Lecture - 1 Balancing of Masses Theory of Machine
Lecture - 1 Balancing of Masses Theory of Machine
Lecture - 1 Balancing of Masses Theory of Machine
Balancing of Masses
lecture - 1 Balancing of Masses Theory of Machine
Fig. 1. Balancing of a single rotating mass by a single mass rotating in the same plane.
a) When the plane of the disturbing mass lies in between the planes of
the two balancing masses
Consider a disturbing mass m balanced by two rotating masses m1 and m2 as
shown in Fig. 2. Let r, r1 and r2 be the radii of rotation of the masses m, m1 and
m2 respectively.
lecture - 1 Balancing of Masses Theory of Machine
Fig .2. Balancing of a single rotating mass by two rotating masses in different planes when the
plane of single rotating mass lies in between the planes of two balancing masses.
m1. r1 × l = m. r × l2
Similarly, in order to find the balancing force at the bearing A of a shaft, take
moments about B. Therefore
FC2 × l = FC × l1 or m2. ω2. r2 × l = m. ω2. r × l1
m2. r2 × l = m. r × l1
lecture - 1 Balancing of Masses Theory of Machine
b) When the plane of the disturbing mass lies on one end of the planes of
the balancing masses
Fig .3. Balancing of a single rotating mass by two rotating masses in different planes, when the
plane of single rotating mass lies at one end of the planes of balancing masses.
This case shown in Fig .3. As discussed above, the following conditions must be
satisfied in order to balance the system, i.e.
FC + FC2 = FCl or m. ω2. r + m2. ω2. r2 = m1. ω2. r1
m. r + m2. r2 = m1. r1
Now in order to find the magnitude of balancing force at the bearing B of a
shaft, take moments about A. Therefore
FC1 × l = FC × l2 or m1. ω2. r1 × l = m. ω2. r × l2
m1. r1 × l = m. r × l2
Similarly, to find the balancing force at the bearing A of a shaft, take moments
about B. Therefore
FC2 × l = FC × l1 or m2. ω2. r2 × l = m. ω2. r × l1
m2. r2 × l = m. r × l1
lecture - 1 Balancing of Masses Theory of Machine
be the angles of these masses with the horizontal line OX, as shown in Fig. 4 (a).
Let these masses rotate about an axis through O and perpendicular to the plane of
paper, with a constant angular velocity of ω rad/s.
The magnitude and position of the balancing mass may be found out
analytically or graphically as discussed below:
a) Analytical method
The magnitude and direction of the balancing mass may be obtained, analytically,
as discussed below :
Resolve the centrifugal forces horizontally and vertically and find their sums, i.e.
ΣH = m1 . r1 cosθ1 + m2 . r2 cosθ2 + . . . . . .
ΣV = m1 . r1 sinθ1 + m2 . r2 sinθ2 + . . . . . .
The balancing force is then equal to the resultant force, but in opposite direction.
Now find out the magnitude of the balancing mass,
lecture - 1 Balancing of Masses Theory of Machine
FC = m. r
where m = Balancing mass, and
r = Its radius of rotation.
b) Graphical method
The magnitude and position of the balancing mass may also be obtained
graphically using Table: 1 and then draw:
1. Find the centrifugal force (or product of the mass and radius of rotation)
exerted by each mass on the rotating shaft.
2. Draw the vector diagram with the obtained centrifugal forces to some suitable
3. The closing side of polygon ae represents the resultant force in magnitude and
direction, as shown in Fig. 4 (b).
4. The balancing force is, then, equal to the resultant force, but in opposite
5. Find the magnitude of the balancing mass (m) at a given radius of rotation (r),
m.r = Resultant of m1.r1, m2.r2, m3.r3 and m4.r4
Table: 1
No. of Centrifugal force 2
masses Mass (m) Radius (r) Angle() (m.r)
1 m1 r1 1 m1 r1
2 m2 r2 2 m2.r2
3 m3 r3 3 m3.r3
4 m4 r4 4 m4.r4
are shown in Fig. 5(b). The magnitude of the balancing masses mA and mB in
planes A and B may be obtained as discussed below:
1. Take one of the planes, say A as the reference plane (R.P.).
2. Tabulate the data as shown in Table: 2.
3. The couples about the reference plane must balance, i.e. the resultant couple
must be zero.
