Accenture Oil and Gas Industry

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World Economic Forum

Digital Transformation
In collaboration with Accenture


Digital transformation Digital transformation is emerging as a driver of sweeping change in
the world around us. Connectivity has shown the potential to empower
can help the Oil and millions of people, while providing businesses with unparalleled
Gas industry tackle the opportunities for value creation and capture.

challenges it faces and, Ever since the Industrial Revolution, the Oil and Gas industry has
played a pivotal role in the transformation of the global economy,
in the longer term, fuelling the world’s demand for heat, light and mobility. Today, the Oil
create value for all its and Gas sector has the opportunity to redefine its boundaries through
digitalization. After a period of falling crude prices, frequent budget and
stakeholders. schedule overruns, greater demands of climate change accountability,
and difficulties in attracting talent, Oil and Gas companies can provide
practical solutions. In the short term, digitalization can act as an
enabler to tackle these challenges and, in the long term, provide value
to all of the industry’s stakeholders.
Digitalization can be a source of transformational change, but there are
a number of challenges that need to be overcome to realize its full
potential for both business and wider society. In some cases, the gains
from digitalization have been inequitable, with the benefits not reaching
those who need them most. At the same time, the exponential increase Bob Dudley
in global information flows have created new risks around data privacy Oil & Gas Steering Committee Chairman
and security, and businesses across sectors are grappling with
World Economic Forum 2016
challenges related to changing customer expectations, cultural
transformation, outdated regulation and skill shortages.
The World Economic Forum is committed to helping leaders
understand these implications and supporting them on the journey to Pedro G. Gomez Pensado
shape better opportunities for business and society. Head of Oil and Gas Industry
World Economic Forum

In a world where game- The past 12 months have brought a series of exciting technological
breakthroughs. Self-driving Tesla cars can now be seen on the road;
changing innovation has Uber is testing autonomous taxis in Pittsburgh; Google DeepMind’s
become the norm, DTI Alpha Go demonstrated a leap forward in artificial intelligence with a
famous victory at the board game Go; and augmented reality hit the
provides a unique mainstream with the success of Pokémon Go. Game-changing
insight into the impact innovation has become the norm.
of technology on Digital innovation is reshaping industries by disrupting existing
business and operating models. But it is also having a profound impact
business and society on society, presenting a series of opportunities and challenges for
over the next decade. businesses and policy-makers.
The Digital Transformation Initiative (DTI) is a project launched by the
World Economic Forum in 2015 to serve as the focal point for new
opportunities and themes arising from the latest developments in the
digitalization of business and society. Over the past two years, DTI has
analysed the impact of digital transformation across 13 industries and
five cross-industry themes. We have also developed a unique value-at-
stake framework to support a consistent approach to measuring the
impact of technology on business and wider society. An overview of Bruce Weinelt
this framework is included on the next slide. Head of Digital Transformation
Our goal is for this framework to provide an evidence base and World Economic Forum
common language for public-private collaboration focused on ensuring
that the benefits of digital transformation are fairly and widely shared.
Mark Knickrehm
Group Chief Executive
Accenture Strategy

This distinctive economic ILLUSTRATIVE
(levers customized to each
framework helps industry)
business leaders,
regulators and policy-
makers unlock the
estimated $100 trillion of
value that digitalization
across all industries
could generate over the
next decade.

• We have developed a unique economic framework to quantify the impact • It provides a consistent evidence base and library of definitions for
of digital transformation on industry and broader society. digital concepts, supporting a global, multistakeholder dialogue about
• Our framework is new and will be iterated further over the next year, digitalization and its implications.
but it can already be applied at all levels of government and business, • We have achieved proof of concept of the framework at an industry level
helping stakeholders make the decisions that deliver the full potential of (11 industries) and successfully piloted its application at a national / state
digital transformation. level (in Denmark, India, the United Kingdom and the Indian state
of Telangana).
There is growing The Oil and Gas industry is no stranger to big data, technology,
and digital innovation. As early as the 1980s, Oil and Gas
consensus that the Oil companies began to adopt digital technologies, with a focus on
and Gas industry is on better understanding a reservoir’s resource and production
the cusp of a new era, potential, improving health and safety, and boosting marginal
operational efficiencies at oilfields around the world. A wave of
as a second wave of digital oilfield initiatives swept through most of the industry in the
business and digital 1990s and the early part of this century.
technologies looks set However, for most of this decade, the industry has not taken
to reshape the sector, advantage of the opportunities that derive from meaningfully
using data and technology. A single drilling rig at an oilfield,
propelled by a series of for example, can generate terabytes of data every day, but only
macroeconomic, a small fraction of it is used for decision-making. As other capital-
industry and technology intensive industries (such as aviation and automotive) have
pushed ahead with revolutionizing their business and operating
trends. models through a holistic application of digital technologies,
the opportunity for the Oil and Gas industry to leverage the
transformational impact of digitalization has become
more evident.
At present, the traditional approach of selectively adopting a set
of technologies and implementing digitalization unsystematically
might not be suitable; the industry could instead benefit more by
Download pursuing a revolutionary agenda with digital as a backbone.
Digital transformation has the potential to create tremendous
White Paper
value for both the industry and society as a whole.

