Sliding Wear Behavior of SPS Processed TaC-containing TiCN-WC-Ni/Co Cermets Against Silicon Carbide
Sliding Wear Behavior of SPS Processed TaC-containing TiCN-WC-Ni/Co Cermets Against Silicon Carbide
Sliding Wear Behavior of SPS Processed TaC-containing TiCN-WC-Ni/Co Cermets Against Silicon Carbide
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Article history: Dense (4 98.5%) TiCN-WC-Ni/Co cermets with or without TaC are prepared by spark plasma sintering
Received 8 September 2016 technique at 1400 °C and 70 MPa pressure for 3 min and their friction and wear properties are in-
Received in revised form vestigated against commercially available hard counterbody silicon carbide ball at 5, 10 or 20 N load.
28 January 2017
Core-rim morphology is observed in SEM images of sintered samples which results due to dissolution
Accepted 4 February 2017
and reprecipitation process. Vickers Hardness and fracture toughness varied from 15–17 GPa and 8.79 to
9.51 MPa m1/2. Nano hardness of core-rim-binder phases of cermets lie between 11.14–26.01 GPa. Max-
Keywords: imum hardness and fracture toughness were obtained for Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC (in wt%) cermet.
TiCN With change in the cermet composition and sliding load, coefficient of friction varied from 0.3 to 1.1.
Wear rate of cermets varied from 4.7 10 7 mm3/Nm to 2.2 10 6 mm3/Nm and of worn SiC ball from
Sliding wear
4.4 10 7 mm3/Nm to 1.5 10 6 mm3/Nm. Hard debris oxides are responsible for higher COF at low
TaC load of 5 N and their compaction leads to the formation of tribolayer at high load of 20 N. The worn
surfaces of cermets are characterized by microcracking, tribolayer formation and spalling. The addition of
TaC in TiCN-WC-Ni/Co cermets led to the refined carbide size having lowest contiguity of ceramic phase
and attributed to reduced wear. Present research contributes in context of dry machining conditions and
is conducted to explore the potential of new cermet material in severe wear conditions against hard
& 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction research found that during sintering of TiCN based cermets the
development of core-rim morphology arises due to the dissolution
TiCN based cermets are reported to possess unique combination and re precipitation process. Borrell et al. [13] processed TiCN–
of properties of low density, high temperature resistance, high 15 wt.%Co cermets via spark plasma sintering (SPS) technique at
hardness and toughness, ability to undergo plastic deformation, su- different temperatures (1200–1400 °C) for 1 min in vacuum under
perior wear and corrosion resistance, good thermal shock resistance, a uniaxial load of 80 MPa. Lower sintering temperature resulted in
high strength, high thermal and electrical conductivity [1–3]. Ac- a decrease in mechanical properties due to poor cohesion between
cordingly TiCN-based cermets are considered as candidate materials the ceramic and binder phases. Material sintered at 1300 °C has
for machining tools and dies for metal forming [4,5]. the Vickers hardness of 17.1 GPa, fracture toughness of
It is reported that TiCN based composition results in chemically 5.5 MPa m1/2 and bending strength of 904 MPa. Alvarez et al. [14]
processed Ti(CN) cermets with intermetallic binder phases. TiCN-
and physically more stable cermets composite with high me-
Mo2C–Ni and TiCN-Mo2C–Ni–TiAl3 cermets with full density were
chanical properties with the addition of carbides and metallic
prepared via SPS at 100 MPa for 2 min at 1400 °C. The presence of
binders. It was found that tungsten carbide promotes densifica-
ultrafine TiCN grains led to 18 GPa hardness and 7.5 MPa m1/2
tion. Addition of metallic binders (Ni or Co) has high wettability
fracture toughness for TiCN-Mo2C–Ni–TiAl3 cermet. High hardness
with carbide phases [6–8]. It was also found that the addition of is related to the compositional difference, particularly because of
secondary carbides, i.e., WC, TaC, NbC or HfC, to TiCN-Ni system presence of (Al,Ti) rich oxides due to the addition of TiAl3. Ping
provides considerable variation in hardness or fracture toughness et al. [15] processed Ti(C,N)-Mo/Ni cermets via SPS at 1050 °C to
and influences their wear behavior [9,10]. Ahn et al. [11,12] in their 1450 °C for 3 min at 30 MPa with a heating rate of 200 °C /min and
cooled down to 700 °C within 2–3 min. It was observed that
Corresponding author.
