BTVN 24.5

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unit | 4

E outcom e outdoor o utfit o utlet outsider

1 Bullfighting is fought in a n ________________________ arena.

2 I bought an expensive________________________ for the awards ceremony.

3 When Beth moved to her new school, she felt like a n ________________________until she became friends with a few girls.

4 The fa c to ry ________________________sells shoes at cost price.

5 T h e ________________________ of the match was in favour of the home team.

F perfect ideal fine thorough detailed definite certain particular special sure

1 M y ________________________ weight is 54 kilograms. At the m om ent I'm 61 kilograms, so I'm going on a diet.

2 The doctor gave her patient a (n )________________________check-up once a year.

3 My supervisor asked for a (n )________________________report concerning the new project we were doing.

4 This mirror will b e ________________________ for our entrance hall. I'm _________________________it will fit on the wall

opposite the door.

5 I need a (n )________________________answer by tom orrow because I want to know fo r _________________________how

many people are coming to the restaurant.

6 The w eather tom orrow will b e ________________________with a light breeze from the North.

7 The supermarket had a ________________________offer on a (n )_________________________brand of spaghetti that was

very tasty.

G stand resist tolerate suffer

1 I don't like people who lie and cheat. I will n o t________________________ such behaviour.

2 Many p e o p le________________________from allergies in spring.

3 I c a n 't________________________ chocolate cake when I see it in front of me.

4 I couldn't bear to watch my c a t________________________, so I asked the vet to put him down.

5 Kate c a n 't________________________milk and never drinks it.

H offer provide supply cater

1 P e te r________________________ to take me hom e since it was raining.

2 Does this restaurant________________________ for vegetarians?

3 The a irlin e ________________________ lunch for the passengers of the delayed flight.

4 T h e y ________________________ us hom e-m ade cookies.

5 The injured climbers w e re ________________________ with food and water until help arrived.
unit 1 4

• In the previous units we dealt with derivatives which are form ed according to certain rules. There are, however,
some less predictable form ations. The most com m on of these are:

Verb Noun Adjective

bear birth -
behave behaviour behavioural
choose choice choosy
complain com plaint —
die death dead
hate hatred hateful
heat heat hot
laugh laughter —
lose loss lost
m arry m arriage m arried
pride pride proud
prove proof —
pursue pursuit —
relieve relief relieved
see sight —
sing song — if te
solve solution —
speak speech speechless
succeed success successful
think thought thoughtful
— youth young

• You may be asked to form an adjective or noun which derives from the name of a country or continent,
e.g. England 4 English
Europe 4 European
• Finally, you may be asked to derive an adverb or a pronoun ending in -body, -one, -thing, -w here, -how, -ever
or -self.
some somebody any anyhow
any anyone when whenever
every everything one oneself
else elsewhere

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in bold type.

1 Janet was at a ______________________ for words when she saw the dam age done to her car. LOSE
2 My parents have had a long and h a p p y __________ MARRY
3 I n e e d ______________________ to help me find the .docum ents, as SOME, MISS
I've looked .an d can't find them. EVERY
. people like to make about London's BRITAIN, COMPLAIN
_ weather. RAIN
5 He com m itted the crim e out of ra c ia l_____________ HATE
6 The father w a s ______________________ of his son's .to Cambridge. PRIDE, ADMIT
7 I can't stand t h e __________________ of animals! SEE, DIE
8 . we go, we m anage to enjoy WHERE, OUR
9 Many people can't stand e x tr e m e _________________ HOT
10 T h e ______________________ ambassador is giving a .ton igh t. ITALY, SPEAK
unit 1 4

11 He m anaged to find _that he was innocent. SOME, PROVE

12 The . . of leaving my hom e town and going to live in the city filled me THINK
with _feelings, but I had made m y ______________________ . MIX, CHOOSE
13 His _was .an d I'm never going to speak to him BEHAVE, ACCEPT

14 It is com m only accepted that . is the best m edicine for stress. LAUGH
15 His _ .doesn't allow him to adm it his faults. PROUD
16 The _ crossed t h e ______________________ border. IMMIGRATE, MEXICO
17 It was such a . for her w hen she found her dog. RELIEVE
18 I believe th at it's impossible to find a _______ .to every problem. SOLVE
19 They think very highly o f __________________ .and prefer not to associate THEM
with ______________________ they consider inferior. ANY
20 T h e ______________________ of your book will depend on how well you prom ote it. SUCCEED

Examination Practice

A Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.

- 9 ^*^,.-..... When Lucy (1)_______________________that she was going to move abroad because

she was bored (2 )______________________ her life, we weren't surprised. After all,
she had been talking about moving to a warm er country for ages, one which would

9 | ® ______________________ sun, sea and opportunities for outdoor activities. A country

wEm i k like Spain or Portugal would ( 4 ) ______________________ her just fine.

We took her even more seriously when she called (5 )_______________________an

interview for a job she was sure of getting.

Of course, her parents were annoyed with her decision, but I had to admit that I

sympathised with her. I had done something ( 6 ) _______________________when I was her

age, so I supported her all the way. I even helped her decide on a suitable destination.

It was near an ancient site which, given Lucy’s academic background in archaeology, was
(7 )_______________________for her. I ( 8 )______________________ her that in the beginning

she would feel ( 9 ) _____________________an (1 0 )_____________________ , but people f r o r

small towns are friendly and she wouldn’t feel lonely for too long.

The tim e came for Lucy to depart. She wasn’t sad, (11)______________________ her

parents who were crying and couldn't bear to see their daughter leaving. Seeing her
parents cry made me feel responsible for what had happened. In the end, I (12)_______________________for having encourage:

Lucy to leave. To tell the truth, however, I’m glad to have influenced her decision to move abroad.
unit | 4

1 A announced B told C agreed D claimed

2 A with B for C about D at

3 A supply B offer C reveal D cater

4 A fit B suit C com bine D match

5 A out B up C for D off

6 A sim ilar B com m on C same D likely

7 A ideal B special C particular D fine

8 A insisted B explained C said D warned

9 A as B alike C like D unlike

10 A outdoor B outsider C outcom e D o utfit

11 A not alike B unlikely C not as D unlike

12 A adm itted B denied C apologised D accused

E Complete the text below with the correct form of the words in capitals.


(1)_______________________the tennis star Richard Krajicek stepped onto the court, his opponent

needed to prepare for one of the (2 )_______________________serves in the game. Krajicek was FAST

(3 )_______________________ of his 220 km/h serve, since his (4 )_______________________on PRIDE, SUCCEED
the court could be partly attributed to it.

Without doubt, Krajicek can be described as (5 )__________________ who was in pursuit of SOME

(6 )_______________________. At Wimbledon in 1997, bad weather conditions didn't dampen his

spirits. The only (7)_ that went through his mind was that of holding the THINK
trophy. Krajicek had a lot of (8 )________________
_______ and beat his (9 )______________________ DETERMINE, AMERICA
opponent three sets to love. Many considered Krajicek to be the next great (10) _ EUROPE
tennis champion following in the footsteps of Boris Becker.

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