Old - Resource - 420 - Class Notes Biblical Preaching 4020 Book 1 Sec. 1 A Portrait of The Minister of God
Old - Resource - 420 - Class Notes Biblical Preaching 4020 Book 1 Sec. 1 A Portrait of The Minister of God
Old - Resource - 420 - Class Notes Biblical Preaching 4020 Book 1 Sec. 1 A Portrait of The Minister of God
The task of proclaiming the Word of God and doing the work of the ministry is an
awesome task and weighty assignment. To perform the work effectively at times may
seem impossible given the expectations of those we serve. In a humorous vein (we trust!)
the portrait of an ideal minister was painted, noting all the tasks he must perform and the
degree to which he must perform them:
After hundreds of fruitless years, a model minister had been found to suit everyone. It is
guaranteed he will please in any church.
He makes $100 a week, wears good clothes, buys good books regularly,
has a nice family, drives a nice car, and gives $50 a week to the church.
He is tall, short, thin, heavyset, handsome, has one brown eye and one blue eye, hair
parted in the middle, left side dark and straight, right side blond and wavy.
He smiles all the time with a straight face because he has a sense of humor
that keeps him seriously dedicated to his work.
He makes 15 calls a day on church members, spends all his time evangelizing the
unchurched and is never out of the office!!!
Cotton Mather, the American Puritan, more accurately assesses the nature of our
assignment when he said,
Matthew Simpson likewise caught a glimpse of the majesty and gravity of the ministry of
the Word when he noted,
In the final analysis the preacher must bury deep in his heart and never forget one
essential truth:
This is our overarching goal and the context in which we do all that we do.
A.W. Tozer understood this when he wrote,
Martin Luther also saw this, especially as he considered the needs of human souls and
the ability of the Word to meet those needs:
Duane Litfin believes an expositor of God's Word must embrace certain commitments
in the assignment to which God has called him. There are other “precommitments” to
be sure (e.g., personal life, family, priorities, etc.;), but here we find wise counsel as we
consider the awesome assignment to "rightly divide the Word of Truth" (2 Tim. 2:15).
a. No one area of the Bible is any more inspired than another (i.e., The words of Jesus
are no more authoritative than the words of Paul. The epistles are no more inspired
than the genealogies of the Old Testament.) - (There is equal inspiration, but degrees
of importance.)
b. Preaching, therefore, must be lashed to the Scriptures, not rooted in something else.
Is it legitimate to preach on the necessity of personal witnessing from John 4 (Jesus and
the woman at the well)? What is the valid meaning of John 4? The divine author's meaning is
the human author’s meaning is the meaning the expositor should adopt and proclaim.
Never just preach the event. The text always carries more intent than the event. The event
itself is mute. The text gives us “interpretive events” not just events.
It is legitimate to say, “This is certainly not John’s primary meaning, but it certainly
reminds us that…” It is not necessarily true that just because Jesus did something that it is an
example for us and that we should do it. When Jesus is stated as an example, we are also told
what aspect of His character is to be imitated.
(Note: the congregation will ultimately treat and interpret the Scriptures in identical fashion
as their pastor.)
Dr. Wayne McDill of SEBTS has 9 convictions that he believes undergirds the preaching
5. Old habits resist new methods and require objectivity and discipline.
6. The greatest weakness of preaching is fuzzy, ill-defined ideas.
7. The preacher is a word crafter who clarifies his ideas carefully and precisely
with the right words.
8. Biblical preaching allows the text to shape the sermon.
9. The Bible is a rich and unlimited source of fresh, timely preaching.
“What you are after is not that folks shall say at the end of it all, `What an excellent
sermon!' That is a measured failure. You are there to have them say, when it is
over, `What a great God!' It is something for men not to have been in your presence
but in His.”
-J.H. Jowett (quoted in Context, Dec. 1, 1997, page 2)
“Preaching is itself an act of grace, making clear God's initiative toward us in Christ.
Preaching is one means by which the redeemed bear witness to the one who saves.
