meniscus? B. 27.48 mL E. 0.00mL

A. Ceric sulphate C. 12.47 mL

B. Ferrous ammonia sulfate VS 169. Starch TS is a satisfactory indicator for what

C. HCl VS volumetric solution?

D. Potassium permanganate VS A. HCl VS D. Sodium Thiosulfate VS

E. Sodium nitrite VS B. Potassium Iodate VS E. Silver nitrate VS

165.EDTA titration of calcium salts requires a pH of C. Cerric sulfate VS

__ to ensure to complete reaction. 170. A type of redox reaction that leads to n increase

A. 2 D. 14 in positive valence of a chemical species:

B. 4.6 E. None of the choices A. Oxidation D. Combustion

C. 13 C. Reduction E. Displacement

166. Determine the %w/w of alakaloids present in the E. Decomposition

belladonna leaf ( calculated as atropine) if 15 ml of 171. A specific gravity bottle that has a thermometer

0.0210 N sulfuric acid was added to the extracted stopper and a capillary overflow tube:

alkaloids and 7.30 ml of 0.0198 N sodium hydroxide A. Geissler pycnometer D. Lovi’s beads

was required for the residual titration. The weight of B. Pycnometer E. Saccharometer

the powder of Belladona leaf was 10.21 g. in that C. hygrometer

reaction, 2 moles of atropine consume 1 mole of 172. A nicol prism is an intergral part of what

sulfuric acid during titration. (MW of atropine= 239.8 instrument?

g/mol). A. Refractometer D. IR spectrometer

A. 0.966% D. 96.60% B. Polarimeter E. Analytic balance

B.0.483% E. 24.20% C. HPLC

C. 0.242% 173. Failure to judge color change sharply during

167. An acetylization flask is used in the titration can lead to what type of error?

determination of: A. Interminate error D. Personal error

A. Total ester content of peppermint oil B. Instrumental error e. Number bias

B. Total menthol content of peppermint oil C. Methodic error

C. Carvone content of caraway oil 174. Given the ff. Ksp values for the ff. sulfides, rank

D. Benzaldehyde the ff. insoluble sulfides according to increase

E. Clove oil solubitliy:

168. If a 1.2500 g sample of Zinc oxide, 95.0% ZnO, MnS= 3.0 x 10 -14

were treated with 50.00% ml of 1.1230 N sulphuric CdS= 8.0 x 10-28

acid in the casual way, what volume of 0.9765 N Cos = 4.0 x 10-21

sodium hydroxide would be required in the back A. CdS>Cos> Mns D. CoS< CdS < MnS

titration? (MW of ZnO= 81.38 g/mol). B. CdS<Cos< Mns E. None of the choices
C. CdS>MnS>CoS A. Ferrous ammonium sulphate TS

175. Suitable precipitate for the determination of B. Oxalic Acid VS

mercury content by gravimetric analysis: C. Sodium thoisufate VS

A. Sodium Sulfate TS D. Magnesia Mixture D. Titanium trichloride

B. Ammonia TS E. Barium Chloride E. Potassium arsenite

C. Hydrogen Sulfide 182. Addition of an excess titrant to permit complete

176. Sulfated potash is assayed gravimetrically by reaction of the analyte with the titrant and then the

converting it to __, which is then weighed. unreacted excess titrant with another standard