The Oil and Gas industry and the broader energy value chain are being shaped by several powerful supply and demand forces.

Disruption in supply, demand and commodity prices

The industry is witnessing one of its worst downturns, driven by a supply-
side disruption. Commodity prices had, at one point, fallen by more than
70% compared with June 2014 levels and, just as some early signs of
recovery emerge, another disruption may be on the horizon, driven, on this
occasion, by peak demand for oil. Technological advances such as
horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing are unlocking shale resources –
and playing an important role in creating the oversupply responsible for
persistently low crude prices. This disruption will maintain pressure on
hydrocarbon prices and prompt energy companies to focus more intensely
on reforming their portfolio and taking a greater role in the energy transition.

Changing consumer needs and expectations

Across industries, consumers expect increased engagement,
personalization and speed. They are also paying more attention to
environmental issues, which influences their energy choices; seeking
transparency from companies in different areas (e.g. emissions or
hydrocarbon sources); and are growing in technical sophistication by being
connected to multiple technology and digital platforms. Other factors, such
as the growing interest in electric vehicles in developed markets, are also
affecting demand.

Disruption in supply, Total return to shareholders across industries
demand and commodity
prices, combined with
persistent market
volatility, has made
investors appear wary
of the industry, with
lower total return to
shareholders (TRS)
compared to other

Source: Accenture analysis based on Bloomberg data

Developments in technologies such as cloud, social media, big data and analytics are driving trends that have immense
potential for Oil and Gas.
Big data and analytics
Investment in digital technologies Around 36% of Oil and Gas companies are already investing in big data and analytics.
However, only 13% use the insights to drive their approach towards the market and their
competitors. This discrepancy highlights the fact that these companies have not always
embedded big data and analytics completely in their systems, but are just applying them
piecemeal. Full-scale deployment can have far-reaching impacts on productivity and
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
Within upstream, IIoT can help with optimization by enabling new operational insights
through analysing diverse sets of operational data (such as drilling parameters), and
cross-disciplinary data (such as geological models). Midstream companies (e.g.
transportation, including pipelines and storage) aiming for higher network integrity and
new commercial opportunities are expected to benefit significantly from building data-
enabled infrastructure. Downstream players (e.g. petroleum product refiners and retailers)
could see promising opportunities in the form of new revenue opportunities, from
expanding visibility of the hydrocarbon supply chain and targeting digital consumers
through new forms of connected marketing.
Mobile devices
The major benefits of integrating mobile devices into everyday operations include
workflow improvements from better group communication, increased worker productivity
and better recording of field data. Mobile technology also enables real-time data
monitoring via specialized software installed on smartphones, and can have a positive
impact on health, safety and the environment (HSE). Companies have improved the safety
of employees by using the GPS coordinates of smartphones to track workers in hazardous
situations. Deploying mobile applications in combination with radio frequency identification
Source: Accenture Digital Energy Trends (RFID) tags is making assets smart and their movements visible.

Four themes are expected to play a crucial role in the digital transformation of the oil and gas industry over the next decade.