∑ + mB rB lB cos =0
∑ sin + mB rB lB sin =0
4. The forces in the reference plane must balance, i.e. the resultant force must
be zero.
∑ + mA rA cos =0
∑ sin + mA rA sin =0
lecture - 1 Balancing of Masses Theory of Machine
Graphical Representation
1. Draw moment polygon (assuming that the moment direction is toward the
centrifugal force) as shown in Fig .5(c).
2. Draw force polygon as shown in Fig .5(d).
Example: 1
Four masses m1, m2, m3 and m4 are 200 kg, 300 kg, 240 kg and 260 kg
respectively. The corresponding radii of rotation are 0.2 m, 0.15 m, 0.25 m and 0.3
m respectively and the angles between successive masses are 45°, 75° and 135°.
Find the position and magnitude of the balance mass required, if its radius of
rotation is 0.2 m.
Let m = Balancing mass, and
θ = The angle which the balancing mass makes with m1.
1. Analytical method
ΣH = ∑
ΣH = 40 cos0 + 45 cos45 + 60 cos120 + 78 cos255 = 21.63 kg.m
lecture - 1 Balancing of Masses Theory of Machine
1 200 0.2 0 40
2 300 0.15 45 45
3 240 0.25 120 60
4 260 0.3 255 78
5 m 0.2 m.r
ΣV = ∑
ΣV = 40 sin0 + 45 sin45 + 60 sin120 + 78 sin255 = 8.43 kg.m
Since θ is the angle of the resultant R from the horizontal mass of 200 kg,
therefore the angle of the balancing mass from the horizontal mass of 200 kg,
θ = 180° + 21.48° = 201.48° Ans.
2. Graphical method
Scale: let 10 kg.m = 1cm in paper.
Draw force polygon as shown in Fig .(b).
lecture - 1 Balancing of Masses Theory of Machine
Example: 2
A shaft carries four masses A, B, C and D of magnitude 200 kg, 300 kg, 400 kg
and 200 kg respectively and revolving at radii 80 mm, 70 mm, 60 mm and 80
mm in planes measured from A at 300 mm, 400 mm and 700 mm. The angles
between the cranks measured anticlockwise are A to B 45°, B to C 70° and C to
D 120°. The balancing masses are to be placed in planes X and Y. The distance
between the planes A and X is 100 mm, between X and Y is 400 mm and
between Y and D is 200 mm. If the balancing masses revolve at a radius of 100
mm, find their magnitudes and angular positions.
lecture - 1 Balancing of Masses Theory of Machine
Home work
lecture - 1 Balancing of Masses Theory of Machine
lecture - 1 Balancing of Masses Theory of Machine
lecture - 2 Cams Theory of Machine
1. Classification of Cams
1. Radial or disc cam, is shown in Fig. 1 (a) to (f).
2. Cylindrical cam, is shown in Fig .2.
2. Classification of Followers
a) According to the surface in contact. The followers, according to the surface in
contact, are as follows :
a) Knife edge follower, is shown in Fig .1 (a).
b) Roller follower, is shown in Fig .1 (b).
c) Flat faced or mushroom follower, is shown in Fig .1 (c) and (f ).
d) Spherical faced follower, is shown in Fig .1 (d).
b) According to the motion of the follower. The followers, according to its
motion, are of the following two
a) Reciprocating or translating follower, is shown in Fig .1 (a) to (d).
b) Oscillating or rotating follower, is shown in Fig .1 (e).
c) According to the path of motion of the follower. The followers, according to
its path of motion, are of the following two types:
lecture - 2 Cams Theory of Machine
a) Radial follower, is shown in Fig .1 (a) to (e).
