Week Topic Syllabus D e L I V e R y Assessment Tutorial/Practical

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Military Technological College.

Department of Civil Engineering & Quantity Surveying.

Module Coordinator: Dr. Morsaleen Chowdhury.
MTCC4017 Surveying & Hydraulics, Delivery Plan 2018-19

Week Topic Syllabus D Assessment

Lecture l Tutorial/Practical
1 Measuring angles in horizontal and vertical planes e
using a theodolite. 2 Hours r Workshop introduction
Traverse surveys
2 2 Hours Surveying tutorial 1

3 Traverse surveys CW1: Surveying portfolio issued

2 Hours Fieldwork 1: Contour
Surveying surveying

Area and volume

4 2 Hours Surveying tutorial 2

Area and volume Fieldwork 2: Traversing and

5 2 Hours cross-sections

Tacheometric Surveying, EDM & Total Station Fieldwork 3: Tacheometric

6 2 Hours survey

Survey applications CW1: Surveying portfolio to be

7 2 Hours Surveying tutorial 3 submitted

Final deleivery plan

Continuity and Bernoulli Principal Lab 1: Energy losses in CW2: Hydraulics portfolio issued
8 2 Hours pipes

Mid-semester Break

10 Lab 2: Open channel flow and

Fundamentals of Open Channel Flow
Manning’s theory

Hydraulics 2 Hours

11 Manning's Equation and Uniform Flow Hydraulics tutorial 1

12 Specific Energy Lab 3: Characteristics of

hydraulic jumps

13 Application of Momentum Principal Hydraulics tutorial 2 CW2: Hydraulics portfolio to be

14 Introduction to Hydraulic Structures Hydraulics tutorial 3

15 Formative test and feedback

16 Surveying and Hydraulics Revision week

Final deleivery plan

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