A. Barium sulfate soulution:

B. Magnesium ammonium phosphate A. Blank determination D. Residual titration

C. Zinc oxide B. Direct titration E. Displacement titration

D. Cupric oxide C. Double titration

E. Potassium bipthalate 183. In the assay of Rochelle’s salt, the compound

177. Appropriate laboratory apparatus for carrying formed after ignition prior to titration is:

out ignition: A. Carbonate D. Carbon

A. Oven D. Fume hood B. Oxide E. Tartaric Acid

B. Electric furnace E. Hot plate E. Bicarbonate and carbonate

C. Biosafety cabinet 184. primary interference present during alkalimetric

178. Appropriate solvent for resins for extraction titration:

purposes; A. Carbonate D. Saliva

A. Ether D. Ethanol B. Metal ions E. Halides

B. Water E. Petroleum Ether C. Organic matter

C. Hexane 185.The weight of a substance chemically equivalent

179. Residue consisting chiefly of cellulose that to 1mL of a standard solution:

remains undissolved after successive treatment with A. Equivalent weight D. Mole

boiling acid and alkali: B. Titer E. Calibration standard

A. Total ash D. Unsaponifiable Matter E. Molecular weight

B. Crude Fiber E. Looss on Drying 186. Acid titrant preferred for hot titrations:

C. Sulfated Ash A. Percholic acid VS D. Acetic acid VS

180. A solution that contains methanol, iodine. B. HCl VS E. Nitric acid VS

Sulphur dioxide, and pyridine: E. Sulphuric scid VS

A. Wij’s rgt. D. Koppeschaar’s Solution 187. Purpose of chloroform in the assay of Phenol.

B. Mayer’s rgt. E. Deniges’ rgt. USp:

C.Karl fischer rgt. A. Serves as extracting indicator for liberated iodine

181. Standard solution that is most susceptible t air during titration

oxidation? B. To act as co-solvent for the analyte

C. To dissolve tribomophenol for clesar observation of B. Saponification value E. Polenske value

endpoint C. Ester value

D. all of the choices 194. In the assay of peppermint oil for total ester, the

188. In iodometric titration, what should be the color blank determination serves to:

be the color of the solution prior to the addition of A. Account for an absorption if CO2 by the base

Stratch TS? B. Corrects any alkalinity arising from interaction of

A. Intense brown D. Colorless the analyte solution with the glass

B. Amber E. Intense blue C. Accounts for air-oxidation of analyte which might

E. Green have occurred

189. How many gram-atom of iodine is liberated by D. A and B

one of sodium hypochlorite in the assay of sodium E. A, B and C

hypochlorite solution? 195.Reagent that provides a blanket of inert

A. 1 D.10 atmosphere during iodometric determination:

B. 2 E.46 A. HCl D. Strach TS

C. 4 B. Sodium bicarbonate E. KI

190. Type of reaction that is involved for C. Sodium carbonate

compounding such as aniline and resorcinol; assayed 196. Suitable backtitrant for titration involving the use

by bromination: of excess silver nitrate VS:

A. Rearrangement D. Free radical formation A. Ammonium thiosulfate VS

B. Substitution E. Condensation B. Sodium tetraphenylboron VS

C. Elimination C. Lithium methoxide VS

191. A volumetric Solution that is prepared from a D. Potassium Ferrocyanide VS

very pure substance and hence do not require E. Ceric Sulfate VS

standardization step: 197. Complementary color of yellow:

A. Iodine VS D. Dichlorophenol-Iodophenol VS A. Red D. Yellow-green

B. Silver Nitrate VS E. Bromine VS B. Purple E. Blue-green

C. Potassium Iodate VS C. Blue

192. In ash content determination, incomplete 198. Energy of a molecule that is NOT involve in

combustion leads to formation of: spectroscopic studies:

A. Carbon dioxide D. Carbonyl A. electronic D. translational

B. Carbon E. Carbide B.vibrational E. A and B

E. Carbonate ion C. rotational

193. Fat constant that aids in the detection of the 199. Suitable method of separating highly volatile

presence of glyceridesof acides containing less than compounds:

16 or more that 18 carbon atoms: A. Chiral chromatography

A. Acid value D. Reichert-Messl number B. Supercritical fluid chromatography

C. Gas chromatohraphy B. Total organic carbon E. NOTA

D. Medium pressure liquid chromatography C. Organic Carbon

E. Medium pressure liquid chromatography 206. this date limits the time during whick the product

200. In the equation HF + H2O H30 + F-: may be dispensed or used.

A. H2O is a base, and HF is its conjugated acid. A. Manufacturing date D. Choices B and C

B. H2O is an acid, and HF is the conjugated base. B. Exiration date E. NOTA

C. HF is an acid and F is its conjugated base. C Use date

D. HF is a base and H3O is its conjugated acid. 207. It is a measure of propensity of a powder to be

E. HF is a base. And F is its conjugated acid. compresed:

201. This type of airflow has a varying velocity and is A. Bulk density D. Carr’s index

usually for Class 1000 and 10000, B. Tapped Density E. AOTA

A. Laminar fairflow D. Down flow C. angle of repose

B. Unidirectional airflow E. Up flow 208.Weight Variation method can be applkied to the

C. Non-uniderectional airflow ff. dosage forms EXCEPT:

202. It is a property of liquids that is closely related to A. Liquid filled soft capsule

resistance to flow B. Transdermal system

A. Surface tension D. Temperature C. Singe unit for inhalation

B. Rheology E. Melting Range D. Sterile solid with no added active substance

C. Viscosity E. Hard gelatin capsule

203. In the absolute scale, viscosity is measured in 209. Initially, how many samples are required for

the poise of centipose. In the kinematic scale, it is minimum fil?

