Causticum: Common Name: - Tinctura Acris Sine Kali First Prover - Dr. Hahnneman Introduction

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Common Name : - Tinctura acris sine kali

first Prover – Dr. Hahnneman
Introduction: -
Manifests its action mainly in chronic rheumatic, arthritic & paralytic
affections indicated by the tearing drawing pain in the muscular & fibrous
tissues with deformities about the joints, progressive loss of muscular
strength, tendinous contractures, Broken down saniles . This weakness
progresses until we have gradually appearing paralysis, local paralysis, vocal
cords, ms of deglutition’s, of tongue, eyelids, face, bladder & extremities
children are slow to walk. The skin of causation person is of dirty white
sallow, with warts esp. on the face emaciation due to disease worry etc. & of
long standing, burning, rawness sourness all char.
Source – Mineral kingdom
Preparation of Mother Tincter - According to class VI (A)
Drug Strength – 1/10
Sphere of Actions: -
Main organ affected by this drug are medulla oblongata & vogues nerve,
larynx, trachea, urinary bladder & mucous membrane flexor tendons & skin.

Pathogenesis: -
The general physiological action o f this drug is paralysis, slow pulse, low
temperature & general paralytic, weakness. Paralysis esp. – of vocal cord,
paralytic of the urinary bladder leading of retention of urine or incontinence
of urine contraction of muscles & tendons.
On mucous membrane of different hollow organs causticum produces an
irritant action with increased secretions.

Constitutions: -
Person of hydrogenoid constitution with shallow complexion, dark hair &
rigid muscular fibers, physically very much weak, emaciated & anaemic.

Relation with heat & cold: - Chilly patient

Miasm : - Antipsoric & antisycotic

 Mind: -
- Child does not want to go to bed alone.
- Least thing makes it cry, sad, hopeless.
- Intensely sympathetic.
- A/f long lasting grief, sudden emotions.
- Thinking of complaints < esp. hemorrhoids.
 Head: -
- Sensation of empty space between forehead & brain.
- Pain in right frontal eminence..
 Face: -
- Paralysis of Rt. side Warts.
- Pains in facial bones, dental fistula
- Pain in jaws, with difficulty in opening mouth.

 Eyes: -
- Cataract with motor disturbances.
- Inflammation of eyelids ulceration.
- sparks & dark spots before eyes, ptosis
- vision impaired, as if film user before eyes
- Paralysis of ocular muscles after exposure to cold.
 Ears: -
- Ringing roaring pulsating with deafness .Words & steps re-echo
- chronic middle ear catarrh, accumulation of wax.
 Nose: -
- Coryza with hoarseness.
- Scaly nose Nostrils ulcerated
- Pimples & warts
 Mouth: -
- Bites inside of cheek from chewing
- Paralysis of tongue with indistinct speech
- Rheumatism of articulation of lower jaw
- Gums bleeds easily
 Stomach: -
- Greasy taste
- Aversion to sweets
- Feels as if lime were burned in stomach.
- worse after eating fresh meat smoked meat agrees.
- sensation of ball rising in throat acid dyspepsia.
 Stool: -
- Hard, tough c- Soft & small size of goose quill covered with mucus,
shines like grease
- Small shaped expelled with much straining or only on standing up.
- Partial Paralysis of rectum
- Rectum sore & burns.
- Fistula & large piles.
 Urine: -
- Involuntary when coughing sneezing
- Expelled very slowly & sometimes retained
- Involuntary during first sleep at night
- Also from slightest excitement
- Loss of sensibility on passing urine
- Retention after surgical operations.
 Female: -
- Uterine inertia during labor
- Menses cease at night flow only during day
- Leucorrhoea at night with great weakness
- Menses delay, late
 Respiratory: -
- Hoarseness with pain I chest
- Aphonia larynx sore.
- cough with raw soreness of chest
- Better drinking cold water & warmth of bed
- Sore streak down trachea, mucus under sternum
- Which he cannot quite reach
- Pain in chest with palpitation
- Cannot lie down at night
- Voice – re echoes. Own voice roars in ears & distresses
- Difficulty of voice of singers & public speakers.
 Back: -
- Stiffness between shoulders.
- Dull pain in nape of neck.
 Extremities: -
- It sided sciatica with numbness
- Paralysis of single parts
- Dull tearing type of pain In hands & arms
- Heaviness & weakness, tearing joints
- Unsteadiness of muscles of forearm & hand numbness.
- Loss of sensation in hands
- Contracted tendons
- Weak ankles
- Cannot walk without suffering
- Rheumatic tearing in limbs & by warmth esp.
- Heat of bed
- Burning in joints.
- Slow in learning to walk
- Unsteady walking & easily falling
- Restless legs at night
- Cracking & tension in knees.
- Stiffness in hollow of knee
- Itching on dorsum of feet.
 Skin: -
- Soreness in folds of skin, back of ears between thighs.
- Warts large, jagged bleeding easily, on tips of fingers & nose.
- Old burns that do not get well & ill effects from burns.
- Pain of burns.
- Cicatries freshen up
- Old injuries reopen
- Skin prone to intertrigo during dentitions.
 Sleep: -
- Very drowsy.
- Can hardly keep awake.
- Nocturnal sleeplessness with dry heat.
 Modalities: -
< dry, cold winds > In damp, wet weather
< in clear fine weather > Warmth
< cold air > Heal of bed
< from motion of carriage.
 Relationship: -
- Causticum corresponds to Ammonicum
- Causticum does not agree with Phosphorus
- The remedies should not be used after each other.
Antidote - Paralysis from lead poisoning
Complementary - Carbo, Petrosel
Compare - Rhus , Arsenic amm. Phos.

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