Name of Student: - : Rubric For Grading Video Reflection College of Nursing

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Name of Student: ___________________________________

Criteria Description Your My Remarks

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Grade
Understanding of the Provides evidence of Provides new Uses some basic course Provides no critical Quotes not identified and
video content critical thinking. Avoids perspective and relation terminology but limited thinking and only a unacceptable. Student either
35 % simple explanations of to the issues addressed critical thinking about the summary of what did not submit the assignment
terminology but rather in the course. Uses film's purpose, theme, occurred. Gives no or was unable to demonstrate
relates the terminology to terminology learned actions, and/or conflict relation to the course work enough knowledge to receive
-Relation to the topics the film and the purpose from the course in presented or terminology credit for the assignment.
discuss in class appropriate ways
-Use of terminology
from course
-Shows critical thinking
Format of Paper Very clear and organized Outline is clear in Some outline attempted in Does not follow an Student either did not submit
15 % ideas presentation of ideas organization of ideas. organized outline of ideas the assignment or was unable
Unclear transitions to new to demonstrate enough
ideas knowledge to receive credit
for the discussion.
Personal Reflection Reflection flows well and Good overall reaction is Some reflection but lacks Very vague and no Nothing submitted. No
35 % integrates learning from presented. Reflection of in ability to relate to what personal reaction reflection and/or reaction
the coursework as well as what was personally was learned through the included. Inappropriate
-Addresses personal the film. Expression of learned from the film film use of reflection taking up
reaction to film some personal reaction to and the relation to the majority of the paper
-Acknowledges any the film, the book, and the course
emotion or thought of a course (if applicable).
personal nature
Mechanics Virtually free of grammar Generally appropriate Spelling errors. Several Many spelling errors. Student either did not submit
15 % and spelling errors. usage of grammar and grammatical errors. Difficulty understanding the assignment or was unable
punctuation. Evidence of ideas due to improper to demonstrate enough
-Grammar spell check used grammar knowledge to receive credit
-Spelling for the assignment.

100- 95: Excellent 94-90: Very Good 89-85: Good 84- 80: Fair 79 below: Poor
Course Title: Page 1
Prepared by: Precy P. Lantin, MAN, RN
Evaluated by: _____________________________

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