measured in the __. A. 10 D. 30

A. Poise D. Newton B. 15 E. AOTA

B. Contipoise E. Milinewton C. 20

C. Stokes 210. The ff. are official tests employed in semisolid

204. This test determines the resistance to water dosage forms, EXCEPT:

attack of new glasses containers EXCEPT: A. viscosity . Particle size distribution estimation

A. Powdered glass test B. pH E. AOTA

B. Surface attack test C. spreadability

C.Water attack test 211. It is designed to limit to a level considered to be

D. Acidimetry objectionable the number and size of discrete metal

E. NOTA particles that may occur in ophthalmic ointments.

205. it is an indirect measure if inorganic molecules A. particle size distribution D. deliverable volume

present in pharmaceutical waters measured as B. metal particles E. NOTA

carbon. C. minimum fill

A. Total inorganic Carbon D. Choices B and C

212. the consistency values of semisolid form can be 218.This Raw Material Quality Control test entails

determined using a: addition of barium chloride to a sulfuric acid __

A. viscometer D. mechanical tap density tester standard.

B. Spatula E. Rheometer A. Limit test for Chloride

C. penetrometer B. limit test for sulfates

213. Minimum fill is applicable to any of the ff., C. limit test for sulfides

EXCEPT: D. litim test for chlorates

A. container with a labeled amount of 60g or less E. limit test for acetates

Container with a labeled amount of 150g or less 219.This Raw Material Quality Control test entails the

C. container with a labeled amount of 150g use if lead acetate paper:

D. container with a labeled amount of more than 150g A. Limit test for Chloride

214. Minimum fill can be applied to such articles, B. limit test for sulfates

EXCEPT: C. limit test for sulfides

A. creams D. lotion D. litim test for chlorates

B. gels E. NOTA E. limit test for acetates

C.jellies 220. This official ID test entails comparison of

215. Color comparison tubes are used for what official retention factor.

C? A. Thin layer chromatography

A. Limit test for chlorides B.UV

B. color comparison test C. IR

C. test for readily carbonizable substance D.GC

D. limit test for sulfates E. NMR

E. NOTA 221. Measurement where the sample is diverted from

216. All of the ff. are used as colorimetric standars, the manufacturing process, and maybe returned to

except: the process stream.

A. Ferric chloride CS D. Calcium Chloride CS A. At-line D. Off-line

B. Cupric sulfate CS E. NOTA B. On-line E. NOTA

C. Cobaltous chloride CS C. In-line

217. This Raw Material Quality Control test entails 222. which of the ff. is an official ID test for Aspirin

addition if silver nitrate to a HCl acid standard. A. limit of free p-aminophenol