b) Off-set follower, is shown in Fig .1 ( f ).
lecture - 2 Cams Theory of Machine
3 4
lecture - 2 Cams Theory of Machine
In order to have the acceleration and retardation within the finite limits, it is
necessary to modify the conditions which govern the motion of the follower. This
may be done by rounding off the sharp corners of the displacement diagram at the
beginning and at the end of each stroke, as shown in Fig. 4(a). By doing so, the
velocity of the follower increases gradually to its maximum value at the beginning
of each stroke and decreases gradually to zero at the end of each stroke as shown
in Fig. 4(b).
……(tO = O /)
lecture - 2 Cams Theory of Machine
Fig. 7. Displacement, velocity and acceleration diagrams when the follower moves
with uniform acceleration and retardation.
aR =
( )
lecture - 2 Cams Theory of Machine
Example: 1
A cam is to give the following motion to a knife-edged follower:
1. Outstroke during 60° of cam rotation;
2. Dwell for the next 30° of cam rotation ;
3. Return stroke during next 60° of cam rotation, and
4. Dwell for the remaining 210° of cam rotation.
The stroke of the follower is 40 mm and the minimum radius of the cam is
50mm. The follower moves with uniform velocity during both the outstroke and
return strokes. Draw the profile of the cam when
a) the axis of the follower passes through the axis of the cam shaft, and
b) the axis of the follower is offset by 20mm from the axis of the cam shaft.
First of all, the displacement diagram, as shown in Fig. 8, is drawn as discussed in
the following steps :
1. Draw a horizontal line AX = 360° to some suitable scale.
AS = O = 60°
ST = D = 30°
TP = R = 60°
PX = D = 210°
2. Draw vertical line AY equal to the stroke of the follower (i.e. 40 mm) and
complete the rectangle as shown in Fig. 8.
lecture - 2 Cams Theory of Machine
3. Divide the angular displacement during outstroke and return stroke into any
equal number of even parts (say six) and draw vertical lines through each
4. Since the follower moves with uniform velocity during outstroke and return
stroke, therefore the displacement diagram consists of straight lines. Join AG
and HP.
5. The complete displacement diagram is shown by AGHPX.
The profile of the cam when the axis of the follower passes through the axis of the
cam shaft, as shown in Fig. 9, is drawn as discussed in the following steps:
1. Draw a base circle with radius equal to the minimum radius of the cam (i.e.
50 mm).
2. From OA, mark angle AOS = O = 60°
SOT = D = 30°
TOP = R = 60°
3. Divide the angular displacements during outstroke and return stroke (i.e.
angle AOS and angle TOP) into the same number of equal even parts as in
displacement diagram.
4. Now set off 1B, 2C, 3D ... etc. and 0′ H,1′ J ... etc. from the displacement
lecture - 2 Cams Theory of Machine
5. Join the points A, B, C,... M, N, P with a smooth curve. The curve AGHPA is
the complete profile of the cam.
The profile of the cam when the axis of the follower is offset by 20 mm from the
axis of the cam shaft, as shown in Fig. 10 , is drawn as discussed in the following
steps :
1. Draw a base circle with radius equal to the minimum radius of the cam (i.e.
50 mm) with O as centre.
2. Draw the axis of the follower at a distance of 20 mm from the axis of the
cam, which intersects the base circle at A.
3. Join AO and draw an offset circle of radius 20 mm with centre O.
4. From OA, mark angle AOS = O = 60°
SOT = D = 30°
TOP = R = 60°
lecture - 2 Cams Theory of Machine
5. Divide the angular displacement during outstroke and return stroke (i.e.
angle AOS and angle TOP) into the same number of equal even parts as in
displacement diagram.
6. Now from the points 1, 2, 3 ... etc. and 0′,1′, 2′,3′ ... etc. on the base circle,
draw tangents to the offset circle.
