Subject 1
Subject 1
Subject 1
CHC43015 Certificate IV
in Ageing Support
Support Independence
and Wellbeing
Version 1.3 Produced 04 September 2020
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INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 4
WHAT IS COMPETENCY BASED ASSESSMENT .................................... 5
TRAINING .................................................................................. 6
THE DIMENSIONS OF COMPETENCY ................................................ 7
REASONABLE ADJUSTMENT.......................................................... 8
THE UNITS OF COMPETENCY .......................................................10
ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS...................................................... 11
ASSESSMENT METHODS.............................................................. 12
RESOURCES NEEDED FOR ASSESSMENT ......................................... 12
ASSESSMENT WORKBOOK COVER SHEET ....................................... 13
KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT.......................................................... 14
Part 1: Individualised Support.................................................................................. 14
Part 2: Independence and Wellbeing ....................................................................... 18
Part 3: Healthy Body Systems ..................................................................................30
CASE STUDY ............................................................................ 33
Case Study 1: Abraham Chatzkel .............................................................................. 33
Scenario 1: Abraham’s Care Plan ....................................................................................................... 38
Scenario 2: The Case of Antonio Iglesias .......................................................................................... 39
Role Play Task .................................................................................................................................... 42
Case Study 2: Judith Comet ..................................................................................... 45
Scenario 1: The Reunion .................................................................................................................... 46
Scenario 2: Nurse Naja ...................................................................................................................... 49
Scenario 3: Getting Back on Track .................................................................................................... 53
Case Study 3: Maximilian Mills ................................................................................ 54
Scenario 1: The First Visit ...................................................................................................................55
Scenario 2: Back on His Feet .............................................................................................................. 57
You must answer all questions using your own words. However you may
reference your learner guide to complete this assessment.
When collecting evidence there are certain rules that apply to that evidence. All
evidence must be valid, sufficient, authentic and current;
• Valid
o Evidence gathered should meet the requirements of the unit of
competency. This evidence should match, or at least reflect, the type
of performance that is to be assessed, whether it covers knowledge,
skills or attitudes.
• Sufficient
o This rule relates to the amount of evidence gathered. It is imperative
that enough evidence is gathered to satisfy the requirements that the
learner is competent across all aspects of the unit of competency.
• Authentic
o When evidence is gathered the assessor must be satisfied that
evidence is the learner’s own work.
• Current
o This relates to the recency of the evidence and whether the evidence
relates to current abilities.
Residential care
Respite care
Home and
community care
and disclosure
duty of care
dignity of risk
human rights
work role
boundaries –
responsibilities and
1.1 physical
1.2 psychological
1.3 spiritual
1.4 cultural
1.5 sexual
3.1 Infancy
3.5 Adolescence
3.7 Adulthood
3.8 Maturity
4.1 Physical
4.2 Psychological
4.3 Social
4.5 Cultural
4.6 Financial
4.7 Career/Professional
6. Provide a brief description of the following basic requirements for good health
of an older individual.
Requirements for
How it applies to older individuals
good health
6.3 exercise
6.5 lifestyle
7.1 Depression
7.2 Anxiety
8.4 Psychological
10. Briefly explain how the Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI) is used to
determine funding for aged care recipients.
13. List two examples of issues that can impact the health and wellbeing of older
15. List three examples of issues surrounding sexuality and sexual expression in
older people.
7. Briefly describe how active and passive exercise can be applied for elderly
This assessment is comprised of three case studies with scenarios and tasks that will
test your knowledge and skills relevant to the competency standard requirements of
the units included in this subject.
These case studies are hypothetical situations which will not require you to have
access to a workplace, although your past and present workplace experiences may
help with the responses you provide.
The evidence of your successful completion of the other competency standards that
are required to be performed in the workplace are all included in your Skills
I am allergic to penicillin
Social History:
I was born in Israel. My mother is from Australia and my Father is from Israel. My family
moved to Brisbane when I was 8. My father was the local grocery shop owner and on
the weekends and afternoons after school I helped in the shop.
After I finished school I worked in my father’s shop until I went into the army for two
years. While I was in the army I fought in the second world war. When I left the army I
went back to work in the grocery shop, which I later inherited from my father.
I returned home from the war after learning my little sister’s husband left her and their
daughter, a few months after she was diagnosed with cancer. I took care of my little
sister and raised her daughter, Abigail, as my own after my sister passed away in 1960.
I never married.
Before I moved here, I lived with Abigail and her family. She married a nice young man,
Jacob, and they now have two lovely daughters, the twins, Aliya and Amira. Abigail
stopped working when she had the girls, and just stayed home taking care of them, and
also keeping me company.
I enjoy reading, especially stories about the time of the war. It reminds me of the time I
spent with my mates.