That message of divine salvation, the unmerited act of God in Christ, is the criterion
by which all preaching is to be judged... All human speech is rendered mute by the
incarnate Word of God. Yet, at the same time, the incarnation allows us to speak of
God in the terms He has set for Himself - in the identity of Jesus Christ. Preaching
itself is incarnational. In the preaching events a human being stands before a
congregation of fellow humans to speak the most audacious words ever encountered
or uttered by the human species. God has made Himself know in His Son, through
whom he has also made provision for our salvation.”
- R. Albert Mohler, “A Theology of Preaching,” in Handbook of Contemporary
Preaching (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1992), 16.
VENTURA, Calif. (ABP) 11-12-98 -- Doctrine, care and sermons top American's
priorities when they choose a church, according to a new study by the Barna Research
“A century ago, the church that most Americans attended was virtually arranged for
them at birth," Barna said. “Most people went to the church of their parents, which was
the same church their grandparents attended.”
Barna Research Group asked American adults to rank 22 factors people sometimes say
they use to choose a church.
• Second was "how much the people seem to care about each other," called extremely
important by 53 percent.
“It is surprising how stoutly and stubbornly the churches insist upon preachers knowing
how to preach. They will forgive almost everything else, but they will not forgive inability to
“No man who knows how to preach with grace and power need stand idle in the market
place a single hour. Churches are scouring the country in search of such a man, and he
cannot escape if he would!”
-Charles E. Jefferson, The Minister as Prophet (New York: Crowell, 1905), 17, 22.
“Scripture is the foundation of the Church: the Church is the guardian of Scripture, When
the Church is in strong health, the light of Scripture shines bright; when the Church is sick,
Scripture is corroded by neglect; and thus it happens, that the outward form of Scripture and
that of the Church, usually seem to exhibit simultaneously either health or else sickness;
and as a rule the way in which Scripture is being treated is in exact correspondence with the
condition of the church.”
-Walter Kaiser, Toward an Exegetical Theology (Quoting John Albert Bengel)
“The Church and the Scripture stand or fall together. Either the Church will be nourished
and strengthened by the bold proclamation of her Biblical texts or her health will be severely
impaired.” “Should the ministry of the pulpit fail, one might just as well conclude that all
the supporting ministries of Christian education, counseling, community involvement, yes,
even missionary and society outreach, will likewise soon dwindle, if not collapse.”
-Walter Kaiser (pgs 7-8)
1. I must do more than quote a Scripture and then depart from it; in depth study and
exposition of the text is absolutely necessary.
2. The best way to teach biblical knowledge from the pulpit is through expository
3. Both kerygma (preaching) and didache (teaching) are essential in gospel
proclamation; Scripture and especially the New Testament does not maintain a clear
distinction between the two.
4. Preaching and teaching God’s Word is the primary responsibility of the pastor.
5. When biblical instruction through preaching is neglected, the pastor's and his
people's morals become unclear and/or readily decline.
6. Throughout history God has used the joint elements of preaching and teaching to
reform the church.
7. The content of Scripture must not be sacrificed for eloquent sermon structure and
delivery, though one complements the other.
8. Since Bible study is waning, the laity must be trained how to study the Bible on
their own as they imitate expository methods used by the preacher.
9. Expository preaching equips and inspires people to work and witness.
10. Effective expository preaching demands a high view of Scripture (verbal, plenary).
11. Expository preaching encourages people to bring their Bibles to church; it
encourages them to read passages to be preached beforehand and to study them
afterwards as well.
12. Through expository preaching, the preacher can deal with important problems in a
systematic fashion; sharp and uncomfortable truths are more readily accepted when
addressed from the Bible in the natural course of study.
This book contains: The mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom
of sinners and the happiness of believers. Its doctrine is holy, its precepts are binding,
its histories are true and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be
saved and practice it to be holy.
It contains light to direct you, food to support you and comfort to cheer you. It is the
traveler’s map, the pilgrim’s staff, the pilot’s compass, the soldier’s sword and the
Christian’s charter.
Here, Heaven is opened, and the gates of hell disclosed. Christ is its grand subject, our
good its design, and the glory of God its end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart,
and guide the feet.
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,
for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect,
thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” 2 Tim 3:16-17
“Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee.” Psalm 119:11