7. Now set off 1B, 2C, 3D ... etc. and 0′ H,1′ J ... etc. from the displacement
8. Join the points A, B, C ...M, N, P with a smooth curve. The curve AGHPA is
the complete profile of the cam.
Example: 2
A cam, with a minimum radius of 25 mm, rotating clockwise at a uniform speed is
to be designed to give a roller follower, at the end of a valve rod, motion described
below :
1. To raise the valve through 50 mm during 120° rotation of the cam ;
lecture - 2 Cams Theory of Machine
2. To keep the valve fully raised through next 30°;
3. To lower the valve during next 60°; and
4. To keep the valve closed during rest of the revolution i.e. 150° ;
The diameter of the roller is 20 mm and the diameter of the cam shaft is 25 mm.
Draw the profile of the cam when
a) the line of stroke of the valve rod passes through the axis of the cam shaft,
b) the line of the stroke is offset 15 mm from the axis of the cam shaft.
The displacement of the valve, while being raised and lowered, is to take place
with simple harmonic motion. Determine the maximum acceleration of the valve
rod when the cam shaft rotates at 100 r.p.m.
Draw the displacement, the velocity and the acceleration diagrams for one
complete revolution of the cam.
First of all, the displacement diagram, as shown in Fig. 11(a), is drawn as
discussed in the following steps :
1. Draw horizontal line AX = 360° to some suitable scale. On this line, mark
AS = O = 120°
ST = D = 30°
TP = R = 60°
PX = D = 150°
2. Draw vertical line AY = 50 mm to represent the cam lift or stroke of the
follower and complete the rectangle.
3. Divide the angular displacement during out stroke and return stroke into any
equal number of even parts (say six) and draw vertical lines through each
4. Since the follower moves with simple harmonic motion, therefore draw a
semicircle with AY as diameter and divide into six equal parts.
5. From points a, b, c ... etc. draw horizontal lines intersecting the vertical lines
drawn through 1, 2, 3 ... etc. and 0′ ,1′ , 2′ ...etc. at B, C, D ... M, N, P.
lecture - 2 Cams Theory of Machine
6. Join the points A, B, C ... etc. with a smooth curve.
The profile of the cam when the line of stroke of the valve rod passes through the
axis of the cam shaft, as shown in Fig. 13, is drawn as discussed in the following
steps :
1. Draw a base circle with centre O and radius equal to the minimum radius of
the cam ( i.e. 25 mm ).
2. Draw a prime circle with centre O and radius,
OA = Min. radius of cam + Dia. of roller = 25 + × 20 = 35 mm
lecture - 2 Cams Theory of Machine
4. Divide the angular displacements of the cam during raising and lowering of
the valve (i.e. angle AOS and TOP ) into the same number of equal even parts
as in displacement diagram.
5. Join the points 1, 2, 3, etc. with the centre O and produce the lines beyond
prime circle.
6. Set off 1B, 2C, 3D etc. equal to the displacements from displacement
7. Join the points A, B, C ... N, P, A. The curve drawn through these points is
known as pitch curve.
lecture - 2 Cams Theory of Machine
8. From the points A, B, C ... N, P, draw circles of radius equal to the radius of
the roller.
9. Join the bottoms of the circles with a smooth curve.
Profile of the cam when the line of stroke is offset 15 mm from the axis of the
cam shaft, as shown in Fig. 14, may be drawn as discussed in the following
1. Draw a base circle with centre O and radius equal to 25 mm.
2. Draw a prime circle with centre O and radius OA = 35 mm.
3. Draw an off-set circle with centre O and radius equal to 15 mm.
4. Join OA. From OA draw the angular displacements of cam i.e. draw angle
AOS = 120°,angle SOT = 30° and angle TOP = 60°.
5. Divide the angular displacements of the cam during raising and lowering of
the valve into the same number of equal even parts (i.e. six parts ) as in
displacement diagram.