I was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma which has now spread to other parts of my
body. I am now at Lotus Compassionate Care because my niece’s family is moving to
New York and I did not want to move with them. I want to live the rest of my life here in
Australia. With the twins old enough to go to school, I think it is time Abigail can go back
to work and do things for herself. I am finding it more and more difficult to complete
activities of daily living without assistance and I don’t want to be a burden to Abigail and
her family.
My needs My Goals How you can help me
To be able to hear I would like to be able • Support me to use my hearing aid
around me as I cannot to hear what people
hear very well are saying
Cultural and Spiritual
My needs My Goals How you can help me
To be able to keep To follow the kashrut • Help ensure that my food is kosher
following Jewish (Jewish dietary laws)
practices while in the To be able to pray • Assist me to say my prayers by
centre three times a day reminding me of the time and
My needs My Goals How you can help me
To maintain a level of To continue being able • Assist me taking morning walks
mobility that will allow to enjoy taking walks using my walker when I can, or take
me to enjoy the outdoors, especially me out on my wheel chair
outdoors early in the morning to • Please assist me to transfer using
watch the sunrise the hoist and two staff members.
To keep my muscles
and limbs toned
Personal Hygiene
My needs My Goals How you can help me
I require assistance to To feel comfortable • Ensure my privacy and dignity is
meet my personal maintained
hygiene care needs • Speak with me about how you will
assist me
• Ensure the water in the washbasin
is warm but not too hot
• Use a soft washer and soap
substitute to gently clean my skin
• Gently dry my skin with a soft towel
and ensure it is thoroughly dried.
Oral Care
My needs My Goals How you can help me
I require assistance to To maintain my self- • Ensure that I am sitting upright
meet oral care needs esteem. To maintain • Assist me to clean my teeth with a
healthy teeth and soft, small-headed toothbrush and
gums. fluoride toothpaste.
• Assist me to apply oral gel to my
Skin Care
My needs My Goals How you can help me
To maintain my skin To maintain comfort • Support and encourage me to
integrity and prevent pressure move around and not stay in bed or
injuries due to lack of sitting on my chair for long hours
mobility • Inspect my skin for redness
• Report and document if you notice
changes in my skin condition
• Ensure the linen is free from
wrinkles and smooth
• When conducting transfers be
careful not to pull, drag or knock my
• Ensure skin my skin is clean and
• I have an air pressure ripple
mattress on my bed
• Regular toileting to prevent me from
being incontinent.
Bowel Function
My needs My Goals How you can help me
I sometimes To have a bowel • Monitor my bowel motions and
experience motion every day or complete the bowel chart
constipation every second day • Ensure I have the buzzer within
reach if I need to go to the toilet.
• If I have not had a bowel motion
after the 2nd day, give me an
aperient every morning until I have
successful bowel movement.
maybe also include encourage me
to eat high fiber soft diet as per
care plan and maintain fluid intake
My needs My Goals How you can help me
My needs My Goals How you can help me
When I am too hot or To be in an • When you help me with my
too cold I feel environment with a personal care ensure the room and
uncomfortable comfortable water temperature is comfortable.
temperature • Support me to ensure I have warm
clothing in cold weather and cool
clothing in warm weather before I
go out to the veranda
• Ensure my bedroom is at an
appropriate temperature
My needs My Goals How you can help me
My Medical History
I have diabetes and arthritis
7 July, 20xx
After reviewing Abraham’s care plan, you’ve determined that there are several
aspects of the plan that are outside the scope of your role as a care worker.
1) What aspects of the care plan are beyond the scope of your role? List at
least two.
Guidance: List specific tasks that are outside the scope of your knowledge, skills or
job role
2 October, 20xx
Abraham shares his room in the centre with Antonio Iglesias. He is originally from
Spain. He loves listening to classic Latin music, and watching soccer on TV. They
often have their radio and TV on Antonio’s favourite Latin channels. As Antonio
got older, he became more and more nostalgic about his motherland and cannot
stop talking about Spain—the food, the people, and the places. Antonio is very
friendly. He loves to share stories about his adventures in Spain when he was
younger. Antonio is also a devout Catholic and a very conservative man.
On the other hand, although Abraham was born in Israel, he has spent most of his
life in Australia, and cannot relate to Antonio feeling home sick. Unlike Antonio,
Abraham is a very quiet and calm-natured man. He likes to keep to himself, read
books, or write on his journal.
Abraham has always been openly gay. Abraham still keeps a photo of his late
partner, Kevin, on his nightstand. This makes Antonio feel uncomfortable. He
often ends up preaching to Abraham about the sins of being gay and its
consequences according to the bible.
a) social needs
b) cultural needs
c) spiritual needs
The aim of this role play activity is to allow you to demonstrate your skills in:
▪ communicating with your elderly clients
You will be playing the role of a care worker working in Lotus Compassionate Care,
assigned to provide care and support to Abraham.