A. Limit test for Chloride B. limit of free salicylic acid

B. limit test for sulfates C. FECl3 test

C. limit test for sulfides D. limit for magnesium

D. litim test for chlorates E. NOTA

E. limit test for acetates 223. Method II of water determination involves

A. tartration D. stoichiometry
B.Azeotropic distillation E. NOTA 230. The performance variationtest is performed in

C.Gravimetry dissolution apparatus 1 and 2 using

224. In HPLC analysis, the official measure of A.USP Aspirin Tablet RS

column efficiency is B. USP Salicilic acid RS

A. Retention time D. width C. USP Prednisone Tablet RS

B. tailing factor E. AOTA D. USP Chlorpheneramine Maleate Extended

C. number of theoretical plates Release Tablets RS

225. The official measure of peak symmetry in HPLC E. AOTA

is: 231. The performance variation test is performed in

A. retention time D. width dissolution apparatus 1 and 2 using

B.Tailing factor E. AOTA A.USP Aspirin Tablet RS

C. number of theoretical plates B. USP Salicilic acid RS

226. Which of the ff. is used to identify peaks in the C. USP Prednisone Tablet RS

chromatogram? D. USP Chlorpheneramine Maleate Extended

A. Retention time D. width Release Tablets RS

B. tailing factor E. AOTA E. AOTA

C. number of theoretical plates 232. Official temperature for determination of specific

227. The test od weight variation is applicable for the gravity

ff. dosage forms, EXCEPT: A. 10oC D. 30oc

A. Uncoated tablets D. Solution in soft capsule B.20 oc E.35oc

B. Film-coated tablets E.Enteric-coated tablets C.25oc

C.Suppositories 233. Powders with an angle of repose equivalent to

228. The test for conformity is required for the ff. 30o is said to have

dosage forms EXCEPT: A. Excellent flow property D.Poor flow property

A. Suppositories D. Solutions in soft capsules B. Good flow property E. Very poor flow property

B. Transdermal system E. NOTA C. Fair flow property

C. Suspension 234. Powders with compressibility index of 18% and

229.Passage of fluid or solution through a sterilizing has a hausner’s ratio of 1:20 has a/an

grade membrane to produce a sterile effluent A. Passable flow character

B. Fair flow character

A. Terminal sterilization C. Good flow character

B. Sterilization by filtration D. Excellent Flow character

C. Aseptic processing E. NOTA

D. Disinfection 235. The test limit for powdered glass test of highly

E. NOTA resistant, borosilicate glass is

A. 5.0mL D. 1.5mL
B. 8.5mL E.1.8mL 242. The ff. are dissolution media employed in the

C. 1.0mL comparative dissolution profile testing for

236. The critical test parameter for each dissolution bioequivalence, except:

apparatus is true, except: A. pH 1.2 buffer D. pH 7.5 buffer

A. Apparatus 1-Rotation speed B. pH 4.5 buffer E. NOTA

B. Apparatus 2- Rotation speed C. pH 6.8 buffer

C. Apparatus 3-Dip rate 243. Method I of measuring bulk density

D. Apparatus 4- Flow rate of medium A. Measurement in a graduated cylinder

E. NOTA B. Measurement in a volumeter

237. The test limit for powdered glass test of general C. Measurement in a tachometer

purpose glass is D. Measurement in a manometer

A. 1.0mL D. 15mL E. Measurement in a rheometer

B . 8.5mL E. 18mL 244. Method II of measuring bulk density

D.10mL A. Measurement in a graduated cylinder

238. This is a purified water that has been boiled B. Measurement in a volumeter

vigorously for 5 min. or more and allowed to cool C. Measurement in a tachometer

while protected from absorption for carbon dioxide D. Measurement in a manometer

from the atmosphere E. Measurement in a rheometer

A. Distilled water Carbon-dioxide free water 245. A carr’s index of 27 implies a/an

B.Deionized water E. Nitrogen-free water A. Excellent flow D. Poor flow

E.UV treated water B. GOOD flow E. Very poor flow

239. For measurement of viscosity, the temperature C. Passable flow

of the substance should be held to within 246 Dissolution testing should be conducted at this

A. +0.1 D. +0.4 temperature

B. + 0.2 E. +0.5 A 37+0.5oC D. 37+2oC

C. 0.3+ B. 37+2oC E. 37+0.1oC

240. The following dissolution apparatus can be used C. 37+0.2oC

for the drug release requirement of transdermal 247. Disintegration testing should be conducted at

delivery system except: this temperature

A. Apparatus 4 D. Apparatus 7 A 37+0.5oC D. 37+2oC

B. Apparatus 5 E. Apparatus 8 B. 37+2oC E. 37+0.1oC

C. Apparatus 6 C. 37+0.2oC

241. Reciprocating cylinder is also known as: 248. delayed release tablet can also be called

A. Apparatus 1 D. Apparatus 4 A. Enteric coated tablet D. SGF

B. Apparatus 2 E. Apparatus 5 resistant tab

C. Apparatus 3 B. Avid resistant tablet E. 0.1N HCl resistant

C. SIF resistant tablet 256. This test shows how well a resists chipping ang

249. Buccal tablet should disintegrate within crumbling when external stresses are applied.

A. 1hr D. 4hr A. Weight variation D. Hardness

B. 2hr E. 5hr B. Assay E. Disintegration

C. 3hr C. Moist content

250. It is a test to detect or quantify endotoxin from 257. This hardness tester is based on compressing

Gram negative bacteria using amoebocyte lysate from tablets between two jaws via a spring gauge and