samples sintered below 1350 °C were perfect in their external
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (V. Verma), appearance, whereas for those sintered at 1430 °C crack appeared
[email protected] (B.V.M. Kumar). on the sintered samples surface. The porosity decreased sharply
0043-1648/& 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
V. Verma, B.V.M. Kumar / Wear 376-377 (2017) 1570–1579 1571
below 1200 °C sintering temperature and reached minimum at (CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC (all in wt. %) and designated as C1, C2, C3
1200 °C. Jianghong et al. [16] processed Ti(C,N) cermets with ad- and C4, respectively. Commercially available powders of TiCN (1–2 mm,
dition of Al2O3, Mo, Ni at 1450 °C for 2 min via SPS at 50 MPa and Sigma Aldrich, USA), WC (2 mm, Sigma Aldrich, USA), TaC (o5 mm,
achieved 17 GPa hardness. Zheng et al. [17] obtained dense Ti(CN) Sigma Aldrich, USA), Ni (4100 mesh size, Central Drug House (CDH)
with addition of WC, Ni, Mo, VC and graphite via SPS at 1350 °C New Delhi, India) and Co (3–5 mm, The Metal Powder Company Ltd.
and 20 MPa. (MEPCO) Thirumangalam, India) were used. Controlled powders in
Considerable understanding on the wear behavior of TiCN terms of purity were used to have effective sintering, resulting in proper
based cermets is available over a wide range of experimental diffusion process and dense material. Also, the powders with similar
conditions in dry ambient environment. Literature survey shows size distribution were selected to facilitate uniform dispersion in mixing
that majority of experiments were conducted in air at room that would result in effective sintering. The nickel powder of large size
temperature (307 20 °C) with relative humidity (RH) of 40–50% is believed to not effect the mixing or sintering as it is softer than other
[18,19]. Based on the experimental parameters of wear testing, the ceramics particles and melts below sintering temperature to help in
complex wear behavior of TiCN-based cermets are characterized densification.
by adhesion, abrasion, tribochemical wear, oxidation, plastic de- Powders were uniformly mixed using toluene in high energy
formation and fracture [20–24]. A wider range of COF values from ball mill (PM100, Retsch, Germany) in a tungsten carbide vial at
0.24 to 1 and of wear rate from 10 7 mm3/Nm to 10 6 mm3/Nm 250 rpm for 8 h with tungsten carbide balls to powder ratio of
are reported for the TiCN-based cermets by previous investigators 10:1. During ball milling, particles were subjected to collision,
[20–24]. Kumar et al. [20] studied the sliding wear behavior of leading to cold welding and fracture. The mixed slurries were
TiCN–Ni-based cermets with WC addition slid at 0.1 m/sec velocity dried in an oven at a temperature of 100 °C for 1 h. After drying,
at different loads against 100Cr6 steel. COF varied from 0.7 to the powder mixtures were crushed by mottle and pastel to remove
0.3 and wear rate varied in the order of 10 7–10 6 mm3/Nm. agglomerates. The crushed powders were sieved through a fine
Worn surfaces revealed increased abrasion at low loads and severe sieve to achieve free flow of powders. The powders were sputter
fracture of the tribooxide layer at high loads. Pirso et al. [21] in coated with gold, and subjected to microstructural characteriza-
their study found microabrasion (polishing) and adhesive wear as tion using scanning electron microscopy (FESEM; Quanta 200 FEG,
main wear mechanisms for TiC–NiMo cermets slided against steel Eindhoven, the Netherlands or SEM, Zeiss, EVO18, Oberkochen,
at a velocity of 2.2 m/s and a load of 40 N. COF varied from 0.2 to Gemany). Representative SEM images of ball milled powders of Ti
0.3 and wear rate varied in the order of 10 7 mm3/Nm. When slid (CN)-5WC-20Ni and Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC cermet compo-
against Si3N4 at 0.5 m/sec at 5 N load, Meng et al. [22] observed sitions are shown in Fig. 1(a–b) respectively. SEM images shows
dominant microfracture on worn surfaces of TiCN–Ni–Mo cermets that the powder particles were refined and particle size distribu-
whereas tribolayer formation is observed in TiCN–Al2O3–Ni–Mo tion was homogeneous. Some tiny particles sticking together were
cermet COF varied from 0.8 to 1.0 and wear rate in the order of also visible. Particle size distribution of ball milled powders was
10 7 mm3/Nm. Engqvist et al. [23] studied the wear behavior of determined using a particle size analyzer (ANKERSMID CIS-100
(WC-Co)–TiC- TaC/NbC against steel slid at 1500–3000 rpm 40 computerized inspection system). The system used laser light
N-350 N load. COF varied from 0.2 to 0.7 and tribolayer formation beam scattering technique through a dispersed particulate sample.