Digital Asset Circular Energizing

Collaborative Beyond
Life Cycle
Management Ecosystem the Barrel New Energies

New digital technologies The application of integrated Innovative customer engagement The digitalization of energy
combined with data-driven digital platforms enhances models offer flexibility and a systems promotes new
insights can transform collaboration among personalized experience, energy sources and carriers,
operations, boosting agility ecosystem participants, opening up new opportunities for and supports innovative
and strategic decision-making helping fast-track innovation, oil and gas operators, and models for energy
ability, resulting in new reduce costs and provide services for customers. optimization and marketing.
operating models. operational transparency.

Total value at stake Total value at stake Total value at stake Total value at stake
$745 billion $30 billion $100 billion $70 billion
Industry Industry Industry Industry

$110 billion $0.5 billion $26 billion $500 billion

Society Society Society Society

Digitalization Digitalization in the Oil and Gas sector has the potential to unlock greater value for industry ($945 billion) than
could unlock up to wider society ($637 billion) over the next 10 years. The themes that create the largest impact are Digital Asset
Life Cycle Management and Energizing New Energies, which together account for 90% of the value at stake.
$2.5 trillion of
industry and societal
value. Societal Oil and gas: value at stake for industry and wider society (by digital theme)
benefits include Emission
reduced emissions Potential Potential Total Value Reduction Net Impact
Business Impact Societal Impact at Stake (million tonnes on Jobs
and $170 billion in ($ billion) ($ billion) ($ billion) CO2e) (1000s)
cost savings for
Digital Asset Life
customers. Cycle Management
745 110 855 370 (114)

Collaborative 30 0.5 31 2 -

Beyond the Barrel 100 27 126 12 21

Energizing New
70 500 570 900 35

Cumulative Total 945 637 1582 1284 (57)

Source: World Economic Forum / Accenture analysis

New digital technologies combined with data-driven insights can transform operations,
boosting agility and strategic decision-making ability.

Illustrative case studies:

New Era of Automation Advanced Analytics Connected Worker
and Modelling
Automation, robotics and the This initiative enables Providing workers with on-
development of remote companies to quickly and demand real-time push and pull
operating capabilities will automatically produce analytical information through mobility
transform how Oil and Gas models (e.g. reservoir models, apps and wearable technology
companies operate. Leveraging drilling plans and production can give them access to the right
IIoT could connect end-to-end profiles) that can analyse bigger, information at the right time, so
operations across the life cycle more complex data, and deliver they can make more proactive
of a well and ensure that all faster, more accurate results, decisions, enhancing
systems are communicating even at a very large scale. The productivity and reducing costs.
across the industry. This potential value for the industry is This initiative has the potential
initiative could generate $425 billion, while it could also value of $100 billion for industry
approximately $220 billion of deliver benefits worth $100 through improvements in
value for the industry and also billion to society, including a employee productivity.
reduce emissions of CO2 reduction of 350 million tonnes Connected worker technologies
equivalents (CO2e) by around 20 of CO2e emissions. can also boost workforce safety.
million tonnes.

Integrated digital platforms can enhance collaboration among different participants in the Oil and Gas ecosystem, while also
accelerating innovation, reducing costs and making operations transparent.

Real-Time Supply / Digital Information Sharing and

Demand Balancing Operational Transparency:
through 3D Printing Blockchain and Smart Contracts

Blockchain offers an easy way to

3D printing could transform transfer information and
today’s supply chain into a automatically tracks each
globally connected, yet still local transaction. It enables some
supply chain, creating a close accounting, finance and
relationship between design, compliance tasks to be automated,
engineering, marketing and reducing operating expenses and
manufacturing. For example, for the frequency of transactional
upstream operators, 3D printing errors. Blockchain also lend itself
could revolutionize the supply of easily to the cross-border
replacement parts. Across the transactions that are common in
industry, this initiative could the highly globalized Oil and Gas Illustrative case studies:
unlock $30 billion of value for Oil industry. The value at stake for this
and Gas companies, and $0.5 initiative has not been quantified.
billion for society.

Innovative engagement models that provide personalized experiences and flexibility for customers can drive new revenues
for Oil and Gas operators.