horshoe crab. screw

A. Leaker’s test A. Erweka D. Strong-Cobb

B. Bacterial endotoxin test B. Monsanto E. Varian

C. Light transmission test E. Pfizer

D. Surface contamination test 258. Powder fineness can be blassified using this

E. Flow through test method.

251. Kb is the equation of colligative property is AKA? A. Optical Microscopy D. Sedimentation

A.Cryoscropic constant B. Analytical Seiving E. Strokes

B.Dissociation constant C. Moisture content

C.Ebbuliooscopic constant 259. The ff. shoud be strictly avoided when using

D. Freezing point constant analytical sieves, except:

E. nota A. Oven drying

252. This test determines whether the dose in a batch B. Cleaning using liquid stream

of units is uniform and it the dosage form can deliver C. Removal of blockade by brushing

the right amount of dose in each patient D. Rinsing with nitric acid

A. Weight variation D. Hardness E. Choices C and D

B. Assay E. Disintegration 260. The following are methods of sieving, EXCEPT:

E. Moist content A. Mechanical method- Dry sieving

253. This test stimulus the physiological conditions of B. Air Entrapment method-Air jet sieving

the body and can therefore predict bioavailability as C. Air Entrapment method- sonic sifter sieving

this prerequisite of absorption. D. AOTA

A. Weight variation D. Hardness E. NOTA

B. Assay E. Disintegration 261. Method 1 in determining particulate matter in

E. Moist content injection involves:

255. This test shows how well a resists chipping ang A. Light obscuration particle count test

crumbling when external stresses are applied. B. Sedimentation Test

A. Weight variation D. Hardness C. Microscopic particle count test

B. Assay E. Disintegration D. minimum fill

E. Moist content E. Melting range

262. This test determines the consistency of dosage 268. An analyst performed powdered glass test. The

units and if each unit in a batch has a drug substance volume of 0.02N H2SO4 consumed for trials 1 and 2

within a narrow range around the label claim. were found to be 0.70mL and 0.75mL, respectively,

A. Content uniformity D. Solubility and corrected for a blank. The general description of

B. Weight variation E. Minimum fill the container should be:

C. Spreadability A. Highly resistant, borosilicate glass

263. This test will determine whether a suspension B. Treated soda-lime glass

will not settle out rapidly in the container, will become C. soda lime glass

fluid on shaking, and will remain so long enough for a D. General- purpose soda-lime glass

dose to be dispensed: E. NOTA

A. Sedimentation volume D. Minimum fill 269. Example/s of product/s where containers of type

B. Viscosity E. Assay 1 glass are generally used:

C. Deliverable volume A. Oral suspensions

264. This test provides assurance that oral liquids will, B. Hair cream

when transferred from the original container, deliver C Dextrose 5% in water

the volume of dosage form that is declared on the D. Salicylic acid ointment

label of the article: E. AOTA

A. Sedimentation volume D. Minimum fill 270. 6 ampoules were filled with medium up to height

B. Viscosity E. Assay of the shoulder and the volumes were found to be in

C. Deliverable volume 8.21mL, 8.24mL, 8.21mL, 8.25mL, 8.23mL and

265. This test classifies whether the suspension is 8.25mL. The filling volume for the particular ampoule

flocculated or deflocculated one: lot is:

A. Sedimentation volume D. Minimum fill A. 8.1mL D. 8.4mL

B. Viscosity E. Assay B. 8.2mL E. 8.5mL

C. Deliverable volume C. 8.3mL

266. Method 1 of determining particulate matter in 271. Based on the previous problem, the volume(mL)

injections cannot be applied to, EXCEPT: of the test liquid necessary for one titration should be:

A. Emulsions D. Solutions A. 25.0 D. 125

B. Colloids E. NOTA B. 50.0 E. 130

C. Liposomes C. 100

267. This method of determining particulate matter in 272. Referring to item # 70, the extraction solutions

injections utilizes a binocular microscope: are analyzed by titration. How many trials are

A. Method 1 D. Method 4 required?

B. Method 2 E. NOTA A. 2 D. 5

C. Method 3 B. 3 E. 6

C. 4
273. The volume(mL) of 0.02N H2SO4 for treated A. Bulk density D. Hausner’s ratio

soda lime glass with a volume of 80mL should not B. Tapped density E. NOTA

exceed: C. Angle of response

A. 0.2 D. 1.0 280. This method of determining the type of emulsion

B. 0.7 E. 1.2 utilizes the knowledge that a water soluble dye will

C. 0.9 dissolve in the aqueous phase of an emulsion while

274. the filing volume is the volume to be filled with an oil-soluble dye will taken up by the oil phase:

