Functional English and Presentation Skill Development
Functional English and Presentation Skill Development
Functional English and Presentation Skill Development
Roll: 2054901045
Section: A
Question: Among the four language skills in English, which skill/skills you find difficult for
you and why? Give reasons for your answers.
There are for language skills in every language. They are: speaking, listening, writing and
reading. The English language is no exception in this regard. As this is my second language, I
often find some of these skills rather difficult to apply. But in most cases, I find myself struggling
with speaking, listening and writing.
Speaking is one of the basic mediums of communication. It is very important in our everyday
lives as a lot of actions that take place are directly related to what we speak. It sounds like an
easy task as it is carried out by us every day. But it is a lot harder than it appears.
The main purpose of speaking is to send a clear message to the listener. Not using the
appropriate words may cause misunderstanding between the listener and speaker. This
becomes a problem as the communication between them becomes ineffective. A word used in
a particular context may give away a completely different meaning when used in a different
context. For example, whenever we complete our lunch, sometimes we say that we have
finished our lunch. But in English, finish doesn't mean the same as complete. This type of
misuse of words may result in misunderstanding. Not having a strong vocabulary leads to these
kinds of problems.
It is also difficult to make a meaningful conversation in a foreign language without making any
mistakes, as there is very little time to prepare the answer. It can be stressful, especially when
pronunciation, the right usage of vocabulary and tenses are to be maintained, while focusing on
the content and providing useful information. This is a hard task to carry out which makes
speaking more difficult.
Another problem with speaking is that it has to be normal-paced and there is very little time to
think before speaking. Social anxiety and lack of confidence also causes problems for many
people. In a lot of cases, people with social anxiety struggle to speak despite having the right
words to answer with. Lack of confidence in people causes them to not express themselves
clearly which results in ineffective speaking.
Making a speech, or discussing a certain scientific topic, or any type of public speaking can be
difficult if the foreign language is not practiced on a daily basis.
Another language skill I find difficult is listening. Listening is considered to be one of the hardest
language skill as it is required to understand what the other person is saying. This is already
hard due to all the different accents there is. Accents vary from one place to another. This
makes it difficult for the listener especially if he is not used to that particular accent. In some
cases, the meaning of the words used may also differ from one place to another. So it is
important to pay attention to the context used.
In case of listening, it is also necessary to comprehend what is being said. There is way less
context to derive meaning so it can be quite hard and needs a lot of practice.
Again, poor vocabulary can greatly hamper a person's listening ability, as not knowing the
meaning of a particular word may lead to not understanding the speaker at all. If a listener is
not able to recognize a certain number of words of any text, he will not be able to make a
meaningful representation of that text. As a result, he will be deprived of being able to
understand relevant contextual information.
Writing is another language skill that I find difficult. In case of writing, a lot of things are to be
considered. There’s sentence construction, grammar, punctuation, spellings etc. These factors
make it hard to write correctly and coherently. Bad vocabulary makes the quality of the writing
poor. Grammatical and punctuation errors also lead to poor writing. The main purpose of
writing is to grab the readers interest. It is not possible for poor writing quality to do that. This
is why writing is considered a rather difficult task to carry out.
Thus in conclusion I would like to confess that among the four skills in English, I only feel
comfortable in reading only. I may have some knowledge but don't feel as comfortable in other
three skills: i.e., writing, listening and especially speaking, due to the aforementioned reasons.