6. From points 1, 2, 3 .... etc. and 0′ ,1′ , 3′ , ...etc. on the prime circle, draw
tangents to the offset circle.
7. Set off 1B, 2C, 3D... etc. equal to displacements as measured from
displacement diagram.
8. By joining the points A, B, C ... M, N, P, with a smooth curve, we get a pitch
9. Now A, B, C...etc. as centre, draw circles with radius equal to the radius of
10.Join the bottoms of the circles with a smooth curve.
lecture - 2 Cams Theory of Machine
lecture - 2 Cams Theory of Machine
Home Work
lecture - 3 Governors Theory of Machine
1. Introduction
The function of a governor is to regulate the
mean speed of an engine, when there are
variations in the load e.g. when the load on an
engine increases, its speed decreases, therefore
it becomes necessary to increase the supply of
working fluid. On the other hand, when the
load on the engine decreases, its speed
increases and thus less working fluid is
required. The governor automatically controls the supply of working fluid to the
engine with the varying load conditions and keeps the mean speed within certain
2. Types of Governors
The governors may, broadly, be classified as
1. Centrifugal governors, and 2. Inertia governors.
The centrifugal governors, may further be classified as follows :
lecture - 3 Governors Theory of Machine
4. Watt Governor
The simplest form of a centrifugal governor is a Watt governor, as shown in Fig.2.
It is basically a conical pendulum with links attached to a sleeve of negligible
mass. The arms of the governor may be connected to the spindle in the following
three ways:
1. The pivot P, may be on the spindle axis as shown in Fig .2 (a).
2. The pivot P, may be offset from the spindle axis and the arms when produced
intersect at O, as shown in Fig .2 (b).
3. The pivot P, may be offset, but the arms cross the axis at O, as shown in Fig .2
lecture - 3 Governors Theory of Machine
It is assumed that the weight of the arms, links and the sleeve are negligible as
compared to the weight of the balls. Now, the ball is in equilibrium under the
action of
1. the centrifugal force (FC) acting on the ball,
2. the tension (T) in the arm, and
3. the weight (w) of the ball.
Taking moments about point O, we have
FC × h = w × r = m.g.r
or m.ω2.r.h = m.g.r or h = g /ω2 ……. (1)
Note: Watt governor may only work satisfactorily at relatively low speeds i.e.
from 60 to 80 r.p.m.
5. Porter Governor
The Porter governor is a modification of a Watt governor, with central load
attached to the sleeve as shown in Fig .3 (a). The load moves up and down the
central spindle. This additional downward force increases the speed of revolution
required to enable the balls to rise to any predetermined level.
Consider the forces acting on one-half of the governor as shown in Fig .3 (b).
Fx = 0
lecture - 3 Governors Theory of Machine
Dividing equation (2) by equation (1),
Notes : 1. When the length of arms are equal to the length of links and the points P
and D lie on the same vertical line, then
tan α = tan β or q = tan α / tan β = 1
h= .
2. When the loaded sleeve moves up and down the spindle, the frictional force
acts on it in a direction opposite to that of the motion of sleeve.
If F = Frictional force acting on the sleeve
lecture - 3 Governors Theory of Machine
. ±
. ( )
h= .
The + sign is used when the sleeve moves upwards or the governor speed increases
and –sign is used when the sleeve moves downwards or the governor speed
2. Instantaneous centre method
In this method, equilibrium of the forces acting on the link BD are considered. The
instantaneous centre I lies at the point of intersection of PB produced and a line
through D perpendicular to the spindle axis, as shown in Fig .4.
Taking moments about the point I,
FC × BM = w × IM + × ID
= m . g × IM + × ID
Example: 1 In an engine governor of the Porter type, the upper and lower arms
are 200mm and 250 mm respectively and pivoted on the axis of rotation. The mass
lecture - 3 Governors Theory of Machine
of the central load is 15 kg, the mass of each ball is 2 kg and friction of the sleeve
together with the resistance of the operating gear is equal to a load of 25 N at the
sleeve. If the limiting inclinations of the upper arms to the vertical are 30° and 40°,
find, taking friction into account, range of speed of the governor.
