Rules and Regulations For The Construction and Classification of Steel Ships
Rules and Regulations For The Construction and Classification of Steel Ships
Rules and Regulations For The Construction and Classification of Steel Ships
July 2020
Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships
General Information
The Part / Chapters where amendments are made and their effective dates
are indicated in TABLE 1. The actual requirements, arranged in the order
of Part / Chapter / Section / Sub-section / Clause, have been given
For ease of reference, the newly added text has been highlighted by
underlining and the deleted text by striking through.
The validity of the amendments (issued vide interim rules change notice dated April 2020) is extended
till 30th September 2020, unless revoked earlier or extended further.
2/ New Cl. – Force Majeure will be applied in lieu of Cl.
as an interim measure due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Part 1
Chapter 1
Section 2
Classification Regulations
2.18 Suspension, withdrawal and deletion of If class has already been automatically
class suspended in such cases, it may be reinstated
subject to the conditions prescribed above.
2.18.1 Suspension
Note: Cl. below will be applied in lieu Force Majeure: If, due to of till 30th September 2020, unless
circumstances defined in Chapter 2, 1.11.3, the revoked earlier or extended further by IRS.
vessel is in a port where the overdue surveys
cannot be completed at the expiry of the periods Force Majeure: If, due to
allowed above, IRS may allow the vessel to sail, circumstances reasonably beyond the control of
in class, directly to an agreed discharge port, and the owner or IRS as defined in Chapter 2, 1.11.3,
if necessary, thereafter in ballast, to an agreed the vessel is not in a port where the surveys can
port at which the survey will be completed, be completed at the expiry of the periods allowed
provided: above, IRS may allow the vessel to sail, in class,
for a period not exceeding three (3) months, to
a) Re-examination of the ship’s record is carried allow for completion of the surveys, provided:
out by IRS,
a) Examination of the ship’s record is
b) IRS carries out the due and/or overdue carried out by IRS,
surveys and examination of Conditions of
Class at the first port of call when there is an b) IRS carries out the due and/or overdue
unforeseen inability of IRS to attend the surveys and examination of Conditions
vessel in the present port, and of Class at the first opportunity where
IRS is reasonably able to attend to
c) IRS is satisfied that the vessel is in condition complete the surveys, and
to sail for one trip to a discharge port and
subsequent ballast voyage to a repair facility c) IRS is satisfied that the vessel is in
if necessary (where there is unforeseen condition to satisfactorily continue in
inability of IRS to attend the vessel in the service for the agreed period, and
present port, the master is to confirm that the
ship is in condition to sail to the nearest port d) IRS receives a signed statement from the
of call). master to confirm that the ship is in a
condition to satisfactorily continue in
The scope of the overdue surveys will be based service for the agreed period.
on the survey requirements applicable to the
vessel at the original due date and not based on IRS may postpone the surveys and issue interim/
the age of the vessel when the survey is carried short term certificates as appropriate.
out. Such surveys will be credited from the date
originally due. The scope of the overdue surveys will be based
on the survey requirements applicable to the
vessel at the original due date and not based on
the age of the vessel when the survey is carried
out. Such surveys will be credited from the date If class has already been automatically
originally due. suspended in such cases, it may be reinstated
subject to the conditions prescribed above.
End of Chapter