is observed in all the materials. Verma et al. [24] in sliding wear A known quantity of powder sample was dispersed in a 5 ml glass
behavior of TaC containing Ti(CN)-WC-Ni/Co cermets against steel coveit with distilled water and placed into the analyzer chamber of
observed the variation in COF from 0.3 to 1.0 and variation in wear the detector. Particle sizes were reported in micrometer by the
rate in the order of 10 7 mm3/Nm. A transition in wear mechan- instrument software package which analyze the scattering data.
ism occurred from fracture and grain pull-out of cermets grains at The particle size distribution results of Ti(CN)-5WC-20Ni and Ti
a low load of 5N to the removal of tribochemical layer at high load (CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC ball milled powders as determined by
of 20 N. It is observed and reported that the intensive contact of laser scattering method are shown in Fig. 2(a–b) respectively. It
the production worker to cutting fluids leads to skin and re- was found that the large proportion of the powder samples were
spiratory diseases and there is increased danger of cancer [25,26]. in submicrometric range and the particles were of 4 1 μm. The
Thus, dry machining is preferred in tool industries for good health average particle size of ball milled powders was 0.8 7 0.1 mm.
and environment. Powder mixtures were sintered using a spark plasma sintering
Extensive research has been carried out to understand the system (Dr. Sinter, SPS 625, Fuji Electronic Industrial Co. Ltd. Japan.
friction and wear behavior of TiCN based cermets against steel, The sintering temperature is 1400 °C and pressure is 70 MPa for
whereas little information is available against hard ceramic 3 min with 100 °C/min heating rate in inert atmosphere of argon.
counter body. As TiCN cermets are primarily preferred for cutting The powder mixture was compacted in graphite die disc of 20 mm
tool inserts or dies for metal forming, an understanding on the diameter. Temperature of the inner surface of the upper graphite
tribological wear behavior against hard counterbody is highly es- piston was monitored by a digital pyrometer. Thickness of the
sential to assess their full potential. The present research deals sintered cermet disks varied between 3 and 5 mm. The sintered
with the study of friction and wear properties of SPS processed discs were polished using emery papers embedded with abrasive
new generation TiCN-WC-Ni/Co-TaC cermets. Considering high particles of 9, 6, 3, and 1 mm size. Archimedes method was used to
hardness and chemical inertness in wear conditions, commercially determine bulk density of the sintered cermets. Relative density
available silicon carbide ball is selected as counterbody. The was calculated using the rule of mixture. The bulk density and
dominant mechanisms of material removal are elucidated as a relative densities for the sintered cermets are listed in Table 1.
function of cermet composition and sliding load.
2.2. Material characterization of TiCN-based cermets
2. Experimental procedure The phase analysis was done on polished surfaces using XRD
difractometer (XRD, Rigaku SmartLab Diffractometer, Japan). A
2.1. Material preparation and processing of TiCN-based cermets stylus-tip Profilometer (SJ-400, MITUTOYO, USA) is used to mea-
sure the roughness value (Ra) and it is 0.06 70.01 of polished
For the present work following cermet compositions were designed: surfaces. The polished surfaces were subjected to microstructural
Ti(CN)-5WC-20Ni, Ti(CN)-5WC-20Ni-5TaC, Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co, Ti characterization using a scanning electron microscope (FESEM;
1572 V. Verma, B.V.M. Kumar / Wear 376-377 (2017) 1570–1579
Fig. 1. Representative SEM images of ball milled powders of (a) Ti(CN)-5WC-20Ni, (b) Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC.
Fig. 2. Particle size distribution of ball milled powders of (a) Ti(CN)-5WC-20Ni, (b) Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC respectively.
Table 1
Vickers hardness, nano hardness, fracture toughness and carbide size of the Ti(CN) based cermets.