To complete this task, you will need access to:
o a video recorder
o a volunteer:
o one volunteer to play the role of Abraham
One afternoon, Abraham confided with you that he does not like sharing a room with
With a volunteer (to play the role of Abraham), simulate a conversation with
Abraham to talk about his concerns.
To ensure that the scenario provides you the opportunity to demonstrate the skills
required for this task, use the following talking points in your role play:
Questions to be asked by Abraham:
o Do you believe I will go to hell for being gay?
o Should I just put away Kevin’s photo to get Antonio off my back?
o Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about joining Kevin in the afterlife. I know
this would make Abigail very sad. Is there anyone I can talk to about
these thoughts I’m having?
Guidance: when responding to this question, make sure to emphasise the
importance of using available support whenever he feels it is required
Points of discussion to be raised by the you as Abraham’s direct care provider:
o Seek Abraham’s feedback on specific aspects of his care plan that he
wishes to be reviewed by the supervisor/care manager and updated to
better fit his needs.
Guidance: review Abraham’s care plan and find opportunities for Abraham to
participate in his self-care activities that will help him feel empowered and
independent, as well as help him divert his attention away from his issues with
Antonio and towards more positive and productive activities.
o Suggest support activities that would help keep Abraham focused on
positive experiences. (activities should reflect Abraham’s physical, social,
cultural and spiritual needs)
Guidance: choose activities that will provide Abraham opportunities to utilise
his strengths; do this by helping Abraham identify and acknowledge his own
strengths and self-care capacity, and choosing activities together based on this
Assessor checklist
(for assessor’s use only, please leave this section blank)
Judith has been in your care since she arrived in the centre. However, the last
two months, you have been away on a holiday.
On your first day back, as you and another care worker were about to hoist her
from the bed and onto her wheelchair, you noticed that Judith has sore, purple
discolored and painful spots about 8cm across on both her shoulders, and a
smaller one about 3cm across on the back side of her head.
When she was on her side, you saw some bleeding through her pants and on the
bed sheets from the upper part of her buttocks. It appears it has not been checked
for at least a day or two. Her bed sheets were stained and smelled of faeces and
urine. She looked in pain. You asked her if you could check what’s causing her
pain. You found that she had an open wound about 2cm across and the skin
surrounding it was very red and discolored. Judith cringed in pain as you gently
assessed the condition of her skin.
You later found out that she has not been out of her bed in two days. You asked
her why she has not gone out of her bed, and she told you that she’s just been
feeling too tired lately, and going out just takes too much effort. She asked you if
she could just stay in bed and rest today. You noticed that she seems withdrawn.
You also noticed that she’s lost a lot of weight since the last time you saw her
about two months ago.
Given Name:
Room Number:
Care Manager:
Date/Time Comments
Complete name:
Judith asked you if you can get medication to help her with the pain. She started
feeling pain on her buttocks and both shoulders two days ago but did not tell
anyone until you were back from your medical leave. When you asked her why
she did not tell anyone about it, she said she did not want to bother the nurse.
This made you worry about Judith and asked her if there was anything else that
was bothering her. You found out that she has not had any bowel movement in
two days, and urinating has started to become painful for her.
She asked if you can clean her wounds and give her pain medication. You
explained to her that although you would love to help her, you are not qualified
to perform those procedures on clients.
You checked her care plan and found that her nurse’s name is Naja Nielsson.
You explained to Judith that Registered Nurse Naja Nielsson would be the best
person to clean her wounds and help her manage her pain with medication as
prescribed by her doctor.
Judith appeared worried when you mentioned the nurse’s name. She hesitantly
tells you that the pain is gone and she feels fine. She tells you she does not need
the pain medication anymore.
1) List two aspects of the scenario that describe physical health situations that
are beyond your scope of support as a care worker:
Guidance: if applicable, indicate specific tasks relevant to these physical health
situations that are beyond your scope of support as a care worker.
1. Workplace details
2. Incident details
Assistance sought:
Ambulance Police Counsellor
5. Other information
Who witnessed the incident? (please use full name, details of staff’s job title where applicable, and
telephone number/s):
NOTE: Be specific. Describe in detail what actually happened, stating the facts in a clear and
precise manner. Include exact location of incident, factors involved and any other details that
may be beneficial. A drawing of the centre layout, identifying where the incident occurred, would
be useful.
6. Other information
This report was compiled by (full name, title and contact On (date/time):
This report is a true and accurate summary of the incident that occurred (please sign):
You checked the rest of the room for other soiled items that need washing. You
noticed that the anti-slip mats in Judith’s bathroom are not there anymore, and
water is pooling between the tiles of the shower floor.