Digital Customer Omnichannel Retail and

Services Experiential Services
Digital services such as hyperlocal Omnichannel retail aims to
mobile fuel offerings aim to bring capitalize on the time spent by
the fuel station to the customer. customers at petrol stations by
Additional services such as tyre helping fuel retailers learn more
pumps and maintenance check- about their customers so that they
ups can be bundled with the can develop personalized
mobile fuel station to enhance offerings. To capitalize on
safety and raise vehicle mileage omnichannel opportunities, petrol
for customers. This initiative could stations can offer additional
cause profits of around $1 billion to services, such as digital banking or
shift to new start-ups offering these allowing customers to pick up
services and early adopters. It parcels bought online. We expect
could also lead to reduction in $95 billion to migrate from Illustrative case studies:
profits of fuel retailers by $2 billion traditional fuel retailers to
from reduction in sales, but it could omnichannel retailers. Moreover,
unlock $7 billion of value to society specialized offers will also lead to
through time savings and additional profits of $6 billion from
emissions reductions. increase in same store sales.
Digitalization is promoting new energy sources and carriers, as well as innovative models for the optimization and marketing
of energy. To remain relevant to customers, the Oil and Gas industry needs to understand the full impact of these changes on
the broader energy system.

Consumer Energy Choices

Illustrative case studies:
Oil and gas companies can position
themselves at the leading edge of
digital transformation by partnering
with their B2B customers to develop
digital platforms and by engaging with
the end consumers ‘beyond the
meter’. Companies can start
developing innovative digital consumer
platforms which gives them the
freedom to choose their energy
source. These platforms could unlock
$500 billion of value for society, as it
will provide consumers with an option
to shift to new energy sources and
reduce CO2e emissions by up to 900
million tonnes.

Here are just three of the many case studies that can be found in our white paper on digital transformation in the oil and
gas industry.
Shell: Booster Fuels: Tesla:
Speeding up prototyping with Providing mobile refuelling services Storing electricity with Powerwall
3D printing for employees
Shell has used 3D printers to prototype its Booster Fuels has a mobile fuel business Tesla, a US automotive and energy storage
Stones Oil and Gas station in the Gulf of model, which offers corporate programmes company, has launched Powerwall, an
Mexico – the deepest drilling station in the that provide its mobile refuelling services to automated, compact and simple-to-install
world. The team used a 3D printer to the enterprise clients’ employees. The start- domestic battery that stores electricity
produce a scaled-down plastic version, up says it eliminates the need for drivers to generated by solar panels at a customer’s
including all components, in only four weeks. visit the petrol station. Instead, users can home during the day and makes it available
It showed the team exactly how to improve book a refuelling time via Booster Fuels for in the evening. This bridges the time gap
components before building the real-life a tanker to come to them and fill up their between peak solar generation and peak
buoy in the construction yard. It even helped car. Booster is focusing its marketing efforts demand, allowing customers to use the
them work out the most efficient assembly on attracting clients at corporate campuses, energy when they need it the most. It also
sequence for the buoy and saved Shell $40 where employees’ vehicles can be refuelled reduces the risk of power outages at the
million by highlighting design flaws at an while they work. In early 2016, the start-up customer’s home by acting as a backup
early stage. The 3D-printed prototype also raised $9 million of funding. electricity supply. Tesla has also launched
showed US authorities exactly how the Powerpack, a larger version designed for
finished design would function in a rough commercial use.
sea environment and helped Shell secure
government approval.
To unlock the full potential of digital transformation, the Oil and Gas industry needs to tackle a series of historic and structural

Outdated regulatory Lack of Lack of ecosystem

frameworks standardization collaboration Talent gaps

Data security regulations are no A lot of data coming from For digitalization to deliver all its Ahead of the 'big crew
longer fit for purpose. sensors is not standardized or potential benefits, it must be change', young workers need
Intellectual property integrated across platforms. integrated in an industry from to be actively pulled into the
frameworks have not yet Moreover, ownership of or end to end. In the case of Oil and industry, but millennials – who
adapted to a new era of data access to data among suppliers, Gas, efficiency, productivity, are projected to constitute a
sharing along value chains, in operators and contractors is health and safety will only be majority of the US workforce
which companies must feel often uncertain. Even when data maximized if systems, equipment by the early 2020s – currently
confident that, by dispersing is accessible, it is often too and sensors from across the favour working in industries
their data, they are not complex or large – obscuring industry value chain are sharing perceived to be 'greener' than
compromising it. any clear insights. data and learning from one Oil and Gas.
another. As things stand, that 'top
layer' of information sharing has
not been fully realized.