1 = 19.2 rad/s
Maximum radius of rotation,
r2 = BG = BP sin 40° = 0.2 × 0.643 = 0.1268 m
Height of the governor,
h2 = PG = BP cos 40° = 0.2 × 0.766 = 0.1532 m
lecture - 3 Governors Theory of Machine
DG = (BD)2 – (BG)2 = (0.25)2 – (0.1268)2 = 0.2154 m
tan β2 = BG/DG = 0.1268 / 0.2154 = 0.59
tan α2 = tan 40° = 0.839
q2 = = = 0.703
. ( )
= .
× .
× . ( . )
= .
2 = 23.25 rad/s
Range of speed
= 2 – 1 = 23.25 – 19.2 = 4.05 rad/s Ans.
Proell Governor
The Proell governor has the balls fixed at B and C to the extension of the links DF
and EG, as shown in Fig. 1(a). The arms FP and GQ are pivoted at P and Q
Consider the equilibrium of the forces on one-half of the governor as shown in
Fig. 1(b). The instantaneous centre (I) lies on the intersection of the line PF
produced and the line from D drawn perpendicular to the spindle axis. The
perpendicular BM is drawn on ID.
lecture - 3 Governors Theory of Machine
…… (1)
…... (2)
Example: 2
The following particulars refer to a Proell governor with open arms:
Length of all arms = 200 mm ; distance of pivot of arms from the axis of rotation =
40mm ; length of extension of lower arms to which each ball is attached = 100mm
; mass of each ball = 6 kg and mass of the central load = 150 kg. If the radius of
rotation of the balls is 180 mm when the arms are inclined at an angle of 40° to the
axis of rotation, find the equilibrium speed for the above configuration.
lecture - 3 Governors Theory of Machine
Home Work
A governor of the Proell type has each arm 250 mm long. The pivots of the upper
and lower arms are 25 mm from the axis. The central load acting on the sleeve has
a mass of 25 kg and the each rotating ball has a mass of 3.2 kg. When the governor
sleeve is in mid-position, the extension link of the lower arm is vertical and the
lecture - 3 Governors Theory of Machine
radius of the path of rotation of the masses is 175 mm. The vertical height of the
governor is 200 mm. If the governor speed is 160 r.p.m. when in mid-position,
find: 1. length of the extension link; and 2. tension in the upper arm.
Answers :
1. BF = 108 mm
2. T= 192.5 N
lecture - 4 Gyroscopic Couple and Precessional Motion Theory of Machine
The gyroscopes are installed in ships in order to minimize the rolling and
pitching effects of waves. They are also used in aeroplanes, monorail
cars, gyrocompasses etc.
Gyroscopic Couple
Consider a disc spinning with an angular velocity ( ω rad/s ) about the
axis of spin OX, in anticlockwise direction when seen from the front.
Since the plane in which the disc is rotating is parallel to the plane YOZ,
therefore it is called plane of spinning. The plane XOZ is a horizontal
plane and the axis of spin rotates in a plane parallel to the horizontal
lecture - 4 Gyroscopic Couple and Precessional Motion Theory of Machine
plane about an axis OY. In other words, the axis of spin is said to be
rotating or processing about an axis OY. In other words, the axis of spin is
said to be rotating or processing about an axis OY (which is perpendicular
to both the axes OX and OZ) at an angular velocity ( ωP rap/s). This
horizontal plane XOZ is called plane of precession and OY is the axis of
lecture - 4 Gyroscopic Couple and Precessional Motion Theory of Machine
We know that the mass moment of inertia of the disc, about an axis
through its center of gravity and perpendicular to the plane of disc,
lecture - 4 Gyroscopic Couple and Precessional Motion Theory of Machine
lecture - 4 Gyroscopic Couple and Precessional Motion Theory of Machine