Guidance: For the purpose of this assessment, your assessor will play the role of your
Name: Date:
Description of hazard:
To be completed by the person identifying the hazard
(Include area and task involved, and any equipment, tools, people involved. Use
sketches if necessary)
Suggested actions:
(List any suggestions you have for reducing or eliminating the problem e.g. redesign,
use of mechanical devices, training, etc.)
Report to (name):
Maximilian Mills, or Max, is new at the centre. He was placed in the centre by
his second wife, Marcia. Max’s 1st wife passed away from cancer two and a half
years ago. Max met Marcia, now 45 years old, a year later and got married soon
Max had a boating accident shortly after their wedding. He had a hip
replacement surgery and is still recovering. The doctor advised that Max should
still be able to walk again with proper therapy. Max remains positive and hopeful
to get back on his feet so he can come home to his wife again.
Max was placed in the care of Lotus Compassionate Care after he was released
from the hospital. Marcia feels Max would receive better care and support in the
centre than at home with her.
Max never had any children from his first marriage. Marcia is his only remaining
It has been two months since Max arrived at the centre, and Marcia has not yet
visited since. One morning Marcia arrived in the centre to visit Max. She was
carrying with her a basket of pastries and a file folder.
The following day, you noticed Max staring blankly out his window and looking
very sad. You asked if he was okay.
Max explained that he was feeling sad because Marcia wants to sell their house
in the country to move to a smaller house in the city. She says she is feeling lonely
by herself in the big house and cannot take care of it on her own. Marcia told
Max that if they sell their house, and move to a smaller house, they will be able
to afford a private nurse so Max can stay home with her again. Marcia further
suggested that if Max does not want to sell the house, Marcia will move to Darwin
to live with her sister as she “simply cannot stay in that big, old house by herself
Max does not want to sell their house. He grew up in that house. But at the same
time he wants to come home with Marcia. And he does not want Marcia to move
to Darwin.
Marcia will be back next week for Max’s decision, and it is putting a lot of stress
on Max. You often catch him sitting quietly in a corner and staring blankly into
space. There were also several times you’ve heard him talking to himself,
weighing the pros and the cons of selling the house. This predicament is
obviously putting a lot of emotional and psychological stress on Max.
Although Max still tries to be cheerful and funny when you are around, you see
him by himself more and more often, instead of watching TV with the other
residents or playing chess with his roommate, like he usually enjoys doing. This
has also made his roommate, Bobby worry about him. Bobby asked if you could
talk to Max about his problems.
a. Identify one possible risk to Max’s mental health brought about by his
b. List two examples of protective factors for mental health present in the
provided scenario:
c. List two examples of cultural or financial issues that may impact on Max’s
Max decided that he will not sell his house. Max promised himself that he will
religiously follow his therapy, and will dedicate his time making sure he is able to
walk again.
The doctor stressed the importance of not over-exerting his affected hip, and
making sure that he follows a healthy pace during these physical therapy sessions.
Max is prescribed to have his physical therapy at a maximum of an hour per
session, two sessions per day, and with a minimum interval of 2 to 3 hours of rest.
During his spare time, Max is allowed to do other mild exercises as long as they
do not put strain on his legs. Other than the hip surgery, Max does not have other
medical conditions.
1) Looking after your client’s wellbeing is a key aspect of your role as a care giver.
This also includes recognising and promoting ways to support your client’s
Research different ways Max can help improve his recovery other than
exercising. List three different things Max can do to supplement his physical
therapy and exercise regime.
Guidance: Include a brief explanation how these activities will promote the healthy
functioning of the body, and support his fast recovery.
Please take note that once you have submitted the assignment for grading, you can
no longer submit another assignment for the same subject until it has been marked
by an Assessor.
There are several ways to upload different types of files (video, folders, documents,
etc). Read and follow the instructions in the Submitting An Assessment
When you have completed assessing this workbook, review the candidate’s
assessment against the checklist below:
The candidate has completed all the assessments in the workbook:
Written Questions
Case Study 1: Abraham Chatzkel
▪ Role Play Task Video: Communicating with Client
Case Study 2: Judith Comet
Case Study 3: Maximilian Mills
Candidates must achieve a satisfactory result to ALL assessment tasks
to be awarded COMPETENT for the units relevant to this cluster.
To award the candidate competent in the units relevant to this subject, the candidate
must successfully complete all the requirements listed above according to the
prescribed benchmarks.
Well done for finishing this workbook. We hope that what you learn with
us will open up new pathways of success in your life. At Compliant
Learning Resources, we continually strive to improve our courses and
heighten the learning experience for you. One way we do this is by seeking
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End of Document