Incremental change alone is no longer sufficient to unlock the full potential of digitalization and to prepare for the challenges it
is likely to bring. Here are our recommendations for the industry to keep up with – and stay ahead of – digital transformation.

Imperatives for industry Imperatives for policy-makers

Make digital a priority for the C-suite Globalize standards

• The C-suite needs to set a clear vision, commit funding and resources, and • Develop global data standards and policies related to data sharing and security,
champion change management efforts to ensure that digital is fully integrated and encourage transparency of operations.
into the company’s core business. Foster an ecosystem of innovation
Drive a culture of innovation and technology adoption • Help build on the innovation ecosystem and innovate within their own
• Create an open channel for ideas and encourage new ways of working by using organizations to unlock value and meet the ever-changing and diverse needs of
technology to enhance the firm’s capabilities to create a more fluid, their constituents.
multidisciplinary team. Promote shift towards low carbon economy
Invest in human capital and development programmes • Promote a more inclusive society that can contribute to a broader reform agenda
• Assess current personnel capabilities and build a digital strategic workforce plan for greener, more resilient and inclusive growth.
to address any shortage of skills.
Reform the company’s data architecture
• Harmonization, integration and interoperability of data platforms is critical to
support effective decision-making.
Continue to invest, build, buy or partner to develop digital capabilities
• Evaluate the investment necessary to digitize the company’s core activities or
Invest in the collaborative ecosystem
• Partner with peers and competitors to innovate, develop digital capabilities fast,
and leverage new business models.

All materials are Over the past two years, DTI research has focused on
understanding the impact of digital transformation in 13
available on industries and drawing insights from the cross-industry themes that came out of that analysis.

org/digital- We have covered five cross-industry themes. Digital

Consumption explains how the rapidly changing expectations
transformation of digital customers are forcing enterprises to reinvent
including detailed themselves. Digital Enterprise looks at how companies can
respond by rethinking every aspect of their business. Platform
papers and case Economy focuses on the immense impact of one type of
studies. digitally enabled business model – B2B platforms. The adoption
of new digital business and operating models is having a
profound impact on society, a theme we analyse in Societal
Implications. We then introduce our quantitative analysis of the
impact of digitalization on business and wider society in our final
Key features
cross-industry theme, Societal Value and Policy Imperatives.
Our industry deep dives have covered 13 industries: • Mobile-responsive, platform-agnostic site
Automotive; Aviation, Travel and Tourism; Chemistry and
• 13 industry white papers
Advanced Materials; Consumer; Electricity; Logistics;
Media; Mining and Metals; Oil and Gas; Professional • 5 cross-industry white papers
Services; Retail and Telecommunications.
• 13 SlideShare summaries of white papers
White papers, SlideShares, articles, an overall executive
summary for the DTI project, and a library of video interviews • 60+ video snippets and mini documentaries
can be found on our website.
Visit DTI • Online case study repository
website • 4 animations on digital challenges

The World Economic Forum would like to acknowledge and extend its sincere gratitude to a broad community of contributors
across Partner companies, technology start-ups, academicians and experts.
Participating Organizations Project Team Contributors
• Baker Hughes World Economic Forum
• BlackPak • Mark Spelman, Co-Head, System Initiative on Shaping the Future of
• BP Digital Economy and Society
• Carbon Clean Solutions • Bruce Weinelt, Head of Digital Transformation
• ConocoPhillips • Pedro G. Gomez Pensado, Head of Oil and Gas Industry
• Fluor Corporation • Renée van Heusden, Community Lead, Oil and Gas Industry, Global
• MIT Energy Institute Leadership Fellow, Energy Industries
• Pemex • Reema Siyam, Project Lead, Digital Transformation Initiative
• Royal Vopak
• Shell Accenture
• Statoil • Muqsit Ashraf, Accenture Strategy, Global Lead Energy
• Suncor • Vivek Chidambaram, Accenture Strategy, Energy
• James Collins, Accenture Strategy, Energy
• Tufts University
• Adnan Khan, Accenture Strategy, Energy
• Wolfgang Popp, Accenture Strategy, Project Lead and World Economic
Forum Secondee
• Anand Shah, Accenture Strategy, Digital Transformation Initiative
Engagement Partner
• Pratik Agrawal, Accenture Strategy
• Shishir Shroff, Accenture Strategy, Value Expert


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