Designation Density (g/cc) Relative density % Carbide (Coreþ rim) size (lm) HV10 (GPa) KIc (MPa m1/2) Nano hardness (GPa) at 3000 lN Normal Load
C1 5.7 98.9 1.63 70.06 15.25 7 0.08 8.81 7 0.02 24.197 0.12 18.50 7 0.20 11.147 0.07
C2 5.9 99.1 1.58 70.05 14.94 7 0.16 8.79 7 0.01 23.137 .02 17.3370.30 11.247 0.40
C3 5.7 99.4 1.43 70.07 16.017 0.01 8.85 7 0.01 25.137 0.02 19.197 0.60 12.54 7 0.09
C4 6.0 99.9 1.30 70.06 17.01 70.08 9.51 70.01 26.01 70.21 21.167 0.13 13.50 70.60
Fig. 4. (a) SEM image of sintered Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co cermet. EDS analysis for core, rim and binder phases of sintered cermet are shown in (b), (c) and (d).
Fig. 5. (a) SEM (BSE) image of Ti(CN)-5WC-20Ni cermet, (b) Ceramic contiguity (■) and binder mean free path (▲) for TiCN based samples processed via SPS Sintering.
Where, P ¼Load, 4a¼ 2xAvg. Length of diagonal (D), H ¼hardness cermet disks were cleaned using acetone prior to wear testing.
Nano hardness measurement was done at 3000mN normal load to Sliding tests were conducted in unlubricated ambient conditions
study the mechanical behavior of core and rim phases using Tri- (25 75 °C and 30–35% RH). SiC balls were fixed in the ball holder
boindenter (Hysitron TI950 Hysitron Inc, USA) equipped with three- so as to make a track radius of 5 mm from the central axis and the
sided Berkovich diamond indenter with a tip radius of 100 nm. test were conducted at a fixed rotational speed of 500 rpm (a
linear speed of 0.26 m/s) for 40 min (total sliding distance of
2.3. Friction and wear study of TiCN-based cermets 626 m) at 5 N, 10 N or 20 N loads that respectively produce a
maximum (initial) Hertzian contact stress 1.07, 1.35 or 1.70 GPa.
Sliding wear tests were conducted on polished cylindrical During the test runs, frictional forces were recorded using an
shaped TiCN-based cermet specimens using a unidirectional ball- electronic sensor to generate real time coefficient of friction (COF)
on-disk tribometer (TR-210 ME, DUCOM, Bangalore India). Com- data. Surface profiles of the worn disk specimens were acquired
mercially available silicon carbide balls of 10 mm diameter with using a surface profilometer (SJ400, Mitutoyo, Germany) to mea-
surface roughness value (Ra) of 0.06 μm and hardness of 25 GPa sure the width and depth of scar formed on the cermet disc. The
were used as counterbody. Both SiC balls and sintered TiCN-based dimensions of impression on ball surface were measured using
1574 V. Verma, B.V.M. Kumar / Wear 376-377 (2017) 1570–1579
The specific wear rate (in mm3/Nm) was calculated from wear
volume normalized for sliding distance and load. Sliding tests
were performed four to five times and the average of friction and
wear results is reported. In order to understand the wear me-
chanism, a detailed microstructural characterization of the as-
worn surfaces of cermet discs and worn SiC balls was conducted
using SEM-EDS.
Wear volume of cermet disc = 2 ∏ × wear scar width × wear scar depth × wear scar radius (2)
Wear volume of ball = ∏ × (wear scar dimension average value)4 /64 radius of the ball (3)
V. Verma, B.V.M. Kumar / Wear 376-377 (2017) 1570–1579 1575
Fig. 9. Wear rate of (a) cermets and (b) silicon carbide ball as function of composition and load.
shows typical SEM (BSE) image of Ti(CN)-5WC-20Ni cermet, TaC and Co – Ni binder phase is beneficial in reducing the friction
whereas Fig. 5. (b) represents ceramic contiguity and binder mean in the selected sliding conditions.