_____ in the container for the purpose of the test: A. Dilution Test D. B and C

A. Purified water D. 0.02N NaOH B. Conductivity test E. NOTA

B. water for injection E. NOTA C. Dye-solubility test

C. 0.02N H2SO4 281. This test is designed to limit to a level considered

275. Sterile filling facilities are usually: to be unobjectionable the number and size of discrete

A. Class100 D. Class100000 metal particles that may occur in ophthalmic

B. Class1000 E. Class1000000 ointments:

C. Class10000 A. Sterility

276. For ampoules the filling volume is the volume up B. Metal particles in ophthalmic ointment

to the height of the ____: C. Microbial count

A. Neck D. Vent D. pH

B. Shoulder E. NOTA E. Arsenic release

C. Tip 282. This test is an indication of crystal habit,

277. A glass container intended to provide protection presence of polymorphic form etc.:

form light should meet requirement of what test? A. Optical microscopy

A. light transmission test B. particle size distribution estimation

B. Arsenic test C. viscosity

C. Light deflection test D. Minimum fill

D. light absorption/ionization test E. Deliverable volume

E. Absorption 283. This test is intended is to determine the

278. Sublingual tablets must disintegrate within: temperature at which the semisolid melts and

A. 30mins D. 4hours therefore indicates proper storage and application:

B. 60mins E. As specified in the A. Loss on drying D. thickness

monograph B. Melting range E. Friability

C. 1hour C. solubility

279. This refers to the ratio of the mass of an 284. What is/are the required immersion fluid/s for

untapped powder sample and its volume including the coated tablets?

contribution of the interparticulate void volume: A. water

B. simulated gastric fluid

C. simulated intestinal fluid A. sieving D. Diffusion

D. A and B B. impaction E. AOTA

E. B and C C. interception

285. This test stimulates the flow of a bed of powder 292. This refers to the contamination of a starting

or granules in a hopper: material, intermediate product, or finished product

A bulk density D. Carr’s index with another starting material or product during

B. tapped density E. Hausner’s ratio manufacture.

C. angle response A. mixed-ups D. Scale up

286. Efficiency of separation could be increased with: B. cross contamination E. AOTA

A. Increase in plate height C. Sanitation

B. Decrease in plate height 293. This is the heart of a clean room:

C. decrease in plate count A. Barometer D. HEPA filter

D. Decrease in pressure B. HPLC E. Laminar flow wood

E. increasing in tailing C. oven

287. This test is intended for type 1 containers for 294. This is a room or area where the product is

aqueous parenteral preparation: formulated, filled and sealed:

A. powedered glass test D. surface glass test A. critical area

B. arsenic release E. NOTA B. Controlled area

C. water attack test C. assimilated Area

288. Explosives can be identified by what color of D. Think-tank area

placards? E. filling area

A. red D. yellow 295. This is the zone/part of room where filling of

B. orange E. blue sterile products or other sterile processes take place:

C. green A. critical area

289. Oxidizers and organic peroxides fall under class: B. Controled area

A. class5 D. class8 C. assimilated Area

B. class6 E. class9 D. Think-tank area

C. class7 E. filling area

290. it refers to the time a certain constituents passes 296. This type of pressure must be maintained to

through the HPLC column. ensure airflows from the cleanest space to less clean

A. Retardation factor D. Retention Time space:

B. Retardation time E. NOTA A. Negative pressure

C. Retardation factor B. Positive pressure

291. These are the four basic mechanisms in which C. Intermittent pressure

fibrous air filter remove contamination from D. slight pressure E. isobaric pressure

297. This type of airflow is used where particle sizes

are relatively large.

A. Unidirectional Airflow

B. Non-unidirectional airflow

C. down flow

D. up flow


298. This type of airflow is used when low airborne

concentrations of particles or bacteria are present:

A. critical area

B. Controled area

C. assimilated Area

D. Think-tank area

E. filling area

299. A synthetic contaminant often used to test high

efficiency filters is composed of atomized droplets of

hot di-octyl-phthalate. This test refers to:

A. DOP testing D. Two flow testing

B. Leak testing E. Scan testing

C. HC emery

300. It measures the ability of a HEPA filter to remove

fine particles

A. Arrestance D. Adsorption

B. Efficiency E. interference

C. Integrity

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