Election Law Reviewer

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Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003 (RA 8189) ELECTION PERIOD – 90 Days before election and 30

- President, Vice-President, Senators, and Party days thereafter

list only CAMPAIGN PERIOD – Maximum of 90 days before
- Coverage: Citizens abroad, not disqualified, 18 election
years old
- Disqualified: SC Power to review COMELEC’s Decision.
o lost Filipino citizenship; Grounds:
o Expressly Renounced o Grave abuse
o Convicted in a final judgment of o Absolutely no evidence/Not substantial
Imprisonment of not less than 1 year o Questions of law
o Disloyalty
o Permanent Resident abroad. Execution pending appeal. Only allowed when:
 Unless: Affidavit: Resume actual o Good reason
physical residence in PH not later o Urgency outweighs the injury or damage of
than 3 years. the losing party should the latter secure a
o Insane or Incompetent reversal of the judgement appealed.
-Not automatic, must be approved. o Upon Motion


Composition Quorum (Division) = 2 members
- 1 Chairman Decision (Division) = Unanimous (3Commissioners)
- 6 Commissioners o In case the votes required is not obtained:
o Qualifications:  Appealed to En banc(Majority)
 Natural Born
 College Degree
 not a candidate (Prior) Election Registration Board (ERB)
 Majority, must be a member of - Act on all applications for registration
the Bar. (Including the Chairman) - Composition
- 7 years, Without reappointment o Election Officer (EO) Chairman
Disabilities o Public School official – Most senior in rank
- Hold any other office o Local Civil Registrar
- Practice profession
- Active management/Control of any business Notice and Hearing (application)
which affects function. - Notice be posted in the city or municipality at
- Financially interested in any Contract with Govt’ least 1 week before hearing

POWER OF CONTEMPT Challenges to right to register

-COMELEC has the power to punish for contempt. - Any voter, candidate or representative
in the exercise of Quasi-Judicial - In writing, stating the ground
-Not Available in the exercise of ADMINISTRATIVE - Under oath
functions o Must be filed not later than 2nd Monday of
the month in which the same is scheduled
Hearing of Election cases including Pre- to be heard or processed by the ERB.
proclamation controversies. o Hearing = 3rd Monday
-Except: members of congress.
Upon approval = EO shall assign a Voter’s ID
number and issue ID card Cancellation of CoC by the COMELEC
Disapproval – Issue certificate of disapproval (Nuisance Candidate, Section 69, BP 881)
- Moto propio or upon verified petition
- Imprisonment: not less than 1 year 1. To put an election process in Mockery or
- Disloyalty Disrepute;
- Insane or Incompetent 2. To cause Confusion among voters by similarity of
- Did not vote 2x (successive regular election) names; or
- Ordered excluded by the Court 3. Other circumstances that would demonstrate
- Lost Filipino Citizenship that he has No bona fide Intention to run. Thus,
prevent the faithful determination of the true will
REACTIVATION of the electorate.
- Voter who was deactivated may file with EO the
sworn application for reactivation Quo Warranto (Section 253, BP 881)
- Stating that the grounds for deactivation no Who may file: Any Voter
longer exist. Grounds:
o May not file. 120 days before regular 1. Ineligibility; or
election (90 special) 2. Disloyalty
When to File: 10 Days After Proclamation
SEALING- 15 days before the start of the Where to File:
- Representative of all political parties and For National/Provincial/Regional/City officer
members of the Board of Election Inspectors b. Regional Trial Court (RTC)
(BEI) – To inspect and verify the completeness For Municipal officers
of the Voter’s registration records. c. MTC
o After Verification and certification, the For Barangay Officers
board shall seal the book of voters in the
presence of the Board Inspectors. DISQUALIFICATION
-BEI shall take custody of the
same until distribution to the Under the LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE
board on the day of election. Section 40. (Local Elective Officials only)
-EO must deliver the sealed book 1. Moral Turpitude and Imprisonment(1yr) and
to Chairman of the BEI within 2years after service of sentence;
2. Fugitive from Justice
3. Removed by an Administrative case;
CERTIFICATE OF CANDIDACY 4. Convicted for violating oath of allegiance;
5. Dual citizens;
6. Permanent residents; and
Petition to deny due course or Cancel a COC 7. Insane or Feeble-minded.
(Section 78, BP 881)
Who: Any person Under the Omnibus Election Code (BP 881)
Ground: Material misrepresentation Section 12:
When: 25 days after filing of COC 1. Insane or Incompetent;
Must be decided: Not later than 15 days before 2. Subversion, insurrection, or rebellion;
election. 3. Moral turpitude;
4. any offense (18 Months)
Section 68: (Applies to all elective) g. Officials/Employees of Civil Service, Members of
1. Given money or material Consideration to AFP; and
influence. h. Foreigners and foreign Corporations.
2. Acts of terrorism to enhance his candidacy.
3. Overspending. Section 96
4. Prohibited Contributions/Donations etc. Soliciting or receiving contributions from Foreign
See prohibition below. Sources
5. Permanent Resident of a foreign Country or an
Immigrant. Unless waived(Express under oath) Section 97
Prohibited raising of funds.
Note: Ang kapareho lang ng Section 40 of LGC at
Section 68 of Omnibus election code ay:
1. Permanent Resident or an Immigrant

Prohibited Contributions/Donations/Raising of
funds (SUPRA)
Section 89:
When prohibited:
1. 5 hours before or after PUBLIC MEETINGS;
2. Day before Election; and
3. Day of the Election
For any candidate, political party, organization or
ANY PERSON to give or accept. FREE (Directly or
a. Transportation;
b. Food or drinks; or
c. Things of value

Prohibited Contributions (Section 95)

a. Public/Private Financial Institution.
-Except, loans made in accordance with
laws as and regulations (Ordinary course)
b. From Persons(N/J) operating a public
utility/Exploiting any natural resources.
c. Persons(N/J) who holds contracts or sub-
contracts to supply the gov’t with goods or services
or to perform constructions.
d. Persons(N/J) who has been granted franchise,
incentives, exemptions, allocations, or similar
e. Persons(N/J) who within 1year prior to the
election, have been granted loans or other
accommodation in excess of P100,000 by the
f. Educational Institutions which have received
grants of public funds not less than P100,000

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