free path for the investigated cermets. Ceramic contiguity path
varied from 0.39 mm to 0.43 mm and binder mean free varied from 3.5. Wear results
0.94 mm to 0.99 mm respectively. Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC
cermet has the least contiguity and largest binder mean free path Wear rate of the investigated cermets slid against SiC ball
among all investigated cermets. It was observed that the addition varied from 4.7 10 7 mm3/Nm to 2.2 10 6. The Ti(CN)-5WC-
of TaC in TiCN-WC-Ni/Co cermets led to refined ceramic particles 20Ni cermet possess highest wear rate at a load of 5N, and the
during sintering. Further investigation of mechanical behavior least wear rate is noted for Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC at a load
revealed that Vickers hardness was high for the presence of least of 10 N. Wear rates from 10 7 mm3/Nm to 10 6 mm3/Nm are re-
ceramic contiguity and larger binder mean free path in the sin- ported for the TiCN-based cermets by previous investigators [18–
tered cermet. 24]. Wear rate of silicon carbide ball slid against investigated
cermets varied from 0.4 10 6 to 1.4 10 6. It is to note that the
3.3. Mechanical behavior of sintered TiCN-based cermets wear of ball slid against the least worn cermet is the maximum,
whereas the wear of ball slid against the most worn cermet is the
The hardness varied from 14.94 to 17.01 GPa and the fracture minimum. Specific wear rate as a function of load of investigated
toughness from 8.79 to 9.51 MPa m1/2. with variation in cermet TiCN-based cermets and silicon carbide balls are shown in Fig. 9.
composition. Cermets prepared using nickel and cobalt or nickel,
cobalt and TaC resulted in higher hardness and fracture toughness. 3.6. SEM analysis of worn surfaces
A maximum hardness of 17.01 GPa and a maximum fracture
toughness of 9.51 MPa.m1/2 is found for the Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni- Depending on the given sliding conditions, the dominant me-
10Co-5TaC cermet as shown in Table 1. Nano hardness of SPSed chanisms involved in the wear process are studied. Representative
TiCN based cermets lie between 11.14 and 26.01 GPa. It is found SEM images of worn surfaces of investigated cermets are shown in
that the cermet C4 having TaC-Ni/Co addition possess the highest Fig. 10 (a–h). The SEM image of C1 cermet of baseline TiCN-5WC-
hardness of core, rim and binder phases as shown in Table 1. Nano 20Ni composition worn at 5 N reveals severe wear with characteristic
indentation response obtained for Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC abrasion and grain pullout (Fig. 10a). At 20 N load, the worn surface is
cermet is shown in Fig. 6. It is observed that penetration depth of significantly covered with a tribolayer (Fig. 10b). The material is re-
diamond indentor is the maximum in binder phase which resulted moved via microcracking of the layer. With the addition of TaC in
in the minimum hardness. baseline composition, the C2 cermet worn surface reveals the pre-
sence of a tribolayer at 5 N load (Fig. 10c), as compared to C1 cermet.
3.4. Frictional behavior Tribolayer becomes dense on the worn surface at 20 N (Fig. 10d).
Worn surface of Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co (C3 cermet) reveals the
A typical COF plot as a function of time is shown for the Ti(CN)- formation of distinct tribolayer. However, cracking and grain pullout
5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC, cermet in Fig. 7 and the average steady indicates easy removal of the layer and less protection from further
state COF values for the investigated cermets are shown as func- wear at 5 N load (Fig. 10e). Tribolayer is severely spalled at higher
tion of sliding load in Fig. 8. The average steady state COF varied load of 20 N (Fig. 10f). The worn surface of C4 cermet with Ti(CN)-
from 0. 3 to 1.1 with change in cermet composition and sliding 5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC composition at 5 N load shows thin and dis-
load. Sliding against silicon carbide ball results in the formation of continues tribolayer which became thick, continuous, and strongly
rough surface of contact which increases friction. Lower COF va- adhered at 20 N load (Figs. 10g and h). Thus, the addition of Co and
lues from 0.2 to 0.8 are reported for the TiCN-based cermets when TaC in the baseline TiCN-WC-Ni cermet composition resulted in the
slid against steel ball by previous investigators with varying cer- strongly adhered tribocontact. The presence of such layer in the tri-
met compositions and sliding conditions [14–19]. A drop in COF is bocontact at high load decreases the friction between cermet and SiC
observed when the applied sliding load is increased from 5 to 20 N ball. The data shown in Fig. 8 also reveals a decrease in COF with the
for any cermet. At a given load, Ti(CN)-5WC-20Ni, cermet ex- load. Among transition metal carbides, TaC is considered for the
hibited high COF values and Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC showed consistent mechanical behavior and superior resistance against crack
low COF values. Thus, the frictional behavior of the investigated propagation. Resistance to crack propagation increases due to addi-
cermets indicates strong influence of the addition of TaC in the tion of TaC as it behaves plastically deformable before breaking, so
cermet composition and load. Among these cermets containing relatively the toughness is increased [8–10]. Thus, Ti(CN)-5WC-20Ni-
1576 V. Verma, B.V.M. Kumar / Wear 376-377 (2017) 1570–1579
Fig. 10. SEM images of (a) Ti(CN)-5WC-20Ni cermet worn at 5 N (b) Ti(CN)-5WC-20Ni cermet worn at 20 N (c) Ti(CN)-5WC-20Ni-5TaC cermet worn at 5 N (d) Ti(CN)-5WC-
20Ni-5TaC cermet worn at 20 N (e) Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co cermet worn at 5 N (f) Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co cermet worn at 20 N (g) Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC cermet
worn at 5 N and (h) Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC cermet worn at 20 N load. Corresponding wear track images are shown in insets.
V. Verma, B.V.M. Kumar / Wear 376-377 (2017) 1570–1579 1577
Fig. 11. EDS analysis of (a) Ti(CN)-5WC-20Ni, (b) Ti(CN)-5WC-20Ni-5TaC, (c) Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co and (d) Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC cermets worn at 20N load.
5TaC and Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC cermets having TaC addition circular in all the cases; diameter increased with load. Presence of
retain tribolayer in the selected sliding conditions and resulted in scratches and abrasion during sliding wear developed at ball sur-
decrease in COF or wear. faces. Wear scar is accompanied with deep abrasion at 20 N load.
3.7. EDS analysis of worn surfaces of investigated Cermet and SiC 3.8. Wear debris analysis
In order to understand the relation between morphology of
It is clear that the fracture, grain pull-out and microcracks is wear debris particles and tribological performance of the in-
dominated by the formation and adherence of a layer on the vestigated TiCN based cermets slid against silicon carbide ball at
surface with change in sliding load or cermet composition. In or- 20 N load, debris particles from worn cermets surfaces are care-
der to understand the chemistry of the layered surfaces, EDS fully collected and subjected to SEM (EDS) analysis (Fig. 13 (a,b,c)).
studies are conducted for the worn surfaes of investigated cermet Size of the debris particles is measured by image analysis and
and ball. The EDS analysis of the worn surfaes at load of 20 N is results are obtained from 150–180 readings from images of col-
shown in Fig. 11 (a-d). In general, EDS analysis shows the presence lected debris of each cermet composition. SEM images of wear
of elements from cermet surfaces i.e. Ti, W, C, N, Ni, Co and/or Ta debris collected from worn Ti(CN)-5WC-20Ni Cermets shows ir-
and from ball surface i.e. Si and C. In addition, the presence of regular sized particles Fig. 13 (a) whereas SEM images of wear
oxygen indicates that the layer consist of oxides. debris collected from worn Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC Cermets
SEM - EDS study is carried out for the worn ball surfaces to shows refined sized particles Fig. 13 (b). SEM images of sintered Ti
understand the wear mechanism and possibility of material (CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC cermet shows refined crystallite size
transfer onto the counterbody. The wear scar of silicon carbide so the debris formation during sliding is also refined. Debris par-
balls worn surface slid against Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC cer- ticles are crushed at high load. The average size of the wear debris
met at 5 N and 20 N is shown in Fig. 12. Wear scar is almost for C1, C2, C3, C4 compositions are 1.0, 0.6, 0.8, 0.6 mm. A
1578 V. Verma, B.V.M. Kumar / Wear 376-377 (2017) 1570–1579
Fig. 12. SEM – EDS images of silicon carbide balls worn surface slid against Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC cermet at 5 N and 20 N.
Fig. 13. Typical SEM images of debris collected after sliding at 20 N load against silicon carbide ball (a) Ti(CN)-5WC-20Ni (b) Ti(CN)-5WC-10Ni-10Co-5TaC Cermets. (c) EDS
analysis of debris collected from worn surface of Ti(CN)-5WC-20Ni cermet.
V. Verma, B.V.M. Kumar / Wear 376-377 (2017) 1570–1579 1579
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